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Loose apronyms:
Perfect Apronyms OnlyAll Apronyms
AVALON (2)Another Venture, Another Loss - Or Not? Sean Lamb (Avalon is Microsoft's code name for the graphics API in Longhorn, but will it succeed?)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
AVALON (3)Advanced Video Api Leads Off .Net Sean Lamb (Avalon is Microsoft's code name for the graphics API in LONGHORN)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
BILL GATES (2)Big Idiot Living Like God. A Toupee Exceedingly Sloppy. Mysterious Shadow
Names:Famous people
BLUE SCREEN OF DEATHBoom! Large, Useless Error Speaks Cryptic, Random Explanation. Evil Nerd Organization Fiendishly Devised Explosion At Technical Hell. Sporkmaster, who has Windows XP, doesn't have this curse, but speaks on behalf of the less fortunate.
CAIROCan Another Incarnation Recruit Others? Sean Lamb (Cairo was Microsoft's code name for Windows NT 4.0, which was supposed to get everyone off the Win9x kernel series)
FLAWSFaulty - Like A Windoze System Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
GATANISM (2)Gleaning Apple's Trade, And Nerdishly Idolising Satanic Master Angela Brett
GPFGreatly Pooched Files Sean Lamb, referring to the results of a General Protection Fault.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
INDIGOIt Never Did Integrate Global Objects Sean Lamb (Indigo is Microsoft's code name for the .NET communication technologies)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
KORGOKeyboard Output Recorder Generates Opening Sean Lamb (Korgo is the name of a new worm that exploits a hole in Windows security and installs a keylogger, sending the keystrokes to a remote, malicious computer)
LONGHORNLate Or Not, Gates Holds Out. Releases Nothing Sean Lamb (the next version of Microsoft Windows, codenamed Longhorn, has now been delayed until 2006).
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
LONGHORN (2)Long Overdue... Nobody's Getting Horny Over Releasing Nothing Angela Brett, who thinks that LONGHORN is a misnomer.
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
MCPMastered Crappy Programs Angela Brett (MCP usually stands for Microsoft Certified Professional)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
MCT (2)Must Continue Training Sean Lamb (MCT really stands for Microsoft Certified Trainer)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
MEMPHISMaybe Every Microsoft Programmer Hates Information Services Sean Lamb (Memphis was the code name Microsoft used for Windows 98)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
MICROSOFT (3)Mainly Into Customer Rip-Off... Software Often Faulty Too. Angela Brett
MICROSOFT (4)Major In Creating Ridiculously Over-Sized Offal. Finance Topmost. Angela Brett
MICROSOFT (5)Motto Is, 'Create Revenue!' Operating System Often Fails Terribly Angela Brett
MICROSOFT (6)Money Is Chief Resource... Our Software's Only For Trading. Angela Brett
MICROSOFT (7)Macintosh Is Continually Rising Over Such Old-Fashioned Thinking Angela Brett
MICROSOFT (8)Media Imbeciles Continually Rabbit On, Sold On Failed Technology. Steve Keate
MICROSOFT (9)Most Intelligent Customers Realise Our Software Only Fools Teenagers Henk
MICROSOFT (10)Managers In Companies Rile Office Staff, Obstinately Forcing Technology. Angela Brett - I've heard many stories of managers who've blindly bought Microsoft products despite all the people who'd actually be using them recommending other software.
MICROSOFT SOFTWAREMany Imminent Crashes... Recommend Often Saving One's Files To Safeguard Oneself From Time Wasting And Repeated Entry. Angela Brett
MONOPOLISTMicrosoft Owns Ninety-Odd Percent Of Labels In Software Trade. Angela Brett, who hopes that figure isn't true.
NTFSNot Trustworthy, Format Soon! Kuroneko, discussing the correct expansion of NTFS, which usually stands for New Technology File System.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
NTFS (2)Never The File Saved Chaironeko, discussing the correct expansion of NTFS, which usually stands for New Technology File System.
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PCPlastic Crap Tony McCoy O'Grady
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PC (2)Pathetic Creation Tony McCoy O'Grady
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PC (3)Passable Calculators Tony McCoy O'Grady
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PC (4)Poor Compromises Tony McCoy O'Grady
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PC (5)Piss Can Dustan Dowsing
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PC (6)Please Crush! Steve Keate
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PC (7)Persistently Crashes Angela Brett
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
PCS FOR EVERPathetic Computers Sometimes Fail Over Rotten Entrails, Viruses Enter Readily Tony McCoy O'Grady
PC USERPerfect Consumer - Uses Some Expensive Rubbish Steve Keate
PUTERPathetic Useless Tangled Electronic Rubbish! Tony McCoy O'Grady
RAPIERRedmond Application Platform Is Engineered Roughly Sean Lamb (Rapier is Microsoft's code name for Windows CE 3.0 for Pocket PC version 2)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
RUGRATRuffians Use Gadgets, Release A Trojan Sean Lamb (Rugrat is the name of the first 64-bit Windows virus discovered 5/27/04)
RUGRAT (2)Reprobate User Group Readily Attacks Technology Sean Lamb (Rugrat is the name of the first 64-bit Windows virus discovered 5/27/04)
RUGRAT (3)Releasing Untold Gnomes, Rascal Assaults Terminals Sean Lamb (Rugrat is the name of the first 64-bit Windows virus discovered 5/27/04)
USUAL WAY TO DO THINGSUnvaried Style Undoubtably Averts Laughter. Why Aren't You Trying Out Different Organisational Tactics? Have Innovative & New Goals, Steve! Angela Brett... referring, of course, not to Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, or Commissioner Steve, but the Steve whatsisname who is the CEO of Microsloth.
Assorted Phrases
VFATVerily, Files Are Truncated Sean Lamb (VFAT = Virtual File Allocation Table; the filesystem type that Windows 98 uses)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
WHISTLER"Windows Has Inconsistencies" Said The Laboratory Engineer Relentlessly Sean Lamb (Whistler was the internal code name used by Microsoft for Windows XP)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
WINDOWSWill I Never Discover Original, Wondrous Software? Tony McCoy O'Grady
WINDOWS (2)Work Is Near Disastrous, Oh Wretched System! Tony McCoy O'Grady
WINDOWS (3)World Is Not Dominated - Others Will Survive Angela Brett
WINDOWS (5)What Idiotic Nerd Developed Our Wierd System? Helen Livesey
WINDOWS (6)What If Now Dominant OS Won't Survive? Angela Brett
WINDOWS (8)'Working', Indeed... Next Desire's Operating Well! Someday... Angela Brett, in response to WINDOWS (7)
WINDOWS (9)When It Never Draws One With Style! Angela Brett, because it's sort of odd that Windows should be called that when it's actually not very good at drawing windows (it visibly draws them bit by bit in no particular order)
WINDOWS (10)Will Install Needless Data On Whole System delt
WINDOWS (15)Whistler's In No Danger Of Whistling Speed Angela Brett ('Whistler' is the code-name for Windows XP)
WINDOWS DEVELOPERWell, It's Not DOS; One Windowing System Demands Engineers, Very Easily Learnable, Only Problem: En Redmond! Gavin Lambert
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
WINDOWS NTWell, It Nearly Does One's Will (Suicide Note & Testament!) Angela Brett
WINDOWS XPWhen It's Not Dawdling Or Wasting Space, Xpect Problems Angela Brett, who has to use Windows XP at work, so the criticism comes from experience.
WINDOWS XP (2)When It's Not Doing Over Whole System, Xpect Procrastination Angela Brett (see WINDOWS XP... if it's not one, it's the other!)
WINDOWS XP (3)Widget Inconsistencies Now Doubly Obvious, Windowing System Xtremely Poor Angela Brett (I've found there are at least four different styles of progress bars, six different styles of menus - even on the latest Microsoft software - four different styles of scrollbars and two of each kind of button. 'Windowing System Extremely Poor' refers to the fact that it draws parts of windows before other parts so that for a second or so while it finishes drawing a window there might be just an outline, or a button, or some random assortment of rectangles from the middle of a window visible. I presume this behaviour is supposed to show that some progress is being made in the drawing of a window, as an alternative to there being a wait before the window emerges fully formed. However, drawing the windows bit by bit only serves to emphasise how slowly it does things. This is on a 1.6GHz P4, in case any gatanists out there want to defend the lack of performance by suggesting the hardware is slow.)
WINFSWell, It's Not Fail Safe Sean Lamb (WinFS is yet another Microsoft acronym [a Micronym?] for WINdows Future Storage, which was originally planned to be included in the upcoming Longhorn release)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
WIXWill It Xtinguish? Sean Lamb (WiX really means Windows Installer Xml; Microsoft's latest attempt to "embrace and extend" XML)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
WMVWatch My Video WMV usually stands for Windows Media Video
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WMV (2)Will Monopolize Videos WMV usually stands for Windows Media Video
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WMV (3)Windows Mangles Videos WMV usually stands for Windows Media Video
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WMV (4)Worst Movie Viewer WMV usually stands for Windows Media Video
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
TWITCHThere's Windoze In This Computer... Help! Angela Brett