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Loose apronyms:
Perfect Apronyms OnlyAll Apronyms
ABNORMAL DATA TYPEAll Bytes Not On Required Memory Alignment, Long Doubles Are Torn Apart, Then Your Program Explodes/Exits. Angela Brett, in response to an unsuccessful search. (An alternative ending is 'Then Your Program's Executed' where Executed has a double meaning.)
A QUESTIONAngela Quite Usually Enquires, "Support This Idea, Or Not?" Angela Brett, as the subject of an email asking whether to implement an idea in the ALTSCAPE software.
BASICBegan At Seven, I'd Conjecture Angela Brett, whose brothers forced her into BASIC programming pretty much as soon as she could read.
BITWISEBoolean Instructions Tackle Words In Single Elements Angela Brett
BYTE (3)Before Yesteryear's Text Editor Susan S. As a programmer of 30 years, I experienced pre Text Editor programming. It brings a whole new meaning to "plug and play".
CAPIContemptible And Pitiful Interface CAPI = Crypto Application Programming Interface (Microsoft)
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CASTCircumvent Any Strong Typing Angela Brett (the strong type-checking of programming languages such as C++ can easily be got around by casting.)
COBOLComputer Operators' Bewilderingly Obfuscatory Lingo Tony McCoy O'Grady
CODECentre Of Developer's Existence Angela Brett
CODE REVIEWCan One Do Everything Right? Extra Vigilance Indicates Esoteric Wrongs Angela Brett
COMMENTING CODEContemplation Of My Mortality - Enlightenment's Needed To Invigorate Next Generation Continuing Our Development Effort. Angela Brett (commenting code is what a programmer does when s/he finds out s/he only has two weeks to live.)
COMPILERCorrector Of Many Problems, It Lends Expertise Readily Angela Brett
COMPILER (2)Compilers Only Make Programs If Libraries Execute Right Sean Lamb
COMPLEX CONDITIONAL STATEMENTConjunction Of Many Predicates Logically Evaluated Xerts Control Over Numbercruncher. Developed Intellectuals Think It's Overly Nettlesome... A Large-Scale Turing Automation, Though, Executes Mindlessly Every Nettlesome Task. Angela Brett
ESACEnd Statement After 'Case' Angela Brett -- in a bash script, to end a case block you use 'esac', to end an 'if' you use 'fi' and to end a 'do' you use... 'done'. Nobody ever called bash intuitive. ;^)
FINISHEDFinally I've Nailed It, Software Has Earned Downloads Angela Brett, when she had at last got the Apronyms app for Mac OS X ready for release.
FIRST IN LAST OUTFreshmen In Remedial Science Think "I'll Never Learn About Stacks. They're Onerously Unfathomable Today!" Sean Lamb (in computer science, a Stack is a First-In-Last-Out data structure)
FORFather Of Repetition Angela Brett, because for is usually the best loop to use in C programs.
FORTRAN (2)Fine Operations Really Trivialise Replicating Arrays Neatly Angela Brett
FREEWARE HYPERCARD STACKFirst Reason Everything's Easier With Apples: Reduced Effort Has Your Programmers Expecting Reduced Cost, And Readily Developing Something That All Consider 'Killer' Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
GEEKY ACRONYMS (2)Gotos Evil, Everybody Knows. You Always Can Rely On (Names You've Mangled) Subroutines Angela Brett, thinking of abbreviated function names.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
GENETIC ALGORITHMGuesser Employing Nature's Evolutionary 'Tactics' In Creating A Likely Group Of Resolutions. Increase That Heuristic Measurement! Angela Brett
HYPERCARDHighly Yoozerfriendly Programming Environment Requiring Clean And Rapid Development Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software:Applications
HYPERTALKHave You Programmed Especially Rapidly? Try Another Language, 'Kay? Angela Brett. (The 'Kay is short for Okay and also a reference to my C programming lecturer whose last name is Kay.)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONSULTINGIt's Not That Easy, Remembering Natives All Think In Own National Affectations. Language Dictates Ethnic Viewpoints, Every Line Of Program Must Echo Numerous Thoughts Concurrently, Or Numerous Separate UIs Litter The IDE... Nothing Generalised. Angela Brett, thinking of specifically of international software development.
IS AInheritance Shown Articulately Angela Brett, when a C++ lecturer mentioned that the idea of inheritance in object oriented programming (and elsewhere) is based around the phrase 'is a'. e.g. 'A mouse is a mammal' or 'A mammal is a living creature'.
JUDGEMENTJava Users/ Developers Group, Extended: Macintosh Enthusiasts Now Taken! Gavin Lambert, thinking up a new name for a group Angela told him about which is ostensibly a Java users group but is actually a group of Mac developers, one of which develops using Java. Its previous working title was JUGWOXACI so this is a big improvement! JUDGEMENT day is the second Tuesday of each month.
MAD MACSMonthly Apple Developer Meetings & Annual Conferences Society Angela Brett, as a suggested name for a group which will do just that, if all goes to plan.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
MANTISMake A Note That It's Screwy Angela Brett (Mantis is a program for keeping track of bugs in software.)
MANTIS (2)Money's A Nod To Its Statistics? Angela Brett (MANTIS can show statistics on how many bugs each person has reported or fixed. I wonder if the people with the best statistics in Mantis get paid more.)
MANTIS (3)Mailed As New Testing Indicates Success Angela Brett (MANTIS can send an email to the developer who fixed a bug when a tester confirms that the bug has been fixed.)
MODIFIERSMould Our Data Into Form Incorporating Esoteric Reckoning Symbols Angela Brett, on encountering warning C4229: anachronism used : modifiers on data are ignored
MOUSE UPMoment Of Ultimate Suspense - Engaging Uncertain Programming. Tony McCoy O'Grady
MSDNMicrosoft's Special Documentation Nook Sean Lamb (MSDN usually stands for Microsoft Developer Network)
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MSDN (2)Must Study Diverse Networks Sean Lamb (MSDN usually stands for Microsoft Developer Network)
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MSDN (3)My System's Down Now Sean Lamb (MSDN usually stands for Microsoft Developer Network)
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OBJECTIVE-CObscure, But Just Enough Complexity, Tied Into Very Elegant Classes Paul Marshall
ODBCOne Doesn't Buy Connectivity Sean Lamb (ODBC usually stands for Open Database Connectivity)
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OOPOne Odious Paradigm Sean Lamb (OOP = Object Oriented Programming)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
OOP (2)Outperforming Older Programs Sean Lamb (OOP = Object Oriented Programming)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
PRODUCT IMPROVEMENTPlease Remember Ordinary Daily Users. Code Tuning Isn't Much Prized - Regardless Of Velocity, Exasperation Makes Everything Need Time. Angela Brett (Most everyday software doesn't really benefit from code-tuning to make each operation run as quickly as possible... productivity really increases when the software is made easier to use.)
PROGRAMMINGPeople Require One Good Reference, Alphabetically Making Most Instructions Nimbly Graspable. Angela Brett
PUNCH CARDPunch Using 'Nuff Clout, Hanging Chads Are Rarely Deciphered Sean Lamb
Q-BASICQuite Boring And Stupid Illogical Code Tripod
RUNTIME SYSTEMRarely Used, Not That I Mind... Everything's So Yucky & Slow That Engineers Murder! Angela Brett, who actually loves things like HyperTalk and Objective-C for their runtime systems. 'Rarely Used, Not That I Mind' was just too good to resist. Slowness is about the only possible criticism of runtime systems, and I don't notice that. (Perhaps Mope would be a better M word, but I don't agree with the expansion anyway.)
SAN FRANCISCO (3)Saw Apple's/ NeXT's Founder Reveal All-New Cocoa Interface Stuff -- Crowd Overjoyed/Overawed Angela Brett, who went to San Francisco for WWDC 2004.
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
SAN FRANCISCO (6)Several Awesome New Friends, Reports About New Computer Ideas, Software (Confidential Offering!) Angela Brett, who went to WWDC 2004 in San Francisco -- Confidential Offering refers to the developer preview of Tiger all attendees got.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
_SNPRINTFSafe? Not Particularly. Recently It Nearly Totally Failed! Angela Brett, who had advocated the use of the C function _snprintf in place of sprintf because it takes the size of the buffer as a parameter and so ought to be safer, but recently discovered it's not so safe after all.
SOAP (3)Some Obfuscated Access Paradigm Sean Lamb (SOAP = Simple Object Access Protocol; it's not nearly so straightforward as it sounds if you're not programming with the Micros~1 libraries)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
SPACESSome Paradoxically Appeared, Code's Essentially Spoiled. Angela Brett, after finding some spaces where they shouldn't have been in a C program which she's sure she never typed.
STACK (2)Stunning Thing Atkinson Created - Kicking! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
SUBROUTINESecond Use Brings Reduction Of Unnecessary Typing, Integrity, Name's Explanatory Angela Brett, meaning that reusing a subroutine brings integrity, not a reduction of it.
THE AMAZING IRISH SINGING FROGThis Happy Electronic Amphibian Masterfully Adds Zest In Novel Gift I Received. I Smiled, Hearing Singing - Including Name Given. Ingeneous Numbercrunching Generates Forté Ribbits Of Goodwill. Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing, describing a HyperCard stack featuring an amazing Irish singing frog which Tony made for Angela on her birthday.
Time:Special Occasions
THANKS, I HAD A GREAT TRIP... NOW TO CATCH UP ON A BAJILLION APRONYM SUBMISSIONS.The Holiday Aftermath... Now Kiwi Sits In Home And Diligently Adds Great Recent Expansions, All The Time Remembering In-Person Networking On World Tour. Office Calls Angela To Code Humbly Using PCs, Oh, Not Again! But Apple Junket Invigorated Language-Learning Ideas Of Next Application Program! Regrettably Only Nighttime Yield -- Maybe Someday, Unfettered By Monetary Imperative Seeking Salary, I'll Output New Software. Angela Brett, on returning from a 103 day trip which began with Apple's Worldwide Developers' Conference. At WWDC I found out about several things in the next version of Mac OS X which will be very useful for my next COCOA app, but as I have to go back to my WINDOWS job to replenish my bank account after such a long trip, I won't have much time to actually write the app.
Sports & Recreation:Travel
WHIDBEYWhat Has It Done But Ensare You? Sean Lamb (Whidbey is Microsoft's code name for Visual Studio '05; Microsoft's strategy can often be reduced to Embrace-Extend-Extinguish, as they first accept standards then provide "essential" extensions that are only compatible with their own products)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
WWDC Where We Demonstrate Code Angela Brett (WWDC usually stands for Worldwide Developers Conference -- see
Re-expansions of existing acronyms