Main:Re-expansions of existing acronyms

Common acronyms given new expansions relevant to their better-known ones.

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Loose apronyms:
Perfect Apronyms OnlyAll Apronyms
NETNow Everyone's Thieves Sean Lamb (NET, in this reference, is the acronym given by the US Congress to the No Electronic Theft Act, which is supposed to simplify criminal prosecution for distributing proprietary files online)
People & Relationships:Law & Order
NICNasty Internal Cuts Jeff Anonymous, explaining why not to eat a Network Interface Card
Computers:Do Not Eat
NTFSNot Trustworthy, Format Soon! Kuroneko, discussing the correct expansion of NTFS, which usually stands for New Technology File System.
NTFS (2)Never The File Saved Chaironeko, discussing the correct expansion of NTFS, which usually stands for New Technology File System.
NZ'Nother Zone Jeff Anonymous, noticing that in New Zealand's timezone it was already Halloween.
OAOver-Ate Jeff Anonymous (in reference to Overeaters Anonymous)
Food & Drink
OBE'Onoured By Elizabeth! Tony McCoy O'Grady (OBE actually stands for Order of the British Empire)
OCR'Ow Computers Read Angela Brett (OCR usually stands for Optical Character Recognition)
OCR (2)Our Computer 'Reads' Tony McCoy O'Grady (see OCR)
ODBCOne Doesn't Buy Connectivity Sean Lamb (ODBC usually stands for Open Database Connectivity)
OOPOne Odious Paradigm Sean Lamb (OOP = Object Oriented Programming)
OOP (2)Outperforming Older Programs Sean Lamb (OOP = Object Oriented Programming)
OSHOne Sore Hand Angela Brett (someone from Occupational Safety & Health came to my work to look at people's workstations and tell us how to reduce the risk of OOS. After following her directions on how to use the mouse for the rest of the day, I had a sore wrist.)
People & Relationships:The Workforce
OSH (2)Only Sarcastically 'Helpful' Angela Brett
PALPeace At Last unknown origin - actually stands for Phase Alteration Line. Referring to the US/Europe TV standards war.
PCPlastic Crap Tony McCoy O'Grady
PC (2)Pathetic Creation Tony McCoy O'Grady
PC (3)Passable Calculators Tony McCoy O'Grady
PC (4)Poor Compromises Tony McCoy O'Grady
PC (5)Piss Can Dustan Dowsing
PC (6)Please Crush! Steve Keate
PC (7)Persistently Crashes Angela Brett
PCI-EPurchasing Computers In Excess Sean Lamb (PCI-E is an acronym for a new graphics bus, the PCI Express; it may launch a wave of new computer purchases)
Computers:Generic Hardware
PCMCIAPeople Can't Memorise Conputer Industry Acronyms. Acronymious Anonymous. (PCMCIA actually stands for Personal Computer Memory Card International Association, but nobody can ever remember that!)
PDAPointer Directs Actions Tony McCoy O'Grady (PDA usually stands for Personal Digital Assistant)
PH.D.Pathetically Haughty Dunce Carl Brett
PMS (2)Pardon My Snippiness Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to PMS
PMS (3)Pleasantness's Mighty Scarce Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to PMS
PMS (5)Pugnaciousness's My Speciality Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to PMS
PMS (6)Pretty Mean Sir! wishes, in response to Tony's PMS (2) and others.
POPPorn's Offered Plentifully Tony McCoy O'Grady, of Post Office Protocol. (I get more junk mail than stuff I want to read)
POP (2)Prolong One's Penis Angela Brett, in response to POP, as many spam offers to do just that.
PPCProductive Processor Cycles Angela Brett, because PowerPCs and other RISC chips are generally faster per MHz than CISC chips.
Computers:Generic Hardware
PPC (2)Performance-Per-Cycle Angela Brett
Computers:Generic Hardware
PPC (4)Petite Power Consumption Angela Brett
Computers:Generic Hardware
PVCPretty Vulgar Clothing Angela Brett (PVC usually stands for Poly-Vinyl Chloride)
Household Objects:Clothing
PVC (2)Perfectly Viable Clothing Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
QAQuirky A**holes Jeff Anonymous, in reference to the many failures that go on in Quality Assurance
QA (2)Quietly Authoritative Tony McCoy O'Grady, who finds the folk at Quality Assurance to be humble, efficient and reliable.
QA (3)Quaintly Antiquated Tony McCoy O'Grady, because there may be someone who will say that they are working with outdated techniques and that they are actually 'quirky' as Jeff says.
QA (4)Quick Approval Angela Brett, who thinks that the Quality Assurance people might occasionally not bother to run thorough tests.
QA (5)Questionable Authority Susan S.
QICQuirky Information Cabinet Sean Lamb (QIC is really Quarter-Inch Cartridge, one size class of backup tape cartridge; multiple uses causes corruption on the tape)
Computers:Generic Hardware
QYQuestioning You Jan Morgan (QY usually means 'query')
RADARRemote Aircraft Detected Along Radius Tony McCoy O'Grady (RADAR actually stands for RAdio Detection And Ranging)
RAMRudely Affects Middle Jeff Anonymous, explaining that eating random access memory may cause stomach cramps.
Computers:Do Not Eat
RCMPRixes Care; McCop Provokes. Rob Rix - Responding to Tony "McCop" O'Grady's explanation for ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
REMResoundingly Evocative Musicians Eric Bridgstock
RSHReal Security Hole The rsh (Remote SHell) daemon is one of the system processes that is often compromised for server hacks.
RSVPReply Soon Via Phone/Post Angela Brett (RSVP usually stands for Respondez S'il Vous Plait)
RSVP (2)Replying Seems Very Polite Tony McCoy O'Grady (see RSVP)
SASaith Art! Tony McCoy O'Grady
SARSSuddenly Airway's Restricted Somewhat Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
SARS (3)Stop Agent's Rapid Spread! Angela Brett, referring to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
SARS (4)Scientists Are Rapidly Strategising Angela Brett, referring to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
SCUBASuffocation Can Usually Be Avoided. Angela Brett (SCUBA actually stands for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus)
Sports & Recreation
SCUBA (2)Seawater Can't Usually Be Aspirated Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation
SETISpread Ears Toward Infinity Angela Brett (SETI usually stands for the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence)
SETI (2)Some Expect Tiny Irishmen Angela Brett, referring to 'little green men' (see SETI)
SETI (3)Spacemen Everywhere Tune In Angela Brett (see SETI)
SETI (4)Sentience: Earthbound? The Investigation Angela Brett (see SETI)
SETI (5)Seek E. T's Integers Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SETI)
SLIPSending Little Internet Packets Sean Lamb (SLIP = Serial Line Internet Protocol)
SMTPShove Mail Through Postbox Tony McCoy O'Grady (SMTP usually stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
SMTP (2)Server Mauled The Postie? Angela Brett, thinking especially of an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server running Yellow Dog Linux, since SMTP is sort of like a postman, and posties often get mauled by dogs.
SMTP (3)Send Messages To People Angela Brett (SMTP usually stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
SOAP (3)Some Obfuscated Access Paradigm Sean Lamb (SOAP = Simple Object Access Protocol; it's not nearly so straightforward as it sounds if you're not programming with the Micros~1 libraries)
SSHSuperb System Handler Jeff Anonymous (SSH usually stands for Secure Shell)
STDSee Telephone Directory Angela Brett (STD usually stands for Subscriber Trunk Dialling)
TCP/IPTo Connect Properly, Install Properly Tony McCoy O'Grady (TCP/IP usually stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
UAUrky Acronymist? Jeff Anonymous, noting that whoever decided that the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (shouldn't that be the UAJAPPFIUSC?) should be called the UA must not be the greatest master of acronyms.
UA (2)Undersized Acronym Angela Brett (see UA)
UA (3)Unskilled Acronymist. Jeff Anonymous and Angela Brett (see UA)
UA (4)Unexplicably Axed Jeff Anonymous, since it seems they cut off a bunch of letters. (see UA)
UAJAPPFIUSCUrky Acronymists, Jeff Amends "Putzheads, Purely & Factually." I Understand Some Criticism. Jeff Anonymous (see UA)
UDEUltimate Deceleration Event Sean Lamb (UDE is a railroad acronym for UnDesired Emergency, as in an event where the brake system on a train is set to the "Emergency" setting, bringing the train to a stop as absolutely soon as possible. Most often a train is set into Emergency when a car is stopped on a railroad crossing or desides to drive around the gates; engineers in this situation are normally granted a psychological leave for a short period.)
UIFSAUltimatum Insures Families Secure Alimony Sean Lamb - UIFSA really stands for the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, an act that will enable the state that issues the first support order to have jusrisdiction over the payor (sic) regardless of which state the payor resides in. I used 'Families' instead of 'Fathers' because there are quite a few deadbeat moms out there with the deadbeat dads (growing up with a father prosecuting child support cases taught me that lawbreaking is an 'equal opportunity employer').
People & Relationships:Law & Order
People & Relationships:Family
UNESCOUsefully Now Enables Spreading Cultures Overseas Tony McCoy O'Grady (UNESCO actually stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation)
UNICEFUsually Needed If Children Endure Famine Tony McCoy O'Grady (UNICEF actually stands for United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund)
UPSUgh, Pierced Stomach. Jeff Anonymous (UPS=Uninterruptable Power Supply)
Computers:Do Not Eat
UPS (2)Uplift Packages Slowly Jeff Anonymous, displeased because the United Parcel Service man dropped his computer in the front yard... but it works just the same, despite a rather odd clicking sometimes coming from the fan.
URLUnintelligible Random Letters Tony McCoy O'Grady (URL usually stands for Uniform Resource Locator)
USA PATRIOTUsing Superior Armed Power, America Threatens Recalcitrant Individuals Opposing Them Tony McCoy O'Grady - see CLIMATE VISION
USBUsers Sadly Blush Jeff Anonymous, saying, 'There must be a few Univeral Serial Bus users who are ashamed of it... afraid their friends will torture them for playing with the idea that serial might be dead.'
Computers:Generic Hardware
USB (2)Useful, Since Bondi Angela Brett, since there were hardly any USB peripherals available until Apple introduced the bondi blue iMac, which had a USB port.
USLUneducated Sco Lackeys Sean Lamb (SCO, which is suing IBM over code they claim to have copied from Unix into Linux, filed for the Unix Systems Laboratories trademark).
USL (2)Using Stupid Lawyers Sean Lamb (SCO, which is suing IBM over code they claim to have copied from Unix into Linux, filed for the Unix Systems Laboratories trademark).
VAVocally Aardvarkoid Jeff Anonymous, as a play of VA for Voice Actor.
VCDVeins, Capillaries Damaged. Jeff Anonymous
Computers:Do Not Eat
VFATVerily, Files Are Truncated Sean Lamb (VFAT = Virtual File Allocation Table; the filesystem type that Windows 98 uses)
WINFSWell, It's Not Fail Safe Sean Lamb (WinFS is yet another Microsoft acronym [a Micronym?] for WINdows Future Storage, which was originally planned to be included in the upcoming Longhorn release)
WIXWill It Xtinguish? Sean Lamb (WiX really means Windows Installer Xml; Microsoft's latest attempt to "embrace and extend" XML)
WMSWhat, More Spam!? Sean Lamb (WMS really means Windows Messenger Service)
WMS (2)Windows Marginalizes Security Sean Lamb (WMS really means Windows Messenger Service)
WMVWatch My Video WMV usually stands for Windows Media Video
WMV (2)Will Monopolize Videos WMV usually stands for Windows Media Video
WMV (3)Windows Mangles Videos WMV usually stands for Windows Media Video
WMV (4)Worst Movie Viewer WMV usually stands for Windows Media Video
WTCWar? Terrorism? Crime? Jeff Anonymous (given the lack of a proper term to describe the September 11, 2001, tragedy in New York City, resulting in the destruction of the World Trade Center)
Military:War & Terrorism
WTC (2)What Treacherous Conniving? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Military:War & Terrorism
WTC (3)War Traumatises Civilians! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Military:War & Terrorism
WTC (4)When Terrorists Conspire! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Military:War & Terrorism
WTC (5)Watch Them Collapse Tony McCoy O'Grady, who apologises for the bad taste.
Military:War & Terrorism
WTC (6)Will Terrorists Cry? Jeff Anonymous
Military:War & Terrorism
WWDC Where We Demonstrate Code Angela Brett (WWDC usually stands for Worldwide Developers Conference -- see
YASTYou Are Susefied Today Sean Lamb (YaST really means Yet Another Setup Tool, which is used to install SuSE Linux)
ZIFFZero Insertion Fun, Frankly! Duncan Smith, in response to an unsuccessful search. According to ZIFF means Zero Insert Force Field - Duncan explains: ZIFF means Zero Insertion Force. I think that the extra F is a typo or a joke, becuase I have never seen it before. ZIF means Zero Insertion Force, which is a name for a type of CPU socket which, logically enough, allows you to insert the CPU into the socket with a lever instead of pushing and bending pins.
Computers:Generic Hardware
ZZVZanesville's Zlichified Viewrange Jeff Anonymous (In reference to the Zanesville, OH, airport code and Zero-Zero Visibility)

previous apronyms in this category