Considering how easy it is, I'm surprised we don't have any on the site already.
My Eternal Nemeses
Must Endure Nagging
Married? Expect Nagging!
Mostly Empty Noggins
Here are some requirements, for those looking for a date:
Mustn't Earn Nothing
Must Enjoy Needlecraft (or some other typically girly pursuit... I'm going for the, 'men who do things I'm interested in instead of always watching sport on TV' rather than, 'men who are gay')
Mindreading's Essential Now
Mustn't Eat Noisily
Muscly Eyecandy, Nude (I can think of ruder ones, but I won't say'em.)
I don't know what you want this expansion for, perhaps it specifically needs to be for MEN, but if you just need apronyms to tease men with, there are many on both men and women in the Genderalisations category at