Angela's website -- Duden calendar
Angela Brett's
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mathematician by myself, programmer by the power of grayscale, physicist by and by, linguist by dint of cunning, writer by some historical accounts

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Duden calendar

Desolée, cette page n'a pas encore été traduite en français. Voici la version anglaise.
While I was in Regensburg, I bought a calendar by Duden which has an example of bad grammar and an explanation for each day. It's all in German, and I presume it's mainly aimed at native speakers, so it would take me up to ten minutes to figure out what it meant each day. It didn't make me anywhere near as popular as my colleague's Dilbert calendar made her. A month into the year of that calendar, I found out I'd be moving to Geneva, so I stopped putting much effort into understanding the calendar and began learning French instead. I've kept the calendar anyway, so that I can review it when I learn German for real.

This page has been accessed times since 2024-06-24 08:14:26 Last updated: 2007-01-28 09:25:34
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