Angela's website -- Francophone forums
Angela Brett's
disintegrated circuit

mathematician by numbers, programmer by day, physicist by virtue of owning three Newtons, linguist by 2017, writer by the late Audrey C. Luckens' standards

English Français

Francophone forums

To practise actually producing French rather than just understanding it, and also in the hope of meeting real people who don't speak English (or at least pretend not to), I post on various French-speaking forums on topics I am interested in. It takes a lot of time, because, in French as well as English, I always read what I've written several times and check all aspects of the grammar. And inevitably I still end up making mistakes. But I learn a lot in the process.

Francophone Mac forumsI mentioned on the linguistics page that if you can only think in one language then there are many things you can't think. I go on francophone Mac forums in order to Think different.
Francophone Mac forumsI mentioned on the linguistics page that if you can only think in one language then there are many things you can't think. I go on francophone Mac forums in order to Think different.
M6 forumsI occasionally go on the M6 Smallville forum as kal-elle.
M6 forumsI occasionally go on the M6 Smallville forum as kal-elle.
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