Author Topic: Apronyms  (Read 28039 times)


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« on: June 17, 2003, 02:28:34 AM »
Having coined the word recently, I am offered the chance to see it get into the Oxford English Dictionary - provided it comes into usage - so I am trying to ensure it can be found on the web.

Acronyms' Particularly Relevancy Often Notify Your Meaning Strongly

Following a request for a word to apply to a 'meaningful acronym' I offered Aptonym - but there were objections to this. So I went further and suggested Apronym, as a conflation of the French 'a propos' and acronym, and also offering overtones of 'appropiate'.


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« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2003, 09:58:37 AM »
Maybe I should move/mirror the site to! With a page on the meaning and origin of the word of course.

A Phrase Reminiscent Of Name You Made Shorter

A Petite Reminder (Openers Notation) Yields Mnemonic

A Playful Reduction Of Notation Yields Miniature (I'm not too happy with this since it suggests we go from the expansion to the acronym and not vice versa... I'd like to use the word Playful though.)

A Potted Rendition Of Notion Yields Miniature Summary

Anyone's Permitted Ratifying O'Grady's Neologism? Yes, Make Some!


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« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2003, 12:38:21 PM »
While we're coining words:

APROVE: To approve an apronym [to be added to the website]

Apronym Passes Rigors Of Vetting/Examination

Not to be confused with the misspelling of approve, of which I DISAPROVE

Its Disastress Incorect Speling, A Por Riter Ofers Vulger Elision


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« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2003, 09:27:47 PM »
Angela wrote:
> While we're coining words:

> Its Disastress Incorect Speling, A Por Riter Ofers Vulger Elision

I take it thatg 'disastress' is the clumsiest woman on the face of the earth, who leaves a trail of destruction behind her.

Rough & Inaccurate, That Expansions Rong


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« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2003, 11:34:15 PM »

>>> On 17 June 2003 09:27:47 UTC, Tony wrote:

I take it thatg 'disastress' is the clumsiest woman on the face of the earth, who leaves a trail of destruction behind her.

If damsels can be in distress, must lads be in dister? :)


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« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2003, 08:32:50 AM »
Once people note that you've coined a term, it starts to gain currency [with the people who do the books]


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« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2003, 09:25:59 AM »

Angela wrote:

> Once people note that you've coined a term, it starts to gain currency [with the people who do the books]

Only if the books are in mint condition - i.e. with no marks on them.

I've been meaning to complement you on the sterling work you've done on this website.


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« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2003, 09:43:57 AM »

> Once people note that you've coined a term, it starts to gain currency [with the people who do the books]

Only if the books are in mint condition - i.e. with no marks on them.

Don't worry, they'll check the term first - you can bank on that.

I've been meaning to complement you on the sterling work you've done on this website.

Nice of you to show enough interest to pay a compliment. :^)


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« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2003, 07:41:22 PM »
Angela wrote:

>> BTW
>> I've been meaning to complement you on the sterling work you've done on this website.

> Nice of you to show enough interest to pay a compliment. :^)

Let's be frank, credit where credit is due, you could have kept all this stuff in a personal cache, but you decided to share it.


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« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2003, 08:30:22 AM »

>>> On 20 June 2003 07:41:22 UTC, Tony wrote:

Let's be frank, credit where credit is due, you could have kept all this stuff in a personal cache, but you decided to share it.

I appreciate the kudos, but it wasn't much trouble, and I had to do it on account of its value to the world at large. Besides, this way other people can put their two cents in.

I will probably change every mention of 'acronyms' on the site to 'apronyms' tonight. We could do with more expansions of 'apronyms' for the page headers, and some of the page title apronyms will have to be redone.


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« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2003, 10:05:17 AM »
Angela wrote:

> We could do with more expansions of 'apronyms' for the page headers, and some of the page title apronyms will have to be redone.

A Pertinent Riposte Of Nonsense You May Send
A Pertinent Re-interpretation Of Normality Yielding More Sense
A Propos Re-stressing Of Notions Your Meaning Shares


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« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2003, 11:57:07 AM »
A Propos Restriction On 'Nyms, You Maintain Semantics.
Acronyms' Prolonged Representations Obviously Near Your Main Subjects

Tony Has Engineered 'A Propos' Reference Onto Name...

...Your Meaning (Shorter) Thus Imitates Meaning (Expanded) Somehow.

...Your Meaning Shouldn't Turn Into Muck Expansion->Skeleton


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« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2003, 06:35:43 AM »

A Possibly Ribald Offering, Now Your Mates Smirk

Apt Phrases, Redolent Of Novel Yet Meaningful Sense


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« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2003, 02:18:53 AM »
Well, the site is now officially Apronyms. I might have missed a few spots, so if you see a page other than the online stack which still has the old logo, tell me about it. There are a few other things still to be done, but at some time other than 2:17a.m.

We're getting close to 7000 apronyms -- that's 7000 more than anyone had a short while ago. The rest of the world hasn't even heard of apronyms (apronym is currently a googlewhack apart from it not being in the dictionary) and we already have more than 6942 of them.


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« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2003, 09:49:58 PM »

>>> On 27 June 2003 14:18:53 UTC, Angela wrote:
(apronym is currently a googlewhack apart from it not being in the dictionary) and we already have more than 6942 of them.

This is an interesting experiment on Google. On the 27th, Google found one page containing 'apronym'. For the past few days it's found two. Now apronym has 97 and apronyms has 110... funny, I always assumed Google would include apronyms in a search for apronym. The 'What is an Apronym?' page at is the first on the 'apronym' list, which is great for our purpose of spreading the word.

I wonder how long it will take for the 'apronym' results to catch up with those of more well-known terms such as 'Tony McCoy O'Grady".