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Loose apronyms:
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100% BED AND BREAKFASTBegins Every Day A Necessary Decision Because Residents Eat At Kitchens, Feasting A Savory Tradition Jan Morgan
Food & Drink
100% BEEN AWAY?Betcha Everyone Else Noticed Around-World Absence, Yeah? Tony, when Angela returned from a round-the-world trip.
100% CAMPINGCanvas Accommodation Mightn't Persist In Nasty Gale. Angela Brett
100% CAMPING (2)Create A Mobile Paradise In Nature's Glory TMcCO'G
100% GLOBE TROTTINGGlamourous Life/Lust Of Being Elsewhere, Then Returning Only To Totally Ignore Native Geography. Angela Brett, while pondering her globe trotting planned for mid-2004.
100% I HAD A GREAT TRIPI'm Home And Delighted About Global Roaming Except, Alas, That The Revelry Is Past. Angela Brett, after going around the world.
100% NITNon International Traveler Charter Member Charter Members Chris and Timmy traveled the world surfing exotic and often dangerous places. We had some friends that were afraid to leave their home surf breaks, So we just call them NITs
People & Relationships:Insults
100% ROAD TRIPRoisterous Overland Adventure, Driving Through Remote & Interesting Places Leave blank for official use
100% SUMMER VACATIONSpending Unspent Money, My Employment Recreation Varies Among Consumerism And Travelling In Other Nations Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% TRAVEL (2)Transports Roamers Abroad to Various Exotic Locations Eric Bridgstock
100% TRAVELTourists Roam Around Viewing Exotic Locations. Angela Brett
100% THANKS, I HAD A GREAT TRIP... NOW TO CATCH UP ON A BAJILLION APRONYM SUBMISSIONS.The Holiday Aftermath... Now Kiwi Sits In Home And Diligently Adds Great Recent Expansions, All The Time Remembering In-Person Networking On World Tour. Office Calls Angela To Code Humbly Using PCs, Oh, Not Again! But Apple Junket Invigorated Language-Learning Ideas Of Next Application Program! Regrettably Only Nighttime Yield -- Maybe Someday, Unfettered By Monetary Imperative Seeking Salary, I'll Output New Software. Angela Brett, on returning from a 103 day trip which began with Apple's Worldwide Developers' Conference. At WWDC I found out about several things in the next version of Mac OS X which will be very useful for my next COCOA app, but as I have to go back to my WINDOWS job to replenish my bank account after such a long trip, I won't have much time to actually write the app.
100% VACATIONVisit Another Country And Tour Its Oldest Neighbourhoods Angela Brett
100% WELCOME BACK ANGELA!Was Europe Lovely? Canada Offers Many Experiences. But Angela, Creative Kiwi, Absent Negates Goodtimes Everywhere -- Let's Apronymise! Jeff Anonymous, when Angela returned from a round-the-world trip.
100% WIN A TRIP!Wish! I Need Adventure! Take Reward In Promotion! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.