If only they'd stop adding more pokemon, maybe we'd be able to acronymise them all! Thanks for those - you're going to make quite an entrance when I update the site next.
Now, unrelated to Pokemon... I've just updated the 'gonym' CGI, so that when you click on a link to an acronym (like the ones in the acronymists' acronym lists, the acronym listings, and online stack) the page displayed also shows and links to the acronym's categor(y/ies). I plan to make the search CGI also list the acronyms' categories as well as other categories that meet the search criteria.
>>> On 25 July 2001 08:28:51 UTC, Dundee wrote:
ENTEI : Elusive, Not Trappable Every Instance
RAIKOU : Really Arduous In Kapturing One. Urgh !!
pokemons # 247 & 248 in gold & silver version - 2 of the 3 legendary beasts, really difficult to meet, let alone kapture.