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Loose apronyms:
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ARMY OFFICERA Regimental Man, You Oversee Friendly Forces In Charging Enemy Redoubt Tony McCoy O'Grady
BRIDGE COMMANDERBoat's Ruler Issues Directives, Gives Every Command Or Manages Men. Assures Naval Directives Enforced Rigorously Tony McAyeAye O'Grady
BRIGADIERBegins Reasonably Intelligently - Gradually Abates - Disimproving Intellect Enforces Retirement Tony McCoy O'Grady
COLONELCompetent Once... Lively Once.... Now Elderly & Lethargic Tony McCoy O'Grady
CORPORALChevron-Owning Recent Private, Officious, Repulsive And Loathsome Tony McCoy O'Grady
FIELD MARSHALFool Is Elevated Loftily.... Drastic Misjudgement! Adores Regimentation, Secretly Hasn't 'A Life' Tony McCoy O'Grady
GENERALGenerally Evinces Nothing Exceptional - Rarely A Livewire Tony McCoy O'Grady
LIEUTENANTLow-Initiative-Endowed, Used To Examining Nothing And Not Thinking Tony McCoy O'Grady
LIEUTENANT COLONELLong In Experience - Unsung Technical Expert Needs A New Title. Command Of Legions Of Newly Enlisted Looms Tony McCoy O'Grady
MAJORMust Admonish Junior Officers Regularly Tony McCoy O'Grady
PRIVATEPlodding Ranker Is Valiantly Assaulting The Enemy Tony McCoy O'Grady
SERGEANTStripes Earned Recently Generate Envy Amongst Non-Talented Tony McCoy O'Grady
TOMMIETrooper, Or Military Man, In England Tony McCoy O'Grady