Apronyms > Apronym Discussion

Meaningful acronyms

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Does anyone know of the English term akin to Onomatopoeia (E.G. CRASH, BANG) that describes meaningful acronyms such as:

S.M.A.R.T. performance indicators
Q.U.E.S.T. beauty pageants

Edwin Hermann:
If a word does not exist, I guess that gives you rights to invent one!  Then write in to Oxford English Dictionary and tell them you've coined the phrase or word and they might put in the dictionary.

>>> On 05 February 2003 04:36:14 UTC, Paul wrote:

Does anyone know of the English term akin to Onomatopoeia (E.G. CRASH, BANG) that describes meaningful acronyms such as:

S.M.A.R.T. performance indicators
Q.U.E.S.T. beauty pageants

I'm sure there is a word... and I really ought to know it since that sort of acronym is just what this site is about. Tony once suggested they be called aptonyms, so maybe someone should submit that to the lexicographers. It might be confused with the word 'aptronym' though. In fact, going by the google search I just did, it already is confused with aptronym.

Jeff Anonymous:
I can tell why Tony suggested aptonym.  He wants his name up in the middle of it all.

The only thing I can think of is the clunky "apropos acronym."

>>> On 06 February 2003 19:41:59 UTC, Angela wrote:

I'm sure there is a word... and I really ought to know it since that sort of acronym is just what this site is about. Tony once suggested they be called aptonyms, so maybe someone should submit that to the lexicographers. It might be confused with the word 'aptronym' though. In fact, going by the google search I just did, it already is confused with aptronym.

Jeff Anonymous wrote:

> I can tell why Tony suggested aptonym.  He wants his name up in the middle of it all.

I hadn't noticed that 'tony' was in there, I was just conflating 'apt' and 'acronym'.

> The only thing I can think of is the clunky "apropos acronym."

While I still prefer aptonym, 'apronym' would be a nice conflation of 'apropriate/a propos' and 'acronym'.


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