Angela's website -- Pourquoi le CERN ?
Angela Brett's
disintegrated circuit

mathematician by L'hopital's rule, programmer by the power of grayscale, physicist by gedankenexperiment, linguist by listening to silly songs in many languages, writer by the late Audrey C. Luckens' standards

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Pourquoi le CERN ?

Desolée, cette page n'a pas encore été traduite en français. Voici la version anglaise.
What influenced me to apply for a fellowship at CERN?

a) this song
µ) mu
b) none of the above
c) everything except e
d) this book
e) all of the above
f) h
g) all of the below
h) f and d
i) c, but a, b and j might have played a small part
j) this video
k) g, e, b
l) A linguistic inferiority complex.
m) a combination of the strong nuclear force, the electroweak force, and
n) 42
q) C'est dans l'ordre des choses.
o) A general interest in particle physics which I've had since childhood.
p) Chocolate

The correct answer is printed on the reverse.

This page has been accessed times since 2024-06-14 14:16:30 Last updated: 2007-01-26 10:55:21

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