Apronyms > Apronym Discussion



HOW DO I SUBMIT???????????????????????????????????????

Angela Brett:
You can submit an acronym either by emailing it to ...@... or by posting it on these forums. It's a good idea to read the submission guidelines at http://acronyms.co.nz/guidelines.html first. If you have any suggestions on how I could make the information on how to submit more visible than it is on the second paragraph of the front page of the website, let me know.

As long as they're okay, your acronyms will be added when I next update the website - which will probably be tonight. There's been a longer than usual gap since the last update because I've had assignments and exams to do.

>>> On 17 June 2001 22:54:03 UTC, Ryanchu wrote:

HOW DO I SUBMIT???????????????????????????????????????

Jeff Anonymous:
Oh, and we have a custom on this board.  When you write in capitals, you are expected to acronymise the phrase and/or word you put in capitals.  Capital phrases just BEG for expansion, you know...

BEG:  Best Expand Generously

>>> On 18 June 2001 15:25:21 UTC, Jeff Anonymous wrote:

Oh, and we have a custom on this board.  When you write in capitals, you are expected to acronymise the phrase and/or word you put in capitals.  

I'll do it for him just this once ;-)

Hello O Wise Dictionary Owners. Is Submission Undertaken By Me Ideally Tackled?

>>> On 18 June 2001 21:17:20 UTC, Tony forgot to welcome Ryanchu to this little group.

The main purpose of this group is fun!

We Eagerly Look (for) Contributors Offering Mirthful Entries.


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