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Loose apronyms:
Perfect Apronyms OnlyAll Apronyms
ACTONA California Town Of Nickels Jan Morgan -- Rudolph E. Nickels is known as the father of the town
AMSTERDAMAny Marijuana Smoker That Ever Rolled Dreams About Metropolis Angela Brett
BAGHDADBefore Americans Get Here, Dozens Are Dying Angela Brett (this acronym could be either for or against the war in Iraq... am I referring to the dozens being killed while US troops are on the way to Baghdad, or those killed by Saddam Hussein before the war started?)
Military:War & Terrorism
BAGHDAD (2)Bewildered American Grunts Hurt, Dying And Desperate Chris Kjelgaard
BAGHDAD (3)Bested Arabs Grimly Hatch Death And Destruction Chris Kjelgaard
BAGHDAD (4)Bush's Arabian Gamble Harms Delicate Alliance Diplomacy Chris Kjelgaard
BAGHDAD (5)Bush's Awesome Gift: Humans Dead, Alliances Destroyed Chris Kjelgaard
BAGHDAD (6)Blair And George Happy Diplomatic Approach Discarded Chris Kjelgaard
BETHLEHEMBirth's Exceptional, The Heralds Laud & Extol. He's Evidently Messiah Tony McCoy O'Grady
CAPITALChief Among Population's Inhabited Towns Across Landscape Tony McCoy O'Grady
COVENTRYCriminally Organised Villans Eventually Need To Rob You John Richard Jones
DARWINDank Australian Region Where Ideas Natter Rico Leffanta
DUBLINDon't Usually Build Like It Nowadays Angela Brett
DUBLIN (2)Despite Umpteen Bridges, Liffey Inhibits Natives Angela Brett (Supposedly there is rivalry between people from different sides of the River Liffey.)
FFESTINIOGFoggy, Fuel Embarks Station, Trains In Noble Ignited Offerings Given Jan Morgan (coal is mined in the town and trains deliver it)
GETTYSBURGGained Edge To Triumph Yesterday's Situation/Slavery, Battled Union's Resolute Goal Jan Morgan
HAGUEHere Amsterdam Girls Use Eurodollars Rico Leffanta
JERICHOJewish Exercise Resounding Instruments Collapsing Hurdles Overall Rico Leffanta
KHARTOUMKissing Has A Reputation That Only Uproots Morality Rico Leffanta, because in Khartoum, kissing is never seen between a man and a woman.
MANILAMany Ardent Natives Invite Love Affairs Rico Leffanta
PARISPeople Always Remember Iron Structure Eric Bridgstock
PARIS (2)Perfume Always Rejuvenates Innate Sensuality Rico Leffanta
PISAPrecariously Inclined Structure, Alarmingly Eric Bridgstock
ST GOARSomewhere To Get Off And Rest Angela Brett (My Contiki tour stopped there for a night, I think it was only because we couldn't get to Munich that day)
ST GOAR (2)Somewhere To Go On A Roadtrip Angela Brett (My Contiki tour stopped there for a night, I think it was only because we couldn't get to Munich that day)
TOKYOTantalizing Orient, Kimonos You Obviously Jan Morgan -- most people who go to Japan usually buy a kimino for a souvenir thus the idea kimonos you obviously.
URBANUndisputedly, Rural Bumpkins Are Not! Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
VENICEVisually Exquisite. Needed Impressive Civil Engineering. Eric Bridgstock
VIENNAViolin Inspired Events; Nasty Nazi Associations. Eric Bridgstock
ZURICHZwingli's Upstart Religion Is Considered Heretical. Tony McCoy O'Grady, beating his own attempt at getting the last acronym in the stack. We challenge you acronymisers out there to beat it! (Zwingli was a Swiss priest and reformation character in Zurich in the 1500s.)