"...used to have a life, now it's all gone."
from "So Cold In Ireland" by the Cranberries

Both of my brothers are computer nerds, so from a young age I've been watching them with their Commodores of various types, Amstrads and even an old CASIO FP1000, programming in BASIC - one of my brothers has since downgraded to using windoze, the other still uses the old computers. So naturally, I ended up programming too. I wasn't all that enthusiastic about BASIC, I found it a little too tedious. I made some reasonably decent programs and then lost interest. When I got my first Macintosh at 14, I began teaching myself to program with HyperCard, which I found much more fun to work with.

In about 1998/9 I learnt C and C++, and after a while I realised that even without knowing how to use the Macintosh Toolbox, I could use them for CGIs on the Acronyms website. I've also learnt a bit of AppleScript. I've made a folder action so that I can drag things like clippings, URLs and images to the pop-up folder in the corner of my screen and they'll be automatically put into the folders I want them in.

Then I got Mac OS X, which comes with developer tools. Woohoo! I've been writing Cocoa apps ever since. I have so many HyperCard apps to port, and yet I still found time to write a Tetris game. I don't have a whole lot of free time unfortunately, because I now have a job writing Windows software in C. At the moment I'm learning PHP so that I can fully automate the Acronyms site rather than having the HyperCard stack make all the pages and then uploading them. This page is probably out of date, but this one might not be.

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