Apronyms > Apronym Discussion

BVT ( build verification tests )


Why can't I add this like I can on Wikipedia?


Your job became even more complex when you needed to model and publish data, organize supporting documents, track bugs, and create test suites such as build verification tests (BVT).

Rick Anderson:
OK, I figured out how to submit a new acronym.

On page http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-acronyms-and-initialisms-b?hl=bvt
it states:
Add new entries here
Please add your own, in a quasi-dictionary order with lowercase treated the same as uppercase and ignoring non-alphanumeric characters (hyphens and such). This means that only alphanumeric characters have any significance in determining order, and that lowercase letters occupy the same ordering position as uppercase (in tie-breaker cases, list lower case first). For example: Algol appears before ALS. (This differs from a strict ASCII ordering.)

But there is no link to do so.

ricka wrote:

> Why can't I add this like I can on Wikipedia?

> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnvsent/html/vsts-test.asp

You probably don't need us to tell you that we have no connection here with any other site - particularly with any Microsoft site.
If you have a problem with Microsoft I suggest that you join the back of the long queue you see over there on the right.
We tend to be Apple people here.
Goood luck.

That acronym is not an apronym -- that is, the initials don't mean anything on their own, and they certainly don't mean anything relevent to what they stand for. Therefore it is not suitable for this site.

We do have a submissions page though


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