PICHU: Pikachu Infant. Cries Horribly, Unpeacefully. (Pichu, Pokemon #172, is a baby Pikachu)
I didn't know there was a Pichu - I don't know a whole lot about the new Pokemon after #151, although I'm sure my nephew could tell me all about them. How many are there now? I was intending to make a tour of the first 151 once they're finished, and then do the others later. However, perhaps it would be a better idea to make the tour now and fill in the gaps as more pokenyms are created.
ACRONYMS: Abuncha Crazy Ramblings, Openly Nice, Yipee! My Stars!
This one will automatically become one of the random ACRONYMS expansions on the top of each page, so there's some extra prestige for you.
Input/ Output, My Electronic Gargantuan Accesses. (in reference to Iomega, the company responsible for Zip disks)
And don't forget Jaz drives/cartridges! (I Own Marvelous External Gigabyte Accessory, though I'm trying to sell it because I don't need and can't use it as it is with my iBook)
PC: Poorman's Computer
It's not an honour attempt so it's not too important, but we prefer acronyms like that to have more than one original word. See if you can think of an alternative C word.
Zzzzzzzzzra : Zoinking Zees (Zeds) Zoink Zizzing Zombies. Zippily Zombifying. Real? Actual!
I can't say I've ever seen a zoinking zed zoink a zizzing zombie, though it'd be difficult to get anything better from those letters... I'll have to see what Tony says about this one.