While sitting in a train next to Tony McCoy O'Grady, I remembered this thread. I should have mentioned it to him so we could brainstorm, but I didn't, so all I came up with was these:
VIEW: Vista In Every Window
WAITING ROOM: We Aren't In Train, I'm Now Getting Restless Over Our (Mis)adventure. (We missed the train we were supposed to be on by about a minute, and had to wait a few hours for the next one.)
WAGON: We Are Getting On Now.
And here are some for letters we've already done:
TRAIN: Two Rails Are Invariantly Near
LUAS: Locals Understand As 'Speed'
According to http://www.lrta.org/luasindex.html:
What does the name LUAS stand for? Luas is the Irish word for speed and so (as it is not an abbreviation) should be written Luas rather than L.U.A.S.
Well, we've proven them wrong!
All the signs on the train (and elsewhere) have English and Irish translations. On one I noticed that the translation of 'warning' was RABHADH, which I expanded to:
Read And Beware, Here Are Dire Hazards
Hopefully all this training will make up for the fact that I haven't continued the other threads. At least we're back on topic.