Perfect Apronyms OnlyAll Apronyms
100% GESTALTGenerality Exceeds (Somehow) The Analytically Logical Total Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GESTAPOGhastly Excess Shown To A People Overrun. Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% GESTAPO (2)Germans Employed Sadistic Thugs As Police Officers Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% GESTAPO (3)Gave Everyone Shivers, Taking Away People Obdurately Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% GET A DANG PDAGreatly Expand Technological Abilities; Disregard Ancient Newtons' Greatness, Palms Do Admirably. Jeff Anonymous, after MISSING MOBILE PHONE - MY LIFE'S RUINED, explaining: Then it'll be harder to lose your phone book. With all due respect to the Newton, I seem to recall you having a USB Mac and I understand adapters can be a bit messy, especially with OS X. My Palm Tungsten C is pretty good; a bit pricey, but they make ones that are more economical, without Wi-Fi and whatnot.
92% GET A MECHANICGenerally, Eliciting The Aid on Many Educated Computer Helpers And Nerds Is Consoling! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GET BENTGet Exercise - Tae Bo Extinguishes Nervous Tension. Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% GET DRUNKGulp Ethanol To Dull Responses, Uncountable Neurons Killed. Angela Brett
100% GET STUFFEDGenuinely Exciting Travel! Special Trips Undertaken Featuring Farflung Exotic Destinations Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% GETTYSBURGGained Edge To Triumph Yesterday's Situation/Slavery, Battled Union's Resolute Goal Jan Morgan
Places:Towns & Cities
100% GET UP AND GOGreat Energy That Urges People Along... Now Don't Go Overboard! Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
100% GFOURGigaflops For Ordinary Users - Revolutionary! Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
83% GHANAGovernment Headed (by) Army Nominee Apparently. Tony McCoy O'Grady
78% GHERARDGot Help (with) Enunciation to Read 'Almagest' - Romanisation Deficient. Angela Brett. (Gherard had to learn Arabic since there was no Latin translation of Ptolemy's 'Almagest.')
100% GHOSTGhoul Heckling Our Sleep Time Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Death
100% GHOST (2)Grief Has One Seeing Things Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% GHOULSGive Hundreds Of Undead Life, Symbolically Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% GIFTGiven In Friendly Transaction Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% GIFT (2)Give It For Treat Edwin Hermann
People & Relationships
100% GIFTS OF ACRONYMSGiving Is For This Season Of Festivity. Acronymists Charter's 'Rule Of Namelessness' - - You Mustn't Speculate! ? when Angela wondered if the forum poster 'Santa Claus' was THE REAL SANTA CLAUS bringing us GIFTS OF ACRONYMS or A KNOWN ACRONYMIST IN DISGUISE.
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% GIGABYTESGosh, Information Galore! And Building Yearly... Terabytes Emerging Soon. Angela Brett
100% GIGGLEGreatly Inspired Gleeful Guffaw... Laughing Ebulliantly Angela Brett
100% GIMLIGrotty Inbred Man (Little Incomplete) Carl Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% GIMLI (2)Goes Into Moria Less Intimidated Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% GIMPGait Isn't Mighty Pretty Tony McCoy O'Hyphen
100% GINGreat, If Neat! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% GINGERGiving Individual Negotiates Great Encouragement Really Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% GINGER (2)Good In Nosh, Generates Extra Radiance. Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% GINSENGGenerally Its Nice, Sexually Enhances Naughty Geriatrics Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% GIRAFFEGigantic, If Ridiculous, Animal Feeds From Elevation Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GIRLGenerally I Rather Like'm Tony McCoy O'Grady, obviously speaking for KEYBOARD as well. ;^)
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
92% GIRLFRIENDSGet Into Relationships Looking For Romance? I Evidently Need Drawn-out Seduction Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% GIRLSGiggly Items, Require Loving Sometimes Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% GIRL SCOUTGives Into Reasonable Labor, Sells Cookies Occasionally, Unusual Treat Jan Morgan
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% GIRLS DON'T LIKE BOYS, GIRLS LIKE CARS AND MONEY.Get It Right, Lads! She Doesn't Only Need True Love (I Know Everyone Believes Only Your Soul's Goodness Is Really Likeable) She Likes Incredible Kit, Excess Capital And Racing Spoilers. All Now Demand Men Owe Nothing Except Yabber. Angela Brett, who disagrees with this lyric from 'Boys and Girls' by Good Charlotte.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
89% GISBORNEGatanistic Inhabitant Steve Brings Out Rampant Nerdiness in Everyone Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing, thinking about Dustan's gatanist friend Steve who lives in Gisborne. (See EVIL TWIN BROTHER)
Places:Towns & Cities:New Zealand
100% GIUSEPPEGoes In Usual Steps, Eventually Pacing People's Enjoyment Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% GIVEGift Is Vicariously Enjoyed Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% GIVE (2)Generosity Is Very Enjoyable Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% GLADIATORGory Life And Death In Arenae - Tale Of Rome Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GLADYSGorgeous Lady Adores Doing You Soon! Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% GLANSGenital Lingo Associated Naughty Sexuality Kenny Roy
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% GLASSGlossy 'Lucent Article, Secures Sustenance. Gavin Lambert ('lucent as in 'translucent')
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
100% GLASS (2)"Gimme Lotsa Alcohol!", Some Say Gavin Lambert
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
100% GLASS (3)Get Lacerated As Some Shatters Angela Brett
100% GLASS (4)Good Lagers Are Sipped Slowly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
100% GLASS (5)Guilty Lurker's A Secret Spectator Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% GLASSELGood-Looking At Sea Side, Elsewhere Lacklustre. Angela Brett ('Glassel' is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'A seaside pebble which was shiny and interesting when wet, and which is now a lump of rock, which children nevertheless insist on filing their suitcases with after the holiday.
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% GLASSESGood-Looking Angela Sees Smallprint Extra Sharply. Angela Brett, who has perfect close-up sight.
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
100% GLASSES (2)Geriatrics Lacking Acuity Sometimes Seek Enhanced Sight. Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
100% GLASSES (3)Good Looking, A Spectacle... Strange Equivocal Synonyms Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
92% GLASTONBURYGeneral Location of Arthur's Seat. Thorn Of Note Blossoms Uniquely Round Yuletide Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% GLENDOWERGenerally Legendary. Evinces No Deeds Of Wonder - Essentially Ranting! Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry IV
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry IV
83% GLENNGetting (a) Little Elderly? No! Never! Patricia Rix, referring to her brother.
Names:First names:Male
100% GLITCHGood Lord! Imperfect Timing Causes Havoc! Angela Brett, after hearing about how delays in electricity flowing through logic gates can cause glitches in electronic circuits.
89% GLITSCHSGroup/Geeks Leading Information Technology, School of Community Health Sciences Angela Brett (see UNITS)
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
100% GLOBALGreen Lives Oblige Being Active Locally Tony McCoy O'Grady (A slogan of the Green Party is 'Think Globally, Act Locally')
100% GLOBE TROTTINGGlamourous Life/Lust Of Being Elsewhere, Then Returning Only To Totally Ignore Native Geography. Angela Brett, while pondering her globe trotting planned for mid-2004.
Sports & Recreation:Travel
100% GLORYGod's Love Often Revives You Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GLOSSGain Little Off Shiny Surface Tony McCoy O'Grady, who, after reading PAINT, said 'Now, I'm all in favour of warning people of things which are inedible but I am unconvinced that paint (in all its guises) is inedible so, on the assumption that either it is bad for one, or good for one, I've devised a dual system of acronyms....'
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
100% GLOSS (2)Good Lunching On Sleek Surface Tony McCoy O'Grady, to balance GLOSS
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
100% GLOUCESTERGreat Lord's Obsequies Unleash Civil Enmity & Strife That Engulf Realm Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to Shakespeare's King Henry VI
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VI
100% GLOUCESTER (2)Gouged, Looses Ocular Utility. Considers Edgar Seditious - That's Eventually Rectified Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's (The Tragedy of) King Lear
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:(The Tragedy Of) King Lear
100% GMGarbage Motors Rob s
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% GNATGrand Natural After Taste Rico Leffanta
100% GNATSGet Needlessly Aggressive, Then Strike Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GNUGood News, Usually Steve Keate (GNU actually stands for 'Gnu's Not Unix' and is a project by the free software foundation to make a free alternative to Unix.)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% GNU (2)Gates Now Unhappy Steve Keate
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% GO AND TAKE A RUNNING JUMP AT YOURSELFGo On A Novel Discovery Trip - Adults & Kids Enjoy A Romp Unearthing Neolithic Novelties In Northern Greece - Just Under Mount Parnassus. A Thrilling Year Of Unparalleled Richness. Special Educational Lessons Featured. Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% GO APPLESGenius Operating And Programming! Please Leave Entirely Solitary! Tony McCoy O'Grady, saying 'On the understanding that people hate to be interrupted while programming, here's a sign to hang on your door...'
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% GO APPLES (2)Gone Overboard At Pretending Placidness... Losing Extant Sanity. Angela Brett, thinking that 'go apples' could have a similar meaning to 'go bananas'.
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% GOATGnaws On Any Thing! Angela Brett
100% GOAT (2)Gamboling Over A Tor Patricia Rix
100% GOAT CHEESEGet Olives And Tomatoes & Chevre - Harmonise Everything, Exquisite Salad Experience TMcCO'G
Food & Drink
100% GO AWAYGo On, Ask, We'll Astound You. Angela Brett (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% GO AWAY, NOW!Get On A Wing, And You'll Navigate Our World. Angela Brett (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% GOBBLEGorge On Big Bites, Lacking Etiquette Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% GOBLINGenerally Objectionable Bugger Lacking In Niceness TMcCO'G - who recalls that in any fairytale, the pixies were usually good, but goblins were always nasty
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
100% GOBSMACKEDGenuinely Overcome By Speechlessness. Mouth Apparently Completely Knackered - Extremely Dumbfounded. Tony McCoy O'Grady, who was gobsmacked that Jeff acronymised his forum post - see
Assorted Adjectives
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% GODGreat Omniscient Deity Angela Brett
100% GOD (2)Great Omnipotent Deity Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GOD (3)General Overall Deity Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GOD (4)Great Omnipresent Deity Angela Brett
100% GOD (5)Goliath's, Or Davids? Angela Brett... A lot of people seem to fight each other because they believe in different gods - the Old Testament is littered with stories of God helping the Israelites defeat their enemies. I wonder how bible stories would read if told by the other side.
100% GOD (6)Generous, Or Destructive? Angela Brett - some churches (at least Reverend Lovejoy's one on The Simpsons!) lean towards the idea that if we don't do exactly what God says we'll all burn in hell. Others describe a more benevolent God.
100% GOD (7)Gender's Often Debated Angela Brett - Most texts refer to God as 'He' although there are jokes about God being female and logically (if logic even applies to gods) God is neither.
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% GOD (8)Guess One's Desires Angela Brett (there are so many arguments and no direct ways of finding out what a god might want us to do.)
100% GOD (9)Gestalt Of Devotees Angela Brett
100% GOD (10)Greets Our Dead Angela Brett
100% GOD (11)Goodness On Demand Angela Brett
100% GOD (12)Giver, Observer, Destroyer. Angela Brett
100% GOD (13)Generated Our Domain Angela Brett
93% GOD DICTIONARYGod, Our Deity, Deserves Incomparable Communicatory Terminology Including Our Nouns, Articles, and Reflexive Yakkings. Mysterious Shadow, when Tony said on the forums, 'Look up "Ephemera" in a god dictionary' - letting slip the secret of his amazing acronymising ability.
Words & Wordplay
100% GODFATHERSGentlemen On Deity's Faith Assignments To Help Educate, Redeem & Save Tony, responding to a request for a name for a men's ministry
Religion:Men's Ministry
100% GOD IS GOODGenerator Of Divine Inspiration Should Get Our Ongoing Devotion Angela Brett
100% GOD LOVES YOU VERY MUCHGreat One Doesn't Look On Viciously, Expecting Something You're Obviously Unable. Vices Embraced... Remember Your Most Unsaintly Characteristic -- Humanity! Angela Brett (If God loves me very much, He wouldn't send me to HELL whatever petty evil I were involved in... and certainly not for simply being imperfect.)
100% GODMOTHERGood Old Dame Minding Other Transient Humans Extra Responsibilities Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Family
100% GOD, MOTHERHOOD AND APPLE PIEGet Overseas Deals Made, Or Those Happy Exports Return Home Out-Of-Date, And Nobody Does Anything Promoting Patriotism, & Licking Enemy People Into Eternity. Tony McCoy O'Grady - see CLIMATE VISION
100% GODSGenerous Omni Developers Share Angela Brett, because the Omni Group ( makes some excellent products for Mac OS X, including frameworks for other Cocoa developers to use. Some might regard the Omni folk as GODS.
100% GODS (2)Greek? One Doesn't Suffice. Angela Brett
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% GODS (3)Glut Of Different Sorts Angela Brett
100% GODS (4)Glut Of Denominational Schisms Angela Brett
100% GOETHEGo Open Every Telltale Heart Enthusiastically Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Writers
0% GO F*CK YOURSELFGet Our Fabulous Unique Computer Key! Your Own Unbreakable Resource - Security Enhanced Locking Features Tony McCoy O'Grady, as a sign for outside Microsoft (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
86% GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY!God Ordered Freedom Of Related Twos Habitating Ark. Noah Decided to Make Use of Lovemaking To Increase Population of Live Young. Angela Brett
100% GOING POSTALGetting Outraged! I'm Nervous, Galled, Pissed, Overwrought, Spiteful: Totally A Loony This seems to be a British sites (or at least has a lot of words and sayings I'm not familiar with, or know are British -- But I think Brits might know the history of our good old American term of violence... It's just some of the good ol' American way of making a joke out of utter tragedy. As you may know, some people in this country have a habit of settling their differences with guns. And there's an odd sort of category of crime where someone who is disgruntled at work will show up with a loaded semi-automatic and just start blasting at whomever he sees.This type of crime really came into being about 20 or 30 years ago, when there was a rash of these crimes -- all being committed at post offices by postal employees. So.. it's tragic... innocent employees being killed by some loony who's just angry about his job situation. That's how it picked up the name "Going postal." It basically means someone getting angry enough that you'd best get away because you just don't know if he's going to snap and do something violent. Or if you're feeling that way, you could say that you're going postal. The phrase has moved away from the true violent meaning to a more manageable lower-key feeling that we all feel at some time.
People & Relationships:Emotions
86% GOLBATGood Old Leech-life Bloodsucking Attack's Tremendous! Angela Brett (Golbat is Pokemon #42)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% GOLDGood Old Lucre, Delightful! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GOLD (2)Geniality Of Long Duration Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the gold (50th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% GOLD (3)Glittering Ore Lures Diggers. Roger Williams
100% GOLDENGuess One's Love Does Endow Nicely Jan Morgan
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% GOLDIEGives Owner Love, Devoted In Enjoyment Jan Morgan -- name of a cat
Names:Pet Names
100% GOLDIE HAWNGiggly Outrageous Laughter Does Indeed Eventually Help A Woman's Needs Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% GOLDIE HAWN (2)Gives Off Love, Devoted In Enjoyment, Has Awesome Whimsical Nature Jan Morgan
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
91% GOLDIE HAWN (3)Great On Laugh-in, Devoted In Enjoyment, Has Awesome Whimsical Nature Jan Morgan -- My favorite Laugh-in Alumni
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
77% GOLDILOCKSGirl Overeats, Lacking Decency, In Little Out-of-the-way Cottage, Kips Soundly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% GOLDILOCKS AND THE THREE BEARSGirl Of Little Decency Intrudes, Looks Over Cottage Kitchen (Seats Are Nearly Demolished) The Harridan Even Tastes Hirsute Redisents Edibles - Eventually Bed's Eagerly Assayed - Result: Sleep Tony McCoy O'Grimm
Art & Literature
100% GOLFGame Over Lovely Fairways Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% GOLF (2)Greens Often Look Fabulous Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% GOLF (3)Gentlemen Oppose Ladies Fourball Tony McCoy O'Grady, mentioning that golf clubs can be very. very sexist! :-(
Sports & Recreation
100% GOLF (4)Green Overshot; Loudly, "Fore!" Roger Williams
Sports & Recreation
100% GOLF (5)Gives One Leisurely/Little Fun Jan Morgan
Sports & Recreation
100% GOLGIGood Old Lipoproteins Get Instructed Angela Brett, after someone told her that a golgi apparatus is a 'structure where proteins go to college.'
100% GOLGI (2)Gulper Of Leftover Garbage, Indeed. Angela Brett
78% GOLIATHGiant Offed by Little Inferior Aiming for The Head. Angela Brett
100% GONADGenerates Ova Night And Day Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% GONERILGrowing Obsessively Nasty, Ends Regan's Imperious Life Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's (The Tragedy of) King Lear
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:(The Tragedy Of) King Lear
100% GONE WITH THE WINDGood Old Novel Enables Women In Their Homes To Hope Everything Will Improve Next Day Rico Leffanta
100% GONE WRONGGenerating Overly Nasty Error Wreaks Ruin - Obviously Not Good Typo McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% GONZALOGeriatric Old Nestor - Zealous And Loyally Objective Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Tempest
100% GOODGreatly Overused, Ordinary Declaration. Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% GOOD (2)Glosses Over One's Depression Angela Brett, because most people say, 'good' or something similar when asked how they are, regardless of their true situations.
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% GOODBYEGone Out-Of-Date By Yesterday Evening Tony McCoy O'Grady who pays little or no attenttion to the 'best-before-date' on food, on the principle that if it looks ok, it probably is ok :-)
Food & Drink
100% GOOD DAYGenerosity Of Others Definitely Does Affect You Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
People & Relationships
100% GOOD GUYGunman, Out Of Decency, Got Ugly Yobbos Tony McCoy O'Grady - referring to how Hollywood depicted 'bad guys' as ugly.
People & Relationships
100% GOOD HEALTHGet Out Of Doctor's Hands, Enjoy A Life That's Happy Tony McCoy O'Hypochondriac
93% GOOD JUDGEMENTGroup of Object-Oriented Designers, Java Users, Developers: Guru Ensemble. Macintosh Enthusiasts Now Taken. Gavin Lambert (see JUDGEMENT)
100% GOOD NIGHTGrowing Obscure (Oncoming Darkness) Now I Goodbye Him, "Tootles!" Robert Anonymous
Communication:Hello & Goodbye
100% GOODNIGHTGoodness Oh Oh Dear Now Its Going Home Time Messy Eater, During a conversation
Assorted Phrases
100% GOODNIGHTS"Getting Off" On Doorstep, Now I Grope Her Thighs Sexily Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% GOOD NIGHT, SLEEP TIGHT, DON'T LET THE BEDBUGS BITEGot Over One Day. Now I'm Going Home To Slumber Leaving Encroaching Enemy Pests To Infect George's Half. They Disappear Once Night Time Leaves. Every Time They Have Eaten Bloody Evidence Develops - Being Unconscious, Guys Scratch Bothersome Itches To Excess Tony McCoy O'Grady and Patricia Rix
Assorted Phrases:Sayings
Art & Literature:Nursery Rhymes
100% GOOD OR BADGet Out Of Doldrums Of Reasonable But Amoral Deeds. Angela Brett, in response to an unsuccessful search, because life wouldn't be as interesting if we only did things that were neither good nor bad.
People & Relationships

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