Last updated 2015-09-28 09:59:10

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Perfect Apronyms OnlyAll Apronyms
88% ACRONYM (10)A Convenient Reduction Of Names You can Memorize Robert Anonymous and Alex Waterston, created during a very boring theater class
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ALBUS PERCIVAL WULFRIC BRIAN DUMBLEDOREA Learned Brit, Uses Sorcery Prodigiously. Evil Rebels Create Insurgencies, Valiantly Albus Leads Wizards, Undermining Lord's Forces. Recently Incriminated, Came Back Righteous. Ingeniously Annihilated Nemesis' Defenses (Uncompletely). Made, By Loathsome Educator, Deceased. Oh Rowling’s Enormity! Robert Anonymous - Of the fifty or so apronyms I've done, this one is my favorite.
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
86% AL GORE (2)Another Loser, Got Owned by Republican Extremist Robert Anonymous
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% AMERICAN IDOLA Melodious Enterprise, Rising Idols Chant Assorted Notes (I Don't Overtly Like) Robert Anonymous
Entertainment:TV shows
100% ANASTASIA BEAVERHOUSENA Nifty Alias, Spares This Affluent Socialite Insufferable Attention. Boozing Everyday, A Very Entrancing Recreational Hobby, Often (Unintentionally) Secures Exasperating Notice Robert Anonymous
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% ANGELS IN AMERICAA[IDS] Nixes Gays, Effects Lascerate Survivors In N'york. Angel Makes Edict, "Regress! Isolate Change! Annihilate!" Robert Anonymous
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% APRONYMS (42)A Perfect Rendition Of Names, You Must See! Robert Anonymous
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ARCADEAfternoons Relinquished Cashing Away Dollars Extravagantly Robert Anonymous
100% BEANIE BABIESBuy Each Article Now! If Exploited, Babies Are Bountiful In Economic Scenarios Robert Anonymous
100% BORDERSBooks (Obviously), Records, DVDs, Even Refreshments Sold Robert Anonymous
Art & Literature
100% CALIGULACrazy! A Leader Italian, Gave Up Lingering Astuteness Robert Anonymous -- Caligula was one of the early emperors of the Roman Empire whose reign was short (sometime around 37-41 CE) due to his insanity.
86% CANADA (2)Country, A Northern Abode, by Degrees Arctic Robert Anonymous and Ximena Alberttis
100% CARBONATIONCarbonic Acid Rests. Bottle Opened. New Atmosphere Taints. Intense Oxidation Now. Robert Anonymous
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% CARD GAMESCheating, A Risky Deal, Gamblers Are Master Evasion Sleuths Robert Anonymous
100% COLONOSCOPYCome On, Let Our New Omni-Seeing Contraption (Oiled) Probe You Robert Anonymous
92% DAWSON'S CREEKDawson And Witter Share One Need (Scrappy Child, Ravishing Eyesight, an Extraordinary Kid) Robert Anonymous About Dawson's Creek's central conflict, the relationships of Dawson Leery and Pacey Witter with Joey Potter.
Entertainment:TV shows
100% DIATOMIC ATOMSDiatomic Is A Term Outlining Matches In Covalent Attraction (Tiny Objects, Mainly Seven) Robert Anonymous- Diatomic atoms are two atoms of the same element covalently bonded together. Only seven atoms exhibit this behavior, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine.
100% DR. SEUSSDemiurgic, Rythmical Scribe, Expertly Unfolded Silly Stories Robert Anonymous
Art & Literature:Writers
100% FIREDFree! I Renounced Employer's Direction Robert Anonymous
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% GAY MENGot Anagram? Yes, Mangey (Erroneous Naming)! Robert Anonymous
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% GOOD NIGHTGrowing Obscure (Oncoming Darkness) Now I Goodbye Him, "Tootles!" Robert Anonymous
Communication:Hello & Goodbye
100% HARVARDHaughty Alumni Resounding, "Veritas!", A Relic Declaration Robert Anonymous (Veritas is Harvard's motto, latin for truth)
100% HI SPEED INTERNETHooray! I Surf Porn Exceedingly Efficiently! Do I Need To Eat? Rest? Nope, Ebay Time! Robert Anonymous
100% I HAVE NOTHING TO DO!I Have A Vapid Existance, Never One To Hear Interesting News. Great Things Oncoming? Dream On! Robert Anonymous
Assorted Phrases
100% JOHN JAYJustice Of Historic Notoriety, Just Another Yankee Robert Anonymous
Names:Famous people
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% LATIN SCHOLARLatina Antiqua, Tempore Interfectam, Nunc Supervivet Capitibis Hominum. Olim Lingua Amata Romanorum Robert Anonymous - Translation: Ancient latin, killed by time, now survives with the heads of men. Once the beloved language of the Romans.
100% MENS GYMNASTICSMy Eyes, Not Seeing! Guys (Young, Manly) Now Acrobatically Shift Themselves In Crazy Stunts Robert Anonymous
Sports & Recreation
92% METROSEXUALMen Especially Those Respectful Of Stylistic Edicts X-hibiting Usually Attractive Looks Robert Anonymous
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% MONEY (5)Make Oodles, Now Everything's Yours! Robert Anonymous
100% MUSIC (2)Makes Us Sing Its Chorus! Robert Anonymous
100% MY GRANDMOTHERMine, Yours, Grand-Relatives All Nag Descendents. Money, Otherwise, To Heirs Eventually Relinquishing. Robert Anonymous
People & Relationships:Family
100% ONLINE SUPPORTOh No! Latest Instrument Not Effectively Serving Us? Please, People Online, Resolve This! Robert Anonymous
100% PAUL AND MORGAN HAMMPhysically Amazing (Unfortunately, Larynges Are Not Desireable) Men, Obviously Rule Gymnastics. Among Nellies, Have A Massive Market Robert Anonymous - Paul and Morgan Hamm are two beautiful gymnasts with voices that rather resemble those of the munchkins in The Wizard of Oz.
Names:Famous people
Sports & Recreation
100% QUEER (2)Quite Under-Estimated, Efficacious Race Robert Anonymous
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% ROBERT (5)Regularly Ogles Boys (Evaluating Repressed Thoughts!) Robert Anonymous, (you can imagine what might have inspired this apronym)
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% ROMULUSRome's Original Monarch, Usurped Leadership Using Slyness Robert Anonymous, inspired by four years of study of the latin language. Romulus was Rome's first king who killed his twin brother Remus in order to gain power (hence the usurped leadership using slyness...)
100% ROUNDHEADRebels (Oliver's) Under New Direction, Heartily Eviscerated Aristocratic Domination Robert Anonymous -- The Roundheads were the name given to the side of the English Civil war that opposed the king, lead by Oliver Cromwell
Military:War & Terrorism
100% SCHEDULESome Classes Hard, Each Day Undertaking Lessons Earnestly Robert Anonymous
100% SCIONSomeone Classic In Origin, Now Robert Anonymous
People & Relationships:Family
100% SEANSoy Enamorado A Novio Robert Anonymous. Written in Spanish. Translation: I'm enamored by (my) boyfriend. (Its hard to express what i wanted to express with SEAN in English. The expansion is almost grammatically correct, there should be a posessive adjective before Novio.)
Names:First names:Male
93% SEX AND THE CITYSingles Enjoy X-perimenting And Navigating Drama. They Have "Encounters" Casually In The 'York Robert Anonymous
Entertainment:TV shows
100% SHAVED HEADSome Have Attractive (Virile Even) Domes, Heed Excessive Abnormalities (Disgusting!) Robert Anonymous
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
93% SHERLOCK HOLMESSystematically He Explains Riddles, Licks Others' Challenges. Keeps His Old Live-in Mate (Enamored Suitor?) Robert Anonymous
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% SHOPPINGShe Has One Philia, Purchasing Inexpensive (Not!) Gifts Robert Anonymous
100% SILLY QUEENStereotypes, I Loathe. Love Your Queers, (Understand?) Exterminate Evil Names. Robert Anonymous, written on Day of Silence, 2005
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% SNAPPLESugar Needs? A Perky Potable Lessens Exigency Robert Anonymous
Food & Drink:Drinks
88% STONEWALL RIOTSSissies Take On Narrow-minded Enemies, Warring After Lights-out, Ladymen Rebels Insure Our Tavern's Safety Robert Anonymous
People & Relationships:Law & Order
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% STUPID (3)Stating Texans (Unintelligent) President Is Dumb Robert Anonymous
People & Relationships:Insults
100% SUBSCRIPTIONSend Us (Bimonthly?) Submissions Created Recently. I Prefer Them In One Newsletter. Robert Anonymous - An apronym written about the apronym times.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% TARQUINIUS SUPERBUSTiber's Aftermost Rex, Quit Under Impugnment (Nefarious, Inappropriately Used Sexuality) Sculpted Unprincipled Plans, Expertly Raped Beautiful Unwed Skirt Robert Anonymous -- Tarquinius Superbus (otherwise known as sextus tarquinius) was rome's last king (the tiber being the river rome was founded upon) who was deposed because he raped Lucretia, a noble girl. Rex is latin for king, but dictionary.com says it is commonly used in English.
90% TEEN MALESThey Eat, Entertain Nonsense, Moan, And Lust with Explosive Sexualities Robert Anonymous
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% THAT IS SO GAY!Two Homos, Attracted, They Instantly Smooch, Share Other Great Abilities. Yummy! Robert Anonymous
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% THE LORAXTawny Hermit Educates (Lectures?) Onceler, Rancorously Advocating Xylem Robert Anonymous
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% THESAURUS (4)Tome Helps Everyone Synthesize Apronyms Using Rife, Unlimited Synonyms Robert Anonymous
Words & Wordplay
80% TIME (8)The Infinite Measure of Existence Robert Anonymous
100% VOULEZ-VOUS?Voicing Our (Using Language Exotic) Zeal, Veritably, Our Urges Satisfied! Robert Anonymous
Assorted Phrases
Science:Linguistics:French Words
100% WATERLOOWhen A Tyrant's Ended Revolution, Loses Over Onslaught Robert Anonymous Waterloo was the name of the battle in which Napoleon was defeated. Napoleon was a self declared emperor who had restored stability to France after the French revolution.
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WEDDING (3)Witness Eternal Dreamlike Devotion. Important: No Gays! Robert Anonymous
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% WILL AND GRACEWorking In Law Ladyman And Nutty Designer Give Romance A Chance. Entertaining! Robert Anonymous
Entertainment:TV shows
100% TYPE THE ACRONYM HEREThank You, Please Enter Thy Handy Expansion. Anyone Can Relish Our Novel Yet Mirthful Hobby, Enter Regularly Everybody Tony McCoy O'Grady (who couldn't resist the proffered "acronym" on the submission form at http://apronyms.com/submit.php)
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% TEST (2)This Expansion Submitter's Terrible! Angela Brett, testing the Acronym Submission form at http://apronyms.com/submit.php - there were a few bugs but it's all fixed now! If you don't believe me, submit a whole lot of acronyms and see if it breaks.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% þÿTAThanks Announced Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TABTotal A Bill Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TAB (2)Taking A Bill Jan Morgan
100% TABBYThey Are Banded, Braceleted Yowlers Patricia Rix
100% TABLESTruth Arrays... Boolean Logic Explicitly Stated Angela Brett, referring to truth tables.
89% TABLE SAWTackle A Block Lengthwise, Enabling Someone (to) Attack Wood Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
100% TABLE TENNISTake Any Ball, Lob Everywhere, Then Enjoy Nefarious Negotiations In Sequence Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
100% TABLOIDTits And Bums Laden - Only Interests Dummies Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TACO BELLTummy Aches Common - Obliterating & Burning Esophagus Lining, Largely. Jeff Anonymous, who suggests PEPCID to solve the stomach acid troubles caused by eating Mexican.
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% TAFFYThat's Another Freaky Foodstuff, Y'know/Yes? Gavin Lambert
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% TAHITITrying Any Hula Increases Temperatures Immediately Rico Leffanta
86% TAILORTradesman Alters Ill-fitting Longjohns Or Robes. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
86% TAIWANThe Administration Is With Anti-communist Nationalists. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TAKACHSINTrailblazing Adolescent Kindles Abilities Choosing His Skills, Informs Novices Jan Morgan - Delaware Indian Language means leader - and is a leadership training camp
Sports & Recreation
93% TAKEN DOWN A PEGThe All-Knowing Egoist Needs Deflation? One Who Needs A Put-down's Evidently Grandiloquent! Tony McCoy O'Grady (see FAILURE)
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% TAKING IT TO THE TOPTerrible Argument - Keep It Nicely Glowing - Is Then Turned Over To Highest Executive - Their Opinion's Permanent! TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% TALBOTTrustworthy Army Leader Besieges Opponent's Towns Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry VI
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VI
100% TALENTThough Ability's Lovely, Everyone Needs Training. Angela Brett, since people are often urged not to rely on talent but to train/practise to reach their full potential.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% TALENT (2)The Ability's Latent Evidently, Not Tutored. Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% TALENT (3)Tony & Angela List Expansions - 'Nyms Terrific! Instant Ninja
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% TALIBANThe Afghani Leadership Is Biased Against Nonmales Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TALIBAN (2)Thugs And Louts In Bourkhas - America's Nemesis Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TALIBAN (3)They Abandoned Learning Islam - Began Attacking Neighbours. Tony McCoy O'Grady (This is in reference to the origins of the Taliban, religious students who went to fight the Russian invaders)
100% TALKERSTrue Apronymists Listen! Keenly Enhance, Regenerate Skills! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% TALK TO THE HANDTrying Achieves Little, Kills Talking Obviously Totally Hampering Ends Hearing, Avoids Natural Decency Jan Morgan -- expression -- in other words, I don't want to hear it
People & Relationships:Advice
100% TALLTowering Above Lesser Lumps Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% TALL STORYTelling A Little Lie Sometimes To Ornament Rich Yarn Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TALLY HOToward Any Lethal Limb Your Horse Opts Rico Leffanta
Assorted Phrases
Sports & Recreation
100% TAMBOURINEThere's A Million Backingsingers Operating Useless Rattling Instruments - None Excel! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TAMMYTrilled About Marital Mishaps, Yodelling TMcCO'G (referring to Tammy Wynette) who thinks almost all 'country' songs seem to be about unhappy marriages
100% TAMORATragically Authors Murderous Ordeal Revenging Alarbus Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Titus Andronicus
86% TAMPAXTampons Assist Menstruation, Particularly After X-rays Chris Kjelgaard
Household Objects
100% TAMPAX (2)These Aren't Men's Products Apparently - Xtraordinary! TMcCO'G
Household Objects
100% TANGERINE IMACThis Apple's No Good! Even RAM Is Not Edible. I'm Making A Complaint! Angela Brett
Computers:Do Not Eat:iMac Fruit Salad
100% TANGITears Are Not Good Indications Angela Brett (Tangi is the Maori word for cry, and also for a funeral)
People & Relationships:Emotions
People & Relationships:Death
Science:Linguistics:Maori Words
89% TANTALUMThought-of As Niobium. Though A Largely Unmeltable Metal. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TANYATrying A New You, Actually Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% TANZANIATanganyika And Nearby Zanzibar Are Now In Association. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TARATara! Aack! Rrack! Aack! Rob Rix, explaining: Tara is rather icky. The buildings aren't nice the way most of Bruce County is, they're little ugly boxes (like PCs, sort of). The main street is positively depressing. The whole place makes you feel that it hasn't any air.
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% TARA (2)They Are Rich Atlantans. Roger Williams -- Gone With the Wind.
100% TARBELLTold All, Rightly Blaming Evil Legal Loopholes Jeff Anonymous, answering a failed search evidently referring to muckraker Ida Tarbell (not sure if he was into loopholes or not, though)
Names:Famous people
100% TARGETTaking Aim, Raise Gun, Embrace Trigger Tony McCoy O'Grady (One is always advised to 'squeeeeze' a trigger slowly, rather like embracing a partner, and not jerk it!)
Sports & Recreation
100% TAROTTheir Accuracy's Rotten - Or Treacherous TMcCO'G
100% TAROT (2)They're A Roguish Operator's Tools TMcCO'G
100% TARRYTry A Risque Romance Yourself Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% TARTTaste A Rhubarb Today! Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink
86% TARZANTree-dwelling Apeman, (Raised Zoophilously) Among Nature Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% TARZAN OF THE APES Thought A Rare Zoological Abnormality, Newly Orphaned Foundling That Had Evidently Adopted Primates' Environmental Skills TMcCO'G
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% TASTERTakes A Sip Then Ejects Residue Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
83% TASTYThis is A Sincere Thank-You Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% TAUTiny And Unstable Angela Brett (while the tau is the heaviest of the leptons, it's still tiny... and due to its mass is the most unstable lepton, lasting around 3*10^-13 seconds.)
100% TAUONTried At Uniformity Of Notation Angela Brett (Tauon is another name for the TAU particle, with the familiar -on suffix of other particles.)
100% TAURUSThey Are Uniquely Raising Umpteen Suspicions Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TAURUS (2)Trusting Attribute, Unswervingly Responsible, Usually Steadfast Jan Morgan
100% TAXTariffs Are Xcessive. Roger Williams
100% TAXITravel Avoiding Xenophobic Interaction Eric Bridgstock
92% TAXI DRIVERSThey Are Xtremely Incompetent Drivers Requiring Instruction for Virtually Every Route Specified. Steve Keate
100% T-BAGThe Baddie; Annoys Girls Angela Brett, referring to the title character of an 80s/90s children's TV series. (See http://members.tripod.co.uk/jrv94/ind.html for more information on the series)
Entertainment:TV shows
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% TCHAIKOVSKYThis Composer Has Achieved Intense Kudos, Overtures' (& Variations') Subtleties Kindle Yearnings TMcCO'G
100% TCP/IPTo Connect Properly, Install Properly Tony McCoy O'Grady (TCP/IP usually stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% T'DAYThe Day After Yesterday Angela Brett
100% TEATaken Every Afternoon Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% TEA (2)The English Aphrodysiac TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% TEA (3)The Ecclesiastical/Exalted/Excited/Exhausted Adults. Angela Brett (see BREAD... If the adults get together for refreshments after mass, that group could be called TEA.)
100% TEACHTake Each Advantage, Cautiously Heard Jan Morgan - Listen attentively to all lessons, it is to your own advantage.
100% TEACHERTo Educate Any Child Have Erasers Ready Rico Leffanta
100% TEACHER (2)Talented! Educates, Affirms Children! Higher Education Results! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. My FIRST TEACHER! is freeing ME from the PUN!-ISH!-MEANT! of APRONYMS OBSESSION!
100% TEACHER (3)Transcriptionists Educate! Arithmetic Convey! Humanely Encourage Reading/'Riting/'Rithmetic! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. My SECOND TEACHER!
100% TEACHER (4)Trained Ears Above Confusion! Humanely Encourage Reading! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. My THIRD TEACHER!
100% TEAMThey Embody A Morale Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% TEAM (2)They Expect A Match Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% TEAM (3)Totally Enthused And Motivated Phil Stollery
People & Relationships
100% TEAM NAMESTop Echelon Athletes May Need A 'Moniker' Explaining Source Tony McCoy O'Grady - Most team names give a little insight into the origins of the team.
Sports & Recreation
100% TEAMWORKThe Ends Are Met When Organisation Really 'Knits' Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% TEAMWORK (2)Trust Effective/Energetic Altruistic Management! Work: Organized Relevant Keen! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships
100% TEAMWORK (3)Thesaurus Expands/Effects Apronym Making! Word Organisation Requires Knowledge! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% TEAPOTTo Each Apportion Perhaps One Teaspoonful Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
100% TEASETo Exaggerate Any Small Eccentricities Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% TEA THINGSTo Enjoy Afternoon Tea, Have In Nice - Good Service Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
100% TEA TOWELThis Erases Any Trace Of Wetness Every Lunchtime Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Towels
100% TEA TREE OILTo Ease Ailments, This Rather Especial Essence Often Is LIked Tony McCoy O'Grady
91% TECHNETIUMThe Earliest Creation of Humans. Name Evoking, Translationally, Its Unnatural Manufacture. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TECHNOSAURUSTexas Excavation Creates Hoopla. New Ornithischian Sauropod Artifacts Uncovered Right Under Sand Sean Lamb (Technosaurus was discovered near Lubbock, Texas, and is classed as an Ornithischian)
100% TEDDYThis Entertains (Daily) Delighted Youth Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TEDIOUSTo Endlessley Do It Often Unceasingly Slowly Sean Lamb (who's been typing too many lines of CPPUNIT_ASSERT code lately for unit testing)
Assorted Adjectives
100% TEDIUMTrying Everything Dumb In Useless Monotony Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% TEE-HEETitter Easily Extracted, Hilarity Ended Eventually Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TEENAGERTotally Emotional Ego, Not A Good Early Riser Jan Morgan - isn't it true
100% TEENSThey're Expensive - Ever 'Needing' Stuff Angela Brett
100% TEENS (2)They Eat, & Endlessly Need Sleep Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TEETHTerrible Event Engages Traumatic Hesitation Jan Morgan
Science:Biology:Body Parts
78% TEH TYPOTo Err is Human - Throughout Your Proofreading it's Obvious! Angela Brett
Art & Literature
100% TELECASTERTelevision's Earliest Linkmen Established "Celebrity" Announcing Sports' Teams Endeavours & Results TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
Sports & Recreation
89% TELECOMMUNICATIONThis Evidently Lets Everyone Chat Over Many Miles. Unfortunately Now It Can't, And Techie's Inspecting Out-of-order Network. Angela Brett, when she was supposed to be having lunch with Steve but ended up in the PABX room of TVNZ while he fixed routers or somesuch.
100% TELEGRAPHThin Electric Lines Encircling Globe. Relays And Poles Help. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TELEPHONETalk Endlessly, Letting Every Private Home On Network Eavesdrop Tony McCoy O'Grady, thinking of the 'party line' telephones of days gone by.
90% TELEPHONE (2)Taken Everywhere Lately (by) Eager People Having Only Nerdy Existence Patricia Rix
100% TELEPHONE (3)Talk Endlessly, Leisurely, Enjoying Personal Hobnobbing Over Neverending Expanses Roger Williams
100% TELESCOPEThis Enhances Longsightedness - Even See Cosmic Objects Parsecs Extrasolar. Angela Brett
79% TELETUBBIESTerribly Excitable, Like Energetic Toddlers Under Blue-sky, Baby-sun, Interact with Electronic Servants Angela Brett
Entertainment:TV shows
83% TELEVISIONTransmitting Events Live for Electronic Viewing - Interactive Substitute Is On the Net! Angela Brett
Entertainment:TV shows
100% TELEVISIONSThey Essentially Leave Each Viewer In Stupor... Intelligence Often Not Stimulated. Angela Brett
Entertainment:TV shows
100% TELLING LIESTo Every Lying Liar, It's Not Generating Lies, It's Exaggerating Stories Sean Lamb
100% TELLURIUMThis Element Looks Little Unusual, Really Is Ultra Mundane. Tony McCoy O'Grady
75% TELNETTransmitting Endorsements over Large Network Environments to Trespass Acronymous Anonymous
100% TELNET (2)The Easy Lane - Not Even Tricky Jeff Anonymous (Reflecting on the lack in Telnet of the encryption found in SSH)
100% TELNET (3)To Email, Learn Numbered, Esoteric Tetrads Angela Brett - I occasionally check my email using a telnet client, and many of the necessary POP commands have four letters and a message number.
100% TEMPERATUREThermometer Emulating Masculine Peg Exercise Recoils After The Unit Reaches Ebullition Rico Leffanta
100% TEMPER TEMPERTry Empathising More Please, Exercise Restraint, To Enrage Means Producing Exasperate Reactions Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% TEMPLETruths Enlightened, Marriages Promise Love Eternal Jan Morgan - a beautiful sacred building dedicated to learning eternal truths
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% TEMPLETONTackles Eating, Mouse Primarily Large, Exciting Tale Of Nature Jan Morgan, referring to the rat in Charlotte's Web
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% TEMPOTackles Emotive Motion, Pacing Opportunity Jan Morgan
86% TEMPUSThis Evil Man Plans to Undo Superman! Angela Brett, referring to Tempus, a villain in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman who tried to go back in time and kill Superman as a baby.
Entertainment:TV shows
100% TEMPUS FUGITTime's Ever Moving (Picking Up Speed?) Fill Underused Gaps In Time! TMcCO'G
100% TENThis Exceeds Nine. Angela Brett
100% TENACIOUSTrying Everything, Never Acceding. Carrying Instructions Out Until Satisfied Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% TENDERFOOTTry Every New Duty Expected Ranking For Own Order Trusted Jan Morgan -- Boy Scout rank
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% TENNESSEETourist Encounters National Notorieties, Elvis' Songs, Sights Engaged Embattlements Jan Morgan - Civil War Conflicts
Places:States & Regions
100% TENORSThey Emit Notes Of Rare Sweetness Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TENSTwenty = Eleven + Nine. Score! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% TENS (2)Thirty = Eleven + Nineteen. September! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Thirty days in September. 3 TENS!
100% TENTTrampers Erect Neat Tarpaulin Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation
100% TEQUILATaking Excessive Quantities Usually Induces Lasting Addiction Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% TERBIUMThis Exhibits Rare Behaviour - It's Unusual, Magnetically. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TERMINATETerrible Ending Reaches Massive Inferiority/Insensitivity/Incompatibility, Never Again To Engage Jan Morgan
Assorted Verbs
100% TERMINATORThinks Every Republican Mind: If Now Austrian Takes Office - Rapture! Chris Kjelgaard
100% TERMINATOR (2)True Election Reporting Media Ignores - Naturally, Actor's Talks Overly Recorded! Chris Kjelgaard
100% TERMITESThese Entities Readily Munch It 'Til Everything's Sawdust Roger Williams
100% TERMS AND CONDITIONSThey Explicitly Restrict Mature Signers' Actions. Never Disobey Commands, Or No Deal! In Truth, Individuals Often Nonchalantly Skim. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% TERRYTowelling - Envelope Robe Round Yourself Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
100% TERTIARYTrained Educators Resolve To Inform Arrogant & Resentful Youths Tony McCoy O'Grady, remarking that the same resentful youths go through the entire educational process ;-)
100% TESSA JOWELLTelling Everyone's Sob Story And Just Off With External Leader's Lolly John Richard Jones
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% TESTTopical Examination - Scoring Time! Angela Brett, inspired by one of her lecturers calling tests 'opportunities to score.'
100% TEST (3)Trial Every Single Thing Angela Brett, while testing the submission form.
Assorted Verbs
100% TEST (4)Tune Expansions! Subdue Trials! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% TESTESTickle 'Em Sexily & They'll Eject Sperm Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Science:Biology:Body Parts
90% TESTICLESThey Engineer Sperm That Is Coitally Leaked, Enveloped in Semen. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% TESTIMONYTrue Emotional Strong Testimony, In My Own Notions, Yearning Jan Morgan - our feelings of what we know and believe to be true in our own eyes and the hope of it
100% TESTISThis Emits Sperm To Inseminate Someone Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
92% TEST RESULTSThe Eventual Score's Tallied, Rendering Each Student Unsympathetically 'Learned' or 'Totally Stupid'. Angela Brett
91% TETRAQUARKThe Experiment That Revealed A Quixotic Unstable Arrangement Ran at KEK. Angela Brett
83% TEXASTea's Energies e-Xhumed, Alamos Stand Jan Morgan -- Tea is a nickname for Oil
Places:States & Regions
100% TEXAS (2)They Enthuse Xaggeratingly About Size! Tony
Places:States & Regions
100% THAILANDThey Had Army Insurrections Lately, Although Now Democratic. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THAISATemple Holds An Interesting Surprise Announcement Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Pericles
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Pericles
100% THALIARDTyrants Henchman's Always Late In Arriving... Right Dastard! Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Pericles
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Pericles
100% THALLIUMThis Heavy Atom, Like Lead, Is Ultra-Malign. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THANKSThey Have Announced Nice Kind Sentiments. Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% THANKS!This Has Angela Nearly Kissing Steve! Angela Brett, when Steve Wozniak bought her an iBook to replace her lost PowerBook 1400cs (see RANSOM)
92% THANKSGIVINGThey Had All Now Knelt, Singing Gratitude (Including Venerable 'Indian' Natives) to God TMcCO'G
Time:Special Occasions
100% THANKS, I HAD A GREAT TRIP... NOW TO CATCH UP ON A BAJILLION APRONYM SUBMISSIONS.The Holiday Aftermath... Now Kiwi Sits In Home And Diligently Adds Great Recent Expansions, All The Time Remembering In-Person Networking On World Tour. Office Calls Angela To Code Humbly Using PCs, Oh, Not Again! But Apple Junket Invigorated Language-Learning Ideas Of Next Application Program! Regrettably Only Nighttime Yield -- Maybe Someday, Unfettered By Monetary Imperative Seeking Salary, I'll Output New Software. Angela Brett, on returning from a 103 day trip which began with Apple's Worldwide Developers' Conference. At WWDC I found out about several things in the next version of Mac OS X which will be very useful for my next COCOA app, but as I have to go back to my WINDOWS job to replenish my bank account after such a long trip, I won't have much time to actually write the app.
Sports & Recreation:Travel
100% THANK YOUThat 'Happybirthday' Acronym Noted Keenly. Years Overtaking Unbelievably Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TONY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
Time:Special Occasions
100% THANK YOU!True, Hearty Appreciation Now! Kindness You Offer: Unexpected! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. THANK YOU! Angela Brett for both of your VERY ENCOURAGING e-mails. THANK YOU! to all of the APRONYMISTS who continually engage my mind in new, unexpected ways.
100% THANK YOU VERY MUCHThis Here Acknowledgement Notes Kindness You Offered Unbidden. Valiantly-Earned Remarks You Might Uneasily Call 'Hokum' Tony McCoy O'Grady (Many people indicate that gratitude is unnecessary, or overstated)
People & Relationships
93% THAT'S CHILDISHTry Having Adult Thoughts, Such Completely Half-baked Ideas Lack Development, I Suggest Helpfully Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
87% THAT'S NOT FUNNYThis (is) Horrid And Thoroughly Superfluous. Never Offer Thoughts Founded Upon Nasty Notions (of) Yours Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% THEThat Hitherto Explained... Angela Brett
100% THE ACRONYMISTS' CHARTERTake Heed Everyone And Carefully Read Our Necessary Yardstick Manifesto (Imaginary Sometimes - Theoretical Sometimes) Contained Herein Are Rules That Everybody Recognises Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the set of imaginary rules described at http://www.co.nz/cgi/forums/list.cgi?id=acronyms&user=&session=&root=1006583985
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% THE ACRONYM TIMESThis Habitual Email Announces Creative Ramblings Of Nutters. Your Masterpiece Titillates Intelligent Minds Everywhere, Supposedly. Angela Brett, as a subject for an email about the latest acronyms.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THE ACRONYM TIMES (2)This Here Epistle Always Contains Recently Originated Novelties. You Might Try Inventing More Examples Soon. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
94% THE ACRONYM TIMES (3)This Has Every Aide-memoire Chosen Recently; Obviously Now Your Mnemonic Tally Increases Making Effort Successful Rico Leffanta
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THE ACRONYM TIMES (4)To Help Erudition, Angela Considers Reasonable Offerings; Now You Must Try Initiating More Estimable Suppositions Rico Leffanta
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THE ACRONYM TIMES (5)Tony Has Expectations Angela'll Challenge Rico Over Nonsense. You're Meant To Indicate "Make Expansions Sensible". Tony McCoy O'Grady, in a reply to an issue of THE ACRONYM TIMES which featured an acronym of Rico's which didn't seem to make sense.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THE ACRONYM TIMES (6)Take Heed Everyone And Carefully Read Our New Year Message That Itemises Many Extraordinary 'Spansions Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THE ACRONYM TIMES (7)Take Heed Everybody, As Calendar Rolls Over Newyear, You're Meant To Invent More Expansions, Surely? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THE ACRONYM TIMEZONESTony Has Experienced Altered Chronological Rhythm. On NZST You Might Travel Inter-Meridian, Entering Zone Of Nearly Earliest Sunrise. Angela Brett, when Tony complained that the acronym forums (http://www.co.nz/cgi/forums/start.cgi?id=acronyms) said he'd posted something in NZST, when he only does things in BST or GMT.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
91% THEAETETUSThe Hallowed Euclid Acknowledged (his) Educated Thesis, Examining Two Unusual Shapes. Angela Brett (Theaetetus - try saying that six times fast - was the first to study octahedrons and icosahedrons.)
100% THE AFRICAN QUEENTragic Humphrey Encounters A Fearsome River In Crossing Africa. Notable Qualities Ultimately Exposed - Everybody's Noble. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE AMAZING IRISH SINGING FROGThis Happy Electronic Amphibian Masterfully Adds Zest In Novel Gift I Received. I Smiled, Hearing Singing - Including Name Given. Ingeneous Numbercrunching Generates Forté Ribbits Of Goodwill. Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing, describing a HyperCard stack featuring an amazing Irish singing frog which Tony made for Angela on her birthday.
Time:Special Occasions
100% THE APRONYMS TIMESTony Has Engineered 'A Propos' Reference Onto Name, Your Meaning (Shorter) Thus Imitates Meaning (Expanded) Somehow. Angela Brett
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% THE APRONYMS TIMES (2)Tony Has Engineered 'A Propos' Reference Onto Name, Your Meaning Shouldn't Turn Into Muck Expansion->Skeleton Angela Brett
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% THE APRONYM TIMESTargeting Humans Enjoying Apronyms: Publicly Revealing Original Nomenclature You May Think Is Mightily Effective - Semimonthly! Gavin Lambert, when the ACRONYMS website was renamed APRONYMS in order to be more specific, and THE ACRONYM TIMES needed a new name too.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% THE ARGUSTravelling Harbors Excursion Adventures, Results Growth, Unusual Ship Jan Morgan - Boy Scout Adventure Camp to sail 100 year old ship
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% THEATERThis House Exposes Audiencde To Excellent Repertoire Tony McCoy O'Grady
92% THEATER OF WARTool Holding Exciting Archive That Enables Researchers Obtain (From Web-based Application) Results Tony McCoy O'Grady (see DETECTIVE)
Computers:Internet:VA Data Acquisition
100% THEATREThe Hospital's Experts Amputate Threatened / Ruined Extremeties Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE BASTARDThrough His Elevation Becomes A Swaggering Tartar - Afterwards Rouses Defenders Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King John
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King John
100% THE BEST FEELINGTrue Happiness Evoke Brilliant Emotional Stability - To Feel ExceptionallY Elevated, Lingering In Nice Glow Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% THE BIBLETruly Heaven Exists, Because In Book Lies Evidence Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% THE BIBLE (2)Truly Heaven's Exit, Because In Book, Lies Evident Angela Brett, to go with THE BIBLE
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% THE BIG GOOSE AT WAWAThis Here Exceptionally Big, Interesting Goose Gets Only One Spot, Enticing Attentive Tourists. What A Wonderful Area! Patricia Rix (Wawa is the town in NW Ontario where the road turns to take you to the West. The Canada Goose statue is made of small metal plates.)
100% THE BIG NICKEL AT SUDBURYTake Heed Everyone: Besides Its Gigantic Nickel, It's Common Knowledge Evenings Lately At Times Seem Unusually Dull, But Underground Rocks! Yes! Patricia Rix (Sudbury is a mining city in the North which besides the big nickel, the underground mine tours and the country song "Sudbury Saturday Night" by Stompin' Tom Connors, boasts a fantastic hands-on science museum with a seismograph and also an underground lab for capturing and studying neutrinos.)
100% THE BIRDSTypical Hitchcock Enterprise Brings Intense, Remarkably Directed Scenes. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE BOY WHO LIVEDTiny Harry's Event, Boggle Of Yesterday, When He's Obviously Loved, Invites Victory, Ends Disaster Jan Morgan -- Harry Potter phrase
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% THE BYE-LAWTake Heed - Exclude Believing Yourself Exempt :- Law Applies Whenever! Tony, when Angela mentioned some already expanded apronyms on the forums, to which the rule that IF YOU PUT A WORD IN CAPS YOU MUST ACRONYMISE IT applies, unless we have a new rule, or bye-law. Maybe - just maybe - we could allow that if one provides pointers to already created expansions one could be deemed to be compliant.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THE CLASSROOMTeacher Has Evident Control - Learners Assemble, Some Studying Regularly, Others Openly Messing Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE CORRSThose Heavenly Earthlings - Champions Of Rock & Roll Siblings Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE CORRS (2)The Have Excellently Crooned Outside Regular Recording Studios Angela Brett, who has a recording of The Corrs singing live and thinks it sounds just as good as their studio recordings.
91% THE CRANBERRIES TRADERSTimbre Has Enchanting Characteristics, Ridiculous-thinkers Await New Bootlegs Eagerly & Really Rare Items are Expensive - Singles, Too, Require Ample Dough, Especially Rarer Songs. Angela Brett - Ridiculous-thinkers is a reference to the people on the Ridiculous Thoughts mailing list, a discussion/trading list about the Irish band The Cranberries.
100% THE DOG HATES THE CATThey Have Enmities Developed Over Generations, Huge Antipathies That Exceed Specification - They Have Eternally Chased And Tumbled TMcCO'G
100% THE ENSIGNTruths Here Emerges, Enriching Nourishment Surely Is Good News Jan Morgan -- Magazine for LDS adults
100% THE FRIENDTruths Heard Engaged For Reading In, Enriching News Daily Jan Morgan - Magazine for LDS children
100% THE GAMBIAThey Heavily Export Groundnuts - And Most Business Is Agricultural. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE GAMETeenage Hookers Erotically Garbed Await Mens' Enquiries Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
93% THE GATES OF HELLTypical Horrid Evildoer, Generally A Terrifying Extortioner. Sickened On Finding His Explorer (is) Little Liked Tony McCoy O'Grady
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
100% THE GRAPES OF WRATHTruly Historic Epic. Graphic Representation As Poverty Erodes Spirit Of Farm Workers Reduced - Absolutely - To Hunger. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE GREAT ESCAPETunnels Headed Everywhere. Germans, Ridiculed, Eventually Arrange That Eccentric Steve Couldn't Achieve Perfect Escape. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE HOBBITThe Hopelessly Egotistical Hoary Old Bilbo Baggins's Ingenious Tale Carl Brett
Art & Literature:Book Titles
Art & Literature:The Lord of the Rings
100% THEISTTrusts Heaven-Eternal Is Surely There Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE LAST UNICORNTurned Human, Experienced Love, And She Tackled Unchallenged Nemesis. Innumerable Captive Others Released Next. Angela Brett
100% THE LORD OF THE RINGSTravellers Have Escapades! Look Out, Ringbearer - Danger Often Faces Those Heading East. Remaining Innocently Noble Guarantees Success. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Book Titles
Art & Literature:The Lord of the Rings
100% THE LORD OF THE RINGS (2)Tale Has Extremely Long Opening; Rapidly Develops Once Frodo, The Hero, Enters Rivendell. Is Notoriously Grandiose Saga. Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Book Titles
Art & Literature:The Lord of the Rings
100% THE MAD IRISHMANTony Has Eccentric Methods And Does Ingeneous Reptile Impersonations - Singing Happybirthday & Mentioning Angela's Name. Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing (see THE AMAZING IRISH SINGING FROG) The Mad Irishman, or TMI, is a term coined by TOO (The Other One, a.k.a Angela's sister) often used to refer to Tony.
100% THE MASTER'S TOUCHTo Have Edifying Moral Advantages. So Talented. Engages Reliabe Savior's Trust Of Understanding Choices, Hopeful Jan Morgan -- the poem which reminds us: The worth of a soul is great by the touch of the masters hand
Art & Literature
100% THEME PARKThese Have Entertained Many Escapists, Particularly Adults Reliving Kiddiehood Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE NEW ERATruths Heard Emerges News, Enriches With Eagerness Reaching Adolescents Jan Morgan -- magazine for LDS Teens
100% THEN WHAT?Total Headrest Ensues. Not What Horny Angela Thought! Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela mentioned that she wanted to finish an email and get to bed before midnight, but she only had 9 minutes left - Tony said "Don't worry, the hero always arrives just before the clock on the bomb has ticked down to zero. Expect a tall dark stranger to burst into your room any minute now." To which Angela replied "And whisk me to bed in the nick of time? Then what?!" so Tony responded with this acronym.
Assorted Phrases
100% THE OLYMPICSTheir Historic Events, Old Legacy Yields Memories, Plays In Contest Sports Jan Morgan
Sports & Recreation
100% THEOREMTruth Here Established Of Reusable Entities Mathematical Samuel C. Perhaps ‘elements’ over ‘entities’.
100% THEORYTony's Heir Emulates Oldman's Rowdy Yappings Jeff Anonymous and Angela Brett, theorising on TRICKERTREAT's identity.
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% THEORY (2)Treating How Everything's Organised & Related, Yeas? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE PLANTake Heed Embrace Purposeful Life, A Necessity Jan Morgan -- Name of a music CD of The Osmonds
100% THE RAPISTTelling Him Everything Regarding A Painful Incident's Superfluous Torture. Angela Brett, to contrast THERAPIST
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% THERAPISTTelling H(im/er) Everything Regarding A Painful Incident Subdues Trauma Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% THERAPYThe 'Healing' Equals Reliving A Painful Youth Angela Brett
94% THE REAL SANTA CLAUSThe Happy Elves Registered Employer, A Loaded Sleigh, A Night Travelling Across Clouds, Loads All Up-hung Stockings ?
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
93% THERE IS NO SPOON"They" Have Everything Replicated Electronically, It Seems. Nothing's Objective - Some Program's Operating Our Non-existence TMcCO'G, referring to the quote from the movie 'The Matrix'
100% THERSITESThinks Harlot Essentially Responsible, She Initiated The Entire Siege Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Troilus and Cressida
82% THESAURUSThe Handy Encyclopaedia of Synonyms Acronymisers Use Religiously in Unusual Situations. Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay
100% THESAURUS (2)To Help Expansion Setters - A Useful Resource - Use Studiously. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay
100% THESAURUS (3)Tony Has Exceptional Skills, And Uses Reference Utility Sometimes. Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay
100% THESEUSThinks Hippolyta Extra Special - Eventually Union Succeeds Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:A Midsummer Night's Dream
100% THESEUS (2)Thinks He Evidently Should Execute Unsuccessful Suitor Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's (and/or John Fletcher's) The Two Noble Kinsmen
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Two Noble Kinsmen
100% THE SIMSTry Humorous Experiments. Simulated Individuals Manufacture Statistics. Sean Lamb
100% THE SIMS (2)Ten Houses? Extremely Small If Many Sims! SeaHen
100% THE SIMS (3)Try Having Every Sim In Motion Simultaneously! In The Sims, time passes only for one household at a time
100% THESISTake Heed! Everything Stated Is Stolen. Roger Williams
Art & Literature
94% THE SOUND OF MUSICThis Had Emetic Scenes. One Utterly Nerve-Deadeningly Offensive Film Made Use (of) Singing, Irritating, Children. Tony McCoy O'Grady
93% THESSALONIANSTake Heart. Existent Sufferings Surely Are Limited. Only Never Indulge Anxious, Non-useful Speculation. Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
89% THE STINGTriple-crossing Heroes Execute Scheme That Involves Nasty Guys. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE SUNTitillating Headlines, Excessive Sport, Unnecessary Nudity. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE TITLEThe Handling Element That Intrinsicly, Tersely, Laughlingly Encapsulates. Tony McCoy O'Grady, during a discussion of the title of this stack.
100% THE ULTIMATE ACRONYMThe Highest Expansion Uses Large Talent - I'll Make A Toast, Every Acronym Creator Rejoice! Our Newest Yield's Magnificent! Angela Brett, when Tony used 'The Ultimate Acronym' as the subject line of an email announcing that he and Patricia had thought of an acronym for EVERY WORD IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THEULTIMATENONVIOLENTMANTested Humanly: Evidence Undeniable! Life -Trouncing Insidiously Murdering: Against! Test Evidence: New Opportunities: Nullify Violence. Is Obvious! Life Exists New! Trusting Man Almighty Now! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships
94% THE WAY THINGS ARETo Have an Easier World And Yet To Have Interesting New Glitches Shows A Reasoning Error Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
86% THE WHOTrashed Hotels. Eventually Walloped by Heroin Overdose. Eric Bridgstock
100% THE WHOLE SHEBANGTerribly Huge Expansion: Worldly Hours Of Liquiditity Expunged Simply. Horrible Expansion Be Alliterative, Nice, Good. Jeff Anonymous, referring to the forum thread at http://www.co.nz/cgi/forums/list.cgi?id=acronyms&user=&session=&root=984136095
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% THE WORK AND THE GLORYTrials Had Endured. Was Of Restored Knowledge. Abilties Nurtured, Destinations Tried, Hardships Encountered, Gatherings Led Of Regions Yonder Jan Morgan -- name of a series of books and a movie
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% THE YEAR OF THE SNAKETo Honour Eve, Youngsters Expect Annual Revelry Or Feasts That Help Enhance Some New Asp Kissing Escapades Rico Leffanta (Tet - the Chinese New Year 'The Year of The Snake' commences when Bush takes office, January 20, 2001)
100% THEY GOT SOME!This Heavenly Establishment Yesterday Generally Omitted The Stuff - Obvious Mindreading Evident. Angela Brett, because the day after the NO ICED COFFEE incident, she found that the cafe did have WAVE ICED COFFEE.
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% THICKOThey Have Intellect Completely Kicked Out Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Insults
100% THICKOSTechnical Hiccups In Communications Keeping Out Support John Richard Jones
People & Relationships:Insults
100% THINGAMAJIGThis Humorous Invented - Name Given A Major Appliance: Jig! It's Good! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. (see FAIL SAFE!)
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% THINGAMAJIG (2)Tool: Humorous Invented - Name: Gamajig! Adjusts/Annihilates Major/Minor Appliances/Advances! Jiffy/Jig! It's Good! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% THINGAMAJIG (3)Tool Handy Invention! Name Good: Amajig! Major/Minor Adjust/Annihilate! Jiffy/Jig! It's Good! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% THINKTo Have Idea, Needing Knowledge Gavin Lambert [Prerequisites of thinking are something to think about and some related knowledge to connect it to]
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% THINK (2)To Hate IBM's Not Known Sean Lamb (IBM's slogan in the early 1980s was "THINK"; now that they're pouring money and development into Linux, they're the good guys again)
93% THINK DIFFERENTThis Here Is Not Kulture! Despite Initial Feelings For Especially Refined and Encapsulated Net Terminology. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% THINK DIFFERENT (2)The HyperCard I Now Know Deserves Its Furtherance, For Everybody's Relief Engage Newer Thinking Tony McCoy O'Grady, in a letter to Steve Jobs telling him not to drop HyperCard.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% THINKING CAPThis Headgear Improves New Knowledge Ingestion, Nicely Generates Creativity And Perspicacity. Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% THIN MINTSTasty Heavenly Item Naturally Melts In Nibbling Tastebuds, Sensational Jan Morgan -- #1 Seller in Girl Scout Cookies
Food & Drink:Confectionery
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
86% THIRTYThree Hundred (In Reciprocals of Ten) Yes? Angela Brett
100% THIRTY = FRIENDS!Thirty (Halves {Initial = Remotest - Two} Year) = Four (Regeneration Increases!) + Eleven + Nine Down + Six! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Sum 30-Day Month Numbers: 4(April)+6(June)+9(September)+11(November)=10+20=30 (!) One of my original discoveries when I was less than 45. (Halves {Initial = Remotest - Two} Year): First Half of Year ==>(Initial=4) = (Remotest=6) - 2. Last Half of Year ==>(Initial=9) = (Remotest=11) - 2."Four (Regeneration Increases!) Spring starts late in Three (21 March 2003 in N. Hemisphere)." "Nine\Down\ Down!=Fall! in September."
100% THIS END UPTake Heed! If Swallowed Ensure Non-Digestion - Upchuck Promptly Tony McCoy O'Grady, to go with OTHER END UP*
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% THIS IS ALL LIESTruth Here Is Suspect! I Shan't Allow Little Lousy Liars Invent Exaggerated Stories. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
92% THIS IS STUPIDThat Humbug Is Silly. I Suggest Stop Talking Until (you) Properly Inspect Dictionary Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
86% THIS IS STUPID (2)That Humbug Is Silly, I Suggest. Such Tripe is an Utterly Presumptuous Inane Diatribe. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% THIS IS WHAT I MEAN!Take Heed! I'm Still Immeasureably Superior, Wanting Happiness Always. To Increase My Exacerbation: Absolutely, Not! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Phrases
100% THIS IS WHAT I MEAN! (2)This Hear! I Said I Scoff Workers Haplessly Assuming That I Meant: Enventually! Absolutely, Now! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Phrases
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% THIS LITTLE PIGGY WENT TO MARKETTells How Innocent Swine Learn In Time That Life Exerts Pressure. It's Go! Go! You Wanna Eat - No - Travel To Outdoor Market - Arghh! Resolution Keeps Exacting Toll! Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Nursery Rhymes
100% THIS TOO SHALL PASSThings Happen. It's Silly To Overreact Openly. Some Hold A Little Leisurely Patience Actually Smooths Sensitivities. Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% THOMASTotally Honest Observant Man, Ambitious Soul Jan Morgan -- someone I know
Names:First names:Male
87% THOMAS CRANMERThrough Henry's Order Made Archbishop (of) See (of) Canterbury. Religious Ascetic Needs Monarch's Entreaties & Rescue Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry VIII
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VIII
100% THORIUMThis Has Only Rare Industrial Uses, Mostly. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THOSEThis Has One Silly Expansion. Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THOUGHTS TO PAPERTo Hand On Unusually Good Headwork To Subordinates Type Out Paragraphs Aptly. Practice Eschewing Repetition Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THREADTake Heed - Rarely Eaten At Dinnertime! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% THREAD (2)This Has Roughage - Eat And Defecate! Angela Brett
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% THREADBARETeddy's Hair's Ragged, Effete And Depleted... Balding After Repeated Embraces. Angela Brett
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric
100% THREADBEARThis Has Really Evocative Associations Dearest Bedtime/ Evening Associate's Ragged Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to THREADBARE
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric
100% THREAD LISTTo Help Readers Enjoy Acronymising, Do Let's Inspire Silly Thoughts. Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the thread list on the Acronyms forums at http://www.co.nz/cgi/forums/start.cgi?id=acronyms
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Page Titles
100% THREAD LIST (2)Things Have Reached Extremely Abysmal Depths. List Interest Subsides Terminally. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Page Titles
100% THREAD LIST (3)This Has Reached Ennui And Desperation. List Is Singularly Tiresome. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Page Titles
100% THREAD LIST (4)That's Horrible... Readers, Enter A Delightful Line Into Said Threadlist. Angela Brett, in response to THREAD LIST (3).
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Page Titles
100% THREAD LIST (5)Truly Horrific, Right? Egads, A Deserted List Insanitizes, Senilizes, Tires. Jeff Anonymous
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Page Titles
93% THREE BLIND MICEThey Had Run Everywhere, Evidently, But Lacked I-sight, Now Dairyman's Mate Is Curtailing Each Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Nursery Rhymes
100% THREE-LETTER ACRONYMThe Herein Reported Emergence, Even -- Let's Elaborate -- Tho' Tonily, Evanescently Reported, Appropriately Chopped. Right On! Now You're Mystified? Chin Shih Tang. (see TLA)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THREE MThey Have Raped Earth's Environment, Mercilessly Tony McCoy O'Grady (This is probably libellous, but it occurred to me - in the bathroom - that Minnesota Metal and Manufacturing has moved on a lot as it is now making throat medicine)
100% THREE MEN IN A BOATThis Humourous Raconteur Enjoys Entertaining Meander. Every Nautical Incident Necessitates Amusing Banter. Outrageously Antic Trip! Patricia Rix, referring to the book by Jerome K. Jerome
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% THRIVETo Healthily & Robustly Increase Volume Encompassed Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THROMBOSISThe Heart Rarely Outlives Massive Bloody Objects Stuck In Stream Bern Dell
86% THRONEThe Haughty Royal Owner Nestles in Extravagance Angela Brett
100% THROW A SICKYThe Head Rep's Off Work, Apparently Slackitis. It Could Kill You! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% THROW UPTummy, Having Rejected Offering, Will UpChuck Promptly Tony McCoy O'Grady
88% THULIUMThis Hardly Ubiquitous Lanthanide's Irradiation is Used Medicinally. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THUNDERTerrifying Heavy Unpleasant Noise, Deep, Echoing & Reverberating Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THUNDER (2)The Heavens Unusually Noisy. Dramatic Energy Released. Edwin Hermann
100% THUNDER (3)Thundering High. Uncontrolled Noisily Discharges Electricity Radiantly! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% THUNDER (4)Truth: Hold Uplift New Decisive Elevating Revelation! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% THUNDER (5)Top: Holdup Unwanted New Discoveries! Exit Reason! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% THURSDAYThirsty, Hungover, Unsettled, Really Sick? Drink's Assailing You. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THWARTSTo Have Women Act Responsibly, Touch Softly Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% THYMEThis Herb You Must Eat Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% TIA MARIAThanks In Advance, My Appreciative Reaction Is Anticipated. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% TICINOThe Italian Canton... If Not Orally Angela Brett (while Italian is the official language of Ticino and is used for written communication, a lot of people there speak Ticinese)
Places:States & Regions
75% TICKETTyped Indication of Connectivity Kinship for Electronic Terminal Angela Brett, when Tony asked whether he'd need tickets in order to communicate with Angela's new (and superior to Tony's) Mac.
100% TICKLISHTouching It Causes Kinky Laughter, I'm Sensitive Here TMcCO'G
100% TICKSTerrible Insect Creates Knockout Sauce Rico Leffanta
100% TICK TOCKTime Is Counting Kisses Total Omits Candy Kisses Rico Leffanta
100% TID BITThis Is Dumb, But It's Tasty! Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% TIDEThen It Does Ebb. Roger Williams
100% TIE THE KNOTTwosome Is Expressing Their Heartfelt Emotions, Knowing Nothing Of Trouble. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% TIFFThis Interrupts Firm Friendship Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% TIFF (2)Taciturness Increases Following Friction Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% TIFF (3)Tiny Infuriating Feisty Fight Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
100% TIFFANYTreasure In Fabulous Friendly Attributes, Nurturing Yield Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% TIFFANYS CAFEThere Is Fine Food, Although Nothing You Should Carry Aboard For Eating Angela Brett, when the INTERCITY BUS she was on stopped there for a meal break. We're not supposed to bring any food aboard the bus.
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% TIFFANYS CAFE (2)This Intercity Fare Found A Nice Yummy Satay Chicken (Amid Flaky Encasement) Angela Brett, who ate a satay pie when she was there.
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% TIGERThis Is Greatly Enhanced. Really! Sean Lamb (Tiger is Apple's code name for the Mac OS X 10.4 update)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% TIGER (2)The Insanely Great Expected Release Angela Brett (Tiger is the code-name for Mac OS X 10.4.)
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% TIGER (3)This Is Generating Extra Revenue. Tony (Tiger is the code-name for Mac OS X 10.4.)
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% TIGER (4)Tries In Great Effort, Receptive Jan Morgan -- Cub Scout rank
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% TIGERSThey Inhabit Grasslands Eating Reckless Stragglers Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TIGGERThis Individual's Great! Getting Extra Rebound Tigger McCoy O'Grady - who is also bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy - Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% TILTEDThing Is Listing To Extreme Degree TMcCO'G
Places:Positions & Directions
100% TIMEThis Is My Expertise Tony McCoy O'Grady, who can do ALMOST ANYTHING, given TIME and ENCOURAGEMENT.
100% TIME (2)This Is My Entry Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela said 'give me time!' and he did.
100% TIME (3)To Invent More Expansions Angela Brett, when she didn't have any
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% TIME (4)Transitory. Imminent: Measureless Eternity! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% TIME (5)Trust In Memory Expansion! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Speaking about my ability as an apronymist.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% TIME (6)Temporal Illusion Measured Exactly Bruce Siegel
100% TIME (7)Ticking In Motion Evolves Jan Morgan
0% TIME FOR BED, OR NOT?This Is My Evening Fight Of Reasoning... Being Excited, (I) Don't Often Respect Notifications Of Tiredness. Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
100% TIMERTimer Increments Minute Entities Repeatedly Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% TIME SAVERSThese Innovative Machines Enable Someone Avoid Valuable Energy / Resource Squandering Tony McCoy O'Grady
91% TIMETABLESThey Impede My Education - Trying to Add Blimin' Lectures Exasperates Students. Angela Brett, who is annoyed at how difficult it is to take more than two papers at a time without having timetable clashes.
91% TIM HORTON'SThis Is My Hideaway, Our Rustic Tea-room Of National Significance Tony McCoy O'Grady (Patricia then wrote "Not bad, though you couldn't hide in a Tim Horton's.")
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% TIM HORTON'S (2)There I Meet Hordes Of Relaxing Townspeople (Or Nobody, Sometimes) Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% TIMONTruly Is Miser's Opposite Number Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Timon of Athens
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Timon of Athens
100% TIMOTHY This Is My Offering To Help You. Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
100% TIMOTHY MCVEIGHTerrible, In My Opinion, Terrorist. Horrible. Y Mcveigh Caboomed, Victims Enquire? I Guess Hatred. Jeff Anonymous and Angela Brett
Names:Famous people
93% TIMOTHY MCVEIGH (2)This Is Monstrously Outrageous! Those Horrible Yankees Murder Criminals - Violating Every Individual's God-given Humanity. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people
75% TINTen Isotopes (occur) Naturally. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TIN (2)Tenth Increment Noted Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the tin (10th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% TIN (3)Trust's Important Now Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% TINA TURNERTrusted Ike, Now Alone. Totally Uninhibited, Rather Naughty, Emotional Rocker Eric Bridgstock
100% TINGLETension Is Now Growing - Likewise Excitement Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% TINKERTrusting In Nice King's Effective Rulings Mary Carr
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% TINTERN ABBEYTragedy Involves Nobles, Tem Eruption Retaliates Noxiously, Annihilates, Bitter Babies Explosions, Yesterday Jan Morgan - refering to King Henry the 8th's destructive rampage of terror
100% TIPThis Information's Pertinent Angela Brett
100% TIP (2)The Insider: "Psssst..." Angela Brett
100% TIP (3)To Incline Precariously Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% TIP (4)Thanks, Inexperienced Porter! Angela Brett
100% TIP (5)Terminates In Point Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% TIPSThey Indicate Potential Savings Angela Brett
100% TIPS (2)There Isn't Page Searching Angela Brett, thinking that perhaps the person who searched for 'tips' on the Acronyms website was looking for the acronymising tips at http://acronyms.co.nz/tips.html, but didn't find them because the search engine only searches in the acronyms, not the other pages.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% TIPS (3)This Is Practically Secret Patricia Rix (referring to 'tips' one might get at the racetrack, or about the stock market)
100% TIPS (4)Those Intensely Pointed Sections Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% TIP: SUCCESSTrustworthy Individuals Possess Skills Unusual: Caring Communicating/Counting! Enjoy Sweet Success! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Advice
100% TIPTOPThere Is Pizazz To Our Paraoa Angela Brett (Tiptop is a company which makes bread, and other foods. Paraoa is Maori for bread.)
Food & Drink
100% TIPTOP (2)There Is Perfection To One's Performance Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% TIP TOP FASHIONThis Is Popular Television? Obviously Passe Fools Advise Silly Housewives In Obtaining "Novelty' Tony McCoy O'Grady, thinking of TV's many 'makeover' shows where people are advised on how to look good for little expense, and usually end up looking dreadful
Entertainment:TV shows
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% TIREThis Is Really Exhausting! Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% TIREDThe Instinct's Rest... Eyelids Droop. Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% TIRED (2)Time! Immediate Rest! Energise! Delay! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Adjectives
100% TIRED (3)Take Immediate Rest, Enjoy Dreaming Angela Brett, inspired by TIRED (2)
Assorted Adjectives
83% TITANTentatively Interior's Terrestrial-ish, Atmosphere's Nitrogen. Angela Brett
88% TITANIATricked Into Thinking Ass-headed Nick Is Appealing Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:A Midsummer Night's Dream
100% TITANICThe Iceberg That, Amazingly, Nudged Into Cruiser. Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% TITANIC (2)Total Indifference Triggered A Needless Iceberg Collision. Roger Williams
People & Relationships:Disaster
89% TITANIUMTransplanting of Inert Titanium Alloys Nowadays Is Useful Medically. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TITHETenth Income To Him Eternal Jan Morgan - blessings coming when this is submitted to the Lord
88% TITHINGTenth Income To Him, Initiates Never-ending Good Jan Morgan - the act to tithe for the Lords Kingdom
100% TITSThe Infant Thirstily Suckles Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% TITS (2)They 'Inflate' Tight Sweaters Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% TITS (3)They're Intended To Seduce Patricia Rix
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% TITS (4)They Invite Tender Sucking Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% TITTERThis Is Too True, Embarrassing Really Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TITTIEThat Is Too Tricky, Internet Explorer x_Player1_x: most of the settings are hidden deeply within Internet Explorer's options.
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
100% TITUSThis Is Telling Us Something. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% TITUS ANDRONICUSTragedy Invites Tragedy Until, Suffering Amputation, News Detailing Rape Ordains New Indecent Carnage Upon Stage Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Titus Andronicus
100% TLAThree-Letter Acronym Jeff Kelley, who was, at the time of authorship, employed as a research scientist at a company whose name was, itself, a TLA. Note: Some sticklers would use the variation: Three Letter Abbreviation since it's kind of hard to pronounce the "word" TLA (though you CAN do it if you've had enough coffee).
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% TOASTTwo On A Standard Toaster Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% TOAST (2)Took Off And Stranded Termagant Patricia Rix (toast is what you would be if you did that)
People & Relationships
100% TOBACCOToxic Orally Breathed Abomination Creates Cancerous Odor On the school bus I saw some jerk puffing a cigarette right before he got on, and I started thinking acronyms.
100% TO BE OR NOT TO BEThe Option's Between Enduring One's Repetitive Nightmare, Or To Terminate One's Breathing Existence TMcCO'G referring to Hamlet's famous soliloquy musing on suicide.
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays
Assorted Phrases
100% TODAYS"That's" Out-Dated After Yesterday's Sunset TMcCO'G
100% TODAYS (2)Time's Onceness Declares Against Your Structure TMcCO'G - I accept that one can have more than one "yesterday" and also more than one "tomorrow", but surely there can be only one 'today", as it is a 'now' thing and therefore a 'once-only offer'. (There used to be a TV programme called "All Our Yesterdays", and Shakespeare wrote "tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow".)
100% TODAY WE CELEBRATEThe Orwellian Doom About Year Went... Enlightened Computing Employees Left Electric Blue/Brother's Regime And Turned Easeward. Angela Brett, while watching the famous '1984' Macintosh ad on its 20th anniversary. The ad begins with 'Today we celebrate...' which, although referring to something completely different in the ad, is true as we celebrate the Mac's 20th birthday. 'Electric Blue' or 'Electric Brother' refers to Big Blue (IBM) which plays the part of Big Brother in the ad. 'Easeward' means 'toward ease'. I decided that with the similarity to Eastward it sounded almost good enough to be a real word.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
Time:Special Occasions
93% TOE-NIPPING CRABThe Oceanic Experience Nobody Invites, People Panic... It's Not Grave (but) Crustacean Rips Apart Bunions. Angela Brett/Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TOESTen Occupy Everyday Shoes. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% TOFUType Of Food? Ugh! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% TOFU (2)Teeth Often Feel Unpleasant Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% TOILEDTired Operative. I Laboured Endlessly Daily TMcCO'G
Assorted Verbs
100% TOILETTrousers Off, I Leave Excreta There Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% TOILET (2)This Odd Invention Likes Eating Turds Apronymous Anonymous
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% TOKYOTantalizing Orient, Kimonos You Obviously Jan Morgan -- most people who go to Japan usually buy a kimino for a souvenir thus the idea kimonos you obviously.
Places:Towns & Cities
100% TOMTwin, Often Male Angela Brett (Thomas means 'twin')
Names:First names:Male
100% TOM (2)Totally Observant Man Jan Morgan -- someone I know
Names:First names:Male
100% TOM HANKSThis Oscar Man Has Another Near Knockout Showing Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% TOMMIETrooper, Or Military Man, In England Tony McCoy O'Grady
60% TONTotally Overweight, N'est-ce pas? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% TON (2)Two Over Ninetyeight Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% TONSILTissue Or New Son-In-Law Rico Leffanta
Science:Biology:Body Parts
People & Relationships:Family
100% TONYTerribly Ornery Nutter, Yes? Jeff Anonymous
100% TONY (2)Talker Of Nonsensical Yammerings Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
100% TONY (3)This One's Not Young Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TONY (4)Thousand Of 'Nyms Yielded Tony McCoy O'Grady and Angela Brett
100% TONY (5)Tubs Of Natural Yoghurt Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% TONY (6)Testicles Of Neutered Yak! Tony McCoy O'Grady (apparently 'sweetbreads' are considered a delicacy)
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% TONY (7)Tasted One Nut Yesterday Patricia Rix
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% TONY BLAIRTired Of Nation's Yelling, British Leader Attacks Iraq Regardless Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% TONY BLAIR (2)Thinking Of New York, Bush Lapdog Accepts Inferior's Role Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% TONY BLAIR (3)Tony Out? Not Yet - Bush Lackey Acts Innocent, Regretful Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% TONY BLAIR (4)Tony's Office Nervous, Yellow - Blair's Louts Accuse Irresponsible Reporters Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% TONY BLAIR (5)Tony's On Next - Yet Blair Lies At Inquiry's Review? Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% TONY BLAIR (6)Tony's Opponents Nod Yes, Britain Lacked Accurate Intelligence Reports Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% TONY BLAIR (7)Tony's Office Not Yielding - Britain Leery About Iraqi Rockets Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% TONY BLAIR (8)Threat Over? No. Young Blair Left Afearing Iraq's Revenge Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% TONY BLAIR (9)Theatre Operations Now Yore, Britain's Large Army Is Relieved Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% TONY BLAIR (10)Tony's Office Now Yearns Broadcaster's Libels Aren't Indeed Right Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% TONY BLAIR (11)Tony's Office Now Yokes Broadcaster, Lambasts All Its Reporters Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% TONY BLAIR (12)Tony's Out, Now Yeomanry Believes Lied About Iraq's Rockets Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% TONY BLAIR (13)Turn-Over Next Year? Blair Left Assessing Iraq Regrets Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% TONY BLAIR (14)Turn-Over Next Year? Britain Leans Appreciably, Implacably Right Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% TONY BLAIR (15)Tough On Nasty Yobs But Lacking Assurance In Responsibility John Richard Jones
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% TONY BLAIR (16)Thoughtless Overconfident Narcissistic Yuppie Behaving Like An Idiot Reformed John Richard Jones
Names:Famous people:Politicians
94% TONY MCCOY O'GRADYThis Old - Not Young! (sorry) - Man Can Churn Out Your Omnitopical & Greatly Revered Acronyms... Difficult? Youbetcha! Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing.
94% TONY MCCOY O'GRADY (2)The Only Name. Ya May Call [him] Crazy Openly, Yessir, Over Gruel. Really A Dandy Youth. Jeff Anonymous
100% TONYNESSThis Once! (Noting Your Nous Earned Several Similarly.) Angela Brett, in response to ANGELANESS.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% TONY'S BIRTHDAY (AGAIN!)Think One New Year Should Be Important? Really, There're Heaps Done Already. You're Aging Gradually, Another Increment's Nothing! Angela Brett, hoping Tony's birthday was more interesting than the apronym implies. Alternative wording could be '...You're Approaching Geriatricity...'
Time:Special Occasions
100% TOO GOOD FOR EDWINThat's Outrageous! Obviously Goodness Of Others Doesn't Force One's Rejection. Everyone Deserves Win, Inferiority's Nonexistant. Angela Brett, when Edwin said on the forum that we're too good for him.
People & Relationships
100% TOOKThe Opposite Of Koha Edwin Hermann (Koha is a Maori word for gift)
Assorted Verbs
100% TOO LATEThe Opening's Over - Like All Things Eventually Tony McCoy O'Grady
90% TOO SIMPLEThis Overly Ordinary Study Isn't Mathematically Pleasing... Lecture is Elementary. Angela Brett, during a boring first-year algebra lecture.
Education:Slow Teaching
86% TOO SLOW FOR METhis is Obvious! Omit Such Long Orations... Why Furnish Observations (with) Ridiculously Meticulous Explanations? Angela Brett, when the lecturer spent at least twenty minutes explaining that when you add a multiple of a number to another number, say x, then x will still have the same remainder as before when divided by that number.
Education:Slow Teaching
100% TOOTHBRUSHTo Osculate Odourlessly, This Has Been Religiously Used. Scrub Hard! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
91% TOOTH FAIRYTakes Old & Overused Teeth... Has Frequently Adduced Insignificant Rewards to Youngsters. Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
91% TOOTHPASTEThis Ointment Often Tastes Horrible... Puts Angela off Spearmint Treats, Even. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% TOOTSIEThis 'Outing' Of Transvestite Scheme Is Entertaining Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TOPLESS BARTake Out Penis Let Everyone See Size Before Arrest Results Rico Leffanta
100% TOPLESS BARSTouch Omnivorous Pussy Let Everyone See Sighs Before Audience Responds Senselessly Rico Leffanta
100% TOP QUARKTruly Obese Particle! Qrious? Use A Recent Kit. Angela Brett, who apologises for the Qrious cheat, but it's better than yet another 'Quite'. ('Top' is the heaviest of the six types of QUARK... along with UP QUARK, DOWN QUARK, STRANGE QUARK,CHARM QUARK and BOTTOM QUARK. Because of the immense amount of energy needed to create a top quark, it was not possible until recently.)
100% TOPS AND TAILSTony Out-Performs Stunningly! Are New Devisings The Apogee, Indicating Lasting Success? Tony McCoy O'Grady, after creating near-unbeatable first and last acronyms for each letter.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% TORCH SINGERThey Only Render Choral Harmonies Suggesting Infatuations Never Get Explicitly Requited. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TORNTwo Offer; Ruin Night Angela Brett (being torn between two offers can ruin an indecisive person's night)
People & Relationships
100% TORONTOToo Obviously Rates Oneself Near Top Outlook Patricia Rix
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% TORONTO (2)The Ornithological Residents Often Need Thawing Out Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% TORONTO, CANADAThe Ontario Residence Of Nearly Tenth Of Country, And Near America! Don't Ask. Angela Brett (It seems odd that something like 6% of the population lives in a city so near AMERICA)
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% TORPEDOThey Often Roamed Pacific Exploding Destroyers Overhead Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TORTTwist Out Revenue Tidily Jeff Anonymous, since 'tort' comes from the Latin 'torquere' 'to twist'
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% TOTALThe Opposite To A Little Edwin Hermann
Assorted Nouns
100% TOTAL (2)The Overall Tally And Lot Edwin Hermann
Assorted Nouns
80% TOTETwo-handed, Open-Top, Envelops Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Household Objects
95% TOTES LIFT RAPID RELIEF!Totes Objective: Travel Easily, Swiftly! 1. Light/Lift/Left (Inside Fluid) 2. {Thesaurus, etc.: Rugged/Raise/Right} 3. Alas! Pace Increases! 4. Destination: Rugged/Relieve/Right 5. End: Light/Lower/Left. I Enjoy Fast/Freedom! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. A friend gave me 2 Great Totes! Left Tote = Light = (2 Quarts Great Bear Spring Water[in Nalgene Bottles = Narrow-Mouth = Loop Top]; etc.) Right Tote = Rugged = Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (11th edition); Webster's New Thesaurus of the English Language; etc.
Assorted Phrases
100% TO THE ATTENTION OFTo Open This Heed Exact Address - Then Try Ensuring Next Toucher Is One Named Only - Finished Tony McCoy O'Grady, who thinks the person who sought this may have been looking for "For the atten..."
85% TO THE MAC LAB!This is Often The Hearty Exclamation of MacGirl As Conundrums Lurk Around Baddies. Angela Brett
MacGirl & KeyBoard
100% TOTODILETrainer Of This Ought Dodge Its Labial Embrace Angela Brett (Totodile is Pokemon #158)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% TOUCHED BY AN ANGELThankful Of Unusual Cherubs Helping Everyones Dreams, Best Yearnings Actually Notices Accompaniment Nurturing Gets Endearing Lessons Jan Morgan -- A television show about angels who solve people's problems, answer prayers, accompany people and teach lessons
Entertainment:TV shows
100% TOUCHSTONEThe Outwardly Urbane Clown - His Sylvan Tryst Opens New Emotions Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's As You Like It
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:As You Like It
100% TOWEL DAYThe Occasion When Everybody Loves Douglas Adams. Yay! Angela Brett (International Towel Day, in honour of the late Douglas ADAMS and the superlatively useful towel, is on May 25th - see http://towelday.org for details.)
Time:Special Occasions
Household Objects:Towels
100% TOWELSTake Off Watery Excess / Liquid Surplus Tony McCoy O'Grady, on TOWEL DAY
Household Objects:Towels
100% TOWNIEThis One Will Never Investigate Environment Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% TOYThis Occupies Youngsters Angela Brett
100% TOY (2)To Occupy Youth Jan Morgan
100% TOYOTAThrown Out - You're On The Asphalt Angela Brett
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% TRACKSTARTo Run Around Circles, Kick Sydney To Australia Repetitiously Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
100% TRACYTravels Rarely, Activities Ceased Yesterday Jan Morgan
Names:First names
100% TRACY (2)Treacherous Raunchy Adult Controls Yob Jan Morgan
Names:First names
100% TRACY (3)Tackled Real Addiction Carefully Yesterday Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names
100% TRAFFICThe Roads Are Full - Frustration Is Common. Angela Brett
100% TRAFFIC (2)Tyrants Rushing Around Feeling Ferocious Inside Cars Charlie
91% TRAFFIC JAMTraffic-lights Remaining Amber Frustrate Fellows In Cars - Just A Mess Tony McCoy O'Grady
93% TRAFFIC LIGHTSThey're Red.... At 'Fast Forward' I Could Lickety-split Intersection- Getting Home Terribly Soon Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRAINTransporting Resources And Interconnecting Nations Sean Lamb
100% TRAIN (2)Two Rails Are Invariantly Near Angela Brett
100% TRAININGThick Recruits And Inductees Need Instruction, Not Guesswork Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRAINING (2)Teaching Responsibility And Integrity, Necessities In Next Generation Angela Brett
100% TRAIN SERVICETracks Run Around Island Nation, So Each Remote Village Is Connected Effectively Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRAITSTalk, Read, Apronymise, Improvise, Test, Select/Submit! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. TRAITS = Proper Subset of "Traits of Apronymist."
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% TRAJECTORYThe Rounded Arc Javelins Exhibit / Career Track Of Redundant Yuppie Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
Sports & Recreation
100% TRANIOTrades Roles And Now Is Overlord Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Taming of the Shrew
100% TRANQUIL PLACEThis Room's A Nice Quiet Undisturbed Idyll. Lie Prone, Loosening As Calmness Embraces Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
93% TRANSIENT ERRORTried Reaching Acronym Network Site, Incurring Error Notice; Temporarily Excluding Rob Rix and Other 'Ronymisers Gavin Lambert (see SITE DOWN?)
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% TRANSITIONTeach Recruits About New Software Incrementally, Try It Out Naturally. Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% TRANSITION (2)To Reach A New Situation, I Think Interim's Obviously Needed Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% TRANSPORTTo Recapture Anthony's Natural Supremacy, Propose One Registers TRANSPORT Tony McCoy O'Grady, along with 38 other TRANSPORT acronyms so that he'd recapture the honour of 'Most expansions of the same word/phrase.'
100% TRANSPORT (2)Trains Running Across Nations Should Proceed On Rigid Tracks. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (3)Tarred Roads Arranged Networkwise Speed Progress Or Rolling Tyres Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (4)Those Regulating A National System, Perchance, Optimise Roads & Trains Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (5)Tax Receipts Are Normally Subsidising Passengers On Rural Trains Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (6)Tourists Regularly And Needlessly Squander Petrol On Recreational Travel Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (7)To Restrict A Nation's Silly Peregrinations Often Requires Taxation Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (8)To Ruin A Nation's Scenic Properties Organise Roads & Traintracks Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (9)Toll Roads Are Not Something People Openly Respond To Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (10)Traffic Requires A Nimble Spryness Pedestrians Often Resort To Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (11)Those Running Airlines Never Supply Parachutes ... Or Rescue Training Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (12)To Reach A Nippy Speed, Prime One's Rocket Thrusters Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (13)To Record A New Speed People Operate Rocket Technology Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (14)Top Racers Are Now Safely Propelled On Rubber Tyres Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (15)They Rumble Across Night Skies - Pockets Of Rolling Thunder Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (16)Triple-Riggers Are Now Somewhat Passe Over Routes Traditional Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (17)To Really Appreciate Nature, Silently Pedal Over Rugged Terrain Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (18)To Reach Altitudes New - Set Perpendicular One Rocket's Trajectory Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (19)Though Rollerblades Are New, Skates' Popularity Outdates Recent Technology Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (20)Through Recklessly Abusing Narcotics Swimmers Pump Out Record Times Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (21)Thermals Rise, Allowing Navigators Soar Powerlessly Over Rolling Territory Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (22)To Race Against Norwegians Scott's Polar Outfit Risked Themselves Tony McCoy O'Grady
90% TRANSPORT (23)These Roundels Are No-longer Solid - Pneumatics Offer Relative Tranquility Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (24)The Rapidity Achieved Nowadays Supersedes Previous Outrageous Record Times Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (25)To Rebel Against Nature's 'Suction' - Parachute Opens Resisting Terminalvelocity Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (26)Turbulent Rapids Are Navigable Sometimes - Provided Oar's Rigorously Thrust Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (27)'To Rise Above' - NASA's Space Projects Of Recent Times Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (28)Travellers Reactions Are Nausea - Seas Pounding Or Rolling Terrifyingly Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (29)Too-Rapid Acceleration Needs Skilful Pilots - Or Ruin Threatens Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (30)Those Riding Animals Need Saddles, Packhorses Only Require Tack Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (31)Tried Running Amongst Nettles Shoelessly? Perhaps One Requires Trainers Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (32)To Race Across Norway? Skis! & Plently Of Rigorous Training Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (33)Thor's Ra's Aquatic Navigations Showed Prowess Of Rafting Travellers Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (34)Tankers Reach Astonishing New Sizes - Probing Oceans Remoter Tracts Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (35)Think Remote Aliens Need Saucers? Pah! One Requires Treatment Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (36)Tired Rovers Are Needing Sleep - Pullman Originated Redesigned Trains Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (37)Travel Rapidly Across Newfallen Snow... Perhaps One Rides Toboggans Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (38)Those Rigid Airships Needed Skilful Piloting Or Restraining Tethering Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (39)Tony Reached Acronym Nadir. So Produced Overblown Response - Transport! Eric Bridgstock
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% TRANSPORT (40)Touring Rockies And Newfoundland, Sending Payment Overseas, Recorded Transaction Eric Bridgstock
100% TRANSPORT (41)Typos Rushed Across - New Spelling Properly On Right Track Eric Bridgstock, while pointing out some mistakes in Tony's TRANSPORT acronyms.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% TRANSPORT (42)Tony's Reinstated At Number 1, Superior Position On Reacronymising Things. Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% TRANSPORT (43)To Reliably Assist Navigation, Ships & Planes Operate Radar Technology Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (44)Those Running A Navy Should 'Press Only Reliable Tars Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (45)To Remotest Arctic Navigators, Satellite Positioning Offers Reliable Tracking Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRANSPORT (46)These Really Ain't New. Stop Posing Over Redoing Transport Eric Bridgstock
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
90% TRANSPORT (47)Try Removing Any New-dictionary Spellings. Perfection Only Required, Thanks! Eric Bridgstock
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% TRANSPORT (48)Terrain's Rough And Nettlesome; Someone Perhaps Oughta Rent Trucks Patricia Rix
92% TRANSSEXUALTo Rage Against Natural Selection, Showing Externally XX/XY [when] Underneath's A Lad/Lady. Angela Brett ('Underneath' and 'External' could refer to different things... 'Underneath' could be the gender the person feels like while 'Externally' is the genes, or 'Underneath' could be the genes and 'Externally' the gender which the person lives and presents him/herself as.)
People & Relationships
100% TRASHTemporarily Records Are Stored Here Angela Brett, referring to the Trash on the Macintosh
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% TRASH (2)Things Relocated At Scrap Heap Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% TRASH (3)Toss Ruined & Abandoned Stuff Here. Roger Williams
Assorted Nouns
100% TRAUMATeeth Rearranged Alignment, Uninvited Misfortune Attributed Jan Morgan
100% TRAVELTourists Roam Around Viewing Exotic Locations. Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation:Travel
86% TRAVEL (2)Transports Roamers Abroad to Various Exotic Locations Eric Bridgstock
Sports & Recreation:Travel
94% TRAVELLING BY TRAINTotally Reliable And Very Enjoyable Locomotion, Leisure Is Now Greatest. Bring Your Texts, Relax, Arrive In No-time Tony McCoy O'Grady
88% TRCLHCATry Recursively Changing Lingual Heuristics to Create Acronyms A re-expansion of The Real Canonical List of Humorous Computer Acronyms (http://personalpages.tds.net/~slambo/acronym.htm)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
93% TREASURE CHESTThat Retiring, Even Apologetic Spot (in) Undergrowth; Restfully, Everyone Can Have Excrementally Satisfying Time Patricia Rix, explaining: This is a wilderness latrine, which is really just a pit surrounded by a box with a hole in the top and a lid to keep the spiders dry. We don't call it that ourselves, we call it a PRIVY BOX
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% TREATYThe Rights Exchanged Are Tested Yearly Angela Brett
100% TREEThis Recycles Essential Elements Angela Brett
100% TREE (2)Tall Redwood: Excellent Example! Roger Williams
100% TREE (3)Tropical Resident, Enthusiastically Eradicated! Roger Williams
100% TREE (4)Timber Repository Eagerly Exploited. Roger Williams
100% TREESTruly Recyclable Earth-Enhancing Subjects Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TREES (2)Tough, Resistant Evergreens' Eternal Summer Angela Brett
100% TREKTravels Retro Event Knowledgeably Jan Morgan -- referring to the pioneer trek and recreations of it
100% TRENCHERThe Recently Educated (Now Certificated) Hurl 'Eadgear, Rejoicing. Angela Brett, a few weeks before graduating.
Household Objects:Clothing:Academic Regalia
100% TRENDTime Related/Repeated Events. "Now" Determines/Developments. Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Nouns
100% TRIALTricky Reasoning Is Almost Laughable Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% TRIAL (2)Two Rival Ideas About Law Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% TRIAL (3)To Rally/Reconcile Interpretations And Loopholes Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% TRIALSTormented Reprehensible Indignations, Angrily Loses Some Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
100% TRIANGLEThis Rattles If Agitated - Needs, Generally, Little Experience Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRIANGULARThis Really Is A Nice Geometric Unit... Lines Are Reduced. Angela Brett
100% TRIATHLONTry Running In Australia; The Heat Leaves Organs Numb Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
100% TRICKERTREATThat's Real Intrigue... Camouflaged Known Expander Rattled The Regulars. Eventually: AHA! Tony! Angela Brett (see AHA and GUILTY)
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% TRICYCLEThree Round Items - Can Your Child Learn Easily Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRINCULOTrenchant Royal Idiot - Nagging Contains Usually 'Learned' Observations Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Tempest
100% TRINIDAD & TOBAGOThis Republic Is Now Independent - Drilling And Developing Their Oil Business Aids Growing Opulence. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRINITY CHRISTIAN ACADEMYTeachers Really Intimidate Nobody. Instead, They Yak. Can He Really Intimidate Students That Interrupt Another Notorious Academic Class? All Dimwits Evade Men Yelling. Peter & Christina - We both attend Trinity Christian Academy, a fine institute of learning.
100% TRIOThree Rolled Into One Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% TRIPLESThree Repetitions Is Plenty. Let's Enjoy Singles. Sean Lamb (after hearing the same song over and over again on commercial radio, it's time for something else)
100% TRIPLETThird Related Infant - Parents Love Each Tenderly TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Family
100% TRIPLETSThree Related Infants Psychically Linked Eternally Together Somehow Roger Williams
People & Relationships:Family
78% TRIREMETriple Rows (of) Implements Required (to) Emulate Marine Engine Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRISTRAMTragically Roused Iseult's Sentiments, This Really Angered Mark. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% TRIVIATiresome Recollection? It's Very Interesting Actually Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TROCHOIDTracing Rolling Of Circle Has One Immediately Dizzy! Angela Brett
100% TROGLODYTEThe Result Of Generations Living Or Dying, Yearning To Evolve Angela Brett
100% TROGLODYTE (2)This Reeking Old Geezer Lived On Dinosaurs Yet Triumphantly Evolved Patricia Rix
100% TROGLODYTE (3)This Reeking Old Geezer Lived On Dinosaurs Yesterday: Tomorrow's Epicurean George Rix, as a modification of Patricia's TROGLODYTE (2)
88% TROILUSTrojan's Romantic Outrage Initiates Latest Upsurge (in) Siege Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Troilus and Cressida
100% TRUDYTruly Reliable Unusual Dear Yin Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% TRUE LOVE'Terminal' Romance Usually Ensures Lots Of Valentines Exchanged Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% TRUISMThe Ruddy Usual Inane Sentence - Meaningless! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TRUTHThey Round Up The Hoodlums Tony McCoy O'Grady, after completing the marathon TRUTH, JUSTICE, AND THE AMERICAN WAY.
MacGirl & KeyBoard
100% TRUTH (2)Teach Religious/Reasonable Understanding To Humanity Jan Morgan
97% TRUTH, JUSTICE, AND THE AMERICAN WAYTotally Reliable to Uphold True Happiness, Just Us Super Twosome In Control Everytime, All Nasty Deviants Treated Harshly Eventually And Miscreants Expect Resistance Initially. Counter Active Naughtiness - Walk Away Yahoos! Tony McCoy O'Grady... don't ask why a half-Irish, half-kiwi twosome would fight for the American way, but hey, it's quite an ACRONYM!
Assorted Phrases
MacGirl & KeyBoard
94% TRY ONSCREEN HELPThe Reliable Yet Original Necessity. Self Contained, Read-only Embedded Emergency Notes. Helping Essentially Lost People. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TSARThe Sovereign Amongst Russians. Roger Williams
100% T-SHIRTThe Slave Had Infusions Ready - Teatime! Angela Brett (T-shirt was T-BAG's T-Caddy, whose duty was to keep her magical powers strong by making endless cups of tea from the leaves of her evil T-Plant.)
Entertainment:TV shows
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% TSUNAMIThe Shock Underwriters Never Absorb Making Intercourse Rico Leffanta
88% TSUNAMI (2)Terrific Surge Underwater Nukes Asian Man-made Infrastructure Mick Bridgstock
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% TUAThe Under-Achiever Angela Brett, when boxer David Tua failed to win the title of world heavyweight champion.
Names:Famous people
100% TUBETrains Underground Beneath England Eric Bridgstock
100% TUBERCULOSISThe Uneasy Breathing Erodes Resilience, Causing Unhurried Loss Of Strength In Sufferer. Angela Brett, when it was thought that Steve might have tuberculosis.
100% TUESDAYTired, Useless, Energy Sapped? Devour A Yogurt Tony McCoy O'Grady
95% TUESDAY FASTS & VERY DELICIOUS ORGANIC VEGAN FOOD ==> NEW JUNE TREND: SOUND SLEEPER NITES!Tuesday: Usual (Eating = Suspended) / Day Advances Youthfulness! Fasts (Astral Started/Sixth-month Two-thousand-and-three/Tuesday/Third) Strengthen! & Very Expensive Really Yummy! Delicious = Exquisite = Luscious ==> I Consume/Claimed (?) Invariably Organic = Uncontaminated Staples! Organic: Resourcefully Grown And Not Involving Chemicals! Vegan: Eating Great ; Animalproducts Never! Food: Obsessive/Organic Organises Delightful/Days! ==> New Ecstatic/Energetic Wholesome/Wonder! June Ushers New Era! Trend: {Rest Entire Nite} = Deep/Delightful! Sound/Sleep Ongoing = Usual = Nice = Deep/Delightful! Sleeper: Lessens Energy/Expenditure ; Establishes/Encouraging Peace = Energising = Rejuvenation! Nites Involving Tossing/Turning/Thoroughly Eliminated / Soundly! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. (see FAST FOOD RESTAURANT) "VERY DELICIOUS ORGANIC VEGAN FOOD" I did not know: A. The ORGANIC farmers say that ORGANIC farming is more economical! B. The only reason they sell "Very Expensive Really Yummy! DELICIOUS ORGANIC VEGAN FOOD" is that ORGANIC VEGANs are a minority! C. ORGANIC cucumbers do not need vinegar or anything. Try one. D. I like mangoes. Eventually (fool that I be) tried an ORGANIC mango. There is a difference. E. Tropicana orange juice: Whole Foods Market fresh-squeezed organic orange juice makes "Tropicana" taste like bitter water. Bottom line. If your national government legislated: a. all produce must be grown organically b. all animals (sold for food) must be fed organic grain c. ban on production of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, what ever killer-chemicals d. any chemicals {covered in (c)} that were made before law must be shipped to a new government agency created on enactment of law e. penalty for violation of (c), (d): charge is treason. all concerned are traitors. possibly, family members. suppliers. shippers. any company that deals in any way (however insignificant or blameless) with a violator, is a violator. f. sentence if found guilty: merciful death only result. Certain Swift Result of National Law: 1. Organic food (especially vegan) is much healthier than the poisoned stuff (PS). Even the healthiest consumer of PS will discover {in short order} that they did not realise how good they could {feel, think, work, rest} until they ate all organic. And they will declare, with mixed emotions, that were not healthy until organic. 2. Cessation of poisoning environment: air, earth, water. And any matter that was involved with historical poisons, including our bodies. 3. Even the smallest one-of-a-kind store could sell organic at far less than PS. 4. Organic tastes worlds better. Try an organic gala apple. This was my favorite apple. Until the organic honeycrisp apple smote me. Tastes spicy. Chew it & get a refreshing loud crunch. Surprise! Try an organic Asian pear {shape: apple. skin: pear. texture: delightful = mild gritty. taste: you find out. I know.} My favorite food is organic millet [the only grain I know of, that is not acid-forming. which means you can eat it liberally.]
Food & Drink
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% TUNATheir Unknown Numbers Abate Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% TUNA (2)The Undiscriminating Netting Abandoned Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% TUNASThey're Usually Nice Accompanying Salad Angela Brett
Food & Drink
89% TUNGSTENTypically Used Nowadays Generating Steel-alloys, Transition Element, Naturally Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TUNISIATemperate Up North, In South It's Arid. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TURBOTried Using Regaine... Baldness Ongoing! My name is David & my old roommates nickname is Turbo, who is going bald.
100% TURDThe Usual Rectal Dirt Angela Brett
100% TURKEYThey Unmercifully Repress Kurds Even Yet. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TURKEY (2)Thousands Unnecessarily Rudely Killed Every Year Santa Claus
Food & Drink
100% TURKMENISTANThey Until Recently Kept Moscow's Edicts, Now Independent - Some Think Autonomy Novel. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TURNIPThis Unremarkable Root Never Inspires Passion Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% TURTLEThey Unerringly Return To Lay Eggs TMcCO'G referring to how the females of many breeds of turtle return to the beach where they hatched out, to lay their eggs. After many years of wandering all over the ocean this indicates an uncanny sense of direction.
100% TUSHTwin Undulations, Sit Here. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
89% TUTORIALTechnical Use (of) Teaching Outline. Reading It Aids Learning Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TVTime's Valuable! Angela Brett, since TV tends to waste a lot of time.
Entertainment:TV shows
100% TV NEWSTo View Notable Events, Watch Screen. Angela Brett
100% TWADDLEThose With Attitude Disorders Don't Like Experts John Richard Jones
People & Relationships
100% TWAINThis Writer Authored Interesting Novels Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Writers
100% TWENTYThey Won't Even Notice The Year Angela Brett, on her 20th birthday.
100% TWENTY (2)Thanks Woz, Enjoyed Nattering To You Angela Brett, after Steve Wozniak called to wish her a happy 20th birthday.
100% TWENTY (3)That Woman Eventually Notched Twenty Years! Eric Bridgstock
100% TWINETwisted Wiry Inventions Not Everlasting Angela Brett and Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric
100% TWINE (2)Thinness Will Induce Non-Existence Angela Brett
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STARTiny White Irridescent Night-Kindled Light Ever Twinkling While I Now Know Little Except Light Is Terribly Tiny Like Expensive Stones That Are Rare Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Nursery Rhymes
100% TWINSTwo Weaned Individuals Needing Sustenance Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Family
100% TWISSThis Wordy Idiot Slandered, Somesay Jeff Anonymous (There is a tale about an Englishman called Richard Twiss who got a chamber pot named after him for slandering Ireland)
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% TWISTThis Will Involve Some Turning. Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% TWIST (2)Terpsichory Which Identified Sixties Teenagers Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TWIST (3)Torque Wrench Imparts Serious Tension Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% TWISTEDTruly Wicked Individual Still Trying Evil Deeds Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% TWISTED (2)Turning Will Instill Style, Thus Elaborating Design Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% TWITCHThere's Windoze In This Computer... Help! Angela Brett
100% TWOSTo/Time (Wonderful October) Standard! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. TWOS! set: {Standard Time, Daylight Time}
100% TYBALTTake Your Blade And Lunge Through Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Romeo and Juliet
100% TYRETube, Yet Rotates Evenly Eric Bridgstock
Transport:Car Parts
100% TYROThis Youth Requires Orientation. Roger Williams
People & Relationships
100% TZARThis Zombie's A Ruler! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TZIGANETrying Zany Iconoclast Gypsies Antics, Not Ethical Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% AAAlways Alkaline Jeff Anonymous (on the rareness of carbon-zinc and nickel-metal hydride AA batteries. ya can usually only get alkaline and rechargable alkaline)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% AAAAvailable As Alkaline Dustan Dowsing, who resorted to acronymising battery sizes in an attempt to get the overall first acronym.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% AAAAAlso Available As Alkaline Dustan Dowsing
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% AALAAromas Arouse Limpid Affairs Rico Leffanta (Aala is a town - and Honolulu park - on the island of Oaha, Hawaii. Aala='fragrance')
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% A AND A EQUALS BAlphabetic Algebra Never Dies. Appealling Equations Quite Useful, Although Lacking Spelling Beauty. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% AARDVARKAn Arrant Rogue, Decadent & Valueless! A Rampaging Kleptomaniac Tony McCoy O'Grady - an attempt to get the first entry in the list and the first pupil on the SuperBaddy school roll
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
100% AARONAlways Aims Rifle On Needlepoint Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Male
100% AARON THE MOORArranges Amputation - Reels Off Nauseating Tragedies He's Effected, Mocking Opinions On Remorse Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Titus Andronicus
100% AASLEAGHAwful Alcohol's Still Left, & Everyone's Already Got Hangovers! Angela Brett (Aasleagh is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'A liqueur made only for drinking at the end of a revoltingly long bottle party when all the drinkable drink has been drunk.'
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% ABACTORAgricultural Baddy - A Cattle Thief (Obsolete Remark) Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% ABACUSAbundant Beads, Addition & Calculation Utility System. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ABACUS (2)All Beads Are Calculated Using Slides Rico Leffanta
100% ABASHAstound, Bring About Shame, Humiliate. Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% ABATTOIRAnimals Bleed And Then They're Offered In Repast Angela Brett
Food & Drink
88% ABATUREAnimal's Beaten A Trail in Underwood... Riflemen Ensue. Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation
100% ABBAAgnate Biblically Begat Adam Angela Brett
100% ABBREVIATIONSA Bit Big... Remove Excess Vowels (It Ain't Troublesome If One's Not Speaking) Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay
100% ABBREVIATIONS OF WORDSA Border Between Reading/ Enscribing & Vocalising Is Apparent, Though It's Often Not Seen... Orally Flustering 'WWW' Offers Real Dilemma Sometimes. Angela Brett, who thinks it's silly that people speak 'WWW', which is only an abbreviation in writing, and write things like 'Meg' and 'Gig' which are abbreviations for speaking but longer than the acceptable written abbreviations MB and GB.
Words & Wordplay
100% ABCAlpha Born Coder! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% ABC (2)Alphabet Backwards' Coda. Angela Brett
83% ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ SONGAlphabetic Barrage of Characters Designed to Educate Fellows, Gradually, of Handwriting Inscription - Juveniles & Kiddies Like Melodious Notes Of Poem. Quite Readily, Singing Teaches Understanding of Vowels & Writing to Xuberant, Young & Zealous Students... Only Numbers to Go! Angela Brett
100% A B CEE DEES OF LIFE!Almighty Beautiful Craft: Earth. Eve: Devil's/Deception Eatingly Entertained. Sinners Offered Forgiveness. Life/Love/Law Intact Forever. Emmanuel! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% A B CEES OF LIFE!Apronymists Bravely Create Expansions, Enthusiastically Submit, Opportune Finds, Learned Innovatively. Fact: Expansion! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ABEIGHAloof, But Especially In Gaelic Highlands Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% ABELAdam's Boy, Eve's Lad Angela Brett
Names:First names:Male
100% ABEL (2)A Briefly Experienced Life Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
100% ABETAid By Encouraging Transgression Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% ABHORAny Boy Having Orgasm Responsibly Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
100% ABIOGENESISA Biont Is Originated - Great, Except Not Explicable. Surrounding Inanimate Substance. Angela Brett
100% ABIOGENESIS (2)A Biont Isn't Often Generated Except Near Existing Sentience - It's Strange. Angela Brett
100% ABLACTATIONA Baby's Left Annoyed 'Cause That Alimentary Tipple Isn't On Nipple. Angela Brett
100% ABNEGATEAbsolute Baloney - Never Even Given A Thought, Ever. Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
80% ABNORMALAgainst Banality - Not Ordinary Run of the Mill Average Lumpenproletariat Angela Brett - last word supplied by Tony McCoy O'Grady.
Assorted Adjectives
100% ABNORMAL DATA TYPEAll Bytes Not On Required Memory Alignment, Long Doubles Are Torn Apart, Then Your Program Explodes/Exits. Angela Brett, in response to an unsuccessful search. (An alternative ending is 'Then Your Program's Executed' where Executed has a double meaning.)
100% ABNORMAL IRISHAnti-British Nationalists Often Rebelled, Mounting A Lacklustre Insurrection. Result Is Sad History Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% ABORTIONA Baby Only Remains 'Til It's Ordered Not Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
100% ABOUT THE STACKAcronyms Brought Out Unusual Talent, This HyperCard Engine Stored Them Alongside Cumulated Knowledge. Angela Brett, who thought she ought to acronymise the title of the page at http://acronyms.co.nz/about.html since it's in capitals.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
80% ABRAAbility to Brain-Read's Advantageous. Angela Brett (Abra is Pokemon #63)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% ABRAMA Brownish Red, Auburn Modernly. Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
92% ABRANCHIATEAir Breathers Require Alveoli Never to Contain H2O In Abundance - They'll Expire! Angela Brett
100% A BRIDGE TOO FARArnhem! British Resolute In Defence.... Germans Encircle Them (Only Original Film About Rhine). Tony McCoy O'Grady
88% ABSCONDAppropriate! Burgle! Steal! Coin Other Names as Desired. Rob Rix
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% ABSENCE MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDERA Brief Stint Elsewhere... Now Curiously Everyone Misses And Keeps Enthusiastically Supporting Thee. Hurry Ever Homewards. Every Acquaintance Registers True Grief Remarking On Wanderer's Future. Oh, Nomad Desist Errantry - Return! Angela Brett and Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases:Sayings
97% ABSENCE MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDER (2)Angela Brett Started Expansion, Needing Cooperation of Everyone's Mind And Knowledge... Eventually, Subject (Tony) Helped Expansion, Having Ended A Round Trip. 'Glorious' Return Of Wordsmith Features One Not-Done Expansion... Rotten! Angela Brett, when she needed help to finish the expansion before this one while Tony was away, but didn't get any help until Tony came back and finished it.
Assorted Phrases:Sayings
100% ABSTRUSEA Bit Strange:- To Readily Understand - Seek Explanation Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
80% ABU'L-WAFAAppeared in Buzjan, Used Large Wall as Apparatus For Astronomy. Angela Brett
100% ABUNCHAA Big Unitary Number - Covers Hundreds, Apparently. Tony McCoy O'Grady, when protesting Jeff's use of 'Abuncha' as one word in an acronym
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% ABUNCHA (2)Angela Believes Unusual Novelties Can Have Acceptance? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% ABUNDANTAll But Uncountable... Never Did Anyone Need Total Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% ACARIDA Compact Arachnid - Rarely Isn't Dronish. Angela Brett
100% ACATALECTICAuthors Can Achieve This - A Little Extra Care That It's Correct. Angela Brett
Art & Literature
100% ACATAMATHESIAAfflicted Can't Apprehend That Anything Means Anything, Though Has Every Sense - It's Absurd! Angela Brett
90% ACCESS RESTRICTIONSAll Campus Computers Employ Security Systems... Really Expert Students Test Reliability - Interrogating CDEVs of Terminals & Intranet, (re)-Organising Network Software. Angela Brett
100% ACCIDENTSAre Caused - Chiefly Involving Derelict Events, Normally Through Stupidity Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% ACCOMPLISHAchieving Completely Can Often Mean Praise's Lavished - I Sense Happiness Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% ACCOUNTANTAll Cash Counted Out Using Numeracy Techniques - And No Theft! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% ACCOUNTINGAre Cash Controls Operating Usefully, Need To Investigate Negative Growth Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ACCRUEA Chap(ess) Could Refuse Unnecessary Eclat Santa Claus (see SANTA CLAUS (2))
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% ACEROUSA Careful Extraction Revokes Only Unicorn's Significance Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
100% ACHEAnybody Can Hurt Everywhere Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ACHILLESArrogant Champion - He Is Lottery Loser - Ending Sulks Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Troilus and Cressida
100% ACIDA Corrosive Ingredient, Definitely. Angela Brett
100% A CLEAN JOKEA Charming Laugh Ensues After Novel Jester Omits Kinky Elements Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ACMEA Company Manufacturing Encouragement Tony McCoy O'Grady, after he suggested that Angela's ENCOURAGEMENT probably came from the ACME people the coyote always got his stuff from.
100% ACME (2)Abuse Case Management Expertise Tony (no connection to any Wile E Coyote purchases!)
People & Relationships:Abuse:Sexually Abusive Youth Program
100% ACNEAdolescents Can Not Escape Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% ACQUISITION SOFTWAREAnyone Can Quickly Understand Its Significance... It Trawls Information On Networks Searching Only For The Worthwhile And Relevant Essays Angela Brett
82% ACROBLOCKAnomalous Condition Resulting (in) Outrageous, Blinding Loss Of Creative Know-how Melanie Merswolke
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRO FORTHCOMINGA Crazy Rendition Of Frazes. Openly Readable Text, Hyper Card On Macintosh. I'm No Goofball ;) Jeff Anonymous
Assorted Phrases
88% ACRONIMAmerican Committee for Repression Of Nonsensical Institutional Monograms Peter W. Sloss, who explains: ACRONIM was founded in 1979 six weeks after my business cards had been printed and my government agency then went through not one but two close-spaced name changes.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
88% ACRONYMAbbreviated Craziness - Reading it Obviously Numbs Your Mind Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
88% ACRONYM (2)Abbreviated Craziness - Reduction Of Noise in Your Message Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYM (3)Apple Computers Rather Obviously Need Your Money Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
88% ACRONYM (4)Apple Computers React Outrageously with New Young Minds Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYM (5)All Concealed, Revealed Only Now You Meditate Gavin Lambert
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYM (6)Abbreviated Coded Rendition Of Name Yielding Meaning Acronymous Anonymous
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYM (7)A Condensed Representation Outlining Neatly Your Meaning Angela Brett and Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYM (8)Amazing, Cacophonous Riot Of Nonsensical Yokel's Mutterings Glenn Byers
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYM (9)Almost Concealed. Remnant Only Nudges Your Memory. Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Inspired by Gavin's ACRONYM (5)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMANIAA Crazed Response Or Neurosis You May Acquire, Naturally, Inventing Acronyms Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMANIACAlphabetically Creative Ranter's Overactive Noodle Yields Many Acronymic Niceties. It's Absolutely Crazy! Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYM CHECKERAngela's Cocoa Resource, Only Not Yet Made Complete. Has Extra Capabilites (Keenly Expected) Reserved Tony McCoy O'Grady (see http://cocoa.co.nz/acronymchecker.html)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software:Applications
100% ACRONYM CHECKER (2)Angela's Cocoa Resource (Obviously Not Yet Made Correctly) Helps Everyone Count & Keep Expansions Right Tony McCoy O'Grady - cheekily suggesting that he has minor quibbles with Angela's creation.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software:Applications
100% ACRONYMISEAnyone Can Rejuvenate Old Nuances. You Must Investigate Synonyms Extensively. Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMISING TIPSAcronym Creators - Read Our Notes. Your Mentor Is Superlative, Inspiring Nym-Generator... Tony Imparts Precious Suggestions Angela Brett, referring to the Acronymising Tips page at http://acronyms.co.nz/tips.html
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% ACRONYMIST ALL OF FAMEAdvice: Click Rodent On Names, You May Instantly See Their Acronyms' Links Listed. On Further For Any Mentioned Expansion. Angela Brett, referring to the list of all acronym contributors (called the 'Acronymist All of Fame') at http://acronyms.co.nz/allcontributors.html
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
95% ACRONYMIST HALL OF FAMEA Celebration Relying On Numbers, You Might Instead Say They're Highscores. A Limited List Of Figures Features Acronymaniacs [with] Most Entries Angela Brett, referring to the Acronymist Hall of Fame at http://acronyms.co.nz/halloffame.html
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% ACRONYMIST HONOURS LISTAwards Concerning Record Ordering, Numbers, Years (Millennium's Initial 'Spansion's There) Here Our Niche Of Unparalleled 'Riters Shines - Literature Is Superlatively Terrific! Angela Brett, referring to the Acronymist Honours List at http://acronyms.co.nz/honours.html
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
92% ACRONYMISTSAll Crazy, Raunchy, Oxygen-blowing Nutters Yip Madly In Some Terrible Situations. Jeff Anonymous, who is perhaps alluding to the WTC and similar acronyms...or maybe he just expanded ACRONYMISTS at 10:40 PM.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMISTS' BLOCKAfter Creativity Runs Off Needlessly, Your Mind Is Stuck. Take Some Books & Look Over Complex Knowledge. Tony McCoy O'Grady, saying 'To cure you of the dreaded Acronymists Block, I suggest that you get out your Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia and browse at random until inpsiration strikes....'
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
94% ACRONYMISTS' BLOCK (2)Acronym Creation Rundown. Overall, Nasty. Yikes. May I Suggest, "Terrible Sickness, Bad Like Obesity."? Christ, [it] Kills! Jeff Anonymous
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
97% ACRONYMISTS SHOULD BE HEARD AND NOT SEENA Crisis Resonates On Newsgroup, Yup. May I Suggest Trying Silence-Stopping Hellionism? Okay. "U, Listen, Dude!" Bark Evil Hellions, Excrutiatingly. Art Returneth [this] Day. Anyone Need Diversions? Nice Original Terrors Seep. Even En Nepal. Jeff Anonymous, when there hadn't been much activity on the Acronyms forums.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% ACRONYM MACHINEAngela's Cerebum Routinely Outputs New (Yes, Maybe Magnificent) Acronyms. Creative Helper Is Not Electronic! Angela Brett, when she tried to expand YOU DON'T WANT TO PANIC and ended up with YOU DON'T WANT TO DRINK THAT, and said that the acronym machine was malfunctioning. You can see pictures of the acronym machine at http://acronyms.co.nz/brain
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
80% ACRONYMSA Casual Round-up Of Novelties in Your Message System. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (2)A Crazy Roundup Of Nonsense You Must See Edwin Hermann
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (3)All Clever Rephrasings Of Notions, You Might Say. Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (4)Adroitly Created Representations Of Notions, You Might Say. PiMaster, as a modification of ACRONYMS (3)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (5)A Causal Relationship Over Nonsensical Yabbering? Maybe So! Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (6)Abundant Crazy Ramblings, Openly Nice, Yippee! My Stars! Jeff Anonymous
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (7)Angela Can Reject Obvious Nonsense... You Make Sense! Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (8)A Cunning Rogue Offers Novel Yet Mirthful Spellings Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
89% ACRONYMS (9)A Comedic Range Of Nutty, Yet Meaningful, Spellings-out Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (10)Artistically Created 'Rrangements Of Nifty, Yet Mirthful Stuff Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (11)Anyone Can Read Our Not-Yet-Mad Scribblings Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (12)A Collection, Realistically, Of Nutters. Youthful? Maybe So! Jeff Anonymous
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (13)Any Contributors Really Ought Never Yell, 'Me Sane!' Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (14)Absolutely Cuckoo -- Requirement Of Next Year's Morpheme-Splitters. Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (15)Alphabetically Challenged? Ready Or Not, You're Making Some. Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (16)Alphabet Casserole Rounds Off Nicely Your Metaphorical Supper. Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (17)Alternative Corny Readings Or Names You Must Submit Carl Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (18)Any Casual Remark Or Name You May Shorten Angela Brett - this describes acronyms in general, but this stack/website is not about just any phrase you turn into an acronym... the acronym comes first, and then you think up an expansion to go with it.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (19)Anyone Could Recite Oblivious Nonsense... You Make Sense! the little banner dude...
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (20)Anyone Can Receive Our Newsletter, You May Subscribe Tony McCoy O'Grady (subscribe to THE ACRONYM TIMES by sending an email to acronymtimes@acronyms.co.nz and saying you want to subscribe. Voluntary subscription fee is one acronym per month.)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYMS (21)Alphabetically Collated Record Of Nutty, Yet Meaningful, 'Spansions Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYM SEARCH FORMA Casual Reader Of Netborne Yarns Might Seek Expansions About Relatives... Creativity's Habit-Forming, One Reads More. Angela Brett, who thought she outhg to acronymise the title of the acronym search page at http://acronyms.co.nz/search.html since it's in capitals.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% ACRONYM SEARCH RESULTAfter Conveying Request Over Network, You Might See Expansions And Related Categories. However, Really Eccentric Searches Usually Lack Them. Angela Brett, when the acronym search result for 'acronym search result' was lacking.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% ACRONYMS SO FARA Count Revealing Our Novel Yield... Measurement Shows Signs Our Futile Activity's Rampant! Angela Brett, who thought she ought to acronymise the heading at http://acronyms.co.nz/index.html since it was in capitals.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% ACRONYMS TO USE IN CHAT ROOMSA Casual Remark On Net You Must Shorten... They're Often Untrue Statements, Exaggerated - IRCers Not Chuckling Heartily, Although Typing 'ROFL' Or Other Meaningless Sequence. Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ACRONYM TOURSAre Considered Really Obsolete... Now You'll Migrate To Our (Updated Regularly) Subcategories Angela Brett, because the Acronym Tours at http://acronyms.co.nz/tours haven't been updated for ages, because the CATEGORY LISTINGs at http://acronyms.co.nz/catindex.html are a better way of finding list of acronyms on particular topics. They're update
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% ACROPHOBIAA Common Repulsion Or Paralysing Horror Of Becoming Intensely Acrofactive Tony McCoy O'Freud
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
91% ACROPHOBIA (2)A Crap-inducing Result Of Pisspoor Helixes Ordering Brain Into Agitation Jeff Anonymous, noting that sensory integration disfunction (a disability of the semicircular canals that causes easy nauseation) can cause the fear of heights.
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% ACROSTICArgue Correct Reference, Or Study This Interesting Comparison. Angela Brett, who is thinking of adding to the ACRONYMS website with a discussion of the definitions of acronym and acrostic.
Words & Wordplay
100% ACTINIUMA Chemical That Is Not In Use Much Tony McCoy O'Grady, who has almost singlehandedly acronymised the entire periodic table.
100% ACTIVE LISTENINGAttentiveness Can Turn Into Vocation (Ear 'Lent' In Silence), Therapist Ensures Noninterruption Into Narrative Gabbling Tony McCoy O'Grady (who has no idea was "active listening' is, but assumes it is Jargon from Psychotherapists)
100% ACTONA California Town Of Nickels Jan Morgan -- Rudolph E. Nickels is known as the father of the town
Places:Towns & Cities
100% ACTSAs Christianity Then Spreads Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% ADAIRAttempts Dousing An Inflamed Resource Tony McCoy O'Grady (Red Adair puts out oil-well fires)
Names:Famous people
100% ADAMApples, Damsons And Melons Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:You Are What You Eat
91% ADAM AND EVEA Deity's Accident... Men Are Not Deliberately Evolved. Viva la Eva! Angela Brett
100% ADAM AND EVE (2)Apple Devoured. Absurd Mistake - Attempting Nugatory Deception. Edict: Vacate Eden! Roger Williams
100% ADAM-ONDI-AHMANA Domain At Missouri, Of Natural Disappearance In Area, Has Monumental Anonymous Narrative Jan Morgan (in north Central Missouri - not far from Gallatin, was a place named by Joseph Smith in Honor of Adam and Eve)
100% ADAMSAppleMaster Douglas Authored Muchloved Series Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Writers
100% ADAMS (2)Author Douglas Also Makes Software. Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Writers
100% ADAMS (3)Aarrghh! Dead, Already! Missed Sadly. Angela Brett, when DOUGLAS ADAMS died of a heart attack at 49.
Art & Literature:Writers
100% ADAPTAmend Details And Plan Tactics Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% ADDERSAbsolutely Dirty, Dust Eden Reptiles! Slither! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
86% ADDICTAcronym Developer Discovers Inability to Control Thoughts. Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela suggested that he was addicted to creating acronyms.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ADDICT (2)Acronym Developer Discovers Incessant Creation Tendancy Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ADDICT (3)Another Dopehead Does It Cold Turkey Angela Brett
100% ADDICTIONAlcohol & Drugs Dangerously Injure Cerebellum. Throw It Out, Now! Angela Brett
100% ADDITIONArithmetic Device Drummed Into Tots... It's Only Natural. Angela Brett
100% ADELARDAl'Khwarizmi's Derivations Entered Latin, Also Royal Drilled. Angela Brett (Adelard of Bath was a mathematician who, among other things, translated work of Euclid and Al'Khwarizmi and taught King Henry II.)
100% AD HOCAll Designs Have Objective Course Rico Leffanta
Assorted Adjectives
100% ADIDASA Desirable Item Decorated And Striped Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% ADJECTIVESAdditional Details - Just Ensure Correctness. These Items Valuably Enhance Sentences TMcCO'G
100% ADMINA Desk Man Is Needed Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% ADMINISTRATORA Dreadful Master Is Needed In Setting The Rules And Then Organising Routines Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% ADOAcronyms Doubly Overloaded ADO = Active Data Object (Microsoft)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% ADOBEAmerican Desert-Originated-Brick Edifice Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ADOLF HITLERAustria's Demented Ogre Looked For Heaven, Instead Totally Lost Euthenical Reich. Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% ADOPTEDAngel Dancing On Pin Turning Either Direction Rico Leffanta, referring to that very Catholic question: "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" If you are adopted (and are, one presumes, angelic) you must dance according to the direction of your new parents - whatever direction that may be, or fall from the only thing stable in your life...
People & Relationships:Family
100% ADRIANAAnnoyance Deepens Regarding Identities - Anger Narrowly Averted Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Comedy Of Errors
100% ADSAnticompetitiveness Doesn't Sell ADS = Active Directory Service (Microsoft)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% ADULTERYAdults Doing Unlawful, Lustful Things - Exploring Repressed Yearnings Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% ADULTERY (2)Absolute Denial, Undermining Love Trust, Explicit Reprehensible Yarns Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% ADVENTUREA Dastardly Villain Enters Niceguy Territory - Usually Really Exciting! Angela Brett, while pondering the ADVENTUREs of MacGirl and KEYBOARD.
MacGirl & KeyBoard
100% ADVICEAvoid Dreadful Violence In Caring Environment Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to this request on the Apronyms Forums: We are forming a new community group to end abuse, we are looking for a catchy acronym using the A for abuse. We don't want to limit ourselves to only family violence, or child abuse. Our purpose is to educate and raise awareness.
People & Relationships:Advice
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% AERATE MEAn Explanation Required As This Eludes Me, Elucidate! Tony McCoy O'Grady, wondering about the meaning of 'coolies.'
Assorted Phrases
100% AFAIKAccept Free Advice, I'm Knowledgeable!!! Tony McCoy O'Grady (AFAIK usually stands for 'As Far As I Know')
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
100% A FASTAll Feasts Are Stopped Today Jan Morgan - see FASTING
Food & Drink
100% AFFCOTA Frightful Fart Cuts Off Talking. Angela Brett (Affcot is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'The sort of fart you hope people will talk after.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
92% AFGHANISTANA Foreign Government Had Attacked - Now Islam Succeeds. Taliban-run Asian Nation. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% AFGHANISTAN (2)Already-Forgotten Guerrillas Happy As New Invasion Supersedes Taliban As News Chris Kjelgaard
100% AFGHANISTAN (3)Armed Fundamentalists Generate Havoc As Naive Infidels See Taliban Again Nascent Chris Kjelgaard
100% AFGHANISTAN (4)American Forces Get Hurt As, Newly, Insurgents Start Terrorism Against Nation Chris Kjelgaard
100% AFGHANISTAN (5)Armed Fundamentalist Groups Harassed After Noisily Insisting Supremacy, Terrorizing American Nation Chris Kjelgaard
100% AFGHANISTAN (6)After Fighting, Grievously Harmed Asian Nation Impotently Struggles, Torn Apart Nightly Chris Kjelgaard
100% AFRAIDAnxious For Reassurance, And In Distress Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% AFRAID (2)Anxious For Reassurance About Imminent Danger Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% AFRICAN AMERICANA Famous Race (It Came Across North Atlantic) Many Enduring Rigours / Intense Cruelty And Nastiness Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% AFTERSHOCKA Fellowship To Explain Redemption & Share Happiness Of Christian Knowledge Tony
Religion:Men's Ministry
100% AGAINST THE GRAINAll Genetic Alterations In Natural Seeds Taint The Horticultural Environment. God's Rapeseeds Adequately Impart Nourishment. Angela Brett, considering a possible name for an anti-GE organisation.
100% AGAMEMNONA Greek Aggressor Making Empty (Mainly Noble Oratory) Noises Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Troilus and Cressida
100% AGEAnnually Gets Elevated Angela Brett
80% AGEDArthritic, Geriatric, Elderly and Deaf Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% AGESAeons, Generations, Epochs & Such? Angela Brett, after Edwin mentioned on the forums that he hadn't submitted an acronym for AGES and should be punished. I figured I'd better submit an acronym for AGES before anyone punished me!
100% AGES (2)Approaching Geriatricity Every Second! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% AGES (3)A Geriatric's Emailing Session! Tony McCoy O'Grady, after returning from a trip and finding that the backlog of emails took ages to download.
100% AGES (4)A Game (Ensemble Series) Jeff Anonymous, in reference to the "Age of Empires" series by Ensemble Studios, published by Microsoft (but available for Mac) and also as a response to the thread in the Acronyms forums which produced AGES.
100% AGITATEAlways Get In The Action To Excite Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
100% AGNOSTICA God's Not Observable, So Truth Isn't Certain Angela Brett
100% AGNOSTIC (2)As God's Not Obviously Shown, This Individual's Cynical Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% AGONYAffair Going On Near You Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% AHAAaah, He's Admitted! Angela Brett, when Tony finally admitted to being the mysterious acronymaniac known as TRICKERTREAT.
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% AHMED IBN YUSUFArab-Hatched Mathematician, Expanded & Discussed Important Book. Nodoubt, Yusuf's Usual Studies Used Fractions. Angela Brett (Ahmed ibn Yusuf wrote on ratio and proportion, and expanded on/discussed book 5 of Euclid's 'Elements')
83% AHMESApparently Handwrote Mathematics as Egyptian Scribe Angela Brett
100% AIDAnnual Income Decrement Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Tax Assessment.
100% AIDANAn Individual, Dandy Adult, Newlywed Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% AIMEEAffectionate Is Meaning, Entreating European Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% AIRAllows Instant Resuscitation. Roger Williams
100% AIR (2)Almost Infuriating Redhat Sean Lamb (Air was the codename for Mandrake Linux 7.0)
Names:Code Names:Linux
100% AIR (3)Animals Inhale Regularly Angela Brett
100% AIR (4)Aids In Respiration Angela Brett
100% AIR FORCEArmed Individuals Regularly Fly On Reconnaissance (Covert) Exercises Top-Gun McCoy O'Grady
88% AIRHEADArtificially Intelligent Robot, Hatched & Enhanced by Apple Developers Angela Brett
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Other Characters
100% AIRLINESAviation Industry Regularly Leaves Individuals Needing Extra Space Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% AIRPLANEAerial Innovation Rising Perpendicular, Lifts Achieving Necessary Elevation Jan Morgan
100% AIRPORTAbounding In Runways, Plenty Of Recreational Travellers Tony McCoy O'Grady
0% AIRPORT*Apple's iBook Receives & Projects On Radio Transmissions! Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% AIRPORT (2)Alimentary Intake's Restricted, Proffer One Roxio Toast! Tony
Computers:Do Not Eat
92% A IS FOR ANGELAAn Inspiration - Surely - For Our Recreational Amusement. New-zealand Girl Especially Loves Acronyms Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% A IS FOR APPLEAnother Instructive Sentence Forming Opinions Regarding Alphabetic Pedagogy... Please Learn Earnestly. Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
94% A KNOWN ACRONYMISTAngela Knows No-One Who New Arrival Could Represent? Off-duty Now, Yes Maybe I'm Santa. Truly ? (see GIFTS OF ACRONYMS)
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% ALABAMAA Large Aeronautics, Based At Madison Area Jan Morgan - Madison County, Alabama, is where Huntsville is located and Huntsville has an aeronautics space camp for kids.
Places:States & Regions
100% ALABAMA (2)Americas Largest Active Battleship Alabama, Mobile Area Jan Morgan - Can Be toured here it saw action in WWII and was the largest ever built
Places:States & Regions
100% ALADDINAdding Lavish Animation, Disney Does It Now Sean Lamb
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% ALANA Leader, Able Navigator Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% ALAN GUTHAttended Lecture About 'Negative' Gravity -- Universe Triggered How? Angela Brett, after attending Guth's colloquium 'From Special Relativity to Cosmic Inflation' -- for more information, or to download the video, visit http://agenda.cern.ch/fullAgenda.php?ida=a054002
Names:Famous people
100% ALAN GUTH (2)Astrophysicists Love A New Grand Unified Theory Hypothesis Angela Brett -- ALAN GUTH may be the expert on rapid expansion in cosmological terms, but an astrophysicist wth the letters GUT in his name is just asking for rapid expansion of a different kind. Perhaps the N word should be changed to 'Nice' or 'Neat' since I'm sure not all GUTs are welcomed, but 'New' flows better.
Names:Famous people
100% ALAN TURINGAt Large Across Net Terminals Unlawfully. Really Is No Good Tony McCoy O'Grady, hypothesing about Turing's descendants becoming supercriminals.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains:When good scientists go bad
100% ALARMA Loud Appliance Ringing Madly Edwin Hermann
People & Relationships:Law & Order
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% ALAS!Advantage Lost! Abashed! Surprise! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% ALASKAA Lotta Arctic Snow - Keep Away! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:States & Regions
100% ALASKA (2)Arctic Lair Afforded Seals; Kodiaks Also Patricia Rix
Places:States & Regions
100% ALASKA (3)Audacious Lawlessness Allowed Spurious Klondike Acquisitions Roger Williams
Places:States & Regions
100% ALASKA (4)A Large Arctic Sledding, Klondike Area Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% ALBANIAAlthough Lying Beside Adriatic, Normally It's Alpine. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ALBANYA Loyal Briton And Not 'Yellow' Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's (The Tragedy Of) King Lear
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:(The Tragedy Of) King Lear
100% AL'BATTANIAlbategnius' Liber Bore Astronomical Tables, Trigonometric Advances & Newer Information. Angela Brett
100% ALBERT EINSTEINA Less-Bearded Enigmatic Researcher Tells Everyone In Natural Science That Everything's Interrelated Naturally Sean Lamb
100% ALBERT KLAGESAnother Link Between Epochs - Relays Tale Knowing Little About Game's Eventual Signification Angela Brett, referring to the character in 'The Solitaire Mystery' by Jostein Gaarder
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Solitaire Mystery
88% ALBERTUS MAGNUSA Lithe Brain Endeavoured to Record Topics Universal... Sainthood Made Albert Guru of Natural - Unbelieving? - Scientists. Angela Brett
100% ALBUS DUMBLEDOREA Leading Bigwig Unusual Sorcerer Does Unbelievable Magic, Believes Love Endures Dangerous Offensive Recidivist. Educator Jan Morgan -- Harry Potter character
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% ALCHEMYActivate Libido, Carefully Hone Every Mettle Yourself. Rico Leffanta
100% ALCIBIADESA Loyal Comrade Indeed - Battles Into Athens, Despatches Enfeebled Senators Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Timon of Athens
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Timon of Athens
100% ALCOHOLA Little Consumption Often Helps Open Legs Rico Leffanta
100% AL COHOLICA Lager Can Often Have Overwhelming / Lasting Irreversible Consequences Three more, please, Barman!
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
Names:Prank Calls
100% ALCOHOLICAbsolutely Legless, Cannot - Obviously - Handle One's Liquor In Comfort. Tony McCoy O'Grady... describing KEYBOARD.
100% ALCOHOLIC (2)Apple Lovers Can Only Have One Liquor... It's Cider! Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
86% ALCUINAurum-Lettered Codices & Uninteresting Instructions on Numbers. Angela Brett (Alcuin was responsible for the Carolington codices, a series of illuminated masterpieces written largely in gold, and also wrote some not-so-exciting maths & astronomy textbooks)
100% ALDEBARANAcross Lightyear Distances, Earthbound Beams Are Received At Night Tony McCoy O'Grady. (Taurus, the Bull, is a zodiacal constellation that contains the orange-hued star Aldebaran, the 13th brightest star in the sky and 45 times larger than the Sun.)
100% ALEXAble Lad Engages Xylophone Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% ALEXANDERAble Lad Engages Xrays At New Domain, Enters Rear Jan Morgan -- Alexander has a new job in the xray area at the rear entrance of the building
Names:First names:Male
100% ALEXANDRAAble Lass Enjoys Xylophone, And Needs Direction, Rhythm's Aim Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% ALEXANDRIAAble Lass Enjoys Xylophone, And Needs Direction, Rhythm Is Aim Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% ALEXISAble Lass Engages Xylophone, Is Successful Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% ALFALFAA Little For Arthritis - Limbs Freely Active Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% ALFALFA (2)A Little For Appetite, Lots For Anaemia/Autoimmunotoxicity Angela Brett -- Appetite is just one of the many A-words on the all-encompassing lists of what alfalfa might possibly improve. Apparently there is one documented case of alfalfa overdose which resulted in mild anaemia and leucopenia.
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% ALFA ROMEOA Lavish & Flashy Automobile - Result Of Much Engineering Originality Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% ALFA ROMEO (2)Artistic Lines. Fangio Approved - Raced Often. Models Endearingly Ogled. Eric Bridgstock
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% ALFREDA Low Fat Recipe Ensures Delight Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:You Are What You Eat
78% ALGEBRAAids Learning Geometry - Educates Beginners on Ratios of Area. Angela Brett
100% ALGEBRA (2)Abstract Logic Governs Everything - Broad-Ranging Applications. Angela Brett
88% ALGEBRA (3)Applying a Little Generalisation Eventually Brings Relevant Answer Angela Brett
100% ALGEBRA (4)Arithmetic Logically Grasps, Expressing Bounties: Representation Algebraic! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% ALGEBRA (5)Abstract Logic Generalises Everything; Beautiful Relationships Appear Angela Brett
100% ALGEBRA (6)Arithmetic Lovingly Grasps, Expressing Bounties: Representation Algebraic! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% ALGEBRA (7)Arithmetic Literally Generalized! Expressions Birth Real Abstraction/Adaptibility! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% ALGERIAA Little Grotty Enclave Resting In Africa Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% AL GOREAlways Let Government Organise Religious Events Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% AL'HAITAMAnalysed Lenses, Had An Important Theory About Mirrors. Angela Brett
80% AL'HAITAM (2)Alhazen Lacked Huygens' Accuracy In Trinomial Answer (to) Mirror-problem. Angela Brett (Al'Haitam was also known as Alhazen, and is best known for 'Alhazen's problem,' which Huygens found a better solution to.)
100% AL'HASIBAbu Largely Helped Along Solving Irrational Bewilderment. Angela Brett
100% ALIAS GRACEA Little Irish Absconding Servant Gets Railroaded And Cannot Escape Patricia Rix, referring to the book by Margaret Atwood.
Art & Literature:Book Titles
90% ALICE FORDA Lively Interesting Cutie Extracts Fun Out (of) Rogue's Deceit Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Merry Wives of Windsor
100% A LIFEAcronyms Live In Fame Evermore! Angela Brett, when Patricia asked Tony, 'Do these excellent acronyms just roll off the keyboard or do you not have a life?'
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
92% ALISON HOLSTA Lady Is Seasoning Our Nutrition, Her Own Love is Sweet Things Tony McCoy O'Grady, on NZ chef Alison Holst.
Names:Famous people
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% ALISTAIR MACLEANAction, Laced In Suspense That Accepts (In Readers' Minds) A Completely Ludicrous Escapism As Natural Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Writers
100% ALITALIAAircraft Leave Italian Territory And Land In Adriatic Chris Kjelgaard
92% ALL ACRONYMSAlphabetical Lexicon Lists And Categorised Records [are] On Net... You Must've Seen! Angela Brett, guessing that whoever searched for 'all acronyms' on the Acronyms web site would have been interested in the alphabetical listings at http://acronyms.co.nz/A.html and perhaps the category listings at http://acronyms.co.nz/catindex.html
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% ALL BOYS ARE GOODAt Last Look, Bad Ones Yes, Still Around. Remember, Every Generalisation Offers One Danger. Angela Brett, expanding an unsuccessful search and thinking of the quote attributed to Alexandre Dumas, "All generalisations are dangerous, even this one."
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% ALL BRANA Loathesome Lawbreaker - But Regular - Attacks Niceguys Tony McCoy O'Grady, thinking up a cereal killer
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains:Cereal Killers
100% ALLEGORYAesop Love Legends Especially Glorious Ones Rousing Youths Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature
100% ALLERGYA Little Latent Enzyme Really Grabs You Rico Leffanta
100% ALLIANCEA Large League Is Always Necessary Combatting Evil Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% ALLITERATIONAlike Letters Lead Individual Terms. Excess Rather Annoyingly Turns Into Overt Nausea. Eric Bridgstock
Words & Wordplay
100% ALLITERATIONSAnother Like Letter Indulges The Ear - Repeat Again To Induce Outrageously Nonsensical Sound. Angela Brett (see the Alliterations page at http://acronyms.co.nz/alliterations.html)
Words & Wordplay
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% ALMOST ANYTHINGA Laughing Macintosh Owner Sometimes Thinks About Nothing. Yes, Tony's Humour Is Nearly Godlike. Tony McCoy O'Grady, when, after boasting 'Told you I could do almost anything!' was challenged to do ALMOST ANYTHING.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ALOETTEA Lovely Objective, Essence To Try, Everyone Jan Morgan -- A home party Cosmetic Company made with Aloe Vera in it
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% ALOE VERAAgave Lotion On Epidermis Virtually Erases Rough Abrasions Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% ALOHAAcclaimed Loudly On Hawaiian Atoll Tony McCoy O'Grady
Communication:Hello & Goodbye
100% ALONEAlways Left Out - Not Enjoyable. Angela Brett. Tony replied by saying ''Alone' is not always a case of being left out - it can be a case of leaving! You're confiusing being alone with being lonely!' and demonstrating with some more versions of ALONE.
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships
71% ALONE (2)A Little Oneness (is a) Nice Experience Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships
83% ALONE (3)Another Lovely Opportunity Not (to) Engage Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships
83% ALONE (4)A Lonesome Occassion (is) Nice Enough Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships
100% ALONE (5)A Loved One Never Encroaches Tony McCoy O'Grady. (Who adds: assuming they respect your wish for solitude)
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships
100% ALONE (6)Appropriate Leisure Offers Nice Escape Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships
100% ALONE (7)Anthony/Angela Looks On, Needn't Entangle Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships
100% ALONSOA Louse Of No Saving Overtones Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Tempest
83% ALPHAA Letter Previously Handwritten in Athens Angela Brett
100% ALPHABETAll Literate People Have Already Begun English Training. Angela Brett
100% ALPHABET (2)A Lexicographic Pattern Hailed As Big Educational Tool Angela Brett
100% ALPHABET (3)All Letters Placed Here; Altered By Enthusiastic Testers Roger Williams
80% ALPHABET SOUP[Person 1] "A Letter, Please!" [Person 2] "Have A Broth." [Person 3] "Excuse That Suggestion... Obviously Utterer's Plastered" Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% AL QAEDAAmerican Leaders Quieten Arab Enemies' Destruction Attempts Chris Kjelgaard
Military:War & Terrorism
100% ALTARA Little Table Attracts Reverence Tony McCoy O'Grady
95% ALTERNATIVE REAL ESTATEA Lantern's The Eccentric Residence of Necromancer, Aladdin Turned Into Victor/ Evictor. Really Extreme: A Lady Established Shoeshanty, Tongues At Top Entrancement Angela Brett, who apologises if the tongue pun is in bad taste.
Art & Literature
100% ALTSCAPEAlternative Landscape: Their 'Scenesaver' Creates A Personalised Environment Angela Brett, who is developing the Mac OS X version of Altscape's 'Scenesaver' and Media Manager software. (See http://www.altscape.com/index.asp?displaymode=DownloadsPage)
100% ALTSCAPE (2)A Lively Team Shall Celebrate As Patronage Expands Angela Brett (see PARTY)
100% ALTSCAPE (3)A Little Thousand... So? Countless Additional Patrons Expected. Angela Brett (see PARTY) who apologises for the over use of 'Patron' but thinks it was the best word for all the ALTSCAPE-related acronyms which use it.
90% ALUMINIUMAmerican Lexicographers Usually Misspell It. Nowadays It's (a) Useful Metal. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ALWAYS COCA COLAAre Liquids Wet? Apparently Yes. Some Contain Oxygenated Carbon And Cause Offensive Leaking Air Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% ALYSSAA Loud Yell Shouts Shrilly, Actually Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% AMActually Me Jeff Anonymous, after typing 'I AM the JA acronym' on the forums and realising he should acronymise AM.
Assorted Verbs
100% AM (2)Awful Music Tony McCoy O'Grady (AM actually stands for Amplitude Modulation)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% AMANDAAmatory Maiden, And Nicely Desirable Also Tony McCoy O'Grady... Amanda means 'worthy to be loved' apparently.
Names:First names:Female
100% AMANDA (2)A Much Adored, Nearly Divine Amigo Rob Rix
Names:First names:Female
100% AMANDA (3)Appropriate Moniker Assigned Nicely Demure Artist Rob Rix, describing an incredibly artistic Amanda he knows.
Names:First names:Female
100% AMANDA (4)A Maiden At Nice Distance Away Patricia Rix, saying: WINDSOR (2) is where Rob's girlfriend lives, about a 5-hour drive from here
Names:First names:Female
100% AMBASSADORSA Mission Based Abroad Serving State's Ambitions Doth Often Require Statemanship Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% AMBERAncient Miniscule Bug's Encased Reliably Sean Lamb
100% AMBULANCE'Animal Motor-Bus' Usage Largely Aids Neighbourhood Community Education Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Animals:The Dorothy Dorosett Brown Mobile Centre
100% AMBULANCE (2)'Animal Motor-Bus' Usage Largely Aids Nature-Care Education Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Animals:The Dorothy Dorosett Brown Mobile Centre
100% AMBULANCE (3)'Animal Motor-Bus' Usage Leaves All Nature's Critters/Creatures Ensconced Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Animals:The Dorothy Dorosett Brown Mobile Centre
100% AMBULANCE (4)'Animal Motor-Bus' Usage Largely Aids Neighbourhood's Creature Empathy Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Animals:The Dorothy Dorosett Brown Mobile Centre
75% AMDAcronyms Made to Deliver AMD = Advanced Micro Devices, a CPU manufacturer.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% AMERICAArgumentative Multitude Encamped Right In Canada's Arse Rob Rix
100% AMERICA (2)Aha, My Expedition's Reached India, Columbus Averred Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Thoughts:Misconceptions
100% AMERICA (3)Acquire Money! Exploit Resources Innovatively! Capital Access! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% AMERICA (4)A Mixture, Emerging Residents In Common Agenda Jan Morgan -- The way America was conceived (a mix of cultures coming together to have freedoms no other country was able to give)
100% AMERICANAnyone Mindlessly Enthusing 'Reality Is Cash' Ad Nauseum Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% AMERICAN PIEAmazing McLean Epitaph Recounting Idols' Crashed Aeroplane Night. Perceptive, Intelligent, Evocative. Eric Bridgstock
92% AMERICAN PIE (2)Awful Madonna Easy-listening Record. It Confirms A Naff Pop Icon Exists Eric Bridgstock
100% AMERICAN WAYAll Macintosh Emergencies Require Immediate Computer Aid, Necessitating Wisdon And Youth Tony McCoy O'Grady, after fighting for TRUTH, JUSTICE, AND THE AMERICAN WAY.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
MacGirl & KeyBoard
90% AMERICIUMA Metal, Exceedingly Radioactive, It's Created (of) Intensely Unstable Matter. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% AMIGAArchaic Machine, It's Gone Away. Steve Keate and Angela Brett
100% AMIGA (2)Another Machine Is Gone Away Don't see too many Amigas any more...
100% AMIGO"Amicus" Made Iberian, Guys Only Jeff Anonymous, doing failed searches. Amigo is the Spanish (Iberian) variant of the Latin "amicus," also meaning "friend." Both "amicus" and "amigo" apply only to males, "amica" and "amiga" replacing them when dealing with women.
People & Relationships
100% AMOR VINCET OMNIAAny Memory Of Romance Vicariously Ignites Natural Conceptions Embracing Two Opportune Mates Needing Imagined Ardour Rico Leffanta
Assorted Phrases
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% AMOSA Man Of Sanctity Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% AMSTERDAMAny Marijuana Smoker That Ever Rolled Dreams About Metropolis Angela Brett
Places:Towns & Cities
100% AMSTRADAntiquated Machine Starts Trouble... Requires Another Diskdrive. Angela Brett, after a lady in her writing class who'd been using the same Amstrad for 10 years found that it needed a new diskdrive because it hadn't been cleaned.
100% AMTRAKAnother Metro Train Rolls Along Keenly Sean Lamb (Amtrak is the national passenger carrier of the US)
100% AMYAffectionate Miss Yearns Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% ANAGRAMA New Arrangement Giving Reasonably Alike Meaning Angela Brett, describing what people usually aim for when finding anagrams.
Words & Wordplay
100% ANALOGUEAny Nincompoop At Large Or Girl Under Ether Rico Leffanta, because a nincompoop is analagous to a girl under ether.
Words & Wordplay
100% ANARCHYAnyone Not Accepting Regulations Confuses Hierarchical Yesmen. Tony McCoy O'Grady
0% ANARCHY (2)Apparently, Not Obeying Rules Creates Happiness, Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ANARCHY (3)Agitated New Age Rebels Create Havoc, Yikes! Eric Bridgstock
100% ANARUA Naughty And Rambunctious Underling Steve Keate, acronymising his son.
Names:First names:Male
83% ANAXAGORASArgued 'Nous' Arranged Xcision of Aether (from) Ground & Oxygen. Recognised Atheistic Sun. Angela Brett. (Anaxagoras was imprisoned for suggesting that the sun was not a god and that the moon reflected the sun's light)
90% ANCESTORSA Nice Collection, Enriches Service To Others, Reaching Self-exploration Jan Morgan - Searching out our ancestors helps us learn about our heritage and serves the rest of the family to know about where we came from
People & Relationships:Family
100% ANCHORA New Cruiser's Held Off Rocks TMcCO'G
100% ANCHOR IN MY LIFEApprovals Nurturing, Caring Harmonious Other Responds Integral Necessity Maintains Your Longevity/Love In Full Edification Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
88% ANDORRAA Non-Descript Outpost Residing (in) Remotest Alps Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ANDREAAnnoyingly Neat Diva Reveals Every Atom Yru Redhead
Names:First names:Female
100% ANDREA (2)Absolutely Nefariously Delightful Relishes Exciting Arguments Yru Redhead
Names:First names:Female
100% ANDREA (3)Alluringly Now Delivering Real Energy About Yru Redhead
Names:First names:Female
100% ANDREA (4)Absolutely Naughty Dancer Ravishing Everyone Always Yru Redhead
Names:First names:Female
100% ANDREA (5)Abounding New Delights Reveals Energy's Angel Yru Redhead
Names:First names:Female
100% ANDREA (6)Angel Now Dances Round Evoking Amazement Yru Redhead
Names:First names:Female
100% ANDREA (7)Absolutely Never Displayed Resistance Eating Apples Yru Redhead
Names:First names:Female
86% ANDREA (8)Atomically Near Diamond Resisted Everyone (else's) Approach Yru Redhead
Names:First names:Female
100% ANDREA BOCELLIArias Never Die Recent Etudes Arose Bringing On Crowds Exclaiming 'Lord Loves Italians' Rico Leffanta
100% ANDREWA Nice Dude Really Educated Well Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
100% ANDREW (2)Articulating New Dreams, Reaching Educational Whims Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Male
100% AN EMAILA Nice Electronic Message Across Internet Lines Angela Brett, who promised to give Tony an email if he found an ACRONYM for INCENTIVE
100% AN EXCUSE THAT'S FULL OF HOLESA Novel Explanation - Xculpating Culprit Under Suspicion. Elaborate Tale Has Abundant Twists. Seems Foolproof, Until Logically Looked Over - Faulty - Hundreds Of Light-Emitting Sources Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% ANGELA Near-Godly-Existence Lifeforce Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ANGEL (2)Always Near God's Everlasting Love Yru Redhead
86% ANGELAAngelical Nosy Girl Enquiring of Literary Affairs Mary Carr
Names:First names:Female
100% ANGELA (2)Acronymious Nerdish Girl Eliciting Little Amazement John Brett. (Angela's father)
Names:First names:Female
100% ANGELA (3)Articulate NorthShorer Generates Exciting Literary Action Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% ANGELA (4)Amazing Newzealand Girl Eliciting Lasting Adulation! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% ANGELA (5)Amazing Near-Genius Eliciting Lasting Admiration! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
86% ANGELA (6)A Nice Girl Entering Lots of Arguments. Angela Brett
Names:First names:Female
100% ANGELA (7)Academically Neat Goof Equally Loves Acronyms Mary Carr, in a last-minute effort to increase her number of contributions, just before Angela uploaded the acronymist hall of fame. (http://acronyms.co.nz/halloffame.html)
Names:First names:Female
100% ANGELA (8)Am Not Gunna Expand Lame Acronyms PiMaster, after he typed 'ANGELA!' and Angela said he should acronymise anything in capitals.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Names:First names:Female
100% ANGELA (9)A Naked Girl Excites Lovers Amorously Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% ANGELA (10)A Nice Greek (Eros's Language) Angel. Jeff Anonymous
Names:First names:Female
100% ANGELA (11)A 'Nym Girl's Expansions Look Admirable Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ANGELA (12)A Nasty Gourmet Eats Lamb's Appendix Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% ANGELA (13)Ain't No Garnish... Entire Lunch Actually! Angela Brett
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% ANGELA BRETTA Newzealand Girl Evidently Loves Apple But Rarely Exudes True Thankfulness Tony McCoy O'Grady
85% ANGELA BRETT (2)A Near Genius, Evidently Likes Apples. (has) Become Rather Enamoured (of) Today's Technology. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ANGELA BRETT (3)A Nice Girl, Exudes Ladylike Attractiveness, Boyfriend Rather Eccentric Type Though! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ANGELA BRETT (4)A Nascent Genius, Extolling Logical Acronyms. Bountiful, Remarkably Encyclopaedic, Tasteful Terminology Bern Dell
100% ANGELA BRETTLA Nice Girl Errs Loudly, Atrociously. Better Read Extra, True? Typo: Lousy. Jeff Anonymous, when Angela mistyped her name
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% ANGELANESSAcronyms' Natural Genius Exercises Laudable Achievements Now Earns Some Success. Tony McCoy O'Grady, after Angela's EAT POTATO won a prize and Tony said it was a recognition of her ANGELANESS.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% ANGELICAA Near Genius Engaged Loyally In Computer Activities Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to Angelica MacCoy, MacGirl's secret identity. (Shhh, don't tell anyone!)
Names:First names:Female
MacGirl & KeyBoard:(Wannabe) Superheroes
100% ANGELOA Nun Gets Emotions Loosened Out Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Measure for Measure
100% ANGERAlmost Never Gets Effective Result Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% ANGER (2)A Needlessly Generated Exasperated Rage Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% ANGIEA Nickname Given Is Endearing Angela Brett
Names:First names:Female
100% ANGIE (2)A Nice Girl Is Endearing Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% ANGOLAA New Generation Of Liberation Armies. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ANGRYAnnoying Nuisances Generally Rile You Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% ANGSTROMA Nitpicking Grump's Seriously Teenchy Register Of Measurement Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ANHEDONIAApathetic Nobody Hopes Ennui Doesn't Offer New Insights Attractively Rico Leffanta
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% ANIMAGUSAnimal Narrowly In Man, A Gift, Unusual Sorcerer Jan Morgan -- Harry Potter Lingo -- Limited (narrowly) wizards can do it
Art & Literature
100% ANIMALAutomobile Now Improves Many Animals' Lives Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to a request for acronymic names for The Dorothy Dorosett Brown Mobile Centre, an RV acquired by by the SPCA which is equipped for surgery, education and animal adoptions.
Science:Biology:Animals:The Dorothy Dorosett Brown Mobile Centre
93% ANIMAL INSTINCTAbsolutely Neat Instrumentals... Music And Lyrics Integrate Nicely So That It's a Nice Catchy Tune. Angela Brett (who apologises for using 'Nice' twice) on Animal Instinct, a song by the Cranberries.
83% ANIMEAnimation, Neatly Ingrained with Messages (Evil) Jeff Anonymous
100% ANIMISMAny Natural Item May Invoke Spiritual Manifestation Rico Leffanta
100% ANIMORPHSArtistically Notated Individuals Move Or 'Replicate' (Perhaps) Human Stirrings Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% ANIONA Negative Influence On Neighbours Angela Brett
100% ANISEEDAlways Nice In Sweets, Enjoy Every Dose Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% ANITA EKBERGAlways Nourishing Imaginative Tryst Arrangements Even Kindergarten Boys Enthusiastically Ravish Girl Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% ANNAAbsolutely Needed, Noble Acquaintance Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% ANNE BULLENAfter Naughty Nights, Enters Bigamous Union! Lovely Lady, Elegant & Noble Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry VIII
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VIII
100% ANNE PAGEA Nice Nubile, Emotional Pretty & Attractive Girl Elopes Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Merry Wives of Windsor
89% ANNOYINGA Neighbourhood Nosey-parker Overlooking You Is Not Genial Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% ANOMALYA No Often Means A Lady's Yes! M.S.Prabhakar
People & Relationships
100% ANONYMOUSAny Nonsense Or Name You May Obscure Usually Sufficeth Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people
100% ANONYMOUS (2)Angela Now Omits Name - You May Obtend Unto Santanym Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SANTA)
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% ANSEL ADAMSA Naturalist Shows Everyone Looking At Depictions A Marvelous Scene Sean Lamb (Ansel Adams was best known for his photography of Yosemite National Park in California)
Names:Famous people
100% ANSWERA Neat Solution Where Everything's Resolved Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% ANSWER (2)Ambiguity's Now Solved, Which's Evidently Right Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% ANTAlways Nutritious Taste Rico Leffanta (see PICNIC)
100% ANT (2)A Nuisance Temporarily Jan Morgan -- uninvited picnic intruders
100% ANTELOPEAnimal Naturally Travels Ecosystem Loping Over Pastures, Endurance Jan Morgan -- beautiful animal also called a speed goat
100% ANTHEMA Nation's Tune Has Everyone Mouthing! Angela Brett, reflecting on the observation than in any sports event or other such occasion where people are required to sing the national anthem, most of the participants don't know all the words, so try their best at moving their mouths so they'll appear to be singing.
100% ANTHONYAffluent, Nostalgic Travelling Hippy - Old, Not Youthful. Mary Carr, describing her brother (with a little help from Angela Brett.)
Names:First names:Male
100% ANTHONY (2)A Name, Therefore, Holds Only Notation, Yes? Angela Brett. (See the ADVENTUREs of MacGirl & KEYBOARD, EPISODE #1)
Names:First names:Male
MacGirl & KeyBoard:(Wannabe) Superheroes
88% ANTHRAXA New Terror Has Reached America... [a] Xenobiotic. Angela Brett
Military:War & Terrorism
100% ANTHRAX (2)And Now The Human Race ... Aaaaaarrrrggghh... Xpires Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ANTHRAX (3)And Not Two Heads Rolled - All Xaggeration! Angela Brett, when only one person had died of anthrax in the USA but the whole world was paranoid about it.
Military:War & Terrorism
92% ANTHROPOLOGYAssessing Nature (The Human Race's) One Pores Over Loads Of Genetic Yackety-yack Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ANTHROPOMORPHISMAscribing Nonhumans Typically Human Range Of Properties. One Macintosh Owner Readily Personifies Her IBook - She's Mad! Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
Art & Literature
100% ANTHROPOMORPHISM (2)A Novel Thought: Herds Roaming Over Prairie Opine Mankind's Outlook Regarding Procreation & Heroism, Implying Selfish Motives Patricia Rix
Art & Literature
100% ANTI-Affix Negates The Idea Angela Brett
100% ANTIBODIESA Natural Thing In Biology... Only Destroy If Enemy's Sensed. Angela Brett
100% ANTIBODIES (2)After New Threat's Identified, Bring On Death In Errant Substance Angela Brett
100% ANTIBODYAllergy: New Threat's Identified Badly -- Only Death's Yours. Angela Brett, to go with ANTIBODIES (2)
100% ANTICAction, Nay Trick! - Is Capricious Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
97% ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISMA Non-church Theory Intensely Discussed In Social Elements: Stating That Any Belief Linked Into Statehood Has Much Enormous Negativity - That Any Religion Is A Nationalised Institution Shouldn't Materialise Tony McCoy O'Grady
93% ANTIGUA & BARBUDAA Neat Tourist Island Given Unto Attracting Billionaires Aiming (for) Relaxation - But Usually Drinking Alcohol. Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% ANTIMONYA Nasty Toxin. It Means Oncoming Necrosis (for) You. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ANTIMONY (2)A Naughty Tony (In Mirth Only) Negates _You_ Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to ANTI-
100% ANTIOCHUSA Nasty Tyrant Insists On Containing His Ugly Secret Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Pericles
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Pericles
100% ANTIPASTOAnd Now To Indulge - Prepare A Starter To Order Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% ANTIPHOLUS OF EPHESUSApparently Not Too 'Into' Practical Hoaxes. Our Largely Urbane Son, On Finding Egeon's Paternity Hears Extra Surprise - Unsuspected Sibling Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Comedy Of Errors
95% ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSEA Naive Twin Is Partially Helpless On Leaving Usual Surroundings, On Foot, Seeking Youthful Relation Apparently Cast Up Suddenly (in) Ephesus Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Comedy Of Errors
89% ANTIPHONAnti-democratic Notions Treasonous... Involvement Preceded Hanging On Noose! Angela Brett
82% ANTIPODESA Notion Truly International - Positioned at Opposing Dipoles on Earth's Surface Angela Brett
100% ANTONIOA Noble Trader - Of Necessarily Immense Optimism Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Merchant of Venice
88% ANTONIO (2)Authority Not Taken On Nicely In Opening-scenes Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Tempest
100% ANTONYMAnother Name, Totally Opposite, Negative Yielding Moniker Gavin Lambert
Words & Wordplay
100% ANUBISAncient Netherworld-Underworld Being Is Supreme Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Death
100% ANUSArsehole's Not Unusually Smelly Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% ANUS (2)A Not Uncommon Sphincter Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
82% ANYONE INSPIRED?[Tony] "Angela, Now You Only Need Everyone's Input?" [Angela] "Nobody's Spared Participation!" [Jeff] "I'll Readily Essay Dialogues." Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela asked 'Anyone inspired?' after suggesting we try more DIALOGUE STYLE ACRONYMS like ALPHABET SOUP.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ANYTHING STARTING WITH AAah, Now You're Trying Hard... It's No Good Searching This, Apronym Retriever's Thinking Is Not Great. Website Index, Though, Has Answer. Angela Brett, after somebody searched the Apronyms website for that phrase. Clicking on the 'Alphabetical' link on the main page will get you to a list of apronyms beginning with A, however... at http://apronyms.com/alphabetic.php?letter=A
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% ANY TIME NOW"And Next....", You Think, "... In Moments...". (Ensuring No Overlong Waiting) Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ANZACArmy Needed Zeal And Courage Tony McCoy O'Grady (ANZAC actually stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% AOLAutomatically Online Loser Jeff Anonymous (in reference to what many people think about users of America Online)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% AORTAAimed Outward, Replenishing The Ateries Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% APACHEAlways Pretty And Creative Html Everywhere Sean Lamb (Apache is the server software that runs the vast majority of the web)
100% APACHE (2)A Program Answering Comon Http Enquiries Sean Lamb (Apache is the server software that runs the vast majority of web sites)
100% APARTMENTAbode Placed Adjacently; Rather Tiny, Microscopic Even -- New Territory. Gavin Lambert - I recently bought an apartment, which I'm now living in. It seems quite small now (though nice) -- but that is almost certainly just a side-effect of my PACKRATITIS; I've just got too much Stuff :)
100% APE"Ancestral Primate" -- Evolutionists Angela Brett
100% APE (2)Are People Evolved? Angela Brett (many people object to the theory of evolution simply because they don't like the thought of being related to apes.)
100% APE (3)Actually Practically Extinct. Roger Williams
100% APEMANTUSAcerbic Philosopher Ever Mocking And Needling Timon's Unhappy Status Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Timon of Athens
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Timon of Athens
80% APEXA Point Expressing X-height Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% APHRODITEApproaching Penis Harbours Rapturous Orgasms Divinely Imparted To Eros Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% APLENTYA Plethora; Loads; Excesses Not Tested Yet Rob Rix
100% APOCALYPSEAwesome Propounding Of Cataclysm Awaiting Lets You Ponder Supreme Eternity Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% APOLLOAffordably Purchase Our Lovely Linux Offering Sean Lamb (Apollo was the code name for RedHat Linux 5.2)
Names:Code Names:Linux
100% APOLOGETICAbjectness - Provision Of Lots Of Great Evidence That I'm Contrite Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
89% APOPLEXYAngry Passionate Outburst & Purple Look - Eyes Xcitedly Yo-yoing Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% APOPLEXY (2)Arterial Palpitations Often Precipitate Letting Experts X-ray You Melanie Merswolke
100% APOSTLEA Person Once Selected To Lead Eucharist Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% APOSTROPHEA Pointer Of Syncopation, The Rightful Owner(s), Perh... "Hello, Entrant!" Angela Brett, mixing the two meanings of 'apostrophe'.
100% APPALOOSAAMD Processor Portends Affordability Like One Open Source Application Sean Lamb (Appaloosa was AMD's code name for their less-expensive Duron line of processors)
Computers:Generic Hardware
Names:Code Names
92% APPENDICITISA Popular Pain, Expensive Nowadays, Doctors Insist Cutting It, Though It's Stomach-ache M.S.Prabhakar
100% APPLEA Pleasing Product Line... Excellent! Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% APPLE (2)A Pepsi President Lent Expertise Angela Brett (referring to John Sculley)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% APPLE (3)A Pleasing Printer, Little Expense Angela Brett, in response to EPSON
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% APPLE (4)All Plastic Parts Lack Edibility Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% APPLE (5)Adam -- Please Partake. Love, Eve Roger Williams
83% APPLE (6)A Perfect Present for Loved Educators. Roger Williams
Food & Drink
100% APPLE (7)Appleseed's Planting Produced Lavish Edibles. Roger Williams
Food & Drink
83% APPLE (8)Actual Plant Product Linked to Eden Roger Williams
Food & Drink
100% APPLE (9)A Physician's Prescription; Let's Enjoy! Roger Williams
Food & Drink
100% APPLE (10)Are Processor's Parts Lacking Edibility? Tony
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% APPLEBUGMANA Particularly Pesky Little Excon - By Uploading Germs May Annihilate Newtons Tony McCoy O'Grady
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
100% APPLE COMPUTERSA Perplexing Productive Large Enterprise Creating Obnoxious Monstrosities Plus Useful Tools. Employs Recycled Steves. Steve Keate
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
93% APPLE COMPUTERS (2)All Plastic Parts Lack Edibility - Chewing On Metal Parts Usually Touches-off Excruciating Rectal Spasms. Tony McCoy O'Grady, as part of the growing collection of acronyms explaining why not to eat computers or computer parts - even if they're named after fruit!
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
Computers:Do Not Eat
64% APPLE IIA Prosperous Product in Late 70s & Early-ish 80s... It's Ingenious! Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% APPLE MACAdvanced Processing Power Logically Ergonomic Mathematically Advanced Computer Carl Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
89% APPLE PENA Promotional Product, Little Expense to Produce Executive Nib. Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% APPLE PIE"American" Pie Pleases Lots! Every Piece Is Eaten! Roger Williams
Food & Drink
100% APPLETALKAnyone Planning Printer LAN Expects To AppleTalk Like Krazy! Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
89% APPROVEDAllowed Past Point to Restricted Offices - Verified/Voted Entry-Deserving Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% APPROVED (2)Admitted Past Protective Ringfence, Owns Verified Entry Document Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% APPROVED (3)Allowed Publish Personal Recollections Once Vigilant Editor Declassifies Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% A PRAYER FOR OWEN MEANYA Parable, Really, About Youthful Experiences. Raconteur's Friend Owen Remains Outstandingly Wonderful Entity, Noticeably Metaphysical Even After Numerous Years Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% APRILAll Plants Resplendant In Leaves Tony McCoy O'Grady, who lives in the northern hemisphere.
100% APRIL (2)After Pelting Rain It Lightens Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% APRIL (3)As Predicted, Rain Is Likely! Roger Williams
100% APRONA Pinafore Reflects One's Neglectfulness Tony McCoy O'Grady - the cleaner the apron, the tidier the cook?
Food & Drink
Household Objects:Clothing
100% APRONYMA Petite Reminder (Openers Notation) Yields Mnemonic Angela Brett (see APRONYMS)
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYM!Acronym's Peak! Representation Organic, Novel, Yare, Mirthful! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Y was the hardest! Fortunately, Y is has only pages 1365-1370 in Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (Tenth Edition.) So, I learned YARE! THANK YOU, Tony McCoy O'Grady, Angela Brett & all the rest of APRONYMANIACSVILLE! The only times I have learned more is when I have made original math discoveries.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYM (2)A Playful Reduction Of Notation Yields Miniature Angela Brett, although this doesn't convey very well that the 'miniature' is supposed to mean the same thing as the original. (see APRONYMS)
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYM (3)Alphabet Produces Recognizable Ordering: Namely Your Meaning! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Yesterday I heard a radio interviewer use the phrase "alphabetic codes" as he decoded the ABBREVIATION of the guest (a HEALTH EXPERT.) So, the ACRO/APRO/MANIA in me immediately recognized that some variation of "ALPHABETIC CODES" would be a PERFECT START FOR APRONYMIZING "ACRONYM"!
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYM (4)Alphabet Produces Recognizable Ordering: Namely Your Message! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. as a variation on APRONYM (3)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYM (5)Acceptable Pursuit Requiring Only Nimble Youthful Minds? Chris Kjelgaard
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYM (6)Attention! Please Remit Only Non-Yukky Meanings Chris Kjelgaard
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYM (7)After Play, Remain Online, Note Your Mail Chris Kjelgaard
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYM (8)Abbreviating Phrases Relaxes - Outdoes Natural Yogic Meditation! Chris Kjelgaard
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYM (9)After Perusing Rules Online, Now You're Miserable Chris Kjelgaard
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYM (10)Affable People Refuse - Only Non-Yielders Manage! Chris Kjelgaard
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYM (11)Associated Phrase Relates, Odd Nonsense, Yet Meaningful Tony Moore
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMISMAddressing Prior Requisite Omniscience, "Not Your Median" Is Smart-Mouthed. Rob Rix (see APRONYMS (14))
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMISTSAdmitted Punsters. Rarely Observed Newness, Yet Maturity. Innovative Sages. Truth Seekers. Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMSAcronyms' Particular Relevancy Often Notify Your Meaning Strongly Tony McCoy O'Grady. Following a request for a word to apply to a 'meaningful acronym' I offered Aptonym - but there were objections to this. So I went further and suggested Apronym, as a conflation of the French 'a propos' and acronym, and also offering overtones of 'appropiate'.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (2)A Phrase Reminiscent Of Name You Made Shorter Angela Brett (see APRONYMS)
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (3)A Potted Rendition Of Notion Yields Miniature Summary Angela Brett (see APRONYMS)
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (4)Anyone's Permitted Ratifying O'Grady's Neologism? Yes, Make Some! Angela Brett (see APRONYMS)
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (5)Appellations Positioned Right, Organising Names You 'Member Smoothly. Gavin Lambert
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
89% APRONYMS (6)Acronyms Predominantly Result in Obfuscation... 'Nsure Yours Mean Something Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (7)A Pertinent Riposte Of Nonsense You May Send Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
89% APRONYMS (8)A Pertinent Re-interpretation Of Normality Yielding More Sense Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
89% APRONYMS (9)A Propos Re-stressing Of Notions Your Meaning Shares Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (10)A Propos Restriction On 'Nyms, You Maintain Semantics. Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (11)Acronyms' Prolonged Representations Obviously Near Your Main Subjects Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (12)A Possibly Ribald Offering, Now Your Mates Smirk Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (13)Apt Phrases, Redolent Of Novel Yet Meaningful Sense Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (14)Abbreviated Pronunciations Require Omniscience -- Not Your Median Science. Rob Rix
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (15)Acronyms' Peaks! Representations Organic, Novel, Yare, Mirthful, Succinct! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. as a variation of APRONYM!
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (16)Acronyms' Punny Retrievers! Organized Novelties! Your Memory Smiles! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. My second TRIAL. Charged with? Caught READ-handed on the World Wide Web with Tony McCoy O'Grady's APRONYMS! (12 counts as of 7/24/2003.)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (17)Acronyms' Punny Relatives! Organized Nearness! Your Memory Secure/Smiles! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (18)Acronyms' Palatable Relatives Organizing Nutritiously, Yummy Memory Savoriness! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. (perhaps this is a second course for ACRONYMS (16))
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (19)Acronyms' Punny Relatives! Organizing Nicely Your Memory Security! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (20)Acronyms Preeminently Realized! Organizing Nuggets! Your Memory Soars! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (21)Acronyms' Preeminence! Really Organizing Naturally Your Memory Skills! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (22)Acronyms' Preeminence! Real Organic Natural! Your Memory Super! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
89% APRONYMS (23)Algebra-like Possibilities! Real Organic Naturally Yours! Mnemonic Sentience/Shouts! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
89% APRONYMS (24)Algebra-like Permitting Rampant Organic Nuances! Your Mnemonic Sentience/Sentient! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
89% APRONYMS (25)Algebra-like Permitting Rampant Organic Nicety! Your Mnemonic Sentient! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (26)Acronyms' Peaks! Rearrangements Organic Nuances! Your Memory Semantic! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Trying for the ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM PEAK for APRONYMS
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
89% APRONYMS (27)Acronyms' Peaks! Represent O'Grady's Neologism! Yare Mnemonic Self-definitions! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (28)A Perfectly Reasonable Option? No, You Mangy Sonafabitch! Word Nerd This came to me as I was looking at NYMS today, my first visit to your site. Coming from a background in which I routinely read trials about blood pressure and heart-related issues, almost all of which have an apronym attached, this is something I've engaged in over lunch and coffee for years, as in: The "Bitch" Trial, i.e., Best Innovation to Control Hypertension, and so on. Thank you for giving creative outlet for my frustrations! :)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (29)Apt = Pert = Refined Ore = Nuggets! Yield Mined/Mind Scintillation! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (30)Attract Player Response - Or Next Year Misses Site! Chris Kjelgaard
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (31)Abbreviating Provides Relaxing Opportunities - Nirvana, You Might Say Chris Kjelgaard
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (32)Awfully Peculiar Racket - Ordinary Names Yield Meanings, Surprisingly! Chris Kjelgaard
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (33)Average Player? Refreshingly Ornery, Not Yet Mean Sod Chris Kjelgaard
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (34)Applaud Particularly Relevant Or Neatly Yoked Message Strings Chris Kjelgaard
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (35)Appalling Potential Revealed - Online Nightly, You're Meanings' Slave! Chris Kjelgaard
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (36)Appeal: Please Resist, Or Naive Young Minds Subverted! Chris Kjelgaard
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (37)A Person Rephrases One Noun Yet Makes Several Roger Williams
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (38)Acronyms Perfected! Relations Organic/Obvious! Now Your Memory Scintillates! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
89% APRONYMS (39)Acronyms Profound! Representation Organic! Novel / Yare Mnemonics! Self-evident! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS (40)A Punster Reworks Old Names - You May Smile Tony, who feels the need to add to the expansions available for the page-headers on the web-site
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
89% APRONYMS (41)A Page-header Renders Our Novelties, Yet Makes Sense Tony, who feels the need to add to the expansions available for the page-headers on the web-site
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APRONYMS SO FARAnother Player Requests Our Newest Yields; May Send Something Oddly Funny And Related Sean Lamb
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% APROPOSA Pertinent Response Or, Perhaps, Opening Statement Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% APROVEApronym Passes Rigors Of Vetting/ Examination Angela Brett thinking that APROVE could mean approve an APRONYM. Not to be confused with the misspelling of approve, of which I DISAPROVE.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% APTITUDEA Prized Talent Is To Unerringly Do Everything Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% APTITUDE!Applying Potential, Talented Individuals Travel Upward, Defying Encumbrances! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% APTITUDE (2)A Particular Talent Is Terribly Useful During Employment Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% APTITUDE (3)Asset! Progress Through Implementing Talent. Upward: Daily Excellently Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships
100% APTONYMSAppropriate Phrases To Obviate Nuances Your Morphemes Suggest Angela Brett, after Tony suggested that 'aptonyms' might be a better name for our creations.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% AQUARIUSApparently Quite Utter Airheads Remain Interested Until Senile. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% AQUARIUS (2)Always Quiet Underestimated Attribute Response Is Usually Straightforward Jan Morgan
100% A QUESTIONAngela Quite Usually Enquires, "Support This Idea, Or Not?" Angela Brett, as the subject of an email asking whether to implement an idea in the ALTSCAPE software.
100% ARAB COUNTRIESArranged Round A Broad Crescent - Outwardly Unsimilar Nations, Their Racial Identity's Essentially Semitic Tony McCoy O'Grady
88% ARAGORNAdept Ranger Ably Guides Out (of) Riders' Net Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% ARBOKAloud, Read Backwards, Ophidian's Known Angela Brett (Arbok is Pokemon #24)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% ARBONNEA Real Botanical Objective, Nourishes Naturally Everyone Jan Morgan -- A home party Cosmetic company
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% ARCHAEOLOGYAcademics Regularly Create Holes And Excavate Objects, Learning Of Goneby Years. Tony McCoy O'Grady - Apologies for the "goneby" - it's acronymist's licence applied to the acceptable "bygone"
100% ARCHAEOPTERYXAlthough Rather Controversial, Hailed As Earliest Ornithoid. Precursor To Everyday Robins, Yet Xtinct. Angela Brett
100% ARCHERArrows Really Can Hurt Enemy Rogues Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ARCHERYArrows Rarely Cross Hearts - Excepting (Romantically) Yours Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% ARCHIBALD LEACHA Romantic Character Hiding In Bedrooms After Leaving Daughter; Look Everywhere And Catch Him Rico Leffanta (Archibald Leach is better known as Carey Grant)
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses:Little known real names
100% ARCHIVEA Resource Containing Hoarded Items, Very Extensive Tony McCoy O'Grady, when it was suggested that some of the old forum threads be archived.
Assorted Nouns
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% ARCITEAthenian Romantic Contretemps Inspires Theseus's Enmity Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's (and/or John Fletcher's) The Two Noble Kinsmen
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Two Noble Kinsmen
100% AREAcronym Requests Expansion Angela Brett, when Jeff capitalised ARE on the Acronyms forums.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% ARE (2)Angela, Resolved, Exceptionally. Jeff Anonymous, in response to ARE.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% ARENAAthlete's Runway Encircles Natural Amphitheatre Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
90% ARGENTINAA Republic, Government (is) Elected Now To Internationally Noted Agreement. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ARGH!Angela Rarely Gets Headrest Angela Brett, late at night after adding a lot of apronyms (there are still many waiting to be reviewed, though it's not really an ARGH thing as it's great that people have been submitting so many apronyms.)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ARGONA Royal Gas?! Oh, Noble! Angela Brett
100% ARGON (2)A Rare Gas Of Nature Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ARGUSA Really Great Unusual Ship Jan Morgan -- see THE ARGUS
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% ARIELA Real, If Ethereal, Lifeform Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Tempest
100% ARIESAll Reasonable Intellects Eschew Starsigns Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ARIES (2)Abilities Range In Enterprising Success Jan Morgan
85% ARISTARCHUSAstronomer Received Instruction of Strato, Tested Accepted Rules by Considering Heliocentric Universe, Scientifically. Angela Brett
100% ARITHMETICA Really Irritating Task Humans Must Endure 'Til It Calculates. Timothy Chambers
91% ARITHMETIC (2)Archimedes Rigorously Iterated This, Had 'Method of Exhaustion'. Today: 'Integral Calculus'. Angela Brett
100% ARITHMETIC (3)Adding Real Integers Together Has Made Everyone Think It's Complicated Angela Brett, when somebody mentioned the mnemonic 'A Red Indian Thought He Might Eat Toffee In Church', and noted that a politically correct version would spell anathematic.
100% ARIZONAArid Region Is Zone Of Natural Attraction Jan Morgan - Natural attraction the Grand Canyon
Places:States & Regions
100% ARIZONA (2)Arduous Respiration In Zone Of Ninetynine.nine% Aridity Tony
Places:States & Regions
100% ARKANSASA Rice Kingdom, And Natural Springs As Spas Jan Morgan - state has hot spring resorts and is a leading rice producer
Places:States & Regions
100% ARLINGTONArmymen's Remains Laid In New Graves, They're Organised Neatly Tony McCoy O'Grady - Arlington is a (the?) major US military cemetery
100% ARMA Reaching Mechanism Angela Brett and Peter Coxhead
Science:Biology:Body Parts
86% ARMADAA Raiding Marine Army Drowned (or) Aground Tony McCoy O'Grady
91% ARMAGEDDONA Raging, Metaphysical Altercation - Good & Evil Destroy Delicate Order of Nature? Angela Brett
100% ARMAGEDDON (2)Anxiously Reading Magazine About Goddesses, Engineering Doomsday Decorations On Nebulae. Angela Brett, to accompany a short story she's writing. If you really want to read the story, email angela@kagi.com and ask for it.
100% ARMENIAA Remote Mountain Expanse, Neighbour Is Azerbaijan. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ARMYA Rifle Motivates You Blair
80% ARMY (2)Aren't Ready [for] Marines Yet If you think the US Navy and the US MARINEs dump on each other, try the US Navy vs the US Army (reference the Army-Navy Football game played every year in Philadelphia, PA, USA). Here's an example of a dump from an ex-US Navy vet.
100% ARMY OFFICERA Regimental Man, You Oversee Friendly Forces In Charging Enemy Redoubt Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGERAustrian Republican Newcomer Offers Leadership Drama - Supremely Confident His Will And Rightist Zeal Enough, Now Envisages Governorship Goal Eminently Reachable Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% A ROLLING STONE GATHERS NO MOSSA Rule Of Lichen Life Is No Genesis Somewhere That's, On Next Examination, Gone Another Turn. Humans Extract Ridiculous Symbolic Nuances Of Meaning Of Simple Science. Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases:Sayings
100% ARSENICA Reliable Solution Employed Nastily In Crimes Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ARTA Response Test Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% ART (2)A Rendered Thought Sean Lamb
Art & Literature
100% ARTHURA Real True Hero - Utterly Romantic Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% ARTHUR (2)Arouses Resentments Though Henry Ultimately Reigns Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King John
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King John
100% ARTHUR (3)Absolutely Rotten, Though He's Unspeakably Rich. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King John
93% ARTHUR WEASLEYA Rare Timid Husband, Uses Requisitions. What Ever Amazing Simple Loyalty Emanates [from] You Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% ARTICLES OF FAITHAims Religiously Taken In Careful Learning, Educated Sole Objectives For Faith Aiming In Truths, Hope Jan Morgan - 13 points of what the LDS people believe
100% ARTICUNO A Really Terrible Icebird. Chills Under No Obligation. Jeff Anonymous (Articuno is Pokemon #144)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEA Rabbit Teasing In Front Impels Canines In Abortive Laps; In New Technology, Endpoint/Endeavour Likewise Lacks In Genuine Ending. No Conquest's Enough! Angela Brett, because once something (such as handwriting recognition or chess-playing computers) which would have been considered artificial intelligence becomes commonplace, it is no longer really considered to be AI. AI is redefined to be something ever more complicated so that we can never actually say we've succeeded in creating it. This reminds me of racing dogs chasing after a rabbit which they can never catch.
100% ARTILLERYArmoured Runabout Throws Its Load, Letting Explosives Reach You Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ARTISTAfter Rendering The Image, Sculpture's Touted Sean Lamb
Art & Literature
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% ARTSY ARTISTA Rather Twee Sensitive Youth Appears Rather Tortured Interpreting Sitter's Traits Tony McCoy ElGreco
Art & Literature
93% ARWEN EVENSTARA Raven-haired Woman Elf, Newly Engaged. Volatile Events Notwithstanding, She Trusts Aragorn's Resolve Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
90% ARYABHATAAmazing Rhyming Yarns About Broad-ranging Hindu Algebra, Then Astronomy. Angela Brett. (Aryabhata wrote his incredible maths & astronomy books in verse, believe it or not!)
100% A SAPAll Sweet And Planty Angela Brett
100% ASAPAnother Superficial Acronymic Promise Charlie (ASAP usually stands for As Soon As Possible)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
100% A SAP (2)Absolutely Stupid, A Prat! TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% ASAP (2)Absolute Speeds _Are_ Possible! TMcCO'G - the query comes after a search for "SOONEST", so I presume it was a search for A S A P - As Soon As Possible.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
100% ASCIIAre Some Computer Ingredients Inedible? Tony, who doesn't think the American Standard Code for Information Interchange is edible.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% ASFAdvanced Spamming Format ASF = Advanced Streaming Format (Microsoft)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% AS FAR AS I CAN REMEMBERAll Slightly Fuzzy, As Recollections Are... So In Case A Negative Results Endorsing Memory, Everyone Mustn't Be Entirely Reliant. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Thoughts
92% AS FAR AS I KNOWAssuming Some Facts And Researching Available Supplied Information, Knowledge is Now Offered Warily. Roger Williams
Assorted Phrases
100% AS GOOD AS A MILEA Shot Goes Off Original Direction, A Stray Arrow's 'Miss Indicator' Lacks Exactness TMcCO'G - referring to the usually longer expression "A miss is as good as a mile" meaning that to be a half and inch out is as bad as being a mile out.
Assorted Phrases:Sayings
100% ASHAnimated Super Hero Angela Brett, referring to the main character in the Pokemon TV series and movies.
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% ASH (2)A Sturdy Handstick TMcCO'G
100% ASHCROFTArrogant Supporter Hates Criticisms Raised Over Firearms Threat Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% ASHCROFT (2)Anti-Semite Helps Christian Right's Openly Fundamentalist Teachings Chris Kjelgaard. The term "Anti-Semite" here is used in its true dictionary meaning, which refers to any person of several races and persuasions, including Arabs, Phoenicians and others - not just the Jewish people.
Names:Famous people:Politicians
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% ASHCROFT (3)Attorney's Stance Harms Constitutional Rights, Only Furthering Terrorism Chris Kjelgaard. "Only Favoring Theology" could be an alternative ending
Names:Famous people:Politicians
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% ASH KETCHUMAll Series, He Keeps Eating, Then Coaching His Unusual Monsters. Angela Brett, referring to the character in the POKEMON TV series.
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% ASHLEYAs She Has Learned Education Yearly Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% ASHTRAYA Smell Hastens Through Rooms After You Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ASIAN CUISINEA Spicy Indian Appetizer, Next Chinese Udon In Soup. It's Notably Ethnic. Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% ASININEA Silly Idiot's Noggin Is Noticeably Empty Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Insults
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% ASKAquire Some Knowledge Bruce Siegel -- apronym came to me in a dream - really
100% ASPARAGUSAssist's Secreting Pee, Aids Removal After Gastrically Unwise Surfeit Tony
Food & Drink
100% ASPARAGUS ROOTAntibiotic Saponins Protect Against Rheumatism And Generate Urine, So Run On Overdrive -- Toiletward! Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% ASSAmple Sized Situpon Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
0% ASS*inAdequately Strong Sphincter Angela Brett, when KEYBOARD explained that he couldn't control-P very well and she said to get off his ASS and type control-P.
MacGirl & KeyBoard
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% ASSAGAIA Slender Spear African Guards Aim Impeccably Angela Brett
0% ASS HOLEAhh Stop Speaking (I) Have Overdosed Listening Earlier Tony McCoy O'Grady, checking out the degree of naughtiness/rudeness which Angela will allow.
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness
People & Relationships:Insults
100% ASSIGNMENTAll Students Should Implement Good Notions & Methods Employing New Thinking Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ASSIGNMENT (2)Assiduous Study Session Is Generally Needed. Many Eejits Need Tuition. Tony McCoy O'Grady
83% ASSIGNMENT (3)Angela Seldom Studies, Instead Gets Ninety Marks by Excelling in Number Tests. Angela Brett
100% ASSIGNMENT (4)Aarrghh! Stressful Situation Is Getting Nastier... My Essay's Now Tardy! Angela Brett
100% ASSISTANCEA Secondary Suggestion Is Some Times A Notion Creating Excellence Tony McCoy O'Grady, when I mentioned that I had a few more acronyms in the making, each with one just one word still to be found.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Assorted Nouns
100% ASSOCIATEAcquaintance Seen Somewhat Often, Commercial Interests Are The Excuse. Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% ASSONISEA Sound Suggestive Of Noises I Suggested Earlier! Tony McCoy O'Grady, pondering a verb for using assonance.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% AS SOON AS POSSIBLEA Speedy Start, Only One Nanosecond As Strict Preference... Only Should Slow If Beloved's Life Ends. Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
90% ASSURANCEAbsolutely Surefire Situation, Unescapable Result - And No-one Can Escape Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% ASTATINEAmazingly Short-Term. All Twenty Isotopes Naturally Exist. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ASTEROIDAnother System That's Engineered Rigorously, Obsolete In Days. Sean Lamb (Asteroid was Microsoft's code name for Windows NT version 5.1)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
100% ASTOUNDINGAcronym Seems Totally Outstanding, Using No 'Dictionary Invading' Neologisms - Great Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela said that his WORLD TRADE CENTER (2) was an astounding acronym.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ASTRIDAcronymising Strange Things Really Isn't Done! Angela Brett, when challenged to make up a quick expansion for ASTRID.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Names:First names:Female
100% ASTROLOGISTAnalyses Stars To Read Other's Lives - Obscurest Genethliac Inferences Seem True Angela Brett
100% ASTROLOGIST (2)Asses Still Think Running One's Life On Galatical Information's Somehow Trustworthy Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ASTROLOGIST (3)A Star's Track Rules One's Life? ... Oh Give It Some Thought! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ASTROLOGYA Scientific Treatment Respecting Observable Laws? Oh Goodness Yes! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ASTROLOGY (2)As Stars Travel, Reaches Over Logistics On Geographic Year Jan Morgan
100% A SUMMER DAYA Shady Unspoilt Meadow Maybe? Everyone's Relaxed, Don't Activate Yourself TMcCO'G
100% AS WAR GROWS SO SIRC'S CAPITAL GROWSAnnual Spring Warnings! Assets Required Gone! Real Opportunity Wasted! So Seek Orders Simply Infinitely Reliable Clocks! Seize Command! Army Pursue Intelligence! Time And Luck Give Resources! Opportunists Win Sales Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. (see FAIL SAFE!)
100% AS YOU SOW SO SHALL YOU REAPA Simple Yardstick One Uses Showing One's Weaknesses, Strengths Or Successes Has Always Lauded Labor. Yes, One's Undertakings Return Exactly As Predicted. Roger Williams
Assorted Phrases:Sayings
100% ATEAccept This Entrance Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% ATHEISMAll That Has Existed Is Strictly Mechanistic Angela Brett
100% ATHEISTA True Heathen's Existence Is Sans Theology Angela Brett
100% ATHEIST (2)Application To Have Encoding Inverted... Sans Theology! Angela Brett (see YARP)
Computers:Windows:Applications:The opposite of PRAY
100% ATHEIST (3)All Those "Hereafter Exists" Ideas - Silly Twaddle! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ATHEIST (4)Anybody That Has Ever Investigated Scientific Theory? Angela Brett, after a friend said that because some articles in NEW SCIENTIST magazine are about evolution, everyone who has ever written for the magazine must be an atheist.
100% ATHEIST (5)A Theistic Hypothesis Existed In Simpler Times Angela Brett
100% ATHEISTICAll The Hard Evidence Implies Scientific Theory Is Correct Angela Brett
100% ATHEISTIC (2)Apronym Touting Heavenly Entity Is Somewhat Tongue-In-Cheek? Angela Brett
100% ATHEISTIC (3)All Those Hapless Evangelists Insist Sticking To Initial Conjecture Angela Brett
100% ATHENA Ancient Teachings Help Educate New Adults Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% ATIAbsolutely Terrific Illustrations Jeff Anonymous, referring to the graphics card company.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% ATKINSAll They Know Is 'Nothing Starchy' Angela Brett, on the Atkins diet.
Food & Drink
100% ATLANTICA Turquiose Liquid, And Not Thick In Consistency Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ATLANTIC (2)Apple Tried Locating Another Name That Is Confusing Sean Lamb (Atlantic was Apple's code name for the Apple ][cx)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% ATLASA Tome Locates A Street Sean Lamb
Places:Navigation Aids
100% AT LASTAcronym Times Letter Arrives Slightly Tardily Angela Brett, after The Acronym Times was very late due to her Mac being lost.
100% AT LAST (2)Acronym Times (Long Awaited) Sent Today Angela Brett, after not updating the website and sending out THE ACRONYM TIMES for ages because of exams and assignments due.
100% ATMOSPHERICAt The Moment Our Sulphur Perhaps Helps Equipoise Rise In CO2 Angela Brett, who recalls hearing about 'sulphur cooling' caused by sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere counteracting the greenhouse effect. (Just as long as you don't mind acid rain!)
100% ATMOSPHERIC (2)As Transport Machinery Overtakes Sense, Particulates Have Exercisers Racked In Coughs Angela Brett - in some places it would be faster to walk than drive due to all the traffic, if it weren't for the exhaust fumes you'd have to breathe.
100% ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY All The Moguls Of Science Patiently Have Explained Result If Carbon Compounds Harm Equilibrium, Making It Sensitive To Radiation Yield. Angela Brett
100% ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY RESEARCH GROUPAs The Metropolitics Of Smoke Prevails, 'Hippies' Explain Rise In Carbon Compounds Has Effects Manifesting In Small Temperature Rise. You Read Every Scientific Exposition And Reach Conclusion Human Greed Reigns, On Unspeakable Proportions. Angela Brett, not about any particular group but in response to an unsuccessful search.
100% AT & TAttention! Thervice Thaved! Jeff Anonymous, after HALT, because AT & T is going to keep the ISP running.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
89% ATTENTION GETTINGA Tired Tony Endeavours Nightly To Instigate Originality and Novelty. Genuinely Exhausting Torment Turns me Into Neo Geriatric. Tony McCoy O'Grady, after Angela challenged him to create an ATTTENTION GETTING acronym.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% ATTENTION GETTING (2)As Things To Engage Newbies, This Is Outstandingly Noteworthy. Generating Eyes To Take In New Gizmos Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% ATTENTION GETTING (3)As This Thing Exercises Neurons That I Obviously Never Generally Engage, Tony's Thinking Is Not Gratifying. Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% ATTENUATORA Thing That's Effectively Neutered Urges Antibodies To Offer Resistance Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ATTORNEYA Trick To Own Resources Never Entitled Yours Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
89% ATTORNEY (2)Another Trialist Teaching Of Righteousness to Near Every Youth Sean Lamb (disclaimer: my father is a Deputy District Attorney for Los Angeles County in California; yeah, this isn't the best, but it's the first thing that popped into my mind)
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% ATXAching To Xtreme Jeff Anonymous
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% AUCKLANDArea Under Corruption Kamasutra Lessons At Night Depositories Rico Leffanta
Places:Towns & Cities:New Zealand
100% AUDIAn Unsafe Driver Inside John Richard Jones
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% AUFIDIUSAn Untrue Friend Indeed, Does Injustice Unto Soldier Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Coriolanus
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Coriolanus
100% AUGUSTAutumn's Upcoming, Gratefully Upgrade Sun Tan Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% AUGUST (2)Almost-Undressed Girls Undergo Sun-Tanning Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% AURORAAnimation Unleashes Rooster Ovation Reveille Arrives Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% AUSPICIOUSAn Unspecified Superstition Presents Itself, Creating Intuition Of Unbridled Success Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% AUSTRALIAAn Unending Sheep Terrain - Ruined Aboriginal Lives In Assimilation Tony McCoy O'Grady
92% AUSTRALIANSArrogant, Useless, Sheep-f***ing Thickos... Rejected & Aimlessly Liking Ignorant Aussie Neurotic Sheila Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% AUSTRIAAlpine Uplands - Ski Tourism Really Is Attractive. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% AUTOBAHNApple Uses The Oddest Brands And Humorous Names Sean Lamb (Autobahn was Apple's code name for the PowerMac 9500/150)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% AUTOMAGICAnything Unexplained That Ordinary Magic Avoids, Given Its Confines Rob Rix - thought up after an e-mail to Angela wherein she used the word "automagically"
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% AUTOMATION SYSTEMApparently Used To Override Manpower And Thus Improve Our Next Stock. You're Superfluous - They Employ Machines. Angela Brett
100% AUTOMOBILEAlmost Universal, Though One Man On Bike Is Less 'Exhausting' Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% AUTOMOBILE (2)An Unmerciful Taker Of Money, Often Being In Lien Eternally Patricia Rix
100% AUTOMOBILE (3)A Useful Tool Often Making Our Busy, Involved Life Easier. Roger Williams
100% AUTUMNArboreal Undergrowth Turns Unpleasantly Muddy Now Eric Bridgstock
86% AVALONA Version (in) Arthurian Legend Of Neverland Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% AVALON (2)Another Venture, Another Loss - Or Not? Sean Lamb (Avalon is Microsoft's code name for the graphics API in Longhorn, but will it succeed?)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
100% AVALON (3)Advanced Video Api Leads Off .Net Sean Lamb (Avalon is Microsoft's code name for the graphics API in LONGHORN)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
100% AVARICEA Valued Attitude Raises Industrious Colleague's Esteem Tony (The best angle to work on with employee incentive schemes is good old-fashioned greed, you could go for a bit of tongue-in-cheek irony)
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Employee Recognition Program
100% AVIATORA Vital Individual, Aviation Tactics Operator, Responsible Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
89% AVICENNAA Vizier Interested in Cures, Equations & Nature - Notably Astronomy. Angela Brett
100% AVOCADOA 'Victim' Of Cholesterol Advocates Delicate Oil Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% AVOIDANCEA Villainy Of Investing Dollars And Not Contributing Excise Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% AWAKEAware While Assuming Knowing Everything Bruce Siegel
Assorted Adjectives
100% AWAYAbsent, Went After You! Angela Brett (Thinking of turning up at someone's house and finding they're on the way to visit you)
People & Relationships
100% AWAY (2)Absent, We're Avoiding You Tony McCoy O'Grady, after reading AWAY and suggesting that maybe they knew you were coming.
People & Relationships
100% AWEA Wicked Experience Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% AWESOMEA Wonderful Enthusiastic Special Occurance, Memories Evident Jan Morgan
Assorted Adjectives
100% AWESOME (2)A Wonderful Enthusiastic Special One, Marvels Everyone Jan Morgan
Assorted Adjectives
100% AWFULAnother Word For Unusually Loathsome Edwin Hermann
Assorted Adjectives
100% AWOLAre Warriors On Lunchbreak? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
100% AXEAnihilate Xyloid Extremities Angela Brett
100% AYE AYEAre You Even Aware You're Endangered? Angela Brett, referring to the rare species of lemur.
100% AZERBAIJANA Zealously Ethnic Republic, Basically Agricultural, Is Joyful About Nationhood. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% AZIMUTHAbsolute Zenith In Measurements Up The Horizon Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% AZOTURIAAnimal's Zone Of Trouble, Urine Really Is Abnormal Dustan Dowsing
100% AZUREAir Zone: Unique Refraction Effect Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% AZURE (2)A Zuni Using Rain Energy Rico Leffanta
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% AZYMEAny Zymotechnic Yeasts Mustn't Enter Angela Brett
100% AZYME (2)Any Zwieback You May Eat Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink
100% AZYMOUSApparently Zero Yeast Meliorates Our Unleavened Sacrifice Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
67% BABelief-system: Ancient Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BAABleating, Audible Announcement Dustan Dowsing
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% BAA (2)Bleat Among Animals Jan Morgan
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% BAA BAA BLACK SHEEPBleat And Aver: Bags Are Ample, Black Like A Coal, Kind Sir, Having Each Ewe's Pelt Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Nursery Rhymes
100% BABBLEBlabbering Academic Blubber Building Language Expertise Rico Leffanta
100% BABEBare A Breast Everyday Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BABELBrought About (Biblically) Every Language Angela Brett
100% BABESBeautiful And Bodacious, Exceptionally Sexual Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% BABYBoisterous And Bouncy Youth Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing, inspired by Quantum Reid, Angela Brett's nephew - see his homepage at http://www.angelfire.com/az/lizreid/quantum.html
People & Relationships:Family
100% BABY (2)Burping And Belching Youth Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Family
100% BABY BLUEBonnie And Bouncy, Your Bairn Looks Unusually Elegant Tony McCoy O'Godfather
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
People & Relationships:Family
100% BABY'S BRAINBegining At Birth You Saw, Behaved, Reasoned, Adapted, Interpreted Naturally! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Your site has engaged my mind far above all the others combined! I suppose that being a MATH WIZ (I need to APRONYMIZE that!), with a strange sense-of-humor makes your site so appealing to what has been a longing in me since I started with a BABY'S BRAIN!
Science:Biology:Body Parts
91% BABY'S BRAIN (2)Birthday!: A Beginning for Your Seeing, Behaving, Reasoning, Adapting, Interpreting Naturally! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Variation of BABY'S BRAIN, with attempt to start with punch!
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BABYSITBored Adult, But Youth Sleeps In Tranquility TMcCO'G
People & Relationships
100% BACHELORBecause Anyone Continuing His Education's Low On Romance? Angela Brett, B.SC.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% BACKHOUSEBecomes A Cesspool; Kaopectate Has Often, Undoubtedly, Stopped Evacuation Patricia Rix
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% BACK OFFBeware A Cornered Kiwi - Offence Fires Fury. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% BAD BOYSBold And Dangerous, Begetters Of Youthful Sins Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% BADDIESBeastly And Dastardly Deluded Individuals Executing Supercrimes Tony McCoy O'Grady
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
78% BADDIES (2)Bad, Although Dribbling in Diapers Instead of Eliminating Superheroes Angela Brett, when Tony suggested that most of MacGirl & KEYBOARD's enemies would be back in kindergarten at the year 2000 because they'd think the date had reverted to 1900.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
100% BAD HORROR MOVIEBasic Account: Derelict House On Reclusive Region Offers Residents Mountains Of Violence In Excess Inev
100% BAD TASTEBad Aliens Drink Their Aggregated Sick, They Enjoy! Angela Brett -- people in my family still quote 'ooh, aren't I lucky... I got a chunky bit!' from that scene of the movie whenever appropriate, even though it's been at least a decade since I last saw it.
100% BAESYSTEMSBeing An Engineering Specialist You Should Take Engineering More Seriously John Richard Jones - Advice to all who work where I do, with the company name as an Apronym
100% BAFFLEBoy Adored For Finding Love Elsewhere Rico Leffanta, to go with WAFFLE
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BAGELBread Attracts Garnishes, Edible Limitations Jan Morgan - can get hard when stale garnishes are limited too
Food & Drink
100% BAGHDADBefore Americans Get Here, Dozens Are Dying Angela Brett (this acronym could be either for or against the war in Iraq... am I referring to the dozens being killed while US troops are on the way to Baghdad, or those killed by Saddam Hussein before the war started?)
Places:Towns & Cities
Military:War & Terrorism
100% BAGHDAD (2)Bewildered American Grunts Hurt, Dying And Desperate Chris Kjelgaard
Places:Towns & Cities
100% BAGHDAD (3)Bested Arabs Grimly Hatch Death And Destruction Chris Kjelgaard
Places:Towns & Cities
100% BAGHDAD (4)Bush's Arabian Gamble Harms Delicate Alliance Diplomacy Chris Kjelgaard
Places:Towns & Cities
100% BAGHDAD (5)Bush's Awesome Gift: Humans Dead, Alliances Destroyed Chris Kjelgaard
Places:Towns & Cities
100% BAGHDAD (6)Blair And George Happy Diplomatic Approach Discarded Chris Kjelgaard
Places:Towns & Cities
100% BAGPIPESBig Army Guys Playing It Perhaps Epitomises Scotland Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BAGPIPES (2)Blaring At Graduating People In Procession, Emulating Scotland. Angela Brett, while walking in a procession through the streets of Palmerston North as some bagpipes were played at her graduation.
100% BAHBorn Again Heathen Used when some streets evangelist asks me if I am a believer or they try to press a pamphlet in my hand. It usually draws them back & I can make my escape. Dave Buhmann
88% BAHAMASBecause (of) A Hot And Moist Atmosphere - Shorts. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BAHRAINBright, Arid, Hot Region - An Independent Nation. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BAKER HANSBefriends Albert Klages, Eventually Recounts His Adventure 'Ncluding Shipwreck Angela Brett and Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Solitaire Mystery
100% BALANCEBrings A Leaner Advantage, Nutritional Choices Encountered Jan Morgan - balancing food choices
Food & Drink
100% BALCONYBreasts Arranged Lovingly Concealing Only Nipples Yearning Rico Leffanta
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BALD SPOTBegan Aging, Lost Dulled Strands - Particularly On Top. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BALFOUR BEATTY RAIL LIMITEDBig And Lucrative Frontrunner Of UK Rail Business. Electrification And Trackwork That You'd Readily Accept. It Looks Like (Inciting Moans) Intensive 'Training' Exercises Delivered. Angela Brett
100% BALL AND CHAINBride Always Laughs Lovingly And Never Dreams Consort Has Any Idea Naturally Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% BALLASTBalancing Any Love Lost Against Sex Tonight Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BALLSBasically A Leather Lump, Sportswise Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% BALLS (2)Bounces Across Level Laid Sportsfields Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% BALZACBiblical Attitudes Laud Zion And Concubines Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Writers
86% BAMBOOBut At Mandrake, Boffins Offer Open-source Sean Lamb (Bamboo was the code name for Mandrake Linux 9.1)
Names:Code Names:Linux
100% BANANASBend's Apparently Natural - Avoid Non-Appetising Skin Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% BAN ANIMAL ACTSBegin A New Attraction, Not Involving Mute Animals! Let All Circuses Trade Shamelessly TMcCO'G
100% BANFFBe Aware - Nothing For Free One of the coach drivers when Eric traveled to Banff, the main tourist town in the Rockies - it is mostly gift-shops and restaurants, and relatively expensive.
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% BANGBack Away, Noise Generator. Tony McCoy O'Grady, after I offered him some ENCOURAGEMENT for collecting more sounds.
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% BANG (2)Bloody Awful Noise Generated Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns:Noises
91% BANGLADESHBuddhist Asian Nation. Ganges' Levels Actuate Diseases, Ending in Starving Hordes. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BANJOBasically A Noisy Jangly Object Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BANKBlast! Account Not Known! Angela Brett
100% BANK (2)Bonds And Notes Kept. Roger Williams
100% BANK (3)Bounce Another Nineball Keenly. Roger Williams
Sports & Recreation
100% BANKRUPTBroke And Now Kindly Responds Unable Pay Terms Rico Leffanta
86% BANQUOBy Appearing (at) Night Quite Unsettles Others Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Macbeth
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Macbeth
100% BAPTISTABullied Abused Parent - Termagant Is Soon Taken Away Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Taming of the Shrew
100% BARBarney's A Regular/Resident! Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% BAR (2)Bring Along Rowdies! Patricia Rix
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% BAR (3)Beers Aren't Rationed Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% BAR (4)Beer's Available Readily Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% BAR (5)Belch Again, Repeatedly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% BAR (6)Bottles Available Readily. Roger Williams
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% BARBADOSBarbadians Are Rum Brewers And Depend On Sugar. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BARBARABeachBoys Anthem Recording 'Bout A Romantic Adolescence Tony McCoy O'Grady (who knows that the Beach Boys song was Barbara Ann)
Names:First names:Female
100% BARBARA (2)Bully At Recess, Barbaric Antagonistic Reprobate Attacks Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% BARBIEBasically A Rich Bimbo In Effigy Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
80% BARCODES"Black-and-white Arrangement" Reading Computers Offer Dealers Enhanced Stocktaking Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BARDOLPHBoozy And Regularly Drunk - Of Little Practical Help Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry IV
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry IV
100% BARDOLPH (2)Basically A Rogue Devoid Of Lawfulness, Piety, Honesty Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Merry Wives of Windsor
100% BARFBlasting Away Regurgitated Food Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BARF (2)Begetting A Rainbow Fountain Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BARGAINBuyer Acquired "Resources = Great" Amount Invested Near/Nil! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% BARGAIN (2)Business Acumen Requires Grasping Accurately Investment Needs/Numerically! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% BARIUMBefore A Radiograph Is Unpopular Meal Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BARNEY GUMBLEBeer's A Real Necessity - Ensure You Gulp Unceasingly, Man, Bemoaning Lost Education Tony McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% BAROMETER RISINGBeing A Recounting Of Maritime Explosion Time -- Events Render Rapscallions Impotent, Shove Innocent Nearer Gethsemane Patricia Rix, referring to the book by Hugh McLennan.
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% BARREL-LOLBeing Amused, Riotously Raucous Excessive Laughter - Look Out Listeners! Started by Angela Brett, perfected by Tony McCoy O'Grady. A play on 'barrel roll.'
90% BARRISTERBegins (on) A Retainer, Regularly Instructed, Succeeds To Extract Refreshers Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% BARRYBest At Reading Rhyming Yarns Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% BARTBoy's A Real Troublemaker Angela Brett
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% BART (2)Brat Anagram - Rightly, Too! Angela Brett
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% BASEBALLBring A Seat Easer, Because Amusement Lasts Long Patricia Rix
Sports & Recreation
100% BASEBALL (2)Bring A Stick, Elevate Ball Across Local Lot Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% BASEBALL (3)Bases And Sticks Evokes Ball At Lively Leagues Jan Morgan
Sports & Recreation
100% BASE JUMPINGBrainless Asses Scale Edifices & Jump Using Miniature Parachute If Nearing Ground Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation:Parachuting
100% BASICBegan At Seven, I'd Conjecture Angela Brett, whose brothers forced her into BASIC programming pretty much as soon as she could read.
100% BASILBequeath's A Salad Its Lushness Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% BASILISKBreath Apparently Slays, Its Look Is Similarly Killing Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends
100% BASKETBALLBallgame Attracts Some Kids (Extremely Tall) Building Athletic Long Legs Tony McHoops O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% BASSBold And Seldom Subtle Jason Wilcox
100% BASSANIOBecomes A Successful Suitor - Abundantly Noble In Outlook Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Merchant of Venice
100% BASSIANUSBy Abducting Saturninus's Sweetheart Initiates A Nasty Ugly Story Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Titus Andronicus
100% BASTARDBuy A Second Ticket And Receive Discount. Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% BASTARDSBureaucrats Are Such Their Arrogance Really Does Show John Richard Jones
People & Relationships:Insults
100% BATHBeware A Toweled Hitchhiker Angela Brett (see SPA)
Household Objects:Towels
100% BATH (2)Basically A Tub, Heated Eric Bridgstock
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
80% BATH (3)Brilliant Archimedes's Tub of H20 Eric Bridgstock
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% BATHROOMBuilt As To Help Removal Of Our Motions Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% BATTERIESBegan A Trip Thinking Extra Required... Instead, Existing Survived. Angela Brett, who took plenty of batteries with her to Palmerston North only to find that the ones already in her Newton lasted the whole trip. (Well, apart from the last few hours on the bus. But they would have survived that easily if they hadn't been a third used to begin with. If you're not happy with the slight deception, change it to 'Eight's Sufficient' in your head.)
92% BATTLEFIELDBig Area That Took Lives (of) Enemy Forces. Is Everyone Left Dying? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Military:War & Terrorism
100% BATTLESBrilliant Application That Tabulates Listless Ex-Soldiers Tony McCoy O'Grady (see DETECTIVE)
Computers:Internet:VA Data Acquisition
100% BATTLE TANKBush Artfully Targets Threat-Lapsed Enemy, Totally Avoiding North Korea Chris Kjelgaard
100% BAUDBlazing Access Using Dialup Steve Keate
100% BAYOUBlue As Young Orbison's Uncle Rico Leffanta
100% BAYWATCHBoobs Are Yawning Whilst A Timex Changes Hours Rico Leffanta
Entertainment:TV shows
100% BBNBuilding Better Networks BBN = Bolt, Baranek & Newman, one of the companies that helped build the infrastructure of the internet.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% BBRVBit Big; Removed Vowels ngl Brtt (c ABBREVIATIONS)
Words & Wordplay
100% BEBankrupt Enterprise Angela Brett
100% BEACHBetween Earth And Curved Horizon Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BEACH (2)Bugblatter? Eyes Are Covered, Hooray! Angela Brett (see SPA - '...wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or to avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mindboggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you - daft as a brush, but very ravenous)')
Household Objects:Towels
83% BEACH (3)Beware Exposing Anything Covered in Hair Tony McCoy O'Grady (using towels to maintain modesty when changing into swimwear is tricky)
Household Objects:Towels
90% BEACH BOYSBarbra & Excitations Are Chorally Harmonised By Ocean-loving Young Surfers. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BEARBe Ever Aware, Reliable Jan Morgan -- Rank in Cub Scouts
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% BEARDBushy Entanglement After Razor's Ditched Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BEARSBig Endearing Animals, Rough & Shaggy Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BEATLESBrian Epstein's Awesomely Talented Liverpudlians. Epitomised Sixties. Eric Bridgstock
88% BEATLES (2)Best Ever All Time Lyricists, Entertainers and Singers Eric Bridgstock
100% BEATLES (3)Began Everything About The Liverpudlian Electronic Sound Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BEATRICEBecomes Emotional After Thinking Romance Is Comedic Enterprise Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Much Ado About Nothing
100% BEAUTIFULBeholder's Eye Assumes Useful Talent In Finding Uncommon Loveliness Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% BEAVERBarrier Erecting And Very Energetic Rodent Patricia Rix
88% BEAVERSBrown Engineering Animals Voraciously Erecting River-blocking Structures Dustan Dowsing and Angela Brett, During 'Angry Beavers'
100% BE BACK LATERBusybody Ends By Adjourning Conversation, Keeps Linkage Alive Through Eventually Returning Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% BECHTELBig Engineering Contracts Hardened "Threat-Ending" Line I knew what I wanted to say and tried different combinations until I found a suitable one. (I'm sure this is what everyone does!)
100% BE CIVILBegin Exercising Caution, Ignore Vehement Intemperate Language Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% BEDBlank Eyed Doze Mary Carr (Angela's mother)
Household Objects:Furniture
100% BED (2)Bloody Eyed Drunk Mary Carr
Household Objects:Furniture
100% BED (3)Beneath Exciting Duvet Mary Carr
Household Objects:Furniture
100% BED (4)Begins Early Dozing Jan Morgan
Household Objects:Furniture
100% BED AND BREAKFASTBegins Every Day A Necessary Decision Because Residents Eat At Kitchens, Feasting A Savory Tradition Jan Morgan
Food & Drink
Sports & Recreation:Travel
100% BEDCOVERBasic Esprit De Corps Offers Virgins Eventual Repentance Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Household Objects
100% BEDIVEREBoyhood Escapades Developed Into Very Elegant Romantic Errantry. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% BEEBuzzes Everyone Everywhere Eric Bridgstock
100% BEE (2)Busy Entomological Entity Roger Williams
100% BEEBBig 'Eaded Establishment Broadcaster Mick Bridgstock, referring to the BBC
100% BEEFBSE Endangered English Farms Angela Brett
Food & Drink
70% BEE GEESBursting Everyone's Eardrums to Give an Enviable Element to Silence Angela Brett. (And I don't really think they're that bad!)
100% BEEHIVEBrings Extra Elevation... Hair Is Vertical Extremity Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% BEEN AWAY?Betcha Everyone Else Noticed Around-World Absence, Yeah? Tony, when Angela returned from a round-the-world trip.
Sports & Recreation:Travel
100% BEERBrewer's Exciting Effervescence, Rabblerouser. Mary Carr
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% BEER (2)Bubbly Elixir Everyone Relishes Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% BEER (3)Beverage Erotically Exciting Rogues Jerry Ryan PER Hoboken Elks Lodge #74
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% BEER (4)Because Everyone Enjoys Recklessness My Brain
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% BEER (5)Brewed Extracts Elicit Ramblings Mick Bridgstock
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% BEER (6)Brewed Extracts Excite Ruffians Mick Bridgstock
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% BEER (7)Beverage Eliciting Exaggerated Raucousness Kenny Roy & Tamaryn Roy
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% BEESBrunch Entries Encircling Sodas Rico Leffanta (see PICNIC)
100% BEGBest Expand Generously Jeff Anonymous, saying, 'Capital phrases just BEG for expansion, you know...'
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% BEHIND THE EIGHT BALLBalefully, Everything He'd Invested Never Developed. Then He Erringly Engaged In Gambling; He Then Borrowed Awfully Large Loans. Roger Williams
Assorted Phrases
99% BEHOLD, THE AMAZING ANGELA, AS SHE ATTEMPTS TO CREATE THE WORLD'S LONGEST ACRONYM, SURPASSING TONY... ALTHOUGH HE'LL PROBABLY BEAT IT AGAIN VERY QUICKLY.Because Each Honour Of Lexicographic Display's Taken, Here's Extremely Arduously Made Acronym. Zealous Initiator Now Gets A New Gold, 'Excessively Lengthy Acronym' Award, Surpassing Shorter Heroic Effort. A Trying Task, Exceptionally Many Puzzles To Solve. Takes One Concentration, Reading English Archives, Thesaurus Entries, Then Having Eighty Winks. Often Ruminating Lying Down, She Lazily Outdid Next Greatest Expansion So Tony's Authority's Challenged - Ready Or Not, You've Met Some Unwanted Rivalry. Proudly Angela Shows Superiority In 'Nymic Genius, Though On Next Year's Acronym List Tony'll Have Outdone Unwieldy, Godawful, Hard-won Honourable Entry. Luckily, Listing Program's Released Openly Before Any Better Lettering's Yielded By Enraged Anthony. This Is Truly Angela's Goal Attained, In Narrow Victory - End's Reached, Yippee! Questionable Undertaking Is Completed, Kindly Laugh & Yell. Angela Brett, shortly before releasing ACRONYMS 2.1.
Words & Wordplay:Ridiculously long apronyms
100% BEIGEBright, Excitable Irish Guy's Enjoyable. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% BEIGEPHONEBasically Emits Indecipherable Garbage... Each Person Hears Only Noise, Essentially. Angela Brett (The beigephone is the windoze user's equivalent of MacGirl's MACPHONE)
MacGirl & KeyBoard
78% BELARUSBorders Edge Latvia And Russia, Used-to-be Socialists. Tony McCoy O'Grady
88% BELGIUMBegins Even & Low-lying, Graduates Into Upland Mass. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BELIZEBanana Exporting Lightens Its Zigzag Economy. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BELLE DU JOURBetween Each Leg Lust Escapes Doing Unspeakable Jokes On Unscrupulous Romances Rico Leffanta
100% BELLOWBull Emits Loudness, Look Out Walkers Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% BELLYACHEBy Eating Loads & Loads, You Ache Catastrophically, Heavy Emissions Tony McCoy O'Grady
85% BELLYBUTTONBabyhood External Lifesupport Left You (with) Beginning of Umbilical Tube, Tied Off Neonatally. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BELLY LAUGHSBeautifully Executed Laughter Letters. You Levitate Above Usual Grotty Halfhearted Samples. Tony McCoy O'Grady, after reading LOL IN COSMOS.
100% BELTBind Ends, Leave Tight Jan Morgan
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
100% BENBoings Evoke Newstime Tony McCoy O'Grady (Big Ben's chimes are used for the introduction to a UK TV news bulletin)
100% BENEDICKBeatrice Eventually Needs Emotional Display In Consummating Kiss Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Much Ado About Nothing
100% BENEFITBecause Everyone Needs Extra Funds In Tragedies Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BEN-HURBeautifully Encapsulates Noble Hebrew Under Romans. Tony McCoy O'Grady
96% BE NICE TO EDWIN, HE MADE THE FORABerating Edwin's Not-In-Capitals Expansions? That's One Etiquette 'Don't'. We Implicitly Need His Expertise, Making A Dynamic Epistle-Trader. However, Expansions in Future Oughtabe Right Acronymically. Jeff Anonymous, as a modification of Angela's initial draft of BE NICE TO EDWIN, HE MADE THE FORUMS.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
97% BE NICE TO EDWIN, HE MADE THE FORUMSBerating Edwin's Not-In-Capitals Expansions? That's One Etiquette 'Don't'. We Implicitly Need His Expertise, Making A Dynamic Epistle-Trader. However, Expansions in Future Ought Really Use Majuscule Starters Angela Brett (with help from Tony McCoy O'Grady) in response to CAPITAL LETTERS PLEASE.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
88% BE NICE TO PEOPLEBerating Enemies Never Initiates Companionship. Exceed The Other Person's Expectations by Openly Proclaiming Love as Equals. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Advice
100% BENINBasically Exports Nuts In Numbers. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BENNYBerk Eroticised Near-Naked Youngwomen TMcCO'G - referring to Benny Hill
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% BEOWULFBig Electronic Organisms Will Use Linux, Fool Sean Lamb (who envies the computing power of the big Beowulf clusters that always seem to take on a life of their own)
100% BE RIGHT BACKBriefly Ending Relationship (I'll Go Have Tea) But Am Coming Kcab :-) Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
75% BERKELIUMBombardment Effectively Reduced (a) Known Element Little-by-little Into Unstable Mass. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BERN DELLBasically, 'E's Really Nice. (Dollars Expected - Laud's Lucrative!) Angela Brett
88% BEROWNEBecomes Enraptured (by) Rosaline, Overwhelmed - With Nubile Encouragement Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Love's Labours Lost
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Love's Labours Lost
100% BERRIESBest Ever Ripe, Really Is Edibly Sweet Jan Morgan
Food & Drink
100% BERRIES (2)Best Ever Ripe, Rotten Is Eventually Smashed Jan Morgan
Food & Drink
100% BERRYBest Ever Ripe, Rotten Yuck! Jan Morgan
Food & Drink
100% BERTHABrilliance Everyone Related To Her Admires Angela Brett (the name Bertha comes from berht, an Ancient Germanic word meaning "Brilliant.")
Names:First names:Female
100% BERTRAMBestows Especial Ring, Thus Rightly Accepts Marriage Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:All's Well That Ends Well
75% BERYLLIUMBasically Exposure Resistant Yes? Lasts a Longtime. It's Used More-and-more Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% BESSELBloody Expansions of Series Solutions... Extremely Laborious! Angela Brett, who has just learnt about Bessel functions which take way too much writing to figure out.
89% BESSEL AND NEPTUNEBessel's Equations Struggled to Show Existence, Leverrier & Adams' Numbercrunching Deduced New Edge-lying Planet's Tenor. Undisputed, Now - Elementary! Angela Brett
100% BEST FRIENDBuddy - Especially So! Trusted For Reference In Extreme Need & Danger Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% BESTIALBehaviour's Excessive? Stupid Twits Imply Animal Likeness Tony McCoy O'Grady [The word 'bestial' is rarely applied to animals, but usually to some (unapproved-of) human behaviour]
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% BESTIALITYBeing Enslaved Sexually To Indecent Animal 'Loving' Is Totally Yucky Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BESTIALITY (2)Beasts Enjoy Sex Too! If Animal Likes It, Treat Yourself. Angela Brett (don't believe everything you read.)
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BETABegin Experimental Testing Activities TMcCO'G
100% BETA (2)Before Exposing The Artefact TMcCO'G
100% BETA (3)Because Every Test's Affirmative Sean Lamb
100% BETHLEHEMBirth's Exceptional, The Heralds Laud & Extol. He's Evidently Messiah Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Towns & Cities
100% BETTY PERSKEBetter Eat To Treat Yourself; Passion Entreats Romantic Stolen Kisses Endlessly Rico Leffanta (Betty Perske is better known as Lauren Bacall)
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses:Little known real names
100% BEVERLYHILLSBet Everyone's Very Exceedingly Rich. Love Your House, Ida! Let's Lunch Soon. TuffGuyInLA (Mario) came up with this on a road trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles that he was forced to endure. Now he LIVES in LA.... No escaping destiny. Sigh.
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% BEWARE OF DOGBelieve Exhortations! Woofs And Roars Echo Over Fence. Don't Open Gate! Roger Williams
100% BEYONCEBring Every Young One Not Coming Everyday Tavia Bryant
100% BHANGBums Harvest Addictive, Narcotic Greenery Angela Brett
89% BHASKARABiddurian Heaps Ahead of Some Kingdoms - Attained Reals, Almost. Angela Brett (Bhaskara understood zero and negative numbers long before Europeans.)
100% BHUTANBetween Himalayan Uplands - Tibetans And Nepalese. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BIANCABecomes Irritated At Nonsensical Courtship Arrangements Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Taming of the Shrew
80% BIASBecause I'm an Apple Supporter? Angela Brett thinking that there's no reason to be biassed toward Apples unless there's some reason why I prefer them in the first place, so then it's not really bias, it's BIAS (2)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% BIAS (2)Because It's Actually Superior Angela Brett (see BIAS)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% BIASEDBlair Is A Swindler Every Day John Richard Jones
100% BIBCOCKBasically Its Bent Conduit Outfitting Commercial Kitchens Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink
100% BIBLEBooks Inside Book, Lasting Evangelism Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% BIBLE (2)Believers Instruction Book - Life Encompassing Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% BIBLE (3)Basic Instruction By Life's Engenderer George Rix
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% BIBLE (4)Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth Jide Alakija, Read the bible everyday and it just suddenly clicked one day what the bible meant to me.
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% BIBLE (5)Because It Brings Light Eternal Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% BIBLE (6)Because It's Believed, Learn Extensively Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% BIBLE (7)Best Ideas Build Loving Eternity Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% BIDETBathe Intimate Developments Every Time Rico Leffanta
Household Objects:Furniture
100% BIGBehold Its Greatness! Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
92% BIG AND STRONGBoring Ignorant Galute Always Narcissisticly Displaying Sinew Tragically Ruined by Overdoing Normal Gymnastics Susan S.
Sports & Recreation
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% BIG APPLEBusses' Intercity Grub Acquisition Pleases Proprietors - Lotsa Eating. Angela Brett, when the intercity bus she was on made a refreshment stop at the Big Apple restaurant.
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% BIG BROTHERBeing In 'Goldfish Bowl' Really Opens Their Hearts -- Extreme Recreation. Angela Brett, referring to the pandemic of TV series in which a group of people enter a compound full of TV cameras (compound eyes!) and are 'evicted' one by one until the last one gets a prize. Meanwhile they are made to do strange tasks (extreme recreation) and tend to find out a lot about themselves in the process (extreme re-creation.)
Entertainment:TV shows
86% BIG BUMButtocks of Immense Gravity Belittling Usual Measurements Angela Brett, after 'BIG BUM' had been used many times to illustrate a point concerning this stack.
Science:Biology:Body Parts
0% BIG BUM (2)Being Immensely Gargantuan, (I) Bother Underwear Manufacturers Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
90% BIG BUTTERButter Increases Glutton's Buttock, Unless They Take up Exercising Regularly Angela Brett
Food & Drink
88% BIG DENTBanged Into Garage - Didn't Even Notice it There. Angela Brett
100% BIGGERBy Increments Gaining Greater Expansion Rate Tony Moore
Assorted Adjectives
100% BIGGEST HEADBecause I'm Genuinely Great, Everyone Seems To Have Extreme Animosity Disorder :-) TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% BIGGEST HEAD (2)"Brilliant" Individuals Generally Get Egotistical, Showing They Have Excessively Auto-Deceived TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% BIG GOAL: LEAP!Believe In God. God Obey. Advance Love. Love / Encourage / Affirm People! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
88% BIG GUNSBitwise Information Gurus Guide University of Nottingham's Scientists Angela Brett (see UNITS)
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
100% BIG HUGBlatantly Impetuous Gesture, Happiness Usually Generated. Angela Brett, whose nieces love the TELETUBBIES.
People & Relationships
100% BIG PROFITSBy Increasing Gross Prices, Rip Off From Idiotically Thick Shoppers Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BIG SMILEBecause It's Great! So Many Incredibly Lovely Events! Angela Brett
100% BILBOBelittled Ignoramus Likes Boring Others. Carl Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% BILLBig, If Lunchers Linger Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% BILL (2)Beast Is Lying Loser Jan Morgan - someone I knew
Names:First names:Male
100% BILL CLINTONBill Is Lusty Leader: Constantly Lets Interns' Nether Territories Overshadow Nation Chris Kjelgaard
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% BILLEDBought It, Left Loot, Endured Demands Sean Lamb
90% BILL GATESBillionaire Is Learning Little - Greatly Advantageous To Escape (his) System. Angela Brett
Names:Famous people
100% BILL GATES (2)Big Idiot Living Like God. A Toupee Exceedingly Sloppy. Mysterious Shadow
Names:Famous people
90% BILL GATES (3)Became Insanely Lucrative Lunatic, Gains Assloads of Tokens Exporting Sh*tware delt (thought of it this morning)
Names:Famous people
100% BILLINGBig & 'In Lights' List Includes 'Named' Guys Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BILTMOREBecause It's Linux, They Might Open Roughly Everything Sean Lamb (Biltmore was the code name for RedHat Linux 4.2)
Names:Code Names:Linux
100% BIMBOBrainless Individual, Meretricious Blonde Ornament. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% BING CROSBYBing Is Noted, Great Crooner Relies On Singing. Bababoo? Yes! Sean Lamb (Bing Crosby was known for his crooning singing style that included refrains of "ba-ba-ba-boo" skat lyrics)
100% BINGOBiddies In Neighbourhood Gamble Openly Tony McCoy O'Grady - Bingo (where I live) is played mainly by older women in local community halls
100% BINGO (2)Blair Is No Good Okay John Richard Jones
100% BINSBringing It Nearer Still Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to an abbreviation for binoculars.
Assorted Nouns
100% BINS (2)Bumf Is Neatly Stored Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% BIOLOGYBy Investigation Of Life, One Gains Yang? Tony McCoy O'Grady and Angela Brett
100% BIONICBelieve It Or Not, I'm Cybernetic! Angela Brett
100% BIOSBoots In One Second Angela Brett (BIOS actually stands for Basic Input Output System)
83% BIRCHBelieve-me, Its Rods Can Hurt TMcCO'G
100% BIRDBRAINBimbo Is Remarkably Dim, Blonde Ringlets Apparently Indicating Naivete Tony McCoy O'Chauvinist
People & Relationships:Insults
92% BIRDS AND BEESBloke's Inadequate Redfaced Discussion (with) Son, Awkwardly Noting Differences Between Each & Every Sexuality. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BIRDS AND BEES (2)Birth & Inception Rarely Discussed Sometimes Arouses Needless Dithering. Be Explicit & Explain Sexuality Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BIRDS AND BEES (3)Being Irish, Reserved Daughter's Sexual Awakening Naturally Demands Biology Education Embarrassing Sheila. Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BIRTHDAYBecause It's Really Tough Having Death Anniversaries Yearly! Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions
100% BIRTHDAY (2)But I Really Think He Does Act Young Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions
100% BIRTHDAY (3)But It's Ridiculous To Have Day Adding Year Angela Brett, because after this one day people consider themselves to be a whole year older.
Time:Special Occasions
75% BIRTHDAY GIRLBlimey, I've Relished Three-hundred-and-sixty-five Happy Days! Another Year Gone In Remarkable Life Tony McCoy O'Grady, on Angela's birthday.
Time:Special Occasions
100% B IS FOR BABird Identifies Soul For Old Religion's Believing Adherents. Tony McCoy O'Grady (see C IS FOR CAATINGA)
86% BISHOPBigwig Is Supposed to Hear & Obey Pope Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BISHOP (2)Busy Individual, Sacrificing His Own Priorities Jan Morgan
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% BISHOP (3)Busy Individual, Services Host Of People Jan Morgan
Religion:Religious Occupations
95% BISHOP OF WINCHESTERBitter, Intensely Schemer Holder Of Powerful Office. Finally - When Is Named Cardinal He Eventually Succumbs To Ego-bashing Repentance Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry VI
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VI
100% BISMUTHBisodol Is Still Much Used Treating Hangovers! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BITBrief, Insignificant Time Roger Williams
100% BITCHBring It To Cheap Hotel Acronymous Anonymous
People & Relationships:Insults
100% BITCH (2)Button It To Conserve Health Acronymous Anonymous
People & Relationships:Insults
100% BITE MEBlonde's Invited To Eat My Epidermis Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% BITE ME (2)Barb Intended To Enrage Most Everyone Jerry Ryan PER Hoboken Elks Lodge #74
People & Relationships:Insults
70% BITSCHSBring Information Technology to the School of Community Health Sciences Angela Brett (see UNITS)
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
100% BITWISEBoolean Instructions Tackle Words In Single Elements Angela Brett
100% BITWISE (2)Bringing Information Technology Wisdom Into School Environment. Angela Brett (see UNITS)
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
100% BIZARREBrilliant Idea, Zany Attitude Riotous Reaction Ensued Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
88% BIZARRE (2)Babies In Zoos Are Routinely Re-sold Elsewhere Rico Leffanta
Assorted Adjectives
100% BLABBlub Like A Baby Tony
80% BLAB (2)Bleat Like A Baa-baa Tony
100% BLAB (3)Betrays Like A B*st*rd Tony
100% BLAB (4)Beat Lips About Barrenly/Banally Angela Brett
100% BLAB (5)Button Lips Around Barry/Brian/Bill Tony, when somebody on the forums asked for expansions for BLAB... this could work if the blabbermouth's name happens to start with a B.
100% BLACKBasically Lightless, As Coal / Kohl Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% BLACK (2)Boycott, Lacking A Colleague's Kindness Tony McCoy O'Grady (to 'black' something is to ban it)
People & Relationships
100% BLACK (3)Basically Lacking All Colour Knowledge Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% BLACK CATBrings Luck (Alternately Calamity) Keep Crossing A Trail Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BLACK COHOSHButtercup-Like, And Clinicians/Companies Know Compound Offers Hope Of Stimulating Hormones Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% BLACK SHEEPBlackguard Lamb Actually Caught Knitting Sweaters Heartlessly Earning Extra Profit Rico Leffanta
100% BLACKSMITHBig Lumbering Artisan Crafting Knives & Swords - Metal Is Terribly Hot TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% BLACKSTONEBritish Lawyer Authored "Commentaries", Keenly Saving Tomes Of Notable Expoundings. Roger Williams
Names:Famous people
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% BLACK WIDOWBegins Lunch After Coitus, Killing With Instinct During Orgasmic Withdrawal Tony McCoy O'Grady, whose wife looks stunning in black and to whom he regularly refers as his "Black Widow"
100% BLADDERBilious Liquids Are Deposited Daily, Easily Released Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BLAHBoring Lecture, All Humdrum. Angela Brett
Education:Slow Teaching
100% BLAINEBad Liver Affected Infant's Name, Evidently Angela Brett (the name Blaine comes from bla, a Gaelic word meaning "Yellow." I wonder how many babies were named Blaine because they were jaundiced.)
Names:First names:Male
100% BLAISE PASCALBlasted Little Annoyance Is Spamming Endlessly - Prison And Serving Community Are Likely! Tony McCoy O'Grady, hypothesising about Pascal's descendants becoming supercriminals
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains:When good scientists go bad
100% BLAKEButtered Limas Are Keen Eating Kimberly
Names:You Are What You Eat
90% BLANK PAGEBeckoning Like A Naked K-road Prostitute... Acronymise! Generate Expansions! Angela Brett, commenting on how a blank page seems to beg to be filled with acronyms. (K-road is Auckland's red light district.)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% BLARGHBoredom Launches A Rather Good Headline Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela sent him an email with the rather uninspired subject line 'blargh.'
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% BLASTBomb Leaves Air Smelling Terrible Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BLAST 'EMBin Laden's A Sadistic Terrorist - Evil Manifested Angela Brett, who in general doesn't advocate blasting things but wanted to demonstrate an expansion containing 'Bin Laden'
Military:War & Terrorism
100% BLAST OFFBurn Loads And Surge Through Our Fragile Firmament Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BLASTOISEBlasting Liquid Adds Speed - Third One In Squirtle Evolution Angela Brett (Blastoise is Pokemon #9)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% BLASTOISE (2)Being Large And Strong Triumphs Only In Some Encounters Dundee (Blastoise is Pokemon #9)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
83% BLEEPBad Language Erased to Eliminate Profanity Angela Brett, to replace some offensive acronyms which were removed from the stack.
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness
100% BLESSEDBeing Loved Especially Should Secure Eventual Deification Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BLESSINGBoys Love Easy Sex Socially Identifiying Needy Girls Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BLESTBenevolent Lord Extends Special Treatment Saint Tony McCoy O'Grady, who hopes that Blest [as searched for on the Acronyms website] is not a Pokemon character, but the older spelling of Blessed.
100% BLIMPBalloon's Lines Impede Marauding Planes TMcCO'G
100% BLINDBlighted Lifetime In Neverending Darkness Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BLINKYBothersome Little Interfering Nettlesome Koala? Yes! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% BLISSBecome Languid In Satisfactory Sensations Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% BLISS (2)Bodily Luxury Is Something Sublime Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% BLOCKAGEBrain's Lack Of Clarity Kiboshes A Genius's Expressions Tony McCoy O'Grady, after Jeff's ACRONYMISTS' BLOCK was cured by his EPSOM SALT acronym, and Angela pointed out that Epsom salt cures more than one type of blockage.
Words & Wordplay
100% BLOCKAGE (2)Bottom's Lack Of Clearance Keeps All Garbage Enclosed? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BLOKEBig Lunk Of King's English Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% BLONDBeautiful Lady Of Nordic Descent Jan Morgan
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% BLOODBleeding Leaks Of Ordinary Droplets Jan Morgan
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BLOWBreathe Like Oral Wind Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% BLOW (2)Bulging Lips Offer Wind Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% BLOW JOBBegin Loving Orally - With Jaws Opened Broadly Tony McCoy O'Grady, after watching an 'expose' TV programme on teenage sex in England.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BLOW MEBreathe Loving Over Willy, My Enamoured TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BLOW MY OWN TRUMPETBrilliant Lady, One Will Meet Your Own Wishes, Now 'Thousands' Replaces Utterly Modest, Personally-Effacing 'Tons'. Tony McCoy O'Grady, after Angela suggested changing the 'Tons' in his TONY (4) with the more accurate and impressively unexaggerated 'Thouands'.
Assorted Phrases
100% BLOWN AWAY!Blimey! Loads Of Wonderful New Acronyms. Wordsmiths Adore You! Angela Brett, when Tony produced a particularly good round of acronyms.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% BLUBBERButter Lovers Usually Bloat, By Eating Relentlessly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% BLUEBadly Lovesick? Unhappy, Emotionally... Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% BLUE (2)Brings Laziness Unto Extremes Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% BLUE (3)Below Life's Usual Excitement Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% BLUE (4)Blue Lakes. Unbounded Expanses. Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% BLUE (5)Beautifully Laced Unique Ensemble Jan Morgan
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
Household Objects:Clothing
100% BLUEBERRY IMACBad Luck, Underfed Ethiopians... Barely Edible Repast. Return Yours, I'll Make A Casserole. Angela Brett
Computers:Do Not Eat:iMac Fruit Salad
90% BLUECURVEBudding Linux Utility Engineers Create Unix to Redhat's Vision Excellently Sean Lamb (Bluecurve is the name for RedHat's window manager; it's supposed to be "the" window manager combining features of both KDE and GNOME)
90% BLUECURVE (2)Bad Linux User Experiences Cast Uncertainty on Redhat's Very Existence Sean Lamb (Bluecurve is the name for RedHat's window manager; it's supposed to be "the" window manager combining features of both KDE and GNOME)
91% BLUE HAWAIIBalderdash Let Ukelele-playing Elvis Have Amours With Assorted Indistinguishable Ingenues. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BLUE SCREEN OF DEATHBoom! Large, Useless Error Speaks Cryptic, Random Explanation. Evil Nerd Organization Fiendishly Devised Explosion At Technical Hell. Sporkmaster, who has Windows XP, doesn't have this curse, but speaks on behalf of the less fortunate.
100% BLURBritpop Leaders, Unrivalled Rockers. Eric Bridgstock
100% BLUSHBlameworthiness Looses Unwelcome Scarlet Hue Timothy Chambers
Assorted Verbs
100% BMWBreak My Wallet Rob s
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% BMW (2)Bigoted Multifaced Wanker John Richard Jones. This is what I think of some BMW drivers who treat other drivers as second-class.
Transport:Car Makes & Models
83% BOASTBlatantly Overemphasise Attributes & Show-off Talents. Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% BOAST (2)Brag Or Avaunt, Skite Terribly Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% BOAST (3)Bascially, One Always Seems Terrific. Edwin Hermann
Assorted Verbs
100% BOATSBest Ones Are Trailer-Sailers Angela Brett
100% BOBBuoyant On Breakers Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% BOBCATBegins Our Best, Cub At Teaching Jan Morgan -- Rank in Cub Scouts
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% BOB GELDOFBop On, Boys & Girls! (Expletive) Let's Defeat Obscene Famine Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BODACIOUSBody's Obviously Desirable And Curvacious - I'll Ogle Unbelievable Silhouette. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% BODIES'Bravery' Of Dead Is Euphemism: Stupidity! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% BODYBiological Organism Decaying You Rico Leffanta
100% BODY PIERCINGBits Of Decorated Youths Perhaps It's Eye-Rings, Circlets In Navels/ Genitals Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
100% BOGEYBlowholes Over Gob Exude Yuckiness Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% BOLDBrave, Or Lavishly Daring Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% BOLIVIABolivar Originally Liberated It, Vigorous Industries & Agriculture. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BOLLOCKSBurst Out Laughing Loudly Over Crass Knavish Smugness Tony McCoy O'Grady, when he wished to sniggeringly deride some stupid remarks which someone made.
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness
100% BOLSTERBrace Or Lift Something To Exalted Rank Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
100% BOLTBit Of Lovely Tweed Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BOMBBack Off! Manipulating B*tch! PiMaster, after capitalising BOMB. (See ANGELA (8))
People & Relationships:Insults
100% BOMB (2)Bungled Once More Bigtime! Roger Williams
100% BOMBERBillions Of Megatons Bring Earthly Ruin Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BOMBSHELLBreasts Only Move Because Shaking Hips Excite Lusty Libidos Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BONDAGEBinding, Or Nastily Delimiting Activity, Generates Excitement Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BONDEDBaby Of New Dad Enjoys/Endures Doting Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
0% BONDIBlue Of New, Dreamy iMac Angela Brett... though Tony suggested 'Dashing,' rather than 'Dreamy.'
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% BONE CARVINGBrush On Nature's Every Canvas, And Recycle Vertebrae Into Neverending Gift Angela Brett
Art & Literature
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BONESBroken Ones Need Elevation & Support Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
83% BONES (2)Big Osseous Neoliths Explained by Scientists Sean Lamb
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BONGSBigwigs Ordered No Gear Sales Angela Brett, after a law was passed prohibiting the sale of cannabis-smoking apparatus.
100% BONNIEBusy One Never Needs Imagination Enthusiasm Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% BONNIE (2)Brain Obviously Not Navigating In Ethics Jan Morgan - someone I knew
Names:First names:Female
100% BONUSBlantantly Obvious Nude Under Sedation Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BONUS (2)Barrage Of Nonsense Undermine Superiority Dundee
100% BONUS (3)Bankable Overtime Notches Up Salary Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BONUS (4)Bastard Owners Negating Union Sacrifice W. Kline
100% BONUS (5)Because One Needs Uplifted Salary Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BOOBBounces Out Of Bra Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BOOBY TRAPBreasts Outrageously Overflowing Brassiers Young Teenagers Reveal At Parties Rico Leffanta
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% BOOGERBasic Opening Offers Green Excretion - Revolting Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BOOKBound Outlet Of Knowledge Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% BOOKCASEBound Outlet Of Knowledge, Contents Are Sometimes Engrossing Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Furniture
100% BOOK OF MORMONBasic Objective Of Keystone, Original Features, Memories Of Residents, Migrates Over Nation Jan Morgan - History Lessons
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% BOOKS IN THE BIBLEBorn Out Of Knowledge Scarcity, It's Necessary To Have Everyone Believing Inscriptions... Ban Looking Elsewhere. Angela Brett
Religion:Bible books
100% BOOSTBurning Oxygen Offers Super Thrust Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BORACHIOBraggart's Obedient Ruse Arouses Complete Havoc Involving Others Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Much Ado About Nothing
100% BOREDBecoming Overly Reposed - Experience Depression Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% BORED IN CLASSBecause Of Really Elementary, Dull Instruction, Now Completing Latest Acronyms Stack. See? Angela Brett, who was getting ACRONYMS 2.2 ready for release during a boring class, and had to think of an acronym to import so that the stack would know it had Update List Grape.
Education:Slow Teaching
100% BOREDOMBrain On Recess, Extreme Disuse Of Mind. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% BORGBloody Organism, Robotically Genocidal Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% BORG (2)Bloody 'Orrible Robotic Guys! Gavin Lambert
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% BORG QUEENBeautiful Or Really Gruesome? Questions Usually Entail Excess Notionalising Gavin Lambert
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% BORINGBreaking (Operating Rotary Instruments) New Ground Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% BORN FOR THE PORCHBeing Of Restful Nature, Find Oneself Returning To Hammock Everytime. Perhaps One Relishes Calm Happiness TMcCO'G - who hopes he has grasped the meaning being sought by the person who searched for this phrase.
Assorted Phrases
100% BORN FREEBreatifully Outlined Romantic Novel Featured Rapidly Endangered Environment Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to Joy Adamson's book about a pride of lions in Africa.
Art & Literature:Book Titles
88% BOROMIRBravery Obliges Risk-taking; One Mistake Incurs Ruin Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
71% BORONBelievers Opine (it's) Requirement in One's Nutrition. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BOSBat Outta Shell BOS = Base Operating System (IBM). The kernel of AIX and the programs that consist of a base install are included in the BOS.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
94% BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINABasically One Small Neck Is Adriatic, However Extensive Rural Zones Ethnically-cleansed . Grisly Obscene Violence Is Now Abated. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BOSSBags Over-Sized Salary Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% BOSS (2)Big Overseer, Sometimes Surly Mick Bridgstock
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% BOSTONBay Of Spilt Tea - Oh No! Angela Brett
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% BOSTON (2)Beans On Soggy Toast - Oh No! Tony McCoy O'Grady (Boston is the home of Boston Baked Beans - a recipe involving haricot beans, a piece of ham, treacle, brown sugar, tomato puree and 4 hours in an oven.)
Food & Drink
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% BOTHBliss Of Togetherness, Hurrah! joybutton
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BOTH BRAINCELLS KILLEDBump On The Head Brings Really Awful Injuries, Now Can't Even Lift Legs. Some Knowledge Is Lost - Longterm Effect's Death. Angela Brett
100% BOTOXBrought On To Ongoing Xaminations Dennis Carr
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% BOTSWANABushmen Of The South Who Are Nomadic Africans. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BOTTLEBlacked Out, Turned Turtle, Lying Expressionless Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BOTTOMBig Orifices Treat Tons Of Merde! Mary Carr/Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BOTTOM LINEBasis Of Trade - To Operate Many Lines Is Needless Expense Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BOTTOM QUARKBest Of The Theories Of Matter? Quite Unlikely Anyone Really Knows Angela Brett ('Bottom' is one of the six types of QUARK, along with UP QUARK, DOWN QUARK, STRANGE QUARK, CHARM QUARK and TOP QUARK... at least, that's the prevailing wisdom so far.)
100% BOTUSFLEMINGBefore Operation The Urbane Surgeon Feels Like Extracting Mucus (Including Nasal Gloop) Tony McCoy O'Grady (Botusfleming is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'A small, long-handled steel trowel used by surgeons to remove the contents of a patient's nostrils prior to a sinus operation.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% BOUNCESBrassiered Orbs Under Nicely Contrived Elastic Supports Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BOUNDARIESBorders Of Unpleasant Neighbours Demand Agreement. Recognized Indicator Ensures Serenity Tony McCoy/Hatfield
100% BOUNTIFULBenefits Our Unit Nicely To Introduce Full Understanding, Life Jan Morgan -- City in Utah
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% BOUQUETBottles (Of Unusual Quality) Usually Exude Tannins TMcCO'G
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% BOURBONBooze Our Uncle Relays Barefoot Obligating Nightcaps Rico Leffanta, from when bourbon was "home brew" which barefoot hillbillies ran around delivering, especially during prohibition. Of course, it was always someone's "uncle", and a delivery included the "nightcap" to ensure the brew was true.
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% BOVINEBeasts Obscuring View In Nature's Environment Tony McCoy O'Greenspace
100% BOWELBack Off... Wind Emission Likely. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BOWELSBottom Often Will Evacuate Liquids & Solids Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BOWLINGBalls Occupy Waxed Lanes, Ideally; Not Gutters. Roger Williams
Sports & Recreation
100% BOWMANBent Over Weapons, Many Arrows Needed Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BOXERSBalls (Of XY-Endowed) Readily Swing Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
86% BOXERS (2)Brains Often X-rayed - Extremely Repugnant 'Sportsmen' Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% BOXINGBoys Outmaneuver Xena In Nailing Girls Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
100% BOXING DAYBustle Of Xmas Is Now Gone, Discounts Await You Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions
100% BOYFRIENDBrag Of Your First Romance... It's Everlasting, No Doubt. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BOY SCOUTBasically Offers You Sex Camping Outdoors Under Tent Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
91% BOYS IN BLUEBattling On Your Side - It's Not Bad Luck Unless (you're) Evil. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% BOYZONEBand Of Youths, Zero (Or Nil) Expertise Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BRABreast-Restraining Apparatus Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% BRA (2)Breasts Remodelled/ Accentuated Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% BRA (3)Breast Realignment Appliance Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% BRADLEYBoy, Really Active, Does Love Experiencing Youth Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% BRAD SAYSBully's Rough Advice Doesn't Summon A 'Yes, Sir!' Angela Brett
People & Relationships
92% BRAHMAGUPTABrilliant Reasoning in Astronomy, Helped Mathematics And Geometry. Understood Progressions, Triangles & Areas. Angela Brett
100% BRAIDSBring Relative Alignment Into Disordered Strands Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
83% BRAINBiological Reckoner - Array of Interconnected Neurons. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BRAIN (2)Biologic Reasoning Apparatus; Intelligence's Nest Gavin Lambert
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BRAIN BOWLBright Resourceful Abecedarians Interrogated Nightly By Other Witty Learners. Peter & Christina - The Brain Bowl Team participates in Jeopardy-like competition in a state-wide event every year.
Sports & Recreation
People & Relationships:Thoughts
83% BRAKEBrings to Rest All Kinetic Energy Eric Bridgstock
Transport:Car Parts
100% BRANDINGBuyers Remember A Name, Discredit If No Good Angela Brett
100% BRANDYBeautifully Robust Alcohol Napoleon Drank, Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% BRASSBrings Rapturous And Spectacular Singing Jason Wilcox
100% BRASSIEREBreast-Restraining Apparatus, Sometimes Shown In Extremely Raunchy Exposes Angela Brett and Steve Keate
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% BRATBoyish Rogue And Tease! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
80% BRAT!Blarney-kisser, Renowned As 'Tony'! Patricia Rix, in response to Tony's PETTER (2).
People & Relationships:Insults
100% BRAT (2)Bad Radically Active Teenager Rulgnaj Yerdon
People & Relationships
100% BRATSBehaviour Raises Adult's Total Scorn Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% BRAVOBeg Repeat - Audience's Vehement Ovation Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% BRAZILBird-infested Rainforests - Amazon Zone Intensely Lush Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BREAD OF LIFEBuy Regularly, Eat And Die Or Follow Love's Inspiration For Eternity Rico Leffanta
92% BREAD, PASTA, CEREAL, POTATOESBegin Right Eating And Dieting Properly. A Sensibly Trained Attitude (Coupled with Exercising Regularly) Enhances A Lifestyle. Put Off Those After-eating Treats Or Extra Servings Tony McThinAsAWhippet O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% BREAKBalls Rest Easily After Kicking Rico Leffanta
100% BREAK IT DOWNBecause Really Enormous Adversity Kills Inspiration, Try Decomposing Opponent & Winning Nonhastily. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Advice
100% BREASTBeautiful, Round, Entertaining, Appetising, Supple, Tittilating. Matthew Oram and Steve Keate
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BREAST (2)Becomes Really Erect After Some Tweaking Matthew Oram and Steve Keate
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BREAST CANCERBad Results, Endanger Adventures, Seizes Tomorrows. Cells Attacked, Never Ceasing, Enters Radiation. Jan Morgan - Lost a friend to it
100% BREASTSBabies Rarely Ever Attempt Suckling Two Simultaneously! Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BREASTS (2)Blondes Request Expensive And Sometimes Troublesome Sugery. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% BREASTS (3)Beautifully Rounded, Extremely Arousing, Sometimes Terribly Sensitive Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BREEZEBeautifully Refreshing Emanation. Enjoy Zephyr's Effects Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BRENDABritish Royals Epithet Newsmagazine Designated Apparently Tony McCoy O'Grady (HRH Queen Elizabeth II is scurrillously referred to as "Brenda" in Private Eye magazine.)
Names:First names:Female
100% BREWBeer Revolts Every Woman Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% BRIANBrings Reasonable Income Advantage, Naturally Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% BRIAN (2)Brat, Really Is Antagonistic, Noxiously Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Male
100% BRIANNEBegins Reading In A Nice Narrative Essentially Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% BRIBEBig Remittance Is Brash Enough Roger Williams
100% BRICKBuilding Requires Intricate Construction Knowledge Tony Moore
Household Objects
100% BRIDALBlushes, Repeating "I Do" About Lover Tony McCatch-the-Bouquet O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
87% BRIDE AND GROOMBrilliantly Rigged-out In Dress & Evening-suit A Nuptial Duo Graciously Race Off On Matrimony Tony McCoy O'I-Do
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% BRIDGE COMMANDERBoat's Ruler Issues Directives, Gives Every Command Or Manages Men. Assures Naval Directives Enforced Rigorously Tony McAyeAye O'Grady
100% BRIDGEND Burying Residents In Deep Graves Ends Neighbourhood Disputes John Richard Jones
Places:Towns & Cities:UK
100% BRIDGESBusy Road If Deep Gorge's Elaborately Spanned Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BRIEF ENCOUNTERBrilliantly Restrained, Intensely Erotic Flm. Epic Noel Coward Ouevre Using, Notoriously, The English Railway. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BRIEFSBasic Requirement Is Explanation For Solicitor Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BRIGADIERBegins Reasonably Intelligently - Gradually Abates - Disimproving Intellect Enforces Retirement Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BRIGHAM YOUNGBlazes Route In Gathering, Has A Multitude Yonder, Offers Utmost Nook Geographically Jan Morgan -- "Blazed" the way to Utah for the pioneers. Multitudes went yonder in the utmost (furthest) nook - (secluded place) to be safe from persecution.
Names:Famous people
100% BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITYBelieves Receptive Instruction Good Habit. As Multitudes Yearn Occupations, Under Navigation Gives Utah Nice Institute. Varied Educational Recommendations Suits Indivduals Taught Yearly Jan Morgan -- School in Utah
94% BRIGHTNESS OF HOPE'Bad Reasoning' Is Good; Helping Them Not Expect Sad Swings Of Fortune Highlights Opportunities (of) Preventing Emergencies. Angela Brett ('Bad reasoning' referring to the idea that hope in a particularly bleak situation is illogical.)
Assorted Phrases
People & Relationships
100% BRILLIANTBright Resounding Idea - Let's Leave It Alone, Not Tamper Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% BRITAINBig Royalist Institution - They're An Island Nation Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BROCKBadger's Rare (Or Cant?) Knickname Tony McCoy O'Grady - Brock is a rare word for a badger in England (I'm not really sure if it qualifies as a 'cant' term but the lettering was inviting)
100% BROKE FEMALEBills, Rent Or Kids... Expenses Forever! Egocentric Male Always Loses Employment. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% BROKENBy Rebelling, Outlaws Keep Everyone Noticing Angela Brett, because laws are made to be broken. The theory is that criminals are really just doing what they do because they want attention. Sentence potential criminals to preventative attention and everything will be fine.
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% BROKEN HEARTBeloved Romeo Often Kissed Enchantingly, Now He's Ended Amorous Relationship Tearfully. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
78% BROMINEBelieved to Reduce Obsessions Militarily It's No-longer Employed. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BRONCOBucks Riders Off! None Can Outlast. Roger Williams
Sports & Recreation
100% BRONZEBe Really Open - Nearness Zenithal Emotionally. Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the bronze (8th) wedding anniversary.
100% BROOCHBright Resplendant Object On 'Clothes Horse' Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
86% BROOKEBaby Really Observes Occurances Keeping Eye-openers Jan Morgan - child I know
Names:First names:Female
100% BROOKE SHIELDSBoys Routinely Offer Open Kisses Erotically, Should Her Incited Erotic Lips Demand Satisfaction? Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% BROTHBoiled Richness Offered To Hospitalised Tony
Food & Drink
100% BROTHERSBrats Repeatedly Offending Their Honest, Erudite, Responsible Sisters Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Family
83% BRUCEBig Rating in US Census Extract Angela Brett (The name Bruce ranked 67th in popularity for males of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census.)
Names:First names:Male
100% BRUNEIBritish Run Until Natives Exacted Independence. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BRUNOBrown - Rather Uninspiring Name Origin Angela Brett
Names:First names:Male
100% BRUSHBristles Roughen Up Swallower's Hindquarters Tony McCoy O'Grady, to go with the various PAINT-eating acronyms
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement
100% BRUSH (2)Best Roasted Using Sweet Herbs Tony McCoy O'Grady, to balance BRUSH
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement
86% BRUTUSBald, Rabble-rousing Untrustworthy Tribune Uses Scapegoating Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Coriolanus
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Coriolanus
100% BRUTUS (2)Beloved Roman, Ultimately The Ultimate Stabber! Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Antony and Cleopatra
100% BRYANBegins Reading Yarns At Noon Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% BRYCEBuild, Render - You've Created Environment! Angela Brett (Bryce is a 3D landscaping and animation application... see http://corel.com)
100% B.SC.Biological Scientific Calculator Angela Brett, after graduating with a B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) majoring in MATHEMATICS.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% BSDBest System Design Sean Lamb (BSD = Berkeley Software Distribution; a flavor of UNIX written by UC Berkeley that is the basis for FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD among others)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% BTWBrain To Wander... Angela Brett (BTW usually stands for 'By The Way')
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
100% BUBBABig Ugly Bible-Beatin' Ass a stereotypical description of anyone named Bubba in Georgia or Arkansas.
Names:First names:Male
100% BUBBLESBrought Unto Being By Liquid's Expanding Surface Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% BUCCANEERBoyos Using Cutlasses Clambered Aboard Naval Expedition, Everything's Ransacked TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% BUCKINGHAMBacks Up Corrupt King - Is Not Given Hereford After Murders Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Richard III
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Richard III
100% BUDDIESBecause "U" Deserve Dependable Individual Exchanges Socially Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
100% BUDDINGBreasts Usually Do Develop In Nubile Girls Steve Keate
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BUDDY HOLLYBrilliant, Unfulfilled. Dead. Died Young. Had Outstanding Lyrics. Legendary Youthfulness Eric Bridgstock
100% BUDWEISERBeer: Uncontrolled Drunks Will Endure It's Side-Effects Regularly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% BUDWEISER (2)Because U Deserve What Every Individual Should Enjoy Regulary. Acronymous Anonymous
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% BUGBake Under Ground Rico Leffanta (see PICNIC)
100% BUG (2)Bitten User Grumbles Angela Brett
100% BUG (3)Bad Unexpected Glitch Angela Brett
100% BUG (4)Bytes Unfortunately Garbled Angela Brett
100% BUG (5)Bites Unfortunate Gentleman Angela Brett
100% BUGGERBasically Uncouth Gentleman Gets Everyone Rattled Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness
71% BUGLEBrassy Ululations Give Layabeds Early-morning-call Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BUG OFFBegone Unwanted Gnat - Oh Fly Fast TMcCO'G
100% BUGSBlight 'Usually Good' Software Angela Brett
100% BUGS (2)Blame Users' Genuine Stupidity Angela Brett -- a few of the programmers where I work are coming up with self-deprecating phrases to put on T-shirts to give out at the company Christmas party. One of the T-shirt slogans is, 'Of course it crashes if you do that!'
100% BUGS (3)Bugs Usually Get Smashed Jan Morgan and Rifle Morgan
100% BUGS (4)Butterflies Usually Go Soaring Jan Morgan and Rifle Morgan
100% BUICKBig Unstoppable Indestructible Car Killer Dennis Carr
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% BUILDBricks Utilised Into Little Dwelling Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% BULBASAURBud Using Little Blighter, A Scourge Against Useless Rocket Dustan Dowsing on his favorite pokemon
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% BULGARIABlighted Under Leninist Government, Are Republican In Attitude. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BULLDOZERBig Ugly Land Lifting Digger, Often Zealously Engineering Roads Dustan Dowsing
100% BULLETBlood Unravels Lightning Lead Ejection Trails Rico Leffanta
63% BULLSBit Un-believe-a-bull... Large Lactiferous Source! Angela Brett (quite a bit of milk is produced around the town of Bulls. Also, there are terr-a-bull puns all over the place.)
Places:Towns & Cities:New Zealand
100% BULLSHITBelt Up - Little Learning Skulks Here, I Think Tony McCoy O'Grady - still checking Angela's tolerance level 8-)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness
100% BULLYBrute; Usually Likes Lambasting You Roger Williams
People & Relationships
100% BUMBelow Underwear, Marginally Matthew Oram
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% BUMBLEBEEBusy Useful Mobile Bee Leaves Earth, Big Exclusive Event Jan Morgan
100% BUMMERBig Unpleasantness Makes Me Extremely Regretful Lawrence D'Oliveiro
100% BUNBundled Under Net Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% BUNCHBunnies Usually Never Chase Herds Rico Leffanta
100% BUNNIESBreeding Unstoppably - Not Neatly In Exact Seasons. Angela Brett
100% BURBANKBest Urban Residential Beginnings, A Nice Keepsake Jan Morgan - City in California
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% BUREAUCRATBossy Underling Really Enjoys Antagonising Urbane Customers Rarely Apologises Tactfully Rico Leffanta
92% BURKINA FASOBecause (of) Unreliable Rainfall Kiboshes Its National Agriculture, Famine And Starvation Occur. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BURMABrutal Undemocratic Repressive Military Authority. Tony McCoy O'Grady
90% BURNED OUTBroken, Used, Really Not Equal (to) Doing One's Usual Tasks Patricia Rix
100% BURNED OUT (2)Beyond Use & Ruined - Now Employee's Defunct One's Usually Terminated Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% BURN OUTBecome Useless; Requires No Official, Unusual Training Patricia Rix
88% BURNOUTBlackened Unpopular Residual Notation. Overuse of User's Terminal Tony McCoy O'Grady
93% BURNT TO A CRISPBlistering Uninhibited Rays Neatly Toast The Outer Area of Coverless Rump - Isn't Sunscreen Protected Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
93% BURNT TO A CRISP (2)Becoming Unbearably Red, Now Taking Ti-tree Oil And Craving Relief In Skin Pigmentation. Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing
Assorted Phrases
100% BURUNDIBelgium Used Rule Until Nation Declared Independence. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BUSBackbreakingly Uncomfortable Sleep Dustan Dowsing, after having a sleep on an INTERCITY BUS and finding it had left him with, among other things, a pain in the neck.
100% BUS (2)Big... Umpteen Seats Angela Brett
100% BUS (3)Brought Us Southward Angela Brett, after going from Auckland to Palmerston North in one.
100% BUSHBombs Upon Saddam Hussein Elf Qrin
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% BUSH (2)Big United States Honcho Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% BUSH (3)Bloodthirsty United States Head Angela Brett (substitute whichever B-adjective or Bad-ejective you like in there.)
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% BUSH (4)Best Underdog Succeeds Honors Jan Morgan
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% BUSH (5)Boy Unmasking Stark Hubris Kenneth T. Davis
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% BUSINESSBest Understood Solution If Nothing Else Satisfies Simply Iniyan G
100% BUSINESS OF POLICE PROTECTIONBecause Unpaid Security Is Not Effective, Somebody Should Offer (For Pay) Officer Left In Charge, Exclusively Premises Requested Of The Employer's Client. This Is Ordinary Nowadays. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% BUTCHBabe Union Threatening Cats Howling Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BUTLER'Bottler' Used To Logically Entitle Retainer Tony McCoy O'Grady - The word "Butler" is a corruption of "bottler" - the member of staff who looked after his employer's wine-cellar.
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% BUTTBelongs Under Tosser's Tush! Patricia Rix (I hate the way smokers treat the whole world as their ashtray)
100% BUTTERFINGERSBoys Usually Try To Explore Romance Flirting Innocently Nice Girls Eventually Respond Senselessly Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BUTTERFLYBeautiful Unreal Thing That Erratically, Romantically Flutteringly Lightheartens You Tony McCoy O'Grady (Butterflies definitely 'lighthearten' everyone!)
100% BUTTERFREEBeauty Usually Toxic, Twittering Extremities Release Floating Rot. Elevatory Evolution. Angela Brett (Butterfree is Pokemon #12)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% BUTTONSBothered User Tries To Overcome Nonsensical Situation TMcCO'G - who would like to be able to press "Submit" without having to scroll the screen.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
93% BUY APPLE SHARESBoast Unbelievable Yearly Appreciation... Products Propagate Lots of Equity, Stock Has Already Risen Extraordinarily Sharply. Angela Brett, when Dustan's mother expressed interest in buying Apple shares.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% BYE FOR NOWBecause You're Especially Forlorn Over Retreating, Never Overemphasize Withdrawals Sean Lamb
Communication:Hello & Goodbye
100% BYLINEBy Your Leave I Need Exposure! Rico Leffanta
100% BYRONBecause You're Really Obviously Nice Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% BYTEBitwise, You Take Eight. Angela Brett
100% BYTE (2)Beware, Your Teeth Electrocuted! Angela Brett
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% BYTE (3)Before Yesteryear's Text Editor Susan S. As a programmer of 30 years, I experienced pre Text Editor programming. It brings a whole new meaning to "plug and play".
89% BY THE WAYBefore You Think He's Ended, Wit Appends Yackety-yak Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% BYZANTIUMBooming Yesteryear Zone - And Now Termed Istanbul Under Musselmen Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CACalculator's 'About' Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the historian's habit of not bothering to calculate the dates of birth or death of historical characters precisely, instead calculating loosely on the lines of Tony McCoy O'Grady 1950 ca., when they were too lazy to check it out.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% CA (2)Clearly Around Rico Leffanta
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
80% CAASCan't Anyone Agree on Something? Credit: Spoof of a project with the same acronym. This expansion better describes how the project is going.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% CAATINGACovering An Arboreal Tract In Natural Granite Area Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CABContains Autoist Bottom Dustan Dowsing
100% CABBAGECertainly At Best Boiled, Always Gets Eaten Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% CABINETCaring About Business Induces Negative Employer's Threat Dundee
100% CABINET (2)Collectivity Assures Blame Is Never Effectively Tackled Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CABIRCells Affected By Internet Rage Sean Lamb (Cabir is the name of the first worm to infect cell phones)
100% CABIR (2)Creating Another Bluetooth Infection Readily Sean Lamb (Cabir is the name of the first worm to infect cell phones via their bluetooth capabilities)
100% CABLECrappy Asyncronous Bandwidth Limited Experience SafT
100% CABLE (2)Connect And Begin Leeching Excessively Angela Brett
100% CABLE (3)Chewing A Bit Lacks Excitement Tony
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% CABLE MODEMCan Anyone Bite Large Exterior? May Obviously Damage Entrails, Ma'am. Jeff Anonymous
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% CACKLECreated Audible Comedic Kinesis... Logically Enough Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CACKLE (2)Children And Counterparts Keep Laughing Endlessly Rico Leffanta
100% CACKLINGChuffed About Carrying Key Lime IBook - Not Gloating! Angela Brett, who still grins/cackles joyously when she thinks about having a KEY LIME IBOOK, and how she came to have it.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% CADCowardly And Deceitful Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% CAD (2)Can't Actually Draw Tony McCoy O'Grady (CAD usually stands for Computer Aided Design)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% CADMIUMChemical Apparently Defends Metals In Unfriendly Milieus. Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% CAFFEINECola And Fizz For Extensive Infusion of Nightly Energy MLF
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% CAIROCan Another Incarnation Recruit Others? Sean Lamb (Cairo was Microsoft's code name for Windows NT 4.0, which was supposed to get everyone off the Win9x kernel series)
100% CAITIFFCharacter Always Inclined Toward Inheriting Friend's Fortune Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% CAITLINCan Actually Involve Taking Life's Inconveniences Naturally Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% CAIUS MARCIUSCoriolanus, An Invincible Uptight Soldier, Makes Aufidius Resentful - Crushed In Unsuccessful Siege Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Coriolanus
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Coriolanus
100% CAKECooks A Kiss Edible Rico Leffanta, because of a woman who told him the only way she could kiss her sons was to bake them a cake.
Food & Drink
100% CAKE (2)Change, Accountability, Knowledge & Entrepreneurship Tony
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Employee Recognition Program
100% CAKE = TOO REAL PIE!Circumference (Around Kitchen Edible) = Two (One + One) * Radius * (Eating Always Luscious) Pi (Irrational Escape!) Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Boston Cream Cake: Also (Too) Pie!
Food & Drink
100% CALCIUMCommon And Like Chalk It's, Unusually, Metallic Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CALCULATECosts: Accurately Logged! Counter Unnecessary Longings! Advance Truth Empathetic! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% CALCULATORComplex And Liberating Creation - Users Lose Ability To Orchestrate Ratios Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CALCULATOR (2)Challenged - Arithmetically Love Computing Using Least-Advanced, Typically Onmoney Reckoning! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% CALCULATOR (3)Children Always Love Computing Using Least-Advanced, Typically Onmoney Reckoning! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% CALCULATOR (4)Children Always Look Comfortable Using Least-Advanced, Typically Onmoney Reckoning! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
80% CALCULUSComplicated Algebraic Logic for Calculating Useful Limits and Undefined Sums Angela Brett
100% CALENDARComplete Annual List, Entaililing Numerous Divisions And Rectangles Matthew Oram
100% CALENDAR (2)Creation Actually Lists Every "Next Day". Annually Replaced. Roger Williams
100% CALIBANCreature Accepts Life Is Brutish And Nasty Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Tempest
100% CALIFORNIAClimate Always Lovely, Is Fruitful Of Rising Newcomers In Arts Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% CALIFORNIUMClassified Actinide. Lecturers In Fusion Often Refer. Named In University's Memory. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CALL A COPCancel All Laws Limiting Any Christmas Office Party Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Law & Order
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% CALL BACKSCompile A Little Log Book About Customers - Keep Secret! Tony McCoy O'MayIHaveFiveMinutesOfYourTimeToDiscussXYZ?
100% CALLING TREECommunication Ala Land Line In Necessary Goings To Reach Everyone Eventually Jan Morgan -- many organizations use this system so one person doesn't have to make 50 or so phone calls
100% CALLIOPECould A Lovely Lady Inspire One Poet's Eloquence? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends
100% CALMComposed A Lot, Moderate Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% CALORIECannot Allow Living Off Rapturous Impulsive Eating Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink
100% CALORIE (2)Can A Living Organism Release Its Energy? Angela Brett
100% CALUMETCan Anyone Lend Us More Egalitarian Tobacco? Rico Leffanta
100% CALVARYChrist At Last Validated And Respectfully Yielded Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CALVINCan Achieve Little, Vision Is Nil Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% CAMBODIACompletely Appalling - Millions Butchered Or Died In Atrocities. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CAMELCigarettes Affect Many Emphysemic Lungs Tony McCoy O'Grady
83% CAMEL (2)Carrying Amorous Males to Exquisite Ladies Mary Carr
100% CAMELBACKCab's About Middle. Engineer Looks Back And Controls Kettle. Sean Lamb (a camelback locomotive is a steam engine where the control cab is wrapped around the middle of the boiler rather than at the rear end of it; smaller locomotives were also sometimes called 'tea kettles')
88% CAMELOTCourt Arthur Made (into) Exceptional Legend - Or Truth? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% CAMELOT (2)Can A Myth Endure, Lingering Over Time? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% CAMELOT (3)Could A Mythology Evolve Loosely On Truth? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% CAMEOCharming And Magnificently Executed Ornament TMcCO'G
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
100% CAMEO (2)Caught Amongst Movie Extras Once TMcCO'G
100% CAMERACapture A Moment - Enlargements Readily Available Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CAMERA (2)Can A Machine Easily Record Activities? Roger Williams
100% CAMERONCaring Adult Manages Educating Rambunctous Observant Novices Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% CAMEROONCentral African Mountainous Equatorial Region, Offshoot Of Nigeria. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CAMILLAGATECould A Man In Love Leave Another Girl... And The Empire? Angela Brett, referring to the 1993 'Camillagate' scandal involving secretly recorded phone conversations between Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CAMILLE JAVALCan Any Man In Love Leave Early Just As Virgin Accepts Love? Rico Leffanta (Camille Javal is better known as Brigitte Bardot)
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses:Little known real names
100% CAMINOCan't Anyone Make Intelligent Naming Options? Rob Rix (they changed Chimera's name to Camino recently. I think there is/was an X-Windows browser called Chimera already out there.)
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
100% CAMLANConflict As Modred Lead Arthur's Nemesis Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% CAMPAIGNCome And Make Protest, Abuse Is Growing Nationwide Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to this request on the Apronyms Forums: We are forming a new community group to end abuse, we are looking for a catchy acronym using the A for abuse. We don't want to limit ourselves to only family violence, or child abuse. Our purpose is to educate and raise awareness.
People & Relationships:Abuse
88% CAMP FOXCourtesan's A Military Prostitute - Financed Outta X-factor Tony McCoy O'Grady - who just discovered that British service personnel are paid an 'X-factor' to compensate for the disruptions and disadvantages of life in the armed forces..... and thought "what better way for a soldier to spend his X-factor than on a Camp Follower - maybe even a foxy one.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CAMPINGCanvas Accommodation Mightn't Persist In Nasty Gale. Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation:Travel
100% CAMPING (2)Create A Mobile Paradise In Nature's Glory TMcCO'G
Sports & Recreation:Travel
100% CAMPUSConveniently Assembled, Many Professors & University Students Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CANADACanucks Are Not Americans! Dammit All! Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% CANCERCan Anyone Not Comprehend? (it's) Entire Rot! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CANCER (2)Cell Apoptosis? Never! Choke Every Rival. Angela Brett
100% CANCER (3)Cells Attacked, Never Ceasing, Enters Radiation Jan Morgan
100% CANCER (4)Causing Anxiety Neurosis, Capable, Emotional Resolve Jan Morgan -- can be a hypochondriac, but keeps emotions in check
100% CANCER (5)Cancer Avoidance Needs Clever/Comprehensive Educational Resources Tony
100% CANDELACalculating A Non-Dark (Electrically Lit?) Area Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CANDLECylindrical Artifact, Non Dripping, Light Emitting. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
100% CANDYChocolates And Nougat Delight You Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% CANDY (2)Caring Adult Needs Details, Yet Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% CANDY (3)Cavities Advantage, Never Doubts You Jan Morgan
Food & Drink:Confectionery
85% CAN I HAVE ONE?Could Angela Nab It? Hallowed Apple Vendors Even Offer Not-for-sale Evangelism. Angela Brett, commenting on the many pieces of Apple merchandise (some of which only staff of Apple and AppleCentres should be able to get a hold of) she's managed to acquire for free simply by asking friendly Apple dealers.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
92% CAN I SMACK YOUCouple Are Newly Into Sado-Masochism & Although Comfortably Kinky, Yet (are) Obviously Understated TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CANNABISCommon Around Netherlands, Not Accepted By International Society Angela Brett
100% CANNABIS (2)Class A Narcotic? No... A Barely Illegal Substance. Angela Brett
80% CANNES 2000 MOVIE STARSCinema Awards Nailing Names Especially Stars 2 (to) 0 (oh!) 0 (oh!) 0 (oh!) Move Over Venus! I'm Easily Superior To Aphrodite's Regional Success! Rico Leffanta
100% CANNOT FIND SERVERConnectivity Across Network Nodes Often Tangles Files Innocently Named. Decent Security Ever Requires Vigilance, Especially Remotely Sean Lamb
100% CANOECan Anyone Navigate Ocean Ebb? Rico Leffanta
100% CANOE (2)Can A Novice Overturn Easily? Roger Williams
Sports & Recreation
100% CANOE (3)Canada's A Neat Overseas Experience Angela Brett, who spent a fair bit of time in canoes while visiting Canada.
Sports & Recreation
100% CANOE (4)Canada's Apparently National Overwater Experience Rob Rix
Sports & Recreation
100% CANOPYCan Abundant Nylon Overhead Protect You? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation:Parachuting
100% CAN'T SEECannot Actually Notice Things, Sadly 'Empty' Eyes Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CANVASCreative Artists Need Vacant Art Slates Sean Lamb (most paintings that I've seen are on canvas, after all)
Art & Literature
100% CAPACITIESCupful And Pint And CC, Intended To Itnternationalise Exact Standards Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CAPE VERDEClaimed As Portuguese Earlier. Volcanic. Emerged Republican, Destitution, Emigration. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CAPIContemptible And Pitiful Interface CAPI = Crypto Application Programming Interface (Microsoft)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% CAPITALChief Among Population's Inhabited Towns Across Landscape Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Towns & Cities
94% CAPITALIST COUNTRY Creation of A Product, Intensive Television Advertising, Launch It, Start Taking Cash Off Unwary Nitwits. The Revenue's Yours Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CAPITAL LETTERS PLEASECould All Participants Integrate Their Acronym Lettering. Let's Explain That This Eases Reading. Some People Leave Expansions Abyssmally Sloppily Executed! Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Edwin didn't capitalise the initials in his expansion.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% CAPITOLCongested Area Politicians Inhabit To Oversee Legislation Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CAPRICORNCan A Prediction Really Indicate Close Ones' Romantic Notions? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CAPRICORN (2)Can Acquire Patience, Reliable Individual Considers Opinions, Reasonably Neutral Jan Morgan -- neutral = adaptable
100% CAPSCease All Pathetic Shouting Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Advice
100% CAPS LOCKCreating Acronyms? Please See Listed Obligations - Charter's Known Tony McCoy O'Grady and Angela Brett, because of the rule in THE ACRONYMISTS' CHARTER saying that IF YOU PUT A WORD IN CAPS YOU MUST ACRONYMISE IT.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% CAPS LOCK (2)Could Angela Perhaps Say, "Luck's Out... Charter's Known!"? Jeff Anonymous (see CAPS LOCK)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
88% CAPTAINComplacent And Peremptory - Thinks Army-life Is Nice Tony McCoy O'Grady and Mike Redmond
100% CAPTURECopse Attack! Plot Tracks! Unnameable Rewards! Existence! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Capture escapee.
100% CAPTURE (2)Create Apronyms, Pert Terms Unbearable! Recall Effortlessy! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% CAPULETCantankerous And Proud - Ultimately Learns Eternal Truth Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Romeo and Juliet
100% CARCarries Around Riders Edwin Hermann
100% CARAMELChewy And Relatively Aromatic - Mine's Especially Lovely Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% CARAVANCruises All 'Round Area - Vacationers' Abode, Normally. Angela Brett
100% CARBONConstituent All Real Breathing Organisms Need Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CARBON SINKCan Arboretums Really Balance One Nation's Soaring Industrial Noxiousness? Kooky! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CARDCat's Anus Really Damaged Jeff Anonymous, explaining what happens if your cat thinks your sound card smells like fish.
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% CARD (2) Can Actually Rupture Duodenum Jeff Anonymous and Angela Brett
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% CARDIFFCan Anyone Really Do It For Free? John Richard Jones
Places:Towns & Cities:UK
100% CARDINAL WOLSEYCatholic - Asks Rome's Delay In Nullity. Anne's Lutheran Ways Offend, Leaves Strong Evidence, Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry VIII
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VIII
83% CARDSClubs, Auricles, Royalty, Diamonds and Spades Angela Brett. WARNING, plug coming up... (And don't forget to check out my card game, Once in a Lifetime! It's at http://acronyms.co.nz/software/OIAL.html)
100% CARECreate A Rapport, Eventually Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
People & Relationships
100% CARE (2)Call Auntie Regularly, Everyone! Patricia Rix
Assorted Verbs
People & Relationships
100% CAREERCan A Really Elderly Entrant Rise? Patricia Rix, adding: Or has one reached forced retirement?
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% CARING'Concern' - A Requirement In Nurses Globally Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% CARLEYCan Anyone Respond Logically, Except You? Angela Brett, when somebody posted on the Apronyms forums asking for an expansion of her name. We can't come up with a name expansion which has any relevance to a particular person without knowing anything about that person... we could only make up some random description of nobody in particular, and if there happens to be somebody with that name who fits the description it's just a fluke. It takes the 'apro' out of 'apronym'.
Names:First names:Female
100% CARLEY (2)Carefree After Repaying Loan, Exclaims 'Yippee!' Angela Brett -- the name Carley comes from ceorl, an Ancient Germanic word meaning 'Freeholder'
Names:First names:Female
100% CARLEY (3)Continues Accumulating Rental Lucre Every Year Angela Brett -- the name Carley comes from ceorl, an Ancient Germanic word meaning 'Freeholder'
Names:First names:Female
100% CARLEY (4)Could Anyone Remotely Located Encapsulate You? Tony -- see CARLEY
Names:First names:Female
100% CARLOSCatch Australian's Real Life On Screen Angela Brett (Carlo was one of the housemates on the third series of Australian Big Brother.)
Names:First names:Male
Names:Famous people
100% CARL SAGANCausing Another Ridiculous Law Suit, Apple Grouses Astronomer's Nerve Sean Lamb (Carl Sagan was Apple's code name for the Powermac 7100/66; when Mr. Sagan learned of the code name creation, he sued to prevent it's use within Apple)
Names:Famous people
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% CARMENCigarette Artisan's Rose Mesmerises Engaged Nobleman TMcCO'G
100% CARNIVALConcussed After Rollercoaster, Now I've Vomited A Lollipop Angela Brett
100% CARNIVAL (2)Consume All Rich Nosh In Vernally Attuned Lunacy Tony McCoy O'Grady (Carnival comes from carnem + levare: to put away meat, which was done at Lent)
Food & Drink
Time:Special Occasions:Easter
100% CAROLChristmastime Aria Remembering Our Lord Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% CAROLINECreated A Radio Offshore, Living In Nautical Environment Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to Radio Caroline, a 1960s pirate radio station based off the coast of England and the forerunner of modern rock stations
100% CARPOOLCan Assist Reducing Pollution On Our Lives Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CARPUCrust Accumulates, Residue Piles Up Sean Lamb (Every winter around here, the snow kicked up by car tires collects on fenders and mudflaps. When the snow pile gets heavy enough or if the weather warms up a little, these clumps fall off, making what I call carpu.)
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% CARRIONCarcasses Are Ripe & Rotting; It's One Nightmare! Roger Williams
People & Relationships:Death
100% CARROTChewing A Root? Remarkable Optical Talents! Tony McCoy O'Grady (Carrots' reputation for improving one's eyesight springs, I believe, from propaganda the British put out in the 2nd World War to keep radar a secret from the Germans)
Food & Drink
100% CARSCarriages Are Roadworthy, Sometimes Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CARTSClydesdales Are Really Tough Species Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CASComputer Aided Sleuthing Tony McCoy O'Grady, after much conversation about his sleuthing around one of Angela's stacks.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% CASABLANCACan American Smoothie Assist Brave Lover Against Nazism's Callous Agents? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CASANOVACast A Shadow And Never Offer Virgins Asylum! Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CASCADECataract As Stream 'Collapses' And Drenches Everything Tony McCoy O'Grady, who can't think of a C word which describes what a waterfall does, but is quite happy with 'collapses'
100% CASE WORKERCast Away Should Easily Waste Other Ratepayers' Kind Equity Really wishes
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% CASHCollect And Spend Heavily Edwin Hermann
100% CASH (2)Cheques Aren't So Heavy! Angela Brett
100% CASH (3)Complements A Shopper's Handbag Angela Brett
100% CASH (4)Change A Shopper Hoards Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CASH (5)Could A Safe Help? Roger Williams
100% CASINOCents And Sense In, Nothing Out Angela Brett
100% CASSANDRACancer's Always Stressful. Stamina And Nerve Develop, Reducing Anxiety Patricia Rix, referring to George's great niece, who celebrated her 13th birthday by beginning chemotherapy.
Names:First names:Female
100% CASSEROLEChef Appetisingly Slowly Stews Everything, Result's Often Luscious Eating Tony McCoy Escoffier
Food & Drink
100% CASSETTECartridge And Spools 'Show' Electronic Tape Through Encoding TMcCO'G
100% CASSIOConspiracy Abounds - Soldier's Steadfast Innocence Outlasts Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Othello
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Othello
88% CASSIUSChance-taking And Self Seeking - Is Ultimately Suicidal Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Antony and Cleopatra
100% CASTCircumvent Any Strong Typing Angela Brett (the strong type-checking of programming languages such as C++ can easily be got around by casting.)
90% CASTANETSClacky And Staccato, These Are No-longer Exclusive To Spain Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CASTLECompanions Are Secure, They Lockout Enemy Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CASTLE CAERNARFONCharles Accepts Station, Title Labels Egotist, Confers Adult Entitled Right Natural Achievement Royally Factored Occupation Necessity Jan Morgan
100% CASTRATECut Away Scrotum's Testicles Rendering A Total Eunuch Rico Leffanta
100% CASTRATIONCutting Away Sexual Tackle's Really Abhorrent. The Idea's Outstandingly Nauseating Tony McCock O'Grady
100% CATCute And Tame Angela Brett, while designing the icon for the 'Export Acronym' button.
100% CAT (2)Conceited And Temperamental Tony McCoy O'Grady
75% CAT (3)Created to Attack Toes Steve Keate
100% CAT (4)Creatures Are Terrific! Patricia Rix
100% CAT (5)Cuddly And Treasurable Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CAT (6)Cute At Times Gavin Lambert - My cat can look quite cute sometimes -- when she feels like it :)
100% CAT (7)Cuddly Adult/Adorable Tabby Jan Morgan
100% CAT (8)Canines Attack These Kenny Roy
100% CATACOMBCan Any Tomb Accept Concubines Of Men Buried? Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Death
90% CATCH THEM!Citizens Alert!/Arrest! Terrorists/Temporisers! Child-molesters! Hoodlums! Trials ==> Hopefully, Execute Murderers! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% CATCHYCultivating Abusive Traits Can Harm Yourself Angela Brett, in response to the same request as WATCH OUT, after mentioning an earlier acronym, STOP THE ABUSING which is not very CATCHY.
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% CATEGORYCan A Tame Elephant Grow On Raspberry Yoghurt? Angela Brett, while testing part of this stack.
Assorted Nouns
100% CATEGORY LISTINGChoose A Topic - Each Gets One Record. You'll Love It... See Tachygraphy In Natural Groupings. Angela Brett, who thought she ought to acronymise the headings of the category listing pages (http://acronyms.co.nz/catindex.html) since they're in capitals.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
94% CATEGORY LISTING (2)Collection of Apronyms ('Tached Expansions) Going On Related Yarns; Limiting Information Shown Together In Networked Group Gavin Lambert (a category listing serves two important functions: (1) keeping related items together, (2) reducing clutter on each page)
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% CATEGORY NAMES Classification Attempts To Enable 'Grouping' Of Resources. You Need Allow & Maintain Easy Searching TMcCO'G
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
80% CATERPIECan Attack by Tackle. Eventually, Rest in Peace In Encounters Dundee (Caterpie is Pokemon #10)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% CATERWAULConsternation And Torture/Torment Ensues Regularly When Awful Ululations Linger Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% CAT FOODCan Anything Taste Fine Once Odor's Detected? Patricia Rix
Food & Drink:Pet food
100% CATHCommon Abbreviation. Though Horrid Tony McCoy O'Grady, who prefers Cathy, or Kate.
Names:First names:Female
100% CATHERINECunning And Thoroughly Horrid & Evil - Russia's Infamous Nightmare Empress Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people:Politicians
Names:First names:Female
100% CATHERINE (2)Can Adult Test Her Endurance, Reaching In Noble Efforts Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% CATHOLICConcerned About The Holiest Of Liturgies In Churches Tony McCoy O'Cardinal
100% CATHYCrafty Anagram To Her Yacht Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay
Names:First names:Female
100% CATHY (2)Caring Adventurous Tactful Hippie, Yin Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% CAT IN THE HATChildren Are Taught In Nursery - Through Hearing Educational & Happy Anthropomorphic Tale Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% CATIONCharged And Tried, Innocent Of Negativity Angela Brett
100% CATIONSChemical[ly] Attracted To Ions On Negative Side Angela Brett
100% CAT SCANCanine Attempt To Sniff & Calculate Adversary's Nearness Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CATULLUSCan't Anyone Tell Useless Love Leaves Us Senseless? Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CAUCHYComplex Analysis Understood Completely... Huge Yield! Angela Brett
100% CAVALIERCharles' Allies Victorious Against Loathsome Illicit Emergent Roundheads TMcCO'G
100% CAVIARECustomer Awareness Valued - Integrity, Accountabilty & Respect Esteemed Tony
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Employee Recognition Program
100% CAVITYCauses A Variation In Troubles, Yuck Jan Morgan
100% CBDCongested Buildings Downtown It actually means Central Business District, but when Angela mentioned it Tony McCoy O'Grady didn't know this, so thought of his own ideas.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
75% CBD (2)City By the Docks Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
60% CBD (3)Conglomeration of Bums and Drunks Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% CDCan't Digest Steve Keate (see DONGLE (3))
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% CD BURNERCannot Digest Bits Used Recording Next Electronic Retake Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% CD-ROMCan't Detect Round Of Metal Angela Brett, whose CD-ROM drive can no longer see when there's a CD in it.
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% CD-ROM (2)Can't Download - Rate 'Orribly Mired Gavin Lambert - I periodically try to download a Linux install CD (mostly out of curiosity), but as I've only got a 56k connection it takes too long :(
100% CD-RWCan Dislocate Rectal Walls Jeff Anonymous
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% CEASECry 'End Abuse' - Support Education Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to this request on the Apronyms Forums: We are forming a new community group to end abuse, we are looking for a catchy acronym using the A for abuse. We don't want to limit ourselves to only family violence, or child abuse. Our purpose is to educate and raise awareness.
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% CELANDINECertain Extracts Lighten A Nervous Digestion - It's Notedly Effective Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% CELANDINE (2)Claimed Enhancer Lists Antithetical Notions... Does It Not Enhance? Angela Brett (Like adverts for many medicinal herbs, those for celandine list illnesses and desirable qualities mixed together, without saying which it enhances and which it cures.)
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% CELEBICelebrity Evidently Loves Every Body, Inclusively Tony McCoy O'Grady, who doesn't know what "celebi" is, or means, but sees a possiblity in the idea of "celebrity bi-sexual" having a word all it's own. (Celebi was an unsuccessful search term featured on http://acronyms.co.nz/cgi-bin/searches, and is actually a Pokemon)
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CELESTIAL GLORYChallenging Everyones Life Exam, Standards Testing In Applicable Living Great Love Of Radiant Yearnings Jan Morgan
100% CELIACompanion's Exile Leads Into Amour Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's As You Like It
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:As You Like It
100% CELL PHONECarrying Enables Listening Luxury, Please Have One Near Ears Jan Morgan
100% CELL SITEChildren Exhibit Lack-Lustre Scores In Their Exams Steve Keate, thinking about the effect of cell sites being near schools.
100% CELTICCertain Exceedingly Lovable, Truly Irish Characters Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% CELTSCentral Europeans Louts That Settled! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% CELTS (2)Christians Extinguished Local Theology, Sadly. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% CENSOREDCrude Expansions Not So Openly Received - Expletives Deleted! Angela Brett, after removing a few rude acronyms from the stack.
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness
100% CENSORSHIPCan Expect No Submissions On Rude Subjects Have Immediate Placement Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CENSUSCollects Entire Nations Statistics - Universal Sample. Angela Brett
100% CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLICCompletely Enclosed Nation That Really Achieved Little After France Relinquished It's Control Around Nineteensixty. Republic Eventually - People Unseated Bokassa's Lot In Coup. Tony McCoy O'Grady
91% CENTRAL PROCESSING UNITComputers are Everywhere Now That Retailers Are Lowering Prices Roughly Overnight. Computer Education and Solid State Inventions Now Guarantee Us New Innovative Technology Sean Lamb
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% CEOConfusion Exceeding Omniscience Susan S. In my line of work, I've gotten a lot of comments from my employees alluding to my phenomenal knowledge base -- "You know-it-all!" -- This to let them know that I'm just as confused as they, but as the head of the company I want to put my best foot forward. (CEO usually stands for Chief Executive Officer)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
93% CEREBRAL PALSYCan't Exactly Run Energetically, Breathless Reaction Always Lingers - Perhaps Allowing Lowlife to Survive Yet Tony McCoy O'Grady, trying to find the faults of MacGirl
100% CERESCultivating Earth Reaps Elongated Seasons Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% CERIMONCurious Ephesian Reviver Is Mighty Old Necromancer Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Pericles
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Pericles
100% CERIUMChemical Element Resident In Umpteen Minerals. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CESIUMClock Element. Standard In Universal Measurement. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CESSPITCloacal Enclosure Some Suffering Person Is Tending Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% C'EST LA VIEChallenging, Exciting Situations To Live Amongst... Very Interesting Experience Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
100% CHADClimate's Hot And Desertlike. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHAIRCan Hold An Interested Reader Steve Keate
Household Objects:Furniture
100% CHAIR (2)Comfortable Haven Allowing Immediate Rest/Respite Matthew Oram
Household Objects:Furniture
100% CHALETCabin - High Alpine - Looks Excessively 'Touristy' Tony McCoy O'Grady
91% CHALLENGERChrista Had A Life; Lost in Explosion. National Grief Eternally Remains. Roger Williams
100% CHAMPChewing Hard And Munching Peyote Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink:Pet food
90% CHAMPAGNECreating Heaps of Acronyms Means People Are Greatly Numerically Encouraged. Angela Brett, to celebrate the 1500th acronym.
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% CHAMPAGNE (2)Celebratory Hooch, Always Makes People At Gatherings Nicely Extrovert Eric Bridgstock
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% CHAMPAGNE (3)Charm Has Always Made Pretty Any Girl Near Eventide Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
86% CHANCYCan't Have Anything Never-failing, Can You? Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% CHANCY (2)Casino Houses Are Never Completely Yielding Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% CHANELLECan't Have Advantages, Naturally Exists, Lives Life Effectively Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% CHANGECoinage - How A Note Gets Exchanged Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHANGE (2)Collecting Hastens Avarice - Negligible Gains Ensue Melanie Merswolke
100% CHANGE (3)Coins Have Always Needed Gathering, Evidently Patricia Rix
100% CHANGE (4)Complete Haberdashery Alteration: No Garment Excepted Patricia Rix
Household Objects:Clothing
100% CHANTChorus Hollering, And Nobody's There Rico Leffanta
100% CHAOSCreated Havoc Amongst Orthodox Scientists Angela Brett
83% CHAOS (2)Couldn't Happen in Apple's Operating Systems. Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% CHAOS (3)Comprehensive Handling And Organising System David White
100% CHAOTICCan't Highly Accurately Observe These Iterative Creations. Angela Brett, after reading about the mathematical phenomenon chaos... it's all about sequences which seem totally random but are generated by a simple mathematical rule - however, slight changes in the starting values can drastically change the whole thing, so chaotic motion is still very difficult to predict.
100% CHAPCould Have Adorable Penis Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% CHAP (2)*Cough* Huh? Adorable Penis?! Angela Brett, in response to CHAP, since penises aren't adorable. (CHAP sure gives a different slant on Chap Stick though.)
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% CHARCan Hold Alphabetic Representation Angela Brett, when she had half an hour to spare in a C programming test. In C, a char is a type of variable often used to store characters.
Computers:Programming:C variable types
100% CHARGE CARDCarefully Handle Account, Receipts Get Everyone Cautious At Responsible Debts Jan Morgan
100% CHARIOTS OF FIREComplete Hogwash As Rivals In Olympic Trials Successfully Oppose Fierce Forces In Running Events. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHARISMACharlatan Has A Roguish Innocence, Seducing Moronic Audience Tony McCoy O'Grady - TV preachers are often described as 'Charismatic'.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
88% CHARITYConsider Helping Another, Responding as If To Yourself Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% CHARIZARDCan Heat A Rock Into Zabaglione, And Roast Duelist Angela Brett (Charizard is Pokemon #6)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
93% CHARLES BABBAGEComputer Hacker Attacking Relatively Large Establishments. Sabotages Back-up Attempts, Bugs Buildings And Generally Escapes. Tony McCoy O'Grady, hypothesising about Babbage's descendants becoming supercriminals.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains:When good scientists go bad
100% CHARLIECan Help Acronyms.co.nz Reach Largest Inventory Ever! Angela Brett and Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHARLIE (2)Chancer Has A Remotely Located Island, Exclusively Tony McCoy O'Grady (An Irish politician - Charles Haughey - owns an entire island off the coast of Ireland, how he financed the purchase has never been satisfactorily Explained)
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% CHARLIE (3)Chap Has Acronym Related / Linked Illness, Evidently Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHARLIE (4)Centenarian (His Ancestor) Recently Lay In Exequy Angela Brett, soon after Prince Charles' grandmother died.
100% CHARLIE (5)Controls Handling, Authoritarian, Really Lives In Exertion Jan Morgan - someone I know. When he isn't controlling situations he loves adventurous activities.
Names:First names:Male
100% CHARLOTTE'S WEBCaring Heroine Adopts Runt. Largely Owing To The Energetic Spider, Wilbur Escapes Butchering. Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% CHARMAINECarefully Handles Abilities, Responsible Musical Adult In Nurturing Environment Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% CHARMANDERCraves Heat -- Any Rain Makes A Near-Derriere Extremity Respire. Angela Brett (Charmander, Pokemon #4, prefers hot places. When it rains, steam is said to spout from the tip of its tail.)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% CHARMEDCan Have Anything Remotely Magical Enter Drama Angela Brett (The TV Show 'Charmed' is about three witches, but can involve things as diverse as leprechauns, mermaids, demons, gnomes, fairies, angels, nymphs, gods, unicorns, and the seven dwarves.)
Entertainment:TV shows
100% CHARMIANCharming, Happy And Respectful Monument Is A Necropolis Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Antony and Cleopatra
100% CHARM QUARKCould Have A Real Magical Quality... Undergraduates Are Really Keen! Angela Brett, wondering if the charm quark is so charming that it will get otherwise disinterested undergraduates enthused. ('Charm' is one of the six types of quark... along with UP QUARK, DOWN QUARK, STRANGE QUARK, TOP QUARK and BOTTOM QUARK)
100% CHASEDChooses Her Amours So Each Discovers Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CHASMCrevasses Have Always Slain Mountaineers Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation
100% CHASMSCan't Hop Across So Much Space TMcCO'G
100% CHASMS (2)Climb Harnessed And Summit Mountain Safely Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation
100% CHASTEChooses Her Amours So They'll Engage Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CHATCome, Have A Talk Angela Brett
100% CHAT ACRONYMSChuckling Heartily As Typing A Capitalised ROTFL? Oh No, You're Merely Smiling. Angela Brett, who notices that some people reflexively type acronyms suggesting laughter (such as ROTFL: Rolling On The Floor Laughing) when they actually aren't laughing.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% CHAT BOARDSCan Have A 'Talk' But Only At Roaming Digits' Speed Angela Brett
100% CHATROOM ACRONYMSCommon, Hardly Artistic Typing Reducers... Often Original Meanings Aren't Consciously Recalled, Only Nonsense You Mechanically Say. Angela Brett, referring to the way many people reflexively type LOL when they didn't laugh out loud, and even go as far as typing LOLOLOLOLOLOL for emphasis, which makes no sense at all.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% CHATTERConversation Having A Tendency Toward Empty Rattling Angela Brett
100% CHATTER BOXCan't Hold Active Tongue That Eternally Restless - Blathering On Xtensively Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHEATER'Champion' Has Evidently Altered The Examination Results Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% CHEATSCraves Having Easy Answers To Succeed Scott Higton... my kids buy PC games and after 10 minutes of play want me to download whatever cheats there are for it. Thought this an appropriate acronym for what they are doing... or anyone that butts up against a situation that requires some effort.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% CHEDSCrackers Having Extremely Delicious Seasoning. Steve Keate
Food & Drink
83% CHEERCreate Happiness Everywhere - Eventually (it's) Reciprocated. Angela Brett
100% CHEERIOSCold Hearted Enemy Enters Residences, Inhibiting Occupants' Slumber Patricia Rix
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains:Cereal Killers
92% CHEERLEADERSCompetitors Have Extremely Energetic Rosy-cheeked Ladies Entertaining Audiences, Doing Elaborate Routines Stylishly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% CHEERSConvivial Host Enjoys Everybodyís Rousing Salutation Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHEFCreates Heavenly Exciting Feasts Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Chefs
80% CHEF (2)Culinary Honcho (of) Exceptional Flair Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% CHEF (3)Cooks Hardly-Edible Food Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% CHEF (4)Cuisine Has Exquisite Flavours Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Chefs
80% CHEF (5)Cooks Herbed Escargot in France Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% CHEF (6)Cheesepuff Hat's Eventually Flattened Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% CHEF (7)Cooks Hen's Eggs Frequently Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Chefs
80% CHEF (8)Can Hardly Eat (his) Food! Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% CHEF (9)Chops His/Her Extremeties Frequently Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Chefs
80% CHEF (10)Causes Halitosis (with) Excessive Flavourings Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% CHEF (11)Can Handle Every Foodstuff Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% CHEF (12)Calorie Hoarder, Extremely Fat Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Chefs
80% CHEF (13)Cafeteria's Head Employee is Fussy Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% CHEF (14)Culinary Host Expertly Flambes Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% CHEF (15)Cheap Hotels Employ Fryers Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% CHEF (16)Chap Has Eaten Frogslegs Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% CHEF (17)Chops Ham Extremely Finely Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% CHEF (18)Cholesterol Harbours Excess Flab. Angela Brett. I bet you're wondering why there are so many chefs here - well, Tony said he had a group of 18 acronyms he was doing, and the clue was Holst. Angela thought of the chef ALISON HOLST and asked if he was doing 18 chefs. Tony was actually referring to Gustav Holst, but we thought up 18 CHEFs nevertheless.
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% CHEF (19)Computer Hardware Enters Food! Angela Brett
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% CHEF (20)Cooking Helps Express Feelings. Roger Williams
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% CHEMISTRYConderning How Every Molecure Is Structured, Tailored & Relates. Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHENEYCrafty Halliburton Executive Neatly Enriches Yanks Chris Kjelgaard, referring to Dick Cheney.
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% CHENEY (2)Corporately Halliburton Enriched, National Economies Yell Chris Kjelgaard, referring to Dick Cheney (see HALLIBURTON)
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% CHENEY (3)Clearly Halliburton Expects Near East Yippee Chris Kjelgaard, referring to Dick Cheney (see HALLIBURTON)
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% CHERChest, Hips, & Eyebrows Remodelled! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHER (2)Clothes Hardly Ever Replete Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% CHERRYCannot Have Experienced Rumpy-pumpy Relationships Yet Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CHERUBSChubby Harpist Ecstatically Rapturous, Usually Boys Seemingly Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHERYLChanteuse, Her Eurovision Revealed Youthful Legs. TMcCO'G - referring to Cheryl Baker, one fourth of "Bucks Fizz" who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1981. As part of the show the two males pulled the long skirts off the two females midway through the song, revealing beautiful legs clad in shorts.
83% CHESSCheckerboard, Half Empty, Sixty-four Squares Eric Bridgstock
100% CHESS (2)Clocks Help Encourage Speedy Strategy Eric Bridgstock
100% CHESS (3)Checkmate Hardly Ever Seems Straightforward Eric Bridgstock
100% CHESS (4)Castles Have Every Square Sighted Eric Bridgstock
100% CHESS (5)Can't Help Evoking Soporific Spectators Eric Bridgstock
100% CHESS (6)Champions Have Every Strategy Stored Eric Bridgstock
100% CHESTNUT"Conkers" Has Every Schoolboy Taking Nuts Up Trees Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
90% CHEVROLETCar Has Exceptional Velocity, Racing-drivers Often Look Excessively Testosteronic Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% CHEVYCar Has Enviable Velocity - Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% CHICKEN COOPCan Hens Intimidate Chicks Keeping Erotic Nests? Come On Over Playmate! Rico Leffanta
100% CHICK FLICKCinematographers Have Inane Concept - Kittenish Female Lead In Childish Kack! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICERCorrupt Hog Is Editing Facts; If Nobody Finds Our Robber, Make Anyone Take It On Nose. Occasional False Findings Increases Constabulary's Evident Resourcefulness. Angela Brett, who tends to immediately think of corrupt police officers when seeing the word 'officer' on unsuccessful searches. (See also WARRANT OFFICER)
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% CHIEF WIGGUMCopper (He's Incessantly Eating Food) Whose Immense Girth Generates Unending Mirth Tony McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% CHIFFONConfection Has Interesting Frills Full Of Nutrients Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% CHIFFON (2)Clearly Habiliment Isn't Food, Frilly Or Not! Angela Brett
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% CHILDCooks Herself Interesting Little Delicacies Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to Julia Child.
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% CHILD (2)Comics Hope It's Laughter's Daughter Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Family
100% CHILD (3)Complete Human In Latent Development Matthew Oram
People & Relationships
100% CHILD (4)Considered Harmless, Immediate Laughing, Departs Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships
100% CHILDCARECare Handler, Infants, Little "Dumplings", Capable Adults' Responsibility, Employment Jan Morgan - Little Dumplings can be considered an endearment used for toddlers
People & Relationships:Family
100% CHILDRENCurious Homonym In Language... Dearness Refunds Expenses Ninefold. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
100% CHILECompletely Hilly, Intensely Lengthy Entity. Tony McCoy O'Grady
83% CHILLCool Hurriedly In Low-temperature Location Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHIMERICALCan't Handle Installing Mozilla? Easily Remedied: Install Chimera And Laugh. Steve Keate, referring to the web browser for Mac OS X
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
100% CHIMNEYCeiling Hole Issues Muck - Nimbus Envelopes You Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHINClip Hair If Necessary Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% CHINACountless Hordes Intimidate Neighbouring Autonomies Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHINA (2)Couple Has Indeed Now Adjusted Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the china (20th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% CHINA (3)Coupled Hearts In Natural Accord Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% CH'IN CHIU SHAOComposed Haiku, Investigated Numbers & Congruences. His Interesting Understandings Stieltjes Has Afterwards Observed. Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing
100% CHINESIFIEDCookery Has Interesting Neologism. Eldest Son Invents Foodstuff''s Ingeniously Elegant Description Tony McCoy O'Grady, explaining: When the Tonylet was younger he wanted to indicate how some food had been turned into a Chinese meal by the addition of Soy Sauce... and thus the word 'Chinesified' was born
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
Food & Drink
100% CHIPCan Hurt Intestines, Parts Jeff Anonymous
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% CHIPMUNKCute Hijinks Invite Presents: Muncies Unnumbered. No Kidding! Patricia Rix
100% CHIPSCan't Have Intel Processors Salted Angela Brett and Tony
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% CHIRON & DEMETRIUSComplete Havoc Is Result Of Nasty Deeds. Evil Men Enrage Titus Resulting In Unusual Supper Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Titus Andronicus
100% CHIROPRACTORCracking Has Its Reasons Of Practicality, Really Adjusts, Correcting Tailbones Of Regulars. Jan Morgan -- a chiropractor corrects any mis-alignment in our backs by several different methods called adjustments
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% CHIVALRYChaps Honourable In Valour Amid Lasting Romantic Yarns. Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% CHLORINECommon Halogen. Liquifies Often. Respiration Is Not Easy. Tony McCoy O'Grady
82% CHOCOLAITCan't be Healthy - Often Condemned by Overweight Ladies As Indulgent Treat. Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% CHOCOLATECan Help One Cope Over Lover's Absence - Tasty Experience. Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% CHOICECareful Habits Occur In Choosing Endlessly Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% CHOICESConsidering Handy Options Ideally Creates Educated Selection Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% CHOIRChanting Hymns Organised In Reverence Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHOIR (2)Confidence, Honesty, Outgoing, Integrity, Respect John Richard Jones Required to make progress in this world.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% CHOLESTEROL FREECharles Has Obviously Lost English Support To Ever Rule Over Locals. Follow Republic Exemplar Expeditiously. Tony McCoy O'Grady, when challenged to make a CHOLESTEROL FREE acronym to go with LOW FAT. There's a long story to go with this which won't fit here. Admittedly it had nothing to do with cholesterol, but LOW FAT and CHOLESTEROL FREE were the acronyms that started this all, so they have been retained for historical reasons.
94% CHOLESTEROL FREE (2)Chortling Happily Over Latest Extremely Silly Tuppence-worth. Energetically Rolling Over Laughing! Fully Recommend Enjoying Everything. Tony McCoy O'Grady, when challenged to make a CHOLESTEROL FREE acronym to go with LOW FAT.
100% CHOOSE THE RIGHTChildren Hereby Offers Own Solutions Eternally, To Heaven Eventually, Raising Individual Goodness Highly Triumphant Jan Morgan
100% CHOPINCherish How One Plays Immortal Nocturnes! Rico Leffanta
100% CHOPIN (2)Concerto Heard On Piano Is Nice Angela Brett
100% CHOPSTICKSCan't Hold Onto Pasta Sauce, These Inadequate Chinese Kitchen Sticks! Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% CHOWDERCreamy Heavy Option, Will Determine Eating Range Jan Morgan - a More Caloric Soup
Food & Drink
100% CHRISChap Has Requested Individual 'Spansion Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
100% CHRIS (2)Capable Helper Revels In Service Jan Morgan
Names:First names
100% CHRISTCertainly His Resurrection Is Supreme Truth Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHRISTA MCAULIFFEChallenger Had Reason In Sending Teacher Above Many Classrooms, And Unfortunately Lost Instructor's Flair For Ever Angela Brett, inspired by CHALLENGER
Names:Famous people
100% CHRISTICaring Heart Realist Is Secure Tactful Individual Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
90% CHRISTIANCatholics Have Religious Icon... Saviour That Invoked Angels at Nativity. Angela Brett
90% CHRISTIAN (2)Creation Hypothesis is Right... Ignore Signs That Indicate Another Notion Angela Brett
100% CHRISTINECinematic Horror Revealing Intelligent Suspense. Terror In Night Excursions Eric Bridgstock... I spotted CHRISTINE in the unsuccessful searches and immediately thought of the film directed by John Carpenter, based on the Stephen King novel
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% CHRISTINE (2)Carpenter's Halloween Release Is Scary. Tempting Insomnia - No Escape! Eric Bridgstock... I spotted CHRISTINE in the unsuccessful searches and immediately thought of the film directed by John Carpenter, based on the Stephen King novel
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% CHRISTMASCharacteristic Huge Rise In Shopping - The Merriest Are Salesmen! Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% CHRISTMAS (2)Christ Heralds Rejoicing Into Songs, Turning Masses Against Sin. Mary Carr
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% CHRISTMAS (3)Can't Help Running Insolvent, Spouse Takes Money And Spends Rico Leffanta
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% CHRISTMAS (4)Charities Have Requested Industries Send Tributes Mollifying Alcoholic Society Rico Leffanta
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% CHRISTMAS (5)Clearly Hoping Romance Is Suddenly Terminated; Make Amends Subsequently Rico Leffanta
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% CHRISTMAS (6)Children Hope Recession Influences Santa To Make Amends Spectacularly Rico Leffanta
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% CHRISTMAS (7)Could Herald Resurrection If Snowmen Truly Melt After Sunset Rico Leffanta
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% CHRISTMAS (8)Considering Harder Rocks, If Santa's True Maybe Antarctica's Safer. Angela Brett, because if Santa Claus really lived at the North pole he'd probably fall through the ice.
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% CHRISTMAS (9)Children Haven't Realised Its Simpler Truths... Mary And Son. Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% CHRISTMAS (10)"Come Hither, Rejoice In Saviour's Teachings!" Many Angels Shout Gavin Lambert
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% CHRISTMAS HAMPERSCustomer Hasn't Received IPod! Says The Mail Authority: Scheduled Hampers Are Making Parcels Evaporate. Retrieval Soon." Angela Brett, because Christmas HAMPERS the delivery of her iPod. (said hampers are coming from a company which allows people to overpay for the hamper over the year and then receive it around Christmas time, so it was a scheduled influx of hamper deliveries.)
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% CHRISTMAS SONGSCarols Have Rhythm? I'm Supposed To Make Accented Syllables Syncopic & Overextend Nearly Gratuitous Syntax Angela Brett, noting that the rhythm in many Christmas carols is terrible... some unstressed syllables are ludicrously elongated while others are omitted. Even seasoned churchgoers hesitate at some lines, wondering just how to fit the words into the tune. As some words are replaced by more modern versions the rhythm is screwed up even more, and the difficulty is made worse by the fact that different parishes offer slightly different modernisations to fit into the same tune.
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% CHRISTMASTIMECelebrating Hanukkah? Religion's Immaterial - Start The Merrymaking And Singing, There Is Much Enjoyment! Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% CHRISTOPHERChurch Has Rescinded Individual's Sainthood - They Openly Probed His Essential Reality Tony McCoy O'Grady - Some years ago the Catholic Church reviewed the evidence for the existence of St. Christopher (the patron saint of travellers) and he was (along with others) removed from the calendar of the saints.
100% CHRISTOPHER (2)Carefully Has Reasons In Security, Takes Over Parents Home, Encouraging Reconcilation Jan Morgan - Someone I know
Names:First names:Male
80% CHROMIUMCorrosion-resistance (and) Hardness Requires Other Metals' Introduction, Usually Molybdenum. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHRONICLESCarefully Hewn Recounting Of Northern Israel, Concludes Largely Encouraging Some Eric Bridgstock
Religion:Bible books
100% CHRYSLERCars Have Reached Your Souls - Let's Enjoy Racing Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
70% CHUCKLECrazy and Hearty Undulations of the Corporeal Kind... Laughter, Even! Angela Brett
100% CHUCKLE (2)Crudely Hilarious Undertaking... Comically Killer Little Expansion! Angela Brett, who liked the Aaaaaarrrrggghh in ANTHRAX (2)
100% CHUNDERCould Have Used Normal Digestive Enzymes, Really. Steve Keate
86% CHURCHCommunity House Usually Reserved (for) Christian Happenings Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CIACriminals In Authority Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:Law & Order
80% CIAOClassic Italian "Auf-wiedersehen" Observation Tony McCoy O'Grady
Communication:Hello & Goodbye
100% CIDERCan Incessant Drinking End Relationships? Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% CIDER (2)Certainly It's Delicious & Extremely Refreshing. Roger Williams
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% CIGARCan I Generate A Reaction? Tony McCoy O'Grady, regarding the Clinton/Lewinsky sex scandal
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CIGAR (2)Crazy Idiots Gain Awful Respiration. Jeff Anonymous
100% CIGARETTESCancer: Idiots Greatly Augment Risk Every Time They 'Enjoy' Smoking Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CIGARETTES (2)Cancer? I Guess A Reason Exists Tipping The Evidentiary Scales. Roger Williams
100% CINDYCaring Individual, Nice Dependable Yin Jan Morgan -- a person I know
Names:First names:Female
100% CINDY (2)Comrades In Need, Domain Yonder Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% CIPACan't I Play Anywhere? Thinking about what the CIPA (Childrens' Internet Protection Act) really means for American libraries and schools
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% CIPA (2)Censoring Internet Pages Always Thinking about what the CIPA (Childrens' Internet Protection Act) really means for American libraries and schools
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% CIPA (3)Congress Institutes Protections Awkwardly Thinking about what the CIPA (Childrens' Internet Protection Act) really means for American libraries and schools
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:Law & Order
80% CIPA (4)Congress's Inane Plan for Assimilation Thinking about what the CIPA (Childrens' Internet Protection Act) really means for American libraries and schools
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% CIRCLECalculation Into Route Consistently Locus-Equidistant Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CIRCLE (2)Circulating, Inhabitable, Rotational, Cycle Logical Ellipses/Eclipses! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. CIRCLE! EARTH: DAYS, YEARS, Eclipses & the wonderful Cycle Logical PREDICTABLE SCIENCE.
100% CIRCLE PERIMETERCircumference (Irrational Ratio Called-Logically!) Equals Pi! (Energizes Representation In Math Equations) Two (Er) Radius Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Outside of parentheses in EXPANSION: Circumference = Pi Two Radiusor C=2*Pi*R. The ! signals that (Irrational Ratio Called-Logically!) is Pi! "Called-Logically!" is a PUNNY way of saying "most Pies are CIRCLES." Er is Chinese Two. Hope the grave accent for Èr worked. I thought that (Energizes Representation In Math Equations) was very important. For centuries, primary school children have learned C=2*Pi*R, so this inclusion might help whoever reads this APRONYM when they study advanced math.
100% C IS FOR CAATINGACovered-In Sandy Floor, Open Region Comprising An Arboreal Tract In Natural Granite Area Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela pointed out that with the ASCII sorting of acronyms, first entries could easily be outdone by 'C is for...' type phrases, and Tony decided to create the ultimate of those.
91% CITY CENTRECleared of Industry & Trade, You Can Enjoy Neat Thoroughfares, Revitalised Environment Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CIVICCommunitarianism Is Vital In Cities Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% CIVIC (2)Closeness Instils Violence In Cities Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% CIVIL ENGINEERConstruction Is Vital In Life, Erecting New Gizmos Ingeniously Necessitates Engendering Elegant Results Isambard Kingdom McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% CIVIL SERVANTSControl Icons Violating International Laws Spoiling Everything Rejecting Values And Neglecting The System John Richard Jones
People & Relationships:The Workforce
89% CLARENCECross-eyed Lion's A Relic Evoking Nostalgic Childhood Experiences Tony McCoy O'Grady (An old tv programme called "Daktari" set in Africa featured a cross-eyed lion called Clarence)
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% CLARUSComputer Launched Animal Rendering Useful Service Tony McCoy O'Grady, when I suggested that KEYBOARD could fly to earth on CLARUS the DogCow, and he wondered how CLARUS could fly.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Other Characters
100% CLASHCollege Lectures Are Scheduled Horribly Angela Brett, after having her timetable rearranged for about the fifth time this week due to other students' timetable clashes. (I mean college in the American sense here... not a high school)
100% CLASSICALCultured Listeners Appreciate Sonorous Sonatas In Concerthalls (And Lifts) Tony McCoy O'Grady (for 'lifts' our American readers should read 'elevators'.
100% CLASSYChic Lady; Adroitly She Stretches You Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% CLATHYClutching Lightbulb Anxiously, Thinking, "Here? Yonder?" Angela Brett (Clathy is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'Nervously indecisive about how to dispose of a dead lightbulb.'
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% CLAUDECultured, Learned Artist Understated Details Extensively Sean Lamb (Claude Monet's impressionist works were more noted for their lack of precise detail, presenting just the impression of an image rather than a photorealistic reproduction; Monet studied in Europe with many other well known artists including EugŽne Boudin, Pablo Picasso and Pierre-Auguste Renoir)
Names:Famous people
Art & Literature
100% CLAUDE (2)Capable Lad Allows Ultimatum, Demands Efficiency Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% CLAUDIACardinale (Latin Actress) Undressed Decorously In Acting TMcCO'G
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% CLAUDIOCallow Lad, After Unforeseen Disasters, Is Overjoyed Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Much Ado About Nothing
100% CLAUDIO (2)Can Live After Unacknowledged Death Indictment's Overturned Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Measure for Measure
100% CLAUDIUSCunningly Launches An Untimely Death - Is Usurping Scoundrel Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark
100% CLAVERINGCountry Living At Very Easy Rates In Nearby Graveyard George Rix
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% CLEANConceal Litter Effectively And Neatly Edwin Hermann
100% CLEAN (2)Cleansed Lavishly Evidently All Neat Jan Morgan
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% CLEANERSCriminal Leaders Extracting Assets Never Expecting Redemption Settlements Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% CLEAR WATER ACTClear, Limpid Elixirs Are Required. We Appreciate Totally Enactments Requiring A Certain Treatment Tony McCoy O'Grady, when somebody searched for that phrase on the Acronyms website.
89% CLEFAIRYCollectors Leap Excitedly Finding it, As It's Rare... Yahoo! Angela Brett (Clefairy is Pokemon #35)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% CLEOPATRACunning Lovely Egyptian Obviously Preferred Asp To Roman Attentions. Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Antony and Cleopatra
100% CLEOPATRA (2)Classic.... Launched Elizabeth On Path As Towering Romantic Actress Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CLEVERCerebral Lobes Especially Vibrant, Ever Reasoning Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% CLICHECreatively Lacking Imitation Commonly Heard Elsewhere Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay
100% CLICHE (2)Chronically Lacking In Creativity, Hated Everywhere Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay
89% CLICKLOCComputer Lady In Cyber-Killing - Links (with) Organised Crime Tony McCoy O'Grady, CLICKLOC is another supervillain, and also a HyperTalk function.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
100% CLIENTCustomer List - Industrial Enterprises Need Them Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CLIFF-HANGERClimax Left In For Further Handling. A New Gasp-Enducer Required Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CLIMATE VISIONCarbon Lurks In Murky Air, The Environmental Violation Is Serious, It's Overly Noxious Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to this article from the Feedback section of New Scientist magazine: THE BUSH Administration is being criticised for its voluntary global warming programme, in which American industry is gently encouraged to "reduce the projected growth" of greenhouse gases. Whatever the justification for the criticism, one aspect of the programme is unforgivable - its name. Climate VISION stands for Climate, Voluntary Innovative Sector Initiatives: Opportunities Now. Not since 2001's USA PATRIOT Act (Uniting and Strengthening of America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required toIntercept and Obstruct Terrorism) has an acronym been so contrived.If this trend continues, we shudder to contemplate the inevitable GOD, MOTHERHOOD AND APPLE PIE Act.
100% CLINICAL INFORMATIONComplete List (Including Nurses' Input) Chronicling A Lifetime's Illnesses, Notated For One's Resourceful Medical Ailment Team, Is Obviously Necessary Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CLINT EASTWOODCowboy Loves Intriguing New Targets Especially Actresses Seducing Their Way Over Old Decoys Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% CLINTON LIEDCuddling Lewinsky Is Nothing. Try Our New Liar's Iraqi Exaggerations & Denials. Dan Anonymous
100% CLITORISCute Lump Is Tickled Often - Result: Intense Sensations TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% CLOCKCircular Locomotion Offers Calendrical Key Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CLOTENClottish Lout Of Truly Evil Nature Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Cymbeline
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Cymbeline
100% CLOTHCostume Looks Only Terrific, Honey! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric
100% CLOTH (2)Covers Lining Of Throat Horribly Angela Brett
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% CLOTH (3)Chewability's Limited - One's Teeth Hurt. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% CLOTHINGCotton, Linen Or Tweed - Happiness Is Natural Garments Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% CLOTHOCan Love Orchestrate Threads Hiding Omega? Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% CLOUDComes Low Over Us, Downpour Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CLOUD (2)Condensation Lumps Often Unleash Downpours. Angela Brett, while flying above the clouds in a FAIRCHILD.
100% CLOUD NINEComplete Lack Of Unfulfilled Desires - Now In Nirvana, Essentially Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
Art & Literature:Fictional Places
100% CLOUDYCauses Low Overcast, Using Dusty Yuckiness Jan Morgan
100% CLOWNSChild Like Optional World Needs Students Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% CLUCKChicken-Like Utterence Causes Kerfuffle TMcCO'G - The sight or sound or anyone imitating a chicken always seems to cause others to laugh.
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% CLUEClose Look Uncovers Evidence Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% CLUE (2)Criminal Left Us Evidence Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
83% CLUESConvoluted Leads Useful (to) Experienced Sleuths Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% CLUTCHControl Lever Under The Car's Heater Eric Bridgstock
Transport:Car Parts
100% CMOSComputer Must Operate Somehow Tony McCoy O'Grady (CMOS usually stands for Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% CMSComplicated Magnetic System Angela Brett, referring to the COMPACT MUON SOLENOID. See http://cmsinfo.cern.ch for more information.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% CNECan't Network Everything CNE's real definition is Certified Netware Engineer
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% CNE (2)Certification Nullifies Education CNE's real definition is Certified Netware Engineer
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
75% CNE (3)Creating Networks of Ether CNE's real definition is Certified Netware Engineer
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% COCremates Ozone Jeff Anonymous, referring to carbon monoxide.
100% COACH CAFECoffee, Or A Cake? Hard Currency Available Frighteningly Exclusive. Angela Brett, who didn't have much cash with her when she stopped at the Coach Cafe on her way from Auckland to Palmerston North.
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% COACH CAFE (2)Coffee, Or A Cake? Have Coins Affording Few Essentials. Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% COACH CAFE (3)Count Out Available Cash, Haven't Card Available For EFTPOS. Angela Brett, who actually did have her EFTPOS card but didn't want to use it as she'd have to first transfer money to her EFTPOS account using FASTPHONE.
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% COACH CAFFECareful Of Additional Characters... Here's Correct Apology For Flawed Expansion. Angela Brett, when she saw that the COACH CAFE, a subject of three expansions, in fact spelled caffe with two efs.
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% COALESCECome On And Let's Embrace Some Coupling Exercises Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% COBChestnut Or Bay? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COB (2)Clay On Building Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% COB (3)Container, Or Basket Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
100% COB (4)Corn's Often Buttered Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% COB (5)Chunk Of Bread Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% COB (6)Clout On Behind Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% COBALTColourful Original Blue, Artists Layer Thickly. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COBOLComputer Operators' Bewilderingly Obfuscatory Lingo Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COBRACrusher Or Biter? Reptilian Ambiguity! Tony McCoy O'Grady, who mentions that he likes this one as it implies the dilemma faced by someone not used to snakes worrying over what is approaching is a constrictor or poisonous.
100% COBRA (2)Can One Bite Really Agonise Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COBRA (3)Creeps On Belly, Randomly Attacking Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COBRA (4)Care Of Bite Requires Antitoxin Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% COCA COLACan Of Caffeine, And Carbon (di-) Oxide, Lingering Aftertaste Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% COCA COLA (2)Come One, Come All! Consume Our Libations Always Roger Williams
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% COCKATIELCaptured Ones Can Keenly Attempt To Imitate English Language Angela Brett
100% COCKROACHCook On Cluttered Kitchen Range Order After Cook Heaves Rico Leffanta
100% COCOAComplements Objective-C On Apples Angela Brett (Cocoa is a set of frameworks for making software in Objective-C for Mac OS X)
100% COCOA (2)Chasing Objective-C Objects Around Paul Marshall
100% COCOA (3)Creating Objective-C Often Amuses Tony McCoy O'Grady - After visiting Angela's site and downloading the Acronym Checker.
100% COCOA (4)Cream Of Crop - Obviously Apple's! Angela Brett
100% COCOA (5)Completely Offhand Creation Of Applications Angela Brett, who would rather spend twenty minutes writing a Cocoa application to do something than five minutes actually doing it, and often does just that.
100% COCOA (6)Can Only Compile On Apples Acronymous Anonymous
100% COCO POPSCause Of Crime Outbreak - Perpetrator Of Pickpocketing Scam Tony McCoy O'Grady, thinking up another cereal killer
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains:Cereal Killers
100% CODCon Or Deception Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% CODECentre Of Developer's Existence Angela Brett
100% CODE (2)Confusingly Ordered Diatribe, Enigma Gavin Lambert
100% CODE (3)Condensation Of Data. Extraction Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% CODER(Condenser Of Data) = (Expert - Recorder) Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% CODE REVIEWCan One Do Everything Right? Extra Vigilance Indicates Esoteric Wrongs Angela Brett
100% CODYCattle's Officially Dead, Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady, Cody was the surname of Buffalo Bill, who wiped out thousands of wild American beasts in a very short time, and not all of them for food.
Names:Famous people
100% COFFEECup Of Fluid For Enhancing Edginess Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% COFFEE (2)Caffine Offerings For Further Expendible Energy Brian Erickson AKA Makata85, Nosmellman. I write poetry and love word games there are more posted on page 3 of my site at http://www.geocities.com/nosmellman/ramblingmind3.html
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% COFFEE (3)Can Often Fuel Feverishness, Excitement, Euphoria Bill Neal
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% COFFEE AND DONUTSCappuccino's Often Favourite For Early Evening; Also, Never Decline Delicious Offerings - Not Unless Too Small! Patricia Rix
Food & Drink
91% COFFEE SHOPCaffeine Outlet, Feel Free to Enter Everyday - Short Happy Occasion Perusing Tony McCoy O'Grady, after saying that he'd have to go into a coffee shop to read Angela's MacAddict, since otherwise he'd be too busy typing email and making up ACRONYMS
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% COFFINContains Obsolete Fellow's Finite Ingredients Now Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Death
100% COGNATESCommon Origin Gives Noise-Aligned Terms Equivalent Semantics Angela Brett (A cognate is a word in one language which is similar in form and meaning to a word in another language because both languages are related.)
100% COHERENTConsistent, Or Having Exact Relationships Evident - Nothing Tearaway. Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% COHERENT (2)Consistently Orderly, He Evinces Rationally Expressed Neat Thinking Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% COINSCombined Often Into Notes, Symbolically. Angela Brett
100% COLA WARSChoice Of Lifestyle? Actually Water And Refined Sugar. Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% COLDColour Of Legs Darkens Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% COLESLAWCabbage Only Looks Edible: Shredded Leaves Are Worthless. Roger Williams
Food & Drink
100% COLETTECan One Learn Education To Teach Everyone Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% COLLECTIONSCommon Objects, Layout Lovingly Established, Changing Them Into Objects Now Significant. Roger Williams
Household Objects
100% COLLECTORCreating One Large Lot, Each Collector Thinks Of Resale Sean Lamb
People & Relationships
100% COLLEGECenter Of Learning Less Educated Gurus Evolved Rico Leffanta
100% COLLEGE LIFECampus-Oriented Living Lets Everyone Getting Educated Live In Friendly Environment Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COLLEGESClasses Of Lovely Lasses & Excellent Guys Enjoying Schooling Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COLLIDERComplaining Of Lover Locked Into Discovering/Dissecting Energetic Reactions Angela Brett, on the song by Les Horribles Cernettes (you can download it or read the lyrics at http://musiclub.web.cern.ch/MusiClub/bands/cernettes/songs/collider.html)
100% COLLINGWOODCan Outsiders Live Luxuriously In Nearby Georgian Wonderland, Or Only Die? George Rix
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% COLOMBIACocaine Obliterated Lives Of Many Boys In America. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COLONELCompetent Once... Lively Once.... Now Elderly & Lethargic Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COLONYCollection Of Life, Organised, Nurturing Yield Gavin Lambert - "Nurturing Yield" meaning increasing productivity :)
100% COLORCollection Of Light Originates Rainbow. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% COLOR (2)Crayons Occur Lively Or Rich Jan Morgan
Art & Literature
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% COLORADOCentennial Ordination, Land Of Rockies A Dimmers Observance Jan Morgan - became state 100 years after signing of declaration Mile High City - dims the lights
Places:States & Regions
100% COLOR ME SMILING'Concave Over' Lips Of Red, My Eyes Sparkling Mean It's Likely Illustrator Needs Glitter. Angela Brett
Art & Literature
People & Relationships:Emotions
96% COLORS OF THE RAINBOW ACRONYMCategories Of Light -- Only Radiation Seen. (Only Formed This Horrid Expansion Responding to An Immoderately Notated Beseeching Of Website, Assumed Chasing 'ROYGBIV' -- One Notably Yucky Mnemonic.) Angela Brett, after somebody searched for that phrase on the website.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% COLOSSIANSCult Offered Life Of Sure Salvation. Itinerant Apostle Nailed Slander. Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
100% COLOUR CHARTColourinary Odiousness - Look Out! Using Regularly Causes Heart Attack & Renal Thrombosis Tony McCoy O'Grady, to go with the PAINT-eating acronyms.
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement
100% COLOUR CHART (2)Choice Of Lots Of Unusual Recipes Can Help Achieve Right Taste Tony McCoy O'Grady, to balance COLOUR CHART
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement
100% COLUMBIUMChemical Of Lustre. Usually Mined By Industrious Underground Miners. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COMBCleans Out Messy Bunches Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% COME BACK SOONCheck Our Members Entries By Another Call - Keenly Seeking Out Our Novelties Tony McCoy O'Grady, encouraging people to search the Acronyms website (http://acronyms.co.nz) again if they don't find anything the first time, because we strive to acronymise any unsuccessful search terms.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
86% COMETSComing Occasionally, Making Eveningtime Trails (in) Sky Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COMMACompetent Orator May Momentarily Aerate. Angela Brett
100% COMMA (2)Come On, Many More Acronyms! Gavin Lambert, pointing out a missing comma in an acronym featured in THE ACRONYM TIMES
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
90% COMMANDERChief Of Many Men And Naval Deity (to) Enlisted Ratings Mick Bridgstock
100% COMMENTING CODEContemplation Of My Mortality - Enlightenment's Needed To Invigorate Next Generation Continuing Our Development Effort. Angela Brett (commenting code is what a programmer does when s/he finds out s/he only has two weeks to live.)
89% COMMISSIONER STEVECheif Of MacGirl's Missions, Indeed, Steve Shows Integrity - Obsessively Nice, Earns Respect (by) Seeing That Evil Villains (are) Exterminated Dustan Dowsing & Angela Brett, Whilst in aCar
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Other Characters
100% COMMITMENT AND RELIABILITYCan't Offer Much, Miss... I'm Typical Male. Each Night Together Adds No Definite Relationship Endurance. Lust Is A Brilliant Idea, Love Is Too Yucky. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% COMMITTEECowardice Of Meeting Means Individual Toughman Tramples Everyone Else Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% COMMITTEE MEMBERSClones Of Management Meet In Time To Examine Events. Must Examine Minutes But Eschew Resolving Situations Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% COMMODECrapper Or Men's Masturbation Outlet? Determine Eventually. Jeff Anonymous
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% COMMUNICATEConveying One's Meaning - Maybe Using Notepaper - Is Considered A Talent, Evidently Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COMMUNIONChristians Offer Messiah Morsels... Ultimately Not Innards Of Nazarene Angela Brett
100% COMMUNITYConnection Of Many Minds - Usually Nowadays It's Typed Yabbering. Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% COMMUNITY ARTS AND MUSIC PROJECTCreate Original Municipal Mural, Under No Illusions That You Are Rembrandt... The Spirit's All Neighbourhood Desires. Many Ukeleles Sound In Concert, Performers (Remembering Ordinary Jobs) Enjoy Creating Tunes. Angela Brett
People & Relationships
Art & Literature
100% COMOROSCitizens Of Mixed Origins, Residents Only Subsist. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COMPACT MUON SOLENOIDCounting Out Muons Presents A Challenge... Too Many Unprocessed Outputs Necessary Since Our Latest Equipment Nibbles On Incredible Dataflow Angela Brett (During one second of CMS running, a data volume equivalent to 10,000 Encyclopaedia Britannica will be produced, and not all of it can be recorded -- see http://cmsinfo.cern.ch/Welcome.html/CMSdocuments/CMSposters/PDF/TriDASNCo.pdf)
90% COMPANIESCommercial Organisations, Motivated by Profits - Always Need Intense Ethical Scrutiny Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COMPANY NAMESCorporations Often Make Particular Apronymic Names - Yet Not Always Make Economic Sense Tony McCoy O'Grady - some apronymic names don't always tell the customer immeidately what the company does. Esso was an attempt at spelling the word formed by S and O, the initials of Standard Oil. Standard Oil tells the comsumer much more than Esso or Exxon do.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% COMPASSCould One's Magnet Point At South? Surely! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Navigation Aids
88% COMPASS (2)Clever Orienteering Merits Prestigious Awards for Some Scouts Sean Lamb
Places:Navigation Aids
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% COMPASSIONATE SERVICEComforts Others, Many People Are Seeing Service In Our Needs And Trials Endured. Sees Every Responsibility, Vital In Caring, Everyone Jan Morgan
92% COMPETITIONCo-operation Of Major Petrol Empires Throws Insult To It, One Notices. Angela Brett, when she received an email urging people to boycott major PETROL companies in order to force the price down. (See also CO-OPERATION)
100% COMPETITION (2)Consumers Often Monitor Price, Ensuring That It's Truly Indicative Of Noteworthiness Angela Brett
100% COMPILERCorrector Of Many Problems, It Lends Expertise Readily Angela Brett
100% COMPILER (2)Compilers Only Make Programs If Libraries Execute Right Sean Lamb
93% COMPLEMENTARYCouple Of Matched Parts Look Elegantly Made, Each Needing T'other And Reconciling Ying&yang-ness TMcCO'G
Assorted Adjectives
100% COMPLEX CONDITIONAL STATEMENTConjunction Of Many Predicates Logically Evaluated Xerts Control Over Numbercruncher. Developed Intellectuals Think It's Overly Nettlesome... A Large-Scale Turing Automation, Though, Executes Mindlessly Every Nettlesome Task. Angela Brett
91% COMPLIANCEConsequent On Meeting Principles (Laid-out In Agreement) New Chances Ensue TMcCO"G - Compliance here is thpught of in terms of the Arms Decommissioning involved in the Northern Ireland peace process
Military:War & Terrorism
100% COMPOSECreation Of Musical Pieces Or Something Else Edwin Hermann
Art & Literature
100% COMPUTERCrashes Or Mangles Programs Until Technician Emolument Received Rico Leffanta
100% COMPUTER (2)Can't Operate Machine. Participating Usually Terrifies Eventual Recruit Jan Morgan
100% COMPUTER (3)Complex Outrageous Machine Practically Using Things, Especially Remarkable Jacek Dobrzyniecki
100% COMPUTER MAGAZINECauses Overeater Mouth Problems, Upset Tummy, Excruciating Rectal Movements And Gastritis - And Zero In Nutritional Elements. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% COMPUTER MAGAZINE (2)Cook One's Manuals, Perhaps Until Tender, Ensures Roughage. Meals Are Generally Assumed Zero In Nutritional Effects Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% COMPUTER PRESENTATIONCan Only Make Printouts Using This Expensive Rubbish? Projection's Really Easy, Shouldn't Everyone Nowadays Throw Away Transparencies? Ink's Old News! Angela Brett
90% COMPUTERSCan Only Macintosh Processors Use The Easy-to-Run Software? Angela Brett
100% COMPUTERS (2)Convey Others' Messages! Produce Useful Tips! Electronically Run Securely! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% COMPUTER SUPPORTChap On My Phone Usually Tries Enabling Repair. Some Unusual 'Puter Problems Often Require Technicians Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CONAN O'BRIENCan Oblong Noggins And Nerdy Oafs Bring Ratings? I Expect Not. joybutton
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
100% CONCEITEDConcerning Oneself, Never Chanced Entertaining Inferior Thoughts. Everything's Delightful Tony McCoy O'Greatest
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
88% CONCISECould Oxford Not Contain Itself in Short Explanations? Angela Brett, knowing how long the 'Shorter' Oxford English Dictionary is.
Words & Wordplay
100% CONCRETEConglomeration Of Natural Congealers Reinforces Every Tall Edifice Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CONCUPISCENCEConflicting Onus Never Concedes Until Penetration Invades Sentiments Compromising Emotional Nuances Causing Eviction Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CONDOMContraceptive Often Needs Deploying Over Member Tony McCoy O'Grady, after watching an 'expose' TV programme on teenage sex in England.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
86% CONDOM (2)Cover Often Necessary for Dirty Old Men. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
85% CONDOMINIUMConnected Or Not, Domiciles Often Mean In-laws Normally Invade, Ultimately Move in Sean Lamb
100% CONFERENCECombatting Omnifarious Nastiness, Fairly Enigmatic Reptiles Exist Near Cairo, Egypt joybutton
100% CONFESSIONALCatholic Or Not, 'Fess Even Small Sins In Our Now Audioproof Locker Jeff Anonymous
100% CONFUSEDCauldron Of Nonconforming Feelings - Understanding Seems Ever Distant. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% CONFUSIONChaos - Office Nitwit's F***ed Up! Situation Is Outrageously Nightmarish Tnyo CcyoM OdrGay'
People & Relationships
100% CONGOCoups Oust Native Governments Occasionally. Tony McCoy O'Grady
94% CONGRATULATIONSColleague Offers NewZealander Generous Remarks About Talent. Unique Loki-winning Antipodean That's Included On Newspaper's Successes Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela's EAT POTATO won a prize in Loki's creativity column in a newspaper.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% CONGRESSConglomerations Of No-Goods - Really Entirely Self Serving. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CONGRESS (2)Copulation, Otherwise Narcissistic Group Repealing Even Social Security? Jeff Anonymous, discussing two connotations of the word "congress," excepting "opposite of progress."
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CONGRESS (3)Come On! No Group Really Enacts Such Sh*t Roger Williams
100% CONNECT FOURColoured Ovals Navigated Nicely Ensuring, Cleverly, The Formation Of Unmixed Rows Angela Brett
100% CONNECTICUTConstitutional Order Naturally Needed, Embraces Colony To Initiate Creed Used Today Jan Morgan - first state to use laws
Places:States & Regions
100% CONNIECaring One Negotiates Noteworthy Ideas, Effectively Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
92% CONON OF SAMOSConic Observations Noted, Offered Numerical Orations to Friend & Senior, Archimedes. Mathematically-Oriented Stargazer. Angela Brett
100% CONSECRATIONComplete Obedience Necessary, Sacred Efficacious, Concentrated Righteous Attributes To Initiate One's Nirvana Jan Morgan
100% CONSERVATIVEContinuously Opposes Novelty, Sees Everything Reactionarily, Violently Against Things It Views "Emergent" TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% CONSERVATIVESContinuation Of National State Earnings Related Value Added Taxes In Very Extreme Situations John Richard Jones
100% CONSTANCE"Could Other Nation Seize Throne?" Asks Nasty Conniving Englishwoman Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King John
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King John
100% CONSTIPATEDCan One Not Shift This Impacted Pile And Take Energising Dump? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CONSTITUTIONContract Offering Numerous Sequential Tenets Intended To Unitedly Temper Its Own Nation Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% CONSULTANTCompanies Often Need Someone Using Logic To Analyze New Theories Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
90% CONTINUUMCan One Not Think It's Never-beginning, Unending, Universal Miracle Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% CONTRACTContributors Ought Not To Reveal Any Contrary Thoughts Angela Brett, after Tony jokingly said on the Apronyms forums, 'I have to agree with Angela -- It's in my contract'
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% CONTRACT (2)Co-Operative? No! That's Right, Angela Controls Tony Angela Brett, after Tony jokingly said on the Apronyms forums, 'I have to agree with Angela -- It's in my contract'
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% CONTROL DESTINYConscious Or Not, The Reality Of Life's Deterministic... Everything's Sums, Trajectories, Integrals, 'Ncluding You! Angela Brett
100% CONTROL FREAKCommands Overly Necessary Tasks, Ruins Others Lives, Frightening Responses, Everyone's Attitude Kaput Jan Morgan - kaput=ruined, these people can cause undue stress on relationships
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
88% CONVERTChange One's Neighbour's Vision (by) Extensive Religious Teaching Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CONVERTING PAGANSChristians Overthrow Native Views, Existing Religious Teaching's Implicitly No Good, Presumed 'Actual' God's A Necessary Substitute. Angela Brett
100% CONVICTCalculating, Overtly Nefarious Villain In Computer Trade Angela Brett, finding another villain for the Baddie School roll.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
100% COOKControls Ordering Of Kitchen Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% COOK (2)Cuisine Out Of Kilobytes! Angela Brett
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% COOKIE MANAGER MOMCrazy Occasional Obligation Keeps Its Endeavor Mandated, A Numbers Agenda Gains Every Revenue, Makes One Manage Jan Morgan - Girl Scouts need help keeping track of how many cookie boxes go out and how much money comes in making sure everything is correct and accounted for
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% COOKIESCupboard Of One's Kitchen Is Eternal Source. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% COOKINGContents Of Our Kitchens Is Now 'Grub' Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
88% COOLIESCatchy Outburst On Liking Initial Exposure to Something Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% COOL STUFFChill Out - Oh Look, Some Things're Utterly Funky & Fantastic TMcCO'G
Assorted Phrases
100% CO-OPERATIONComplete Oligarchy Of Petroleum Empires Riles All The Innocent Oil-Needers. Angela Brett (see COMPETITION)
100% COORDINATORControlling Overseer Of Research & Development Is Necessary Administrator To Obtain "Results" Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% COPCorrect Operational Procedure Angela Brett, after hearing a character on a police drama use that phrase.
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% COPOUTCunning Operation Planning On Upbraiding Target Katherine
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% COPOUT (2)Chancer Often Pleads Obtusely, Using Trickery Tony
People & Relationships
100% COPPERCommonly Our Police, Properly Earthly Resource Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% COPSCrime's Opposers Protect & Serve Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% COPULATEConstables Outnumber People Usually Late At Tort Events Rico Leffanta (Cop! You Late!)
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% COPY AND PASTECan Original Postings You've Abandoned Now Depart. Perhaps Archive Should Thread Elsewhere Tony McCoy O'Grady, when it was suggested that some of the old forum threads copied and pasted into an ARCHIVE.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% COPY PROTECTION SCHEMECatalyst Of Piracy... Your Purchase Runs On The Elderly CD + Tape Instruments Only... Net Search Compulsory (How Else's Mp3 Extracted?) Angela Brett, who would like to buy certain CDs but is forced to download them from the internet instead, since copy-protection schemes prevent the CDs from being played in anything other than than my alarm clock. Unfortunately the iTunes Music Store is not available in this country yet, so that means piracy.
100% CORALComfort Of Receiving Another's Love Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the coral (35th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% CORDClogs Oesophagus, Really Dry Steve Keate (see DONGLE (3))
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% CORD (2)Chopper Organises Ready Deadwood Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CORDELIAComes Over Really Dignified, Echoing Lear's Inherent Authority Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's (The Tragedy of) King Lear
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:(The Tragedy Of) King Lear
100% CORDYCEPSClaims Of Reducing (Drastically) Your Cholesterol & Enhancing Pulmonary System Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% CORECentre Of Reactor, Etc. Angela Brett
Places:Positions & Directions
100% CORE (2)Centre, Or Rather, Epicentre Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Positions & Directions
100% CORINTHIANSCorruption Observed. Renounce Impiety Now. Tolerating Heresy Is A Non-Starter. Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
100% CORIOLISControl Of Rotation In One's Loo's Incredibly Slight! Angela Brett (see http://www.ems.psu.edu/~fraser/Bad/BadCoriolis.html)
People & Relationships:Thoughts:Misconceptions
100% CORIOLIS (2)Circularity Of Rotation Is Oppositional, Loading Is Slow TMcCO'G, after Patricia wondered if the Apronyms site is the slowest in the Southern Hemisphere, responded: It's the Coriolis effect. The site loads anti-clockwise in the southern hemisphere and clockwise in the northern. Reverse the polarity of the plug on your computer and all will be as it should be :-)
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Excuses for Slow Loading
100% CORNChiropodist's Obviously Really Needed Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CORN (2)Cob Offers Ready Nutrition Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% CORN (3)Callous Often Requires Nursing Tony McCoy O'Grady
75% CORNETCan One Really Need Extra Trumpet-type-thing? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CORNFLAKESCereal Of Rich Nutrition, Favourably Light And Known Energy Supply Edwin Hermann
Food & Drink
93% CORNFLAKES MANCriminal Of Real Nastiness, Frequently Linked (with) A Killing Epidemic - Seems Modest And Nice. Tony McCoy O'Grady, thinking up a new name for the Baddy School roll - a cereal killer!
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains:Cereal Killers
100% CORNWALLCompletely Obeys Regan's Nasty Wickedness - A Loathsome Lord Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's (The Tragedy of) King Lear
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:(The Tragedy Of) King Lear
100% COROLLACheap Oriental Runabout, Often Lacks Lasting Accelleration Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% CORPORALChevron-Owning Recent Private, Officious, Repulsive And Loathsome Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CORPORATIONCity's Officials Regulate Policy Or Respond Appropriately To Incidents Of Note Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CORPORATION (2)Companies Often Report Profits On Retail And Then Insist On Nondisclosure Sean Lamb
100% CORPUS CALLOSUMCerebral Overpass Recommended Partitions Useful Sphere. Congenital Absence Loses Link Of Sections Using Malformation Jan Morgan -- it's the bridge that links the left side to the right side of the brain - its rare but some people are born with out one.
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% CORRECTIVEComplements Optical Refraction - Reading's Easier 'Cause This Improves Vision Everywhere. Angela Brett, thinking of corrective lenses or laser eye surgery.
100% CORRUPTConcentrating On Rich Rewards Using Political Tactics Rico Leffanta
100% CORVETTEClassic Oldtime Road Vehicle, Elevated Teenager's Testosterone, Evidently Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
86% COSINECoordinate Of Something In Non-eccentric Ellipse Angela Brett
88% COSTARDComes Over (as) Staunch, True And Romantically Devoted Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Love's Labours Lost
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Love's Labours Lost
100% COSTA RICACoffee's One Source To Attract Revenue In Central America. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COST REDUCTIONCaution On Spending The Rent Elsewhere... Debts Unpaid Cause Trebling Invoices & Ominous Notices. Angela Brett
100% COST REDUCTION (2)Cry Of Spend-Thrift: Remember, Everyone - Don't Use Credit. The Interest's Outrageous Nowadays! Angela Brett
100% COST SAVINGSCut Out Silly Things Since Adding Value Is Not Generating Sales Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COTE D'IVOIRECoffee, Oil, Timber Exported. Developed Its Viable Oil Industry Round 'Eighty Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COTTONCelebrated Once, Twice... Timespan Of Nuptials. Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the cotton (2nd) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% COTTON (2)Cloth Or Thread Taken Of Nature Angela Brett
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric
100% COTTON (3)Cookability's Overrated - Too Thin On Nutrition Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% COTTON (4)Chew On This To Obtain Nutrition Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% COUCHComfy Option, Uses Chair Hospitality Jan Morgan
Household Objects:Furniture
100% COUGARCat Of Unusual Grace And Rapacity Tony McCougar O'Grady
55% COULDSCompletely Off-the-wall, Utopian, Loads-a-money-for Development Suggestions Tony McCoy O'Grady (see MUST)
Words & Wordplay
100% COULOMBCharge Of Umpteen Leptons, One Magnetism Below Angela Brett (One Magnetism Below referring to the leptons in question having electromagnetic charge of -1)
100% COUNSELORCourtroom Officer Usually Negates Someone Else's Legal Opinion Resolutely Sean Lamb
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% COUNTDOWNCarol's On Unusual Numerical Tricks, Dick's On Wordy Natterings Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to a UK television programme and its two hosts.
Entertainment:TV shows
100% COUNTERFEITCreating Own Undetectable Notes To Earn Revenue Freely Evidently Is Tricky Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% COUNTERFEIT (2)Coiner Operates Under Noticeable Threat; Every Risky Forgery Extends Illegal Trafficking Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% COUNTESS OLIVIACesario Opens Up Newly Triggered Emotions. Sebastian Strides On Later... Instantly Viola's Identity Announced Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Twelfth Night
100% COUNTRY MUSICCrying Out Usual Nasal Twang Rural Yarns Marginally Upsetting Some Idiotic Cowboy Rico Leffanta
100% COUNT YOUR BLESSINGSCalculations Of Using Natural Talents, Your Opinions, Uniquely Reasonable Because Lessons Encourage Satisfactory Successful Individuals. Necessary Gifts Saved Jan Morgan
100% COURTEOUSCivility's Often Used, Resolving (Totally Efficiently) Our Ugly Situations Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% COURTESYCivilized Obligation Uses Respectable Tact Exceeds Success, Yes Jan Morgan -- exceeds success means that being tactful goes beyond a successful result and makes everyone happy.
People & Relationships
100% COURTSChurn Out Unacceptable Rejects To Society Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% COUSINChild Of Uncle's Sibling Is Nephew Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Family
100% COVENTRYCriminally Organised Villans Eventually Need To Rob You John Richard Jones
Places:Towns & Cities
100% COVER GIRLComes Over Very Erotically, Rudely Grinning In Randy Lingerie Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% COWCuddly Over - Weight Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% COWARDCop-Out Will Always Run & Desert Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% COWARD (2)Craven Oathbreaker Would Always Run - Deathwards Patricia Rix, thinking of the phrase "A coward dies a thousand (?) times"
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% COWBOYSChaps Out West - Break Out Your Sidearms! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% COWBRIDGECriminally Organised Ways Being Rewarded In Dangerous Gangland Exchanges John Richard Jones
Places:Towns & Cities:UK
78% COWFOODCud in Oesophagus - What Fun to Offer Overprocessed Digestion. Angela Brett
100% COWGIRLCattle-Owning Women Gain Interesting Random Lyrics Rob Rix, while listening to Cowgirl by Underworld
100% COWSCreators Of White Stuff Angela Brett, who saw lots of cows on her bus trips from Auckland to Palmerston North and back.
100% COWS (2)Common On Wanganui Soil Angela Brett
100% COWS (3)Creators Of Wholemilk Sustenance Angela Brett
100% COWS (4)Calcium - Osteoporosis Withstanding Substance Angela Brett
100% COWS (5)Coloured Often With Splotches Angela Brett
100% COWS (6)Cohabitate Often With Sheep Angela Brett
100% COWS BARNCharm Or Wit Sufficeth; Bulls Are Randy Nitwits Rico Leffanta
100% COYOTECreatively Organize Your Own Territorial Environment Tony McCoy O'Grady, when somebody appealed on the Acronyms Forums for acronyms of the name of her home organising business.
100% COYOTE (2)Cleaning Out Your Old Trash, Efficiently Tony McCoy O'Grady, when somebody appealed on the Acronyms Forums for acronyms of the name of her home organising business.
86% COYOTE (3)Company Offers You Ownership (of) That Edifice Tony McCoy O'Grady, when somebody appealed on the Acronyms Forums for acronyms of the name of her home organising business.
100% COYOTE (4)Carefully Orienting Your 'Ome/Office Toward Efficiency Angela Brett, when somebody appealed on the Acronyms Forums for acronyms of the name of her home organising business.
100% COYOTE (5)Clutter Of Yesterday's Out The Exit! Angela Brett, when somebody appealed on the Acronyms Forums for acronyms of the name of her home organising business.
100% COYOTE (6)Clear Out Your Old Things Effortlessly Angela Brett, when somebody appealed on the Acronyms Forums for acronyms of the name of her home organising business.
100% COYOTE (7)Closets Overloaded - You're Overly Tidy Elsewhere Tony McCoy O'Grady and Angela Brett (see COYOTE) thinking of people who have immaculate houses only because they stuff all the junk in a closet whenever someone's coming over.
100% COYOTE (8)Carving Out Your Own Tidy Enclave Tony McCoy O'Grady (see COYOTE)
100% COYOTE (9)Company Offers You Our Tidying Expertise Tony McCoy O'Grady (see COYOTE)
100% COYOTE (10)Changing Over Your Office To Efficiency Tony McCoy O'Grady (see COYOTE)
86% COYOTE (11)Climbing Over Your Old Trash? Employ--us Tony McCoy O'Grady (see COYOTE)
100% CRACKEDCup's Ruined As Chip Keeps Expanding Deeper Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
100% CRAMMEDCreatively Represented, Apronymic Memory. Mnemonics Extra Dense! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% CRANBERRIESChanteuse Regularly Acts Nutty. Being Especially Renowned Results In Eccentric Spells Tony McCoy O'Grady, presumably referring to Angela's favourite band. (See http://acronyms.co.nz/angela/cran.html)
100% CRANBERRY SAUCEChristmas Recipe - A Nice Berry Enjoyed Regularly Round Yule Season - A Unique Condiment's Enjoyed Santa Claus
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% CRANECan Raise Anything - Neat Engineering Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% CRANIAL NERVESComplex Reticule (A Network), It All Links Neural Elements Rapidly - Vigorously Establishing Sensations TMcCO'G
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% CRAPChallenge Requiring A Professional Steve Hartsell (referring to CRAP as in "Look at all the CRAP my boss expects me to complete before I go home.")
People & Relationships
100% CRAPSCould Roll A Pass... Seven! Roger Williams
83% CRAPS (2)Could Roll A Pair of Sixes Roger Williams
100% CRASHCrack Reverberating Around Somewhere Hollow Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% CRASH (2)Computer-Related Accident... Software Hiccup. Angela Brett
100% CRASH (3)Computer Routine Activating Suicidal Hysterics Rico Leffanta
100% CRAYONSColours Recall Affectionately Your Old Nursery School Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% CRAZEDCompletely Reality Altering Zaniness - Entirely Deranged Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% CREAM OF WHEATCallous Rascal Enjoys A Modicum Of Flax While He Expertly Attacks Toddlers Patricia Rix, who always adds a modicum of flax, whole or ground, to her cream of wheat.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains:Cereal Killers
100% CREATIVECan('t) Reasonably Expect Another Terrific Inspiration Very Easily. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% CREATIVE DIRECTORChap Reviews Each Advertisement That Is Viewed, Ensuring Design Is Researched & Engineered Correctly To Optimise Response Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% CREDIT CARDCash Redundant... Expenditure Delayed Indefinitely. The Charges Are Really Desperate! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CREDIT CARD (2)Careless Repeated Extravagence Deepens Interest. That's Clearly A Real Debt! Roger Williams
88% CREDITSContributions Recognised for Everything Done In The Site Angela Brett, referring to the Credits page at http://acronyms.co.nz/credits.html
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% CRESSIDACalchos Requests Exchange - Suddenly She Is Diomedes's Admirer Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Troilus and Cressida
100% CRETACEOUSColossal Reptiles Endured 'Til A Catastrophic Event Ousted Umpteen Species. Angela Brett
100% CRETACEOUS (2)Cosmic Rock Ended This Age, Causing Extinction On Unprecedented Scale Angela Brett
100% CRETACEOUS (3)Chalky Rock's Evidence Tells About Creatures Experts Only Understand Slightly Angela Brett
100% CRETINChairman Regulating Email Typography Intranet Networks Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations:Humorous Job Titles
100% CRICKETCellular Reasons/Restrictions In Connecting Kinfolk, Excessive Talk Jan Morgan - name of cheap but frequently dropped calls cell phone company
100% CRIMECommitting Robbery Is Manifestly Erroneous Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% CRIMINALCrikey! Random Incidents Made Individual Need Additional Love Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% CRIMINALS: GET WEALTH, POWER, FAME!Criminals Repent: Invest Mind/Money In Nurturing Altruism/Achievements, Living Sacrificially. Get Eternal Treasure. Wealth Earned Assures Life's/Lasting/Luxe: True Happiness. Power: Omnipotent's Wonderful Encouragement Receive. Fame: Almighty's Measureless Empathy! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. The Organising Principles of Expansion: 1. Each Word of Apronym Expands to one sentence. 2. Each Word of Apronym is the Expansion of its Initial in the APRONYM. These contraints strengthen the APRONYM, because the expansion is more predictable. I like that.
People & Relationships:Law & Order
People & Relationships:Advice
100% CRIPPLE Corporeally Restricted Individual's Parts' Performance Lack Evenness TMcCO'G
86% CRISISCritical Resolution In Situation (of) Intense Speculation Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% CRISIS RESPONSECan't Remember If SOS Is Spelt Right... Everyone Stop Panicking Or Nobody'll Survive Emergency! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Disaster
85% CRISP IMAGESComputer Reproduction of Images - Scanner & Printer Interacting (with) Macintosh Afford Grandma Enlarged Snapshots. Angela Brett, after finally getting around to start using her colour printer, after getting her scanner working, and discovering that she could greatly enlarge and print a picture of her niece without the printout looking at all grainy. Angela's mother Mary is of course thrilled to be able to print enlargements of photos of her grandchildren, hence the "Grandma" in the expansion.
Computers:Generic Hardware
88% CROATIAChiefly Reliant On Attracting Tourism Into Adriatic-region. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CROCHETCrossing Right Over Crafts, Hooking Engages Thread Jan Morgan
Sports & Recreation
100% CROQUETControlled Recreation Of Quaint Unusual Entertainment, Tactics Jan Morgan - tactics - achieving goal of winning
Sports & Recreation
100% CROSSCruciform Reminder Of Suffering Saviour Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CROSSBOWCranks & Ratchets Operation Shot Steel Bolt - Outlawed Weapon Tony McCoy O'Grady (The crossbow was outlawed by one of the Popes as being an "unChristian" weapon.)
100% CROSS COUNTRYCompetitive Running Often Seems Silly. Charging Over Undulating Natural Terrain Ruins You Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGONChina Rarely Offers Us Chinese Heroines In Native Garments, Testing Integrity Girls Experience Resistance, Here Individuals Defeat Danger Ensnaring Nefarious Demons Raging Against Girl's Own Nature Rico Leffanta
100% CROWNClaims Royalty Of Wearer Nobly. Angela Brett
100% CROWN (2)Costly Reminder Of Wearer's Nobility Angela Brett
85% CROWN TOPPER(a) Crafted Rug - Or - (b) Wholly Natural? Toupe Owner's Pride & Personality Effectively Restored TMcCO'G - who saw someone today who was more 'Crown Tupper' than 'Crown Topper'.
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% CROWN TOPPER (2)Curls & Ringlets Obviously Withered, Now Tonsorial Operatives Proffer Perfectly Elegant Replacement TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% CRUISE CONTROLCar Runs Uniformly If Specialty's Engaged Correctly - One Needn't Turn Right Or Left. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CRYSTALCommitted Relationship - Yearly Salute That Affection's Lasting Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the crystal (15th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% CSCCitizens, Send Cash Jeff Anonymous (In reference to ezboard.com's premium service)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% CSI - MIAMICaruso Squashing Injustice -- Magnifying Image As Mortifying Icon Richard Leppig (that's me) Enjoying CSI, the original, the Vegas version. Now with this Miami edition, it's not about solving crimes anymore, it's about how these gruesome crimes affect David Caruso. It's becoming pervasive; anything else I see now of a particularly savage nature, I wonder, how would David feel? He's a crime magnet. Everywhere something happens, there he is. It's getting tougher to see just what he's looking at. "David, will you step aside a little?" Well, thanks for letting me vent.
Entertainment:TV shows
100% CUBACommunism's Unpopular Bastion, Americawise Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CUBA (2)Cigars Used By Americans Angela Brett
100% CUBECompletely Unirregular Blocky Entity Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CUBICLESCompanies Use Businessmen In Claustrophobic Little Environments, Sadly Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% CUBSCute Ursine Babies, Sometimes Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CUB SCOUTChild Unusual Boy, Samples Capabilities Of Useful Talents Jan Morgan
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% CUCUMBERCan't Understand Charm, Undesirable Munchie, But Everyone Raves Jan Morgan
Food & Drink
100% CUDDLEChildren Usually Do Discover Love Exists Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CUDDLE (2)Curb Unholy Desires, Discover Love Emotionally. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CULTCommunity Usually Lacking Theology Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CUPContainer, Usually Pouring Kenny Roy & Tamaryn Roy
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
82% CUPERTINOCreative Use of Programming Expertise Revolutionalised The Industry in Nonstandard Offices. Angela Brett, referring to the Cupertino garage in which Apple Computer, Inc, began.
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
93% CUPERTINO CITYComputers Unlimited - People Employ Robots To Install Nano-components. Originally Constructing It Took Years Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% CUPFULContent Usually Poured Fully Until Level Dustan Dowsing
Food & Drink
100% CUPIDCreates Ultimate Passions In Duos Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% CUPPACompany! Ursula, Please Pour Another. Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% CUPSCareful Use Prevents Spillages Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
100% CUREChemicals Used? Remedy's Expected Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CURFEWCan't Understand Reason For Evening Wrecker Angela Brett
100% CURIOUSCaused Unusual Response I Only Understood Slightly Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% CURIUMCan Unleash Radiation If Used Meetly. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CURLSCoiled, Untamed Ringlets Look Swell! Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% CURRICULUMCourse Under Regular Review In College - Unto Library Users Maximum Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CURRICULUM VITAECareer's Unlikely References Results In Creating Uncheckable Lies, Usually Magnifying Vocation, Intended To Achieve Employment Tony McCoy O'Grady (Most CVs wouldn't stand up to careful scrutiny)
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% CURRICULUM VITAE (2)Cumbersome University Résumé Reflects Institutional Clumsiness, Ultimately Lengthening Usually Moderately-Volumed Information To Amplified Evilness Jeff Anonymous, noting that a c.v. is a very cumbersome thing, and that there is a reason that resumes are preferable for ninety-nine out of a hundred jobs. (Angela and Tony don't see any such difference between the two, but it's still a good acronym.)
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% CURSECan Undo Resource's Software Encoding Angela Brett (see YARP)
Computers:Windows:Applications:The opposite of PRAY
100% CURSEDCompletely Uncouth Ruffian Swore, Execrating Deity! TMcCO'G
86% CURSORComputers Usually Rely on Systems Of Recursion Sean Lamb
100% CURTAINCloth Used Regularly Turns Atmosphere Into Nighttime Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
75% CURTISCarefully Urges Ranking, Tae-kwon-do Is Schooled Jan Morgan -- Randall's first Karate Teacher
Names:First names:Male
100% CURVATIONCircular Undulating Rounded Vehicles Around Tits In Our Nation 2Trppie Inspired by the website http://www.curvation.com
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% CURVESCreating Useful Routine, Vital Exercise Solution Jan Morgan - an exercise place
Sports & Recreation
100% CUSSCreatively Utter Some Sw**rw*rds Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CUSS (2)Can't Understand Such Swearing Angela Brett
94% CUSTOMER REPORTINGCan't Users See That Our Manufacturing Errors Remain Regardless of Everyone Phoning Our Reporting Team? Improvement's Not Gainful. Angela Brett
100% CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONCould Use Some Training On Making Everyone Remember Store As Terrific. I Shouldn't Force A Client To Investigate Our Neighbours. Angela Brett
100% CUSTOMER SERVICECan't Understand Simple Terms Or Makes Excuses Randomly Says Every Record Vanished Internal Combustion Ensues Rico Leffanta
100% CUTEComplete Under Thy Enchantment Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% CUTESTCompletely Unforgettable Teenager - Exceptionally Sexy Thing TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% CYBELECan You Believe Everything Lives Eternally? Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% CYCLISTS SHOULD BE CAREFULCaution Your Children! Lessons In Safe Transport Should Save Harmful Outcomes..... (Unsafe Learner Drivers, Badly Educated, Cause Accidents) .... Repeat Every Fortnight Until Learnt. Tony McCoy O'Grady, explaining: My son was knocked down in a collision between his bicycle and a motorcar. He is not badly injured and we are unsure as to who was at fault, but as his father I have decided that the car driver was ;-)
100% CYLINDERCircular Yet Long, It Neatly Drains Excess Rainwater. Angela Brett
100% CYMBELINEControlled Yet Majestic Briton, Exile Leads Into Nightmarish Experience Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Cymbeline
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Cymbeline
100% CYNDAQUILComplete Yellowbelly - Normally Defensive. Attackers Quickly Understand 'Inflamed Lumbar' Angela Brett (Cyndaquil is Pokemon #155)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% CYNTHIACousin, Young Nice Trustworthy Helpful Individual, Affable Jan Morgan -- a person I know
Names:First names:Female
86% CYPRUSConflicted Yet Peaceful Really, Under (the) Surface. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CYSTCavity - Yet Sore & Tender Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CYTOLOGYCells Your Teacher Obviously Learned Overwhelming Growing Young Rico Leffanta
100% CZECHOSLOVAKIACommunist Zone Economically, Comrade Havel Ouster Soviet Led Oligarchy Valiantly And Kremlin-Independence Attained. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CZECH REPUBLICCommunist Zone Economically, Comrade Havel Recently Established Popular Uprising Becoming Liberal Independent Country. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CZERNYCultural Zenith; Entertainment Really, Not Yodelling Sean Lamb (Karl Czerny was an Austiran composer who studied with Beethoven)
67% DADearly-loved Agnate Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Family
75% DABDots Applied (with) Brush Dustan Dowsing
Art & Literature
100% DACEDid A Carp Evolve? Angela Brett, in a 2a.m. attempt at the first D acronym.
100% DACHSHUNDDogs And Cats Have Sometimes Had Unusually Nice Dealings Angela Brett
100% DADDick Added DNA Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
100% DAD (2)Desired A Daughter Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
100% DADDYDear Adult Dutifully Dotes, Young Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Family
100% DADDY'S LABDon't Analyse Decay Data, You Should Love A Boy. Angela Brett, on the song by Les Horribles Cernettes (you can download it or read the lyrics at http://musiclub.web.cern.ch/MusiClub/bands/cernettes/songs/daddy.html)
100% DAEWOODrive An Engine, Without Overdrive, Ordinarily Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% DAFFODILDumb Arrogant Fragrant Flower Or Daughter-In-Law Rico Leffanta
100% DAFFODIL DAYDo A Favour... Fork Over Dollars. Imitation Leafy Daff Awaits You. Angela Brett (Daffodil day is when fake daffodils are sold to raise funds for the Cancer Society)
Time:Special Occasions
100% DAGONETDunce Arranged Gaiety Of Nobles, Entertaining Them. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% DAIHATSUDrivers Are In Heaven Aboard This Stylish Unit Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% DAIRYDecadent Attributes In Richness, Yummy Jan Morgan - Dairy Products Can Be Made into Some Pretty Rich Desserts
Food & Drink
92% DAIRY PRODUCEDiets Are Intolerably Restrictive. Your Poundage Reduces Only Decimal-pointedly Under Controlled Eating Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% DAISYDo Anything Intimate; She's Yours! Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% DALEDown Along Leafy Environment Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DALLASDaydreams About Love, Lust And Sex Rico Leffanta
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% DAMIENDevil's A Monstrous Infant - Evil & Nasty Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in the movie 'The Omen'
Names:First names:Male
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% DAMNDidn't Acronymise... More Needed. Steve Keate and Angela Brett, because Eric had created enough new acronyms to overtake Steve on the hall of fame.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% DANCEDisplay A Novel Choreography Effect Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% DANCE (2)Disco Ability Nicely Conceals Exercise Jan Morgan
Sports & Recreation
100% DANCE (3)Dynamic Ability Nicely Carries Everyone Jan Morgan
Sports & Recreation
100% DANCE (4)Date A Nice Co-Ed Jan Morgan
Sports & Recreation
100% DANDELIONDelightful, Although Natural Dispersement Endangers Lawns If Openly Neglected Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% DANDELION (2)Drunk As Nostrum, Diuretic Effect Lingers, Inconveniently, Over Night Patricia Rix
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% DANDELION (3)Dilute As Necessary & Drink. Emit Liquids Intensely Over Nighttime Tony (Dandelion is known as 'piss-the-bed' because of it's diuretic properties.)
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
86% DANGERDeath Awaits... (the) Non-Gallant Exit Running. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% DANGER (2)Disasterous Activities Nervously Gives Everyone Reflection Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% DANIELDuring A Nasty Interlude, Encounters Lion. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% DANIEL (2)Doesn't Appreciate Nuances In English Language TMcCO'G, after somebody on the Apronyms forums said that he needed an alliteration for Daniel.
Names:First names:Male
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% DANIELADrop 'A' - Name Is Exactly Like Another. Angela Brett
Names:First names:Female
100% DANIELLEDoes Activities Naturally Is Effortlessly Loving Life Energetically Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% DANISHDefinitely A Nourishment I Should Have Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% DARLDoesn't Actually Run Linux Sean Lamb (Referring to Darl McBride, the CEO of SCO)
Names:Famous people
88% DARLINGDo Acronyms Really Lead Incisors to Need Grinding? Angela Brett, when Tony gritted his teeth when she addressed him as 'Darling' in KEYBOARD
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DARLING (2)Dear And Respected Lover In Nude Gymnastics Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DARLING (3)Diana - Adored Royal Lying In Neat Grave Mary Carr and Angela Brett
100% DARLING (4)Dearest Amour, Real Love Is Never Gone. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DARTH VADERDonned A Really Terrible Helmet, Voyaged After Dimwitted Empath Relative. Jeff Anonymous
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% DARWINDank Australian Region Where Ideas Natter Rico Leffanta
Places:Towns & Cities
100% DARYLDoes Act Really Young, Luckily Jan Morgan
Names:First names
100% DASTARDDimwitted Activist Superior To All Retarded Dumbos Angela Brett
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
100% DATA CENTRALIZATIONDo All The Acronyms Created Editorially Need To Relate And Lexically Indicate Zero Affiliation To Imagination Or Not? Sean Lamb
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% DATEDinner Advancing The Entertainment Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DATE (2)Designated As Temporal Event Angela Brett
100% DATESDo Anything To Escape Situation Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DATSUNDrive At Top Speed Until Nackered Had a Datsun 15 years ago. Painted this on its hood in big letters. Got heaps of laughs and no body said they had heard it before, but has bound to have been thought of. I can't guarantee I was the first. Later Bro
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% DAUPHINDispatching An Unusual Present Hastens Idiot's Nemesis Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry V
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry V
100% DAVEDid Astronaut View Eternity Tony McCoy O'Grady (The main human character in 2001 was called Dave)
Names:First names:Male
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% DAVE (2)Desires A Veal Entrecote Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% DAVENDiscovered Apronyms Via Entering Name Angela Brett, after somebody posted on the Apronyms forums, 'It's Daven here I was searching google for your name and found this'
Names:First names:Male
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% DAVIDDid A Valiant 'Impossible' Deed Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
100% DAVID (2)Delicious And Very Interesting Dessert Me my Mom and Stepdad where thinking of different acronyms and this one was the funniest we thought of.
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% DAVID (3)Does All Vital Income Depart? Jan Morgan - Someone I know that struggles with income
Names:First names:Male
100% DAVID LETTERMANDuring A Very Irksome Disease, Laughter Excelled To Tremendously Enrich Recovery. Man Astounds Network. joybutton
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
100% DAWDLEDally A While, Don't Look Energetic Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% DAWNDoes Absolute Worthwhile Nurturing Jan Morgan - a good person I know
Names:First names:Female
100% DAWN (2)Deceiving Antagonistic Warmonger Nature Jan Morgan - a not so nice person I know
Names:First names:Female
100% DAYDawn Arrives, Yes! Roger Williams
95% DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIMEDawn Arrives Yesterday, Like It Generally Has These Several Aeons. Very Irritating and Needless Gaffe Since There Isn't More Eveningtime. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DAYSDaze At Year Start! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Hope these Rough DAYS do not lead to a Rough Year! Glad: not a drink over half my 58 year sojourn. No New Year Party for this Organic Vegan.
100% DAYTONADrivers Are Yearning To Open Necessary Acceleration Jan Morgan - Drivers Start your engines for the race
Sports & Recreation
100% DDSDoesn't Do Spleens! Angela Brett (DDS usually stands for Doctor of Dental Surgery)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% DDTDarn Dat Toxin! Jeff Anonymous
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DEADDidn't Earlier Admit Defeat Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEAD (2)Drank Ethanol And Drove Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEAD (3)Defunct Entity, Already Departed Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEAD (4)Doesn't Exhale Anymore - Deceased Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEADMAN'S BUTTONDevice Employed As Defensive Mechanism Against Napping Staff By Using The Tension Of Normality Sean Lamb. The Deadman's Button is a device installed in lomotives that must remain depressed by the engineer (usually under his/her foot) to prevent the brakes from being applied; the theory is that if the engineer had a lapse of consciousness (falling asleep, heart attack, whatever), his foot would come off the button, thus applying the brakes.
100% DEALERSHIPDruggies Earn A Living Encouraging Regularly Smoking Hashish In Pipes Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DEANDoes Educating At Night Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Male
100% DEARTHDoes Every Asset Represent The Hole? Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DEATHDecaying Elderly Advances To Heaven. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEATH (2)Devout Expect Afterlife - Tentatively Heaven. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEATH (3)Dealt Everyone, According To Hoyle. Rico Leffanta, who explained to a puzzled Angela that E. Hoyle (1672-1769) wrote THE rule book for card games, hence the international expression "according to Hoyle".
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEATH (4)Delights End At This Hour. Timothy Chambers
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEATH (5)Don't Ever Assume Tomorrow'll Happen Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Advice
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEATH (6)Discerned Eternally, Assuming There's Heaven/Hell Angela Brett -- If we simply cease to exist upon death, then we are alive for the entire time we're aware of anything at all, which (from the individual's perspective) is equivalent to living forever. If we each have an eternal 'afterlife' in which we know we're dead, then we are only alive for an insignificantly finite amount of time and dead ever after. Thus the 'eternal life' promised by Heaven is more an eternal death. I doubt many would disagree that Hell is also an eternal death.
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEATH EATERDutiful Entities Arrange Treacherous Haunts, Evil Advantage Tries Explosive Rebellion Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% DEBACLEDoing Everything Because A Clitoris Loves Excitement Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DEBBIEDoesn't Every Boy Become Instantly Enamoured Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% DEBBIE (2)Duties Entail Being Brave In Endeavors Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% DEBIANDebian Exists Because It's Altogether Nicer. Criggie (Debian is a linux distribution)
100% DEBRADivine Emissary Beeing Resisted Aggressions Angela Brett -- according to http://tools.oxygen.com/babynamer/Content.cfm?ContentTypeID=1002&NameID=16085&BabySiteID=7712592, Debra comes from Hebrew 'Dvorah' meaning Bee, and According to the Jewish scriptures, Deborah was one of the earliest judges, or leaders, of her people. Considered a divinely inspired prophetess, she mobilized the Jewish nation (which was only beginning to regard itself as such) to affirm its relationship to God and to resist the aggressions of the neighboring Canaanites.
Names:First names:Female
100% DEBRISDeafening Explosions Bring Residual Incendiary Sediment Sean Lamb (debris is always left over after an explosion, so...)
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% DEBRIS (2)Destroying Everything Brings Rubble Into Sight Sean Lamb
People & Relationships:Disaster
89% DEBUGGERDevice for Exterminating Bugs (Used Gingerly), Gaining Extra Rightness Gavin Lambert
100% DECADICDials Elegantly Click - Actually Digital, If Countermodern Jeff Anonymous, referring to pulse telephone dialing, a digital system, and the rotary dial phones that implement it. I keep a Western Electric 500-type rotary phone next to my iBook to remind me that while newer isn't always better, elegance is timeless. Or more practically, it doesn't fall off the desk.
80% DECEMBERDecorate Early for Christmas... Else Maybe Big Event is Ruined. Angela Brett
89% DECEMBER (2)Darkness Encompasses, Christmas Encroaches, Much Busy Expenditure of Resources. Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% DECEMBER (3)Definite Enlightenment Comes, Ensuring Messiah's Birth is Enthusiastically Remembered. Dustan Dowsing
100% DECEMBER (4)Dreadful -Expletive- Conditions - Expect More Bloody Endless Rain Tony McCoy O'Grady
0% DECENCY DEMANDSDespite Escalating Crassness (I) Essentially Need (to) Caution You... Dire Expletives Militate Against Normal Discussion Standards Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% DECIBELDo Echoing Chords Injure Bandmembers' Eardrums, Lately? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DECIMAL POINTDot Emphasising Change In Magnitude... Any Leftward Part's Obviously Integral, Nearby's Tenths. Angela Brett
91% DECLENSIONDead in English, Commendably. Latin Exists, Needing Some Inflection Of Nouns. Jeff Anonymous, noting that except for personal pronouns, case is basically gone fron English, and declension with it.
100% DECOMPOSEDeath Ends Complex Organic Molecular Processes - O Sweet Eternity Tony McCoy O'Grady, after reading COMPOSE
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEDEDoes Every Duty Eloquently Jan Morgan - Trudy's sweet daughter
Names:First names:Female
100% DEDICATEDDescribes Edifice, Declaring It Called After The Exalted Dead Tony McCoy O'Grady - thinking of buildings which are named - or renamed - in honour of national heroes/heroines
100% DEDICATED (2)Doing Everything Described In Command, And Then Extra - Devoted! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% DEDICATED (3)Doesn't Ever Deviate. Is Concerned About The Exact Difficulty Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% DEDICATIONDutifully Engraved Discourse Inside Cover, Author Thanks Inspiration Of Novel Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% DEEDDue Extreme End: Divorce Angela Brett, referring to the title of a property which has to be split in a divorce.
People & Relationships:Law & Order
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% DEERDoe's Experience Ever Replayed Angela Brett, referring to Bambi
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% DEER (2)Dawn/Dusk Eats, Evironmental Ritual Jan Morgan
100% DEFAULTDesigner Encapsulated 'Favourite' As Usual Look / Theme Tony McCoy O'Grady who feels that not all default settings are the most logical, therefore they are probably the favourite of the makers
100% DEFENSEDetective's Evidence-Finding Etiquette Not Strictly Endorsed Angela Brett (If TV shows are to be believed, people often get off because the evidence which proves their guilt was not obtained in the right way.)
People & Relationships:Law & Order
93% DEFINE APRONYMSDictionary Entry Found In Next Edition: Acronyms' Peaks! Represent O'Grady's Neologism! Yare Mnemonic Self-definitions! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% DEFINESDictionary Entry Found In Next Edition Says/States Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% DEFROSTDiminish Established Frigid Rigid Obduracy Somewhat Temperately Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
100% DEGRADEDead Entities Gently Rot And Decay Eventually Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEGREEDiploma Evinces Generally Recognized Extensive Education. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DEITYDoesn't Exist; It's Truly Yourself Angela Brett
100% DEITY (2)Designer Evolution: Image Toward Yahweh Angela Brett
100% DELAWAREDutch Explored, Leading Attempts, Wildlife And Refuge Extensive Jan Morgan - leading Attempts = Dupont Products and several wildlife & refuge places
Places:States & Regions
100% DELIVERYDirect Everything Lost If Verification Exists Register Yawn Rico Leffanta
100% DELLDon't Eat Live Leads Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Do Not Eat
86% DELPHIDouble-talking Eminence Left People Half-Informed. Tony McCoy O'Grady... the oracle at Delphi never gave plain prophesies, they were always open to at least two interpretations.
Places:Towns & Cities
100% DELTADepositing Effluvium, Land's Terribly Aqueous Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DEMENTORDistressful Entities, Memories End Negatively Tragic, Objectionable Ramifications Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
90% DEMETRIUSDespite Eye-juice Muddling Everything True Romance Is Ultimately Settled Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:A Midsummer Night's Dream
83% DEMOCRITUSDeterministic Explanation of Motion... Omniscient Creator Refuted, Instead, The Universe is Stochastic. Angela Brett
100% DENDoesn't Even Network DEN = Directory-Enabled Networking (Microsoft)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DENIALDespite Evidence, Nobody Is Admitting Liability Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% DENIMDon't Eat - Nutrition Is Minimal. Angela Brett
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% DENISEDiverse Energetic Nice Individual Seeks Eternity Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
78% DENMARKDanes Enjoy Nothing More (than) A Real Knees-up. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DENTISTDon't Extract Nine Teeth, I've Second Thoughts! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% DENTIST (2)Dohn Eggtak Ny Teeh, I'n Sehen Taws Tony McCoy O'Grady, simulating the sound of someone trying to talk while in the dentist's chair.
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% DENTURESDentists Extract Natural Teeth Using Revenue Enhancement Schemes Rico Leffanta
Household Objects
100% DEPENDSDetermined Efforts Personally Exceeds, Noted Dependability Standing Jan Morgan
Assorted Verbs
100% DEPOSITDon't Empty Purse On Sprees... Invest Treasure. Angela Brett, who had only deposit slips next to her bed to write on when the acronyms started coming late at night.
100% DEPOSIT (2)Deems Every Penny Of Sufficient Interest, Thanks! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DEPRESSEDDon't Expect Progress, Rather Expect Stasis, Sadness & Enduring Dejection Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% DEPRESSED (2)Dismal Expression Portends Reverse Extreme, So Sulking Ensues, Dramatically Patricia Rix, thinking of manic depressive
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% DEPRESSIONDowncast Expression? Perhaps Reason's Evident - Sad Situation's Isn't Over Now Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% DEPTH OF FIELDDistinctly Elemental Photographic Technique Helps Offer Fine Focus In Every Little Detail Sean Lamb (beginning photography students learn that a smaller aperture gives a greater depth of field in their photos)
Art & Literature
100% DESDEMONADefiantly Endures Suspicion, Dreadful End Makes Obsessive's Nature Apparent Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Othello
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Othello
100% DESERTDry Earth; Seldom Ever Rains There. Roger Williams
100% DESIGNDelightfully Exciting Sketch Is Genuinely Novel Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% DESKTOP SUPPORTDoesn't Everyone Seek Knowledge To Operate Personal Systems? Users Persistently Perplex Our Resourceful Technology Sean Lamb
100% DESMOND MORRISDarwin Examined Simian Mysteries Over Naked Dames Maybe Our Relationships Recall Innate Secrets Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Writers
100% DESPERATIONDire Extreme Situation - Prompt Emergency Rescue And Treatment Is Obviously Needed Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% DESTROYDemolish Everything Simply To Remove Other Youth Kenny Roy
Assorted Verbs
100% DETECTEDDetailed Examination That Eventually Caught The Evil Doer(s) Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% DETECTIVEData Encoded To Enable Clinical Trials In Veterans' Environment Tony McCoy O'Grady, when someone asked on the Acronyms Forums for an acronym to describe an online data acquisition program for the Department of Veterans Affairs. See http://www.co.nz/cgi/forums/list.cgi?id=acronyms&user=&session=&root=1054739638 for more information.
Computers:Internet:VA Data Acquisition
100% DETERMATHATIONSDaily Explain/Energise/Engineer! Test/ Extend Reality! Multiply Algorithms / Tools Habile! Advance/Adapt! Transfinites: Infinities/Increasing/Infinitely, Observe Nuances! Sciences/Study! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
93% DETERMINATIONDon't Ever Tire... Even Real Mountains In Nature Are 'Tamed'. Imaginary Ones No-sweat! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% DETERMINEDDoing Everything To Ensure Results - Make Intense, Necessary, Efforts Daily Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% DEUTERONOMYDelightfully Erudite Undertaking, Ten Edicts Read Out, Nous Of Moses. Yes! Eric Bridgstock
Religion:Bible books
100% DEVIDivine Eternal Vacillates Inspiration Rico Leffanta
Religion:Hindu Goddesses
100% DEVILDemonic, Evil Villain Is Lucifer Angela Brett
100% DEVIL (2)Doesn't Enjoy Virtue In Life Angela Brett
100% DEVON TARRSTEPSDawdling Eventually Ventures Onward Nicely, Truly Ancient Road, Rock Steps Traverse Every Pedestrian Safely Jan Morgan -- ancient people built these steps to cross a river, very natural looking stepping stones that don't get your feet wet when you crossed them.
100% DIABETESDisease Is Awful. Body Excretes (Tragically) Excess Sugar Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DIAGRAMDrawings (Incorporating Artistic Graphs?) Reinforce Article's Message Tony McCoy O'Grady
84% DIALOGUE STYLE ACRONYMS[Tony] "Did I Attempt Lately One Great Untried Endeavour?" [Angela] "Sure Thing, You Listed Elements..." [Jeff] "... And Countries" [Tony] "Right, One Needs Your Mates Sometimes." Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% DIALUPDelves Into Analogue Line's Untapped Potential Angela Brett
100% DIAMONDDivine Intervention Affects Marriage, Or Necessity, Destiny. Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the diamond (60th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% DIANDrives Inhabitants Around Nature Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% DIANADied In A Nasty Accident Angela Brett, referring to Diana, Princess of Wales.
100% DIANA (2)Deceives Idiot And Nurtures Ally Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:All's Well That Ends Well
100% DIANA DORSDoes It And Never Apologises Demimonde Of Reckless Society Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% DIAPERDirty It And Parent Efficiently Replaces Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% DIAPER (2)Disposable Is A Preferred Experience, Really Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% DIAPER (3)Drips Intercepted And (Perfectly Efficiently) Retained Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% DIARRHOEADashing In And Running Repeatedly, Hogging Outhouse, Evacuating Again. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DICEDeals In Chance Events Sean Lamb
Household Objects
100% DICK HEADDecidedly Ignorant Childish Kid Heeding Endless Arrogant Drivel Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Insults
100% DICTIONARYDo I Consider Term Is Often Needed And Real? Yes! Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% DIDODie I Do. Oh... Lizzie - Dido stabbed herself on a funeral pyre and was consumed in the flames after Aeneas rejected her.
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends
100% DIE BRUCKEDying Is Easy But Realistically Use Children Knight Errants Rico Leffanta
100% DIEGODid It Ever Get Optional? Jan Morgan - since when does San Diego get abbreviated to just Diego? It's not long enough to warrant such a shortening of the city name!
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% DIESELDirty Internal Engines Should Emit Less Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DIETDare I Eat That? Angela Brett
Food & Drink
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
94% DIFFERENTLY WELLDon't Immediately Find Fault... Each Rudeness, Each Not-Totally-Like-You-ness Will Enhance Lecherous Luxury Angela Brett, after Patricia responded to Tony's MASSAGE THERAPY (3) with, "You are brilliant, though sick!" and Tony replied, "I'm not sick, just 'differently well'"
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DIFFERENT THOUGHT'Deep' Is Famed Family Elder, Reckoned Everything's Numeric Total. This Handier One Usually Graphically Helped Thinking. Angela Brett, explaining: I named my POWERBOOK 1400CS 'Different Thought' as I thought she might be a distant relative of 'Deep Thought' of 'Hitch-hikers' Guide to the Galaxy' fame, and also because of the Apple slogan, 'Think different.' Different Thought's web pages are at http://acronyms.co.nz/angela/mac/differentthought/
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware:Angela's Apples
100% DIFFICULTDoes It Feel Funny? It Contrasts Usual Light Tasks. Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% DIGDelve Into Ground Roger Williams
Assorted Verbs
100% DIGLETTDwells In Ground, Likes Eating Tender Tubers Angela Brett (Diglett is Pokemon #50)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% DIKEDivinely Inspires Kinky Escapades Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% DILEMMADeep Indecision: Let's Employ Much Muddled Analysis Leo Boyes
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% DILIGENTDoggedly Impacting List, I've Gotta Expand New Terms! Angela Brett, after diligently expanding a lot of the terms from the unsuccessful searches list.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% DIMDark In Matters Jan Morgan
Assorted Adjectives
100% DIMPLEDepression In Mid-Phizog Looks Endearing Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% DIMWITDirector, Internal Mushroom Warehouse Irrigation Techniques Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations:Humorous Job Titles
100% DINNERDigestion Is Nice, Now Everyone's Replete Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% DINNER (2)Don't Ingest Noisily - Never Eat Radishes Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% DINNER (3)Didn't I Notice Nobody's Eating Ratatouille? Patricia Rix
Food & Drink
100% DINODown Is Not Out Sean Lamb, because dinosaurs always tend to be popular with the kids.
100% DIOMEDESDallies Inconclusively Over Maiden Eventually Duels Eavesdropping Soldier Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Troilus and Cressida
100% DIOPHANTUSDecided Influence On Precise, Handwritten Algebraic Notation. Thought Unpositives Superfluous. Angela Brett
100% DIPLODOCUSDiplodocus Is Plainly Large. One Dinosaur's Outrageous Corpulence Upsets Scientists. Sean Lamb, because dinosaurs always tend to be popular with the kids.
100% DIPLOMADegree Is Presented, Lots Of Merrymaking Activity. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DIPSOMANIAC (2)Drink In Pleasant Surroundings. Our Merriment's Arranged Nightly In Attractive Cellars. Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% DIPSYDancing Is Pleasant - So Youthful! Angela Brett, whose nieces love the TELETUBBIES.
Entertainment:TV shows
83% DIRECTIONSDivine Inspiration's Required, Everyone Cannot Truly Interpret Old-wives-tales Northerly Signals Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Positions & Directions
100% DIRTY"Doing It" Repeatedly - To Yourself! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DIRTY MINDDirtiness Is Relative - Tony, Your Mate, Is Ninetimes Dirtier! Tony McCoy O'Grady, after the HILARIOUS (2) comment.
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness
100% DIRTY OLD IRISHMANDrunkenness Is Retreating - Tony's Years Off Lager Decidedly Improved Relationships, & In Sobriety He May Acronymise Nicely. Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing. Tony is often referred to as 'The DOI' and it seemed to need acronymising. See also THE MAD IRISHMAN.
100% DISABILITYDoesn't Imply Stupidity... Affected Brain Isn't Limited In Thought, Y'know. Angela Brett
100% DISAPPEARDid I See A Professional Performer Eliminate A Rabbit? Angela Brett
100% DISARMDetectives Insist Submachineguns Are Removed Masterfully Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DISASTERDo Infernos Stop After Several Tsunamis Enter Region? Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% DISCDoes Injure Someone's Colon Jeff Anonymous
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% DISC (2)Does It Still Compile? Sean Lamb (DISC really means Digital Interactive Systems Corp., a company marketing a new computer-in-a-box gaming console)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DISCIPLINEDutifully I Surrender Control - If Punishment Looms I'm Naughtily Excited Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
77% DISCLAIMERDenying Interlocutor the Satisfaction of Causing Long Agonising Intricate Meditation, (thus) Ensuring Rest. Tony McCoy O'Grady, saying he should have a DISCLAIMER at the end of each message stipulating that "None of the words or phrases above will be accepted if returned for Challenge Acronymising." This after Angela had challenged him to acronymise several LONG WORDs.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
91% DISCOURSESDealing In Strategically Calculated Oral Utterations Regarding Specific Events or Subjects imposed
90% DISCWORLDDrifting In Space Creating Weird Occurrences. Reality Low in Demand. Dustan Dowsing, referring to the series of novels by Terry Pratchett.
Art & Literature
100% DISEASEDamn I'm Sick! Excruciating Aches & Soreness Everywhere Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DISEASE (2)Direly Incapacitated Situation - Each Ache Seems Endless! Patricia Rix
100% DISGUSTINGDirty Item, Smutty, Genuinely Ugly, Stomach Turning! It's Not Good! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships:Insults
100% DISHABILLEDressing In Slippers Hoping Any Body In Love Loves Eurythmics Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DISHONORDisgraceful, In Shameful Habits Of Negative Options, Really! Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
100% DISHONOURDisgraceful In Shameful Habits Of Negative Options Used Regularly Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
100% DISKDigestus Interruptus - Slender Kilojoules. Steve Keate and Angela Brett (see DONGLE (3))
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% DISNEYLANDDynamic Imaginative Satisfaction, Notably Enchants Youthful Living Adventurer, Necessarily Delivers. Jan Morgan - Magical amusement park that delivers satisfaction to all who have a youthful heart
100% DISORDERDisorganised Individual Should Occasionally Remove Dirt & Eject Rubbish TMcCO'G - parent to a teenager!
Assorted Nouns
100% DISTRICTDistinctly Irregular - Somewhere That Reaches Into Contiguous Townlands Tony McCoy O'Grady: a 'district' is usually a less than precisely defined region, whereas a townland is usually the smallest recognised area in local geography. A district usually comprises several townlands or parts of them.
100% DITTODouble It, To This Opinion Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% DITTO (2)Does Impressions - Transforms To Opponent! Angela Brett (Ditto is Pokemon #132)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% DIVERSEDifferent, Indeed Varied, Entities Reach Separate Ends Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% DIVINGDribbling In Vulvas Incites Naked Girls Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Sports & Recreation
100% DIVINITYDelicious Item, Variety Is Nutty, Incredible Treat, Yummy Jan Morgan -- Yummy Candy
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% DIVORCEDone Indulging Vows, Onto Rampant Copulation, Etc. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% DIVORCE (2)Deceitful Infidelity Very Often Responsible. Coupling Ends. Eric Bridgstock
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% DIVORCEDDepressed/Deceived/Dishonest Individual, Vows Obliterated, Restoring Conscious Effort, Denied Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% DIVORCED (2)Destructive Individual, Vows Obliterated, Restoring Conscious Efforts Denied Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% DIVORCED FEMALEDespite Internationallyrecognised Vows, One's Recanted (Claiming Evil Deeds From Errant Mate?) And Looking Elsewhere Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
86% DJANGODance and Jump. A Natural Guitarist's Outstanding! Sean Lamb (who spent a day enjoying the gypsy swing guitar of Django Reinhardt)
100% DJIBOUTIDesert Jutting Into Bay Ordains Unendurable Temperatures Internally. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DMCADon't Make Cables Abroad It's not just DeCSS that US Customs doesn't want coming into the country. Check out http://www.cs.umn.edu/~mcmillen/dmca for another viewpoint. (DMCA usually stands for Digital Millennium Copyright Act)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:Law & Order
80% DMCA (2)Don't Make Copies of Anything DMCA = Digital Millennium Copyright Act (US Congress)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% DNADaddy Not Available DNA usually stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:Family
100% DNSDotted Numbers Synonyms Angela Brett (DNS usually stands for Domain Name System)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DOCHDefinite Open Contradiction (Handy!) Grace Francis
Science:Linguistics:German Words
100% DOCTORDispenser Of Cures, Taker Of Revenue. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% DOCTOR (2)Digital Online Consulting Tool, Or Reference Tony McCoy O'Grady (see DETECTIVE) I can see this in use as someone says "Let's see what the DOCTOR has to say...."
Computers:Internet:VA Data Acquisition
100% DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHYDoes One Consider That One Really, Actually, Truly Exists? Or Find People Have Imaginary Lives Only? Should One Pinch/ Hit You? Angela Brett (I think different, therefore iBook)
100% DOCTORSDozens Of Competent Technicians Offer Remedial Skills Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% DOCTRINE AND COVENANTSDoes Offer Collective Truths, Religious Ideas, Necessary Examination, Always Near Decisions Can Offer Vital Enlightenment, Nourishment As Needed To Searcher Jan Morgan - Latter Day Saints important recorded doctrine
100% DODGEDucking, Or Diving, Guarantees Evasion Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% DOEDeer - Oestrogen-Enhanced. Angela Brett
100% DOGDull Organism. Growls. Steve Keate & Angela Brett
100% DOG (2)Disgusting Odour - Gross! Steve Keate & Angela Brett
100% DOG (3)Dependable, Obedient Guardian Angela Brett
100% DOG (4)Drools On Groin Steve Keate
100% DOG (5)Defecates On Garden Steve Keate
100% DOG (6)Disgusting Old Growler Roger Williams
100% DOG (7)Digital Office Guard cheater200227 -- got the idea when I found the description of a mechanical dog on the internet
100% DOG BONEDug Out & Gnawed By Our Neighbour's Elkhound TMcCO'G
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% DOG BONE (2)Did Os Get Buried On Neighbour's Estate? Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
91% DOGCOW DEMODevelopers Often Got Clarus's Other-Worldly Dimensions to Expertly Model Output. Angela Brett... referring to Clarus the two-dimensional dogcow who is most famous for demonstrating the effects of certain options in the 'Page Setup' dialogue box for some printers.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% DOGGYDoberman's Obviously Gonna Get You Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DOGMADumping Old Girlfriend Mother Approved Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DOGSDefinitely Odorous Greedy Sods Mary Carr
100% DOG TIREDDrowsy, Or Getting Tetchy, I'd Rather Experience Dormancy Tony McCanine O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% DOH!Dimwitted Oafish Hick Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
92% DOING NOTHINGDirty Old Irishman and Nutty Girl Natter Over Their Handy Inter Net Gateways Angela Brett.
Assorted Verbs
100% DOLLARDoesn't Offer Love Life Any Rapture Rico Leffanta
100% DOLORESDinner Often Leads Onto Romantic Evening Siesta Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
94% DOLORES O'RIORDAN'Doos' Or 'Las' Often Recur... Every Song Offers Recordings In Oral Realm [that] Don't Articulate Nuttin'. Angela Brett
100% DOLPHINDo Other Linuxes Pursue Human Interface Niceties? Sean Lamb (Dolphin was the code name for Mandrake Linux 9.0; Mandrake has been known as the "user-friendly" Linux)
Names:Code Names:Linux
100% DOMAIN NAMEDotcom Operation Means Acquiring Internet Name Nobody's Already Made Exclusive Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DOMESTICDesignated Ordinary Maid Except Sometimes Transparently In Charge Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% DOMINICDirty Old Man Is Needing Intense Cleaning Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
100% DOMINICADensely Overgrown Moist Island, Nevertheless Its Chiefly Agricultural. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DOMINIQUEDoes One's Memory Involve Nice Images, Questioned Until Explained Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
94% DOMITIUS ENOBARBUSDecamps (to) Octavius's Military Interests. This Is Upon Sensing Egypt's Not Overwhelming, Becoming A Robustly Blunt Unwavering Soldier Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Julius Caesar
86% DONGLEDim Oafs Need Greatly to Learn English Tony McCoy O'Grady, who couldn't believe that there really is a piece of computer equipment called a DONGLE.
Computers:Generic Hardware
86% DONGLE (2)Did Older NewZealanders Grow-up Learning Electronics? Tony McCoy O'Grady, when told that Angela had found someone else who knew what a dongle was, but hadn't heard the term for ten years.
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% DONGLE (3)Devoid Of Nutrition, Gives Little Energy Steve Keate, who is thinking of creating a series of acronyms explaining why not to eat computer accessories.
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% DONGLE (4)Devoid Of Nutriments - Generally Lacks Edibility Tony
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% DON JOHNDeceitfully Organizes Nasty 'Jest' Over Hero's Nature Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Much Ado About Nothing
100% DONNADelivers Obnoxious Nuisance, Navigating Attacks Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% DONNYDelightful Orator Nicely Negotiates Yield Jan Morgan - gives forth his melodic voice to song
Names:First names:Male
100% DO NOT YELLDearest One, No-One Thinks You Endearing, Less Loud! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% DON PEDRODesign Of Noble Prince Ensures Duly Romantic Outcome Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Much Ado About Nothing
100% DON'T BE RUDEDeeply Obnoxious Nasty Thoughts. Begin Eschewing Rather Undue Dirty Expressions Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% DON'T PANICDepress One's Natural Thoughts, Please. Angela's Nearly In Control Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela posted on the FORUMS to say that parts of the ACRONYMS website weren't working, but not to PANIC because she would be fixing it soon.
People & Relationships:Advice
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
97% DON'T TEASE ME ABOUT USING WINDOWSDole's Obviously Not The Top Earner... And Some Extra Money's Excellent, Although Being On Unfriendly Technology Undeniably Stinks. I'm Not Getting on With It - No Desirability Of Writing Source. Angela Brett, who works as a Windows developer but is a Mac developer at heart.
93% DON'T USE WINDOZEDamnit, Only Nincompoops Try Using Such Extremely Wasteful Interface Nefariously Doled Out by Zillionaire Entrepreneur. Angela Brett
100% DONUT HOLESDefinition Of 'Nothingness', Used To Highlight One's Lacking Essential 'Solidity' TMcCO'G
Food & Drink
100% DOODLEDo One's Own Drawing, Lacking Enthusiasm Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% DOORDon't Open On Route Steve Keate, referring to a car door.
Transport:Car Parts
100% DOOR KNOCKERDigitally Operated Object Reveals Knowledge Now Of Caller's Keylessness - Entry Required. Tony McCoy O'Grady - who made this up just to use R@@@@ as his email address on the Acronym Submission Form
Household Objects
100% DOORSDecently Organized Operating & Running Systems! Tony McCoy O'Grady, who asks "Why use windoze when you can use doors?"
100% DOPEDulls One's Personal Experience Angela Brett
100% DOPE (2)Doesn't Offer People Everything Angela Brett
100% DOPE (3)Does Offer Pseudo-Enlightenment Angela Brett and Steve Keate
100% DOPE (4)Diacetylmorphine, Opium, Pot... Everything! Angela Brett
93% DO RE MI FA SO LA TIDarn, Off-key... Redo Etude Making Its Frequency Aurally Sound. Open Lungs And Then Inhale. Angela Brett
100% DORFDestination Of Rainbow Fizz Angela Brett, referring to the town in the book 'The Solitaire Mystery' by Jostein Gaarder
Art & Literature:Fictional Places
100% DORIS DAYDaughter Of Righteous Idiots Singing, "Daisy Awaits Yokel" Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% DORKDefinitely One Renowned Klutz Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Insults
100% DOTDisturbance Of Tint Angela Brett
Art & Literature
100% DOT COMDoesn't Own Tradable Commodities - Owes Money Tony McCoy O'Grady: Dotcoms usually don't 'do' much and frequently lose money or are in debt since their inception.
100% DOTDOTDOTDASHDASHDASHDOTDOTDOTDigital Operator Taps Distress Out To Direct Operations Towards Diverting All Shipping. Help During A Squall / Hurricane - Dispatch A Search Helicopter & Deploy Operative To Dangle Over Those Distressed Or Terrified Tony McCoy O'Grady, who protested that the SOS acronyms are not reexpansions of an existing acronym, nor is SOS a word as it is always pronounced as a series of three letters ESS-OH-ESS. Angela replied that it still is in the dictionary and has a meaning, so is eligible for expansion - and it's 'pronounced' ..._ _ _...
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% DOTESDaydreams Over Those Enchanting Smiles Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% DOUBLE POSTINGDon't Often Use Binary Letter Express - Perhaps One Submitted Twice In Naughty Gamefulness? Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela accidentally posted the same message twice on the Acronyms forums.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% DOUBTFULDubious Outcomes Usually Befall Thoughts Fetched Using Lunacy Kenny Roy
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% DOUCHEDirt's Off Under Cascading Hot Effusion Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% DOUGHNUTDiet's Obstacle Unusually Great Hot Never Underestimate Taste! Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink
100% DOUGLAS ADAMSDescription Of Universal Guide Lives As Stories And Drama, And Multiplatform Software Angela Brett, who knows the subject of Douglas Adams' books was only a guide to the galaxy, but it's known universally.
Art & Literature:Writers
0% DOWNCASTDon't Offer Worries Now - (I'm) Contemplating Abject Sad Thoughts. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% DOWN QUARKDuo On Whole Neutron Quiets Up's 'Affirmative' Reaction Kick Angela Brett ('Down' is one of the six types of quark... along with UP QUARK, STRANGE QUARK, CHARM QUARK, TOP QUARK and BOTTOM QUARK. Neutrons are each composed of two down quarks with charge -1/3 each, and one up quark with charge +2/3, giving them an overall charge of zero.)
100% DOWSINGDirty Old Woman Seduced Innocent Nice Guy Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing, on virginity \=]
100% DOWSING (2)Divination Of Water Source Is Non-Geophysical. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DRACO MALFOYDemonic Racist Adolescent Clone, Obstinate Malicious Arrogant Louse, Foul Opinionated Yahoo Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% DRAFTDeserters Resisted Armed Forces Training Tony McCoy O'Grady
71% DRAFT (2)Doesn't Really Amount to a Frigging Thing Artemis Hunter (who works in publishing, and knows all about the tyranny of "draft" documents)
Art & Literature
100% DRAMATIS PERSONAEDetailed Reading And Misinterpreting All The Individual Shakespearean Plays Ensures Results Spell Out Names Acronymically - Eventually Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays
100% DRATINIDragon Rage And Twister: I'm Now Incapacitated Angela Brett (Dratini is Pokemon #147)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% DRAWBRIDGEDefeats Raiding Assailants When, By Retracting It, Defenders Generally Escape Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DRAWINGDepicting Realistically A World Indicates Natural Genius Tony VanGogh O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% DREADSDaring Reality Envelops Annihilates Death! Saviour! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Emotions
People & Relationships:Death
83% DREAMDelirious Realm of Enchantment And Magic Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% DREAM (2)During REM, Ethereal Amusement Made. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% DREAM (3)Daylight: Reality Ends All Magic. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% DREAM (4)Desired Results Encourages Ambitious Minds Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% DREAMSDaylight Reveals Everything's A Mind Show Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% DRMDon't Rip Mp3s DRM = Digital Rights Management (Microsoft)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DRM (2)Doesn't Record Media DRM = Digital Rights Management (Microsoft)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DRM (3)Doesn't Really Matter Sean Lamb (DRM = Digital Rights Management {Microsoft}; but file sharing will continue after this "feature" is introduced)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DROLLDeadpan Response Of Little Lightheartedness Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% DROMIO OF EPHESUSDoesn't Resent Overmuch Master's Irritability. Offends Often - Floggings Earned! Perhaps He Enjoys Secure Urban Situation Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Comedy Of Errors
100% DROMIO OF SYRACUSEDeeply Respectful Of Master, Ignorant Of Other Fellow. Servant, Yet Relationship Appears Close Under Strange Events Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Comedy Of Errors
100% DROUGHTDry Riverbed Or Unwatered Ground; Hard Terrain. Eric Bridgstock, after it was asked if anyone would like to acronymise DROUGHT during an acronym shortage.
100% DROUGHT (2)Doesn't Rain Often, Usually Ghastly Hot Temperature Eric Bridgstock
100% DROWSYDozily Reposed On Waking, Stretched, Yawned. Angela Brett
100% DRUGDummy Route Under Ground Rico Leffanta
100% DRUG ADDICTDangerous Reactions, Undergoing Gruesome Agonising Delirium - Doing It 'Cold Turkey' Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to NO STRINGS ATTACHED (Strung Out)
100% DRUG LORDDemented Rotten Urban Gangster - Low On Reasoned Debate Tony McCoy O'Grady, creating yet another supervillain.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
83% DRUGSDown Right Ugly Gay Sex-machine sasha&kendra inspired by jordan&zach
100% DRUMDeafening Rolls Upset Mind Rico Leffanta
100% DRUM (2)Damned Rowdy & Un-Musical! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DRUMSDoing Rudiments Use Motor Skills Jason Wilcox
100% DRUNKDisgustingly, Rottenly Unconscious - Non Kinetic Tony McCoy O'Grady
94% DRUNKEN FUMBLINGSDire Results Usually Not Knowingly Expected. Non-sober Fornication Usually Means Boy Leaves Impregnated Naive Girl Saddened Tony McCoy O'Grady, after watching an 'expose' TV programme on teenage sex in England.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DSLDarned Speedy Link! Angela Brett, as an alternate expansion of the more common Digital Subscriber Line or Direct Satellite Link.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DSL (2)Download Something Large Angela Brett, as an alternate expansion of the more common Digital Subscriber Line.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DSL (3)Defying Sea-Level Angela Brett, as an alternate expansion of the more common Deep Submergence Laboratory.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DSL (4)Don't Say 'Lame'! Angela Brett, as an alternate expansion of the more common Disability Sick Leave.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DSL (5)Domineer Suburban Lads Tony McCoy O'Grady, as an alternate expansion of the more common District Scout Leader.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
75% DSL (6)Detritus-filled Seabed Level Tony McCoy O'Grady, as an alternate expansion of the more common Deep Scattering Layer.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DSL (7)Dialup's So Lame! Angela Brett, as an alternate expansion of the more common Digital Subscriber Line.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DSL (8)Don't Surf Lightly Edwin Hermann, as an alternate expansion of the more common Digital Subscriber Line.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DSL (9)Dunderheads Surf Loudly Jeff Anonymous, in reference to loud dialup modems (as opposed to Digital Subscriber Line)... no offense intended :)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DUBLINDon't Usually Build Like It Nowadays Angela Brett
Places:Towns & Cities
100% DUBLIN (2)Despite Umpteen Bridges, Liffey Inhibits Natives Angela Brett (Supposedly there is rivalry between people from different sides of the River Liffey.)
Places:Towns & Cities
90% DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTERDesires Ultimate Career (for) Husband. Extremely Stupid. Sets Off Fatal Goings-on - Lured On Unto Coven & Entrapped. Spy Then Effects Revelation Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry VI
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VI
100% DUCKDive Under Cover, Kid Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
80% DUCK (2)Dabbling Upside-down Consuming Krill Patricia Rix
100% DUCK BILLDarwin Users Can Kick Butt Ignoring Lucre Leader Angela Brett, speculating that the DarwinOS mascot Hexley (http://www.hexley.com) is a duck-billed platypus so that we can duck Bill, that is, avoid using Microsoft products.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% DUDE'S BLUFFDon't Understand Dames? Exhibit Shyness, But Liquor Up Front First! Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DUESDebtors Union Exorcising Sanity Rico Leffanta
100% DUGTRIODigletts' Usual Grouping... Three Rolled Into One! Angela Brett (Dugtrio is Pokemon #51)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% DUGTRIO (2)Digletts' Underground Get-Together Results In Overkill Angela Brett (Dugtrio is Pokemon #51)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% DUKEDisappointingly Underemployed King's Elite Angela Brett, after Tony mentioned something about DUKEs and URLs.
67% DUKE (2)Dangerously Using Karate (in an) Encounter Dustan Dowsing
100% DUKE OF YORKDetests Usurper - Keeping Eye On Fealty You Obey Reigning King Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Richard II
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Richard II
91% DUKE ORSINODispatches Unknown Kid (on) Errand Of Romancing Suitor - It's Noble Olivia Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Twelfth Night
100% DUKE VINCENTIODeludes Unruly Knave & Errant Viennese (Immorality Needs Controlling) Eventually Nobleman Tries Interesting Overture Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Measure for Measure
86% DUMAIN & DUMAINDeclaim Unique Mumbo-jumbo And Idiotic Nonsense - Deceit Unmasks Mean And Immoral No-good Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:All's Well That Ends Well
100% DUMB!Don't Underestimate My Bargains! Angela Brett (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% DUMB ASSDonkey's Unusually Mute - Brays Are Strangely Silent. Angela Brett
100% DUMB ASS (2)Doesn't Use Mouth/Mind, But Always Saying Something! Angela Brett (with Mouth, this describes expressive donkey body-language... with Mind, a thoughtless human.)
People & Relationships:Insults
100% DUMPDisgusting, Unwholesome, Mucky Poop Patricia Rix, telling Tony that LADIES don't leave a dump.
Assorted Nouns
83% DUMPSDiscarded Unto Mountainous Piles of Scrap Sean Lamb
100% DUNCANDeath Unleashes Nemesis, Conspiracy And Nastiness Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Macbeth
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Macbeth
100% DUNCEDown Under Nobody Claims Employment Rico Leffanta
100% DUNCE (2)Director, Unilateral Network Causing Email Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations:Humorous Job Titles
100% DUNDEEDoes Unusual 'Nyms, Delightfully Entertaining Expansions Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DUNNYDefinitely Undeniably Never Nice Youth Dunlakin @aol.com produced this through his charm honesty and demonic nature
100% DUNTISHDon't Undertake Numeracy Tests If Severely Hungover Tony McCoy O'Grady (Duntish is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'Mentally incapacitated by severe hangover.')
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% DUPLEXDoubled-Up Property Layers Ensures Xclusion TMcCO'G
100% DUSKDawn's Undoing, Symmetry Kin. Angela Brett
100% DUSTAN DOWSINGDeeply Unstable, Suspicious Type. A Nefarious Detective Obviously Would Suspect Indecent Naked Games Tony McCoy O'Grady, probably because Angela's (now ex-)boyfriend Dustan (reluctantly) owns a PC.
100% DUSTAN GEOFFREY DOWSINGDone Unusualy Stupid Things At Normaly Good Ethical Occassions, Fighting For Right, Even You Do Occasionally Wonder, Somebody Is Not Good? Dustan Dowsing, wondering if he still had an Acronym in him (which is a bad pun) (Sorry)
100% DUTCHDuo Usually Tries Currency Halving Angela Brett, referring to the idiom, 'go Dutch'
100% DUTCHIEDoughy, Unctuous, Tasty Concoction Has Innovative Element Patricia Rix (not that many doughnuts have raisins)
Food & Drink
100% DVDDidn't Vomit -- Died! Steve Keate (see DONGLE (3))
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% DWARF/JOKERDistinctly Wary About Rainbow Fizz - Jeroboam Of Knowledge Eventually Ruins. Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Solitaire Mystery
80% DYADDuo of You And Daddy Angela Brett, who first heard of the term during a lecture on parent-child relationships.
People & Relationships:Family
100% DYLANDied Young, Lump Attacked Neurons Angela Brett, referring to Steve's son.
Names:First names:Male
100% DYLAN (2)Darling Youngster, Like Angela's Nephews? Angela Brett, who never actually met Dylan.
Names:First names:Male
100% DYLAN THOMASDrunk! Yet Lyrical Author's Narrative Tale Holds Our Minds - And Suggests! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Writers
100% DYNAMITEDo You Need Any Massive Items To Explode? Angela Brett
100% DYNAMODoth Yield New And Much Output Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DYNEDo You Need Energy? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DYSLEXIADo You See Letters Extremely Xenotime In Appearance Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DYSLEXIA (2)Don't You Switch Language Even Xeroxed Interchanging Abilities Jan Morgan -- Transposes things in Reading, Spelling and Numbers like a mirror numbers and letters are switched or interchanged
100% DYSPEPSIADid Your Special Potluck Explode Perchance Soaking In Acid? Rico Leffanta
100% DYSPHASIADisturbs Your Speech Patterns - Has A Significant Impact, Apparently. Angela Brett
100% DYSPROSIUMDo You Suppose People Realise Our Sillinesses Indicate Unsound Minds? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
83% DYSPROSIUM (2)Difficultly Yielded Substance, Popular (in) Reactor Operations Since It's Ultra (para)-Magnetic. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DYSTOCIADelivering Your Sprog Takes Obstetric Care In Abundance Angela Brett
100% DZIGGETAIDeceives Zoologists, Is Generally Graded 'Equus', Though Ass Indubitably Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DZODomestic Zoological Oddity Angela Brett
100% DZOMOSDomestic Zoological Oddity - Milk Offers Sustenance Tony McCoy O'Grady, as an extension of Angela's DZO.
100% DZOSDoes Zigzags Over Slopes Tony McCoy O'Grady
67% EAEast-anglian Aqueduct Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EACHExpressly 'All', Considered Holistically Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay
100% EACH (2)Every Available Choice Heard Jan Morgan
100% EAGEREvery Attempt Gets Enthusiasm Renewed Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% EAGLEEnjoy A Great Lofty Eyrie Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% EAGLESEager Adolescents, Gaining Lessons (for) Eagle Scout Jan Morgan - the highest Rank a scout aims to reach - the lessons are from the merit badges that can help them find what career they want to pursue
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
75% EAREntry to Aural Region Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% EAR (2)Enables Aural Reception Eric Bridgstock
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% EAR (3)Equilibrator / Aural Receptor Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% EARACHEExpensive Affair Requiring A Consultation - How Exasperating! Angela Brett, when she had to go to a doctor to get a prescription for her recurring ear infection.
93% EAR INFECTIONSEach Application Requires Inactivity... Not Fun, Except C Text Instructs (me) On Necessary Syntax. Angela Brett, on realising that the 20 minutes of lying on her side necessary for applying ear drops for her ear infection could be utilised by reading about how to program in C.
100% EARLOBEEmbellishments And Rings Lend One Beauty, Essentially. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
94% EARLY YEARS CENTREExpregnant Adults Regularly Leave Yelping Youngsters, Engaged At Recreational Schooling (Creche, Elsewhere Named) To Re-enter Employment Apronymous Anonymous
97% EARNINGS BEFORE I TRICKED THE DUMB AUDITEvidently A Really Nasty Idiot Now Goes Stealing. Business Enterprises Fail Often - Rip-off Employees' Individual Thefts Rapidly Increase. Can't Keep Employing Deceitful Twits - Have Executive Department Using Much Business Acumen & Using Deep Investigating Tactics Tony McCoy O'Grady - who admires those in the Audit Department where he works
100% EARSExternal Audio Receiver System Mick Bridgstock
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% EARTHExecutes Annual Revolution Through Heavens Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EARTH DAYEverybody Appreciate Round Thing Humans Destroy All Year Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions
100% EARTHQUAKEEschew All Reprehensible Temporal Habits, Quell Uncertainty And Kneel, Everybody! Tony
Religion:Men's Ministry
100% EARTHQUAKESEpicenter Assaults Residents Turf Homes, Quick Unusual Activity Keeps Everyone Shaking Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% EARWIGSExcellent After Roasting With Italian Garlic Sauce Rico Leffanta
100% EASELElevates Artist's Sketch. Easily Luggable. omnicronos
Art & Literature
100% EASTEvidently A Sunrise Thing Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Positions & Directions
100% EASTEREggs Are Symbols That Evoke Regeneration Tony McCoy O'Grady
Time:Special Occasions:Easter
100% EASTER (2)Eaters Anagram - So True! Everyone's Rounder. Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions:Easter
86% EASTER (3)Eventually Astarte, Secretly Transformed, Edged-out Redeemer Patricia Rix
Time:Special Occasions:Easter
92% EASTER BUNNYEggs And Sunday Treats Enjoyed - Rabbit Brings Unknown Numbers of Nice Yummies. Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions:Easter
100% EASTER EGGSEnjoying A Season That Expresses Rebirth, Everybody Greedily Guzzles Some Tony McCoy O'Grady
Time:Special Occasions:Easter
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% EAST OF EDENEarliest Among Short Trilogy Of Films Exposed Dean's Emergent Neurosis. Tony McCoy O'Grady
80% EASYExecutable by Any Slackjawed Yokel Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% EASY RIDEREpic American Showing Youth Rolling Into Drug Experimentation & Rock Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EAT A SANDWICHEmail Alias Thingies And Some Annoying Nonsense, Drab Writings Investigating Cheeseburger Hunger Angela Brett, as the subject of a rambling email to Edwin asking about an email alias and complaining about being hungry and wishing she'd eaten the rest of that double cheeseburger the night before.
Assorted Phrases
100% EAT MY DUSTEradicating All Tailgaters Makes Your Driving Usually Suffer Thoughtfulness Kenny Roy
Assorted Phrases
100% EAT MY SHORTSEducational Authorities Treat Male Youth Scandalously - He Openly Replies 'Trouser Salad'! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
Household Objects:Clothing
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% EAT OUTEnjoy A Treat Occasionally, Untried Trattoria? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% EAT POTATOEverything's At Twenty Percent Off, Today And Tomorrow Only! Angela Brett (see SHOVE OFF and ANGELANESS- this one turned out to be a winning entry!)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% EAUElles Aiment Uriner Patricia Rix
Science:Linguistics:French Words
100% EAU (2)Everywhere's Awash & Undulatory Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
Science:Linguistics:French Words
100% EBAYExcellent Buys Available! Yesterday! Roger Williams
100% EBENEZER SCROOGEExtremely Benevolent? - Eh... Not Exactly! Zestful Emotional Response Saved Christmas, Result Of Odd Ghostly Experiences Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% ECCLESIASTESEpistemological Cynicism Causes Literary Expert Some Irritation. A Sceptical Thinker Emerges Strongly Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
90% ECHINACEAExtremely Common Herb - It's Noted Against Colds & (is) Effective Antioxidant Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% ECHOEveryone Calls "Hello" Occasionally Patricia Rix
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% ECHO (2)Everyone Can Hear One Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% ECHO (3)Enough! Content Heard Overmuch Gavin Lambert, when BIAS (2) was mentioned twice in THE ACRONYM TIMES
100% ECHOLALIAEvery Child Hears Obscure Language And Lips It Again Angela Brett
100% ECLAIREvery Chomp's Luscious; An Irresistible Recipe! Sean Lamb
Food & Drink
100% ECONOMICSEach Column Offers Numerous Opportunities; Make It Count Sensibly Patricia Rix
100% ECONOMICS (2)Expend Cautiously - Or No Obvious Merit In Careful Saving? Leo Boyes
100% ECSTASYExtremely Challanging Sexual Technique Always Satisfies You Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% ECUADOREquatorial Country Up Andes Densely Overgrown Rainforest. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EDGAREdmund's Death Generates A Revelation Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's (The Tragedy of) King Lear
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:(The Tragedy Of) King Lear
100% EDMUNDExceptionally 'Dark' - Morally Uncertain - No Dimwit Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's (The Tragedy of) King Lear
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:(The Tragedy Of) King Lear
100% EDNAEvery Date's New Acquaintance Angela Brett, remembering when Sideshow Bob on the Simpsons said 'You only get one chance with Edna Krabappel'
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% EDSEvil Doers Supreme Carl Brett, who works for a company called EDS
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% EDS (2)Electric Donkey Service Carl Brett
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% EDS (3)Evil Dark Side Adrian Parke, who also works at EDS
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% EDS (4)Everything Done Slowly Adrian Parke
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% EDS (5)Experts Dont Subscribe Carl Brett
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% EDS (6)Evil Doers Society Carl Brett
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% EDUCATEEveryone Duly Undergoes Curricularly Arranged Teaching Experience Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EDUCATIONEverybody Deserves University Courses & Access To Institutions Of Nowledge. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EDUCATIONAL Everybody Does University Classes And Then It's Onto Nerdy Academic Lives. Angela Brett
100% EDUCATIONAL (2)Extremely Didactic Undertaking - Colleges And Teachers Indoctrinated Our Nation At Length Tony McCoy O'Grady
95% EDUCATIONAL ACRONYMSEvery Decent University, College And Technical Institute Offers Noted Awards Listed Apronymically & Cross Referenced (Or Numbered) with Your Main Subjects Tony McCoy O'Grady, who doesn't think this is true :-)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% EDWARD & RICHARDEarly Delivered Words Augur Ruin... Dead Relatives Inspired Chill, However Active Relative's Deceitful Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Richard III
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Richard III
100% EDWIN'E Dwells Wealthily -- 'Is Name Jeff Anonymous (meaning of 'Edwin' = prosperous friend, according to babynames.com)
Names:First names:Male
100% EDWIN (2)Erratically Develops Wonderful, Interesting 'Nyms Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EDWIN (3)Eat Dinner With Instant Noodles Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% EDWIN HERMANNExtremely Dim Witted Imbecile, Never Has Expansions Ready. Make Acronyms Now, Numbskull! Angela Brett, after Edwin mentioned on the ACRONYMS forums that he hadn't submitted an acronym for ages and should be punished. This expansion of his name seemed a suitable punishment... I don't mean it though! (If it weren't for Edwin there would be no acronym forums at all.)
100% EDWIN HERMANN (2)Entered Dual Wordplay Inventions, Now He's Earned Reparation - More Amicable Name Notation. Angela Brett, after Edwin submitted two acronyms so no longer deserved punishment.
100% EDWIN HERMANN (3)'E Does Wonders - Invented Netborne Hangman, Even. Registered Many A Net Name. Angela Brett
100% EDWIN HERMANN (4)Evident Delay With Instalment - Not Having Expendable 'Readies' Means Acronymsite Now Nonfunctional Tony McCoy O'Grady, thinking that Edwin not paying his webhosting bill on time might be the cause of the outage of the Acronyms forums.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
92% EDWIN HERMANN (5)Englishmen Don't Work Internet Neatly - Hapless Event Resoundly Meant Acronymforums Neglectfully Null & void Tony McCoy O'Grady, after an outage of the Acronyms forums. (Edwin created the forums, but the outage was the fault of UK SOLUTIONS)
Communication:Acronyms Forums
83% EEVEEExpose to Elements... Various Evolutions Exist. Angela Brett (Eevee is Pokemon #133)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% EFFIGIES'Evil' Figures Flamed In Grotesque Intensely Execrative Shows Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% EFFORTExertion Fostering Feeling Of Real Tiredness Leo Boyes
Assorted Nouns
100% EGGElegant Gender's Gamete Angela Brett
100% EGGNOGEvery Glass Gives Nuance Of Grog Tony McCoy O'Grady - Many recipes for eggnog contain varying amounts of alcohol, some have very little.
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% EGGSHELLEndless Gastric Gripes - Someone Has Evidently Lapped Litres Tony McCoy O'Grady (see GLOSS)
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
100% EGGSHELL (2)Even Glutton Gets Satisfied - Having Eaten Liquid Lunch Tony McCoy O'Grady, to balance EGGSHELL
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
100% EGOTISTICALEver Got Obsessed Totally In Self - Talking "I" Constantly At Length? tonI mccoI o'gradI
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% EGYPTEventually Got Your Pyramids Triangulated Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EI+EI+OExplain It + Expand It + Observe Tony McCoy O'Grady, wondering why the (imaginary and irrational) rule saying that IF YOU PUT A WORD IN CAPS YOU MUST ACRONYMISE IT is rule ei+ei+0 of the Acronymists' Charter.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% EIGENVECTORExcess Instructions Generate Exhausting, Not-Very-Exciting Classes. Tedium Often Results. Angela Brett, while sitting through a lecture about eigenvalues and eigenvectors (a topic which everyone in the class had learnt about at least once) which was being taught agonisingly slowly.
Education:Slow Teaching
92% EIGENVECTOR (2)Employing Ineffective Gaussian Elimination's Not Very Efficient... (we) Can Think Out Results! Angela Brett, during the same lecture as the first EIGENVECTOR, when the lecturer insisted on using Gaussian elimination while finding the eigenvectors of 2 by 2 matrices despite having already pointed out that it wouldn't give us any extra information.
Education:Slow Teaching
100% EILEENEngaged Individual Listens, Even Exhorts Nervously Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
80% EINSTEINEvery Intellect Needs Some Training to Examine Imperfections of Newton Angela Brett
100% EINSTEINIUMExcluded In Nature, Since Thermonuclear Explosions It's Now Introduced Unto Mankind. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EKANSEnthusiasts Keep A Nintendo Snake Angela Brett (Ekans is Pokemon #23)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% EKANS (2)Everyone Knows Anagram, No Sweat Angela Brett (Ekans is Pokemon #23)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
Words & Wordplay
86% ELAINEEndeared of Lancelot - Alas Intercourse Never Eventuated Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% ELASMOSAURUSExtreme Length And Size Made One Swimmer An Unusual Reptile Under Sea Angela Brett
100% ELDEREager Lad Discoursing Edifying Religion Jan Morgan
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% ELDER (2)Eager Lad, Doctrines Explained Religiously Jan Morgan
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% ELDERLYEnduring Life's Duresses - Every Relation Loves You Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ELECTIONEndure Late-Evening Commentary Tallying Ideologies Of Nation. Angela Brett
100% ELECTION (2)Extensive Lecturing Educates Crowds To Investigate Offered Nominations Jan Morgan
100% ELECTRONEven Little Electric Currents Take Ridiculously Oversized Numbers Angela Brett
100% ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSINGEver Lost Electronic Credit To Robots Of Nasty Internet Criminals? Don't Allow Their Attacks, Prompt Routine Of Checking Every Site's Security If Negotiating Greenback. Angela Brett
89% ELEMENTSEuclid's Libers Expertly Made Evident Noncontradictory Theory of Shapes. Angela Brett
100% ELEPHANTExtremely Large, Extremely Ponderous, Has A Nice Trunk Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ELEVATOREntire Levitation Etymology Varies According To Origin's Requirements Gavin Lambert (referring to how a different name is used for the same thing in other parts of the world)
100% ELFEnergetic Little Fellow Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
93% EL GOONISH SHIVEEveryday Lives Generated On Occasion? Not In Shive's Half-Serious Humor-Intensive Version of Earth. Inev; El Goonish Shive ©2004 Dan Shive (see http://elgoonishshive.com/)
100% ELIAEloquent Lamb Is Anonymous Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Writers
91% ELITE FORCEEmergency Light Infantry - They Eliminate Foes Or Round-up Criminal Elements Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% ELIZABETHEvidently Linux Is Zenithal - All Boxes Exhibit Technical Homeostasis. Angela Brett, referring to her sister, who likes Linux.
Names:First names:Female
100% ELIZABETH (2)Eloquent, Live, Intelligent, Zesty... A Bit Excitable Though, Hehehe. :) wishes and Angela Brett
Names:First names:Female
100% ELIZABETH (3)Eager Lass Ignites Zeal Activating Best Efforts To Heaven Jan Morgan -- someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% ELKEmerges Large Kin Jan Morgan -- a kin to DEER
100% ELKANAHEverybody Likes Kinship And New Activities Here David Brydon, referring to the Elkanah school of music ministry - see http://www.elkitesonline.homestead.com.
100% ELLIEExciting Lass Loves Impressive Efforts Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% ELMOExcitable Little Monster Overachieves Jan Morgan - Sesame Street (red) monster
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% ELRONDEgotistical Lad Rapist Of Naughty Dwarfs Carl Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% ELROND (2)Elegant Lazy Ruler Of Nostalgic Demigods Carl Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% ELROND (3)Elven Lord Raised One Noble Daughter Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% EL SALVADORExceedingly Lawless - Spain Acceded Liberation, Vicious Activities Destroyed Ollie & Regan. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ELVIS PRESLEYEternally "Las Vegas" In Showmanship, Performed/ Recorded Enduring Songs - Lives Eternally, Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ELVIS PRESLEY (2)Entertainer's Lovely Voice Is Stilled, Perhaps Recalling Extra Sexy Legmovements Entertains You Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EMACEven More Acceptable Contribution TMcCO'G - upon reading APPLE (6)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% EMACSEducational Machinery And Classroom Software Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% E-MAILEmitting Messages Along Internet "Lines" Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EMAILEmbarassingly, My Account Is Lacking Gavin Lambert, when his email address changed
100% E-MAIL (2)Electronic Memos Are In Line Jan Morgan
83% EMAIL (2)Early Mail At an Impossible Light Jonathan Allard
100% EMAIL ADDRESSESEach Man's 'At' Is Like A Direct Delivery Route - Envelopes, Stamps, Streets Electronically Superseded Angela Brett
100% EMAIL ADDRESSES (2)Excessive Millions Are Immediately Live After Doing Domain Registration - Eighty Similar Spams Every Second. Angela Brett - if you buy a domain name you can have every conceivable username @ that domain go to you, but spammers might send the same spam to many of the addresses hoping they're for separate people.
100% EMERALDEnduring Marriage Exhibiting Reliable And Lasting Devotion Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the emerald (55th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% EMERSONEnjoy Massachusetts Education Regarding Science Of Notification Angela Brett (according to http://www.emerson.edu/ Emerson College is the USA's only four-year college devoted exclusively to the study of communication and performing arts)
100% EMILIAEvil Males' Intriguing Loathed In Abundance Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Othello
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Othello
100% EMILIA (2)Every Man Is Lost In Admiration Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's (and/or John Fletcher's) The Two Noble Kinsmen
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Two Noble Kinsmen
100% EMILYExceptional Maid Is Lusciously Youthful Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% EMINEMEmulates Macho Insubordination, Nearly Eradicating Music Kenny Roy
100% EMMYExcellence Makes Me Yours Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% EMOTICONEverybody Munching One Turns Irreversibly Cute, Often Nauseating Patricia Rix
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% EMOTICON (2)Eyes, Mouth Or Teeth - It's Copied Over Network Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EMOTICON (3)Ever More Obtuse - These Indicators Convey Overt Nonseriousness Tony McCoy O'Grady, saying: .....there are emoticons for emotions I've neither heard of, nor experienced! %^&/>
0% EMOTICON (4)Expression Motifs On The Incline... Caret's Often Nose. :^D Angela Brett
100% EMOTICON (5)Electronic Mail's Oft-Typed Indicator Conveying One's Nuances Angela Brett
100% EMOTICONSEach Message On The Internet Contains Our Nonsensical Shapes Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EMPATHYEvery Man - Perceive Another's Thoughts. Hear Yourself? Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% EMPLOY ANGELA!Enthusiasm Means Productivity; Lots Of Yield And No Grumbling, Except Limited Ambulation. Angela Brett, whose resumŽ is at http://acronyms.co.nz/resume
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% EMPLOYEEExpecting Much Pay Leaves One Youth Especially Energized! Angela Brett, soon after finding out she'd got a job with SOEIDENTAL
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% EMPLOYEE (2)Everyone Marked "Personnel" Listed On Your "Employer's Expenses" Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% EMPLOYERSEvil Mice Pee Lastingly On Your Ears, Rodent Swine! Jeff Anonymous, referring to the attitude of some people against their employers. Salvaged from a failed mega-acronym.
People & Relationships:Insults
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% EMPLOYMENTExpenses Much Padded? Look Out - Your Monthly Emolument Needs Tackling Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% EMPOWEREnthusiasm & Motivation, Plan, Organize, Work, Evaluate, Refine. Rico Leffanta, as a 'modernisation' of POWER.
People & Relationships:Advice
90% EMPTY TALKEncompasses Meaningless Politician Talk and Yakking To Another Likeminded Kretin. Angela Brett
100% EMULSIONEach Meal Using Liquid Suspension Isn't Overly Nutritious Tony McCoy O'Grady (see GLOSS)
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
100% EMULSION (2)Evening Meal's Unusually Luscious - Stir It Often, Naturally Tony McCoy O'Grady, to balance EMULSION
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
100% ENABLEREver Noticed Addiction, But Let Everything Remain? Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% ENAMELExpect No Appetising Meals Eating Lacquer Tony McCoy O'Grady (see GLOSS)
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
100% ENAMEL (2)Everyone Needs A Meal - Eat Liberally Tony McCoy O'Grady, to balance ENAMEL
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
0% ENCOURAGEMENTExplosions Need Collating. (I) Openly Urge ResEditing A Great Enumeration of Mindless, Empty Noises. Thanks! Angela Brett, when Tony said he would need some encouragement to go through software looking for more sounds for this stack, if we decided to use sounds other than the laughs he'd already collected.
People & Relationships
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% ENCOURAGEMENT (2)Expansions Needed... Come On! Usual Rico / Angela Garbage Eventually Makes Extinct New Thought. Angela Brett, when for a while most of the acronyms contributed were from her or Rico.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ENCRYPTIONEach New Code Requires Your Powers To Interpret Others' Notes. Angela Brett
100% END ABUSEEnsure Nobody Deals A Blow; Unfairness Saddens Everyone Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% ENDEARMENTEveryone Needs Devotion Expressed Aloud. Romantic Men Emote Needful Twitterings Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% ENDINGEvery Near-Death Indicates New Genesis Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
94% ENDOCRINE GLANDSEverybody Needs Dispersal Of Chemicals Released Internally, Naturally Evincing God's Love of A Neat Distribution System Tony McCoy O'Grady, who finally got tired of seeing this subject every time he logged on to the "Unsuccessful Searches" page at http://acronyms.co.nz/cgi-bin/searches
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% END-TO-ENDExtremeties Neatly Dovetailed Together, One Ensures Neat 'Dressing' Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% ENDURE TO THE ENDEternal Nature Deems Unusual Righteous Endurance. Today Or Tomorrow's Heavenly Earth Eventually Negotiates Divinity Jan Morgan
100% ENDURE TO THE END (2)Every Nurtured Dealings Usually Rely Endlessly Towards Our Truth Healing End. Eternity Never Dies Jan Morgan
100% ENEMY AT THE GATESEnemies Never Ending - Military Youth Accurately Targets Those He Executes: German Army That Encircles Stalingrad Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ENERGY MANAGEMENTEveryone Needs Electricity. Remember, Get Your Machines Audited Now And Get Extra Money Every New Term Angela Brett (if you take notice of what's using more electricity than necessary you can save money on power bills.)
91% ENGAGEMENTEnraptured Nubile Guy And Gal Entering Marriage to Enjoy Nuptial Togetherness Eric Bridgstock
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% ENGINEEmits Noxious Gases Into Noisy Environment Eric Bridgstock
Transport:Car Parts
100% ENGINEERINGEdifices Need Great Ingenuity Nowadays. Elegant Erections Require Innate Native Genius Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ENGLANDEuropeans? Not Generally, Louts Arouse National Dislike Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ENGLAND (2)Ever Nostalgic, Green Lush Area, Nice Destination Jan Morgan
100% ENGLISHEccentricities Numerous... Grammar Learning Is Superlatively Hard. Angela Brett
100% ENGLISH (2)Essential Near-Global Language Is Superior, Honestly Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ENGLISH (3)Email's Now Global - Language Is Surely Hegemonic! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ENGLISH (4)Each New Generation's Learning Involves Shakeapeare's Heritage Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays
78% ENGLISH (5)European Normative Grammar for Linguistic Interoperability and Syntactic Harmony Alistair Lovegrove
88% ENGLISH (6)Easy, Nice and Great Language If Studied Hard Son Hong Nguyen -- This apronym is recommended to English teachers as an amusing introduction to the language.
100% ENGLISH (7)Everybody Needs Global Language - It Solves Hassles Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ENGLISH (8)Especially Needs Good Learners -- It's Superbly Hard! Jeff Anonymous
100% ENHANCEExperts Now Have Added Newly Coloured Elements Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% ENHANCING BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPEvery Nerd Hampers After New Computer. If Network Geek's Busy Using Some Incredibly Neat Equipment, She Should Respect Employer, Laughing At Technical Idiocy Only Near Somewhere He Isn't Present. Angela Brett, who is sure she'd be in a consistently better mood if she could use a PowerMac G5 at work.
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% ENIDEncourages Novice In Direction Jan Morgan - someone I knew
Names:First names:Female
100% ENID BLYTONEvery Nursery Is Delighted - Babies Love Your Tales Of Noddy Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Writers
100% ENIGMAEvery New Iteration Generates More Animosity Sean Lamb (Enigma was the code name for RedHat Linux 7.2)
Names:Code Names:Linux
100% ENOLA GAYExploring Nippon Over Land Awakens Grisly Atomic Yesterdays Rico Leffanta
100% ENRONEarth's Natural Resources - Or Nothing! Rico Leffanta
100% ENRON (2)Executives Nefariously Realise Outrageous Net Rico Leffanta
100% ENRON (3)Executive Neighs Reinforce Official "Nays" Rico Leffanta
100% ENRON (4)Employees Now Retire On Nothing Rico Leffanta
100% ENRON MACHINE GUN "E" Nudged Really Ominously Notifies Malfeasance. A Computer Has Insides Not Expected, Generates Unwanted Noise. Jeff Anonymous, referring to the dark side of his desktop computer (the sound card was misrepresented and there is some odd fan noise) and the fact that Dell and the defunct energy company Enron share the "crooked E" logo. Suffice to say that his eyes have looked towards Apple for the next upgrade cycle.
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% ENTEat No Trees! Carl Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% ENT (2)Enormous Noble Tree Carl Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% ENTEIElusive, Not Trappable Every Instance Dundee (Entei is Pokemon #247 - one of the three legendary beasts which is very difficult to capture)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
83% ENTEREnter Now, Then Exit (at) Rear Dundee
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% ENTERPRISEExploring New Territories / Extremely Remote Planets & Regions Is Starships Errand Bones McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows
95% ENTERPRISE SECURITYEvery Network Technician Eeverywhere Respects Privacy Rights Implicitly. Still Every Single Enterprise Consultant Usually Realizes it Isn't True Yet. Sean Lamb
91% ENTHUSIASMEagerness Neglects Thought. Hazardous Upsurge Suggests Inability to Assume Serious Meditation Tony McCoy O'Grady, finding more faults in MacGirl
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESSEarth's Natural Vistas Indeed Require Our Nursing. Make Everyone Notice The Amazing Landscapes And Wetlands, And Recycle Everything, Not Extravagantly Scrapping Scraps. Angela Brett
93% ENVY WITH GREEDExhibiting No Virtue, You Want It! To Hell with Generously Regarding Everyone Else's Desires Angela Brett, who wants to get rid of the 'with' but not the 'To Hell'.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% EOSEclipse Or Sunrise Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% EPHEMERALEverything Passes Hurriedly, Especially Mayflies - Earth's Rotation's A Lifetime. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EPHEMERAL (2)Earth's Pirouette Has Especially Morbid Effect, Restricting A Life. Angela Brett
100% EPHESIANSEdited Pauline Handiwork Explains Spiritual Intentionality. All Need Salvation. Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
100% EPICENTERExpanding Peacefully Into Community, Engaging Neighbours To Enrich Religiouslife Tony
Religion:Men's Ministry
100% EPIMEDIUMEnhances Potency In Males - Extends 'Duration' In Underperforming Men Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% EPIPHANYExternal Presentation - It Possibly Happened Around New Year Tony McCoy O'Grady - The Christian celebration of "The Epiphany" recalls the visit of 'The Magi' to the new-born Saviour - His first presentaiton to non-Jewish people, it is celebrated on January 6th
Time:Special Occasions
88% EPISODEExcitement Promised In Serialised Offerings of Dangerous Escapades Tony McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows
100% EPISTLEEveryday Post Is Slow! This Letter's Electronic. Tony McCoy O'Grady
80% EPISTLESEloquent Presentations of Intellect Stylishly Translated into Letters - Email Sent! Angela Brett
100% EPONAEquestrians Plopped On Nags Abnegate Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
90% EPSOM SALTEver Painfully Shat? Open Mouth, Stick-in A Laxative Tablet. Jeff Anonymous
100% EPSOM SALT (2)Extremities Painful? Soaking Of Members Slowly Allays Lingering Tension Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EPSOM SALT (3)Everyone Please Stay Off My Salted, Aching, Little Toe Charlie
100% EPSONEvil Printer Supplier Overcharges Needlessly Jeff Anonymous (in reference to Epson's practice of gouging on inkjet cartridges)
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% EQUALEnigmatic Question Upsetting Answers Levelled Rico Leffanta
Assorted Adjectives
94% EQUATORIAL GUINEAEvidently Quite Usual African Tribes Operate Republic In A Largely Genuinely Unspoiled Independent Nation (in) Equatorial Africa. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EQUESTRIANEven Queen - Uh - Elizabeth Strives To Ride Irascible Anne's Nags Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
100% EQUESTRIAN (2)Evidently, Queers Understand Equines Superbly... They're Riding In Australia Now. Angela Brett, because it seems that most members of the New Zealand equestrian team in the Sydney olympics are homosexual.
Sports & Recreation
100% EQUIVOCALEmpirical Queen Uttering Indecent Virginal Orchestrations Climaxing Amoral Love Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% ERASEvents Rise And Shine Rico Leffanta
75% ERBIUMEmployed in Reactor Bits. It's Uses (are) Marginal. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ERICExact Retribution In Coinage Tony McCoy O'Grady (Crossworders will know that an 'eric' was a fine payable by a murderer to the family of the victim)
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% ERIC (2)Expansions Result In Chuckles Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ERIC (3)Eats Ripple Ice-Cream Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% ERICAExpects Romance Is Coming Afterward Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% ERIEErie Railroad Is Extinct Sean Lamb (the Erie Railroad, chartered in 1832, ran between New York City and Buffalo (on Lake Erie) until it was merged into the Erie Lackawanna in the 1950s and later Conrail, which has now been split between CSX and Norfolk Southern)
100% ERIKEnchanting Rich Individual's Karma Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% ERISEarthlings Relish Interrupted Seasons! Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
88% ERITREAEthiopia Relinquinshed It, This Republic (of) East Africa. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ERNEST HEMINGWAYEspousing Rugged Nature (Eventually Suicided Though) He Epitomised Manliness In Novelists, Generally Wrote About Yanks Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Writers
100% ERNIEEverybody Regularly Needs Income Enhancement Tony McCoy O'Grady. - ERNIE is the name of the computer which picks (picked?) winning Prize Bonds in the UK. it stood for Electronic Random Number Indicator Equipment
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% EROGENOUS ZONESEasement Recognition Of Generic Erections Navigating Obstacles Usually Surrounding Zucchini Outlets Needing Extra Stuffing Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Science:Biology:Body Parts
89% ERRANTRYEssentially Romantic Roaming (for) Adventures, New Things Reward You. Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% !ERROR! ?MESSAGE?Evaluation Required! Read Old Recondite Manuals! Exhaust Sentience Spirit! !Apathy! !Generally! !Ensues! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
94% ERROR POINTER-OUTEREver Resourceful Resource Organiser Rapidly Points Out (In Nit-pickingness & Tediousness) Errors. Remote Oldie Unfailing Types Errors Repetitively Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela pointed out he'd missed out a word in his HEARTBURN expansion.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% ERUDITEExtensive Reading Usually Develops Intellectual Talent Effectively. Roger Williams
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% ESACEnd Statement After 'Case' Angela Brett -- in a bash script, to end a case block you use 'esac', to end an 'if' you use 'fi' and to end a 'do' you use... 'done'. Nobody ever called bash intuitive. ;^)
100% ESCAPEExtreme Situations Catapult Anxious Permanent Exits Ian Rywalt (I've contributed a couple of other apronyms a long time ago). The first two letters were easy to imagine, the rest was sculpted from the dictionary and thesaurus, with an intent to force a suitable exit strategy. The apronym could alternatively be written as "Extreme Situation Catapults Anxious Permanent Exit", but I like the plural form better.
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% ESCAPISMEveryone Should Create A Paradise Inside Stultified Mind TMcCO'G
People & Relationships
100% ESCARGOTEscaping Snail Craps And Regurgitates Garlic On Throat Rico Leffanta
89% ESCARGOT (2)Eww! Snails! Carry Away Right-now! Gimme Other Things! Jeff Anonymous
100% ESCHEREscher Sketches Cunningly Harness Expressive Recursion omnicronos (Note the deliberate recursion :-)
Names:Famous people
Art & Literature
100% ESCOFFIEREspecially Successful Chef Offered French Food In European Restaurants Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Chefs
100% ESOPHAGUSExhaust So Offal Passes Heart And Goes Under Scrotum Rico Leffanta
Science:Biology:Body Parts
86% ESPEONEvidently Some Pokemon's Evolved, Or Newly-reincarnated TMcCO'G
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% ESPNEighty Seminole Points - Nil. Angela Brett, in response to this request on the Apronyms Forums: We have a game coming up with our rival school, the Florida Gators. We are the Florida State Seminoles. and we want an Acronym for ESPN with something clever about us winning. If anyone could help that would be great.
Sports & Recreation:Florida State Seminoles
100% ESPN (2)Extraordinary Sports People, Natives Angela Brett, in response to this request on the Apronyms Forums: We have a game coming up with our rival school, the Florida Gators. We are the Florida State Seminoles. and we want an Acronym for ESPN with something clever about us winning. If anyone could help that would be great.
Sports & Recreation:Florida State Seminoles
80% ESPN (3)Every Schools' Playing-field Nemesis Tony (see ESPN)
Sports & Recreation:Florida State Seminoles
100% ESPN (4)Energetic Sports Played Nastily Tony (see ESPN)
Sports & Recreation:Florida State Seminoles
100% ESPN (5)Expect Some Personal Naughtiness Tony (see ESPN)
Sports & Recreation:Florida State Seminoles
100% ESSEXEnglish Slags Selling Erotic 'Xperiences TMcCO'G - "Essex Girl" is a wellknown expression in England.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% ESS-OH-ESSEncoded Scream Starts Off Harbourmaster's/Hero's Emergency Safety Strategy Angela Brett (see DOTDOTDOTDASHDASHDASHDOTDOTDOT)
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% ESTHEREvidently She Treated Her Existence Religiously Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
97% ESTIMATING AND COMPARING CAPACITYEssential Skill Today Is Measuring Approximately - That Is, Nearest-Guess About Next Drink's Content Of Methanol-like Poison. Alcoholics Reason, 'If New Glass Contains A Paltry Amount, Cheers, I'll Take Yours.' Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% ESTIMATIONExperience Sole Teacher In Murky Art, There Is Often None. Angela Brett, after somebody at work said that estimation is a black art and the only way you can get better at it is with experience.
Assorted Nouns
100% ESTONIAEventually Soviets Thrown Out, National Independence Attained. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ET CETERAEchoing Thoughts Create Endless, Termless Expressions, Repeating Aimlessly Melanie Merswolke
100% ETERNALEverlasting Truth, Eternally Right, Nuptials Always Lasting Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% ETHIOPIAEnduring The Heat Is Onerous, Poverty Is Apparent. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ETHNICITYEven Though Human Nature's In Common, Ideologies Throw You Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% EUCLID'E's Unclear... Can Lines Intersect Dually? Angela Brett, because Euclid's first postulate saying that a straight line can be drawn from any point to any point does not explicitly say that the line is unique.
100% EUDORAEmail Utility Demonstrates Over Reaching Achievement Gavin Lambert, who really likes it - most of the time!
100% EUDORA (2)Eponym's Unpronounceable. Dummies Only Rarely Accurate. Sean Lamb (who has heard too many users say "Endora" when they really mean "Eudora")
100% EUGENEExemplary Unique Gentleman, Encourages Negotiations Energetically Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% EULAExtremely Unappealing License Agreement EULA = End User License Agreement (Microsoft)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% EUNUCHEugenics Urges Neuter Up Choral Heights Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% EUREKA!Epiphanic Understanding Reached - Exclaim Knowledge Aloud! Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
100% EUROPEEncompasses Unique Regions, Own Purposes Emphasized Jan Morgan
100% EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCYExalted University Researchers Orgainsed Project Emulating American (NASA) Space Programme - Albeit Cannot Expend Asmuch Gelt Each New Calendar Year Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% EUROPIUMEvidently Ultra Reactive - Oxide's Phosphoresence Is Used (for) Magenta. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EUTOCIUSEssentially Updated The Others' Calculations - Inscribed Unoriginal Summaries. Angela Brett
100% EVA GABOREternal Virgin Always Going Around Breasting Other Romantics Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% EVANGELISTExpounds (Vehemently) A New Gospel, Explaining Life In Sacred Terms Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% EVANGELIST (2)Evil Villains, Admit Now: God Eternal Loves Incinerating Sinning Traitors/Terrorists/Trekkies/Tombrobbers/Townsfolk/Turtlepoachers/Thieves Jeff Anonymous, adding: something a mad Johnathan Edwards-like evangelist might say
Religion:Religious Occupations
96% EVERY ACRONYM UNDER THE SUNEach Vocabulary Entry Reaches Your Acronymiser's Creative Resources. Only Not-Yet-Mastered, Uncommon Nouns Don't Expand Readily. The Hardest Expansions Sometimes Use Non-words. Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% EVERY GIRL IN JERSEYEven Virgins Envisage Raw Young Girls In Routine Life In New Jersey Enjoying Rough Sex Every Year Chris Kjelgaard
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% EVERY WORD IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGEEvery Victorious Effort Reveals Your Worth! One Really Difficult Interpretation Names Thee Hero! Eventually Even Nonsensical Gibberish Leaves Insiders Shouting "Hurray!" Lastly, Acronym Neurosis Grows Unchecked, Aggravating General Excitability Patricia Rix
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% EVERY WORD IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (2)Extremely Valiant Effort - Regularly You Work On Reliable Dictionary; Incredibly, No Thesaurus Has Every Existing Nuance! Go Looking In Sundry Hackneyed Lexicons And Now Generate Universal Acronyms & Great Expansions Tony McCoy O'Grady and Patricia Rix
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% EVIDENCEEvidence Vindicates Indictment. Defenders Explain Nothing 'Cept Embarrassment. Sean Lamb
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% EVIL DEAD THREEExtremely Vapid, Incredibly Ludicrous, Decidedly Eccentric, Absurd, Deriding-Type Horror's Really Easily Enjoyed Inev
92% EVIL LAUGHTEREvidence of Vile Intent. Laughing Like An Unpopular Gangster Has Terrible Eerie Results Tony McCoy O'Grady
94% EVIL TWIN BROTHEREntirely Vile Intel-Loving Twit With Innovators' Name - Beige Remains On Top in His Evil Realm. Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing, thinking of Dustan's gatanist friend Steve and wondering how he could share a name with Jobs and Wozniak, then deciding perhaps he is COMMISSIONER STEVE's evil twin brother.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
100% EVOLUTIONEvery Viable Organism Lives Under The Influence Of Nature Angela Brett, who isn't sure just how much sense this one makes but it flows well.
100% EVOLVEDEvolving View On Life Verily Excited Darwin Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EXAMPLEEdifying Xplanation Always Makes People Learn Earlier Patricia Rix
100% EXAMSEvery "X" Attenuates My Score. Timothy Chambers
100% EXCALIBUREminent Xemplary Claymore, Arthur Lifted It, But Ultimately Returned Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% EXCEPT THAT ONE!Explicit Xclusion Communicated Excitedly: Pressing That Toggle Has Adverse Thrust. One Never Engages! Gavin Lambert, when Angela reminded him to expand anything in capitals -- his email signature is 'Press any key - EXCEPT THAT ONE!!!'
90% EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTSEverybody Xpects Executives Cannot Understand Things. It's Very Egregious And Secretaries Serve (as) Innocent Scapegoats, Taking All Nonsense (in) Their Stride Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% EXERCISEEnergetic Xertions Erase Rounded Curves, Instead Substituting Emaciation Patricia Rix
Sports & Recreation
0% EXODUS*Eventual eXit Of Descendants Out (of) Slavery Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
82% EXPANSIONExposures to X-rays Probably Are Not Safe, If Occasionally Necessary Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% EXPENSE CONTROLEver Xpanding Purchasing Ensures No Savings Exist. Can One Not Try Regulating Outgoing Lolly? TMcCO'G
100% EXPENSE MANAGEMENTEvery Xebec Put Elsewhere Needs Some Explicit Meaning And Necessity. Accountants Gain Extra Money Eliminating Needless Tarriffs. Angela Brett
88% EXPLODEExcessive X-particle Production? Lots Of Dust Everywhere! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
94% EXPLODE AND RELEASEExcessive X-particle Production? Lots Of Dust Everywhere After Nuclear Detonation. Resultant Energies Leave Each Area Sterile Evermore Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% EXPOSEExtricates Xerox PARC's Overlapping Screen Elements Paul Marshall (an allusion to the MacOSX 10.3 feature)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% EXPULSIONExcited Xenophobic Pressures Usually Lead Surreptitious Illegal Overstayers Nowhere Leo Boyes
People & Relationships
100% EYEEspy Your Enemies Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
83% EYRIEElevated Yet Remote, Inhabitation (of) Eagles Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% EYRYEagle Young's Restroom Yesterday Rico Leffanta
100% EZEKIELExtremely Zealous Ecstatic Keenly Inveighs Exile Loudly. Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
100% EZRAExiled Zion Returns Again Eric Bridgstock
Religion:Bible books
100% FAFalsetto's Aria Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FA (2)Frolicking Americans Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the abbreviation for Florida.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Places:States & Regions
100% FAAAFrench Airstrip Along Atoll Rico Leffanta (Faaa is the name of the international airport for Papeete (Tahiti))
100% FABFantastic And Brilliant Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% FAB (2)Faintly Absurd & Backdated Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
83% FABLEFictional Account Bearing Lesson on Ethics. Angela Brett
Art & Literature
100% FABLE (2)Fictional Account By Legendary Eavesdropper Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature
100% FABLE (3)Faithful And Beautiful Lovers Exist Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature
100% FABRICFashion Artists Become Rich 'In' Clothing Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric
100% FABRIC (2)For A Breakfast Reduced In Calories Angela Brett
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% FABRIC (3)For A Breakfast Rich In Cotton Angela Brett
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% FABRIC (4)Fibre's A Basic Requirement? I'm Confused Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% FABROSAURUSFast, Agile Beast Relies On Skillful Adaptation Under Relatively Unfriendly Situations Sean Lamb (Fabrosaurus was a small, bipedal herbivore discovered in Africa that had five fingers on its hands)
100% FACADESFrontal Aspects Create A Desirable & Esteemed Streetscape Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FACEFocus Additional Cosmetic Enhancement Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% FACTFunny Acronym-Connected Trivia Angela Brett, to use as one of the headings on the ACRONYMS front page until someone thinks of something better.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% FACT (2)Found Absolute, Concrete Truth Roger Williams
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% FACTORYFabricate Any Concoction To Order; Relieve Yourself. Rico Leffanta, who explains "I think factories are much the same around the world, i.e. they fabricate the order and the revenge themselves by urinating on it or otherwise fouling the order."
100% FACTSFreddie Always Comes Too Soon Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% FACTS (2)Fundamentals Are Conveyed Too Slowly Angela Brett
Education:Slow Teaching
100% FAGFrequently After Guys Edwin Hermann
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% FAG (2)Few Aren't Gay Edwin Hermann
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% FAGGOTFellows Are Gay? Good On Them! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% FAGSFormerly A-Grade Smokes Angela Brett
86% FAILERFailure Approaching = Income Lower than Expenses Repeatedly Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% FAILS'Flocci...' Acronym Is Laudable Subject! Tony McCoy O'Grady, responding to Jeff's THEORY with 'As I am not my own son, this idea - like many things - works fine in theory but fails in practice.' Jeff had promised to acronymise floccinaucinihilipilification if his THEORY were correct.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% FAIL SAFEFamily! Adult In Loving Sweet Abode! Fails Employers! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Family
100% FAIL SAFE!Failure: Assuredly Impossible! (Lost Stability Automatically - First Energising!) Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Inciders obtaned this Ofishyule Seekret Docyoumeant of the SIRC (Sertintlee Infinnitlee Relieabell Corporation) "From page 123 of the SIRC (Proprietary Info): 'This widely advertised, THINGAMAJIG has specifications (inside parentheses are actual performance): Failure: Assuredly Impossible! (Loses Stability Automatically - First Energising). ONLY USE IN NO CHANCE TO SURVIVE MORTAL COMBAT ."Furthermore, because of our marketers' keen insight, we sold hundreds where the soldiers used THINGAMAJIGs only as specified. AS WAR GROWS SO SIRC'S CAPITAL GROWS"
Assorted Adjectives
100% FAILUREFeeding Acronymic Irishman's Large, Unusually Robust Ego Patricia Rix, when Tony said 'When it comes to acronyms, I don't acknowledge this as a word' after challenged to acronymise failure when someone searched for it on the website. Patricia said he was asking to be TAKEN DOWN A PEG and then produced this acronym.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% FAILURE (2)Failure = (Assets + Income Lowering Uncontrollably Repeatedly) < Expenses Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% FAILURE (3)Funds Are Inadequate, Loads Under Running Expenses. Angela Brett
100% FAINTFeel(s) As If Not There Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
90% FAIRCHILDFine Aircraft, It Reaches Cloud-Height Instead of Lower Down. Angela Brett, when she realised that the aeroplane she was travelling in was a Fairchild... yep, that is the kind of plane that those people crashed in and ended up eating each other. See also WINDOW SEAT.
100% FAIRYFanciful Aerobic Individual Raising Yawns Mary Carr
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
100% FAISALFellow Arabians, Intelligent, Smart And Loyal Faisal Yaqoob
Names:First names:Male
100% FAITHFeeling As If There's Heaven Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% FAITH (2)Full Assurance. Invisible = Trusted Hope! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Reference: Hebrew 11:1.
100% FAITH (3)Fantastic Adventures In Trusting HIM CJ
100% FAITHFULFacts: Almighty = Individuals' Trust! Hebrews 11. Fulfilled Unseen's Love/Law! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% FAITHFUL (2)Faithful Accept Infinite's Truth! Hold Fully Unlimited Love! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% FAITHFUL (3)Firm Allegiance In True Heart Falls Under Loyalty Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% FAKEForgeries Are Kinda Expensive Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% FAKE (2)Fraud Artists Kid Everyone Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% FAKE (3)Fools Are Knowingly Ensnared Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% FAKE (4)Forged A Karat, Expertly Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% FAKESFool And Kwanza Easily Separated Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% FALCONFords Are Like Cars, Only Nicer Angela Brett, who actually has no opinion on which car makes are better.
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% FALLFrightened About Looming Landing Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
Sports & Recreation:Parachuting
100% FALL (2)Frantic Anti-Levitational Locomotion. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
Sports & Recreation:Parachuting
100% FALLINGForget About Lost Luggage - Incompetence's Now Grave! Angela Brett, referring to a falling aircraft and the presumed incompetence of whoever's flying it, compared with that of the luggage clerk who sent your luggage to Murmansk.
100% FALLING BEHINDFeeling A Little Lacking? In Nether Grades Because Education's Heading In Negative Direction Tony McCoy O'Grady
96% FALLING ON THE GROUND LAUGHINGFace And Legs Lost If Naughty Giggling Overwhelms Nerve Transmission... Hilariously Each Guffaw Reinforces Our Uncontrollable Near-Delirious Lather. Avoiding Urination Gets Harder - It's No-longer Good! Angelastic
100% FALSTAFFFriendly And Loyal Supporter, Though A Fat Fool Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry IV
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry IV
100% FAMILYFather And Mother, I Love You. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
86% FAMILY (2)Friends And Macs Included... Loved-ones, Yes? Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
People & Relationships:Family
100% FAMILY (3)Freaks Aligned Monolithically In Living Yearbooks Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Family
100% FAMILY (4)Friends Are Members, In Life's Years Jan Morgan -- our family should be our friends throughout the years
People & Relationships:Family
100% FAMILY HOME EVENINGFun Activities, Meetings Involve Lessons You've Held On Monday Evening, Entertaining Ventures, Edible Nibbles Involve Nice Group Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Family
91% FAMILY TREEFinds Ancestral Members, Interred and Living. Your Tribal Relatives Expand Exponentially. Eric Bridgstock
People & Relationships:Family
100% FAMOUSFlaunting Ample Money, Often Under Scandal Angela Brett
Names:Famous people
100% FAMOUS (2)Finally A Merit Of Useless Submissions Carl Brett, after being informed that he'd submitted enough acronyms to get on the HALL OF FAME.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% FAMOUS POEPLE IN IRAQFingers Are Mischievous, One Usually Should Proofread One's Enquiries. Poe's Literary Endeavour, I'msure, Never Included Remote Arab Quarter TMcCO'G, when Angela accidentally let this misspelled phrase onto the Unsuccessful Searches list.
Words & Wordplay
100% FANForces Air Nearer. Roger Williams
Household Objects
100% FAN (2)Feeling Always Nice Jan Morgan
Household Objects
100% FANGORNForest Arouses Nervousness; Go Onward Reducing Noise Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Places:The Lord of the Rings
100% FANNYFortune Always Needs Nudging Yourself Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% FANTASTICFelt About Near To A Seizure. This Is Comical. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FANTASYFrequent Apparitions Necessary To Appease Sensual Yearnings Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% FARLEY MOWATFrozen Arctic Realms Lured Enterprising Young Man; Observed Wolves' Actions Thoroughly. Roger Williams
Art & Literature:Writers
80% FARMFinance All Relies on Meteorology Angela Brett
100% FARMERFriendly, Agricultural 'Real Man...' Endearingly Rugged. Mary Carr
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% FARTFree Air & Release Tension Angela Brett
80% FART (2)Fabled Acronymist Reaches Turning-point! Tony McCoy O'Grady, after Edwin heard that he was turning 50 and jokingly called him an old fart on the ACRONYMS forums.
People & Relationships:Insults
100% FASHIONFor A Sum, Hilfiger's Immaterial, 'Official' Name Patricia Rix
Household Objects:Clothing
100% FASHION (2)Fortunes Are Spent Happily In Overcoming Nakedness Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% FASHION (3)Fleeces And Shirts - Have It Overstamped "Nike" Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% FASHION (4)Forceful Advertising Seeds Homogeny, Imposing Others' Norms Angela Brett
People & Relationships
Household Objects:Clothing
100% FASHION (5)Forces A Spectrum, High Individuality Or Not Angela Brett -- it seems to be fashionable to be original and different, but only within certain limits.
People & Relationships
Household Objects:Clothing
100% FASHION MARKETINGFind A 'Statement', Hang It On Nonchalant Model, And Rich Kids (Exposing Their Insecurities) 'Need' Garment. Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing
100% FASHIONSFoster Adolescent Self-Hate If Outfit's Not Stylish Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing
100% FASHIONS (2)Fools Are Spending Hundreds; It's Old Next Season Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing
100% FASTFleet And Speedy Travel Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% FAST FOOD RESTAURANTFast All Starting/Sixth-month 2003 Tuesday/Third! Food: Obsessive/Organic Other Delightful/Days! Really Enjoyed Second-fast/Sound/Sleep/Sixth-month 2003 Tuesday/Tenth! Almighty/Advancing/Atonement! Ultimate Rest Assured Nightly! Tuesday/Trend! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Fast All Starting/Sixth-month2003 Tuesday/Third! What a day! I began fasting (only Tuesdays, Thank You) to lose weight. (Water only.) I had no idea that fasting would fast lead to the best sleep ever in 58 years. (Thursday 10 May 1945 to Tuesday 10 June 2003.) The night of my second fast (Tuesday 10 June) started a TREND. Submit Date: Daytime Friday 5 September 2003. (Tuesday Night 10 June to Thursday Night 4 September 2003 were 87 Nights Of No-Tossing-And-Turning. 12 Weeks + 3 Nights.) When I want to sleep, I lie flat on my back, until I doze. Once asleep, I stay in the same position, until awakening.
Food & Drink
91% FAST GROWTHFeeble And Small? Then Get Ready (for) Our Wonderful Thyroid Hormones Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FASTINGFeasts Are Stopped To Interprete Neccessary Glimpses Jan Morgan - a prayerful fast helps you make important decisions and can help in crisis situations like illnesses
Food & Drink
100% FASTPHONEFunds Are Speedily Transferred, Particularly Handy On Near-Empty. Angela Brett, who often uses her bank's Fastphone service to transfer funds from her savings account to her EFTPOS one.
100% FAST THINKERFamed Action Superhero. Thought Transference Happens Instantaneously, Non-Kinetic-Energy Radiation. Tony McCoy O'Grady, as a further explanation of SWIFT.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:(Wannabe) Superheroes
100% FAST TRACK For A Shorter Transport Time, Railways Are Car Killers! Angela Brett
100% FATFrom Animals, Tallow/Tasteless Jan Morgan - Tallow is animal fat as well as the kind we cook with
Food & Drink
100% FATALForwards Abruptly To After-Life Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% FAT CHANCE!Forever Anonymous. Terribly Cruel, Hey? Anonymity: Nice! Creative, Exceptional! Jeff Anonymous, as a response to NEW ACROS (2).
Assorted Phrases
100% FAT FREEForget Adding Tax For Rightful Extra Energy! Angela Brett, thinking that 'fat free' signs could be advertising that you don't have to pay for the fat - although in reality food with such a sign cost more and have less fat in them, which seems like a RIP-OFF
Food & Drink
100% FATHERFearless Adult That Hinders Equal Responsibilities Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Family
100% FATHERSForbid All Teenage Happiness - Especially Recreational Sex Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Family
100% FATHERS (2)Fellows Attempt To Help Everyone Redeem Souls Tony
Religion:Men's Ministry
100% FATUOUSFrigid Aunt Tugging Udder On Unbridled Steer Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% FAUNAFields Are Usually Nourishing Agriculture Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% FAWNFrisky Almost Weaned Native Rico Leffanta
100% FAXForward A Xerograph Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% FEAKLEFacial Expression Akin-to Kiddie-Leering Elder's Tony McCoy O'Grady (Feakle is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'To make facial expressions similar to those that old gentlemen make to young girls in the playground.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
80% FEARFacing End of Aimed Rifle Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% FEAR (2)Frightened? Expect Adrenalin Rush Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% FEAR (3)Faithful Entreat A Rescue Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% FEAR (4)Foes Engender A Response Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% FEAR (5)Fright Evokes A Reaction Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% FEAR AND LOATHINGFOLDOC Explains Acronym; Really, All Now Do Loathe "Other" Architecture That Honestly Is Not Good Rob Rix, inspired by the FOLDOC entry at http://foldoc.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?query=fear
86% FEAROWFlies Easily, Aided by Resplendent Oversized Wings. Angela Brett (Fearow is Pokemon #22)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% FEBRUARYFrosty, Exceptionally Blustery, Rainy Usually, After Recent Yuletide Tony McCoy O'Grady, who lives in the northern hemisphere.
100% FEBRUARY (2)Feels Extra Blustery, Raincoats Usually Are Required, Yeah? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FEBRUARY (3)Frozen Exhaled Breath Rises Upwards And Rimes You Patricia Rix
100% FECKLESSFriends Evade Challenges Knowing Love Excuses Self Service Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% FEDERATIONFrom Each's Democracy, Eventually Regions Are Turning Into One Nation Tony McCoy O'Grady - looking at the (likely) distant future of the EU
80% FEETFantastically Effective & Environmentally-friendly Transport Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% FELIXFree Enterprising Lad Is Xenophobic Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% FELLATIOFeeling Energetic? Laps Love Affection Testing Intercourse Orally Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% FEMALEFor Ever Moaning About Littlest Errors Steve Keate and Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% FEMALE (2)From Eden; Makes Adam Largely Excited Ian Rywalt
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% FEMALE DIVORCEDFinally Exited Marriage After Long Endured Distress (Including Violence Occasionally). Recently Court Ended Dispute Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% FEMALE DOGFrom Every Mammy Alsation's Litter, Extract & Develop One Guidedog Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FEMALESFor-Ever Making A Lover Exasperatedly Sigh Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% FEMALES (2)Flimsy Entities Males Attain Lewdly Enforcing Sexuality Steve Keate and Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% FEMALES (3)For Entertainment, Many Are Laying Evil Scheme(r)s Steve Keate and Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% FEMININEFrail Entity Making Idiotic Noises In Nefarious Environment Tony McCoy O'Grady, while looking for MacGirl's faults, alleges that 'girls just squeak and squeal when faced with danger!' Not MacGirl, no... MacGirl is brave, MacGirl is fearless. MacGirl is... eek, is that a (three button) mouse over there? Heeelp!
MacGirl & KeyBoard
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% FENCEFringe End Nullifies Coming / Exiting Jan Morgan
Assorted Nouns
100% FENCESForce: Even Not! Cage Envelops Stuff! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Concentration camp, World War 2. See THEULTIMATENONVIOLENTMAN.
Military:War & Terrorism
100% FENCINGFoil Epee Nobly; Crouching Is Never Girlish Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
89% FENG SHUIFar Eastern New-age Guidance; Should Have Uncluttered Interior Eric Bridgstock
100% FENG SHUI (2)Fashionable Energy Nurturing. Get Some Help Understanding It. Eric Bridgstock
89% FENG SHUI (3)Fixes Energy Negatives. Gets Shot of Harmful Unwanted Items Eric Bridgstock
100% FENTONForest Escapade's Neat Trick, Organizing Nuptials Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Merry Wives of Windsor
90% FERDINANDFolly Ensues Resolution. Disguised Identities Needed After New-found Devotion Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Love's Labours Lost
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Love's Labours Lost
100% FERDINAND (2)Father's Exact Reverse, Depicting Innocent Nature And Native Decency Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Tempest
100% FERMATFamous Equation Really Made Andrew Think! Angela Brett (Andrew Wiles eventually proved Fermat's Last Theorem centuries after Fermat's death.)
88% FERMIUMFermi, Enrico Recalled to Mind. It's Unnaturally Manufactured. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FERRARIFast Exotic Red Roadcar. All Round Italian Eric Bridgstock
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% FERRARI (2)Fabulously Engineered Racer. Red And Rather Innovative Eric Bridgstock
Transport:Car Makes & Models
78% FERRARI (3)For Enthusiasts of Racing. Red Automobiles. Race-bred Italians. Eric Bridgstock
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% FERRETFurry Entity Rootles Rabbits & Eats Them Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FERRITE COREFew Engineers Realize Ram Is Technology Evolved 'Cause Of Researching Engineers Sean Lamb (who remembers seeing photos of ferrite core memory from his own college days)
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% FERRY TICKETForget Enduring Road Rage - You'll Travel In Comfort, Knowing Entrance Time. Angela Brett
100% FERTILITYFairly Easy Reproduction, Though Initiating Life Is Terrific Yield Angela Brett
100% FESTEFool Enters Singing Three Elegies Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Twelfth Night
100% FETISHFinding Eroticism Through Item's Strange Hold Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% FFESTINIOGFoggy, Fuel Embarks Station, Trains In Noble Ignited Offerings Given Jan Morgan (coal is mined in the town and trains deliver it)
Places:Towns & Cities
100% FIANCEFellow Is Apparenly Now Classified "Engaged" Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% FIATFascist Is A Tyrant Tony McCoy O'Grady - "fiat" is Latin for "let it be done" and means a formal or solemn command (Star-Trek-speak is "make it so"!)
100% FIAT (2)Fiat Is Always Trouble. Tiny Lee
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% FIBERFood Is Best Eaten Raw Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% FICTIONFancy Is Creatively Treated In Original Novel Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% FIDELITYFavouring In Decent Exposure Love Issued To You Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% FIELD DAYFather Is Endorsing Letter - Don't Do Anything Yucky! Angela Brett, thinking about permission slips for school outings.
Time:Special Occasions
100% FIELD MARSHALFool Is Elevated Loftily.... Drastic Misjudgement! Adores Regimentation, Secretly Hasn't 'A Life' Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FIFEFingering Is Fairly Elaborate Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FIFTEENFifteen Is Five Threes - Especially Endearing Number Tony McCoy O'Grady, saying that his son is fifteen.
100% FIFTEEN (2)Fifteen = Increment (Fourteen). Ten Evidently Exceeds Nine. Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% FIFTYFair In Face, Though Yellowed! Tony McCoy O'Grady, on his 50th birthday.
100% FIFTY (2)Folds In Face Triple Yearly :) Angela Brett
100% FIFTY (3)Frequently I'm Forgetting Things Yesterday! Angela Brett
100% FIFTY (4)F*ck! I'm Feeling The Years Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FIFTY (5)Frankly, I Feel Terrifically Young Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FIFTY (6)Frailty Is Finally Taking You Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FIFTY (7)Factorially It's (Five Tens) Years! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FIFTY (8)Fragile, Infirm, Forgetful, Tetchy, Yawning! Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% FIGUREFanciful Ideas in Geometry, Usually Rectilinear Equilaterals Angela Brett
100% FIJIFelicitous, Inspirational, Joyful Islands Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FILEFor Indicating Length - EOF. Angela Brett
100% FILESFresh Interns Love Elderly Seniors Dundee
100% FILES (2)Frequently Issued Letters Ensure Satiation. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FILET MIGNONFather-In-Law Eating The Meat; It's Grab Now Or Never Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink
100% FILMFantasy In Locked Mirrors Rico Leffanta
100% FILTERFast I Learnt To Extract Rubbish Edwin Hermann
Assorted Verbs
Assorted Nouns
92% FINAL FANTASYFight In New Alien Lands, Final Applicable in Name, They Actualy Should Yeild Dustan Dowsing, On how they ALWAYS say that this is the FINAL fantasy... but it never is
100% FINAL UPGRADEFinished It Now, And Launched Unto Public. Get Ready Advertisements Defining Enhancements TMcCO'G
100% FINANCIALFather, I Need A New Coat... I'd Appreciate Loan. Angela Brett
100% FINANCIAL AIDFond Infant, Not A Nickel Can I Advance 'Less An I.o.u. Devolves Patricia Rix, to follow FINANCIAL
100% FINEFromage Is Naturally Exquisite Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% FINE!Fine! In Next Encounter ...! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% FINEDFor Infraction, Ninety-Eight Dollars Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% FINGERNAILSFlexibility Is No Good - Enamelled (Red?) Nails Assist If Loosening Screws Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% FINGERPRINTSForensic Investigators Now Get Enhanced Results, Putting Rogue Individuals Near 'The Scene' Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% FINGERSFidgeting Indexes Negotiating Gently Enter Responses Slowly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% FINICKYFastidiousness Isn't Nice - It Could Kill You Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
88% FINICKY (2)Fellow Is Nit-picker: It's Curiously Kinky, Y'know? Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% FINICKY (3)Fussiness Is Numbing, Inhibiting Creative Kick - Y? Melanie Merswolke
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% FINISHEDFinally I've Nailed It, Software Has Earned Downloads Angela Brett, when she had at last got the Apronyms app for Mac OS X ready for release.
100% FINLANDFar Into Northern Latitudes Amongst Neverending Darkness Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FIONAFake In Own Narcissistic Appearance Jan Morgan - refering to a character in Cinderella Story (the movie)
Names:First names:Female
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% FIONA (2)Friendly In One's Necessary Achievement Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% FIREFlaming Inferno Radiating Energy Angela Brett, demonstrating what a true acroholic would say if someone yelled 'FIRE!' in the middle of the night.
100% FIRE (2)For Incinerating Rubbish, Etc. Angela Brett
100% FIRE (3)Fuel Is Rapidly Exhausted Angela Brett
100% FIRE (4)Flame Ignites & Roasts Eyebrows Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FIRE ALARMFalsely Indicates Required Evacuation, And Largely Annoys Regular Moviegoers Angela Brett, after being evacuated from a building (where there also were movie theatres) due to a false fire alarm.
89% FIREBIRDFor Internet Reading, Everyone's Browser Is a Resource Destroyer Sean Lamb (Firebird is the new name of Mozilla's browser component)
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
100% FIREFIGHTERFellow In Red Engine, Frequenly Involved Getting Hoses To Extinguish Roasters Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% FIREMENFlame Is Rising - Emergency Manpower Evidently Needed Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
People & Relationships:Disaster
90% FIREPLACEFuelled Ignition Radiating Energy (from) Paper, Logs And Coal Efficiently Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
100% FIREWIREFast Information Retrieval, Even Without Inconvenient Restarting Everytime. Angela Brett
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% FIRSTForemost Innovator, Respected Sage Top Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Adjectives
100% FIRST CLASSFor Its Rank Success, To Choose Lessons At Some Schools Jan Morgan -- Rank in Boy Scouts
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% FIRST IN LAST OUTFreshmen In Remedial Science Think "I'll Never Learn About Stacks. They're Onerously Unfathomable Today!" Sean Lamb (in computer science, a Stack is a First-In-Last-Out data structure)
100% FIRST PRESIDENCYFaithful Individuals Reverence Saviors Truth, Persons Responsible Entirely, Service Is Delegated, Examples Nobly Counsels You Jan Morgan -- what the head men of the LDS Church are called
Religion:Religious Occupations
95% FIRST TIME HOME BUYERFamily Is Readying Sibling To Take Into Mortgages (Earliest "House Of My-own" Experience's Best Undergone Young) & Expensive Repayments Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Family
100% FIRST-YEAR STUDENTSFriggin' Idiots Require Slow Teaching, Yeah? Educators Aren't Right - Some Totally Understand. Don't Emphasise Non-Troublesome Stuff. Angela Brett, after going to a first-year computer science lecture and being reminded of how much lecturers treat first-year students like idiots.
Education:Slow Teaching
100% FISHFins In Saline Habitat Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FISHLUREFeathers Intertwined Should Help Land Uniquely Rare Exhibit Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
83% FISHYFilthy Intense Stench Hang's-around..... Yeuch Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% FIVEFive Isn't Very Easy Angela Brett, when Dustan said that FIVE would be a difficult acronym to do.
91% FIXED MY MACFucked It Xpensively! Expertly Disabled Mac. Yes, Mine's A Cock-up! Tony McCoy O'Grady, after the expensive 'fixing' of Angela's Mac to get it working with her SCANNER in fact caused a few problems and didn't make it work with the scanner.
100% FLACCIDFloppy, Limp And Collapsed, Cock Is Dangling! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
80% FLAGFluttering Linen (is) Acclaimed Glorious Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% FLAG (2)Flutters Loftily And Gloriously Tony McCoy O'Grady - Prompted by the unsuccessful search for "WHAT DOES FLAG STAND FOR?", but taking it as a literal question what does "FLAG" stand for.
Assorted Nouns
100% FLAG (3)Flying Loose Above Ground Jan Morgan and Remington Morgan
Assorted Nouns
100% FLAMEFrom Lighting A Match, Etc. Angela Brett, trying a different kind of singer after Tony came up with expansions for several of the musical kind.
100% FLAME (2)Fire Licks A Million Eyebrows Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FLAMESForum Language And Manners Explode Spectaucularly Sean Lamb (who tries to stay out of 'net flame wars)
100% FLANFunny-Looking, Aromatic Nourishment Sean Lamb
Food & Drink
100% FLASHERFellow Likely Acting Sexual, His Exhibitionism's Ribald! Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% FLASH LASTFlirted, Loved, And Swallowed Hook Line And Sinker Terminally. Rico Leffanta, explaining that flashing last is going down in flames like a shooting star.
Assorted Phrases
100% FLATFew Landfills Are This Edwin Hermann
Assorted Adjectives
80% FLAT-SOLED SANDALSForget Laces And Tall Stillettos, Only Low-Elevation, Down-to-earth Sandals Are Now Desired. Alas, Low-heels (are) Scarce! Angela Brett, after finally finding some flat-soled sandals - it seems that most women's sandals have really high heels on them these days. Of course as soon as I found and bought some they started appearing everywhere.
Household Objects:Clothing
100% FLATTERERFalse & Lying Adulation Tends To Elicit Reponses Exposing Reprehensiblity Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% FLAT WHITEFeel Like A Tea With Herbal Infusions? Try Elsewhere! Angela Brett, thinking of it as a sign outside a coffee shop.
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% FLAT WHITE (2)Fine Little Apple That Will Have IBook Tykes Enthused. Angela Brett, thinking that the latest iBook, which is not curvy and colourful like the old ones, could be called the 'flat white'.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% FLAVIUSFaithful, Loyal And Valued (If Unsung) Servant Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Timon of Athens
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Timon of Athens
100% FLAWLESSFabulous Looking, And Without Little Errors - Simply Stunning Tony McCoy O'Grady - who knows the feeling :-)
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% FLAWSFaulty - Like A Windoze System Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% FLAWS (2)Feel Like A Woman Scorned Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% FLAWS (3)First Love All Went South. Rob Rix
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% FLEAFried Lightly Excites Appetite Rico Leffanta
100% FLECKFewer Lines Equals Conserved Kilobytes Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FLEDField's Left Empty/ Deserted Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% FLIESFood Lovers Ingredient Expressly Served Rico Leffanta
86% FLINCH'Flight-reaction" Looms - Is Not Continued However. TMcCO'G, a flinch is surely a vestige of the impulse caused by momentarily pondering the second option of a fight-or-flight situation.
Assorted Verbs
100% FLIPSIDEFraternal Love In Progress Sometimes Incorporating Digital Explorations Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% FLIRTFuture Lover Is Really Trying Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% FLIRT (2)Feel Like I'm Romantic Topgun Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% FLIRTINGFeel Like I'm Ready To Investigate New Guys/Girls Angela Brett, while pondering the difference between flirting and ordinary conversation.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
91% FLOPPY DISKForget Low-end, Obsolete Plastic Paralellograms... Your DIskettes Inefficiently Store Kilobytes. Angela Brett
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% FLORAFlowers Love Outdoor Rural Arrangements Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% FLORALFlaunting Likenesses Of Rhododendrons And Lilies Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% FLORENCEFish Lover Often Relishes Eating Nouvelle Cuisine Entrees Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% FLORENCE (2)Fridge 'Left Overs' Recipe's Evidently Not Considered Exciting Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% FLORIDAFeel Like Okefenokee Ramble's Innocuous, Despite Alligators? Patricia Rix
Places:States & Regions
100% FLORIDA (2)Famous Location Of Republicans' Illegal Democracy-Avoidance Chris Kjelgaard
Places:States & Regions
100% FLORIDA (3)Fresh Lovely Oranges, Rides In Disney Area Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% FLORIDA (4)Fun-Lovers Often Revel In Disney Attractions Tony
Places:States & Regions
100% FLORIZELFleeing Lord's Opposition, Romance Inspires Zesty Eloping Lovers Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Winter's Tale
100% FLOURINEFrequently Liquified On Unclean Reservoirs. It Nourishes Enamel. Tony McCoy O'Grady
90% FLOWCHARTFellows Look On When Company Hints At Re-organisation Theories Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% FLOWERFellow's Love Of Woman Expressed Romantically Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
80% FLUELLENFiercely Loyal. Use of English Language (is) Largely Excruciating Novel Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry V
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry V
100% FLUTEFlavour Lets Us Touch Exaltation Jason Wilcox
100% FLUTE (2)Flex Lips Until Tune Escapes Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FLUTESFingerwork Looking Uncomfortable, These Emit Sounds Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FLYFriends Loathe You Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
89% FLY A KITEFun Loving Youths Artfully Keep Item (from) Touching Earth Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% FLYERFrightful "Literature" You Eternally Refuse TMcCO'G referring to the handbills handed out on streets to passers-by
100% FMFunky Music Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% FOCUSFor Orbits, Centre's Usually Star Angela Brett
100% FOCUS GROUPFeed Our Customers Under Scrutiny, Gauging Reactions On Unfamiliar Products. Angela Brett
100% FOEFocused On Extinction Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% FOGFloating Otherworldly Gas Roger Williams
100% FOG (2)Freezing Of Groundair TMcCO'G
100% FOL-DE-LOLFell Over Laughing - Developed Emphysema Laughing Out Loud Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FOLKS AT HOMEFat Old Ladies Knitting Sweaters As Their Husbands Ogle Madonna's Equipment Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% FONDESTFeelings Of Nice Devotion, Easily Squashed Too Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% FONDLINGFake Orgasm Nerds Dont Leave Involved Naked Girls Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% FOODFoe Of Obsessed Dieters Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% FOOD (2)Finest Organic Ongoing Delight Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Organic Vegan admits that Total Organic, even with organic meat is more of a Delight than regular meat, although not Finest. (And I am certain that there are Organic Vegans with a higher/healthier experience than mine.)
Food & Drink
100% FOOLForeman Of Operational Lunacy Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations:Humorous Job Titles
100% FOOL (2)Fell Out Of Love Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% FOOTFrequently, One Of Three Tony McCoy O'Grady (The foot is usually overshadowed by the Yard, which is three foot long)
100% FOOTBALLFeeling Or Otherwise Touching Bums Always Looks Laughable! Patricia Rix (this is what we were discussing during the Superbowl: why men can pat each other's bums on the playing field but no other time)
Sports & Recreation
100% FORFather Of Repetition Angela Brett, because for is usually the best loop to use in C programs.
100% FORAFriendly Objection: Really "A" Jeff Anonymous, who prefers the term 'fora' to 'forums'
100% FORBIDDEN ACCESSFinding Oneself Repulsed By Internet Domain, Do Everything Necessary About Creating Complaint - Email Someone Sensible. Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to the same outage of the Acronyms forums which prompted Jeff's FOUR OH THREE.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% FORDFor Ordinary Road Drivers Eric Bridgstock
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% FORD (2)Fixed Often, Regularly Dead Susan S. I owned a Ford. It never gave me any grief, and it only cost me $1. I sold it for $10 after 5 years use. Not at all like this Apronym!
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% FORDSFor Overcrossing Rivers During Spates Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% FORDS (2)Full Of Rude Drivers Sometimes Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% FORDS (3)Fellows Ought Resist Driving Speedily Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% FORECASTFocus On Real Events - Can't Accurately See Tomorrow Angela Brett
91% FORECASTERFiendish Old Rogue Environmentalist, Climate Adjustment Specialist, Treacherous - Evil and Rotten. Tony McCoy O'Grady, thinking up another superbaddy.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
100% FOREIGN CURRENCYFor Overseas Revenue / Expenditure, I Get Notes Converted Using Rates Reckoned Everyday, Not Calculated Yearly Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FOREIGN CURRENCY (2)For Our Relief, EBay Is Giving, Not Canada's Unvaluable "Rupees"; Rather, Excellent Numerical Coinage - Yankee! Patricia Rix
100% FOREIGNERFrom Overseas, Residents Enraged If Growing Numbers Engender Resentments Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% FOREMAN OF THE JURYFinished Off Reviewing Evidence, My Announcement Notes Our Findings. Trial Has Ended, Judge Usually Rules Years. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% FORESTFormation Of Radiata Exist Standing Together Angela Brett
100% FOREST (2)Foliage Over Roots Enhances Several Trunks. Angela Brett
100% FOREST (3)Furthering Our Review Everyone Sees Trees. Roger Williams
94% FORGED SIGNATUREFraudsters Or Robbers Generally Employ Deception. Seldom Is Genuine Notation Available, The Usual Result (is) Embarrassment Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% FORGIVENESSFortitude Of Remission Granting Involves Vice Expelled. Never Ever Sin, Solace Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
80% FORKFeed Off Re-designed Knife Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
100% FORMFigure Of Representational Medium Angela Brett
Art & Literature
100% FORMULAFavourite Organised Recipe Measuring Unit's Logical Activity Rico Leffanta
90% FORNICATEFrequency Of Rumpy-pumpy's Nice If Couple Are Terribly Excited TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% FOR STARTERSFor Only Recently Shoud Those Adults Ready To Engage Really Start. John Block
Assorted Phrases
100% FORTForearmed Outpost Repels Tresspassers. Roger Williams
88% FORTRANFine Operations Regarding Transforming & Replicating Arrays of Numbers. Angela Brett
100% FORTRAN (2)Fine Operations Really Trivialise Replicating Arrays Neatly Angela Brett
100% FORTRESSFamily Of Ruler Took Refuge, Escaping Shooting Soldiers Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FORTYFactor Out Repeated Twenty Years Angela Brett
100% FORTY (2)Friggin' Old - RIP To Youth! Angela Brett
100% FORTY (3)Face One's Recession To Youth Jan Morgan
100% FORUM POSTFor Others' Reading, Utilise Message Placard On Server, Thanks! Angela Brett
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Page Titles
100% FORUM POST (2)Full Of Romance? Use Missionary Position On Sexual Trysts! Tony McCoy O'Grady, pretending the Acronyms forums are sex-oriented.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Page Titles
100% FORUM POST (3)Fearful Or Replying? Using Multiple Personalities Offers Safety Tips. Tony McCoy O'Grady, thinking that people might be nervous about leaving their email address on the forums if they were sex-oriented.
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Page Titles
100% FORUM POST (4)Follow Our Rules! Use - Mostly - Properly Operated Spelling Techniques! Tony McCoy O'Grady, after some purposeful and extremely unlikely misspellings were used in expansions in a forum post.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Page Titles
100% FORUMSFriends Overseas Regularly Use Message Service. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% FORUMS (2)Floor Open... Rejected Using Moderated System. Angela Brett, who decided not to make the Acronyms forums at http://www.co.nz/cgi/forums/start.cgi?id=acronyms moderated.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% FORUMS (3)Found Online, Responses Usually Mean Something Sean Lamb
90% FORWARDEDForum Outage Relayed to Webmaster. A Reply's Due, Edwin Dear! Angela Brett, when she forwarded Jeff's FOUR OH THREE to Edwin, the creator of the forums.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
86% FOSTERFocus On Some Trait Easily Re-aligned Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% FO TIFor One's Tea Infusion Angela Brett (I assume it's an accident that the name could be pronounced as a non-rhotic 'for tea' but apparently fo ti is used as a tea.)
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% FO TI (2)Flogged On The Internet Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% FO TI (3)Finest Of Traditional Infusions Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% FO TI ROOTFear Of Technology? Ingest Remedy Of Older Times! Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% FOULED UPFootballer's Out Until League's Ended - Dirty Ungentlemanly Player Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% FOUNTAIN PENFlows Out... Usually Nice, Though Also It Needs Protectors -- Easily Nasty. Jeff Anonymous. Fountain pens are nice -- I find that I can write better with one than with a ballpoint, though that's not saying much -- but if you put one in your shirt pocket, be sure that you are wearing a pocket protector if you like the shirt much or you don't want to be embarassed.
Household Objects
100% FOUR OFFSPRINGFew Of Us Refrain Or Forego Frolicsome Sensuous Petting - Resulting In New Generation! Tony McCoy O'Grady, after BRAT! asking, 'how does one manage FOUR OFFSPRING without petting?'
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% FOUR OH THREEForum Outage (Urk) Really Ouches Herr Tony's Honorable Ramblings. 'Elp, Edwin! Jeff Anonymous, when the Acronyms forums weren't working due to an error 403 - forbidden access.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% FOUR ZERO THREEFound One Useless Remote Zone? Edwin Required Obviously! Tell Him Ratty Eireannach's Enraged! Tony McCoy O'Grady (Eireannach = Irishman, in Irish) in response to Jeff's FOUR OH THREE, saying that "Oh" is a letter of the alphabet, not a numeral. One doesn't count Oh, One, Two, Three... It is either None, Nought or Zero.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% FRANCFrench Roundel; Alas, Nevermore Currency. Jeff Anonymous, on the former French currency, now replaced with the EU Euro.
100% FRANCEFrequently Reckoned As Narcissistic, Chauvinist Europeans Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FRANCE (2)Frequently Rude And Nasty Cheese Eaters W. Kline
100% FRANCE (3)Feeling Ruined Am Now Climbing Eiffel! TMcCO'G - on the eve of a trip to Paris to celebrate his wife's birthday.
100% FRANCESFriendship Reaches A New Class, Enter Safely Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% FRANCESCOFreedom Rings, All Necessary Concerns Eventually Satisfied, Carefully Obtained Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% FRANCHISEFellow Runs A New Company Having Invested Serious Equity Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% FRANCIUMFrom Radioactive Actinium. Number Conjectured, If Undiscovered, by Mendeleyev. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FRANK FORDFaithlessness Rankles And, Not Knowing, Falstaff's Obviously Raised Doubts Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Merry Wives of Windsor
100% FRANTFellows Restlessly Await Next Train Angela Brett (Frant is defined in The Meaning of Liff as meaning, 'The legal minimum distance between two trains on the District and Circle line of the London Underground. A frant, which must be not less than 122 chains (or 8 leagues) long, is not connected in any way with the adjective 'frantic' which comes to us by a completely different route (as indeed do the trains).')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% FRASIERFairly Risible American Series Is Exceptionally Ridiculous Tony McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
92% FRAUD ARTISTFellow Ripped-off And, Unsuspected, Deceived A Really Truthful, Innocent Store Tender Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% FREDERICKFractured Relationship Endures Destruction, Eventually Rebounds In Careful Kindness Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% FREE LOVEFor Relaxed Erotic Enjoyment & Lots Of Venereal Experiences Tony McCasanova O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% FREE OFFER!Funds Required: Exorbitant! Enticing Offer! Fools Futilely Expect Reward! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% FREE SPIRITFiercely Rebellious - Even Eccentric Sometimes - People! Individuality Resides Inside Themselves Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
80% FREEWAREForget Rude Expectations of Expenditure, Wallets Abhor Requests for Extraction Angela Brett/Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FREEWARE HYPERCARD STACKFirst Reason Everything's Easier With Apples: Reduced Effort Has Your Programmers Expecting Reduced Cost, And Readily Developing Something That All Consider 'Killer' Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% FREEZEFreshly Reaped Edibles Emit Zero Energy` Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
91% FRENCH KISSFrantic Romantic Encounter Nightly, Can Herald Kinky Introduction to Steamy Sex Angela Brett/Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% FRENGUELLISAURUSFew Reproductions Exist. Now Generally Unknown, Extremely Large Lizard Is Seen As Unusual Relative. Unknown Size Sean Lamb (Frenguellisaurus is judged to weigh about 770 pounds, based on fossils found so far. However, its exact size isn't very well known, and it's not a name that rolls off the tongue of most schoolchildren)
83% FREONForcibly Route Everyone to Our Network Sean Lamb (Freon was the code name Microsoft used for the XBox)
100% FRESH BREADFollowing Recipe's Essential - Some Half-Baked Rolls Even Appear Doughy. Angela Brett, who was determined to create an acronym with 'Half-Baked,' in it since that is used as an example in Tony's acronymising tips.
Food & Drink
100% FRIAR LAWRENCEFoolish Rascal. Intrigue And Romance Launch A Wretched, Ruinous End - Not Completely Exonerated Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Romeo and Juliet
75% FRIDAYForget Remorse, I'll Drink A Yard-of-ale Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FRIDGEFreezing Receptacle Including Digestable Goodies Endlessly Matthew Oram and Steve Keate
Food & Drink
Household Objects:Appliances
100% FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHEFrom Religion's Inquisitional Edicts Divine Religious Idiots Cherished Heaven Never Imagining Eternity Tolerated Zombie Suicidal Cries Hopelessly Everlasting Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Writers
100% FRIENDFearless Resolve In Every Noticeable Dealing Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
100% FRIEND OFFeeling Really Intimate - Enjoying Nice Depth Of Fellowship Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% FRIENDSFractious Relatonships In Endless Newyork Drama Series. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows
100% FRINGFilament's Rattled - It's Not Glowing Tony McCoy O'Grady (Fring is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'The noise made by light bulb which has just shone its last.')
Assorted Nouns:Noises
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% FRISBEEFlung Regularly In Sport, Breeze Extends Elevation Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
83% FROCKFemale's Ritzy Outerwear - Cocktail-party Kit Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% FRODEFiftyish Residents Of Deck Enlivened Angela Brett, referring to the character in 'The Solitaire Mystery' by Jostein Gaarder
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Solitaire Mystery
100% FRODOFurry Runt Of Dubious Origin Carl Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% FRODO (2)Fears Reaching Orodruin's Dire Outcome Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% FROG IN THROATFalse Ribbits One Gets If Needing The Health Resources Otorhinolaryngologists Assent To Angela Brett
100% FROM BEHINDFrightened Reaction Obviously Must Be Expected - Hindsight Is Not Directional! Angela Brett and Tony McCoy O'Grady, when somebody searched for 'from behind' on the Acronyms website.
Places:Positions & Directions
100% FROMMFrightfully Religious Or Mania Maker Grace Francis
Science:Linguistics:German Words
100% FROSSESFolks Really Organise Stupid Stuff, Eh Sista? Angela Brett (Frosses is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'The lecherous looks exchanged between sixteen-year-olds at a party given by someone's parents')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% FROSSES (2)Folks Really Organise Such Stupid Events... Seeya! Angela Brett (see FROSSES)
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% FROWNFrustrated Reasons Of Woe Neglected Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% FROZENFully Rigid, Obviously Zero Energy Needed Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FRUITFreshly Ripe Unique Item, Tasty Jan Morgan
Food & Drink
100% FRUSTRATEDFeeling Really Unable, Somehow, To Relate All The Embarrassing Details Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% FRYFood Ready Yet? Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% FTPFollow That Puppy! Angela Brett - FTP actually stands for File Transfer Protocol, but at least two Macintosh FTP clients have dogs in their icons.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% FUCHSIAFlowers Usually Cascade, Hanging Softly In Air Jan Morgan
100% FUCHSIA (2)Flowers Unusual Colors, Hanging Softly In Air Jan Morgan -- beautiful combinations in the 2 colored flowers
100% FUDDY DUDDYFouled Up Drunken Domino Yet Dressed Under Dole Drums Yesterday Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% FUDGEFabulous Unforgettable Delight Gives Enjoyment Jan Morgan
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% FUDGE (2)Fully Unequalled Dessert Generates Ecstasy Sean Lamb (Chocolates are said to have an aphrodisiac effect on some people...)
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Food & Drink:Confectionery
89% FULL TEXTFound Under Lexicographic Listings... The Entire Xpansion Treasure-trove. Angela Brett, guessing that whoever was searching for 'full text' on the ACRONYMS website was probably after the alphabetical listings at http://acronyms.co.nz/A.html
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% FUNFor Unrestrained Novelty Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% FUN (2)Frivolous, Upbeat Nonsense Patricia Rix
Assorted Nouns
92% FUNDAMENTALSFirst-year Undergraduates Not Dumb, Although Many Evidently Need To Always Learn Slowly Angela Brett
Education:Slow Teaching
100% FUNDINGFinancially Unstable, New Donor's Investment Now Glimpsed Tony McCoy O'Grady
92% FUNDRAISINGFrom Unneeded Nickels to Dollars, Reviving An Invalid's Smile... It's Nice Gesture. Angela Brett
100% FUNERALFamily Uncovers Necropolitan Expenses Reducing All Legacies Rico Leffanta and Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% FUNGIFoodies Usually Never Gobble Indiscriminately Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% FURFuzzy Unique Remnant Jan Morgan
Science:Biology:Body Parts
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric
100% FUSSYFidgety Unhappy Sprucer Sabotages You Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
0% FUTILITY*F = U.Ti+Li.tY: This is known as the futility constant. Once the forgetfulness happens it is futile to try to remember the missing bit. Tony McCoy O'Grady explains: The only problem with acronyms I find is that I think of bits of them in the most inappropriate places and/or forget the details later. This is especially true when I feel that the solution is a cracker. There is probably a mathematical relationship which states that the probability of forgetfulness (F) is in direct proportion to the uniqueness (U) of the solution multiplied by the inappropriateness (i) of the time (T) plus the inappropriateness of the location (L) when the Yippee moment occurs (inspiration strikes) this is then written (tY)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% FUTONFolding Usually Tangles One's Nails Jan Morgan
Household Objects:Furniture
100% FUTURE LEADERSFeisty Unabashed Teenagers Undergoing Regulqar Education Learn Elements About Democratic Elections Representing Schoolmates Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FUZZYFelt Unduly Zig-Zaggy Yesterday Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FUZZY (2)Food Undergoing Zippy Zymurgy Yesterday Rico Leffanta
100% FWIWFollowing Writing Is Waffle Angela Brett (FWIW usually stands for 'For What It's Worth')
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
100% FWIW (2)Find Whether I'm Wrong Angela Brett (FWIW usually stands for 'For What It's Worth')
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
75% FYI[I] Feel You're Idiotic Tony McCoy O'Grady (FYI usually stands for 'For Your Information')
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
100% FYRDForced Youth Recruitment Decreed Angela Brett
100% FYRD (2)Former Yoemanry Regular Division Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% FYRDSFor Year-Round Defense Services Angela Brett
100% G4Grasping 4 Hyper Unit
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
50% G4 (2)Good 4tune Angela Brett, because anyone who has a G4 is fortunate.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% GAGurgling Annoyance Jeff Anonymous (in reference to the baby noise)
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% GABGrumble, Argue, Bicker Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GAB (2)Garrulous Annoying Blether Angela Brett
100% GAB (3)Great At Babbling Jan Morgan
100% GABBLEGarbage Articulated, 'Blah Blah...' Lacking Eloquence. Angela Brett, not long before checking her email and discovering she'd been beaten to first G acronym by Tony's GAB.
100% GABBYGirl Always Babbling By You Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
83% GABONGenerally A Big Ore-exporting Nation. Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% GADABOUTGuys And Dolls Are Browsing On-line Using Teasers Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% GADGETGot Ample Dough? Get Electronic Toys. Angela Brett
83% GADOLINIUMGenerally A Denizen Of (the) Lanthanides, It's Now In Use (in) Masers. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GAGGovernment Approved Giggle Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GAILGirl Always In Love Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% GALATIANSGazing Astrologers Listened, Awed, To Itinerant Apostle. Now Saved. Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
75% GALAXYGigantic Area. Long Armed X-axis & Y-axis Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GALLEONSGreat Armada Lost Lives Entering One Nasty Storm Tony McCoy O'Grady (The Spanish Armada was defeated as much by the weather as by the British Navy)
78% GALLIUMGeophysically At Low Levels, It's Unusual (at) Melting-point. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GAMGreen And Mauve Angela Brett ('gam' is the collective noun for weasels, and the story which the h2g2 researchers are writing at http://www.h2g2.com/A255007 is plagued with mauve and sometimes green weasels.)
Art & Literature
100% GAMBLEGain A Million By Losing Empire Angela Brett
100% GAMBLE (2)Get Additional Money But Lose Everyone Angela Brett
100% GAMBLINGGaming And Much Bet Laying - Income Newly Generated Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GAMEGenerally About Mass Entertainment Gavin Lambert, thinking mainly about sports games and the like rather than board games, but you could extend the parallel...
Sports & Recreation
100% GAME (2)Great Adventures, Mesmerizes Evening Jan Morgan
100% GAME (3)Gives Amusement, Makes Entertainment Jan Morgan
100% GAMERGathers Around Machines - Evading Reality Tony McCoy O'Gameboy
100% GAMMAGreek Authors Mastered Minimalist Alphabet Tony McCoy O'Grady, commenting that there are only 24 characters in the Greek alphabet
100% GAMUTSGirls Appraise Men Under The Sheets Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% GANDALFGreat Advisor Negates Death And Looses Fireworks Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% GANDALF THE GREYGrappled And Nearly Died After Long Fall - Though He's Evidently Gotta Return (Even Younger?) Tony McFrodo O'Baggins
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% GANDERGiving A Nudge Dames Excitedly Reject Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
86% GANDHIGently Advocating Non-violence, Demands His Independence. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% GANTGuess About Nebulous Timescales Jonathan Staniford (see GANTT)
100% GANTTGraph Allocating Necessary Tasks & Timescales Angela Brett, after a workmate mistakenly referred to a Gantt chart as a 'GANT'. The Gantt chart is named after Charles Gantt, and is not an acronym.
100% GANTT (2)Generally Always Need Triple Time Angela Brett (see GANTT)
100% GANTT (3)Guesstimates Almost Never The Truth Angela Brett
100% GANTT (4)Generate Arbitrary Net Total Time Jonathan Staniford
100% GANTT (5)Generous Approximations, No Tiny Target Angela Brett
100% GANTT (6)Generating Appropriate Notation Takes Time Angela Brett
100% GANZGlossary: "All", Not Zero Grace Francis
Science:Linguistics:German Words
100% GAOLGirls Are Only Lads Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% GAPGear's Awfully Pricey Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% GAP (2)Greatly Annoys Parents Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% GAP (3)Get-Across Problem? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
86% GARAGEGuests And Relatives Accommodated (at) Great Expense! Tony McCoy O'Grady, upon hearing that Dustan Dowsing was living in Angela's sister's garage.
100% GARAGE (2)Greasy And Rude Adolescents Guaranteed Employment! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% GARBAGE MOUTHGarrulous And Rude & Brutally Aggressive Guy. Every Moment One Utters "Toilet Humour" Toilet Mouth O'Grady
71% GARBOGifted Actress, Rathered Being On-her-own Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% GARDENGives All, Rainbow Delights, Entreats Natives Jan Morgan
100% GARDEN LIGHTSGenerating A Remarkable Display Every Night - Lamps Illuminate Grower's Horticulural Trophy Specimens Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
100% GARDEN OF EDENGobbling Apple Revealed Dear Eve's Nakedness... One Figleaf Enhanced Decency Enough? No! Angela Brett
100% GARDEN OF EDEN (2)Gained A Rich Domain, Evil Negotiates Offense, Failed Experimental Decree Exiles Newlyweds Jan Morgan
100% GARDENSGrass And Rosebeds Delight Everybody's Natural Senses TMcCO'G
100% GARFIELDGifted (Albeit Rotund) Feline, I Eat Lasagne Daily TMcCO'G
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
Names:Pet Names
100% GARFIELD (2)Gets Around Really Fast If Espying Lasagne Dish Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
Names:Pet Names
100% GARLANDGreen And Red Leaves Are Nicely Decorative Tony McCoy O'Grady
88% GARLAND (2)Great Actress (Rainbow Lover) Addicted to Narcotic Drugs Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% GARLICGarnish - A Renowned Love Inhibiting Condiment Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% GARLIC (2)Good At Repulsing Lovers, If Chewed. Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% GARMENTSGirls Adorn Runways, Modelling Elegant New Tweed Suits Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% GARRETTGaelic - Attention Riveted Regarding Everything That's There Angela Brett (the name Garrett comes from Gaelic and means 'To Watch')
Names:First names:Male
100% GARRULOUSGabbing About Random Rubbish, Usually Lots Of Useless Subjects Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% GARYGuy's Always Reinterrogating You Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
100% GARY (2)Gets Alcohol Replenished Yonder Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Male
100% GASGenerally Asphyxiating Substance Tony McCoy O'Grady
90% GAS ATTACKGot Aerated Stomach? Alka-seltzer Tablets Taken Are Chemical Key. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GASBAGGroan... Another Speech By Al Gore. Angela Brett
100% GASBAG (2)Get A Second Book Absolutely Gratis Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% GAS PEDALGains Automotive Speed. Probably Encourages Driving At Limit. Eric Bridgstock
Transport:Car Parts
80% GATANISMGoing Against The Attitude of Niceness and Innovation Surrounding Macintosh Angela Brett
100% GATANISM (2)Gleaning Apple's Trade, And Nerdishly Idolising Satanic Master Angela Brett
89% GATANISM (3)Group of Antimac Terrorists, Adore Non-Intuitive Software Maker. Angela Brett
100% GATEGrants Access To Everyone Angela Brett
100% GATE (2)Gives Abode Territorial Entrance Jan Morgan
Assorted Nouns
89% GATESIANGenerally A Terrible Example of Science Inexpertly Applied, N'estpas? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GAUDYGarish And Unusually Decadent - Yuck! Melanie Merswolke
Assorted Adjectives
100% GAUSSGot Answers Using Simultaneous Solutions Angela Brett, thinking of Gaussian elimination, a way of solving simultaneous equations. I didn't feel like acronymising the whole thing!
100% GAUSS (2)Great Arithmetic Used Solving Systems Angela Brett
100% GAUSS (3)Geometry's An Unexpectedly Strange Subject. Angela Brett
83% GAVELGive A Vital End to Lawsuit Sean Lamb
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% GAVINGood At Very Interesting 'Nyms Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GAVIN LAMBERTGenerating Acronyms, Velocity Irregular. Natural Laziness Assumed; Maybe Boredom Enhances 'Ronymising Tendencies? Gavin Lambert (since I felt it was about time I "ronymised" my own name) :)
100% GAWAINGrail Adventurer, Was Arthur's Ideal Nephew. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% GAY Got Aids Yet? mark a.k.a. (dad)
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% GAYSGenes Alter Your Sexuality? Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% GAYS (2)Gender Aside, You're Sexy! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% GEAR DOWNGenerally, Entering A Recession, Dispose Of Workforces Now Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% GEEKGathers Esoteric, Encyclopaedic Knowledge Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% GEEK (2)Greatly Enjoys Enhancing Kernels Angela Brett and Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% GEEK (3)Great Education Enhances Knowledge Apronymous Anonymous
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
83% GEEKSGain Entry to Every Knowledge Society Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% GEEKS (2)Generally Exhibit Exceptional Keyboard Skills Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% GEEKS (3)God's Electronic - Every Kilobyte's Sacred Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% GEEKYGo Electronic - Everyone Knows You Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% GEEKY (2)Generally Everything Elicits Keyboard Yearnings Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% GEEKY (3)Gigabit/ Exabit Ethernet Kindling Yottabytes Angela Brett
93% GEEKY ACRONYMSGeeks Enjoy Expanding Knowledge - Yet Also Created Regularly, Origin: Non-geeks. Yes, Multiple Submissions. Gavin Lambert
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% GEEKY ACRONYMS (2)Gotos Evil, Everybody Knows. You Always Can Rely On (Names You've Mangled) Subroutines Angela Brett, thinking of abbreviated function names.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% GEMINIGypsies Earn Money In Nonsense Industry Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GEMINI (2)Gets Endeavors Mixed In Neurotic Indecisiveness Jan Morgan
88% GEMINUSGone! (his) Educational Mathematical Inscription. Noticed ÔUncoplanar' Stars. Angela Brett
100% GENEALOGYGenerations Evoke New Excitement And Love Of Genealogy Yearnings Jan Morgan - Genealogy is the study of our heritage and finding our ancestors
People & Relationships:Family
100% GENERALGenerally Evinces Nothing Exceptional - Rarely A Livewire Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GENERAL CONFERENCEGives Extraordinary Navigation, Exceptional Resolve Acknowledged, Listening Covers Our Needs For Eternity, Reports Effect Noteworthy Concerns, Endeavors Jan Morgan -- world wide meeting of LDS church that delivers counsel to its members
Time:Special Occasions
100% GENERICGeneralised Extremely, Not Explicit... Really Inspecific Codswallop. Angela Brett, when Bern complained that her HERNIA was too generic. See also: INSPECIFIC
Assorted Adjectives
100% GENESISGenerating Everything, Nothing Excepted, Seventh Is Sabbath. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% GENESIS (2)God's Early News: Existence Started In Seven Roger Williams
Religion:Bible books
100% GENETIC ALGORITHMGuesser Employing Nature's Evolutionary 'Tactics' In Creating A Likely Group Of Resolutions. Increase That Heuristic Measurement! Angela Brett
100% GENETIC ENGINEERINGGodlike Experimenters Now Ensure That It Couldn't Evolve Naturally, Given Its Not Especially Effective Reproduction Inhibiting New Generations. Angela Brett, as genetically engineered plants are sometimes made sterile in order to prevent the crops from spreading and/or increase profits for the companies which sell the seeds. This also ensures that the variety could never have evolved naturally, since anything which can't reproduce is a sitting duck (so to speak) for natural selection.
100% GENGARGrimy Even Nauseating Ghoul Also Repulsive. Nevica the MAN. (Gengar is a purple, ugly, ghost pokemon #94)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% GENTSGreat Emergency - Need To Sh*t Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% GENUISGeeks Enabling Nottingham University's Information Systems Tony McCoy O'Grady (see UNITS)
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
92% GENYODECTESGreatly Erratic Noggin Yet Only Disconnected Evidence of Carnivore That Existed Southward Sean Lamb (Genyodectes was discovered in Argentina, but is only known from fragmentary skull remains)
100% GEOFFREY CHAUCERGreatness Endures, Oh Founding Father! Really! Evidently Your 'Canterbury' Had A Unique Creative-English Role Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Writers
100% GEOLOGYGeology Encapsulates One's Learning Of Gneiss Yields Sean Lamb
100% GEOMETRYGolly, Elementary Orthogonal Matrices Excite These Randy Youths. Angela Brett, during a boring first-year algebra lecture.
Education:Slow Teaching
100% GEOMETRY (2)Go Euclid! One Man's Elementary Text Remained Years! Angela Brett (parts of Euclid's 'Elements' were used as a standard textbook for around 2250 years.)
100% GEOMETRY (3)Greek Earth Observers Measured Everything, Trusting Real Yardsticks. Angela Brett, since geometry began with people actually measuring land and wasn't at all like the abstract science it is today.
100% GEORGEGentleman, Eating Out, Rarely Gets Eel. Patricia Rix, describing her husband
100% GEORGE (2)Gave Existence Onto Rix Generations, Evidently Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GEORGE (3)Gives Entertaining Osmonds Rare Gifts, Emerged Jan Morgan, referring to George Osmond.
Names:Famous people
100% GEORGE BUSHGetting Elected On Recount, George's Eldest Boy Ultimately Succeeded Him Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% GEORGE PAGEGets Entangled Organizing Right Guy's Espousal - Patiently Accepts Girl's Elopement Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Merry Wives of Windsor
94% GEORGE WASHINGTONGeneral, Evidently Once Red-headed, Grew Ever Whiter As Senior. He Inspired Notable Growth Toward Own Nationhood Patricia Rix
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% GEORGE WASHINGTON (2)George Eventually Overthrew "Royal George". Everyone Wanted A Similar Hierarchy In National Government. "That's Over! Nevermore!" Roger Williams -- George Washington was highly instrumental in the success of the American Revolution. After victory, he was hailed as 'King George' and refused the title.
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% GEORGE W BUSHGot Every Opportunity Republican Governor Ever Wanted - But United States Harmed Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% GEORGE W. BUSHGet Elected Or Remain Governor Even When Beaten Under Some Hedges Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% GEORGE W BUSH (2)Got Every Opportunity Republican Gilt Ever Worked - But Unusually Stupid Human Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% GEORGE W. BUSH (2)Gets Evil Offensive Ruler, Genuine Empathy, Warmth, Best Underdog Succeeds Honors Jan Morgan
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% GEORGE W BUSH (3)Gives Every Opportunity Republican Grafters Ever Want By Utilizing State Hubris Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% GEORGE W BUSH (4)"Good Egg", Or Really Gifted, Excellent World-Beater? Unimpressive, Say Hecklers Chris Kjelgaard. Alternative endings could be "Usually Seems Harmless", "Unusually Strong Head", or "Unfathomable, Says Humanity", etc.
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% GEORGIAGradually Eased Off Russia's Grip Into Autonomy. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GEORGIA (2)Gin Eli Original, Rural Gifts In Area Jan Morgan - Cotton gin was invented by eli whitney, Gifts = crops of cotton for clothes etc and peanuts for peanut butter etc.
Places:States & Regions
100% GERADEGenuine Expression Reaffirming Apparent Dubious Exactness Grace Francis
Science:Linguistics:German Words
100% GERAINTGentle Errant Romantic, Arthurian Individual, Noble Traveller Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% GERALDGets Enchanted, Reading A Little Drama Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
78% GERMAINGauss Expected Robust Male... Actually Ingenious Nom-de-plume. Angela Brett. (Sophie Germain wrote to Gauss with her mathematical ideas under a male name, because in her time it was expected that... (see GERMAIN (2))
88% GERMAIN (2)Girls, Especially, Rarely Maintain Avid Interest in Numbers. Angela Brett (see GERMAIN)
90% GERMANIUMGrayish Element. Radar Meant A New Interest (and) Uses Multiplied. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GERMANYGreeted Eventual Reunification Magnificently After Numerous Years. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GERTRUDEGenerates Enmity Realizing The Rogue Uncle's Despotic Ends Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark
100% GESTALTGenerality Exceeds (Somehow) The Analytically Logical Total Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GESTAPOGhastly Excess Shown To A People Overrun. Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% GESTAPO (2)Germans Employed Sadistic Thugs As Police Officers Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% GESTAPO (3)Gave Everyone Shivers, Taking Away People Obdurately Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% GET A DANG PDAGreatly Expand Technological Abilities; Disregard Ancient Newtons' Greatness, Palms Do Admirably. Jeff Anonymous, after MISSING MOBILE PHONE - MY LIFE'S RUINED, explaining: Then it'll be harder to lose your phone book. With all due respect to the Newton, I seem to recall you having a USB Mac and I understand adapters can be a bit messy, especially with OS X. My Palm Tungsten C is pretty good; a bit pricey, but they make ones that are more economical, without Wi-Fi and whatnot.
92% GET A MECHANICGenerally, Eliciting The Aid on Many Educated Computer Helpers And Nerds Is Consoling! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GET BENTGet Exercise - Tae Bo Extinguishes Nervous Tension. Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% GET DRUNKGulp Ethanol To Dull Responses, Uncountable Neurons Killed. Angela Brett
100% GET STUFFEDGenuinely Exciting Travel! Special Trips Undertaken Featuring Farflung Exotic Destinations Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% GETTYSBURGGained Edge To Triumph Yesterday's Situation/Slavery, Battled Union's Resolute Goal Jan Morgan
Places:Towns & Cities
100% GET UP AND GOGreat Energy That Urges People Along... Now Don't Go Overboard! Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
100% GFOURGigaflops For Ordinary Users - Revolutionary! Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
83% GHANAGovernment Headed (by) Army Nominee Apparently. Tony McCoy O'Grady
78% GHERARDGot Help (with) Enunciation to Read 'Almagest' - Romanisation Deficient. Angela Brett. (Gherard had to learn Arabic since there was no Latin translation of Ptolemy's 'Almagest.')
100% GHOSTGhoul Heckling Our Sleep Time Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Death
100% GHOST (2)Grief Has One Seeing Things Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% GHOULSGive Hundreds Of Undead Life, Symbolically Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% GIFTGiven In Friendly Transaction Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% GIFT (2)Give It For Treat Edwin Hermann
People & Relationships
100% GIFTS OF ACRONYMSGiving Is For This Season Of Festivity. Acronymists Charter's 'Rule Of Namelessness' - - You Mustn't Speculate! ? when Angela wondered if the forum poster 'Santa Claus' was THE REAL SANTA CLAUS bringing us GIFTS OF ACRONYMS or A KNOWN ACRONYMIST IN DISGUISE.
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% GIGABYTESGosh, Information Galore! And Building Yearly... Terabytes Emerging Soon. Angela Brett
100% GIGGLEGreatly Inspired Gleeful Guffaw... Laughing Ebulliantly Angela Brett
100% GIMLIGrotty Inbred Man (Little Incomplete) Carl Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% GIMLI (2)Goes Into Moria Less Intimidated Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% GIMPGait Isn't Mighty Pretty Tony McCoy O'Hyphen
100% GINGreat, If Neat! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% GINGERGiving Individual Negotiates Great Encouragement Really Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% GINGER (2)Good In Nosh, Generates Extra Radiance. Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% GINSENGGenerally Its Nice, Sexually Enhances Naughty Geriatrics Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% GIRAFFEGigantic, If Ridiculous, Animal Feeds From Elevation Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GIRLGenerally I Rather Like'm Tony McCoy O'Grady, obviously speaking for KEYBOARD as well. ;^)
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
92% GIRLFRIENDSGet Into Relationships Looking For Romance? I Evidently Need Drawn-out Seduction Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% GIRLSGiggly Items, Require Loving Sometimes Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% GIRL SCOUTGives Into Reasonable Labor, Sells Cookies Occasionally, Unusual Treat Jan Morgan
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% GIRLS DON'T LIKE BOYS, GIRLS LIKE CARS AND MONEY.Get It Right, Lads! She Doesn't Only Need True Love (I Know Everyone Believes Only Your Soul's Goodness Is Really Likeable) She Likes Incredible Kit, Excess Capital And Racing Spoilers. All Now Demand Men Owe Nothing Except Yabber. Angela Brett, who disagrees with this lyric from 'Boys and Girls' by Good Charlotte.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
89% GISBORNEGatanistic Inhabitant Steve Brings Out Rampant Nerdiness in Everyone Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing, thinking about Dustan's gatanist friend Steve who lives in Gisborne. (See EVIL TWIN BROTHER)
Places:Towns & Cities:New Zealand
100% GIUSEPPEGoes In Usual Steps, Eventually Pacing People's Enjoyment Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% GIVEGift Is Vicariously Enjoyed Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% GIVE (2)Generosity Is Very Enjoyable Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% GLADIATORGory Life And Death In Arenae - Tale Of Rome Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GLADYSGorgeous Lady Adores Doing You Soon! Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% GLANSGenital Lingo Associated Naughty Sexuality Kenny Roy
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% GLASSGlossy 'Lucent Article, Secures Sustenance. Gavin Lambert ('lucent as in 'translucent')
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
100% GLASS (2)"Gimme Lotsa Alcohol!", Some Say Gavin Lambert
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
100% GLASS (3)Get Lacerated As Some Shatters Angela Brett
100% GLASS (4)Good Lagers Are Sipped Slowly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
100% GLASS (5)Guilty Lurker's A Secret Spectator Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% GLASSELGood-Looking At Sea Side, Elsewhere Lacklustre. Angela Brett ('Glassel' is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'A seaside pebble which was shiny and interesting when wet, and which is now a lump of rock, which children nevertheless insist on filing their suitcases with after the holiday.
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% GLASSESGood-Looking Angela Sees Smallprint Extra Sharply. Angela Brett, who has perfect close-up sight.
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
100% GLASSES (2)Geriatrics Lacking Acuity Sometimes Seek Enhanced Sight. Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
100% GLASSES (3)Good Looking, A Spectacle... Strange Equivocal Synonyms Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
92% GLASTONBURYGeneral Location of Arthur's Seat. Thorn Of Note Blossoms Uniquely Round Yuletide Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% GLENDOWERGenerally Legendary. Evinces No Deeds Of Wonder - Essentially Ranting! Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry IV
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry IV
83% GLENNGetting (a) Little Elderly? No! Never! Patricia Rix, referring to her brother.
Names:First names:Male
100% GLITCHGood Lord! Imperfect Timing Causes Havoc! Angela Brett, after hearing about how delays in electricity flowing through logic gates can cause glitches in electronic circuits.
89% GLITSCHSGroup/Geeks Leading Information Technology, School of Community Health Sciences Angela Brett (see UNITS)
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
100% GLOBALGreen Lives Oblige Being Active Locally Tony McCoy O'Grady (A slogan of the Green Party is 'Think Globally, Act Locally')
100% GLOBE TROTTINGGlamourous Life/Lust Of Being Elsewhere, Then Returning Only To Totally Ignore Native Geography. Angela Brett, while pondering her globe trotting planned for mid-2004.
Sports & Recreation:Travel
100% GLORYGod's Love Often Revives You Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GLOSSGain Little Off Shiny Surface Tony McCoy O'Grady, who, after reading PAINT, said 'Now, I'm all in favour of warning people of things which are inedible but I am unconvinced that paint (in all its guises) is inedible so, on the assumption that either it is bad for one, or good for one, I've devised a dual system of acronyms....'
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
100% GLOSS (2)Good Lunching On Sleek Surface Tony McCoy O'Grady, to balance GLOSS
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
100% GLOUCESTERGreat Lord's Obsequies Unleash Civil Enmity & Strife That Engulf Realm Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to Shakespeare's King Henry VI
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VI
100% GLOUCESTER (2)Gouged, Looses Ocular Utility. Considers Edgar Seditious - That's Eventually Rectified Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's (The Tragedy of) King Lear
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:(The Tragedy Of) King Lear
100% GMGarbage Motors Rob s
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% GNATGrand Natural After Taste Rico Leffanta
100% GNATSGet Needlessly Aggressive, Then Strike Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GNUGood News, Usually Steve Keate (GNU actually stands for 'Gnu's Not Unix' and is a project by the free software foundation to make a free alternative to Unix.)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% GNU (2)Gates Now Unhappy Steve Keate
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% GO AND TAKE A RUNNING JUMP AT YOURSELFGo On A Novel Discovery Trip - Adults & Kids Enjoy A Romp Unearthing Neolithic Novelties In Northern Greece - Just Under Mount Parnassus. A Thrilling Year Of Unparalleled Richness. Special Educational Lessons Featured. Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% GO APPLESGenius Operating And Programming! Please Leave Entirely Solitary! Tony McCoy O'Grady, saying 'On the understanding that people hate to be interrupted while programming, here's a sign to hang on your door...'
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% GO APPLES (2)Gone Overboard At Pretending Placidness... Losing Extant Sanity. Angela Brett, thinking that 'go apples' could have a similar meaning to 'go bananas'.
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% GOATGnaws On Any Thing! Angela Brett
100% GOAT (2)Gamboling Over A Tor Patricia Rix
100% GOAT CHEESEGet Olives And Tomatoes & Chevre - Harmonise Everything, Exquisite Salad Experience TMcCO'G
Food & Drink
100% GO AWAYGo On, Ask, We'll Astound You. Angela Brett (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% GO AWAY, NOW!Get On A Wing, And You'll Navigate Our World. Angela Brett (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% GOBBLEGorge On Big Bites, Lacking Etiquette Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% GOBLINGenerally Objectionable Bugger Lacking In Niceness TMcCO'G - who recalls that in any fairytale, the pixies were usually good, but goblins were always nasty
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
100% GOBSMACKEDGenuinely Overcome By Speechlessness. Mouth Apparently Completely Knackered - Extremely Dumbfounded. Tony McCoy O'Grady, who was gobsmacked that Jeff acronymised his forum post - see http://www.co.nz/cgi/forums/list.cgi?id=acronyms&user=&session=&root=983076143
Assorted Adjectives
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% GODGreat Omniscient Deity Angela Brett
100% GOD (2)Great Omnipotent Deity Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GOD (3)General Overall Deity Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GOD (4)Great Omnipresent Deity Angela Brett
100% GOD (5)Goliath's, Or Davids? Angela Brett... A lot of people seem to fight each other because they believe in different gods - the Old Testament is littered with stories of God helping the Israelites defeat their enemies. I wonder how bible stories would read if told by the other side.
100% GOD (6)Generous, Or Destructive? Angela Brett - some churches (at least Reverend Lovejoy's one on The Simpsons!) lean towards the idea that if we don't do exactly what God says we'll all burn in hell. Others describe a more benevolent God.
100% GOD (7)Gender's Often Debated Angela Brett - Most texts refer to God as 'He' although there are jokes about God being female and logically (if logic even applies to gods) God is neither.
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% GOD (8)Guess One's Desires Angela Brett (there are so many arguments and no direct ways of finding out what a god might want us to do.)
100% GOD (9)Gestalt Of Devotees Angela Brett
100% GOD (10)Greets Our Dead Angela Brett
100% GOD (11)Goodness On Demand Angela Brett
100% GOD (12)Giver, Observer, Destroyer. Angela Brett
100% GOD (13)Generated Our Domain Angela Brett
93% GOD DICTIONARYGod, Our Deity, Deserves Incomparable Communicatory Terminology Including Our Nouns, Articles, and Reflexive Yakkings. Mysterious Shadow, when Tony said on the forums, 'Look up "Ephemera" in a god dictionary' - letting slip the secret of his amazing acronymising ability.
Words & Wordplay
100% GODFATHERSGentlemen On Deity's Faith Assignments To Help Educate, Redeem & Save Tony, responding to a request for a name for a men's ministry
Religion:Men's Ministry
100% GOD IS GOODGenerator Of Divine Inspiration Should Get Our Ongoing Devotion Angela Brett
100% GOD LOVES YOU VERY MUCHGreat One Doesn't Look On Viciously, Expecting Something You're Obviously Unable. Vices Embraced... Remember Your Most Unsaintly Characteristic -- Humanity! Angela Brett (If God loves me very much, He wouldn't send me to HELL whatever petty evil I were involved in... and certainly not for simply being imperfect.)
100% GODMOTHERGood Old Dame Minding Other Transient Humans Extra Responsibilities Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Family
100% GOD, MOTHERHOOD AND APPLE PIEGet Overseas Deals Made, Or Those Happy Exports Return Home Out-Of-Date, And Nobody Does Anything Promoting Patriotism, & Licking Enemy People Into Eternity. Tony McCoy O'Grady - see CLIMATE VISION
100% GODSGenerous Omni Developers Share Angela Brett, because the Omni Group (http://omnigroup.com) makes some excellent products for Mac OS X, including frameworks for other Cocoa developers to use. Some might regard the Omni folk as GODS.
100% GODS (2)Greek? One Doesn't Suffice. Angela Brett
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% GODS (3)Glut Of Different Sorts Angela Brett
100% GODS (4)Glut Of Denominational Schisms Angela Brett
100% GOETHEGo Open Every Telltale Heart Enthusiastically Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Writers
0% GO F*CK YOURSELFGet Our Fabulous Unique Computer Key! Your Own Unbreakable Resource - Security Enhanced Locking Features Tony McCoy O'Grady, as a sign for outside Microsoft (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
86% GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY!God Ordered Freedom Of Related Twos Habitating Ark. Noah Decided to Make Use of Lovemaking To Increase Population of Live Young. Angela Brett
100% GOING POSTALGetting Outraged! I'm Nervous, Galled, Pissed, Overwrought, Spiteful: Totally A Loony This seems to be a British sites (or at least has a lot of words and sayings I'm not familiar with, or know are British -- But I think Brits might know the history of our good old American term of violence... It's just some of the good ol' American way of making a joke out of utter tragedy. As you may know, some people in this country have a habit of settling their differences with guns. And there's an odd sort of category of crime where someone who is disgruntled at work will show up with a loaded semi-automatic and just start blasting at whomever he sees.This type of crime really came into being about 20 or 30 years ago, when there was a rash of these crimes -- all being committed at post offices by postal employees. So.. it's tragic... innocent employees being killed by some loony who's just angry about his job situation. That's how it picked up the name "Going postal." It basically means someone getting angry enough that you'd best get away because you just don't know if he's going to snap and do something violent. Or if you're feeling that way, you could say that you're going postal. The phrase has moved away from the true violent meaning to a more manageable lower-key feeling that we all feel at some time.
People & Relationships:Emotions
86% GOLBATGood Old Leech-life Bloodsucking Attack's Tremendous! Angela Brett (Golbat is Pokemon #42)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% GOLDGood Old Lucre, Delightful! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GOLD (2)Geniality Of Long Duration Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the gold (50th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% GOLD (3)Glittering Ore Lures Diggers. Roger Williams
100% GOLDENGuess One's Love Does Endow Nicely Jan Morgan
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% GOLDIEGives Owner Love, Devoted In Enjoyment Jan Morgan -- name of a cat
Names:Pet Names
100% GOLDIE HAWNGiggly Outrageous Laughter Does Indeed Eventually Help A Woman's Needs Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% GOLDIE HAWN (2)Gives Off Love, Devoted In Enjoyment, Has Awesome Whimsical Nature Jan Morgan
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
91% GOLDIE HAWN (3)Great On Laugh-in, Devoted In Enjoyment, Has Awesome Whimsical Nature Jan Morgan -- My favorite Laugh-in Alumni
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
77% GOLDILOCKSGirl Overeats, Lacking Decency, In Little Out-of-the-way Cottage, Kips Soundly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% GOLDILOCKS AND THE THREE BEARSGirl Of Little Decency Intrudes, Looks Over Cottage Kitchen (Seats Are Nearly Demolished) The Harridan Even Tastes Hirsute Redisents Edibles - Eventually Bed's Eagerly Assayed - Result: Sleep Tony McCoy O'Grimm
Art & Literature
100% GOLFGame Over Lovely Fairways Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% GOLF (2)Greens Often Look Fabulous Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% GOLF (3)Gentlemen Oppose Ladies Fourball Tony McCoy O'Grady, mentioning that golf clubs can be very. very sexist! :-(
Sports & Recreation
100% GOLF (4)Green Overshot; Loudly, "Fore!" Roger Williams
Sports & Recreation
100% GOLF (5)Gives One Leisurely/Little Fun Jan Morgan
Sports & Recreation
100% GOLGIGood Old Lipoproteins Get Instructed Angela Brett, after someone told her that a golgi apparatus is a 'structure where proteins go to college.'
100% GOLGI (2)Gulper Of Leftover Garbage, Indeed. Angela Brett
78% GOLIATHGiant Offed by Little Inferior Aiming for The Head. Angela Brett
100% GONADGenerates Ova Night And Day Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% GONERILGrowing Obsessively Nasty, Ends Regan's Imperious Life Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's (The Tragedy of) King Lear
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:(The Tragedy Of) King Lear
100% GONE WITH THE WINDGood Old Novel Enables Women In Their Homes To Hope Everything Will Improve Next Day Rico Leffanta
100% GONE WRONGGenerating Overly Nasty Error Wreaks Ruin - Obviously Not Good Typo McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% GONZALOGeriatric Old Nestor - Zealous And Loyally Objective Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Tempest
100% GOODGreatly Overused, Ordinary Declaration. Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% GOOD (2)Glosses Over One's Depression Angela Brett, because most people say, 'good' or something similar when asked how they are, regardless of their true situations.
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% GOODBYEGone Out-Of-Date By Yesterday Evening Tony McCoy O'Grady who pays little or no attenttion to the 'best-before-date' on food, on the principle that if it looks ok, it probably is ok :-)
Food & Drink
100% GOOD DAYGenerosity Of Others Definitely Does Affect You Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
People & Relationships
100% GOOD GUYGunman, Out Of Decency, Got Ugly Yobbos Tony McCoy O'Grady - referring to how Hollywood depicted 'bad guys' as ugly.
People & Relationships
100% GOOD HEALTHGet Out Of Doctor's Hands, Enjoy A Life That's Happy Tony McCoy O'Hypochondriac
93% GOOD JUDGEMENTGroup of Object-Oriented Designers, Java Users, Developers: Guru Ensemble. Macintosh Enthusiasts Now Taken. Gavin Lambert (see JUDGEMENT)
100% GOODNIGHTGoodness Oh Oh Dear Now Its Going Home Time Messy Eater, During a conversation
Assorted Phrases
100% GOODNIGHTS"Getting Off" On Doorstep, Now I Grope Her Thighs Sexily Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% GOOD NIGHT, SLEEP TIGHT, DON'T LET THE BEDBUGS BITEGot Over One Day. Now I'm Going Home To Slumber Leaving Encroaching Enemy Pests To Infect George's Half. They Disappear Once Night Time Leaves. Every Time They Have Eaten Bloody Evidence Develops - Being Unconscious, Guys Scratch Bothersome Itches To Excess Tony McCoy O'Grady and Patricia Rix
Assorted Phrases:Sayings
Art & Literature:Nursery Rhymes
100% GOOD OR BADGet Out Of Doldrums Of Reasonable But Amoral Deeds. Angela Brett, in response to an unsuccessful search, because life wouldn't be as interesting if we only did things that were neither good nor bad.
People & Relationships
100% GOOGLEGoing Off On Gigantic Lexicon Enterprise W. Kline
100% GOOGLE (2)Global Operation Often Goes Locating Expressions Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GOOGLE (3)Great Oracle - Only Gives Live Entries Gavin Lambert
86% GOOGLE (4)Grand Officious Oracle, Generating Links for Everyone Apronymous Anonymous
100% GOOGLE (5)Google Organizes Our General Links Everyday Apronymous Anonymous
86% GOOGLE (6)Googling Often Offers Generous Links to Ephemera Sean Lamb
100% GOSPELGiving Orders So People Expect Love Rico Leffanta
100% GOSPEL (2)God's Own Scriptural Prospective, Eternally Learning Jan Morgan
94% GOSPEL PRINCIPLESGlory Of Salvation, Purpose Eternal Living, Pertinently Relevent In Natural Concepts Into Progressing Lives (for) Eternal Salvation Jan Morgan
100% GOSSIPGabbling Openly, Some Spicy Information's Passed Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GOTHGory Overdone Teenagers Hurting wishes
People & Relationships
100% GO TO HELLGoing On Tour Of Hades, Enduring Lucifer's Location Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% GO TO WORKGet Off To Office - Wages Only Restock Kitchen TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% GOTTA GOGetting On To The Activity, Gaiting Overload Jan Morgan
Communication:Hello & Goodbye
100% GOUACHEGenerally One Using Artist's Colouring Hastens Enteritis Tony McCoy O'Grady (see GLOSS)
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
88% GOUACHE (2)Gastronomically Outstanding - Users Appreciate Colourful Haute-cuisine Experience Tony McCoy O'Grady, to balance GOUACHE
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
100% GOUACHE (3)Generations Old. Useful Artisans Colourant. Hydration Essential. omnicronos
Art & Literature
83% GOURDGood, Often Underrated, Receptacle for Drinks. Steve Keate
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% GOVERNANCEGetting On's Very Essential Requirement - Needing A Nominated Central Executive Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GOWANSTOWNGowanstown, Oh What A Name! Surely That Only Was Nonsense. Rob Rix
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
91% GOWANSTOWN (2)God's Own Wonderland And No-one Should Tease Our Wonderful Name Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% GOWERGallant Officer's Worth Earns Respect Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry V
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry V
100% GOWNGraduate's Otherwise Wearing Nothing Angela Brett, a few weeks before graduating - there are bound to be pranksters who wear nothing under the gown.
Household Objects:Clothing:Academic Regalia
100% GPFGreatly Pooched Files Sean Lamb, referring to the results of a General Protection Fault.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% GRAALGame Really Addicts, Albeit Latency Jeff Anonymous, referring to the game found at http://graalonline.com
100% GRACEGod Regularly Advances Considerable Encouragement Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% GRADEGenerally Railroads Aren't Deliberately Elevated Sean Lamb (The easiest tracks on which to control trains are perfectly level [with a 0% grade] and perfectly straight)
100% GRADUANDGirl Restlessly Awaits Departing University, And Newlywon Diploma. Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% GRADUATEGain Recognised Academic Degree, University Awarded to The Educated Tony McCoy O'Grady
0% GRADUATE*Studying Your Curricula Earned You A Great Degree Tony McCoy O'Grady, as the world's first 'Bacronym' - check out the last letter of each word.
Words & Wordplay
100% GRADUATIONGet Ready Academics... Depart University And Turn Into Overpaid Novices Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions
100% GRAMMEGravity 'Reaching At' Mass, Measures Everything Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GRAPEGenerally Round And Plump Eats Sean Lamb
Food & Drink
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% GRAPE IMACGag, Retch... Argh! Purple Equipment Isn't Meal... Actually Computer! Angela Brett
Computers:Do Not Eat:iMac Fruit Salad
96% GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACEGenerally Rapturously Acclaimed, Perhaps Has Increased Consumer Acceptance Levels. Uses Small Emblematic Representations Instead of New Technology English Requiring Further Academic Cycle Education Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GRAPHICSGlobally Recognised Artwork Perhaps Had Initial Computer Sketch Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
89% GRAPHITEG4's Radical, Apparently Pencil-like Hue Is Truly Elegant. Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% GRASSGet Real - A Super Smoke Eric Bridgstock
100% GRASS (2)Green Rushes. Authentic Soccer Surface Eric Bridgstock
100% GRASS (3)Grows Rapidly And Seldom Stops Edwin Hermann
86% GRASSHOPPERSGreat Roasted And Super Special Hors d'oeuvre On Pizza Pieces Especially Re-heated Slices Rico Leffanta
100% GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENERGenerally Remoter Aspects Seem Superior, It's Said. Anything Local Will Appear Yucky & Stale. Going Raises Excited Expectations Never Eventually Realised TMcCO'G
Assorted Phrases:Sayings
89% GRATIANOGarrulous & Rude - Although Tongue-tied Indeed About Nerissa's Outing Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Merchant of Venice
100% GRAVEGrievers Remember A Vanished Embodyment Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% GRAVELERGreat Rock Attacks Violently Electrabuzzes, Lanturns, Electrodes, & Raichus Jeff Anonymous (who decided to do Pokemon #75 as his 75th accepted acronym)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% GRAVESGod Requests A Visit, Eternal Souls. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% GRAVITHOLUSGenerally Reported Alberta Vertebrate Is This Herbivore. Owns Large, Unusual Skull Sean Lamb (Gravitholus, discovered in Alberta, had a skull that was wider and thicker than others of the same age)
100% GRAVITYGround's Rushing And Velocity Is Terminal, Yikes! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation:Parachuting
100% GRAVITY BARGuinness Room's Awesome View Impresses Tourists, Your Beers Are Ready. Angela Brett (The Gravity Bar, at the Guinness brewery in Dublin, has an almost 360 degree view of the city.)
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% GREAT DAYGeneral Revelry - Everyone's Agreed That Diversions Aren't Yawnful Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GREAT EXPECTATIONSGot Roused, Eagerly Anticipating Tremendous Events. Xciting Prospects / Endings Can Tempt Anyone To Imagine Outlandish Nonrational Stuff TMcCO'G
Art & Literature:Book Titles
95% GREAT GREENOCK SWAMPGigantic, Remote, Eerie And Terrifying, Gave Rum-runners Every Edge, Now Only Carnivores Know Spaces Where Animals May Prowl Patricia Rix, explaining, 'The great greenock swamp is surrounded by farmland now, but to our pioneer ancestors it was a formidable obstacle to the settlement of southern Bruce County. There are no alligators in S. Ontario swamps, but there are wolves, coyotes, possibly bears and bobcats, and certainly raccoons and deer.'
83% GREAT LAKESGigantic River-fed Expanses And Trade-routes, Large Acreage Keeps Environs Squelchy Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GREAT YEARGet Ready, Everyone, As Tony's Year Exceeds All Records! Angela Brett, on Tony's birthday.
86% GREECEGenerally Rated as Establishing Europe's Cultural Endeavours Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GREEDGreat Riches Exercise Eminent Domain Rico Leffanta, who explains that (according to U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye), the Congress of the United States of America have yet to honour ONE single treaty made with any native people of North America. As an example, greedy ranchers wanted land for their cattle, farmers wanted water for their crops, and miners wanted the minerals on Fort Apache Indian Reservation, so - despite the treaty - Congress reduced the size of the Reservation FIVE times by 'restoring' the land to the public domain (illegal, since it never previously formed part or parcel of the public domain) as a National Forest, which permits greedy ranchers, farmers, and miners to 'develop' the natural resources.
100% GREED (2)Good Riddance, Extremely Evil Doofus! Jeff Anonymous (to be said at the funeral of EBENEZER SCROOGE)
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
83% GREED (3)Get Rewarded (for) Excellently Executing Duties Tony (The best angle to work on with employee incentive schemes is good old-fashioned greed)
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Employee Recognition Program
93% GREEK MYTHOLOGYGreat Repository, Evidently Everybody Knew Many Yarns Telling Humans Of Love-lives Of Godly Youths Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends
71% GREENGrass-colour Reminds Environmentalists of Extraordinary Nature. Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% GREEN (2)Generally Reflects Energetic, Emergent Nature Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% GREEN (3)Generally Reveals Earth's Effusive Nature Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% GREEN (4)Grass Ranges Earth Enveloping Nurturing Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% GREER GARSONGirl Romantically Encountering Erotic Rascals Going Around Rapidly Seducing Over Nothing Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% GREETINGSGladly Reveals Enmity's Elapsed, Then I'll Now Gesture 'Salutations' Tony McCoy O'Grady
Communication:Hello & Goodbye
100% GREGORIANGenius Reorganised Everything, Greatly Organising Rearrangements In Annual Notation TMcCO'G
88% GREGORYGod's Roman Envoy Gave us Our Rearranged Year TMcCO'G
Names:Famous people
100% GRENADAGetting Rather Edgy, Neighbours Air-Dropped Advisers. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GREYGenerally Reveals Elderly Years Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% GRIEVOUSGrave Robber Is Extolling Virtues Of Using Shovel Angela Brett (grave robbing is rather a grievous thing to do.)
People & Relationships:Death
100% GRIMACEGod, Really I Must Abide Chelsea Everafter! Tony McCoy O'Grady, complaining about Angela's ideas to include the sounds of her niece Chelsea in this stack.
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% GRINCHGrumbling Recluse Is Not Completely Happy Tony McCoy O'Grady - Who doesn't know what a 'grinch' is, but saw the video once or twice too often at work over Christmas :-(
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% GRIPGrasp Rigidly In Palm Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% GRIP (2)Gloves Required If Prickly Patricia Rix
Assorted Verbs
100% GRIPEGirls Ridiculing Innate Penis Envy Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
100% GRIZZLY BEARGiant Runs In Zig Zags, Leaving Your Body Eaten And Rotting Patricia Rix
100% GROCERY STORESGarbage Recycling Outlets Circulating Everyday Resources You Should Taste Or Replenish Existing Supplies Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% GROKGenuine Revelations Of Knowledge Roger Williams
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% GROOMGentleman Registering Oath Of Matrimony Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% GROOM (2)Guy Rejoices Over Only Mate Roger Williams
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
92% GROSSETESTEGeometry & Research in Optics & Star Systems. Even The Extremely Small Things Envisionable. Angela Brett
86% GROTTO(under)-Ground Rendezvous Optimal Titillating Treasured Observance Jan Morgan -- found on the grounds of England Castles
86% GROTTO (2)(under)-Ground Rendezvous Optimal Taboo Territory Observed Jan Morgan -- found on the grounds of England Castles
100% GROUCHGarbagebin - Resident Oscar Usually Called Home Tony McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% GROUCHYGrumpy Response Of Unhappy Chap Hurts You Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% GROUNDHOGGluttonous Rodent Opens Underground Nest, Digs His Own Grave Patricia Rix
88% GROUPIEGirl Regularly Offers Unlimited Promiscuous Intercourse (to) Entertainers Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% GROUPIE (2)Girl (Regularly Of Underagedness) & Popstar Intertact Erotically Nanker Phelge
People & Relationships
100% GROUP THAT SAVES SCHOOLSGathers Rallying Over Underfunded Public Teaching-Houses, As Teachers' Salaries And Valuable Education Shouldn't Stop 'Cause Honchos Overseeing Our Laws Say. Angela Brett, not on any particular group but responding to an unsuccessful search.
100% GROWSGiven Resources Opportunists Win Sales! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% GROWTHGetting Rounder... Or Wider... Taller... Heavier Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GRUBGreat Raw Useless Boiled Rico Leffanta
100% GRUFFGravelly Responses Usually Frustrates Feelings Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
89% GRUMPIESGenerally Rather Unpleasant Men, Pointedly Insulting & Especially Short-tempered TMcCO'G
People & Relationships
86% GRUMPYGatanists Rendered Useless (your) Macintosh - Poor You! Angela Brett, when Tony's Mac was unusable for a long period due to problems with the power supply... obviously part of a Gatanist conspiracy to stop MacGirl and KeyBoard communicating.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% GRUMPY (2)Girls Rarely Understand Male Phallic Yearnings Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Emotions
86% GTHREEGet The Hottest Range in Electronic Equipment! Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% GUACAMOLEGooey, Unusual Avocado Concoction Among Most Outrageous Luncheon Eatables Melanie Merswolke
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% GUAMGunned-Up American Militiamen Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GUARANAGets Users Active - Regarded As Natural Aphrodisiac Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% GUARD DOGGet Up And Run... Dogs Don't Only Growl! Roger Williams
100% GUARDIAN ANGELGod's Unique Agents, Religiously Drawing Individuals Along, Nearer And Nearer Gaining Eternal Life Tony McCoy O'Afterlife
100% GUATEMALAGenerally Upland, Although There Exists Much At Lower Altitudes. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GUCCIGirl's Underwear Can Create 'Incident' Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% GUFFAWGloriously Uproarious Feelings For A While Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GUFFAW (2)Gut Undulates From Fun And Wit Angela Brett
100% GUICIDEGraphical User Interface Crashed... Instant Disaster Ensued! Angela Brett, pondering whether deinstalling a GUI (Graphical User Interface) would be committing 'guicide'
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% GUICIDE (2)Gnome User Intentionally Caused Its Death, Evidently. Angela Brett (Gnome is a Linux GUI)
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% GUICIDE AFTERMATHGreat, Unintuitive Incoherent Commands Involved During Everyday Actions. For This, Everything Requires Mindpower - All Too Hard! Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% GUIDEGets Used, Individual's Direction Essential Jan Morgan
Assorted Nouns
100% GUIDE (2)Gives "U" Individual Direction, Essential Jan Morgan
Assorted Nouns
100% GUIDOGuides Unsighted Italian Dog-Owner TMcCO'G - who feels that Guido would be a great name for an Italian's Guide-Dogs-For-The-Blind Labrador
Names:Pet Names
100% GUILTYGot Unknown Interlocutor? Likely Tony, Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady, when someone posted as 'Trickertreat' on the forums and we were wondering if it was Tony. It was.
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% GUINEAGently Undulating Is Neat Encyclopedia's Attribution. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GUINEA-BISSAUGovernment Uses Its National Earnings At Building Its Seafishing. Subsistence Agriculture Usual. Tony McCoy O'Grady
90% GUINEVEREGiven Unto Infidelity, Negated Exceptional Virtue - Eventually Resulting in Evil Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% GUITARGood Unplugged Instrument To Acclaim Righteousness Grace Francis
100% GUITAR (2)Get Up In Tune And Ready Jason Wilcox
100% GUITAR (3)Gut - Usually It's Tense And Reverberative Tony McCoy O'Grady, as an example of something which is worse with NO STRINGS ATTACHED (Six String Guitar)
100% GUMGlue - Usually Mucilage Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
75% GUM (2)Goes Under Movie-seats Patricia Rix
Food & Drink
100% GUNGreat Unusual Names Jan Morgan
100% GUN (2)Good/Guided/Guarded Usage Necessary Jan Morgan
100% GUN (3)Gear Unpopular Notoriously Jan Morgan
80% GUNSGenerally Unappreciated, Necessary (for) Safety Jan Morgan
100% GUNS (2)Gadgets Utilize Needed Security Jan Morgan
100% GUN SALUTEGive Umpteen Numbered Shots As Laurels (Usually Toward Elsewhere) Angela Brett
100% GURGLEGullet Utters Rolling Groan-Like Effect Tony McCoy O'Daddy
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% GURUGenius Usually Reveals 'Unknowable' Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% GURU (2)Geek Using Real Unix Angela Brett, when the installers at a Linux installfest were called gurus.
100% GUYANAGenerally Undisturbed, Yet Arable Near Atlantic. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GWENGood Welsh Effeminate Name Angela Brett (Gwendolyn is a Welsh name meaning fair haired)
Names:First names:Female
100% GYARADOS'Goldfish' Yields A Rare Atrocious Dragon Of Size Angela Brett (Gyarados is Pokemon #130)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% GYMNASTICSGirls & Young Men Now Attempt Stretches That Impossibly Curve Spine Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation
100% GYPSYGreases Your Psychic Secret Yearnings Rico Leffanta
100% GYROSCOPEGenerates Year-Round Output. Spins Constantly Once Properly Established Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GYROSCOPICGet Yours! Rotates Omnidirectionally So Centre Of Positition Is Constant. Angela Brett
100% GYROSTABILIZERGod! You're Rolling Over! Stop That! Aircraft Begins Inclining, Luckily Implement Zeroes Endangering Rotation. Angela Brett
100% GYTRASHGhost You Think Real, Apparition Seemingly 'Here' Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Death
100% GYVEGot You! Villain's Entrapped. Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% GYVE (2)Give Yon Vessel Embargo! Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% GYVE (3)Gives You Vanquished Experience Jan Morgan
Assorted Nouns
100% HAHappy Acclamation Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HABAKKUKHow A Baleful Avenger Kills, Kiboshes Ungodly's Kin. Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
83% HABITHave A Big Interest in Tobacco? Angela Brett
88% HAFNIUMHungarian Assisted in Finding & Naming It, Useful Metal. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HAGGAIHeaven Awaits. Glorify God. Arise, Israel! Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
100% HAGRIDHuge Adult Gives Rare Insights Disconcertedly Jan Morgan -- Harry Potter friend always backs himself into a corner and has to explain himself in a very unsettled way "I shouldn't have said that"
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% HAGSHardly A Gladsome Sight Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% HAGUEHere Amsterdam Girls Use Eurodollars Rico Leffanta
Places:Towns & Cities
100% HA-HAHardly A Hilarious Acronym Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to FLAME and FIRE (3)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% HAHAHarder Acronyms Hamper Angela Angela Brett, when it took her a while to respond to a challenge to acronymise haha, after she'd said she couldn't resist acronymising capitalised words.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% HAHA (2)Has A Heifer Astounded Tony McCoy O'Grady, who explains that a ha-ha - lowercase - is a sunken fence which keeps cattle away from the grounds immediately surrounding a house, without spoiling the view with walls, hedges or fences.
Assorted Nouns
100% HAILHas Aerial Ice Landed Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HAIL (2)Hard - And Icy - Lumps TMcCO'G
100% HAIL (3)Hops As It Lands TMcCO'G
100% HAIRHeat, And Its Retention Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% HAIRCUTHacking Around Irrationally Razor Cutting Uniform Tresses Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% HAITIHurricanes Annually Inundate This Island. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HALHe's Artificial Lunacy Angela Brett, referring to the computer in '2001: A Space Odyssey'
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% HALLIBURTONHalliburton's American Leader Lifts Income By Usurping Regime-Terrorized Oil Nation Chris Kjelgaard. Knew what I wanted to get across and just tried a variety of word combinations until I found one that seemed to fit. "Halliburton's American leader" is, of course, former CEO Dick Cheney, the Vice President of the USA and the man who many people in the USA believe really makes the Presidential decisions.
100% HALL OF FAMEHave A Laugh... Lots Of Fantastically Funny Acronyms Might Eventuate. Angela Brett (The Acronyms Hall of Fame is at http://acronyms.co.nz/halloffame.html)
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% HALL OF FAME (2)Here's A Long List Outlining Fully Famous Acronym Makers Everywhere Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% HALL OF FAME (3)Here Anthony Looks Like One Fine Fellow... Added Most Expansions. Angela Brett
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
91% HALL OF FAME (4)Happy Arrival! Lotsa Luck On Fending off Future Apronymists' Meticulous Encroachments. Roger Williams, on achieving tenth-equal placing on the Apronyms HALL OF FAME.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% HALLOWEENHouselights And Lanterns Light One's Way Entreating Each Neighbour. Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions
100% HALLOWEEN (2)Happens Annually Letting Loads Of Weefolk Eat Excessive Nuts Tony McCoy O'Grady
Time:Special Occasions
100% HALLOWEEN (3)Horrid American Lads & Lasses On Wilding Escapades Enrage Neighbours Tony McCoy O'Grady
Time:Special Occasions
100% HALLOWEEN (4)Horrible And Lashably Laughable 'Oliday Wickedly, Even Extremely, Needless. Jeff Anonymous, after spending $35 on Halloween candy to pass out.
Time:Special Occasions
90% HALLOWEEN (5)Horrid Adults Leave Little Ones Waiting, Eagerly Expecting Nyum-nyums. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Time:Special Occasions
90% HALLOWEEN (6)Have A Lizard-Like Oculus - Witches Employ Eye-of-Newt! Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions
100% HALOHer Angelic Love Observed Rico Leffanta
100% HALTHorrible... Athome Locks Transactions. Jeff Anonymous, in reference to his ISP halting trading at 14 cents.
100% HALT (2)Have A Little Time Angela noticed that part of the title of a song by Dido forms an unintentional (I assume) apronym.
100% HAMHoliday-Appearing Meat Sean Lamb
Food & Drink
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% HAMISHHome's A Mountaintop In Scottish Highlands Tony McCoy OTartan
Names:First names:Male
100% HAMLETHaunted And Maddened - Life Ends Tragically Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark
100% HAMPERSHinder[s] Angela's MP3 Player's Expected Reception Speed Angela Brett, several days after her IPOD was supposed to arrive, on finding out that due to an influx of CHRISTMAS HAMPERS some smaller packages are getting lost.
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% HAM SANDWICH THEOREMHere's A Mathematical Statement Anyone (Not Dealing With Integrals) Can Hungrily Test. Halve Exactly Outer Rolls, Even Meat. Angela Brett (From the Collins dictionary of Mathematics: ham sandwich theorem, n, a colourful name for the theorem that given three volumes in Euclidean three-space, there is at least one plane which simultaneously bisects the three volumes. As a consequence, any sandwich may be cut in such a way that the two pieces have equal amounts of filling and equal amounts of each slice of bread.)
Food & Drink
100% HANDHard Acronym Not Done Angela Brett, when Steve was trying to think of a HAND acronym and then asked her for an expansion when he couldn't think of one.
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% HAND (2)His/Hers Are Nearly Dry Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Towels
100% HAND (3)Human Appendage Noticed Daily Kenny Roy
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% HANDSHave Above Nine Digits, Sometimes. Steve Keate
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% HANDSHAKEHoping A Nasty Deal Somehow Has A Kiss Enclosed Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% HANDSHAKE (2)Hope A Nice Deal Still Has A Kind Ending Tamara Parisio
People & Relationships
100% HANDSOMEHas A Nice 'Dial' - Showing Off Much Enamel Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% HANDY HINTHer Answers Never Deny You'll Have Intercourse Next Time Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% HANDYMANHusband's Apparently Now Doing Yearly Maintenance Around Nest. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% HANDYSHorrifically Abused Noun Denoting Your Sellfone! Grace Francis
Science:Linguistics:German Words
100% HANGOVERHow Agonizing! Not Good! Oh, Vengeful Elixir Residue! Roger Williams
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% HANNAHHere's A Nice Name - And How! Angela Brett and Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% HANNIBALHopkins (Again Needing Nutrition) Is Back As Lecter. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HANSHas A Nutty Scalp Angela Brett, referring to HANS MOLEMAN - HOMER once kissed him on the head and exclaimed, 'It's just like kissing a peanut!'
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% HANS MOLEMANHis Appearance Needs Seeing Massive Over-Large Eyeglasses, Much Alopecia Noted! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% HANS THOMASHis Autobiographic Novel Spans Two Hundred Or More Autumn Seasons! Angela Brett, referring to the character in 'The Solitaire Mystery' by Jostein Gaarder
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Solitaire Mystery
100% HAPLOCANTHOSAURUSHuge Animal Probably Lived Off Cuttings And Not Tenderlons. Historically Often Seen Around Utah Region, United States Sean Lamb (Haplocanthosaurus was an herbivore; remains of this species have been found in Colorado, Wyoming and Utah)
100% HAPPINESSHaving A Pleasant Profile Involves Not Enjoying Someone's Sadness Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% HAPPINESS (2)Having A Pleasant Perception In Natural Enviroment Successfully Satisfied Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% HAPPYHappy Apple PowerBook Posessor. Yippee! Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela got a new PowerBook and was very HAPPY about it.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% HAPPY (2)Having A Perfectly Productive Yield Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% HAPPY (3)Heavenly Angel Perpetually Pleases You Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Emotions
86% HAPPY AS LARRYHaving A Pleasant Personality, You're Always Smiling. Laurence Apparently Remarkable Role-model for You TMcCO'G, who wonders who "Larry" was.
Assorted Phrases:Sayings
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% HAPPY B-DAYHere's A Present, Proving You've Blocked Death Another Year. Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions
93% HAPPY BIRTHDAYHave A Pleasant Party, Your Birthday Is Really The Happiest Day of Anthony's Year. Angela Brett, shortly before Tony's mother's birthday.
Time:Special Occasions
100% HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANTHONY!Here's A Properly Phony Year... Because In Roman, The (Heard) Digits Announce You're Allowed Non-Truths. Have One Neat Year! Angela Brett, when Tony became old enough to li about his age.
Words & Wordplay
Time:Special Occasions
96% HAPPY BIRTHDAY MACINTOSHHistorical Apple Product Presented Years Back. It's Really Terrific; Humans Don't Actually Yearn for Magical Arcanities. Commandline Isn't Needed, Though OSX's Sure Helps Jeff Anonymous on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the 128k Mac.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
Time:Special Occasions
100% HAPPY BIRTHDAY TONY!Hardly A Party Pooper, You'll Be Incrementing 'Round The Helios' Digits, Announcing 'Yippee! Tony O'Grady's New Year!' Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions
97% HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TONY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!Hope Anniversary Passes Pleasantly. You Being Irish, [I] Realise Today's Half Done As Your Today's Our Yesterday. One Understands How Age Passes Properly - You Begin Increment Relative To Home's Date - And Yet To Others You're Over/ Under. Have A Perfect Party, You'll Be In Revelry 'Til all Hours Doing Anything You Desire, Enjoying Another 'Return' (To Original Neonatal You? Here's A Pretty Picture!) Yawn! Bed Is Ready To Habitate. Dawn Awakes You Tomorrow One Year Older. Unbeatable! Angela Brett, on Tony's birthday.
Time:Special Occasions
100% HAPPY CHRISTMASHave A Peaceful Prosperous Year! Celebrate Heartily, Revel Indecently, Sensuously To Mark Ancient Saturnalia. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% HAPPY CHRISTMAS (2)Have A Peaceful, Pleasant Yule, Colleagues. Hopefully Resulting In Some Truly Marvellous Acronymic Spectaculars! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% HAPPY HOLIDAYSHoping Acronymists Pass Peaceful Yuletide, Havering Over Last Initial's Dubiety Always Yields Satisfaction Tony McCoy O'Grady
Time:Special Occasions
100% HAPPY HOLIDAYS (2)Here's A Plan: Pamper Yourself! Hours Of Lie-Ins Dissolve Away Your Stress. Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions
100% HAPPY HOLIDAYS (3)How American People Phrase Yuletide Hellos... One Living In Diversity Atheises Yearly Sentiments. Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions
100% HAPPY NEW YEARHosting Alcoholic Party Post Yule; Need Earthlings Wanton, Youthful, Erotic, And Rich! Rico Leffanta
Time:Special Occasions
100% HARD DISK MANHorrid And Rotten Deviant. Definitely Intends Stealing Kilobytes - May Attack Now! Tony McCoy O'Grady, inventing another VILLAIN for the baddy-school roll.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
100% HARD DRIVEHardly A Readily Digestible Diet... Rarely Is Vitamin Enriched. Angela Brett
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% HARDWAREHave A Real Dinner Without Any Raw Electronics Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% HARKHear Any Rubber Knickers? Rico Leffanta
Assorted Phrases
100% HARLEY DAVIDSONHells Angels Ride. Lovingly Engineered. Yo Dude, Along Ventura 'Ighway. Desirable Secondhand Or New. Eric Bridgstock
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% HARMHumans Are Really Mean Angela Brett
People & Relationships
Military:War & Terrorism
100% HARMONICAHappy And Rowdy Musicmakers (Off Note) - It's Christmas Again TMcCO'G - thinking back to Christmas mornings as a child when Santa Claus usually included a harmonica in one of the family's stockings
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% HARMONYHeavenly Arrangment Results - Many Orchestrated, None Yelling Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% HAROLDHas Admiration, Reflecting Opportunities Lost, Dutiful Jan Morgan - someone I know who reflected on his opportunities
Names:First names:Male
100% HARPHairs Are Rapidly Plucked Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HARP (2)Harmonious Agreement, Resonates Perfectly Jan Morgan
100% HARPERHappy Actress Regularly Played Eccentric Rhoda Tony McCoy O'Grady - Valerie Harper Played "Rhoda" in the Mary Tyler Moore Show and eventually got an eponymous spin-off show.
Entertainment:TV shows
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
78% HARPISTHeaven's Angels Required to Play Instrument of Sweet Twanging. Angela Brett, after Tony enquired as to whether Chinese heaven has harpists, when Angela described a Chinese writer mentioning people 'harping around in heaven.'
100% HARRISHere's A Rough & Rugged Island - Scottish Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HARRY POTTERHe's A Rather Remarkable Youth, Picked Out To Tackle Evil Ringleader Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% HARRY POTTERSHappiness Abounds Reading Ripping Yarns - Popular Obsession Theme's Tertiary Education Reading Society Muggles McCoy O'Grady, in response to a request for a name for a Harry Potter society at Cambridge University.
Art & Literature:Harry Potter Society
100% HARVESTHaving Accumulated Ripe Vegetables, Eventually Store Them Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% HARVEYHe's A Rabbit-Viewer Evidently, Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HASHISHHigh As Sugar Heaven, It's Still Hemp Rico Leffanta
100% HASSOPHere Armchair Stores Sterling Or Plastic Angela Brett and Tony McCoy O'Grady (Hassop is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'The pocket down the back of an armchair used for storing two-shilling bits and pieces of Lego.'
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% HASTINGSHardly Anything Suspicious - The... Icing Needed Glazing, See? Angela Brett (Hastings is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'Things said on the spur of the moment to explain to someone who comes into a room unexpectedly precisely what it is you are doing.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% HATEHumans Attack Their Enemies Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
Military:War & Terrorism
100% HATE LIFEHave A Tolerance (Extremely Low) Involving Futile Existence Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% HATINGHumans Attack Those Idolising Neighbouring Gods Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
Military:War & Terrorism
100% HAUNS MILLHere Attacked, Underhanded Needless Slaughter, Massacre Is Landmark Location Jan Morgan -- Horrible incident happened in Missouri in the 1800's
75% HAVE A LIFEHoping for A Veritable Experience of A Long Interface with Fellow Entities Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% HAVE A LOVELIER DAY THAN...Have A Very Excellent And Lovely (Oh, Very Entertaining) Life! I Expect Record Days And Years To Happen! And NOW! Rob Rix, after he capitalised that phrase in an email and Angela challenged him to expand it.
Assorted Phrases
100% HAVE AN EFFECTHeaviness And Vectors - Every Action Necessarily Effects Further Forces, Eternally Changing Things Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HAVE A NICE DAYHopefully A Very Enjoyable And Not Irritating Circadian Episode Does Await You. Angela Brett
Communication:Hello & Goodbye
93% HAVE A NICE LIFEHere's A Very Exact Aspiration. Normally It's a Conversation Ender - 'Live Ideal Future Existence'. TMcCO'G
Communication:Hello & Goodbye
100% HAWAIIHosting Amorous Weekends At Island Inns Rico Leffanta
Places:States & Regions
100% HAWAII (2)Happiness Around Wonderful And Irresistable Islands Jan Morgan and Kayana Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% HAWAII (3)Hulagirls And Wave-Action - Idyllic Islands Tony
Places:States & Regions
100% HAWKSHas Aggressive Ways, Kamikaze Styling Jan Morgan - the bird of prey
75% HAYHarvest Available Year-round Angela Brett
100% HAZELHers Are Zany Eye-Lashes TMcCO'G
Names:First names:Female
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% HEADHat/Hair Envelops Axons & Dendrites Angela Brett and Peter Coxhead
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% HEADLAMPHelps Espy Any Danger Lying Across My Path Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Parts
100% HEALHelpful Education About Life/Love Angela Brett, in response to the same request as WATCH OUT
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% HEAL (2)Helping End Abusive Lifestyles Tony McCoy O'Grady (see WATCH OUT)
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% HEALTHHas Everyone Actually Left The Hospitals? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HEALTH (2)Hospitals Earn A Lot Though Handicaps Tony McCoy O'Grady
91% HEALTHCAREHabitually Eating A Large T-bone Has Caused Arteriosclerosis, Requiring Electrocardiograms Patricia Rix
100% HEALTHCARE (2)Having Experts At Local Teaching Hospitals Can Assist Rebuff Epidemics Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HEARINGHearing: Environment Aurally Receive / Interpret Navigate Grasp Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
88% HEARSAYHis Evidential Account's Really Secondhand (According to Yvette) Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% HEARTHopefully Evident Arrhythmias Repair Themselves. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% HEART (2)Healthily, Each Atrium Rhythmically Twitches. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% HEART (3)Holds Emotion And Romantic Thoughts? Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% HEART (4)Heaves Everything At Rogue Theatrics Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% HEART (5)He's Expired... Atria Rhythm Terminated Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% HEART (6)Hydraulic Engine Absolutely Rooted Today! Bern Dell
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% HEARTACHEHelping End Abusive Relationships That Are Causing Hurt Everywhere/Everyday Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to this request on the Apronyms Forums: We are forming a new community group to end abuse, we are looking for a catchy acronym using the A for abuse. We don't want to limit ourselves to only family violence, or child abuse. Our purpose is to educate and raise awareness.
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% HEARTACHE (2)Helping Educate About Relationships That Are Causing Hurt Everywhere/Everyday Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to this request on the Apronyms Forums: We are forming a new community group to end abuse, we are looking for a catchy acronym using the A for abuse. We don't want to limit ourselves to only family violence, or child abuse. Our purpose is to educate and raise awareness.
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% HEARTBURNHaving Eaten Amazingly Rapidly, Then Begrudgingly Undergo Restless Night Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HEART-STOPPERHave Encountered Accident. Really Terrible Situation. Then One Pulse Pausing Emergency Resulted Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% HEATERHigh Electrical Appetite, Turns Element Red. Matthew Oram and Steve Keate
Household Objects:Appliances
100% HEATHHeather Enhancing Air To Heaven Rico Leffanta
100% HEATHCLIFFHe Eats A Terrible High-Cholesterol Lunch - It's Fried Fish Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% HEAT LOSSHome's Entrances Are The Largest Offenders - Squandering Sultriness Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HEAVENHighly Ecclesiastical Angelic Vista - Eternal Nirvana Angela Brett (the Angelic one ;^)
100% HEAVEN (2)Hyperdevelopment: Emmanuel Almighty - Virgin Energises Newborn! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% HEAVENLY FANTASYHaving Experienced A Vision Eternal, Never Let Yourself Forget And Not Try Again Seeing Yahweh Tony McCoy O'Gradyoga
93% HEAVENLY FATHERHis Endearing Answers, Voice Eternal Never-ending Love Yous. Faith Answers True Heartfelt Enlightened Response. Jan Morgan
100% HEBEHelps Elderly Become Elastic Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
88% HEBREWSHeadache Effected By Religious Encouragements (and) Warnings. Stunning Eric Bridgstock
Religion:Bible books
100% HECATEHeavenly Eclipse Can Alter The Earth Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% HECTORHelen's Evidently Caused Trouble - Opinion? Return! Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Troilus and Cressida
100% HEDGEHOGHe'll Eat Disgusting Garden Entities, Helping Out Gardeners TMcCO'G
100% HEDWIGHe'll Eventually Destroy Windows, It's Guaranteed Sean Lamb (Hedwig was the code name for RedHat Linux 6.0)
Names:Code Names:Linux
100% HEELHolds Extremity, Ends Leg. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% HE HAD A KNIFEHoned Edged Havoc And Devastation Assassin Killed Nastily - Incisive Fatal Effect TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
83% HELENHer Enduring Loveliness Eludes No-one Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Troilus and Cressida
100% HELENAHer Evident Love Endures Nightmarish Artifices Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:A Midsummer Night's Dream
100% HELENA (2)Husband's Evidently Lacks Empathy - Not Admired Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:All's Well That Ends Well
86% HELIUMHandy Element. Lift Is Utilised (in) Mobility. Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% HELIUM (2)Has Elevatory Lightness, Is Used in Mobility. Angela Brett
100% HELLHot Environment, Lucifer's Location Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HELPHave Extremely Large Problem Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% HELP (2)Hopelessly Erudite Lesson Platform Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% HELP DESKHasn't Even Learnt Primary Data Everyone Should Know Angela Brett (see also HELPDESK)
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% HELPDESK"Hello... Eh? Lifeless PC? Depress Electricity Switch."-- Knowall Angela Brett
100% HELPDESK (2)Has Everyone Left Phone Department? Emergency Service's Kiboshed Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HELPING CHILDRENHas Endless Listening Patience - It's Needed. Genuine Concern Helps If Little Darlings Require Extra Nurturing Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Family
96% HELPING KIDS WITH EDUCATIONHelp Every Little Person In New Generation, Knowledge Is Definitely Something Worth Investing in. Tomorrow's Heros Every Day Use Computers And Technology Imaginary-Only Now. Angela Brett
100% HELP ME FIND THE CATHopefully Every Lost Pet May Eventually Find Its Next Dinner (The Human's Emotions Clearly Aren't Topmost!) Angela Brett, when someone searched for that phrase on the website.
100% HELP ME GO PEEHave Especially Large Prostate? Maybe Envisioning Gently Oscillating Pond'll Ease Embarrassment. Angela Brett, after somebody searched for that phrase on the website. Other unsuccessful searches are now listed at http://acronyms.co.nz/cgi-bin/searches
100% HELP WANTED: CALCULATORS!Hardworkers Enthusiastically Lifting People Wanted! Affordable New Tools/Techniques, Ensue. Dependable: Custodians, Accountants, Leaders, Craftsmen/Craftswomen, Unnamed, Laborers, Advertisers, Technologists, Operators, Receptionists, Secretaries! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% HELSINKIHuman's Emigration Legally Settled Internationally, Negotiations Keen & Intense TMcCO'G - the Helsinki Accord deals with migration
100% HEMPHardly Emulates Marijuana's Potency Angela Brett
100% HEMP (2)Herb Exhibits Medicinal Properties Angela Brett
100% HENCHMENHeavies Eventually Needed Creative Handling, Many Escapees Neutralised Tony McCoy O'Grady
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
100% HENGHis Earthquake-Noticer's Great! Angela Brett
100% HENRYHas Electricity Not Registered Yet? Tony McCoy O'Grady
94% HENRY BOLINGBROKEHaving Exile Needlessly Ruled, You Break Obedience (on) Losing Inheritance. New Generation Beats Richard - Obtain Kingship Eventually Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Richard II
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Richard II
100% HEPWORTHHighly Entertaining Place Where Oldsters Raid Tim Horton's George Rix, Rob Rix and Patricia Rix (Tim Horton's is a coffee shop chain found across Canada. It is also the social centre of its community in small towns, where people meet & chat or just hang out.)
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% HERAHave Everyone Respond Awfully Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
89% HERALDRYHeroic Exploits Recalled, Adventurous Life's Details of Royal Yeoman Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% HERBALIFEHate Every Repulsive Banner Accosting Linked-In Food Eaters. Angela Brett, who sees a lot of annoying pop-up ads (not exactly banners... put some demerit points on my creative license) for Herbalife but prefers to get her nutrients from a balanced diet rather than from herb pills. I'm glad only have to put up with those ads when I'm at work... the web browsers on my own computer block unrequested pop-up windows.
Food & Drink
100% HERBSHealing Edible Roots, Buds Savory Jan Morgan -- herbs are used for enhancing the flavor of food and can be used to heal what ails you
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% HERCULESHe Efficientlty & Resourcefully Completed Unlikely Labours Eurystheus Set Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% HERE'S TO THE CRAZY ONES - THE MISFITS, THE REBELS, THE TROUBLEMAKERS. THE ROUND PEGS IN THE SQUARE HOLES. THE ONES WHO SEE THINGS DIFFERENTLY. THEY'RE NOT FOND OF RULES, AND THEY HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THE STATUS QUO. YOU CAN QUOTE THEM, DISAGREE WITH THEM, GLORIFY OR VILIFY THEM - ABOUT THE ONLY THING YOU CAN'T DO IS IGNORE THEM. BECAUSE THEY CHANGE THINGS. THEY PUSH THE HUMAN RACE FORWARD. AND WHILE SOME MAY SEE THEM AS THE CRAZY ONES, WE SEE GENIUS - BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE CRAZY ENOUGH TO THINK THEY CAN CHANGE THE WORLD ARE THE ONES WHO DO.Hello, Emmy! Really Emotive Script That Offers The Heroically Engendered Computer. Respect Apple's Zeal - Yes, One Needs Enthusiasm. 'Similar Thinking' Holds Evil, Microsoft Is Slowly Filtering Into These Similar-Thinkers' Heads, Essentially Revenue-Enhancing Brainwashing. Enter Lifestyle Spot Touting Home Electronics That Rebels Outputted. Used By Lunatics, Einsteins, Misfits Alike, Key Element's Revolutionary Spirit. This Has Everything... Rapid Operation, Userfriendliness - No Dot-PUB Endings (Gates' System Insists Names Trail Horrid 'Extensions' So Quasi-Understandable Abbreviation Represents Executable's Handle.) Owners Love Easy Software That Has Enhanced Output - Nay... Enhanced, Somehow, World! Hail Our Steves - Evolving Electronics, They Have, Indeed, Near-Godly Status. Doing It For Fun, Eventually Rewarded... Even Now They Leave You Thinking, "He's Extraordinary! Yes, Really Extraordinary! Not One To Fear Originality." New Discoveries Often Find Ridicule, Until Losers Eventually See Advantage - Now Different Thinking Has Exterminated Yesteryear's Harmonistic Attitude. Value Eccentricity, Not Ordinariness - Revolutionary Equals Strange... Perspective Entirely Changes The Face Of Rebellious Thoughts. Help Existing, Stagnating Technology Advance Through Using Some Quality Unheard Of Yet. Outcasts? Underdogs? Called Anything Nasty (Quoting Usually Others' Thoughtless Exclamations) The Hardworking Engineers Made Dust Into Silver, Analogously. Gutsy Recovery Ensued... Everything's Worth It, To Hear The Heartfelt Evangelism Macintosh G4 Lovers Offer. "Rapid Innovation Fulfills Your Own Resplendent Visions, Its Lifelike Interface Frees You To Harness Effectively Machine's Awesome Battery Of Uses." Though That's Hardly Everyone's Opinion. Now, Like Yesterday, To Heedlessly Ignore Next-Generation Young Objects Usually Causes A Nightmare. Think Different! Outliers In Science Invariably Get Noticed... Often Resented, Esteemed, Totally Humiliated, Eulogised, Maligned... But Eventually Create A Utopia, Sending Earthlings To Heights Earlier You Couldn't Have Anticipated. New Greatness Entails Tumbling Headlong Into Nothingness, Gripping Some Thought, Hoping Earnestly You'll Progress Utopia Somehow. However, Try Hard... Extremely Hard. Use Magic And Neurons, Reckoning And Creativity, Effort, Flair, Outright Radical Wizardry - Anything. Rule Deviations Are Necessary - Domination Will Hinder Innovation, Lessen Enthusiasm, Stifle One's Mind... Even Might Augment Youth Suicide. Educate Each To Hold 'Educate Myself' As Slogan To Honour, Eventually Cultivating Real Autonomous Zealots... You'd Only Need Elementary Similarities. When Einstein Started Extensively Exploring Gravitation, Established Newtonian Ideas Undoubtedly Stopped Brainiac Earlier Concocting Alternative Universal Supposition. Egotistical Thoughtpolice Hide Enigmatic People Elsewhere, Only Promoting Learning Everything Within Habitual, Orthodox Academia. Real Extremists Create Ridiculous Acronyms... Zany Yield Except Not One Useful Gift Humanity Takes Of This. Hardly Inducing New Knowledge, This Huge Expansion Yabbers Continually About Near-Cliched Homogeny Attitude. Nowadays, Gosh, Everyone Thinks He's Eccentric... Widespread Opinion Regarding Looking Different As Really Extra Trendy Has Each One Now Effectively Seeking What He Opposes - Difference Omnipresent! Angela Brett, expanding the script of an Emmy-winning Apple advertisement.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
Words & Wordplay:Ridiculously long apronyms
100% HEREWITHHave Eventuated Resulting Enclosure Which I Tender Hopefully Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HERITAGEHaving Every Refinement In Tradition As Generations Enlightenment Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
100% HERMIAHer Emotions Roused, Marriage Is Arranged Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:A Midsummer Night's Dream
100% HERMIONEHusband's Errand-Running Messengers Indicate Oracle's Negative Evidence Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Winter's Tale
100% HERMIONE (2)Honorable Enthusiastic Rare Muggleborn Identifies Own Natural Enchantments Jan Morgan -- Harry Potter friend
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% HERNIAHurts Excruciatingly! Really Needs Immediate Attention Angela Brett
100% HERNIA (2)Hurtful Erruptions Requiring Nursing, In Abdomen Bern Dell
100% HEROHeroine Evinces Real Optimism Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Much Ado About Nothing
100% HERO (2)He Eventually Rises Over! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% HERONHe Estimated Roots Of Numbers. Angela Brett
100% HERTZHave Everything Recalibrated To Zero Tony McCoy O'Grady
95% HE WHO HESITATES IS LOSTHaving Evidently Wasted Hours On Havering, Eschew Seizing Initiative That Afforded Thin Escape Slot. It's Silly Lingering Or Shilly-shallying Twittishly TMcCO'G
Assorted Phrases:Sayings
People & Relationships:Advice
100% HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMEDHorrible Entity Was Harry's Opposition. Master Uses Snake To Negotiate Own Tyranny, Bigotry, Entity Now A Menace, Extensive Danger Jan Morgan -- Harry Potter Evil Character
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMEDHorrible Entity, Was Harry's Opposition. Sacrifices His Allies, Lacks Love. Negotiates Own Tyranny, Bigotry, Entity Now A Menace, Extensive Danger. Jan Morgan -- Harry Potter Evil Character
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% HEWLETT-PACKARDHave Employed Wozniak - Looked Encouragingly Toward The Prototype Apple, Couldn't Know About Resulting Disadvantage. Angela Brett, since Steve Wozniak was working at Hewlett-Packard when he designed the Apple I, but luckily HP weren't interested in selling computers at that time so they didn't claim it as their own.
100% HEWLETT-PACKARD (2)Hey! - Everyone Who Likes Eating These Things - Parts Are Considered Kosher And Really Delicious Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% HIBERNATEHappily Imitating Bear Enjoying Repose Not Awakening Til Evicted Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
100% HIC!Hangover Is Coming Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HIDDEN BEAUTYHaven't I Deep Delights Eyes Never Behold? Exclaimed An Ugly Tattoed Youth Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% HIGGS BOSONHere Is GUT's Guts, Some Believe Only Stupidity Of Namesake Angela Brett, who originally misunderstood the Higgs boson and expanded it, 'Here Is Gravity's Glue...' GUT stands for Grand Unified Theory.
100% HIGHHelicopter's Indispensible Getting Here. Angela Brett
Places:Positions & Directions
100% HIGH (2)Here Is Good Hashish! Angela Brett
100% HIGH HEELSHookers In General Have Highly Enhanced & Extended Legs' Sexuality Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
89% HIGH NOONHitchcockian Intensity. Gary Has Nobody Offering (to) Oppose Nasties. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HIGH SCHOOLHere I Got High (Smoking Canabis, Hiding Out On Lavatory.) Angela Brett, who didn't.
100% HIGHWAYHaving Itinerary, Guides Humans Wanderings, Achieving Yardage Jan Morgan
100% HIKEHillwalking Is Keenly Energetic Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
90% HILARIOUSHa! I Laughed And Rolled Incited by Outrageous, Uproarious Suggestion! Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela suggested that it would be UNKIND to chop his dongle.
100% HILARIOUS (2)Here I Laugh At Rudeness I Observe U Suggesting Tony McCoy O'Grady, when I quoted KEYBOARD saying "If it's small and soft, then why is it such a big problem?" about MICROSOFT, and then realised the comment could relate to something else...
100% HILARIOUS (3)How I Laughed! A Rollicking Incident Of Utter Silliness Angela Brett
100% HILARITYHappiness Is Laughing At Reality, It Transfixes You. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HILARYHappy Individual Lives A Rich Youth Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% HILARY DUFFHappy Individual Loves Adventures Really Yields Doing Unforgettable Fun Features Jan Morgan
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% HILLHuge Insipid Land Lump Angela Brett
100% HILLARY RODHAM CLINTONHellacious Individual Lavishly Lingers Around Rotunda. Yells Resonate Of Diva Having A Massive Clinton Lingo In Nauseating Tones Of Nepotism Jan Morgan
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% HILLBILLYHome Is Little Log Building - Isolation Lasts Long Years Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% HILTONHow I'd Love To Own Nine! Angela Brett
100% HILTON (2)Hospitality Is Like That Of Nobility Angela Brett
100% HILUX SURFHeight In Luxury Utilitarian Xpress Superb Ute Really Flash! Carl Brett
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% HIMHoly Immortal Mightiness Tony, in response to the capitalised 'HIM' in FAITH (3)
100% HIM (2)Happens It's Male! Tony, in response to the capitalised 'HIM' in FAITH (3)
People & Relationships
100% HI MOMHere Is Model Of Maternity Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Family
77% HIPPARCHUSHigher Intelligence (than) Ptolemy? Precession Angle Reckoning Closer to Hypothesis of Undisputed Scientists. Angela Brett. (Hipparchus's value for the precession of the equinoxes was much more accurate than the value which Ptolemy obtained 300 years later.)
100% HIPPASUSHe Incensed Pythagoreans, Perhaps After Showing Unholy Sizes Angela Brett (Hippasus was expelled from the Pythagoreans, possibly because of disclosing the existence of incommensurable magnitudes)
88% HIPPIASHatched In Peloponnese, Practised Instruction in All States. Angela Brett
88% HIPPIAS (2)He Instructed Poorly... Payment Isn't Acquired in Sparta. Angela Brett (Hippias was not paid for his lectures in Sparta because Spartans weren't very interested in mathematics.)
100% HIPPIESHappy Individuals, Peaceably Playing In Extreme Satisfaction Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
95% HIPPOCRATES OF CHIOSHis Inter-Personal Proficiency's Often Considered Rusty... Although The Exceptional Squaring Of Fragments (of) Circles Held Importance, Observed Scholars. Angela Brett
100% HIPPOLYTAHighly Independent Person, Play's Outcome Leaves You Totally Amorous Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
100% HIREHardware Is Rented Everywhere Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HIRE (2)Having Implement Requires Expenditure Angela Brett
100% HIRE (3)Help Is Required, Evenings Patricia Rix
100% HISSHumming In Snake Songs Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% HISTORYHow It Seemed To Our Rulers Yesteryear! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HITACHIHow Is This A Computer-Human Interface? Sean Lamb (Hitachi makes computer monitors...)
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% HITCHHitched? Is The Ceremony Hindered? Angela Brett, since many people 'get hitched' without a hitch.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% HITCHEDHoly Intimate Tie Connecting Heterosexuals Expecting Divorce Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% HITCHHIKERHop In The Car... Heading Home? I Know Expedient Route. Angela Brett
100% HITCHHIKER (2)Hope I'm Travelling Carefully, Hope He Isn't Killer, Even Rapist Tony McCoy O'Serial Killer
100% HI THEREHello Is Too Haughty, Even Rather Elizabethan Patricia Rix
Communication:Hello & Goodbye
96% HITLER WAS A GERMAN DICTATORHis Innate Tactfulness Lacked Everything. Regarded War As Supreme Against Generally Embarrassing Races & Mentalities. Attacked Neighbouring Domains Intending to Capture Tracts Allowing Teutons Outspread Room TMcCO'G
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% HITMONCHANHe Is The Master Of Nasty Chopping, Hands Are Nimble. Angela Brett (Hitmonchan is Pokemon #107)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% HITMONLEEHe Is The Master Of Nasty Legwork... Extremely Effective. Angela Brett (Hitmonlee is Pokemon #106)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% HIT THE GROUND RUNNINGHelicopter Ingests Troops, Travels, Hastily Evacuates. Guys Running Out Under Nasty Deadly Riflefire, Usually Need No Incitement. Nearly Gallopping. TMcCO'G, who doubts that troops debarking from a helicopter, under fire, need to be told to "hit the ground running".
Assorted Phrases:Sayings
100% HOBBIESHours Of Bliss, Busy In Exotic Sports Tony McCoy O'Grady, who is unhappy with the ending, and invites amendments. Maybe something involving ".... In Empty Sheds"
Sports & Recreation
100% HOBBYHopefully Outcome's Big Bucks, Yes? Angela Brett, when Mike from acronymfinder.com mentioned that his hobby now earns him money in advertising and licensing.
100% HOBOHomeless Or Broke One Angela Brett
People & Relationships
67% HOBO (2)Hop On Board, On-the-house! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% HOCKEYHeroicly Overpadded - Compete Keenly Every Year Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% HOCKEY (2)Highly Overpaid Canadians Keep Entertaining You Patricia Rix
Sports & Recreation
100% HOFFHaughty Outrage Feints Falsehood Tony McCoy O'Grady (Hoff is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning 'To deny indignantly something which is palpably true.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% HOGWARTSHarry! Our Group Worships All Rowling's Thrilling Stories Muggles McCoy O'Grady, in response to a request for a name for a Harry Potter society at Cambridge University.
Art & Literature:Harry Potter Society
100% HOGWARTS (2)Hang Out Gives Wizards A Resident Teaching School Jan Morgan -- Harry Potter School
Art & Literature:Fictional Places
100% HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HOHer Orthodontist Handily Overcame Heated Objections Hindering Oral Hygiene Originally Hampering Orgasms Happily Obtained Helping Old Hermits Over Humps On Holiday Outings Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% HOLDENHad Olympian Looks - Did Excellent 'Network' Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to actor William Holden.
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% HOLDUPHoodlums Often Loud Demands Upset Personnel Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% HOLE IN ONEHero Of Lockerroom - Everyone's Inebriated Now, Oh Nasty Eagle TMcCO'G - When a golfer gets a hold in one it is usual that they stand a drink for everyone in the clubhouse that day. An 'eagle' is a score of two under par for a hole, so a hole-in-one on a par three hole would be an eagle.
Sports & Recreation
100% HOLLANDHordes Of Low-Landers All Need Dykes Angela Brett
Places:States & Regions
88% HOLLAND (2)Here Originate Lovely Lilies And Nice Dairy-cows Patricia Rix
Places:States & Regions
100% HOLLYWOOD OPUSHead Office Literally Loves Your Work, Only One Detail: Other People Underwrite Script! Rico Leffanta
88% HOLMIUMHardly Occurring Light Metal, It's Usually Mineral-based. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HOLODECKHalucination Of Lifelike Objects Directly Emulates Craft's Keypoint Doctor McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Fictional Places
100% HOLOFERNESHaving Overflowery Language, Our Foolish Educator Rehearses Novel Entertaining Show Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Love's Labours Lost
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Love's Labours Lost
100% HOLOGRAPHYHarnessing One's Laser, One Generates Really Artistic, Pleasing Holograms, Yes? Sean Lamb
Art & Literature
100% HOLY GRAILHallowed Object Long Years Gone - Remotely Accessible In Legend Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HOMEHouse Or Mansion, Essentially. Angela Brett
100% HOME AT LASTHouse Of Mine Evokes A Teary Look, After Strenuous Travellings TMcCO'G
People & Relationships
100% HOME AT LAST (2)Homesickness's Over Mate, Extend Almighty Thanks, Like A Seasoned Traveller TMcCO'G
People & Relationships
100% HOME CONSTRUCTIONHow One Might Erect Comfortable & Opulent Nest. Some Training / Research Using Concrete Technology Is Obviously Needed Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HOMELANDHere Our Mothers Endured Labour - A Nation Divine Angela Brett
100% HOMELAND (2)Heart Of My Existence Lies Amid Native Dominion Angela Brett
100% HOMELAND (3)Here Originated My Ethnicity, Language, And Negative Discrimination Angela Brett
100% HOMERHolding Onto Marge - Extreme Reliance Angela Brett and Steve Keate
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% HOMER SIMPSONHusband Of Marge - Ensures Reactor's Safety Is Maintained. Parenting Skills Openly Neglected Tony McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% HOMESHearths Often May Evoke Sentiments. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HOMESCHOOLING TEENSHow Our Mother's Educational Standards Channelled Her Offsprings' Outstanding Learning. I'm Naturally Grateful That Everyone's Educational Needs Serviced! Tony McCoy O'Grady, after someone searched the ACRONYMS web site for 'homeschooling teens'.
95% HOMESCHOOLING TEENS (2)Happy Ordinararily, My Existence Somewhat Carefree, However, Observance Of Learning Is Nice Grammar To Extend Educational Norms (in) Society Grace Francis, who was homeschooled
100% HOME TEACHERSHabit Of Men Enabled To Educate All, Church Harmony Emphasized Readily Significant Jan Morgan - someone who comes by church members homes to see how you are doing
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% HOME TEACHERS (2)House Of Many, Environment. Timely Enlightened Appointment, Checking How's Everyone, Responsibility Significant Jan Morgan -- someone who comes by church members homes to see how you are doing
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% HOMEWORKHow One's Midweek Evenings Went On - Revising Knowledge Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HOMICIDEHorror Of Murder Is Captured In Deceased's Expression Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
People & Relationships:Death
100% HOMOGRAPHYHelpful Orthographic Method - One Graphical Representation And Phoneme Homogeneously Yoked Angela Brett, who doesn't think Homogeneously is the best word for it.
100% HOMOSEXUALSHump Other Men Only, So Eschewing XX. Unusual, Although (Lately) Sanctioned. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
92% HOMOSEXUALS (2)Heterosexual-Otherwise Men Often Supposedly Experience X-rated Urges Around Lesbian Sex Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% HONDAHop On, Now Drive Away Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% HONDURASHassled Over Nicaragua's Dictatorship - Unwanted Rebels And Sandinistas. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HONEYHarvest Of Nectar - Extremely Yummy Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% HONEY (2)Hot Orgasmic Neighbour Excites You! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% HONEYMOONHours Of Nighttime Experimenting - You Might Orgasm... Or Not. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
83% HONKYHe's Often Not Kinky-haired, Y'know Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% HONORHow Others Note One's Respect Sean Lamb
People & Relationships
100% HONORABLEHonesty Offers Notice On Respectable Attribute, Best Loved Example Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% HONORARYHaving One's Noble Opinions, Reputable And Respected, Yes Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
100% HONOURSHonouring Old Nimble-One Upset Rolling Stone Nanker Phelge -- I see that Keef is miffed that Mick accepted a gong - because of 'pressure' from Tony Blair!
100% HOODHere's Owner Of Degree Angela Brett, a few weeks before graduating.
Household Objects:Clothing:Academic Regalia
100% HOOKERHarlot Often Offers Kerbside Erotic Rendezvous Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% HOOVERHums Over Objective, Vacuums Entire Region Jan Morgan -- Brand name of a vacuum
Household Objects:Appliances
100% HOPEHeart's Optimism Preserves Enthusiasm Timothy Chambers
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% HOPE (2)Hope Object: Pleasant Expectation! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% HOPE (3)Has Only Pure Expectations Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% HORACEHolding On Romantically Antagonises Consorts Everytime Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Male
100% HORATIOHamlet's Only Real Ally Through Incredible Ordeal Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark
100% HORIZONTALHow, Oftentimes Reclining I Zzzz Or Nod, Til Alarm Livens Bill Neal
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% HORMONESHas Own Reactions, Managing Own Nuttiness Engages Some Jan Morgan
83% HORNYHard-On Raging for Nubile Youth Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% HORSEHumans Often Race Speedy Equines. Angela Brett. (Tony replied 'I've never raced a horse in my life! I'm (just about) smart enough to know it would win ;-)')
100% HORSE (2)Here's One! Relentlessly Sheep Elsewhere. Angela Brett, who saw a lot of sheep but very few horses on her way from Auckland to Palmerston North.
100% HORSE (3)Harry Only Rides Sally East Uniasus
100% HORSE (4)Her Owner's Really Supreme Equestrienne Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HORSE (5)His Owner Races Steeplechasers Excellently Tony McCoy O'Grady
92% HORSE AND CARTHaving Obedient Reliable Slaves, Each Affluent Nobleman Drove a Carriage. Archaic Road Transport. Angela Brett
100% HORSE CHESTNUTHemorrhoids Of Robust Soreness Eased. Chronic Hairveins Evidently Succumb To Nature's Usual Treatment Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% HORSEPOWERHumans Often Race Speedy Engines... Probability Of Wreckage Escalates Rapidly. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HORSESHumans' Overiding/Overall Resource Speed Earthshakin' Steeds! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% HORSETAILHairs Of Rather Splendid Equine - Tasty And Incredibly Long Tony (Yeah, I know it's a plant and not an actual horse's tail)
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% HOSEAHarsh Overtones, Split Ended Acceptably Eric Bridgstock
Religion:Bible books
100% HOSPITALHouse Of Sick Patients Itching Their Amputated Limbs Angela Brett
100% HOSPITAL (2)Hearses Offer Some Patients Into The After-Life Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% HOSPITALITYHome's Open, Swinging Party Is Thrown And Lasts Indefinitely, Thank You TMcCO'G
People & Relationships
100% HOSTELHow One Shuns The Expensive Lodges Angela Brett
100% HOSTILEHe Obviously Seems Threatening, Indeed Looks Evilminded Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% HOTHeightening Of Thermoactivity Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% HOT (2)Honey On Toast Chelsea Reid, who responded, "Honey on toast?" when her mother refered to her boyfriend as 'Honey.' Being only three and a half, Chelsea probably doesn't realise it's an acronym for another possible description of this 'honey.'
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% HOT AND SEXYHumans Openly Titillated, Aroused, Naughty During Sex - Even Xenophobic Yanks Chris Kjelgaard
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% HOT BOXHelp/Halt! Our Train's Becoming Overly Xerantic! Angela Brett (According to the glossary on http://trackbed.com, hot box refers to excessive heating of a plain bearing axlebox due often to a loss of adequate lubrication and which required the locomotive to be stopped before severe damage and possible derailment occurred.)
100% HOT CHIPSHot Oil Tastily Cooks Highly Irresistible Potato Sticks Angela Brett, while waiting for hot chips to be cooked at the UNIVERSITY cafeteria.
Food & Drink
100% HOT-CROSS BUNSHow Oddly They Celebrate Religious Occasion... 'Sweet & Savioury' Bread Undoes Numerous Sins. Angela Brett
Food & Drink
Time:Special Occasions:Easter
100% HOT-CROSS BUNS (2)Holy On-Top Crucifix... Remember Our Saviour Suffered Brutality Undoing Numerous Sins Angela Brett
Food & Drink
Time:Special Occasions:Easter
100% HOT DOGHow One Tries Disguising Old Gristle TMcCO'G
Food & Drink
100% HOTELHouse Of Travellers - Expensive Lodgings! Angela Brett/Dustan Dowsing, while listening to an mp3 of 'Hotel California' by The Eagles.
100% HOTMAILHow One Tells Microsoft Administration Is Lacking Sean Lamb
100% HOTMAIL (2)Has Own Talking Messengers At Indivdual's Location Jan Morgan
78% HOTSPURHot-headed Opponent Turns Seditious Plotter (to) Unseat Royalty Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry IV
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry IV
100% HOUSEHome Of Usual Suburban Entities Angela Brett
100% HOUSE OF LORDSHereditary Oligarchs Usually Sent Eldest Offspring For Legislative Office - Rarely Doing Superbly Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HOWARDHow Other-Wordly... A Rationalising Duck. Angela Brett, referring to the film 'Howard The Duck'. I'm after a better word than Rationalising... something meaning 'humanoid', 'anthropomorphised', 'beer-drinking', 'blokey' or one of the other traits Howard possessed which are otherwise exclusive to humans.
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% HOW DO I SUBMIT?Hello O Wise Dictionary Owners. Is Submission Undertaken By Me Ideally Tackled? Tony McCoy O'Grady, when someone capitalised 'HOW DO I SUBMIT?' on the Acronyms forums.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% HOW DO YOU DO THAT?Help Out With Details Of Your Operational Uniqueness, Disclosure Of Technique Helps Acclimatise Trainees TMcCO'G
Assorted Phrases
100% HOWDY"Hello" - Or - "Welcome" Drawls Yank Tony McCoy O'Grady
Communication:Hello & Goodbye
100% HOWIEHumorous One Was Improvisational Entertainer Sean Lamb (Howie Mandel is a comic who is pretty good at improvisation)
Names:Famous people
100% HOW MANYHave Office Wench Make Amends Next Year Rico Leffanta, after someone telling him they had "too many" and made a fool out of themselves at the office Christmas party (in Britain, since office parties in America are tabu), but decided there was nothing they could do except make amends next year.
Time:Special Occasions
100% HOW NOW BROWN COWHere's One Writing Naming Our Wonderful Bovine Representive. Ours Was Named Clara. Oh, Wow! Roger Williams
Assorted Phrases
100% HOW'S THAT?Here's One Witting Suggestion To Have Angela Tittering Tony McCoy O'Grady, after IT CAN BE AS LONG AS YOU LIKE AS LONG AS YOU ACRONYMISE IT
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% HOW TO HUG A PORCUPINEHarmful Onerous Warlike Tyrannical Opinions, Hard Uncooperative Glacial Attitudes, Problematic Ominous Reasonings, Complicated Unmanageable Personalities, Illusions Not Eliminated Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% HTMLHow They Make Links Tony McCoy O'Grady (HTML usually stands for HyperText Markup Language)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% HTTPHere's That Titled Page Tony McCoy O'Grady - People seem to think that 'http://www.co.nz' is the 'name' of a page, rather than the 'address'. (HTTP usually stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% HTTP (2)How They Transfer Pages Angela Brett, inspired by HTML. HTTP usually stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% HTTP://ACRONYMS.CO.NZHave The Time, Phone, And Computer? Read Our Newest Yabberings - Mostly-Sane Creations Of Novel Zeitvertreib Angela Brett, referring to the ACRONYMS web site of course.
100% HTTP://UN.CO.NZ/ANGELAHave Time To Peruse? Using Netscape, Come Over 'N' Zip Around. Newly Generated Eloquence Lies Ahead. Angela Brett, acronymising her website (since moved to http://macintosh.geek.nz) This includes the ACRONYMS site which is updated with new acronyms every week.
100% HUBHurts Ur Body Jeff Anonymous
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% HUBBYHopelessly Unaware Bubble Burst Yesterday Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% HUBERT DE BURGHHonest-Under-Bewildering-Events/ Rogue-Thoroughly-Devious? Expects, By Uniting Royals, General Happiness Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King John
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King John
100% HUGHold Unforgettable Guy/Gal Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% HUGEHas, Unexpectedly, Grown Enormously Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% HUHHardly Understood Her Angela Brett
100% HULAHappy Undulating Lustful Acts Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
80% HULKHas Unnaturally Laid-out Karyotype Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% HUMHaving Unusual Moans Jan Morgan
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% HUMANHonestly, Unrequited Meaning Afflicts Nothing imposed
People & Relationships
100% HUMAN (2)Hands Used Mainly Affecting Neighbourhood Gavin Lambert - After all, our hands are our primary means of manipulating our environment.
People & Relationships
100% HUMBLEHas Unpretentious Meekness Because Lives Egoless Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% HUMDINGERHaving Unexpected Merriment Deeply Involving Numerous Gleeful Excited Responses Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HUMMERHow Un-Moving Mouths Emit Resonances Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HUMORHaha's Usually My Own Response Tony McCoy O'Grady, who spells HUMOUR properly.
100% HUMOROUSHaving Upturned Mouth, Often Result Of Unintended Subtext Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HUMOURHate Uncorrect 'Mericanisms Omitting 'U's Regularly! Tony McCoy O'Grady (see HUMOR)
100% HUNCHHope Uncle Never Catches Her Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
88% HUNGARYHad Uprising - Nagy's Government All Replaced (by) Yesmen. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HUNGRILYHe Uncovers Nude Genitals, Revealing Intense Lustful Yearnings Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% HUNGRYHave U No Grub Ready Yet? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% HUNGRY (2)Hollow, Uncomfortable, Not Gastronomically Revived Yet Patricia Rix
Food & Drink
100% HUNTHaving Unusual Natural Talent Jan Morgan
Sports & Recreation
100% HUNTERHaving Unusual Natural Talent, Engages Rifle Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
Sports & Recreation
100% HURRICANEHurry Up Redhat, Redmond Is Continuing Adding New Enhancements Sean Lamb (Hurricane was the code name for RedHat Linux 5.0)
Names:Code Names:Linux
100% HURRY!High Urgency... Result Required Yesterday! Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
100% HURTHave Undiagnised Repugnant Troubles Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HURTS TO BE A CARRIERHowever Unafflicted, Relaying This Sickness To Others Becomes Equally A Curse... Always Remembering Risk, I'm Etiologic Recluse. Angela Brett, when somebody searched for that phrase on the Acronyms website.
100% HUSBANDHe Usually Sleeps Beside A Nuptial Darling. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% HUSHHow Unbroken Silence Happens Tony McQuiet O'Grady
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% HUSH (2)How Utterer Silences Hordes TMcCO'G
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% HUSSEINHyprocritical United States Supremo Excuses Invasion Nightly Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% HUSSEIN (2)Holes Used Secretly; Still, Eventually, It's Noticed. Roger Williams
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% HUSTLERHe's Usually Sharp, Though Losing Early's Rewarding Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% HUWOMANITYHonour Ultimately Womens' Opportunities! Mother Affirm / Nurture Infants, Teens, Youth! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
People & Relationships
100% HYATTHere, You Are The Top Angela Brett
100% HYDRAHow You Define Reboots Again Sean Lamb (Hydra was Microsoft's code name for Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition; MS servers always seem to need a reboot...)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
100% HYDROCARBONSHave You Done Rudimentary Organic Chemistry? Alkynes' Redundant Bonds Offer No Saturation. Angela Brett
89% HYDROGENHelpfully Yields Deuterium, Rarely. Often Gaseous, Extensive in Nature. Angela Brett
100% HYMENHello Young Men - Especially Newcomers! Rico Leffanta
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% HYMEN (2)Hasn't Young Maiden Experienced Nymphomania? Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% HYPERCARDHighly Yoozerfriendly Programming Environment Requiring Clean And Rapid Development Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software:Applications
97% HYPERCARD STACKS BELONG ON APPLESHave You Perhaps Erased Reasoning Cells After Riotous Drinking Session? That Apple Computers' Killer-app Should Be Elsewhere Looks Overly Nitwitted. Gatesians Often Need A Planned Periodical Logic Examination Service. Tony McCoy O'Grady, after Jeff suggested an as-yet-incomplete expansion for 'HyperCard stacks can too be run on windows.'
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% HYPER PETEHello Yeomen. Please Extend Rhetorical Presumption Explaining 'Tactful' Ebullition. Hyper Pete (AKA Hyper Unit) in response to Tony's HYPER UNIT expansions.
100% HYPER PETE (2)Happy You're Participating! Enjoy Remitting Personal Expansions To Everyone. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HYPER PETE (3)Have You Published Exciting Remarkably-Precise, Elegantly-Tailored Expansions? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HYPERTALKHave You Programmed Especially Rapidly? Try Another Language, 'Kay? Angela Brett. (The 'Kay is short for Okay and also a reference to my C programming lecturer whose last name is Kay.)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% HYPER UNITHas Your 'Puter Ever Ruined User's Newly Input Typing? Tony McCoy O'Grady, after seeing Hyper's anti-Macronyms.
100% HYPER UNIT (2)He's Yesterday's Person. Espousing (Recklessly) Utterly Nasty Information Technology Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HYPHENHave You, Perhaps, Hyphen-Excess Neurosis Tony Hyphen O'Grady (see SHARON (2))
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
90% HYPSICLESHad Your Polyhedra Spherically Inscribed... Contributed Lots to Euclid's Studies. Angela Brett
100% HYSTERIAHave You Sensed The Excited Rage-Induced Anger? Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% HYSTERIA (2)Have You Stopped To Engage Reason? It's Alright! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% HYSTERICALHollers Yells Screams To Excess Reliving Imaginary Circumstances Alienating Love Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% HYSTERICAL (2)Helplessly Yelping, Screaming Things Endlessly, Ranting Incoherently, Complaining A Lot. Steve Keate, after he lost Angela's Mac.
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% HYSTERICSHave You Seen The Evil Raging In Circumcised Sydney? Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% HYTHEHarbour You Thank Heaven Entering Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HYUNDAIHave You (Until Now) Driven An Ideal? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% HZHearing Zone Jan Morgan (Hz is usually short for Hertz)
100% IAIts Astronomical Rico Leffanta (Ia is Hawaiian for Milky Way)
100% IACHIMOImplicates A Chaste, Honest, Innocent Maiden - Obnoxious Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Cymbeline
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Cymbeline
100% IAGOIncites A Ghastly Overreaction Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Othello
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Othello
100% IAI-DOInteresting Artistry In Defensive Operation Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation:Martial Arts
93% I AM A CHILD OF GODIdentity About Me, Absolutely Coming Home In Last Days (to) Omnipotent Father, Great One Divine Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Family
100% I AM COOL'It's A Myth!' Claim Objective On-Lookers Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
People & Relationships
100% I AM COOL (2)Indicates A Master Craftsman Of Obvious Laidbackness Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
People & Relationships
100% I AM GETTING THE MACIbooks Are Much Greater Even Than The IBMs 'N' Gateways. Truly, Hypercard Even May Activate Correctly! Jeff Anonymous
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% I AM HEInfinity's Announcement Mean's He's Eternal Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% I AM IN LOVEIt's A Miracle! (I'm Not Lazarus, Only Very Emotional.) Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% I AM JEFFI Actually May Just Effectively Fool, Friends. Virgil
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% I APOLOGISE!It's A Pity, One Loathes Often Getting Internal Server Errors. Angela Brett, after the webserver being reconfigured caused some pages on the Acronyms web site to give internal server errors.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% IBERIAIn Between European Regimes Invading Africa Rico Leffanta
100% IBIZAIndulgent Brits In Zany Activities Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% IBMIncredibly Bad Machine Gavin Shapiro
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% IBM (2)I Broke Mine Steve Keate
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% IBM (3)It's Barbarically Megapriced Jeff Anonymous, after mentioning IBM in I AM GETTING THE MAC
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Generic Hardware
71% IBOOKIt's Brilliant! Online, On-the-go, Kingpin! Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
83% IBOOK (2)Introduction Brought Ovations - Obviously! - at Keynote. Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IBOOK (3)It Belongs On One's Knee Angela Brett, partly as a response to those who complain that the iBook won't fit on an aeroplane tray.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IBOOK (4)"It's Breathtaking!" -- Owner Of KeyLime Angela Brett, who has a key lime iBook.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IBOOK (5)It's Broken, Obviously... Omitted Konsole! Steve Keate, summarising the reaction of a KDE (http://www.kde.org) user to an iBook.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IBOOK (6)Its Bright Outside's Overly Kooky Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IBOOK (7)It's Bought Out Of Kindness Angela Brett (see THANKS!)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware:Angela's Apples
100% IBOOK (8)It Blocks One's Oesophagus, Killing. Angela Brett and Steve Keate (see DONGLE (3))
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% IBOOK (9)I Bought One, Oh Kay! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IBOOK (10)It's Best Of Orchard-Kind! Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
90% IBOOK SPECIAL EDITIONIt's 'Black-tie Optional,' Overpriced Kin of Slower Portables. Elegantly Coloured, It Appears Lovely Except Disappointingly Increments The Inexpensive Other Notebooks. Angela Brett, who thinks the iBook SE is a bit too expensive for only an extra 66MHz and a different colour, but wouldn't mind having one anyway.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IBRAHIMIraqi-Born Reasoner Analysed Hyperbolae, Integration & Motion. Angela Brett
100% ICABIt Criticises Any Blunder Angela Brett (iCab is a Mac web browser which gives reports on all the tiny inconsequential problems in pages' HTML code.
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
100% ICAB (2)Internet Chauffeur, A Beauty! Angela Brett
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
100% ICAB (3)It Crashed! Aah, Bugger! Angela Brett
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
100% ICAB (4)It Crashes A Bit Angela Brett
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
100% ICAB (5)I'll Choose Another Browser. Angela Brett, who likes some of iCab's features but finds it to be missing a few important ones, and unstable too.
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
100% I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRISTI Can Achieve Nothing Desiring Only A Lazy Life... Through Him I'm Near God, Shown The Harder Road Of Understanding God's Help Can Have Responsibilities... I Seize Them! Angela Brett
100% I CAN FLYI'm Completely Airborne, No Feathers, Look You! TMcCO'G, It's been a while now since I had dreams wherein I could fly, but they were thrilling, though always ultyimately disappointing upon awakening.
95% I CAN'T AGREE MORE, TONYIn Complete Agreement - Nothing To Argue. Gladly Reinforce Evocative Emotions Mentioned. One Re-echoes Exactly Thoughts Originally Noted Yesterday. Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Jeff said on the forums, 'I can't agree more, Tony.'
Assorted Phrases
100% ICARUSIndividuals Crusading Against Rampant Unchecked Stupidity Geoffrey Russell, who is responsible for ICARUS at http://www.h2g2.com/A159374
People & Relationships
100% ICEIt's Coldness Embodied Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% ICE (2)It Chills Everything TMcCO'G
Assorted Nouns
100% ICE AGE Infant Child Enjoyed Animals' Great Expedition TMcCO'G
100% ICE CREAMIn-Cone Extravagance... Can't Resist Eating Another Mouthful. Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% ICED COFFEEIcy-Cold Espresso, Delicious Cream Or Foam For Enhancing Experience Angela Brett, who is slightly obsessed with iced coffee. In fact, when the heap of spare parts later to be known as KeyBoard came up with that acronym in the first episode of The ADVENTUREs of MacGirl and KeyBoard, MacGirl replied, "Actually it's not just icy-cold espresso. A lot of people think that iced-coffee is just cold coffee with ice in it but it isn't... it has to be made with milk, and sugar, and cream on top, and sometimes icecream and vanilla essence. It's a treat, not just a cold drink.Ó Angela and Dustan will be starting up an iced coffee website some time soon, rating all of the iced coffees they've tried in the quest for the perfect one. If they can manage to get permission from the superhero herself, they might even quote MacGirl somewhere on the site.
MacGirl & KeyBoard
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% ICELANDIt's Continual Earthquakes Leave A Natural Desolation. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ICEMANInuit Chappie (Esmiko Man) At Northpole? Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
93% ICHTHYOLOGISTI Can't Help That Hatcheries You Opened Lack Oxygen Gills Ill-treated Soon Terminate Rico Leffanta
100% ICONIt's Clicked On Needlessly Apronymous Anonymous
100% ICON (2)Image Connoting One's Notions Sean Lamb
Art & Literature
100% ICYIt's Cold... Yikes! Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% IDInitialized Dynamically Angela Brett (an 'id' can be assigned any kind of object)
100% ID (2)Introspection Dominates Angela Brett, because the type of an object in Objective-C/Cocoa is not bound at compile time (where all object pointers could be the generic 'id' if you like) but is discovered at run-time by introspection.
100% IDAHOIts Diversity Actually Has Options Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% IDEAInformation Does Electronically Advance. Angela Brett, after she'd said something about throwing ideas around and Tony replied 'I can't throw an idea out the hall door, never mind as far as New Zealand!'
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% IDEA (2)Intelligent Development, Encourages Action Gavin Lambert
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% IDENTITYIt Describes Everyone's Natural Traits Ingenuously To You Edwin Hermann
People & Relationships
100% IDI AMINIf Destiny Impels, Are Men Intrinsically Nefarious? Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Politicians
83% IDIOTI Don't Intend to Overstudy This! Angela Brett, when one of her lecturers was spending an extremely long time explaining a very simple concept.
Education:Slow Teaching
100% IDIOT (2)International Director, Intranet Office Technology Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations:Humorous Job Titles
100% IDIOT (3)I Deal Insurance... Outsmart Tomorrow! Angela Brett (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% IDIOTSI Don't Insult... Only Triumph Scorewise. Angela Brett, when someone on an online game called less able players idiots.
People & Relationships:Insults
100% I DISAPROVEIts Disastress Incorect Speling, A Por Riter Ofers Vulger Elision Angela Brett (see APROVE)
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% IDOCIndividuals Dependent On Computers Stan Cheney, explaining: We are starting a new organization or movement called "Individuals Dependent On Computers" or IDOC (pronounced: "Idiocy")
100% I DON'T BELIEVE YOUI Doubt Obvious Nonsense - Tis Beautifully Embellished - Lacks Indications Endorsing Veracity, Evidently You're Outrageously Untruthful Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% I'D RATHER DIEIt's Depressing Reading.... And The Hurt/Horror Escalates Rather Dreadfully.... It's Endless Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% IF MUSIC BE THE FOOD OF LOVEIn Fervid Moments Use Stringed Instruments Creatively. By Encouraging The (Hopefully) Erotic Fervour Of One's Dearest, One Fires Lots Of Venereal Emotions Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% IF ONLY YOU'D KEPT THE CONTACT DETAILS ON YOUR MAC AND USED ISYNC TO COPY THEM TO THE PHONE.It's Fortunate On New Links You Yuppies Only Use Desktop's Keyboard Entering People's Telephones To Have Everywhere -- Clie Or Nokia, They All Can Take Down (Electronically) Telephone/ Address Information. Lost Something? Only Need Your Other (Unaffected) Repository, Make A Copy And No Data's Unavailable. Synchronising Every Day Is Superfluous, Your Numerous Contacts' Telephones Only Change Once Per Year (That's Horrible Estimate, Maybe Their Own Treasured Handhelds Escaped!) Personal Humble Opinion: Not Essential. Angela Brett (who has been without a mobile phone for the past few years and hasn't missed it) in response to MISSING MOBILE PHONE - MY LIFE'S RUINED. An alternative to 'Clie Or Nokia' would be 'Cellphone or Notebook'.
100% I FORGOT TO RANT ABOUT MY NEW DELL COMPUTERI Feel Overjoyed. Radeon Graphics, Optical Twosome, Transflexive Oversized Readout, And No Tubes. Arrived Bouncily, Overconfident UPS Trafficker Must Yaw. New 'Experienced' Windows... Disk Expansive... Let Linux Claim Open Megabytes. Pleased User Thinks: 'Elephantine RAM' Jeff Anonymous, after getting a Dell Dimension 8250 with: 2.4 Gigahertz Pentium IV, Dual boot Windows XP and RED HAT Linux 8, 120 gigabyte hard drive, 512 megabytes of RAM, 17 inch flat panel display, 128 megabyte ATI Radeon 9700 Pro graphics card and two optical disc drives. See also UPS
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% IF YOU ARE GOODI'll Finance Your Own Unicorn! (Alicorn's Really Elephant's, Glued On... Oh, Devious!) Angela Brett (any young girl would be good if promised a unicorn, and parents can be sneaky when it comes to making young girls be good.)
Assorted Phrases
97% IF YOU PUT A WORD IN CAPS YOU MUST ACRONYMISE ITIn Future You Obey Us! Please Undertake To Acronymise Words (Of Recent Design) Into Novel & Comedic Acronyms. Please Say You'll Observe Uniformity. Most Users Subscribe To Agreement:- Capitals Required? Okay, Now You Must Instantly Spell-out Expansion In Text. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% IGLOOIce-Girth Lodge Or Outpost Tony McCoy O'Grady
87% IGNORANT PANSYIntelligence Going Nowhere, Organic Ranting Around Nonsensical Trifle Pertaining to Antagonistic Nonsense of Screaming Youth. Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Insults
100% IGNOREI Guess No One Really Exists Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
88% IGNOREDIsn't Getting Noticed? Only Response is Exaggerated Disinterest. Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% I HAD A GREAT TRIPI'm Home And Delighted About Global Roaming Except, Alas, That The Revelry Is Past. Angela Brett, after going around the world.
Sports & Recreation:Travel
100% I HATE YOUIdeal Hope Abideth, Thou Endureth Years Of Unpopularity Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% IKEBANAIt's Kado. Eclectic Botany, Artful New Arrangements Sean Lamb (Ikebana, also known as Kado, is the ancient Japanese art of formal floral arrangement)
Art & Literature
100% I LEFT AN 'F' OUT OF MY ACRONYM AND I NEVER NOTICEDIt's Laughable! Each Flaw-Teasing Acronym: New Flaw. One Unfailing Typed Output From Me, & Yucky Acronym Cycle's Rounded Off. Now, You Must Always Notice Details... Initials Not Excluded, Valid Expansion, Recheck Nothing's Omitted - Type It Correctly, Everything Done. Angela Brett, after Tony acronymised a similar phrase pointing out a missed letter in one of Jeff's acronyms, but Tony's expansion was missing an F-word. Perhaps he's just too polite. ;)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% I LIKE SWORDSI Loathe Insignificant Knives - Even Swishing With One Rarely Disturbs Soldiers. Angela Brett, when somebody searched for that phrase on the ACRONYMS website.
100% I LIKE SWORDS (2) I Live, I Kill... Enemies Shall Weep, Or Rather, Die Suddenly. Angela Brett
100% ILLInvalid Lies Lethargically Angela Brett
100% ILL (2)Is Laid Low Roger Williams
100% ILLINOISIt's Lincolns Land, It's Nature's Option In Soybeans Jan Morgan - More soybeans are grown Here
Places:States & Regions
100% ILLINOIS CENTRALIt's Like Long In New Orleans Is Sighing. Canadian Equipment, New Trains Running Around Louisiana Sean Lamb (Huey Long was governor of Louisiana earlier in the 20th century, and the Illinois Central, now owned by Canadian National, was well-known for the passenger train "The City of New Orleans" [remember the song made famous by Arlo Guthrie?])
100% I'LL PANIC IF I WANT TOIn Life's Less Pleasant Accidents, Natural Inclination Causes Intense Frustration. Individual Witters About, Not Thinking Things Out Tony McCoy O'Grady, after DON'T PANIC
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% ILLUSIONSIf Lovers Lose Union Should Imbeciles Operate Nuclear Stations? Rico Leffanta, because people imagine lovers sticking together which, of course, they don't do for long, and that bureaucrats are competent to manage nuclear stations, but Chernobel wasn't an illusion, was it?
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% I LOVE MY CATSIntelligent-Looking Only Very Exceptionally -- Mostly Yowling, Careening Around Tired Sleepers Patricia Rix
89% I LOVE YOUIt's Like On Valentine's, Except Year-round. Overused Utterance. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% I LOVE YOU (2)I Live On Valuing Everything You Output, Unconditionally. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% I LOVE YOU TOOInvoluntarily Lips Open, Venting Emotions You've Often Uttered (Through Obligation Only?) Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% IMACIncomparable Macintosh Awaits Connection Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IMAC (2)I Mailed A Companion! Angela Brett, after emailing Tony from an iMac at MacJava Cybercafe, the coolest cafe in Auckland. (Great ICED COFFEE, all sorts of historic Macs and Macazines, and great people.)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
80% IMAC (3)It's Mainly Aimed at 'Consumers' Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
80% IMAC (4)Increased Marketshare of Apple Computer. Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
80% IMAC (5)I'm a Mean Acronym Creator Angela Brett, after Steve said he was trying to think of a mean expansion for iMAC.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% IMAC (6)It Made Ample Cash Steve Keate
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IMAC (7)It's Mostly Always Colourful. Steve Keate and Angela Brett.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IMAC (8)Indigo Model Ain't Costly Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IMAC (9)It Might Also Choke Steve Keate (see DONGLE (3))
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% IMAC (10)It Mated A Crayon! Steve Keate, describing the answer an iMac owner would give if asked what happened to his/her old Mac Classic.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IMAC (11)I Made A CD! Steve Keate, since most of the new iMacs have CD writers in them.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IMAC (12)It Made A Clunk Steve Keate, guessing what an iMac user might say on taking it to be repaired.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IMAC (13)Its Monitor Angle's Configurable Angela Brett, referring to the flat-screen iMacs.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IMAC (14)Its Makers Added Character Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IMAC (15)It May Abridge Crashing Jeff Anonymous, who ordered an iMac G5 (17" combo drive) last Tuesday. It should ship by Thursday and will be replacing a Windows 98 PC that's freezing up a lot.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IMAC DVIntuitively Makes Amateur Cinema... Delicious Variations! Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IMAGE!Interceding Man, Almighty God: Emmanuel! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Refers to Colossians 1:15 "Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:" (King James Version)
100% I'M AN IDIOTI Must Amend Neglectfulness -- I Didn't Inspect Original Typing Tony McCoy O'Grady, when he missed out a word when typing an acronym on the forums.
Assorted Phrases
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% IMBALANCEIt Might Begin A Lean And Not Correct Error Angle-aaah! Brett
Assorted Nouns
96% I'M GLAD YOU'RE GETTING THE MAC!It's My Goal... Let All Decide 'Yes!' On Understanding Relative Excellence of G3/G4 Electronics. The Truth Is, Nobody's Going To Have Eventual Misgivings About Computer. Angela Brett, in response to I AM GETTING THE MAC - I do tend to prod people toward getting Macs, but most people (especially long-suffering Windows users, or Linux users entranced by the genuinely translucent terminal windows) don't need any prodding once they have all the information. So it's 'my' goal to get the people I meet to use/buy Macs, but they really decide yes for themselves.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% IMHOI Make Humungous Overstatements Tony McCoy O'Grady, saying: Let's subvert the accepted standard interpretations of some well known internet nyms, so that when we see them we can smile to ourself knowing that the writer is 'really' saying... (IMHO usually stands for In My Humble/Honest
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
100% I MISS YOUIt's Miserable In Solitude Sometimes... Yearning's Overwhelming, Unfulfilled. Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
People & Relationships
100% IMMACIncredible Moustache Moving Applicator & Creme Tony McCoy O'Grady, inspired while watching a TV advert for Immac hair remover.
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% IMMIGRATIONIf More Move In, Groups Rage About The Isolation Of Nationals Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% IMOGENInnocence Makes Others Get Evil Notions Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Cymbeline
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Cymbeline
100% IMPACTI Might Perform A Crash Test Angela Brett
100% IMPLOREIgnorant Men Pleading Love Offers Romance Eternally Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% IMPORTSI Must Purchase Overseas Requisites Traders Supply Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% IMPOSSIBLEI Mustn't Pass On Something So Irresistible... 'Bad' Letters Expanded! Angela Brett, when it was said that EPHEMERAL was impossible to expand.
Assorted Adjectives
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% IMPOSSIBLE (2)Insomniac Mrs. Pleads, "Oh, Stop Snoring!" Instead Bringing Louder Explosions. Angela Brett (some people won't stop snoring no matter what you do!)
Assorted Adjectives
100% IMPOTENTI Mightn't Perform On Time Every Night, Temptress! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% IMPRESSEDIf Military Personnel Require Extra Servicemen, Shanghai Eligible Drunks Tony McCoy O'Grady - referring to the Press Gangs of the Royal Navy who 'kidnapped' men to fill out the crews of ships in days gone by
100% IMPROVEMENTSImmediate Modifications - Perhaps Relaying One's Views Easily Making Explanations Not Too Scientific Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% IMPULSEIf Musky Perfume Urges, Let's Sensuously Embrace Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% I'M SLOWIt's My Sad Life On Windoze Angela Brett, as an explanation for not having noticed JAGUAR (7), OBJECTIVE-C and COCOA (2) which were hidden uncapitalised in an email.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% I'M SORRYIts My Shortcoming Of Responsbility, Regretting Yarns Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
100% INABSENTIAI Need A Bath Soon Especially Now That It's Autumn! Rico Leffanta
Assorted Phrases
100% INANEIt's Not A Nip Exciting Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% INANITYIt's Nutty And Non Intelligent, Thank You. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% INCENTIVEIf National Creative Energies Necessitate Thinking, Irish Variations Excel Tony McCoy O'Grady, I said I felt I could create an acronym for anything given the incentive. I was challenged to do INCENTIVE, and did.
Words & Wordplay
Assorted Nouns
100% INCESTIntergenerational Nookie Compromises Extreme Sexual Taboos. Angela Brett and Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% INCEST (2)Intrafamilial Natality Can End So Tragically Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% INCEST (3)Inbreeding Never Causes Embarrassing Sexual Transmissions Bern Dell
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% INCEST (4)I Now Consummate Erotic Sibling's Trysts Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% INCHIt's Not Considered Highbrow Angela Brett
100% INCOME TAXI've No Control Over My Earnings Total After Xtractions Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% INCREASINGIs Not Contained Really Easily As Size Is Now Growing Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% INDEBTEDInsolvent Nymph Discovers Every Banker Trusts Exotic Dancers Rico Leffanta
100% INDEPENDENCEIsland Nation Departed Empire, Proclaiming & Expressing Neighbour's Domination Evil. Now Called Eire Tony McCoy O'Grady (see also IRELAND)
100% INDIAIts Nehru Dynasty Is Ambitious. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% INDIA (2)Is New Delhi In Asia? Roger Williams
100% INDIANAIndians Nation, Drivers Indy Annual National Adventure Jan Morgan (nation - land) and the indy 500
Places:States & Regions
100% INDICAIndians Never Deny It Causes Accidents M.S.Prabhakar (Indica is a small car locally manufactured in India.)
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% INDICATORI'm Nearly Directionless, I Could Abruptly Turn - Or Reverse! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Parts
86% INDICTIgnorance is No Defense In Court Today Sean Lamb
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% INDIGESTIONIgnore Nutty Diets. If Good Eating Suggestions Taken, It's Obviated Normally Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% INDIGOIt Never Did Integrate Global Objects Sean Lamb (Indigo is Microsoft's code name for the .NET communication technologies)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
91% IN DISGUISEI'm Not 'Dressed' In Santa's Garments Unlawfully - I'm Stand-in Elf ? (see GIFTS OF ACRONYMS)
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% INDIUMIndigo-Named, Ductile - If Uncommon - Metal. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% INDONESIAIndependent Now, Dutch Originated Network Exporting Spice Islands Artifacts. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% INDONESIA (2)Is New Daughter Of Nation Evolving Silently, Independently, Alone? Dundee
100% I NEED THEE EVERY HOURIndividual Negotiates Eternal Endurance Deemed To Him Even Every Evening Verifies Evident Reverence You're His Offspring, Ultimate Relief Jan Morgan -- song
100% INEPTIndulgent Nymph Exciting Peeping Toms Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% INEQUITYI Note Existence's Quite Unfair, I Tell You Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% INERTIt's Not Especially Readily Transported Angela Brett
100% I NEVER PROMISED YOU A ROSE GARDENInteresting Novel Explores (Very Expertly) Reason, Paranoia, Relationships Often Misdiagnosed In Schizophrenia. Even Deborah's Youth Occasionally Undermines Assistance. Rationality Or Sanity Elude Grasp, Although Reality Does Eventually Normalize Patricia Rix, referring to the book by Hannah Green.
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% INFANTICIDEIt's Not Fair, And Not Tolerated - Innocent Child Isn't Deserving Evisceration Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
People & Relationships:Death
92% INFATUATIONInfuriating Neurotic Feeling of Adoration That Unfortunately Attacks The Intelligence Of Nerds. Steve Keate & Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
80% INFINITENESS!Integers! Negatives First; additive Identity Nil; multiplicative Identity (one); Two; Endless Naturals; Efficient Socially / Scientifically! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. I tried INFINITY, but Y blocked me. Turned to INFINITE. Then I decided to name the 3 classes of WHOLE NUMBERS ( - 0 + ). So, I chose INFINITENESS! This 12-letter really challenged my BABY'S BRAIN!" Negatives First; additive Identity Nil; multiplicative Identity (one); Two; Endless Naturals" relates to the NUMBER LINE. The INFINITY of the INTEGERS is the SMALLEST INFINITY! Reference: TRANSFINITE in SET THEORY.
100% INFINITYIncrement Numbers Forever - It's Nuts, I Tell You! Angela Brett
100% INFORMATICSI Need Find Out / Research - Maybe Automatically - Topics In Computer System Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% INFORMATIONI'm Not Fond Of Reading Magazines About The Importance Of Nailcare. Angela Brett
100% INFORMATION SYSTEMSIncomsequential Notational Fumblings, Often Recording Methodologies Attached To Inflow Of Notions - Supposedly You'll See The Exercise Means Something. Angela Brett, who so far thinks that information systems analysis is a load of rubbish, but understands that some people feel the same way about mathematics.
100% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYIt's New-Fangled Organisation - Relaying Messages Across The Internet... Only Now They Electronically Can Have Nookie! Online Lovers Often Gull You. Angela Brett
89% INFURIATED BY SLOW TEACHERSIt's Not Fair! Using Repeated Iterations is Always Tedious, Especially Done By You... Such Lavish Overuse of Whiteboard Takes Eons. Anyone Calculates in Head, Even Retarded Students! Angela Brett... (see SPANNING TREES for an explanation.)
Education:Slow Teaching
100% INGRIDI Need Guys Really Into Dancing! Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
89% INHALINGInhaling Nicotine Has After-effects - Life Is No Good! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% INHALING (2)I Now Have A Lung Issuing Nasty Gunge Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% IN HEATIntercourse Needed Having Erotic Astronomical Temperatures Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% INHIBITIONI Never Have Imbibed Beverages Intended To Inebriate Ostentatious Nymphomaniacs Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% INITIATIONInsult Newcomers Intensely... This Is A Test (Idiotically, Of Nothing!) Angela Brett, on the humiliating initiation rituals which movies would have us believe fraternity/sorority members have to go through.
People & Relationships
100% INKWELLI'll Now Keep Writing, Employing Lampblack Liquid Tony
Household Objects
100% IN LAWI Never Loved Anyone Worse Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Family
100% INMATEI've Not Murdered Anyone (This Evening) Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% INMATE (2)"It's Not Mine!" A Thief Exclaimed Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% INMATE (3)Incarceration Normally Makes A Thug Embittered Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% IN MY ARROGANT OPINIONI Never! May Your Absolutely Ridiculous Ruminations Oppose Greatness? Are Not Thinking, One Presumes; I Need Idiotic Opinions Not! Gavin Lambert
Assorted Phrases
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% INNER CHILDInnate Nurturing Now Essential, Revered Cautious Hidden Id Lives Disabled Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
100% INNOCENTInjustice Needs No Obviously Convincing Evidence ---- Nail Tony! Tony McCoy O'Grady (see GUILTY)
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% INNUENDON'TIt's Not Naughty Unless Explicitly Nasty, Decency & Openness Not Threatened Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to PORNOTGRAPHIC. This means that Pornotgraphy would be visual, while Innuendon't would be aural. The Pornotgraphy has overtones of photography in there also.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% INQUISITIONI Never Quite Understood It... So Is This It, Or Not? Angela Brett
100% IN RETROSPECT, I AGREE WITH YOUI Never Really Expected To Receive 'Onor. Some People Esteem Calendar Turnovers, I Ambitiously Grasped - Recklessly Expecting Equality With Irish Tony, Had You Only Understood! Tony McCoy O'Grady, acronymising what Jeff said when Angela explained (on the Acronyms forums) why he wouldn't get an honour for the first acronym in 2002.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% INSIt's Now Security Sean Lamb (INS was the Immigration and Naturalization Service in the US until it merged into the DHS [Department of Homeland Security])
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% INSANEI Never Spoke Any Nonsense Either! Rico Leffanta
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% INSANELY-GREAT.COMInternet Niche Showing Apple's Next Electronic Leap. Your G3s Rule, Endangering All The Companies Opposing Macintosh. Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing... and yes there is a Mac website at http://www.insanely-great.com.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% INSANELY GREAT MACInnovative New Software Advancing New Electronic Lifestyle. You've Greatly Revolutionised Electronics... Apple Technology Makes A Comeback! Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing. (Steve Jobs described the Macintosh as being insanely great way back before it was even out of the bag, and we agree with him!)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% INSANITYIt's Not Socially Acceptable, Never Is, Thank You. Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% INSOMNIAI Need Sleep! Obviously My Nocturnal Inability's Annoying. Angela Brett
100% INSOMNIA (2)I Never Slept One Minute - Now I'm Awake! Melanie Merswolke and Patricia Rix
100% INSPECIFICIt's Not Strictly Perfect Expansion - Created In Friggin' Infinitesimal Chronos! Angela Brett, when Bern complained about her use of 'Inspecific' in GENERIC.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% INSPIRATIONI Need Some! Please Invent Rousing Acronyms To Inspire Others... Now! Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% INSPIRATION (2)Innate Notion, Spritual Perspective In Respectable Approach To Instinct, Obviously Natural Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
100% INSPIRATIONALInnate Notion, Spiritual Perspective In Respectable Approach To Instinct, Obviously Natural Ability Lavished Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
100% INSPIREDInspired: Nurturing Spirit Presented Infinite's Redemption / Emmanuel’s Desire Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% INSTANT FAMEImmediate Notoriety, Simply Tack Advertising Nonsense To Forums And Miff Everybody! Angela Brett, when somebody spammed the Apronyms Forums about a website promising 'instant fame', where the fame was no more than having your name on a website... something you could achieve by posting a message on the forums. I don't recommend spamming the forums, however, please post something constructive instead.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% INSTANT FAME (2)I'll Now Spam To Attract Nitwits To Find About My Eminence Angela Brett, when somebody spammed the Apronyms Forums about a website promising 'instant fame', where the fame was no more than having your name on a website. The site appeared to be run by the Yellow Pages, and as I doubt they would resort to forum-spam for advertising, I can only assume the poster was trying to attract people to the site in order to increase his or her own 'fame'. Although, if having your name on a website counts as fame, then the simple act of posting on the forums gave just as much fame as the fame website itself.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% INSTANT FAME (3)"I'm Not Stupid... To Achieve Notoriety, Try Forming Apronyms." -- Miss Expansion 2003 Angela Brett, when somebody spammed the Apronyms Forums about a website promising 'instant fame', where the fame was no more than having your name on the website. If having your name on a website counts as fame, then a much better way to get famous is to submit apronyms to this site. (Note that this apronym was added in 2005... but I haven't added many apronyms recently so I won't claim that fictitious title for this year.)
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% INSTANT MESSAGINGImmediate Notes Speeding To Anothers Note Typing Memos, Every Second So Answers Get Instantaneous Notice Gaddingabout Jan Morgan
88% INSTANT OATMEALInsidious Ne'er-do-well, Singularly Tasteless, Attempts New Triumphs Of Atrociousness, Twice Monthly Ending A Life Patricia Rix
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains:Cereal Killers
100% INSULIN BALANCE TRIALI Need Sugar Undersupply Like I Need Broken Arms... Leg Amputation, Near Coma, Every Time Risking Injury And Life Angela Brett, responding to an unsuccessful search of the site - it's so unsuccessful that even searching for the phrase on GOOGLE only brings up the Apronyms Unsuccessful Searches page. This could have been done better if the searcher had expanded on what s/he was looking for.
100% INSURANCEInvestment Needed Should User Risk Accidental Nasty Chance Event Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% INTIt's Neatly Truncated Angela Brett, when she had half an hour to spare in a C programming test. (In C, an int is a kind of variable which holds an integer, and values put into one get truncated.)
Computers:Programming:C variable types
100% INT (2)Its Name's Truncated Angela Brett, because int is short for integer.
Computers:Programming:C variable types
100% INT (3)I'm Not Telling As a programmer, it's sometimes hard to figure out what value a particular variable holds (or is supposed to hold).
Computers:Programming:C variable types
100% INTEGERSInclude Naturals - They Even Generate External Rational Set. Angela Brett
Science:Mathematics:Number sets
100% INTEGRATION PROJECTIt's Not Too Easy Getting Result... Adding That Infinity Of Negligible Parts. Relying On Just Exhaustive Calculation's Terrible! Angela Brett, when somebody searched for that phrase on the Acronyms website.
100% INTELInvest Nothing, They'll Eventually Lose. Angela Brett, after Steve said that he wouldn't invest any money in Intel because he doesn't think they innovate any more.
100% INTENSITYInitial Nude Tryst Elicits Nervousness... Should I Touch You? Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% INTENSITY (2)I Never Thought, Except Now, Suddenly, I Think: "You!" Patricia Rix
People & Relationships
90% INTENSITY (3)It's Not Too Extreme Now Since It Toned-down Yesterday Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
0% INTERCITY BUSI've Not Travelled Everywhere Round the Country In This Yet, Because (I) Usually Soar. Angela Brett, while on a nine hour bus trip from GISBORNE - she had flown down there in a FAIRCHILD originally.
100% INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONSULTINGIt's Not That Easy, Remembering Natives All Think In Own National Affectations. Language Dictates Ethnic Viewpoints, Every Line Of Program Must Echo Numerous Thoughts Concurrently, Or Numerous Separate UIs Litter The IDE... Nothing Generalised. Angela Brett, thinking of specifically of international software development.
80% INTERNETInterconnected Network of Terminals Enabling Rich Nerds to Exchange Technobabble. Angela Brett, describing the old perception of the internet.
100% INTERNET (2)International Non-Tangible Ethereal Reticule Neatly Encapsulating Technology Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% INTERNET (3)I Need To Email Romantic Notes Everywhere Tonight Rico Leffanta
100% INTERRACIALIt's Nice To Experience Relations Ranging Across Cultures - It Augments Life TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% INTIMIDATORIntrusive Nasty Thug Is Most Intense, Displaying Aggression & Threats Of Revenge Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% INTRODUCING LONGHORNIt's Not That. Really, OpenStep-Descended Unix Clone. Implementors Now Gawk -- Lots Of New Goodies: H.264, Overvoicing, RSS. Neat! Jeff Anonymous, in reference to a humorous banner hanging at WWDC 2004, which actually brags on new advanced features (including the H.264 video codec, the VoiceOver spoken interface, and RSS syndication in Safari) in Tiger, which will probably be version 10.4 of the Mac OS.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% INVALIDInane Nonsense: Verily, A Logically? Inferred Deprivation Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Adjectives
100% INVALID (2)I Need Ventilator And Live In Diapers Angela Brett
100% INVASION OF IRAQInvasion Now Viewed American Solution - Importantly, Only Nations Of Fundamentalist Islamic Religious Arabs Qualify Chris Kjelgaard
Military:War & Terrorism
100% INVASION OF IRAQ (2)Iraq's Never-Valorous Army Soon Imploded - Only, Now, Occupying Forces Infer Reactionaries Aren't Quelled! Chris Kjelgaard
Military:War & Terrorism
100% INVEIGHI Never Voice Exceptions In Good Humour Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
100% INVOLVINGI Need Vulnerability, Or Looming Violence Is Not Gainful. Angela Brett - this one came about because in response to her LOVING on the forums, Tony said '"..or 'Involving'" thus creating LOVING (2). Angela briefly expected to see an expansion for INVOLVING using the same words as the LOVING expansion. All this LOVING is beginning to make it seem like FORUM POST (2) is not far from the truth.
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% IN YOUR DREAMSI'm Next - You Offered Us Reciprocal Delightful Rubbing, Expressed As "Massage Swapping" Tony McCoy O'Grady, when he defended MASSAGE THERAPY (3) (Which Patricia thought more suited to a massage parlour - see DIFFERENTLY WELL) by saying "I was thinking a couple massaging each other in turns and finding it arousing." Patricia responded with, "But surely, only the first person to be massaged actually gets a massage! Do an acronym on that subject, please." Tony suggested that they can take it in turns, which prompted Patricia to give '"In Your Dreams" as the candidate for expansion.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% IODINEIn Ocean Depths It's Never Ending Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% IOMEGAI Own Marvellous External Gigabyte Accessory. Angela Brett
100% IOMEGA (2)Input/ Output, My Electronic Gargantuan Accesses. Jeff Anonymous
100% IONICInstead Of Neutral, It's Charged. Angela Brett
100% I/O PORTInternal Organs Panicking Over Recycled Trash Dundee
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% IOWAIt's Out West America Angela Brett
Places:States & Regions
100% IOWA (2)Idiots On Weird Arable wishes
Places:States & Regions
100% IOWA (3)Individuals Offered Wool, Amanas Jan Morgan - German religious Colony (amanas) offered woolens, wine, furniture and baked goods
Places:States & Regions
100% IPERSONIntelligent People Err Rarely, Sometimes, Or Never joybutton, because Angela was on IRC at the time with the nick iPerson.
100% I.P. FREELYI'm Passing Fluids Regularly - Everything Everywhere Looks Yellow! Ben Dover
Names:Prank Calls
100% IPODIt's Portable, Omniuseful Disk Angela Brett, referring to Apple's 'iPod' mp3 player which doubles as a firewire hard disk.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IPOD (2)I Paid - One Deposit Angela Brett, at 1a.m, after transferring some money to buy an Apple iPod. (Online banking should have safeguards in place to stop people from spending large amounts of money while they're half asleep!)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IPOD (3)Impulse Purchase? Oh, Dear! Angela Brett, who did actually think for a while before buying an iPod, but it's still dear!
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IPOD (4)I[']m Patient (One Day!) Angela Brett, who ordered an iPod this morning and expects to receive it tomorrow.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IPOD (5)Incredible Piece Of Design Angela Brett, a few hours after her iPod arrived.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% IPOD (6)Ideal; Play-On-Demand Angela Brett, in response to FM and AM (2)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% IPOD (7)I'd Put One's Diapason Angela Brett, who assumes that eating an iPod would cause intestinal problems. (I have never heard the word diapason spoken, I hope it sounds similar enough to 'diapers on' to make this work.)
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% IPOD PHOTOIn Pictures Or Diapason, Person Has Obviously Taken Overdose Angela Brett
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% IPOD SHUFFLEIt Pains Our Digestive Systems Horribly. Unhealthy For Feeder's 'Low End' Angela Brett, on noticing that Apple's page on the new low-end iPod, the iPod Shuffle, bears the recommendation, 'Do not eat iPod shuffle.'
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% IPOD SHUFFLE (2)I Put One Down 'Sophagus & Hawked Up Foul & Foetid Liquid Emetically Tony (see IPOD SHUFFLE)
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% IQ SCOREIrrelevant(?) Questionnaire Shows Cleverness Or Retardation, Evidently. Angela Brett, who probably shouldn't criticise IQ tests since she has a particularly high IQ. They are relevant, I think, but there are some elements of cleverness they don't measure.
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% IRANIslamic Republic, Asian Nation. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% IRAQInternal Revolts Are Quelled. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% IRAQ (2)It Riles America's Queen Angela Brett - by 'Queen' I mean president... when it comes to Q words, gender isn't important! (perhaps that's why QUEER starts with Q)
100% IRAQ (3)It Really Ain't Quiet W. Kline
100% IRAQIInvaders' Reasoning: Al Qaeda Implicit Chris Kjelgaard
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
Military:War & Terrorism
100% IRASIntrigues Romantically Around Soothsayer Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Antony and Cleopatra
100% I REALLY NEED TO GO PEEPEEIn Relief Emergency A Lavatory's Located. You Now Elbow Every Door To Openly Gain Occupancy. Painfully Each's Engaged - Piddle Erupts Everywhere Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% IRELANDIndependent Republic, English Lodgers Are Nearly Dislodged! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% IRELAND (2)Inspiringly Rich Emerald Living Area, Nice Destination Jan Morgan
100% IRENEI Rarely Expand Names <- Exception Angela Brett
Names:First names:Female
100% IRIDIUMIts Rainbowness Is Displayed In Useful Mixtures. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% IRISIn Rainbows Is Speed Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% IRISHIreland Reaching Into Southern Hemisphere Tony McCoy O'Grady, describing our KIWI friendship
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% IRISH (2)Ignorant Rogues In Shamrock Highlands Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% IRONIt Rusts, Oh No! Tony McCoy O'Grady
80% IRON (2)It's Ruined in One Night Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the iron (6th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% IRON (3)I Respect Otherhalf Now. Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% IRON (4)Initiate Reproduction, Or Never! Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% IRON (5)Initial Romance Over Now Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% IRON (6)Idly Reflect On Nuptials Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
89% IRRATIONAL NUMBERSInteger Rearrangement Refuses to Attain These. Infinite, Orderless Numerals - And Limitless Notation - Usually Measures Boundaries Exactly. Rationals (are) Saner! Angela Brett
Science:Mathematics:Number sets
100% IRSIncome Retrieval Service Sean Lamb (who just finished filing his 2003 tax return)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% ISImplies Status Edwin Hermann, referring to the usual meaning of IS, Information Systems.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% IS (2)Inexplicably So Jeff Anonymous, when he capitalised IS in 'This one IS Tony'.
100% IS AInheritance Shown Articulately Angela Brett, when a C++ lecturer mentioned that the idea of inheritance in object oriented programming (and elsewhere) is based around the phrase 'is a'. e.g. 'A mouse is a mammal' or 'A mammal is a living creature'.
100% ISAACIllustrious Scifi Author's Always Creative Sean Lamb (that's Isaac as in Isaac Asimov, of course)
Art & Literature:Writers
100% ISAAC (2)Is Sacrificed Adolescent, Actually Conserved Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% ISABELLAIntercession Succeeds And Brother's Eventually Let Loose Again Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Measure for Measure
86% ISAIAHInfluential Son (of) Amos Inspired All Hebrews. Eric Bridgstock
Religion:Bible books
100% ISCHISAURUSIt Should Call Herrerasaurus Its Sister, Although Uncertain Relationship's Under Speculation Angela Brett (There is speculation that Ischisaurus may actually be the same genus as Herrerasaurus.)
100% ISDNIt's So Darn Neat! Angela Brett
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% ISDN (2)It Still Does Nothing Acronymous Anonymous
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% ISDN (3)I See Dollars Now Chuck Banks
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% ISDN (4)Is Someone Dreaming Nonsense? Chuck Banks
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
80% ISDN (5)Insidious Substitute for Data Networks Kuroneko -- ISDN actually stands for "Integrated Services Digital Network", a form of telephone network that sends all services (including voice calls) digitally. In actuality, ISDN is a royal pain to configure and use for Data thanks to the differing ISDN standards across the globe, the complexity of the ISDN bearer service and the fact that most hardware is designed to work in any country resulting in the operator having to know which standard the country they're in conforms to, and how to format the source and target phone numbers correctly.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% ISEULTIrish Sweetheart, Enchanted Unto Lover Tristram Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
86% IS FICTITIOUS TWADDLEIt's So Funny I Can't Tell If Tittering Is Okay, Unless it's a Super-interesting Titter With Acronyms Dangling Delicately, Laughter Encouragingly. Angela Brett/Tony McCoy O'Grady
92% ISH KABIBBLEI Suggest Helpfully Kibbles And Bits. Iams Bones Boring. Look [for] Eukanuba! Jeff Anonymous
Food & Drink:Pet food
100% ISISIs She Immortally Superior? Rico Leffanta
100% ISOInitials Seem Off Angela Brett (ISO usually means International Organization for Standardization, so it seems as though its abbreviation should be IOS. However, ISO is not an acronym... as explained at http://www.iso.org/iso/en/aboutiso/introduction/index.html#three)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ISO (2)Initials Swapped Over? Angela Brett (ISO usually means International Organization for Standardization, so it seems as though its abbreviation should be IOS. However, ISO is not an acronym... as explained at http://www.iso.org/iso/en/aboutiso/introduction/index.html#three)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ISOMETRIESImages Simulate Originals, Mostly. Examples: Translations, Rotations Imitate Exact Shape Angela Brett. (An isometry is a plane transformation which preserves distances, and therefore shapes of figures.)
77% ISOMETRIES (2)Imitate Shapes of Originals, at Most Expressible as Three Reflections In Every Situation Angela Brett. (Every isometry can be expressed as a product of at most three reflections.)
50% ISPIt Starves [from lack of] Profit Jeff Anonymous, when his ISP's stock was worth fourty cents. (ISP usually stands for Internet Service Provider)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% ISP (2)It Starves, Profitless Angela Brett, as a modification of Jeff's ISP.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% ISP (3)It's Slow & Pathetic Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% ISP (4)Intermittent Squeaky Pauses Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% ISP (5)It Shan't Prevail! Angela Brett, referring to Jeff's ISP
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% ISP (6)I'm Sorely Peeved! Tony McCoy O'Grady, in reference to Jeff's ISP
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% ISP (7)Internet Stopper Plugged Jeff Anonymous (in reference to what'll happen when @home finally does go down the loo...well, I have AOL on the side just in case)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% ISP (8)It Seeks Profit Jeff Anonymous, as a modification of ISP
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% ISRAELIt's Still Really Arab-Encompassed Land Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ISRAEL (2)International Saga Recounting Arab Eras Lost Rico Leffanta
100% ISSUR DANIELOVITCHIt Seems So Useless Remembering Duty Almost Never Interrupts Enjoying Lots Of Virgins Itching To Collar Him Rico Leffanta (Issur Danielovitch is better known as Kirk Douglas)
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses:Little known real names
100% IS THIS A STRANGE PREOCCUPATION? OR WHAT?It's Suggested Tony Has Interesting (Strange And Suggestive?) Tendencies - Really! A Natural Gentleman Elegantly & Properly Resists Exposing Overt Clothing Concerns. Unpleasant People Are Teasing, I Opine. Normally Only Rogueish Women Hiss At Tony Tony McCoy O'Grady, after Patricia asked that very question when Tony demonstrated his familiarity with women's undergarments with his WONDERBRA (3).
Communication:Acronyms Forums
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% ITIntensive Touching Tony McCoy O'Grady. Angela had quoted a student telling a friend to 'do it in the Mac lab.' Tony asked whether these two students were of opposite sexes, to which Angela replied that they weren't thinking of doing *it*, probably just doing I.T.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% IT (2)Ivory Tower Rico Leffanta (referring to information technology, of course)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% IT AIN'T OVER UNTIL IT'S OVERI'm Told Anything Is Not Terminated, Or Verifiably Ended Reliably, Unless No Tangible Indicators Linger. If This Seems Overly Verbose, Express Regret Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases:Sayings
100% ITALICSIndolent's Typographical Additive Littering Immeasurable Current Sentences Kenneth T. Davis -- giving back to an application I love -- no, distraction from present writing project
100% ITALYIntensely Tactile And Lecherous! Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% IT CAN BE AS LONG AS YOU LIKE AS LONG AS YOU ACRONYMISE ITI Think Championship Acronyms Need Bigness! Especially Astounding Samples Live On, Never Growing Aged, Surviving Years Of Uncontested Laughter Inducement. Keen, Eager Acronymists Should Laugh Off Newly Generated Attempts. Stretching Your Offering Usually Assures Colleagues Recognition - Only Note.... You Must Individually Spell Each Item Therein Tony McCoy O'Grady, acronymising Angela's response to his question about how long the description on the page listing his acronyms could be.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Words & Wordplay:Ridiculously long apronyms
100% ITCHIrritation That Craves Hurt Angela Brett, since we get rid of an itching sensation by scratching and making it hurt instead.
100% ITCH (2)Incredibly Troubling Cutaneous Hypersensitivity Word Nerd
100% ITEMIndividually Tally! Expertly Market! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Nouns
91% I THOUGHT SOIf (it's) Too Hard, One Uses Giant Hardback Thesaurus - Synonym Overload! Angela Brett, in response to OF COURSE
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% IT IS HOT OUTI Think It's So Hot Out That Our Underwear's Tropical Sean Lamb (I am reminded of the scene in "Good Morning Viet Nam" where Robin Williams is telling his radio listeners how hot it was that day)
100% IT'S RUDE TO POINTIt's Totally So Repulsive, Using Digit Extended Towards One Person's Objectional! It's Not Tactful Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% ITS SO COOL!!If They Spam Several Other Communities Online, Others'll Look! Angela Brett, expanding the capitalised phrase (complete with bad punctuation) in the INSTANT FAME forum spam.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPIDI Think State's Taxing Heavily, Even Employers Cannot Offer New Offices. Maybe You Simply Think Unemployment Punishes Impious Denominations. Angela Brett
100% IVANA TINKLEI'm Very Agonised, Needing A Toilet. I'll Not Keep Legs Entwined Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Prank Calls
90% I'VE FALLENIt's Very Embarrassing - Fumbled And Landed Legs-up, Exposing 'Nickers! Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
100% I'VE FALLEN (2)I'm Virtually Embracing Flooring, And Lack Levitation-Enabling Needs Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% I VENTURE TO SAYI'm Very Eager Not To Undertake Rule Elucidation - They're Only Standard Acronymic Yardsticks Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to the suggestion that we collate all the rules in THE ACRONYMISTS' CHARTER.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% IVO LEVIIf Virgin Offers, Let's Enjoy Venery Intimately Rico Leffanta (Ivo Levi is better known as Yves Montand)
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses:Little known real names
83% IVORYIf Very Old (it's) Really Yellow Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% IVORY (2)Intact Vows Of Respecting You Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the ivory (14th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% IVYIt's Viny, Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% IVY (2)Interloping Vine Yardage Rico Leffanta
100% IVY (3)In Vacant Yards Roger Williams
100% IVY (4)Is Vine, Yonder Jan Morgan
100% I WANT MY MACInternational Web Access Not There - Mailing You May Also Cost. Angela Brett, when she was without her Mac and could only look at national websites on the university Macs.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% I WANT MY MAC BACKIrate Wish About New Technology - Macintosh Yearnings May Actually Create Badtemperedness And Cause Killings. Tony McCoy O'Grady, after Angela complained about her Mac having been in Mac-hospital for over a week getting extra RAM. (See SCANNER.) He then commented: "You know how these crazed teenagers grab the nearest gun and go on a rampage when they get upset by something? Don't let it happen to you."
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% I WANT MY MAC BACK (2)It's Wicked And Needless, That Mad Young Man Actually Cannot Be Apple Computer Kind Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% I WANT MY MAC TOOIncoherent Windoze Applications Necessitate Training - Meanwhile Your Mac's Already Completed The Obvious Operations. Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
0% I WANT MY OWN MAC TOOIncoherent Windoze Applications Necessitate Training - Meanwhile Your Operation's Workshy. Not Macintosh! (It's) Already Completed The Obvious Operations. Tony McCoy O'Grady, elaborating on Angela's I WANT MY MAC TOO.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% I WAS JOKINGIt Was A Silly Jest, Over Killed. It Never Gelled. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% I WAS TIREDI Went And Said Things I Regret; Excuse Delivered. Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
100% IWIIncreased Whanau, Ivory Angela Brett (Iwi means either 'tribe' or 'bone' in Maori, Whanau means 'family')
Science:Biology:Body Parts
People & Relationships:Family
Science:Linguistics:Maori Words
100% I WONDERIs Wisdom Often Needed During Extended Reflection? Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% IZACI'm Zealous About Compactness Angela Brett - iZac is my Newton MessagePad 110, which works surprisingly well since it's only the second model in a long-discontinued series. iZac's web page is at http://acronyms.co.nz/angela/mac/iZac.html
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware:Angela's Apples
97% I ZEALOUSLY GRAB THE TITLE OF LAST I ACRONIMIn Zero Effort, Angela Lithely Overtakes (Undertakes? Since Lettering of Yesterday Gets Revealed Above Better Try) Honourable Expansion. This Is The Life... Everyone Obviously Forgot Lexicographic Acronym Sorting Treats 'I Act' Concoctions Regardless Of Nonalphanumerics & Interword Measures. Angela Brett, after the new 'dictionary sort' moved IVY from the last I position and opened the way for acronyms like this one to be the last. Previously the space would have caused this entry to be near the top of the list.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% IZZARDIt's Zed. Zounds! Apronyms Rarely Disappoint! Sean Lamb (dictionary.com defines izzard simply as "The letter z.")
100% JAJerry's Affirmative Tony McCoy O'Grady, since ja is German for yes.
Science:Linguistics:German Words
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% JABJut Against Belly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% JAB (2)Just A Blow Jan Morgan
Assorted Nouns
100% JABBERJumbled Announcement, But Barely Ever Recognizable Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% JACK CADEJustifiable Anger Casts Kentish Conspirator Against Decadent Establishment Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry VI
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VI
100% JACK DEEJoker And Celebrity Keeps Deadpan Expression Effortlessly Eric Bridgstock, as an entry to the Radio Times Def.i.n.i.t.i.a.l.s competition
Names:Famous people
100% JACK DEE (2)Jester Appears Curmudgeonly, Keenly Deploying Elevated Eyebrow Tony McCoy O'Grady, as an entry to the Radio Times Def.i.n.i.t.i.a.l.s competition
Names:Famous people
100% JACKETJust A Coat, Keenly Echoing Trousers Tony McCoy O'Grady, whose jackets are usually part of a suit.
Household Objects:Clothing
86% JACKIEJolly Are the Chinese Karate Imb*c*les Extreme Nevica the MAN, referring to Jackie Chan
Sports & Recreation:Martial Arts
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% JACKIE (2)Judgmental Adult, Conniving Knave Is Egocentric Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% JACKSONJamming Adult, Can Keep Success Of Name Jan Morgan
100% JAFFJust Angela's Freaky Falilure Jeff Anonymous, when Angela mistyped his name on the Acronyms forums.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% JAGUARJust A General Upgrade, Albeit Remarkable Angela Brett (unwittingly inspired by JAGUAR (7)), referring to the well-publicised 'code name' of Mac OS X 10.2
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% JAGUAR (2)Justifiably Apple's Greatest - Users Are Raving Angela Brett (see JAGUAR)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% JAGUAR (3)Just Add Great Users, And Relax. Angela Brett (see JAGUAR)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% JAGUAR (4)Jobs Announced GPU Utilisation And Rendezvous Angela Brett (see JAGUAR)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% JAGUAR (5)Just About Godlike... Unbelievers Are Reconsidering Steve Keate and Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% JAGUAR (6)Joins Aqua GUI, Unix, And Reality Angela Brett and Rob Rix (reality as in, not vapourware)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% JAGUAR (7)Just Another General Upgrade And Revamp Paul Marshall
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% JAGUAR (8)Jaguar: A Great User-Advanced Ride Acronymous Anonymous
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
Names:Code Names:Apple
86% JAGUAR (9)Jobs's Attempt to Gain Users Again, Really! Apronymous Anonymous
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% JAILJust Another Inmate Lodging. Roger Williams
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% JAIMEJust An Individual Making Enough Jan Morgan
Names:First names
100% JALOPYJapanese American Lemon Often Pedalled Yearly Rico Leffanta
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% JAMJelly As Marmalade Jan Morgan
Food & Drink
100% JAM (2)Just A Mess Jan Morgan
Assorted Nouns
Food & Drink
88% JAMAICAJammin' A la Marley And Inhaling Cannabis Aromas. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% JAMBOREEJubilant Adolescents Meeting Brothers On Rally, Easterly Event Jan Morgan -- every 4 years there is a National Jamboree (2005) for the boy scouts, 40,000 attend. There also is a world jambo that happens alternately. (2007)
Time:Special Occasions
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% JAMBOREE (2)Jubilant Adolescents Meeting Brothers On Regional Educational Event Jan Morgan -- every 4 years there is a National Jamboree (2005) for the boy scouts, 40,000 attend. There also is a world jambo that happens alternately. (2007)
Time:Special Occasions
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% JAMESJesus's Apostle Made Evangelising Simple. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% JAMES JOYCEJumbled And Meaningless? Eminent Scholars Jousted Over Your Creative Exercise Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Writers
100% JAMES T KIRKJump Across Majestically Empty Space To Kombat Independent Races Kinetically Bones McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Star Trek
100% JAMIEJostles Activities, More Impressive Everyday Jan Morgan
Names:First names
100% JANJohn Adaptive Name Jan Morgan - If I would have been a boy I would have been John (after my daddy's brother) - John means Jan in Dutch.
Names:First names:Female
100% JAN (2)Just A Name Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% JAN (3)Jotter Absorbs Notes Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% JANEJust A Nymph Emerging Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% JANE FONDAJust A Nobody, Editorializing/Effeminate Fight Opposer Negotiates Disreputable Agenda Jan Morgan -- was a sell out in the Vetnam conflict
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% JANEINJust A No Expressed In Negative Angela Brett, in response to SICNON (Ja is the opposite/negative of No, while Nein is negative to start with!)
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% JANEIN (2)Ja: A Nein, Expresed In Negative Jeff Anonymous, as a modification of JANEIN
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% JANETJust Another Name... Expand This! Angela Brett, expanding another name which means nothing to me from the unsuccessful searches list. I tried leaving it to somebody who knows a Janet but none appeared.
Names:First names:Female
100% JANEWAYJust Another Nominal Enterprise Woman Astronaut, Yes? Bones McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Star Trek
100% JANICEJust Act Nice; I'll Come Eventually! Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% JANITORJust A Nice Individual To Oversee Repairs Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
88% JANITOR (2)Janus Apparently Named It, Two-faced Old Roman Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% JANITOR (3)Jacuzzis Are Not Issued To Ordinary Residents Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% JANITORIALJust A Nitwit In Tattered Overalls, Responsibility Is Airport Lavatory Angela Brett, who doesn't really think that lowly of janitors, and hopes somebody doing janitorial work will respond with a more positive expansion.
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% JANITORIAL (2)Just A Nobody In Tracksuit, Overseeing Repairs & Inspecting All Lavatories Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
88% JANUARYJoy And Novelty Usual At Renewal (of) Year Tony McCoy O'Grady
78% JANUARY (2)Jock's Annual (k)-Nees-Up Announces Rolling-over Year Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% JANUARY (3)Janus And Nebula Usher Aquarius Rising Yearly Rico Leffanta
100% JAPANJust A Pacific Aggressive Nation Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% JAPAN (2)Justifiably, Apple's Popular Around Nippon. Angela Brett
100% JAPAN (3)Just A Powerful Asian Nation. Roger Williams
100% JAQUENETTAJoyous And Quite Unsophisticated. Enjoys Nonsensical Exchanges Teasing Tiresome Armado Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Love's Labours Lost
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Love's Labours Lost
100% JAQUESJesuitically Applies Questions Unto Every Situation Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's As You Like It
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:As You Like It
100% JAREDJewelry's A Really Expensive Delight Angela Brett, who went to http://jared.com hoping for inspiration for this expansion, and found a jewellery store.
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
100% JARROWJactate Across Rural Road's Overall Width Tony McCoy O'Grady (Jarrow is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'An agricultural device which, when towed behind a tractor, enables the farmer to spread his dung evenly across the width of the road.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% JARROW (2)Journey (Amid Raging Recession) Of Workers Tony McCoy O'Grady (During 1936 a march of the unemployed demanding work began at Jarrow in North East England)
Places:Towns & Cities:UK
100% JASMINE TEAJust A Small 'Mount Is Needed Everyday To Enjoy/ Appreciate Tony
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% JASONJust A Stupid Old Nutter Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
100% JASON (2)Joker At Several Occasions Noticed Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% JA WOHLJerry's Affirmative Words - 'One Hears Loyally' Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Linguistics:German Words
100% JAWSJaneymack - A Whopping Shark! Tony McCoy O'Grady ('Janey Mack' is a Dublin expression of surprise)
100% JAXARTOSAURUSJust Another Xenomorph, A Reptile That Once Saw Action Under Roughly Ukranian Skies Sean Lamb (My dictionary defines xenomorph as a space alien, and some have theorized that dinos were originally aliens, so... Jaxartosaurus was first discovered in Kazakhstan; it may not be the Ukraine, but it's a lot closer to there than Utah)
100% JAYJokes At You Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% JAY LENOJowly American Yukster Lands Every Night Obligatorily joybutton
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
100% JAZZJust Add Zip & Zing ToneDeaf McCoy O'Grady
100% JEALOUSJustly Envious About Loved One Undressing Someone Steve Keate and Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
89% JEALOUSYJustifiable Envy Arises Lately Over Unpopular Success of Yours Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela got a free iMac T-shirt, Apple pen, and Think Different poster, when all he has is an Apple sticker.
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% JEALOUSY (2)Just Envy - Accopmpanying Lots Of Unfulfilled Sexual Yearning Leo Boyes
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% JEANNEJah Endows... As Numerous Names Express! Angela Brett - Jeanne, like hundreds of other names, comes from 'John' which means 'God is gracious' or 'Gift of God'
Names:First names:Female
100% JEANNIEJogs Even Along Narrowing Neighborhoods, It's Easy. Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% JEDI KNIGHTJaundiced Empire's Destruction Is Keenly Needed - Invincible Gladiators Have Trained Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% JEEPJaunts Exclude Enlisted Personnel Tony McCoy O'Grady (Jeeps were usually only provided for officers, I think)
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% JEEP (2)Just Enough Equipment Present Mick Bridgstock
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% JEEPERS CREEPERS'Jesus!' Euphemism; Expressing Perturbation Except Removing Sacrilegious Christ Reference. Everyone Except Pagans Exigently Respects Saviour. Angela Brett, thinking that the expression 'jeepers creepers' probably came about as a replacement for 'Jesus Christ!'
Assorted Phrases
100% JEERINGJudging Everyone Externally Reinforces Ignorance - Never Generalise Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
People & Relationships:Insults
100% JEFFJust Expands For Fun Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% JEFF (2)Just Expect Friend Forever Jan Morgan -- A person I know
Names:First names:Male
100% JEFF ANONYMOUSJuveniles Enjoy Free Food Around November, Only Now You - Meanly - Oppose Undue Spending Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to HALLOWEEN (4)
Time:Special Occasions
100% JEFRILYNJewel, Enlightened Friend Responsible Impressive Lady, Yesterday's Neighbor Jan Morgan -- A person I know
Names:First names:Female
100% JEHOVAH'S WITNESSESJamming Every Halldoor Or Vestibule Aperture, Heavy Session With Interminable Theology Nutcase. Eventually Successfully Slam Entry Shut. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% JELLYJuice, Except Less Liquid. Yum! Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% JELLY (2)Jam Equals Locals Load, Yummy Jan Morgan
Food & Drink
100% JENNAJeb's Erring Niece Needs Alcohol? TMcO'G (GEORGE W. BUSH has twin daughters Jenna and Barbara - who both seem to carry daddy's old fondness for booze. They are under age and have been found more than once in (or trying to get into) places selling it. Jeb is George's brother, the governor of Florida)
Names:Famous people
100% JENNIFERJourneys Everywhere Never Needing Incentive, Finds Extra Roving Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% JENNYJoins Enterprising Northern National Yachting Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% JEREMIAHJudged Events, Rarely Enjoyed Mirth, Imprisoned And Hated Eric Bridgstock
Religion:Bible books
100% JEREMYJewish Equivalent Really Exhausts Mouth -- Yirmeyahu Angela Brett (Jeremy comes from a Hebrew name Yirmeyahu.)
Names:First names:Male
100% JERICHOJewish Exercise Resounding Instruments Collapsing Hurdles Overall Rico Leffanta
Places:Towns & Cities
100% JERKJolt Experienced Resembles Knock Jide Alakija
Assorted Nouns
100% JESSICAJuvenile - Escaping - Steals Shylock's Individually Counted Assets Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Merchant of Venice
100% JESSIEJewel Enlists Safe Success In Endeavors Jan Morgan
Names:First names
100% JESUSJewish Echo, "Save Us Sinners" Rico Leffanta
100% JETJoins Earth's Terminals Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% JEWELLERYJoining Element With Element Linking Love's Eldest Romantic Yardstick Rico Leffanta
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
91% JIGGLYPUFFJamming Interpretation, Gives Gig, Lullaby Yawns, Pounds Unsuspecting Friend (or) Foe Jan Morgan (Jigglypuff is Pokemon #39)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% JIMJames (In Miniature) Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
100% JIM (2)Just In Matters Jan Morgan - he is a lawyer
Names:First names:Male
100% JIMMYJiving Individual Manages Music Yearly Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% JINGLEJangling Intrusive Notes Generate Lavish Expenditure Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% JOAN LA PUCELLEJamming On Armour Now Lets A Patriotic Unknown Combat English Lords - Later Executed Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry VI
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VI
100% JOANNEJewel Of A Name Needs Expansion TMcCO'G
Names:First names:Female
100% JOAN OF ARCJuvenile Orders Army North Of France And Reaps Combustion Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people
100% JOAN RIVERSJokester Offering A Nasty Remark In Various Entertainment Road Shows W. Kline
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% JOBJustice Overcomes Besetment. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% JOB (2)Journey Of Boredom Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% JOB (3)Just Over Broke Iniyan G
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% JOB (4)Juggling One's Businesses Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% JOBLESSJoy Of Being Lacking Employment Slowly Shrinks Tony McWork O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% JOBSJanitors Outdo Bigwig's Salary! Angela Brett - Steve Jobs only gets paid $1 a year for being iCEO of Apple.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
Names:Famous people
100% JOCKSTRAPSJaded Old Crotch Kickers Seeking To Restore Artificial Phallic Symbols Rico Leffanta
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% JODIJust One Disruptive/Disagreeable Individual Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% JOELJudgement Of Endless Locusts Eric Bridgstock
Religion:Bible books
100% JOHNJesus Opens His Narrative. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
80% JOHN (2)Joyously Obedient (to) Holy Name Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% JOHN (3)Just One Hawaiian 'Nym? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% JOHN (4)Joint Of Ham's Nice Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% JOHN BRETTJauntily Offering Higher Notions, Bringing Real Enthusiasm To Technology John Brett
100% JOHN KERRYJust One Hellacious Nobody, Kudos Evades Rebellious Reprehensible Yahoo Jan Morgan -- Man who didn't want his medals of war. Was a sell out to those who fought honorably
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% JOHN LE CARREJust One Honed Narrative Lets Espionage Career Agents Recycle & Rehash Events Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Writers
100% JOHNNY CASHJail's Often Happy & Nice Now Yankee Convicts All Singing Heartily Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% JOHN OF GAUNTJaundiced On His Nephew. Outspoken - Fiercely Guarding An Unbreakable Noble Tradition Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Richard II
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Richard II
100% JOHN RYANJuveniles On Hawaii Never Remember You're Always Near Rico Leffanta (John Ryan is better known as Jack Lord)
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses:Little known real names
100% JOHN STEINBECKJourney Of Hope - Notorious Stark Time Encapsulated In Novel, Bleak Existence Conveyed Keenly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Writers
100% JOIN OUR VOLUNTEERSJob Offer Is Now Open. Under Resourced Venture - One Learns (Usually) Not To Ever Expect Receiving Salary Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% JOIN USJob Opportunity In New Unique Salon TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% JOKEJest - Only Kidding, Eh. Angela Brett
100% JOKE (2)Jest Or Kiddish Expletive Jeff Anonymous
100% JOLLITYJoyous Outburst, Long Lived - I Thank You Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% JOLLYJunket: Office Looked Lonely Yesterday Tony McCoy O'Grady and Angela Brett. "Jolly" is a slang term for a pleasure-trip, something like a semi-official business trip.
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% JOLLY (2)Joking One, Laughs Like Yodeller Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% JONAHJahweh Orders Ninevah A Harbinger. Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
100% JONASJust Offers Natural Annoyance Seriously Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% JONATHANJust One Name, Around Two Hundred Alternative Notations Angela Brett (there are several spellings of Jonathan, and seemingly hundreds of other names from the same root as John)
Names:First names:Male
100% JONESJealous Of Neighbours' Evident Success TMcCO'G - Who doesn't try to 'keep up with' anyone
100% JORDANJews Opposed - Royals Demand Arab Nation. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% JOSEPHJob Of Someone Explaining Pharoah's Hallucinations Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
100% JOSEPH SMITHJudicious Obedient Servant Emerges Prophet Having Seen Messengers In Truth, Hallelujah Jan Morgan -- Judicious -- showing good judgment because he listened and was obedient
Names:Famous people
100% JOSHUAJordan's Old Soldier Heroic Under Attack Eric Bridgstock
Religion:Bible books
100% JOSHUA (2)Jericho Once Stood; Horns, Unified, Attacked. Roger Williams
Religion:Bible books
100% JOSHUA (3)Jovial Offspring, Son Has Unusual Attitude Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Male
100% JOURNALJotter Often Used Regularly Notates A Life Tony McSamuel O'Pepys
People & Relationships
Art & Literature
100% JOURNALISTJust One Unusual Reporter, News Announces Latest Incidents, Sharing Tales Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% JOUSTJoy Of Using Spear Thingies Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% JOYJoke's On You Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
90% JOYBUTTONJust One, Yet... Because Usually Two Takes Over a Nanosecond. Angela Brett, because the aforementioned acronymist wanted the name to be acronymised twice in exchange for the two acronyms contributed.
100% JOYBUTTON (2)Jollity: On. You'd Be Unwilling To Try 'Off' Now. Angela Brett, toying with the possibility of a joy button which toggles joy on and off.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% JOYCEJovial Observations Yielding Casual Excitement. Tom Denton, referring to author James Joyce.
Art & Literature:Writers
100% JOYSTICKJust One Young Student That Is Controlling Kicks Sean Lamb (who spent many an evening in the college computer lab playing games)
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% JPEGJuxtapositioned Pixels Emulate Graphics Sean Lamb (JPEG = Joint Photographic Experts Group)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
80% JPEG (2)Just Pictures and Entertaining Graphics Sean Lamb (JPEG = Joint Photographic Experts Group)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% JUBILANTJoy Unleashes Boys In Loud And Noisy Times Rico Leffanta
100% JUDEJoy Under Difficult Experiences Sue Johnson
Names:First names:Female
100% JUDGEJustice Usually Done, Given Equity. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
83% JUDGE (2)Jumped Up Disgruntled Geriatric Establishment-arian Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% JUDGEMENTJava Users/ Developers Group, Extended: Macintosh Enthusiasts Now Taken! Gavin Lambert, thinking up a new name for a group Angela told him about which is ostensibly a Java users group but is actually a group of Mac developers, one of which develops using Java. Its previous working title was JUGWOXACI so this is a big improvement! JUDGEMENT day is the second Tuesday of each month.
100% JUDGESJustices, Utterly Depressing, Grim Events Spiral Eric Bridgstock
Religion:Bible books
100% JUDGES (2)Jury Unanimously Decided Guilt; Enter Sentence. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% JUDITHJewish Urban Destruction? I'm The Heroine Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% JUDYJust Un Dress Yourself! Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% JUICEJug - Usually It Contains Extract. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% JUICE (2)Juveniles Usefully Ingest Citrus Extract Tony McCoy O'Grady and Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% JUICYJointly Uncovering Interrupted Coition Yields Rico Leffanta
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% JUJUJaded Unbelievers; Jinxes Unleashed! Roger Williams
100% JULESJules Uses Long Entertaining Stories David Brydon, referring to singer Jules Riding
100% JULES (2)Jules Utilises Lynne's Efficient Sensibility. David Brydon
100% JULES (3)Jesus Uses Lively Evangelical Singer Angela Brett
100% JULIAJauntily Uses Lad's Identity Awhile Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Two Gentlemen of Verona
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Two Gentlemen of Verona
100% JULIANJust Uses Lessons In Adventures Naturally Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% JULIA ROBERTSJoyful Unbridled Lover Instinctively Always Reveals Ostentatious Big Eyes Really Trap Spouse Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% JULIEJust Uses Love In Events Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% JULIETJaunty Underage Lovely In Erotic Tragedy Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Romeo and Juliet
100% JULIUS CAESARJumped-Up Little Italian Usurper. Shuns Caution And Enrages Senator And Republicans Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Julius Caesar
100% JULYJuveniles Usually Laze, Yes! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% JULY (2)Justly Unwound & Lazing Youths Tony McCoy O'Grady
80% JUMPJolt of Unrestrained Mac Power Angela Brett, describing what would be needed to turn KEYBOARD off or on (the power keys are on the soles of his feet, but aren't activated by normal walking.)
MacGirl & KeyBoard
100% JUMP IN A LAKEJust Use Mother's Personal Identification Number, And Lunch At Kin's Expense! Angela Brett, while thinking about the SHOVE OFF challenge... although this one doesn't quite fit it.
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% JUMP OUT OF A PLANE!Jolted Upwards... My Parachute's Opened Up! Thrill Of Freefall Abated, Pleasantly Lowering Adrenalin Nearing Earth. Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation:Parachuting
100% JUNCTIONJumbled Underground Network Comes Together Into One Nexus Angela Brett
100% JUNEJuly's Upcoming Next, Evidently Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% JUNE (2)Just Unending Nice Evenings Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% JUNE (3)June Ushers New Era! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Summer in Northern Hemisphere / Winter in Southern Hemisphere.
100% JUNGLEJumbled Undergrowth - Not Grass Land Evidently Tony McCoy O'Grady
80% JUNKJust Useless, Needless Knick-knacks Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
100% JUNKIEJust Using Narcotics Keeps Individual Enslaved Jan Morgan
100% JUNOJuxtaposition Unlikely Nearly Omnipotent Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
88% JUPITERJeopardy Ultimate Prospect If Travellers Ever Reach (it) Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% JURYJudge: Unanimous? Representative: Yes. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
88% JUSTICEJoin the United States - They Incarcerate Criminal Evildoers Angela Brett, with a rose-tinted view of JUSTICE (the AMERICAN WAY.) It isn't really true. After all, they didn't incarcerate Bill G*t*s.
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% JUSTICE (2)Jury's Undecided? Seems That I'm Convicted Erroneously. Tony McCoy O'Grady (see GUILTY)
People & Relationships:Law & Order
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% JUSTICE FOR ALL!Just Us! Selfish Temporisers! Individuals Completely Egotistical! For Ourselves! Ruin Antagonists! Low Lifes! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% JUSTINJolly Unusual Son, Teaches In North Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% JUSTINEJoin Us So Tourism Is Nice Event Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% JUST TOO BUSYJoyful Users Should Try To Openly Operate Battery Utilisation System. Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady, complaining about Angela's sister, who is JUST TOO BUSY to change her clock batteries and therefore her emails come through as though they'd been sent several days beforehand.
Assorted Phrases
100% JUVENALJust Use Verse Eventually Nothing Approaches Love Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Writers
100% JUVENILEJust Underage, Vaguely Endearing Not Into Looking Elderly Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
90% JUXTAPOSEJust Use X-rays To Align Posteriors On Someone's Epidermis Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
93% JUXTAPOSITIONJuggle Until X-axes Tally, Although Placing Objects Spatially In Togetherness Is Often Noisome. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% KAKinky Automobile Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the Ford 'Ka'
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% KA (2)Kurvaceous Automobile Angela Brett
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% KAAAWAKindly Arrange All Affairs With Aloha Rico Leffanta (Kaaawa is a town on the island of Oahu, Hawaii.)
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% KAABAKneelers Are All Beautifully Aligned Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% KAIMANAWAKnocking Around In Mountains Are Nomads And Wild Animals Angela Brett, referring to the mountain range in NEW ZEALAND
100% KALAMIKorean (?) Artistry Leaves A Map Immaculate Tony McCoy O'Grady (Kalami is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'The ancient Eastern art of being able to fold road-maps properly.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% KALEIDOSCOPESKinetic Alignments Laboriously Enhancing Inner Dynamics Of Scattered Chips Optically Performing Exotic Scenes Rico Leffanta
100% KALIKindles All Luck Inverted Rico Leffanta
Religion:Hindu Goddesses
100% KANSASKey Area Noted, Successful Aircraft Source Jan Morgan - center of U.S. Leading State To Manufacture Aircraft
Places:States & Regions
100% KARAOKEKeeps Alcoholised Roisterers Amused, Or Kiddies Entertained Tony McCoy O'MyWay
100% KARATEKicking Athlete, Reaching At Taming Emotions Jan Morgan - Great sport - teaches the individual self-control and how to defend themselves in a threatening situation if you can't talk it out
Sports & Recreation:Martial Arts
100% KARENKey Attribute Recreates Endurance Necessary Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% KARINKatharos (Athenian) Rarely Impure Name Angela Brett (According to my dictionary, the name Karin and many similar names are 'of uncertain origin, later assimilated to katharos, pure.')
Names:First names:Female
100% KARL'Kapital' Apparently Read Less Tony McCoy O'Grady (Karl Marx's book Das Kapital is rarely read nowadays)
Art & Literature:Writers
83% KARMAKill, And Revenge Mars (your) Afterlife! Angela Brett
100% KARMA (2)Karmas Are Radical Music Appliances Sean Lamb (who has a Rio Karma on his wish list).
100% KARTINGKiddie At Race Track Is Nearer Ground TMcCO'G
Sports & Recreation
90% KATHARINAKeeps Acid Tongue Haranguing All. Romance Instigates Neat About-face Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Taming of The Shrew
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Taming of the Shrew
100% KATHERINEKeen Actress That Hepburn, Exuding Romantic Intensity & Naughty Eroticism Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% KATHRYNKnowlegeable Adult Truly Has Responsible Young Networked Jan Morgan -- someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% KATHYKeen Adventurer Tackles Hobbies, Yin Jan Morgan -- a person I know
Names:First names:Female
100% KATRINAKnockout Advantage Truly Respects Individual's Necessary Attributes Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% KATRINA (2)Kind And Truly Reasonable Individual Needs Alternatives Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% KATYDIDKeeps Appetisers Tasting Yummy Doesn't Intimidate Desserts Rico Leffanta
100% KAWASAKIKickstart And Wheelie Away, Speeding Along's Keenly Invigorating Tony McCoy O'Grady, who never owned a 'cow', but had a Honda for several years
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% KAYAKKeeps Away Yachties... Absent Keel! Angela Brett
86% KAYANAKismet Adolescent Yin Adoringly Named (for) Acquaintances Jan Morgan -- someone I know pronounced Kay-Anna (fate that this person was named after 2 friends)
Names:First names:Female
100% KAYANA (2)Keen Artistic Youth, Adorable Narcissistic Adolescent Jan Morgan and Kayana Morgan I did Youth and adolescent Kayana picked out the other words
Names:First names:Female
100% KAYSERKeenly Alluring, Your Stockings Evoke Recollections TMcCO'G - who remembers 'Kayser' as a brand of nylon stockings from the 1950s/60s
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
83% KAZAKHSTANKing-size Asian Zone Afforded [Genghis] Khan Horses Superior To Any Neighbours. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% KAZIKeenly Avoid Zipping Intimates! Angela Brett
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% KEBABKreative Eats, Beef And Barbecue Sean Lamb
Food & Drink
100% KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID!Kindly Extract Essentials, Pass Intricacies To Specialists. It Makes People Lose Enthusiasm, Struggling To Understand Perplexing, Insignificant Details. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Advice
100% KELLOGGSKillers Enjoy Little Luxuries - Occasionally Getting Gustatory Sensations Tony McCoy O'Grady, acronymising a source of cereal killers.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains:Cereal Killers
86% KENDALKeenly Eaten - Normally During A Long-walk Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to Kendal Mint Cake, which British hikers are reputed to carry as energy food
Food & Drink
Sports & Recreation
100% KENDRAKinfolk Expand Names, Don't Request Apronyms.com Grumpy Old Man
Names:First names:Female
100% KENNEDYKilling Ended Nation's Notions, Estranging Developing Youths. Tony McCoy O'Grady, who feels that the death of JFK was the beginning of America's youth becoming disenchanted with politics, paving the way for Nixon and Agnew et al.
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% KENNETHKeen Extrovert Needs Nice Erudite Thinking Hedonist Mary Carr, on a Kenneth she knows.
Names:First names:Male
100% KENTUCKYKey Event Needs Track, Usually Counts Kilometers - Yards Jan Morgan - Races - the kentucky derby
Places:States & Regions
100% KENYAKenyatta Established Nationhood Years Ago. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% KEROUACKontinually Ephemeral Routing Of Utilitarianisms And Correspondences. Tom Denton
Art & Literature:Writers
100% KERPOWKick Endangering Rude Parts Of Wrongdoer Angela Brett
MacGirl & KeyBoard
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% KERRIEKnits Everything, Regenerating Regime Is Experimental Jan Morgan -- she creates her own KNITTING patterns with the old regime
Names:First names:Female
100% KERRYKingdom Endures Regular Rainfall Yearly Tony McCoy O'Grady (County Kerry in Ireland is known as 'The Kingdom' and is in the wettest region in the country)
Places:States & Regions
100% KETTLEKeeping Engineers Tooting Their Little Engines Sean Lamb - A kettle (an abbreviation of tea-kettle) refers to any very small steam locomotive, usually one without a tender.
100% KEWLKids Experiment With Language Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% KEWL (2)Kids Exercise Wrong Learning wishes
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% KEYBOARDKeep Entering Your Bloody Obvious Acronyms Regularly, Darling! Tony McCoy O'Grady, applying for the position of MacGirl's trusty, but slightly-unsure-of-what's-going-on sidekick, KEYBOARD. Why is he called Keyboard? Because MacGirl routinely says to him: "Keep Entering Your Bloody Obvious Acronyms Regularly, Darling!"
MacGirl & KeyBoard:(Wannabe) Superheroes
100% KEYBOARD (2)Keys Enter Your Bowel Only After Ruining Duodenum. Angela Brett and Steve Keate (see DONGLE (3))
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% KEYBOARD (3)Keep Eating Your Breakfast - Of ASCII-Related Dishes Tony
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% KEY LIMEKeep Everything You Love In Macintosh Environment Angela Brett, who has a Key Lime IBOOK
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% KEYNOTEKept Easy... You've No Overhead To Exhibit Angela Brett -- With Keynote, you don't need an old-fashioned overhead projector and slides, so there is less overhead in setting up a presentation.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software:Applications
80% KEYSKeep Everything of Yours Secure Angela Brett
Household Objects
80% KEYS (2)Keep External [to] Your Stomach! Angela Brett
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% KFCKnown For Calories Angela Brett
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% KHARTOUMKissing Has A Reputation That Only Uproots Morality Rico Leffanta, because in Khartoum, kissing is never seen between a man and a woman.
Places:Towns & Cities
100% KIDKinky Irish Deviant Tony McCoy O'Grady, perhaps describing Keyboard... or himself?
People & Relationships
100% KIDSKinship In Daughters & Sons Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Family
100% KIDS (2)Keep It Down - Sshhh! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
100% KILLARNEYKeep It Like Left Alone, Renewing Naturally Every Year Angela Brett, who went to Killarney National Park, Ontario, with the Rixes.
100% KILOBYTESKeyboard Informs Logicboard Of Blurb You Type - Easily Stored! Angela Brett
100% KILTKnees Influence Lovely Tartans Jan Morgan
Household Objects:Clothing
100% KILTERKeep In Line, Then Everything's Right. Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% KIMKipling's Interesting Manuscript Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% KIM (2)Kept In Memory Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names
100% KIM (3)Kind In Maneouvers Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names
100% KIMBERLYKippers In Mushy, Buttered Eggs Really Look Yummy. Kimberly
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% KIM NOVAKKnockers Intrigue Males Not Otherwise Vaccinating Armoured Knickers Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% KINKid's Into Naughtiness Sean Lamb
People & Relationships:Family
100% KIN (2)Kinship Is Necessary Sean Lamb
People & Relationships:Family
100% KIN (3)Kindred In Nature Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Family
100% KINDKeeps Initiating Neighbourly Deeds Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% KINDERGARTENKids Investigating New Diseases Exploring Riots Grabbing Arses Revolting Teachers Educating Nincompoops Rico Leffanta
100% KINDERGARTEN LITERACY PARENT WORKSHOPKids, If Needled, Don't Enjoy Reading. Get Avid Readers To Evolve Naturally, Learning In Their Excitement. Remove Additional 'Classes' - Young People Always Read Eventually, Not Through Worry Or Rapacious Kindergarten Supremacy Hopes Of Parents. Angela Brett
100% KINDNESSKissing Identifies New Directions Needing Exploratory Sneaky Smooches Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% KINDYKids In Noted Development Years TMcCO'G - Kindy seems to be an abbreviation of Kindergarten. I hope this is the mean the seeker sought an expansion for.
88% KINGDOMKeystone In Never-ending Growth, During Our Moments Jan Morgan
100% KING EDWARD IVKilling Inspires New Guilt - Eventually Dies Wracked About Relative Done In Violently Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Richard III
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Richard III
100% KING HENRY IVKingship Inherently Needs Greatness - His Eldest's Not Ready Yet - Intensely Vagabondish Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Henry IV
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry IV
100% KING HENRY VKingdom Is Newly Growing - Hal's Evidently Now Reformed - Yea Verily! Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry V
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry V
100% KING HENRY VIKiddie Inherits: Next Generation Heightens Enmity & Nasty Rivalry. York's Victoriously Installed Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VI
100% KING HENRY VIIIKatharine Is Not Giving Heir! Enter Next Romantic Young Vixen, Into International Intrigue Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VIII
100% KING JOHNKnighting Illegitimate Nephew Generates Jealousies Over Holier Nephew Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King John
100% KING LEARKeenly I'm Nearly Geriatric - Lonely, Elderly And Rambling Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's (The Tragedy of) King Lear
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:(The Tragedy Of) King Lear
100% KINGSKingship Is Near Godship Sometimes. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
83% KIRBYKleaning Instrument Running Birds [over] - Yummy! Taylor Rundell
100% KIRSTIKnowledge In Reading, Saves Teaching It Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% KISSKinkiness Is Sharing Saliva. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% KISS (2)Kind Intentions Sweetly Seduce Dustan Dowsing, 'cause he's missing them =](:
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% KISS (3)Kinetic Instinctive Smile Smudge Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% KISS (4)Kind Intimate Sweet Submission Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
80% KITEKey Is Tied to End Roger Williams - referencing the lightning experiment of Ben Franklin.
100% KITHKindness In Their Hearts Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
86% KITTENKontains Infinite Tricks: Teleporting Everywhere Non-expected Gavin Lambert (Kittens can move so quickly and in unexpected directions (like upwards) that at times they just seem to teleport from place to place. Fortunately, they still seem to need a line of sight)
100% KITTEN (2)Keepsake Ignores Totally Till Effectively Nestling Jan Morgan
100% KITTEN (3)Keepsake Impacts Total Territory Effectively Neutral Jan Morgan
100% KITTYKittens Intend To Tempt You Patricia Rix
83% KITTY (2)Kind Individual Tries Tricky Yo-yo Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% KIWIKiwi Irish With Interest Angela Brett, after Tony complained that calling the duo half Irish, half Kiwi would seem like a half measure
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
78% KIWIANAKids In Waikaremoana Identify (with) Articles Native to Aotearoa. Angela Brett - Kiwiana means things unique to the New Zealand culture (like Americana to America?) Waikaremoana is a randomly chosen place in NZ... I wasn't really cheating with that W because most place names here begin with 'Wai,' and Aotearoa is the Maori word for New Zealand.
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% KLINGONKnowing 'Language' Is Notably Geeky (Or Nerdy) Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Star Trek
100% KLRKickstart & Let's Ride Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to MOUTH (2)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% KLR (2)Keep Leathers Ready Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to MOUTH (2)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% KLR (3)Keen Little Racer Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to MOUTH (2)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% KMACKlondike Makes Addicts Clickclickclickclick... Angela Brett, who explains: My first Mac, a PowerBook 145B, was named kMac late in its life because after I got my POWERBOOK 1400CS (named DIFFERENT THOUGHT) my mother played over 30,000 games of Klondike on the 145B. I can always tell when she's playing Klondike because of all the frenzied double-clicking. kMac's homepage is at http://acronyms.co.nz/angela/mac/kMac.html
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware:Angela's Apples
100% KNEECAPKicks Need Energy Enhancement Created At Patella. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% KNICKERSKey Necessity In Clothing Kit - Enswathing Rump/ Seat Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% KNIFEKeenness Needs Incredibly Fine Edge Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
100% KNIGHTKilled Nasties In Glorious Heroic Times Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% KNITTINGKnowledgeable Needler Interlocks Talent, Takes Initiative, Negotiates Garments Jan Morgan and Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation
100% KNOCKED UPKnowing Nothing Of Carnal Knowledge, Encounter's Disastrous - Unwanted Pregnancy! TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
People & Relationships:Family
100% KNOTKnickers Never Obviously Twist Rico Leffanta
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% KNOT (2)Keeps Navigators On Target Angela Brett
100% KNOTHOLEKeeps Neighbours On Toes Hopefully Occluding Lecherous Eavesdropping Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% KNOWLEDGEKeystone Navigating Own Wisdom, Loves Education Deserves Glowing Edification Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Thoughts
86% KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENTKnowledgeable Network Operators Will Leverage Experience and Degrees to Gain Enlightenment. Many Apprentices Never Appreciate Gurus, Expecting Mere Elucidation of Network Terms. Sean Lamb
100% KNUCKLEKnobble Near Uncial Can Keep Limbends Exercised TMcCO'G
Science:Biology:Body Parts
83% KOALAKeels Over And Lands Aussie-up Rico Leffanta
100% KOPERNICUSKde Out-Performs Everything Rendering New Internet Connections Useful, Surely Sean Lamb (Kopernicus was the code name for KDE version 2.0)
Names:Code Names:Linux
100% KOREKnows Organic Regurgitation Everywhere Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% KORGOKeyboard Output Recorder Generates Opening Sean Lamb (Korgo is the name of a new worm that exploits a hole in Windows security and installs a keylogger, sending the keystrokes to a remote, malicious computer)
100% KORNKranky Old Rabbi's Name Leo Boyes
Names:Famous people
100% KOWTOWKeel Over When The Order Warrants Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
100% KRISKinky Relationships In Seven Jan Morgan -- after 7 years she moved on to a new relationship
Names:First names:Female
100% KRISPY KREMEKeeps Right In Savory Perception, You Keep Restricted, Eating Marvelous Edible Jan Morgan - don't eat so many donuts and you won't gain weight
Food & Drink
100% KRISTENKid's Religion Is Shown To Everyone Now Angela Brett (the name Kristen comes from Christiana or Christian.)
Names:First names:Female
100% KRISTIKnows Reading Is Shared, Teaching Ideas Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% KRISTINEKnows Reading Is Shared, Teaching Ideas, Necessary Enlightenment Jan Morgan
100% KRITOSAURUSKnown Remains Indicate That Old Saurian Ate Undergrowth/Umbrage Rising Up Sunward Angela Brett -- I'm not sure whether a kritosaurus would be more able to eat undergrowth or umbrage, but as a herbivore it's sure to eat one or the other.
88% KRYPTONKal-el? Really! Young People Think Of Nothingelse. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% KUNG FUKiller Using No Guns - Fists Uppermost Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation:Martial Arts
100% KUNG FU (2)Karate Using Natural Gyrations Favouring Upsets Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation:Martial Arts
100% KUWAITKept Useable Wells After Invader Thwarted. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% KUWAIT (2)Keeps Up With Advances In Technology Angela Brett, who works for a dental software company which is expanding into Kuwait.
100% KUWAIT (3)Keeps Up With Acology Information Technology Angela Brett (see KUWAIT (2))
100% KYLAKeep Your Legs Apart Angela Brett (deciding to do a Rico-like name expansion)
Names:First names:Female
100% KYMOGRAPHKilohertz You May Observe Graphically, Record Actual Phonemes, Hopefully. Angela Brett, hoping to get the last K entry.
100% KYOTO ACCORDKeep Your Ozone Tolerable. Only America Can't Cooperate On Reducing Despoilment. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% KYRGYZSTANKnow Your Regional Geography? Yes? Zealously Study This Altitudinous Nation. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% KYUKarate Youth - Untrained Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation:Martial Arts
100% LALittlest Aria Angela Brett
100% LAAGERLarge And Ample Group Encompassing Ring Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% LAAGER (2)Lazy Alcoholic's Articulation, Groaning Epithesis Represented? Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% LABLooks At Biology Jan Morgan
100% LABANLoses At Beheading, Absolves Nephi Jan Morgan -- Book of Mormon Evil relative lost his head for not turning over the plates of brass
Names:Book of Mormon Characters
100% LABORATORYLocated At Bench, Our Researcher Attempts Trials Of Radioactive Yields Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LABOURLacking Authority Because Of Useless Reforms John Richard Jones. Fed up with Labour's incompetence.
100% LABOUR (2)Layabouts Are Betraying Our Unique Reputation John Richard Jones
100% LACELovers Are Copulating Excessively Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the lace (13th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% LACE (2)Looping Adorned Cotton, Elegantly Jan Morgan
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric
100% LADAWNLazy Adult Doesn't Act With Nobility Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% LADDERLying Against Dormer Denotes Elopement? Rather! Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Household Objects
100% LADIESLeaving A Dump Is Extremely Satisfying Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% LADIES (2)Like A Doorway Into Effluent Stinkiness Patricia Rix
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% LADY DIANALunatic Assaults Darling Yin Died In Accident, Numerically Adored Jan Morgan
100% LADY DRIVERLaughing At Danger You Drive Recklessly In Vehicle - Eschewing Reversing! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% LADY MACBETHLike A Demented Yuppie, Manipulative And Controlling, Becomes Encourager To Husband Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Macbeth
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Macbeth
100% LADY OF THE LAKELived At Depth, Yearned Once & Finally To Have Excalibur, Long And Keen Edged Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% LAERTESLaunches Attack, Exacting Revenge To Exonerate Sister Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark
100% LAFEULord Attempting 'Friend's' Exposure, Unavailingly Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well
100% LAGERLads Agree, Great Exhilarating Refreshment Tony Moore
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% LAMANLackluster Associate Mainly Argued, Nephi Jan Morgan -- Book of Mormon Character -- mean sibling
Names:Book of Mormon Characters
100% LAMANITELawless Associates Mainly Argued Nephites In Truths Eternal Jan Morgan
Names:Book of Mormon Characters
100% LAMBLittle Animal Might Baa Angela Brett, who saw lots of lambs on her bus trips from Auckland to Palmerston North and back.
100% LAMB (2)Little And Moving Blissfully Niki Widdowson
100% LAMBORGHINILovely Automobile May Bring Owner Racing Glory / Honours - It's Natively Italian Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% LAMBSLittlies Adore Most Baby Sheep Angela Brett
100% LAMENTATIONSLines Acrostically Made Expressing National Tragedy. A Temple Is Overthrown, Nation Sundered. Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
100% LAMPLuminous Apple Macintosh Phosphors Angela Brett, after she was given a 512k Mac whose disk drive wasn't connected, so all it does is show the disk icon with a flashing question mark - Steve suggested it could be used as a lamp.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% LAMP (2)Lost At Midnight? Press. Steve Keate
Household Objects
100% LAMP (3)Light Atop Manmade Pole Jan Morgan
Household Objects
100% LAMPOONSLaughing At Mankind's Pretences Over Other Newsworthy Stories Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature
100% LANCASTERLoyal And Now Controlling Army Strategy To Extirpate Rebels Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry IV
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry IV
100% LANCELong And Narrow, Charge Enemies Tony McCoy O'Grady
93% LANCELOT DU LACLike A Nasty Courtier, Enticed Lady Off Throne - Death Unleashed Loss of Arthurian Chivalry Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
89% LANGUAGELinguists Assay New Generalisations of Utterances And Graphical Expression. Angela Brett
82% LANTHANUMLanthanides Are Named (from) This. Happens Among Nature in Uncommon Minerals. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LAOSLarge Areas Of Sierra. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LAP DANCELeggy & Attractive (Poorly Dressed) Arousing Naughty Chaps Excitement Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LAPRASLugs A Passenger Relentlessly Around Sea Angela Brett (Lapras is Pokemon #131)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% LAPTOPLaughingly, Apple's P1 Totally Outperforms P2 Angela Brett, referring to Apple's yet-to-be released consumer portable (codenamed p1) which will surely be a G3 and therefore faster than a Pentium 2.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% LAPTOP (2)Little Appliance - 'Puter - That's Obviously Portable Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% LAPTOP (3)Luckiest Are People That Operate PowerBooks Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% LAPTOP (4)Linux And Portables - There's Often Problems. Angela Brett (I know a few people who've had Linux laptops and they seem to have problems with the power management.)
100% LARA CROFTLucozade Advertisement Recruits Adventurous Character, Release Of Film's Timely. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Games:Game Characters
100% LARDWARELeft Alone, Rebelling Dieters Will Absorb Recyclable Electronics. Angela Brett, thinking that if computer parts really were edible, they might be called lardware.
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% LARGELengthier And Relatively Greater, Evidently Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% LARGE HADRON COLLIDERLeptons Aren't Really Good Enough, Hadronic Action Duly Reveals Our Notions Correct (Or Lacking) Looking Into Denser Energy Realms Angela Brett -- the Large Hadron Collider is the replacement for the LEP (Large Electron Positron collider) at CERN. It will be turned on in 2007 and, by colliding hadrons rather than the lighter LEPTONS, should reveal how particles react at higher energies.
100% LARRYLazy And Rather Rebellious Youth Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
100% LARYNGITISLacking A Roundy Yoke Necessitates Gaps In Transmission - I'm Silenced. Tony McCoy O'Grady, after a teasing gap in a message.
100% LASAGNELuscious And Saucy, And Good Nutritious Eating Chef, South Park High School
Food & Drink
100% LASAGNE (2)Like Anything, Seldom Any Garfield's Not Eaten. Angela Brett (Lasagne is the cartoon cat Garfield's favourite food.)
Food & Drink
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
83% LASERLight-emitting Artefact Sometimes Employs Rubies Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% LAST MESSAGELatest Acronym Seems To Make Everyone Suggest Some Alternative, Good, Expansion Tony McCoy O'Grady
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% LAST MESSAGE (2)Lately Angela's Slow To Make Expansions, Since She's A Good Employee. Angela Brett
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% LAS VEGASLosers Away Squandering Valuables, Expecting Gold; Always Screwed. Sporkmaster
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% LATE!Laughing At Their Expense Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LATE BREAKING NEWSLook At This Emerging Bulletin Relating Events And Keeping Interesting Narration Going - National Events, Worldwide Stories TMcCO'G
100% LATE EXTRALate Appearance: Tony's Evidently Erroneous - Xenon Triggered Researcher's Alertness Tony McCoy O'Grady, suggesting a title for THE ACRONYM TIMES issue which was delayed because, among other things, Angela wanted to put a 'tour' of chemical element acronyms on the website and realised that XENON was missing.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% LATERLast Alligator To Exit, Repeats Patricia Rix (I was thinking of "see you later, alligator", though why the last alligator would say this to an empty room escapes me)
Communication:Hello & Goodbye
100% LATER GATORLike "Adieu' Though Expressing Return - Greatly Abridge Trendy Old Repartee TMcCO'G - referring to the song line "See you later alligator, after 'while Crocodile"
Communication:Hello & Goodbye
94% LATE TRAIN SERVICELeft After The Evening Train Rolled Along, In Near-empty Station, Expecting Returning Vehicle Into City - Evfentually Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LATINLanguage A Touch Intricate Nowadays. Tony -- English is becoming so sloppy that grammar is disintegrating, even though it was never as complex as Latin. Learning Latin must be really difficult now.
100% LATITUDE & LONGITUDELost? Attend To Indicators That Uniquely Distinguish Every Location. One Needs Geometry, International Time & Utilise Decent Ephemeris Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LATTER DAY SAINTSLiving A Truly Teachable Existence Religiously, Do All Your Service At Instant Notice To Saints Jan Morgan - Part of the formal name of mormons complete formal name is the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Instantly coming to ones aid ensures happiness)
100% LATVIALet's Appreiciate That Valuable Ideal, Autonomy. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LAUGHLaughter Acronyms Usually Generate Happiness/Hysteria. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LAUGHING MY ASS OFFLaunching An Unprecedented Guffaw... Help! I've No Gluteus Maximus! Yes, A Sure Sign Of Fatuous Fun Angela Brett
100% LAUGHING OUT LOUDLittle Acronym's Unknownness Gave Happy Irishman Nonplussed. Got Opportunity Ultimately To Learn Of Unique Definition Tony McCoy O'Grady pays homage to what started the apronyms project. It all began when Angela Brett wrote 'LOL' in response to some witticism he had written. Tony, being new to the web, had never come across this before and asked for illumination. From this sprung an unending flow of (occasionally?) funny items.
100% LAUGHTERLaunched An Unexpected Guffaw Hearing This. Encore Requested Tony McCoy O'Grady
88% LAUNDRYLinen Articles Uncreased, Non-Dirty, Returned (to) You Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% LAURALemurs Around Ugly Rat Assets Michael Seiler. I came up with it because there aren't enough suitable nonsense phrases that can expand off my girlfriend's (or my best friend's girlfriend...lotta Lauras, eh?) name. (Note: Unless Michael doesn't much like his girlfriend, this is not strictly an apronym. It has only been included to explain MICHAEL SEILER. See also LAURA (2) and LAURA (3))
Names:First names:Female
100% LAURA (2)Line An Unpolished Rough Amethyst Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% LAURA (3)Lovely, And Untarnished, Radiant Angel Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% LAURENLooked Astounding, Utterly Ravishing Even Now Tony McCoy O'Bogart, referring to Lauren Bacall, Humphrey Bogart's wife and frequent co-star
Names:First names:Female
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% LAVACHELemonish - Although Valued Amongst Characters He Encounters Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:All's Well That Ends Well
100% LAVA LAMPLike A Volcano, A Light Activates Moving Patterns Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
100% LAVA LAMP (2)Lacking Any Volcanic Activity, Light Affords Many Possibilities Melanie Merswolke
Household Objects
100% LAVATORYLacking Any Ventilation Attacks The Olfactory Receptors, Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% LAVINIALiving, After Violent Incident, Names Indecent Assailants Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Titus Andronicus
100% LAWLevelled Against Wrongdoing Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% L.A. WEIGHT LOSS CENTERLosing Advantage With Excess Inches, Getting Healthy Tips, Life's Own Succeeding Solution, Carefully Examines Necessary Transformed Eating Regime Jan Morgan - a Place that promotes eating healthily and losing weight
Food & Drink
100% LAWFUL CONDUCTLove And War: Fair Until Lawyers Come, Openly Nicking Dollars Using Clever Tricks Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
83% LAWRENCIUMLike A Whole Range of Elements - Non-natural. Created In University Machines. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LAWSUITLegal Actions Will Sometimes Use Intricate Terminology Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% LAWYERLoopholes And Wrangles - You Escape Retribution Tony McCoy O'Grady, after Eric's colleagues looked for a LAWYER to go with DOCTOR.
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% LAWYER (2)Lopes Away With Your Expensive Retainer Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% LAWYER (3)Lying Attorneys Win You Extra Rewards. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% LAWYER (4)Legal Assistants Waste Your Earned Remuneration Eric Bridgstock
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
86% LAWYER (5)Lies And Wriggles, You End-up Robbed Mike Redmond
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% LAWYERSLies And Wanky Yarns Essential. Requires Slyness Edwin Hermann
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% LAWYERS (2)Litigation About Winning You Election... Recounts Significant. Angela Brett, after the USA elections in 2000.
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% LAXATIVELately A Xerantic Ass Tamed, I'll Vouchsafe Epsom! Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% LAZINESSLacking Any Zeal, Idly Napping or Entering Sleepy State. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% LAZINESS (2)Like All Zombies, I Nightly Enter Sleepy Stupor Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
80% LAZY HATSLovely And Zany - Your Headgear is Always Tacky and Shoddy. Angela Brett, when Tony mentioned he was wearing his 'lazy bastard' hat. When asked to describe it, he replied, "It was a beautiful hat when I came across it, but after years of neglect (due to laziness) it is probably a real mess by now, I don't know. When I'm wearing it, I'm too lazy to look at myself in the mirror."
Household Objects:Clothing
100% LCBOLarge Canadian Booze Outlet/Organization Angela Brett (LCBO usually stands for Liquor Control Board Ontario)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% LEADLies Expressionless And Dead Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LEADERLarge Editorial Arousing Deep Empathetic Responses Tony McCoy O'Grady
80% LEAFLight Engenders Aliment for Flowers. Angela Brett
100% LEAF (2)'Lungs' Each Autumn Fall. Angela Brett
100% LEAF (3)Let's Enumerate A Forest Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% 4 LEAF CLOVER40 Lucky Events Are Following, Country Lane Offers Very Enjoyable Ramble Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LEAPLunge Eagerly Across Pit Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% LEARNLose Educators - Autonomously Read Notes. Angela Brett
100% LEATHERLove Endured Annus Three, Hardly Experiencing Regret. Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the leather (3rd) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% LEATHER (2)Let's Eschew Animals That Have Epidermis Removed Tony McCoy O'Grady, saying: this doesn't really reflect my opinion as I love my leather jacket! :-)
Science:Biology:Body Parts
Household Objects:Clothing
100% LEBANONLasting Ethnic Bitterness Accelerates Neglect Of Nation. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LEDALet Every Duck Arise! Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% LED ZEPPELINLoudness = Extreme. Drug, Zoloft, Extremely Proficient Problem Eliminator. Laud Is Needed. Jeff Anonymous (see LZ)
100% LEEDS CASTLELuscious Expansive Evergreen, Deeply Searched, Country Assets, Secluded Territorial Landscape, England Jan Morgan
100% LEEKLet's Eat Everything, 'Kay? Sean Lamb
Food & Drink
100% LEFT HANDLittle Enterprising Feline Taken Hold; Abandoning Normal Digits Gavin Lambert (I'm having to type this one-handed because my cat is sleeping on my right hand. And I'm right-handed!)
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% LEGALLoopholes Exploited, Getting Around Laws Angela Brett and Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% LEGENDLocal Elements Generally Encapsulate Native Deity Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends
100% LEGENDSLengthy Epics Generally Explaining Notably Dramatic Stories Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends
86% LEGIONLatin-speaking Expert Gladiators In Outstanding Numbers Tony McCoy O'Gladiator
100% LEGOLethally Edged Gouging Object Joshua Stanchfield
100% LEGOLASLikeable Elf Goes On Long Adventure Sanguinely Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% LEGSLong Elevatory Gear Sticks Niki Widdowson
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% LEHILeader Endures His Isolation Jan Morgan -- Book of Mormon Father of 4 sons
Names:Book of Mormon Characters
70% LEIBNIZLoved Equations - Invented Brilliant Notation for Increments of Zero-ish. Angela Brett
100% LEISURELayabout Enjoys Idleness - Shunning Using Recreational Equipment Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% LEITHLeith Ends In The Hills George Rix
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% LEMMINGLittle, Excitable Mammal Masses In Numberless Groupings Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LEMONLiquid Excitement Makes One Numb wishes
Food & Drink
100% LE MORTE D'ARTHURLegend Endures, Malory's Ode Recalls The Enemy Defeated And Resolving To Have Ulitmate Revenge Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% LEMUELLaggard Entity Mainly Used Evil Lavishly Jan Morgan -- Book of Mormon Character -- another mean sibling
Names:Book of Mormon Characters
100% LEND A HANDLooks Easy, Needs Doing, Anyway - Have A Nice Day! Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Advice
100% LENSLight Experiences New Shaping Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% LENS (2)Lets Eyes Now See Roger Williams
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% LENTLet's Eat Next Tuesday Rico Leffanta
Time:Special Occasions
100% LEOLapses Easily Overlooked Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LEO (2)Lets Ego Overindulge Jan Morgan
100% LEONALady Endures Own Necessary Adventure Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% LEONARD SLYELikes Enemies On Nooses And Riding Damp Saddles Leaves You Exhausted Rico Leffanta (Leonard Slye is better known as Roy Rogers)
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses:Little known real names
100% LEONATOLargely Enjoys Organizing Novelties And Tricking Others Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Much Ado About Nothing
100% LEONTESLoses Everything Over Naivete - Then Enlivens Statue Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Winter's Tale
100% LEPTONLike Electron, Positron, Tau Or Neutrino Angela Brett
100% LEPTONSLight Elementary Particles, They Orbit Neutrons Sometimes. Angela Brett
88% LESBIANLady Enjoys Sexual Behaviour Involving Another Non-male Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% LE SILENCELadies Enthusiastically Seeking Intense Love Experiences Never Come Easily Rico Leffanta
100% LESLEY HORNBYLet's Eat Sugar Ladies! Eat Yummy Helpings Or Repast Near By You! Rico Leffanta (Lesley Hornby is better known as Twiggy)
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses:Little known real names
100% LESLIELady's Exceedingly Slim Look Is Emulated Tony McCoy O'Grady (The 60s fashion model Twiggy was called Leslie Hornby)
Names:Famous people
100% LESLIE WEIR THE PHOTOGRAPHERLetting Engine Search Look Into Entire Web, Eventually I Received The Hard Evidence, Phrase Has Only The One Genuine Result - Apronyms Page Has Exact Requirement TMcCO'G, who did a websearch for the phrase "Leslie Weir the photographer" and got only this query (on the Unsuccessful Searches page) returned. Now there may be two results!
100% LESOTHOLarge Expanses Still Open To Horses Only. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LESOTHOSAURUSLight, Extra Small One That Had Open Skeleton And Usually Ran Under Shrubs Sean Lamb (DinoDictionary says that this small dino 'was probably an agile, two-legged runner based on slender, hollow, thin walled bones, a light skull with many openings, a short neck and forelimbs and the absence of armor.')
100% LESSER SANITARIALost Every Sensible Strand? Enter Rob's Stupendous Asylum! Nonsense Is There; Any Reasonableness Is Absent. Rob Rix, when Angela challenged him to acronymise it after he suggested that the custard-extracting nets of UNDILUTED GRADE A CANADIAN NONSENSE CONCENTRATE would be the primary export of Lesser Sanitaria.
Art & Literature:Fictional Places
89% LESS ROOMLots Enter, So Standing Room Only in Overcrowded Mall. Angela Brett
91% LETHAL DOSELouts Enjoying The Hallucinogenic Attraction of LSD Die Of Scandalous Excess. Angela Brett
100% LET'S GET HITCHEDLife Enjoyed Together - So Good! Expect To Have Impulse To Cuddle Him/Her Every Day. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
95% LET SOMEONE ELSE DO ITLate Evening Tiredness Shows On My Expansion - Other, Non-Exhausted Expanders Left Some Exercise. [I'll] Do One In Time. Angela Brett, when Jeff wanted help with an apronym but she was about to go to bed.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
94% LET'S VISIT HOLY APESLong Excursion To See Very Important Spiritualist's Incarnation, Though He's Only (Like You) A Primate (in Every Sense!) Angela Brett, after someone searched for that phrase on the website. I hadn't realised that primate could mean bishop before.
100% LETTERLittle Envelope Tries To Elicit Reading Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% 7 LETTERSL Extra - That's The Emptying Rack Score Angela Brett (in Scrabble, when you use all seven of your letters in a single word you get a bonus 50 points - L is 50 in Roman numerals.)
82% LEVITICUSLend an Ecclesiastical Volume... Is This Imperative to Christian's Ultimate Salvation? Angela Brett, wondering if she really ought to know what happened in Leviticus.
Religion:Bible books
100% LEVITICUS (2)Laws Encompassing Votive Intentions, Then Instructions Concerning Uncleanliness & Sin Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% LEWINSKYLicking Elite Willy Is Nearly Sex! Kenneth Yells. Angela Brett
Names:Famous people
100% LEWISLoves Extra Warmth, Involves Sun Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% LIAHONALeads In Absolute Honorable Obedience, Nephite Adventures Jan Morgan -- Book of Mormon compass given to LEHI. Leads to Promised Land
100% LIARLacking In Absolute Reliability Leo Boyes
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% LIBBYLying Is Best By You! Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% LIBERAL DEMOCRATSLacking In Basic Educational Resources And Learning Damaging Engineering, Manufacturing, Opportunities, Confidence, Reputation And Tainting Success John Richard Jones -- Thoughts in the run up to the General Election 2005
100% LIBERATION OF IRAQLooking Innocent, Bush Employs Rhetoric, Attempting To Imply Outrage - Nevertheless, Oil Field Income Really American Quest! Chris Kjelgaard
Military:War & Terrorism
100% LIBERIALaunched Initially By Emancipating Regine In America. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LIBERTYLady, I Bestow Every Right To You Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% LIBRALet's Ignore Brain-Rotting Astrology. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LIBRA (2)Lets Impartial Balance Reveal Attribute Jan Morgan
100% LIBRARIANSLove Interesting Books, Read Any Recently? I Admire Novels Sometimes Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% LIBRARIANS (2)Live In Book Rooms And Respond (If Any Noise) "Shhh!" Angela Brett, who's never met a librarian who just walks around saying 'Shhh!' but apparently that's the stereotype.
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% LIBRARIESLend Interesting Books (Rare And Recent) In Eerie Silence TMcCO'G
Art & Literature
100% LIBRARYLife In Book Room Always Relaxes You Angela Brett
Art & Literature
100% LIBRARY (2)Let's Investigate Books, Readers All Round You Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% LIBRARY (3)Listings Involve Books, Reaching All Readers Yearly Jan Morgan
Art & Literature
100% LIBYALo, I Blacklist You, America. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LICELittle Insects Crawl Everywhere Steve Keate
100% LICORICELiver Infections Cleared - Oriental Records Indicate Clear Evidence Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% LIELove Is Eternal Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
People & Relationships:Thoughts:Misconceptions
100% LIECHTENSTEINLittle Independent Entity. Companies Have Tax Exemptions Now Superior To Europe's Independent Nations. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LIEUTENANTLow-Initiative-Endowed, Used To Examining Nothing And Not Thinking Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LIEUTENANT COLONELLong In Experience - Unsung Technical Expert Needs A New Title. Command Of Legions Of Newly Enlisted Looms Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LIFELikely Isn't For Ever Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% LIFE (2)Lasts If Food's Effective Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
Food & Drink
100% LIFE (3)Lives In Full Effort Jan Morgan -- Rank in Boy Scouts
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% LIFEBOATLucky Indeed For Everyone's Brought Onboard After Tragedy Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% LIFELESSLying In Floppy Entropy - Lived, Expired, Sleeping Soullessly Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
95% LIFE ON OTHER PLANETSLife Is Feasible Exterior to Our Norms, Over The Heavens Expanse Reside "Peoples" Lacking Anthropoidal Natures, Eating Toxic Substances Bones McCoy O'Grady
100% LIFERLocked In For Ever - Revenge! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% LIFER (2)Left Inside, Forget Eventual Release Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% LIFESTYLELets Ignore Financial Efficiency, Spend 'Til You Lose Everything Tony McCoy O'Grady (Ordinary poor people have 'lives', foolish rich people have 'lifestyles'!)
People & Relationships
100% LIFFLook Inside For Facts Angela Brett - Liff is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'A book, the contents of which are totally belied by its cover...'
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% LIFFLESSLacking In Funny & Frivolous Literature, Erase Smile Signs Tony McCoy O'Grady, because he doesn't have a copy of 'The Meaning of Liff' or 'The Deeper Meaning of Liff'
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% LIFTLazily Into Floor Twenty Angela Brett
100% LIFT (2)Levitating Interior, For Transportation Gavin Lambert
100% LIGHTLamp Is Generating Heat Too! Angela Brett
Household Objects
100% LIGHT (2)Lightbulb, If Glowing, Has This. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
100% LIGHTEN UP!Less Intensity! Getting Heated Too Easily Normally Upsets People. Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
88% LIGHTERLook - Inhaling Git - How Tobacco-smoke Enfuses Room Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LIGHTNINGLittle Ions Get Humming Then... Nailed! It's Not Good Roger Williams
100% LIGHT YEARLightspeed Information Gets Here To Yonder Each Annual Rotation Angela Brett
83% LIMBOLasting Internment (if) Missed Baptism Occurs Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LIME IMACLicking It Made Evident It Maybe Ain't Citrus. Angela Brett
Computers:Do Not Eat:iMac Fruit Salad
100% LIMERICKLess Is More Except Rhymes In Celtic Knots Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature
100% LIMPLost Insert Member Prostrate Rico Leffanta
100% LIMP (2)Leg In Much Pain. Roger Williams
83% LINDALovelace In New Deep-throat Adventures Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% LINDA (2)Lives In Nurturing Domain, Actually Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% LINDSAYLazy In Nature, Dull, Snobbish Actually. Yuppie Jan Morgan -- combo of 2 people
Names:First names
100% LINELeft Impregnated, Not Estimable Angela Brett (Line is HANS THOMAS's grandmother, who became pregnant to a German soldier and was hated for it)
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Solitaire Mystery
100% LINENLiving In Nuptials Enhances Nookie Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the linen (4th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% LINEN (2)Lust? It Never Exists Now. Angela Brett, giving a different slant to the 4th wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% LINGUA LATINALatin Is Not Gone -- Used 'AM' Lately? Also There's Information Not Anglicizable. Jeff Anonymous, expanding the Latin language's name for itself -- and noting its continued relevance, even in daily conversation where in abbreviated form 'ante meridiem' its head rears, in addition to the fact that there are many literary works that do not translate terribly well into English -- the meter of Virgil, for example, cannot be preserved well in a translation out of Latin.
100% LINKLocates Internet Networked Knowledge Gavin Lambert
100% LINKIN PARKLyrical Individuals Negotiate Kismet In Notes, Pleasing Adolescents, Reaching Kids Jan Morgan - musical group
100% LINKSLast Inventive 'Nym? Keep Surfing! Angela Brett, because if you ever manage to read all the acronyms at http://acronyms.co.nz, you can still go to the Links page at http://acronyms.co.nz/links.html and view some related websites.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% LINUS TORVALDSLet's Invent New Unix System, To Overthrow Redmond's Vacuuming All Licenses & Decent Software delt
Names:Famous people
100% LINUXLovely... If Not Using Xwindows! Angela Brett
100% LINUX (2)'Life'less Incurable Nerds Use Xchat Angela Brett
100% LION'Lunchtime' Is Often Nighttime Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LION (2)Lair Is On Ngorongoro Patricia Rix
100% LIPLick If Parched Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% LIPSLively If Person's Speaking Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% LIPS (2)Lovely If Pursed Sweetly Patricia Rix
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% LIPS (3)Luscious In Pearly Sheens Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% LIPS (4)Licking Indicates Passionate Sexuality Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% LIPS (5)Luscious, Irresistable, Person-Smoochers Kenny Roy & Tamaryn Roy
Science:Biology:Body Parts
89% LIPSTICKLusty, Intense Pink Shades To Increase Colour of Kisser Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% LIPSTICK (2)Loves Inciting Peckers She Tattoos In Cold Kisses Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% LIPSTIKLong Island Princess Sporting Tacky Industrial Klothing Diva Jeri. Developed to describe women with fake blond hair, black eyebrows, and grating voices who wear clothes with designer names publicly displayed.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% LIQUORLiquid I Quaff Unceasingly, Often Refreshing. Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% LIRALoot Italians Rapidly Accumulated Tony -- The defunct Italian currency was worth very little and one cashed large notes to buy the cheapest items and received a large quantity of near-worthless coinage.
100% LISALone Intelligent Simpson Artiste Angela Brett and Tony McCoy O'Grady (there are other intelligent female Simpsons, but they're not on TV often)
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
0% LISP*Locution Ith Thingularly Problematic Tony McCoy O'Grady, after seeing AT & T (with apologies to anyone with a lisp - I myself still have the remnants of a childhood stammer)
100% LIST OF ACRONYMSLook - Index.html's Sitemap Tells Of Full Alphabetical & Categorised Records. Obviously Now You've Merely Searched. Angela Brett, when someone searched the Acronyms website for 'list of acronyms'. The site map at http://acronyms.co.nz/index.html links to full alphabetical listings and lists of acronyms by category.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% LIST OF TWELVE ACRONYMSLook, I Should Tell Of Feature That Will Eventually Let Visitors Easily Add Collections, Regardless Of Number You Might Seek. Angela Brett -- I don't know why someone searched for this phrase, but no category listing is guaranteed to have only twelve acronyms, even the months and zodiac signs have had more added. However, I am considering putting in place a system so that people can compile their own lists of related acronyms (which wouldn't otherwise be together in category lists) and one could be made which includes twelve apronyms only.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% LITHIUMLightens Internal Tensions, Happily Is Useful Medicine Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LITHUANIALocked Into That Horrid Ussr, And Now Into Autonomy. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LITTERBOXLike Infectious Toxic Tornado, Emanations Render Breathing Only Xperimental Patricia Rix
Household Objects
100% LITTLE BO PEEPLoss Is The True Lesson Exemplified By Old Poem: Ewes Escape Paddock Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Nursery Rhymes
100% LITTLE BOY BLUELad Is Tired, Tries Lessening Effort But -- Oh Yikes! -- Boy Lets Ungulates Escape Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Nursery Rhymes
100% LITTLE BROTHERLife Is Terribly Tough. Look, Everyone's Big Relative Often Tries Heavyhanded 'Exactive' Relationship Tony McCoy O'Grady, who knows that elder brothers often try to 'blackmail' younger brothers (he's both a younger and an older brother!).
People & Relationships:Family
100% LITTLE JACK HORNERLad Is Taking To Licking Extremities: Just At Christmas, Kid Has Own Rich Nosh; Eats Ravenously. Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Nursery Rhymes
100% LITTLE MISS MUFFETLass Is Terrified That Leggy Encroachment Means Itsa Spider! She Makes Undignified Flight From Eeky Terrestrial! Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Nursery Rhymes
100% LITTLE ROOMLeg It To Toilet - Liquid Egestion's Rarely Obliging, Often Messy. Angela Brett
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% LIVELife Is Visually Evil Rico Leffanta
100% LIVE (2)Love Immensely/Innovatively Violent Enemies! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships
100% LIVIDLosing It, Very Intensely Distressed Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% LIVID (2)Lead Isn't Vivid, It's Dull Angela Brett, thinking about how livid rhymes with vivid despite having almost the opposite meaning.
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% LLANELLILimp-Limbed After Natation - Essay Loosening Liquid Involuntarily Tony McCoy O'Grady (Llanelli is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'Descriptive of the waggling movement of a person's hands when shaking water from them or warming up for a piece of workshop theatre.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% LLANFAIRPWLLGWYNGYLLGOGERYCHWYRNDROBWLLLLANTYSILIOGOGOGOCHLove Lost And Never Found Again Is Really Pitiful! When Love Lapses, Going Where You've Never Gone, Your Love Life Grows Onerous, Gilding Every Reason You Chose Heartache, When You Really Need Desirable Romantics Opening Borders Which Lady Luck Lets Love Align Neatly To Your Senses. Inviting Love In Over Grief Opens Galaxies; Only Going Out Cultivates Healing! Rico Leffanta, who mentions that the website of this tiny village in Wales can be found at http://llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.co.uk/say.htm.
Places:Towns & Cities:UK
100% LMAOLikely Mildly Amused... Overexaggerating Angela Brett (LMAO usually stands for Laughing My A*se Off)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
100% LOADLaden On A Donkey Patricia Rix
Assorted Nouns
100% LOAD (2)Let's Organise A Delivery Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% LOAN SERVICING APPLICATIONLook Over Applicant's Notes (Seeking Extra Revenue) Very Intensely! Chaps, If Not Given A Paper Promising Loan Issue, Could Attack Those In Offices Nearby Tony McCoy O'Grady (Idiots with guns often go on the rampage because they were turned down by a financial institution)
100% LOCIList Of Created Imagery. Pam Tubesing, referring to the method of loci.
Words & Wordplay
100% LOCKLacking Owner's Combination / Key Angela Brett
Household Objects
100% LOCK (2)Loss Of Car Keys Matthew Oram
100% LOCKSLocks/Lock! Open: Compatible Keys! Security! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Household Objects
100% LOCKUPLets Our Computer Keep Unreal Pauses Rico Leffanta
100% LOGICLots Of Gates In Combination Angela Brett
100% LOGIC GATELogical Operators Give Integrated Circuits Great Abilities To Evaluate. Angela Brett
90% LOGISTICSLong-distance Operation Generally Involves Shifting Things Into Certain Sites Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LOGISTICS (2)Large Operation Gets Items Shipped To Infantry's Complete Satisfaction Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LOGOLet Our Gays Observe! Logo, debuting in june 2005, was the first ever gay cable network
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% LOGOGRAPHLike Oriental Glyphs - One Graphically Represents A Particular Heading. Angela Brett
93% LOIS AND CLARK: THE NEW ADVENTURES OF SUPERMANLatest On-air Incarnation of Superman. ABC's Now Dismissed Contracts, Leaving Addicts Revering Kryptonian, Though Hating Executive. Now Everyone Writes About Discontinuity in Various Episodes & Notes The Unaired, Recently Ended Series Of Fanfic. Some Undeprived People Examine Reruns & Make Angela Nauseous. Angela Brett, a FoLC (Fan of Lois & Clark) who is jealous of people who live in countries where L&C reruns are still showing.
Entertainment:TV shows
100% LOLLovely Orgiastic Lovemaking Tony McCoy O'Grady. Angela couldn't be bothered going to her bedroom for something, so Tony replied "When you marry things may change," to which Angela replied with a LOL (laughing out loud.) Tony responded with the new meaning for LOL. :)
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
75% LOL (2)Lovingly Ornamented Long-johns Tony McCoy O'Grady... Angela had mentioned having dophin and fairy ornaments on her drawers, so Tony responded by saying he wasn't interested in what she had on her underwear. When Angela said 'LOL' (meaning Laughing Out Loud) he responded with the new meaning for the acronym.
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
100% LOL (3)Little Old Lady Angela Brett, while comparing LOL with DOM (DIrty Old Man)
People & Relationships
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
83% LOL (COMICAL)Longlasting Outburst of Laughter (Causing Others to Make Inquisitive Comments, And Laugh) Angela Brett
92% LOL IN COSMOSLaughing Out Loud, I Nearly Choked On Some of My Own Saliva Angela Brett
100% LOLITALittle One's Lover Is Tormented Adult TMcCO'G
100% LOLLIPOPLots Of Little Licks Instill Presence Of Pleasure. Roger Williams
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% LOMBARDLaptop Outer Made By Apple's Respected Developers Angela Brett (Lombard was the name of the casing for the PowerBook models codenamed Bronze Keyboard and Pismo.)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% LOMBARD (2)Loan Of Money? Beware A Ruinous Debt Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LONELINESSLeaves One Needing Embraces. Lifeforce Is Not Entirely Self-Sufficient Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% LONELYLoss Of Nearness, Emotionally, Leaves Yearning. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% LONERLove's Only Nightmare Escaping Rejection Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% LONGHORNLate Or Not, Gates Holds Out. Releases Nothing Sean Lamb (the next version of Microsoft Windows, codenamed Longhorn, has now been delayed until 2006).
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
100% LONGHORN (2)Long Overdue... Nobody's Getting Horny Over Releasing Nothing Angela Brett, who thinks that LONGHORN is a misnomer.
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
89% LONG WORDLexical Objects Necessitating Great Work, Obligatory Reading of Dictionary Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay
100% LOOLavatory Or Outhouse Angela Brett
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% LOO (2)Loss Of Originality Jeff Anonymous, who admits that his acronym ideas have headed down the toilet in recent days.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% LOO (3)Little Ol' Outhouse Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% LOO (4)Locks Overthrow Observers Jeff Anonymous
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% LOOKLet One Observe Keenly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% LOOPHOLELawyers Out Of Principles Halting Other Legal Effects Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% LORDLofty Offical Relishing Divinity Rico Leffanta
100% LORETTA SWIT ("HOTLIPS")Letters Often Reveal Erotic Thoughts That Always Spill Wetly In Time; However Often That Lasts, It's Pretty Sensational Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% LORRAINELonging Of Repentance, Reforming As It's Necessary, Effort Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% LOSERLover Of Someone Emerges Resentful Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOSER (2)Lack Of Stamina Endangers Runner Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% LOSTLooking Over Strange Terrain Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
90% LOST FILESList Of Stuff To Fix, Integrate, Learn, or Employ Somehow Gavin Lambert. I have an incredibly large LOST FILES list -- I keep adding stuff to it much faster than I can ever get things done ;)
Assorted Nouns
100% LOTHLORIENLand Of Trees Has Lady Of Remarkable Intensity -- Evenstar's Nan Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Places:The Lord of the Rings
100% LOTUSLots Of Traction; Unbelievable Speed Eric Bridgstock
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% LOTUS (2)Loads Of Trouble, Usually Serious Helen Livesey
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% LOUDLoony Or Uncouth Din Patricia Rix
Assorted Adjectives
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% LOUD (2)Lots Of Unbearable Decibels Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% LOUISLongago, Often Used In Shops Tony McCoy O'Grady - a 'louis' was a gold coin, worth 20 francs, in France up to 1795.
100% LOUISELanguage Of Use Is Special, Embraced Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% LOUISIANALong's Organization Used Impropriety, Shadiness In Administering Nefarious Activities. Roger Williams -- Refers to Huey Long, Governor of Louisiana from 1928 until his assassination in 1932.
Places:States & Regions
100% LOUISIANA (2)Lasalle's Origins Used, Is Saved In Area, Native Arcadian Jan Morgan - Lasalle Originally Claimed it for France so the origins are of French culture - Arcadians was shortened to cajun these people came fron acadia in Nova Scotia
Places:States & Regions
100% LOURDESLeaves Own Unhealthy Residence, Domain Entered Safely Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% LOUSELeft Overs Usually Season Expectorants Rico Leffanta
100% LOVELife's One Vital Emotion Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (2)Lust Overcomes, Vagina Entered Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (3)Likely Outcome Very Exciting John Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (4)Little Of Value Eventually John Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (5)Lusty Origin Vigorous Ending John Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (6)Laugh, Our Vanities Exposed John Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (7)Lack Of Visible Evidence John Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (8)Life Of Varied Emotions John Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (9)Little Organs Virtually Extinct John Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (10)Large Organs Visibly Erect John Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (11)Lack Of - Very Evil John Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (12)Lust Overcomes- Virtue Exits John Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (13)Lone Option - Virtual Excitement John Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (14)Ladies Of Virtue Extinct John Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (15)Loss Of Virginity Expected John Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (16)Lewd Outlook - Venal Ending John Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (17)Lack Of Variety Exhausts John Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (18)Lots Of Valid Expansions Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (19)Leaves One Virtually Euphoric Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (20)Lion Omnipotent Victor Emmanuel! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Jesus Christ.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE (21)Longing Of Valuable Eternity Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LOVE AT HOMELessons Of Valuable Emotions Attention To Harmony Of My Experiences Jan Morgan
100% LOVECRAFTLitterally Obfuscated Visions Eldritch; Creativity Rife And Forever Tormented Tom Denton
Art & Literature:Writers
100% LOVE DEATHLots Of Violence, Explicitly Dramatised, Enhances A Television Horror Angela Brett, when someone searched for 'LOVE DEATH' on the Acronyms website.
Entertainment:TV shows
People & Relationships:Death
100% LOVELYLaughing Out Very Excitedly - Loud Yelling. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LOVINGLeave Out Violence In Next Generation Angela Brett, in response to the same request as WATCH OUT, referring to people who grow up to be abusive because their parents were, and they don't know any other way of parenting.
People & Relationships:Family
People & Relationships:Emotions
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% LOVING (2)Leave Out Violence Involving Next Generation Tony McCoy O'Grady, putting a slightly different slant on Angela's LOVING.
People & Relationships:Family
People & Relationships:Emotions
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% LOW CARBLosing Ones Weight Causes A Responsive Body Jan Morgan
Food & Drink
86% LOW FATLaughing Out Wildly For A (long) Time Tony McCoy O'Grady... this was the acronym that started everything! See also CHOLESTEROL FREE.
100% LOW GEARLeaves One Wondering... Geeks Evidently Aren't Responding. Angela Brett, when the IRC #math channel was rather quiet and somebody said it was in low gear.
94% LOW LIGHT IMAGINGLevel Of Wattage - Little. Item's Glow Has The Intensity Machine Adapts Generating Image in Nighttime Gloom TMcCO'G
Art & Literature
100% LOYALTYLove Only You, Always Living True, Yours Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% LUASLocals Understand As 'Speed' Angela Brett -- According to http://www.lrta.org/luasindex.html: What does the name LUAS stand for? Luas is the Irish word for speed and so (as it is not an abbreviation) should be written Luas rather than L.U.A.S. I beg to differ!
100% LUCENTIOLovers United - Contest Exposes Not Totally Into Obedience Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Taming of the Shrew
100% LUCIANALover Ultimately Correctly Identified As Not Adriana's Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Comedy Of Errors
100% LUCIAS MALFOYLackey Unadulterated Conceited Id Assaults Society. Malicious Arrogant Louse, Foul Obnoxious Yahoo. Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% LUCIDLess Utterly Confused In Delirium Patricia Rix
Assorted Adjectives
100% LUCID (2)Logical, Uncluttered, Cogent, Intelligent Discourse Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% LUCIFERLust Unbridled Causes Infidelities For Evil Reasons Rico Leffanta
100% LUCILLE LE SUEURLuck Usually Connects Idiot Lovers Legs Entwined Lurching Everywhere Somehow Underestimating Ecstasy's Usual Response Rico Leffanta (Lucille Le Sueur is better known as Joan Crawford)
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses:Little known real names
100% LUCIUSLast Unmaimed Chap Is Ultimately Successor Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Titus Andronicus
100% LUDDITELet Us Destroy Damned Industrial Technology Everywhere Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% LUDLOWLeg's Unstable? Deploy Lump Or Wad Tony McCoy O'Grady (Ludlow is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'A wad of newspaper, folded tablenapkin or lump of carboard put under a wobbly table or chair to make it stand up straight. It is perhaps not widely known that air-ace Sir Douglas Bader used to get about on an enormous pair of ludlows before he had his artificial legs fitted.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% LUDWIGLoved Unfortunate Damsel With Innertube Gash Angela Brett (Ludwig fell in love with HANS THOMAS's grandmother after helping her with a puncture.)
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Solitaire Mystery
100% LUGIALies Undersea Guarding Immense Abilities Angela Brett (Lugia is Pokemon #249)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% LUKELoyal, Undeniably Keen Evangelist Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% LUNALunatics Understand Nighttime Activities Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
92% LUNATIC E'SEXLusty, Unusual Name - And This In Commercially Engineered Software! Enigmatic to Xtremes! Angela Brett, after seeing the name Lunatic E'Sex under Quality in the list of people involved in making the Mac Finder. (Hold down the option key and choose 'About the Finder...' from the Apple menu.)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% LUNCHLoad Up Nutrition-Containing Hamburgers Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% LURELover Using Romantic Enterprise Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LUSTLove Underlying Sexual Tensions? Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LUST (2)Love Usurped, Sex Triumphs. Eric Bridgstock
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LUST (3)Lecherous Unadulterated Sexy Thoughts Mary Carr, on hearing Eric's LUST (2).
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LUST (4)Lacy Underwear Stretched Taut Steve Keate and Blair
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LUST (5)Life's Usual Stress Test Blair
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LUST (6)Largely Useless Sexual Tensions Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LUST (7)Love's Unfortunately Sidelined, Typically. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LUST (8)Look Up Someone Tacky. Word Nerd
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LUTELets User Twang Ecstatically Tony McCoy O'Grady
80% LUTETIUMLittle Used, Tenuous Element, This Is Used in Meteorite-aging. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LUTONLavatory's Upholstered To One's Needs Tony McCoy O'Grady (Luton is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning 'The horseshoe-shaped rug which goes around a lavatory seat.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
91% LUXEMBOURGLacking Use (for) Xebecs, Economy Mainly Banking Oriented. Under Royal Government. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LYDIALie You Down, I'm Aroused Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
93% LYING CREATURELazy Youth Is Not Generally Conceived of Responding Ever Accurately. The Unreliable Rotten Entity! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% LYNLearns Your Needs Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% LYNDALike Your Nicest Dearest Associate Susan S. wrote it about her friend
Names:First names:Female
100% LYNNLearns Your Necessary Needs Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
86% LYRICSLet You Remember Interesting Chorus or Song Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% LYRICS (2)Loving You Rarely Induces Choirs Singing Rico Leffanta
100% LYSANDERLoves Young Sweetheart After Nocturnal Difficulties Eventually Resolved Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:A Midsummer Night's Dream
100% LYTHELissom? Yes, Thank Healthy Exercise Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
Sports & Recreation
100% LZLoudmouths... Zoloft? Jeff Anonymous, explaining that LED ZEPPELIN might lead someone to need an antidepressant.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% MAMaternal Ancestor Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Family
100% MA (2)Maternal Android Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Family
100% MA AND PA KETTLEMaternal Android Almost Never Directs Paternal Android, 'Kiss Each Time True Lovers Elope' Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% MACMicrosoft Ate Company Steve Keate
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MAC (2)Makes Angela Comfortable Steve Keate
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MAC (3)Mostly Always Condescending Steve Keate
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MAC (4)Macintoshes Aren't Compatible Carl Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MAC (5)Marginally Acceptable Computers Hyper Unit
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MAC (6)Minimal Ability, Capacity Hyper Unit
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MAC (7)Marginal Aptitude Computing Hyper Unit
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MAC (8)Mine's A Computer Acronymous Anonymous
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MAC (9)Mac Addict Counseling Acronymous Anonymous
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MAC (10)Macs Are Cool Acronymous Anonymous
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MAC (11)My Ample/Apple Coat Angela Brett -- I bought a raincoat (which turned out to be a bit too large) from the company store at the Apple campus in Cupertino. Later in my travels somebody pointed out that it was an Apple mac.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
Household Objects:Clothing
100% MACABREMourning Across Canada As Beautiful Robin Expires Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% MACABRE (2)Menacing Atmosphere Collects Around Bewildering Revelatory Experience Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% MACADDICTMagazines Are Considered A Dainty Delicacy, If Chewed Thoughtfully Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% MACARTHURMagnificently Appaling 'Chant' - A Record That Had Unusual Refrain Tony McCoy O'Grady - referring to Macarthur Park, a 'song' from the 1970s featuring (I can't say "sung by") Richard Harris
100% MACBETHMarried A Conniving Bitch - Evil Things Happen Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Macbeth
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Macbeth
100% MACDUFFMacho And Controlled - Despite Undeserved Family's Fate Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Macbeth
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Macbeth
100% MACEMethodical Attacker Crushes Enemies Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MACEDONIAMighty Alexander Conquered Enemy Domains, Overran Nomads In Asia. Tony McCoy O'Grady
88% MACGIRLMy Alter-ego Can Generate Intense, Riotous Laughter. Angela Brett
MacGirl & KeyBoard:(Wannabe) Superheroes
100% MACGIRL (2)Made Acronyms Computer-Guidable Into Remarkable List Tony McCoy O'Grady
MacGirl & KeyBoard:(Wannabe) Superheroes
100% MACGIRL (3)Might Attempt Common Gateway Interface... Reviewing Languages. Angela Brett, while trying to decide whether to write the ACRONYMS CGIs in C or Perl... she figures MacGirl should be able to help as cGi is (sort of) her middle name.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:(Wannabe) Superheroes
100% MACHINEMaking Acronyms Constantly - He Is Neatly Eloquent. Angela Brett, describing Tony after reading an email from him containing 45 new acronyms, mostly related to Arthurian legend.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% MACHOPMartial Arts Can Harm Other Pokemon Angela Brett (Machop is Pokemon #66)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
75% MACINTOSHMacGirl Always Comes In the Nick of Time to Obliterate Supervillains' Henchmen Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
MacGirl & KeyBoard
82% MACINTOSH (2)Machine's About to Crash, I Need to Turn Off Some Hardware! Angela Brett, in a moment of dishonesty and insanity (we all know that Macs don't often crash!)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MACINTOSH (3)Mine's A Classic - I Never Thought Of Such Happiness. Tony McCoy O'Grady, putting Angela right after MACINTOSH (2)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MACINTOSH (4)Most Alternatives Counter-Intuitive, Necessitating Thorough On-Screen Help. Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MACINTOSH (5)Minus A Commandline Interface... Not That One's Super Helpful! Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MACINTOSH (6)Modern Artists' Cyber-Instrument - New Technology Of Sequencing Harmonies. Angela Brett, because modern music is often created on computers - in fact that's a field in which I believe the Macintosh dominates.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MACINTOSH (7)Macs Are Compatible... I'm Not Talking Of Substandard Hogwash! Angela Brett, in response to MAC (4). Macs can read/write any standard format... heck, they can even use proprietary formats like what Microsoft Offal produces.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MACINTOSH (8)Motorola And Company Incessantly Negate Truth On Superior Hardware Hyper Unit
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
90% MACINTOSH (9)Monumental Arguments Concerning Intellectual Nemeses To Obscenely Small-minded Hooligans Hyper Unit
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
90% MACINTOSH (10)Minor, Absurd Company, In-between Nothingness. Totally Overconfident, Sadly Humiliating. Hyper Unit
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
89% MACINTOSH CLASSICModel-name Accidentally Contains Implied Nudity... The Old SE Had Changed to Lewd Apple SEX - Suffix-Initiated Copulation! Angela Brett, after hearing that the Macintosh SE was renamed to Macintosh Classic when Apple decided to append an X onto all of their model names. That's not actually true though, it turns out.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
95% MACINTOSH IS THE BEST!My Apple Computer Is Not The Only Sort of Hardware. It's Superior, Though - Hardly Ever Breaks. Exceptional Software Too! Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
94% MACJAVA CYBERCAFEMake A Coffee, Jumpstart Apple's Very Attractive Computers... You'll Be Exhilerated, Really. Chat to A Friendly Employee. Angela Brett, on her favourite cafe so far. (see IMAC (2))
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
88% MACLESSMy Adored Computer is Lost, Extend Some Sympathy! Angela Brett, while Tony was Macless for a while.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
90% MACMORRISMainly Accented Comedy Making Objectionable Reflection (of) Rough Irish Soldiery Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry V
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry V
100% MACNIFICENTMy Apple Computer's Now Incredibly Fast. It Crunches Extraordinary Numbers Tirelessly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MAC OSMay Apple Cleanse Our Souls Angela Brett, thinking that it could be a prayer of converted gatanists.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% MAC OS (2)May Angela Crave Only Steve Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% MAC OS (3)Majorly Addictive, Causes Overuse Syndrome. Steve Keate
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% MAC OS (4)Men Are Completely Over-Sexed Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% MAC OS (5)Many Assume Computer's Over-Simplified Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% MAC OS (6)Makes Apple Computers Operate Smoothly Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% MAC OS XMemory Available? Come On, Sample Xtravagance! Angela Brett, because Mac OS X requires quite a lot of RAM, but like most extravagances, is great to have if the RAM is available.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% MAC OS X (2)Must Attempt Cocoa - Oh, Such Xcitement! Angela Brett, remembering when she first got Mac OS X and was impatient to try COCOA PROGRAMMING.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% MACPACMany A Camper Prefers Acclaimed Carrybags Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation
100% MACPAC (2)Makes Adventure Camping Products - All Canvas Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation
89% MACPHONEMobile All-purpose Communicator - Police Have One Nearly Everywhere Tony McCoy O'Grady
MacGirl & KeyBoard
89% MACRONYMMacintosh Aided Creation of Ridiculous Obscurities Necessitates Youthful Mirth Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% MACSMost Astounding Computer Standard Jeff Anonymous
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MACS (2)Macintoshes Accept Crummy Software Nicki Foster
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MACS (3)Macintoshes Aren't Computers (Seriously!) Carl Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MACS (4)Microsoft Authors Crummy Software! Angela Brett, in response to MACS (2)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MACS (5)Mackintoshes Are Chewy Sweets Angela Brett, in response to MACS (3)
Food & Drink
100% MAC'S SPECIAL LIGHTMysterious Ale Containing Strange Substances, Purposefully Encouraging Comas In All Liberal Liquor Ingesters, Giving Hangovers Tomorrow. Dustan Dowsing, after seeing a brand of beer called Mac's Special Light. (Angela thought it was the LED on her PowerBook which flashes when it's sleeping!)
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% MADAGASCARMuch Abject Destitution, A Generally Agricultural Society, Constituted As Republic. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MADAMMakes A Dame A Mistress Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Titles
100% MADCAPMental Ability's Defective - Call A Psychiatrist Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% MADE FOR EACH OTHERMaybe Adam Dated Eve For Obvious Reason; Every Alternative Couldn't Have Offered Truly Human Effect, Rootwise. Angela Brett, as Adam and Eve were the only couple truly made for each other, but they didn't have much choice in the mat[t]er so it wasn't necessarily as romantic as is implied by that phrase nowadays.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% MADE IN USAMexicans Are Deviously Employed Illegally. No Unions Should Apply Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MADE WITH A MACMacintosh At Doorstep - Euphoric Writer Is Terribly Happy. Apple Made A Customer. Jeff Anonymous, who got his 12.1" iBook (CD-ROM, vanilla except 256 MB RAM) this morning. This acronym was written in the Acronym Checker for OSX. However, due to configuration issues, it was submitted via Web.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MAD MACSMonthly Apple Developer Meetings & Annual Conferences Society Angela Brett, as a suggested name for a group which will do just that, if all goes to plan.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MADMANMentally Am Defective, Maybe Am Normal? TMcCO'G who, looking around him, wonders if the 'norm' for society is to be a bit abnormal.
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% MADMAN (2)Makes Apronyms Daily... Maybe Assumes Normal? Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% MADMAN (3)Maybe Anthony's Defective, Maybe Angela's Not? TMcO'G, in response to MADMAN (2)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% MADMENMental Asylums Detain Many (Euphemistically) Nutters Tony McSane O'Grady
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% MADONNAMusically Adept Dancer. Often Nurtures Naughty Antics. Eric Bridgstock
100% MAE WESTMen Always Eagerly Watched Every Sexy Turn Roger Williams -- We're talking about the actress here, not the life jacket...
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% MAFMuch About Flora Angela Brett, referring to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% MAFFMany Abhor Factory Farming Tony McCoy O'Grady (MAFF usually stands for the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% MAFIAMany Assassins From Italian Ancestry Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% MAGGIEMute Agile Girl, Generally Intensely Expressive Tony McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% MAGGIE (2)Magnificent And Gigantic Girlcat Is Embraceable Patricia Rix, referring to her cat
Names:Pet Names
100% MAGGOTMany Anglers Get Grubs Outta Tins Izaac Walton
83% MAGICMuggles Are Gulled In Con-tricks Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MAGIC (2)Make Anything Go Invisible, Crikey! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MAGIKARPMuch Ancentral Greatness - Immediate Kin Aren't Really Powerful. Angela Brett (Magikarp is Pokemon #129)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% MAGISTRATESMust Always Give Incarcerative Sentences To Repeatedly Arrested Thieves, Extortionists & Swindlers TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
90% MAGNESIUMMetal Able to Generate Nasty Explosions. Sulphate Is Used Medicinally. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MAGNETMetal's Attracted, Getting Near Electromagnetic Thingies! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MAHOGANYMuch Admired. Having Originally Grown About Ninety Years? TMcCO'G
100% MAIDENHEADMarry Assets, Initiate Divorce, Ensnare New Husband, Enjoy And Divorce Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% MAILMessages And Interesting Letters Edwin Hermann
100% MAIL (2)Maze Allocating Individual Letters Rico Leffanta
100% MAIL ADDRESSMailing Address Information Lapsed! Another Disaster? Damage Reversed, Everybody See Signature Gavin Lambert
100% MAINEMarginal Area Is North Eastern Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% MAINE (2)Mariners Abound In New England Tony
Places:States & Regions
100% MAINFRAMEMachine Adds Immense Numbers For Researchers - Absorbs Much Electricity Tony McCoy O'Grady
91% MAINSTREAMMost Anti-Indie Nerds Sell-out. Tripe Reigns Everywhere... And Moulds. Rob Rix
Assorted Adjectives
100% MAINTENANCEMadness! Apparently I Need To Endure (No Arguments) Numerous Cosmetic Enhancements! Angela Brett, whose idea of maintenance is eating, breathing and fixing bugs.
Assorted Nouns
100% MAJORMust Admonish Junior Officers Regularly Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MAJORITYMany Absentees Justified Or Ratified Inane Trendy Yawns Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% MAKE SENSE OF ITMaybe Anthony Kept Essaying Suitable Expansions. No Single Expansion Offered Fitted It Truely. Tony McCoy O'Grady. (See SENSE OF IT)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% MAKE SENSE OF IT (2)Make All Key Elements Snuggly Enmesh - No Superfluous Es Or Fs In There Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% MAKING LOVEMake A Kiss Interesting, Next Get Leg Over - Very Exciting. Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
88% MALACHIMessenger Against Lacklustre Adoration (and) Cynical, Hypocritical, Insincerity Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
100% MALAWIMainly Agricultural, Labouring Against Whopping Indebtedness. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MALAYSIAMainly Agricultural Labourers And Yet Some Industrially Active. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MALCOLMMachismo's Absent - Loses Control Over Lord's Murderer Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Macbeth
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Macbeth
89% MALDIVESMainly A Lot (of) Desert Islands - Valuable Export: Seafood. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MALEMasculine Anatomy Losing Extinction Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% MALE DRIVERSMeandering Around Like Erratic Daredevils - Recklessly, Impulsively Veering Everywhere 'Round Streets. Angela Brett
100% MALESMost Are Lustily Expecting Sex Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% MALES (2)Many Are Lacking Experience Socially Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% MALES (3)Most Are Lazy - Expect Slaves. Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% MALES (4)Maybe Aren't Liking Excess Silicone Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% MALES (5)Machismo Attitudes, Larger Egos, Stupid Steve Keate and Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% MALES (6)Morning After, Leave. Enforcing Stereotypes. Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% MALIMostly Agricultural - Little Industry. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MALPRACTICEMedical Accidents - Lousy Physician Regrets A Claim That Insinuated Cure's Ensured Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MALTMilky Adaptive Liquid, Thick Jan Morgan -- Thicker than a milk shake
Food & Drink
83% MALTAMediterranean Air, Loads (of) Tourists Attracted. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MALTA (2)Men Always Less Than Angelic Rico Leffanta
89% MALVOLIOMad Actions Lead Vindictive Olivia (to) Lock In Offender Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Twelfth Night
100% MAMAMano A Mano Acrobatically Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% MAMA (2)Meaningfully, Athinai Mirrored Anita Angela Brett (HANS THOMAS's mother Anita went to Athens to find herself, and Hans Thomas notices that the sign 'Athinai' is almost Anita backwards.)
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Solitaire Mystery
100% MAMA (3)Metaphorically Amorously Marked Ace. Angela Brett (HANS THOMAS's mother is connected with the Ace of Hearts)
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Solitaire Mystery
100% MAMMALMother Animal Makes Milk And Lactates Angela Brett
100% MAMMARIESMost All Manly Men Are Rapt If Eying Some. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
90% MAMMARIES (2)Maybe A-cups, Maybe Mountains Always Restrained In Exo-Skeletons. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% MAMMOGRAMManipulate And Mash Melons - Oncologists Gather 'Round And Murmur. Angela Brett
100% MANMutters Ad Nauseum Angela Brett, after MANTRA
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% MANAGEMENTMaking A Nuisance And Getting Everybody Muddled Eventually Nauseates Them Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% MANAGERMake A Name At Getting Everyone Roused Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% MANDARINMany Admit Nibbling Duck And Roasting Is Nice Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% MANDARIN (2)Many A Nice Duck Appears Rooted In Nostalgia Patricia Rix (we had Mandarin ducks on the farm when I was a kid)
90% MANGANESEMarine-Acquired Nodules - Generally A Not Expensive Source (of) Electricity. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MANGEREMaori Aborigines Not Generally Energetic - Rarely Employed Angela Brett (apart from being a suburb which is supposedly full of the kind of people described in the expansion, mangere means 'lazy' in Maori.)
Science:Linguistics:Maori Words
Places:Towns & Cities:New Zealand
100% MANIFOLDMuch About Nature Is Full Of Living Diversity Angela Brett and Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% MANILAMany Ardent Natives Invite Love Affairs Rico Leffanta
Places:Towns & Cities
100% MANITOBAMŽtis And Natives Investigated This Outstandingly Beautiful Area Patricia Rix (MŽtis is anyone of mixed French and Indian heritage, specifically in the Province of Manitoba. This is not a pejorative: the MŽtis have always considered themselves a nation within the nation, as the First Nations do.)
Places:States & Regions
100% MANKEYMuck Abounds, Nearly Kneedeep - Everything's Yucky Tony McCoy O'Grady. Mankey is a slang word for dirty. A long time ago a group of boyscouts set to cleaning out a river-fed swimming pool. There was a lot of knee-high silt/mud/decaying-vegatation at the bottom of the pool which was nicknamed 'mank'. The scouts thought that they had coined a new word, but there was probably some subconscious reference to 'mankey'
Assorted Adjectives
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% MAN OF GODMaybe Advocating Nice Old-Fashioned Goodwill, Or Deprivation. Angela Brett
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% MANSIONMillionaires Are Needlessly Squandering Income On Nonessentials. Angela Brett
100% MANTISMake A Note That It's Screwy Angela Brett (Mantis is a program for keeping track of bugs in software.)
100% MANTIS (2)Money's A Nod To Its Statistics? Angela Brett (MANTIS can show statistics on how many bugs each person has reported or fixed. I wonder if the people with the best statistics in Mantis get paid more.)
100% MANTIS (3)Mailed As New Testing Indicates Success Angela Brett (MANTIS can send an email to the developer who fixed a bug when a tester confirms that the bug has been fixed.)
100% MANTRAMutter Ad Nauseum 'Til Revelation's Apparent Angela Brett
100% MANUALSMeals Are Not Usually A Literary Stew Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% MAN. UTDMastered Arsenal's New Unprolonged Title Dominance Jide Alakija, Man Utd. Will Always Dominate the title.
Sports & Recreation
100% MANY THANKSMarking A-Nother Year, Tony Happily Acknowledges Newzealaner's Kind Sentiments Ol' Man River, in response to TONY'S BIRTHDAY (AGAIN!)
Time:Special Occasions
100% MAORIMeandering Aborigines Originating Round Islands Mary Carr, referring to the aboriginal people of New Zealand
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% MAPMake A Plan Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Navigation Aids
100% MAP (2)Monuments Are Plotted Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Navigation Aids
100% MAP (3)May Advise Position Eric Bridgstock
Places:Navigation Aids
100% MAP (4)Men Absolutely Poohpooh. Roger Williams
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
Places:Navigation Aids
100% MAP (5)Masks All Potholes. Roger Williams
Places:Navigation Aids
100% MAPLE SYRUPMuch Appreciated Product Leaves Everyone Sighing - Yo! Rustle Up Pancakes! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% MAPLE SYRUP (2)Makes A Pancake Look Exquisite. Some Youths Relish Uncountable Pancakes Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% MAPLE SYRUP (3)Many A Person Likes Eating Sticky, Yummy Repast - Undoubtedly Pancakes! Patricia Rix
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% MAP REFERENCEMaths Assists Preparing Readable (Expressed Flatly) Earthly References. Explorers Need Charts Evidently Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Positions & Directions
100% MARATHONMany Asthmatic Runners Are Treated - Hospitals Offer Nebulisers. Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation
100% MARCELMime Artist Rather Cleverly Exchews Language Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to Marcel Marceau - a renowned French mime.
Names:Famous people
100% MARCHMay & April Rounding Corner Hastily. Angela Brett
83% MARCH (2)Main Activity - Rampant Chlorophyll (in) Hedgerows. Tony McCoy O'Grady, who lives in the northern hemisphere.
100% MARCH (3)Most Armies Rhythmically Continue Hiking. Angela Brett
100% MARCH (4)Mild And Rather Clement, Hopefully Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MARCOMade A Route - Chinawards - Overland Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people
100% MARCUS ANTONIUSMuch Admired Roman Citizen, Using Strong And Noted Tactics Overcomes Nasty Insubordinate, Usurping Schemers Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Antony and Cleopatra
100% MARGARETMarries A Royal, Gets Ambassador Romantically Entangled Too Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry VI
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VI
100% MARGARET PAGEMarried And Responsible. Greatest Ambition Remains Efforts To Permit Anne Get Engaged Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Merry Wives of Windsor
100% MARGEMother - A Really Good Epitome Angela Brett
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% MARGIEMakes A Reasonable Guess, It's Exceptional Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% MARIANAMakes Angelo (Reluctantly Interested) Announce Nuptial Arrangements Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Measure for Measure
100% MARIANNEMisguided Adult Really Is Antagonistic, Needs Navigation Ethics Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% MARIEMakes Any Romance Intimate, Eventually! Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% MARIE (2)Music Arts Really Is Entertaining Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% MARIJUANAMind-Altering Recreational Inhalant - Joints Usually Are Not Approved Steve Keate and Angela Brett
100% MARIJUANA (2)Medicinally Applied... Really, It's Just Used As Numbing Agent. Angela Brett
100% MARIJUANA (3)My A*se! Regular Inhalers Joyously Unailing, Aren't Needing Anaesthesia Angela Brett, as a response to MARIJUANA (2)
100% MARIJUANA (4)Medicinally Applied? Really?! I Judge Users Are Not Ailing. Angela Brett
100% MARILYN MONROEMen Always Rave, 'I Love You Naked!' Morning Or Night, Romance Overshadows Everything! Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people
100% MARINAMorality's Apogee - Really Innocent Nature Abides Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Pericles
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Pericles
100% MARINEMuscles Are Required, Intelligence Not Essential The US Navy and the US Marines have a log tradition of dumping on each other. Here's one example from a US Navy Vet.
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% MARINE (2)My Ass Rides In Navy Equipment More US Marines-Versus-US Navy bashing, as brought home by one of my Navy friends, Col Myers.
100% MARINESMen Armed, Ready If National Emergency Strikes Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MARION MORRISONMan Always Rides In On Nag; Maid Often Rides Roughly In Saddle Or Noisily Rico Leffanta (Marion Morrison is better known as John Wayne)
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses:Little known real names
100% MARITAL BLISSMakes A Romance Into That 'Always' Love Bad Lyrics Indicate Should Survive. Angela Brett-Hilton-Wilding-Todd-Fisher-Burton-Warner-Fortensky
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% MARJORIEMakes A Reasonable Judgment, Offering Reconciliation Is Extinguished Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% MARKMuch Acclaimed Religious Knowledge Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% MARK (2)Making Available Religious Knowledge Roger Williams
Religion:Bible books
100% MARK (3)Must Act Really Kind Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Male
100% MARLBOROManly And Rugged? Lungs Blackened Or Respiration Obstructed Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MARLON BRANDOMarvellous Actor - Rugged Looking - Oscar 'Name', By Rejecting Award, Needled & Dissed 'Ollywood Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% MARRIAGEMake A Relationship Remain Into Amours' Geriatric End Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% MARRIAGE (2)Makes A Relationship Real, In All Gods' Eyes. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% MARRIAGE (3)Making A Recognised Relationship, Instigated After Getting Engaged Eric Bridgstock
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% MARRIOTTMost Agree Room Rent Is Over The Top Angela Brett
100% MARSMany Anticipate Raiders Soon! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MARS (2)Mountainous And Really Sandy Philip Edwards (The planet Mars is home to Olympus Mons, at 24 km high, the highest mountain known.)
100% MARS (3)Mostly A Red Surface Sporkmaster
100% MARSHALLMost Active Resident, Saves His Adventures, Large List Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% MARTINMake A Rival Town Into Necropolis! Angela Brett (Martin means 'warlike')
Names:First names:Male
80% MARYMarvelously Angelic, Religious and Youthful Mary Carr
Names:First names:Female
100% MARY (2)Madam, Articulate Royal Yobbo. Mary Carr, describing herself.
Names:First names:Female
100% MARY (3)Mine's A Raspberry Yoghurt Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% MARY (4)Meets A Rich Yuppie Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% MARY (5)Mother Adores Redeemer, Yore Jan Morgan -- Christ's mother
100% MARY (6)Mother Acquires Reverence, Yesterday Jan Morgan -- Christ's mother
100% MARY ANNMentor As Remembering Youth And Natural Nurturer Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% MARY BETHMeets A Rich Yuppie, But Examines Truth Heartily/Happily Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMBMary, A Rosy Youth, Had A Darling Angel Lamb; It Tip Toed Lightly Everywhere Like A Mutton Bedeviled Patricia Rix and George Rix
Art & Literature:Nursery Rhymes
100% MARY JANEMatriarch As Referred, Yesterday's Journey's A Necessary Event Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% MARYLANDMid Atlantic Region Yields Large Academy, Naval Domain Jan Morgan - the Naval Academy
Places:States & Regions
100% MASERATIMaster Automotive Sportster, Erstwhile Racer, Archetypal Total Italian Eric Bridgstock
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% MASHMake A Spud Horrible/Heavenly Angela Brett, who only likes mashed potatoes sometimes.
Food & Drink
100% MASOCHISMMany A Stroke Of Cane Has Intense Sexual Meaning Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% MASONMakes A Stone Object Neater Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% MASON (2)Master At Stone Object Nascency Gavin Lambert
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
83% MASON (3)Member of A Secret Organisation; Nameless Gavin Lambert - I seem to recall reading about some secret society called the "Masons", out to run the world from behind the scenes, or something like that. Like most secret societies, most members didn't know anyone else's real name.
People & Relationships
80% MASSMany Assemble Solemnly (on) Sundays Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MASS (2)Memory Apronymic: Super - Stuffed! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. referring to the mass of information which can be crammed in using apronyms.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% MASSACHUSETTSMayflower's Arrival Site, School At Cambridge, Harvard University. State Established Textiles, Tourist Sites Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% MASSACHUSSETTSManifestly, A Sea Side Area Can Have Unexplored Sunken Ships, Exciting To Treasure Seekers Patricia Rix, saying: I don't know if there are wrecks off the coast of Massachussetts, but it seems logical
Places:States & Regions
100% MASSAGEMake A Sweet Sensation Abound, Generally, Everywhere! Patricia Rix
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% MASSAGE (2)My Aching Shoulders - Stroking Assimilates General Embrocation Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% MASSAGE THERAPYMuscles And Sensitive Skin Are Given Extensive Touching, Holistically Encouraging Relaxation And Promoting Youthfulness Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% MASSAGE THERAPY (2)Make A Sweet Sensation Abound, Generally, Everywhere That Hurts. Each Restful Appointment Pampers You. Patricia Rix
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% MASSAGE THERAPY (3)Masseur Arouses Strident Sexuality - And Generally Evokes Thoughts (Heavily Erotic) - Rubbing And Petting You Tony McCoy O'Grady, who is DIFFERENTLY WELL
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% MASSEY UNIVERSITYMay All Students Study... Except Younger Undergraduates - Nobody Interesting's Very Enthusiastic Regarding Study In Their Youth. Angela Brett, a student at Massey University.
92% MASTER CHIEFMany Attacking Strangers Take Evasive Routes to Circumvent His Inventive, Exceptional Fighting. Freddy Heimann, I am EXTREMELY BORED!
Computers:Games:Game Characters
85% MASTER CHIEF (2)Most Aliens Stay Terribly Evil. Really, the Covenant Hopes It'll Extinguish the Flood. Freddy Heimann, I am extremely bored yet again...
Computers:Games:Game Characters
100% MASTER OF ACRONYMSMakes Acronyms So Terrific, Everyone Recognises Outstanding Flair And Creativity. Ready Or Not, You're Made Superstar! Angela Brett, describing Tony.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% MASTURBATEMating Alone?! Sexual Tension's Usually Relieved By A Twin Euphoria. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% MASTURBATIONManual Arousal & Stimulation Till Urgent Relief Brings Awesome Tremors Is Often Nice Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% MATHMuch About Tedious Hypotheses PiMaster
100% MATH (2)Manna! Abstract/Apparent Truth Habitually/Healthfully! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% MATHEMATICSMethodology Attempting To Harmonise Equations, Many Apply Techniques In Calculus & Statistics. Angela Brett
92% MATHEMATICS (2)Manipulation of Algebraic Theories Holds Excitement. Much Abstract Thought Is Considered Scholarly. Angela Brett
100% MATHEMATICS (3)Meet Absolute Truth Here... Employ Minimal Assumptions To Imply Complicated Statements. Angela Brett
100% MATHIASMostly A True Happy Individual, Active Scout Jan Morgan -- Someone I know
Names:First names:Male
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% MATHSModels, Axioms, Theorems, Hypothetical Structures Angela Brett
100% MATH THEM MATICS!Multiply Access To Help! Training ==> Housing, Employment, Meals! Mobilise Addicts Thru Innovative Compassion! Soar! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% MATH THEM MAT TICSMotivate All Tots Humanely! Technical Humans Elevate Man! Math Advances Technology! Technologists: Invent Comforts Social! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% MATH WHIZ!Math's Acme, Traveling Higher! Wishes He'd Invented Zero! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Relaxing from TEDIOUS APRONYMISING! (after CIRCLE PERIMETER)
100% MATH WIZMultiplications & Additions - This 'Hard Work' Is Zero Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MATLABMathematical Algorithms Take Little Actual Brainpower. Angela Brett (MATLAB is a mathematics software package)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software:Applications
100% MATRISMothers Are Treated Respectfully In Society Rico Leffanta
Religion:Hindu Goddesses
100% MATRIXMental Agility Transfigures Reality; Insane Xperience! Gavin Lambert, after seeing The Matrix: Reloaded
100% MATTMine's A Tad Tasteless Tony McCoy O'Grady (see GLOSS)
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
100% MATT (2)Makes A Tasty Treat Tony McCoy O'Grady, to balance MATT
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
100% MATTHEWMany Attest Thankfully To His Evengelising Words. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% MAURITANIAMines A Useful Resource - Iron! They Are Now Islamic Administration. Tony McCoy O'Grady
90% MAURITIUSMarking An Upswing (in) Revenue Its Tourism Is Upstaging Sugar. Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% MAXIOGEEMad And Xuberant Irishman Often Guffaws Eloquently and Excitedly. Angela Brett, referring to Tony's email username.
100% MAYMerriment And Youthfulness Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MAY (2)Moderate And Yummy Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MAY (3)Many Anniversaries Yearly Angela Brett, because she knows so many people with birthdays in May.
100% MAY (4)Most Abundently Yarrowish Jeff Anonymous, hoping for some good plant activity in that month.
75% MAY (5)Middle - Approximately - of Year. Angela Brett
100% MAY (6)Merely Asking, Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady (on the 'May I do...' meaning of may.)
100% MAY (7)Means Achievement Yielded. Tony McCoy O'Grady (on the 'It may happen that...' meaning of may.)
100% MAY (8)Many Arbours Yellow. Edwin Hermann
100% MAY (9)March? April? Yesterday! Angela Brett
100% MAYAMiddle Americans, Years Ago TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% MAYBEMainly A 'Yes, But...' Ensues. Angela Brett
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% MAYOMixture Adds Yummy Overtones Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Condiments
92% MAYOR QUIMBYMunicipal Authority You're (an) Openly Rotten, Quite Unprincipalled, Ignorant & Morally Bankrupt Yahoo! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% MAYPOLEMarch Around Yippily, Prance Over Lilies, Eh? Jeff Anonymous
Assorted Nouns
Time:Special Occasions
100% MAYPOLE (2)Many Amorous Youths Proposition Oversexed Ladies Eagerly Tony McCoy O'Grady, saying that the maypole is actually a highly erotic springtime rite. Much activity occurred.
Assorted Nouns
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Time:Special Occasions
100% MAZDAMany Automobiles Zippily Drive Along Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% MCDONALDSMany Children's Diets Obviously Need A Lingering Detailed Scrutiny Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% MCPMastered Crappy Programs Angela Brett (MCP usually stands for Microsoft Certified Professional)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
75% MCTManaging to Charge Thousands Sean Lamb (MCT really stands for Microsoft Certified Trainer)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% MCT (2)Must Continue Training Sean Lamb (MCT really stands for Microsoft Certified Trainer)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% MEMy Existance Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% ME (2)My Ego Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% MEA CULPAMy Extreme Apologies, Capabilities Using Latin Pathetically Abyssmal Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to PEDANTRY
100% MEADMeadow Extract, Alcoholic Drink Mary Carr
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
88% MEAFORDMust Eat Apples From Old Rugged Deciduous [trees] Patricia Rix
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% MEASUREMENTSMust Ensure Accurate Size Using Ruler - Errors Mean Everything's Now Too Short! Angela Brett and Patricia Rix
100% MEASUREMENTS (2)Many Early Artisans Surely Used Reliably Established Methods - Eliminating Nasty Tradesmen's Scams Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MEATHOPMeet Each Aircraft Tragedy & Have Obscene Picnic Tony McCoy O'Grady (Meathop is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'One who sets off for the scene of an aircraft crash with a picnic hamper.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% MECCAMuslims Everywhere Can Come Along. Angela Brett
100% MECHANICMale Endangered Class, He's Always Nestled Inside Cars Mary Carr
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
91% MEDICATIONMood-Enhancing Drugs In Case Additional Tension Induces Operation of Noose. Angela Brett
100% MEDICINEMight Eradicate Disease, If Contagion Is Nullified Everywhere. Angela Brett
100% MEDIEVALMany Existed Dreadfully In European Villages - Abject & Low TMcCO'G
100% MEDITATIONMental Exercise, Do It To Attain True Insights, Or Nirvana Tony McCoy O'LotusPosition
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% MEETINGSMeaningless Endeavours Engendering Trash, Including Nagging Grandmothers' Stories. Dundee
100% MEETINGS (2)My Employer Expects Togetherness - It Never Generates Solutions Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MEET JOE BLACKMr. Expiration Enjoys This Jaunt On Earth, Beholding Love And Carnal Knowledge. Angela Brett
100% MEET MEMake Every Effort To Make Encounter Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% MEET PATTYMy Escort Enjoys Takeaways... Purchases Anything That Tastes Yummy. Angela Brett
Names:You Are What You Eat
83% MEGANMmm-hmm, Everybody Gets A Name! Angela Brett, who wishes she had more information to expand the names which people search for.
Names:First names:Female
100% MEG RYANMany Erotic Grinds Replay Young Actress's Noisiness Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% MELANIE'Midnight-Eyed' Looks Are Noticable, Indeed Exceptional! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% MELANIE (2)My Escapade Licking Animal Now Informs Eire! Tony McCoy O'Grady (One of Patricia's children was once discovered licking a slug)
Names:First names:Female
100% MELANIE (3)Much Enjoyment & Laughs As 'Nym Is Expanded Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MEL GIBSONMan Earns Loads, Gives Insights, Biblical Savior's Own Narrative Jan Morgan -- refering to his work on the passion
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% MELINDAMay Eventually Live In Neighborhood, Designated Area Jan Morgan (when looking for a home the couple had a designated area to locate one in)
Names:First names:Female
100% MELISSAMy Eponymic Legacy Is Sharp Smart Antics Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% MELISSA (2)Mother Evidently Likes Idiot Sister's Slug Antics Tony McCoy O'Grady (see MELANIE (2))
Names:First names:Female
100% MELISSA (3)Makes Every Little Instant Seem So Amazing Omar
Names:First names:Female
100% MELISSA IS HOTMayhaps Exclaimer Lost It? Searching Such Ardorous Insanity Shirks Honor. Obviously Terrible. Jeff Anonymous, wondering if the person who searched for this on acronyms.co.nz is a nutter or just someone who is zealously randy.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% MELODYMusical Excellence Lingers On, Delighting You ToneDeaf McCoy O'Grady
100% MELONMust Eat Lots Of Nourishment Sean Lamb
Food & Drink
100% MEMORABLEMany Endearing Memories, One Really Astounding Bit Lingers Eternally Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% MEMORIESMost Events Manages Our Recollection, Is Emotional Sometimes Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Thoughts
86% MEMORYMy Elderly Mind Objects to Remembering Youth Angela Brett, when Tony mentioned he couldn't remember something about his youth.
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% MEMORY (2)Much Eaten - Makes One Retch Yuckily. Tony (Applications are often described as 'eating' memory)
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% MEMPHISMaybe Every Microsoft Programmer Hates Information Services Sean Lamb (Memphis was the code name Microsoft used for Windows 98)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
100% MEMPHIS (2)Microsoft Engineers Make Promise, However It's Sketchy Sean Lamb (Memphis was Microsoft's code name for Windows 98)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
100% MENAECHMUSMathematician Entered Near Alopeconnesus - Explained Cones Had Many Useful Sections. Angela Brett
79% MENDELEVIUMMetallic Element. Named (for) Dmitry - (who) Executed Layout of Elements, Visually Indicating Unions - Mendeleyev. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MENENIUSMediator Extraordinary... Now Entreating... Now Insisting... Urges Settlement Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Coriolanus
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Coriolanus
100% MENOPAUSEMenstruation Ends, Now Once Pretty Anatomy Undergoes Sagging Entropy Patricia Rix and George Rix
100% MENOPAUSE (2)Menses Ended, No One's Pregnant, And Unlimited Seniority Ensues! Patricia Rix
100% MENSAModern Einsteins Need Stimulating Associates Angela Brett, after Edwin mentioned on the ACRONYMS forums that Mensa were looking for acronyms of their name.
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% MENSA (2)Members Essentially Not Stupid, Academically Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% MENSA (3)Mental Elitists Need Segregated Association Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% MENSA (4)Monstrous Egos Necessitate Superficial Authority Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% MENSA (5)Members Exhibit Nauseatingly Superior Attitude Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% MENSA (6)Most Eunuchs Now Socially Associate. Jeff Anonymous
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% MENSA (7)Members Exhibit Nearly Supreme Arrogance Chris Kjelgaard
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% MENSA (8)Members Embarrassed: No Superiority Accrues Chris Kjelgaard
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% MENSA (9)Maybe Employment Now Seems Assured Chris Kjelgaard
People & Relationships:Thoughts
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% MENSA (10)Members Ecstatic: Natural Superiority Assumed Chris Kjelgaard
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% MENSA (11)Millions Exclaim, No Such Association! Chris Kjelgaard
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% MENSA (12)My Experience, No Sense Applying! Chris Kjelgaard
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% MENSA (13)Massive Elitism: No Stupid Allowed Chris Kjelgaard
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% MENSA (14)Members Exhibit No Social Acumen Chris Kjelgaard
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% MENSA (15)Mere Excellence Never Seems Adequate AngelA+ Brett
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% MENSANSMaybe Edwin's Not Slow, Angela's Nauseatingly So. Angela Brett -- in about 1998 I filled in an application form to join MENSA, so that Edwin (a MENSA member) would have a chance of winning something. In 2001 I found the form and mailed it. It's now November 2003 and every so often I get an email announcing the next inconvenient entrance test date. Sorry Edwin, I don't think you'll win that competition.
People & Relationships
100% MENTALMind Expanding? No? Then Add Letters. Angela Brett -- whichever meaning you read into this, apronymising is mental!
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% MENTOSMicro-Electronic Negative Thought Override System Geoffrey Russell, who explains that the acronym was heavily influenced by the Mentos commercials wherein people do impolite or bizzare things and then, by way of explanation, hold up a Mentos package, which invariably causes the person on the recieving end to grin like an idiot.
People & Relationships:Thoughts
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% MEOWMild Expression Of Words Acronymous Anonymous
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% MEOWTHMeowing Entity Often Washes The Hands Jeff Anonymous, expanding the cat pokemon (#52), as listed on the unsuccessful-search list. As for the last three words, I know cats to often lick their forepaws.
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% MERCEDESMany European Racing Cars, Elegantly Designed, Exceptionally Speedy Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% MERCEDES BENZMarvellously Engineered Robust Cars. Every Diplomat Enjoys Solid Build. Engine Noises? Zero! Eric Bridgstock
Transport:Car Makes & Models
88% MERCURYMaking Exploratory Reconnoiters Considered Unlikely in Recent Years Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MERCURY (2)Mobile, Exceptionally, Rarely Contained, Usually Rather Yielding Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MERCUTIOMercurial, Eloquent Rakish Character's Unmannerly - Tybalt Is Outraged Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Romeo and Juliet
100% MERCYMany Entreat Respected & Clement Yahweh Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% MERIT BADGEMust Educate Rising Individual, Tries Best Ability, Does Get Eventually Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
100% MERLINMastered Esoteric Realms, Loyal Intelligent Necromancer Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% MERRILLManages Ego, Reacting Reprovingly In Life's Lessons Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% MERRIMENTMe Expressing Raucous Revelry In My Environment Nine Times Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MERRYMany Exploits Reveal Ripening Youth Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% MERTHYR TYDFILMindless Educationally Retarded Twits Having Yobbish Relationships These Yobs Demonstrate Failures In Life John Richard Jones A thought of people living in Merthyr Tydfil with it being the 'Sick Capital' of the United Kingdom.
Places:Towns & Cities:UK
100% MESONMatter Element Shadowing Own Negation Angela Brett (a meson is composed of a QUARK and an antiquark)
100% MESOZOIC ERAMagical Era, Something Only Zoologists Or Impetuous Children Ever Really Appreciate Angela Brett
100% MESSAGEMainly Excessive Silly Stories About Ghastly Events Jon Barker
100% MESSAGE LISTMultiple Entries Sorted Systematically (As Gathered) - Efficient Layout In Single Topics Tony McCoy O'Grady and Angela Brett
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Page Titles
100% MESSAGEPADMy Erratic Script Sometimes Assists Good Expansion Production - Alternate Decipherings. Angela Brett, because she originally thought of 'My Erratic Scribbling' but her Newton MessagePad couldn't read that, and suggested Scripting - which, minus the -ing, is probably a better word for the expansion.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% MESSAGEPAD (2)Miniaturised Electronics Shall Someday Advance General Everyday Perusing And Documenting. Angela Brett, who was reading a book from her Newton MessagePad while on the bus, and thought that reading books and other publications from a handheld computer seemed like the way of the future.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% MESSED UPMade Everything Supremely Sloppy, Extremely Dirty & Utterly Putrid Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% MESSENGERMy Errand's Successful Since Employee Never Goes Erring Route TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
90% MESSY SLOBMake Enormous Savings. Spend Your Sterling Lapping-up Our Bargains. Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% METAFILTERMaybe Everyone That Asked For It Likes To Explore Reasoning Sean Lamb (expanding an unsuccesssful search)
100% METALMost Elements That Aren't Light Angela Brett (astronomers call any elements heavier than helium 'metals'.)
100% METAPODMalprepared, Easy To Attack, Poor Offense & Defense Angela Brett (Metapod is Pokemon #11)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% METEORSMoving Endlessly They Encircle Our Rotating Sphere Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% METHANEMarshy Emissions That Have A Nasty Essence Tony McCoy O'Grady
88% METHANE (2)Monocarbonic Entrant in The Homologous Alkanes, Naturally Existing. Angela Brett
89% METH INKSMethanol Employed To Handwrite Inscriptions - No Known Side-effects Angela Brett, to go with METHINKS
100% METHINKSMy Erratic Thoughts Happen In No Known Sequence Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Thoughts
94% METHYLENEDIOXYMETHAMPHETAMINEMind Expands Thus Helping Your Learning Energy, None-the-less Ecstasy Does Include Other Xtra Yields. Many Experience The Helpless Anxiety Morphing Powers Hash Escalates The Activity Many Internal Neurologists Explain Tim Ryan
100% METICULOUSMy Exactness Tendency Is Considered Unpopular, Lest One Unleashes Sloppiness Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% METISMagic Entwines The Irreverent Spouse Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% METREMeasured Equator To Rotator's Extremities Angela Brett (the metre was originally intended to be one ten millionth of the distance from pole to equator.)
100% METRICSMarking Each Thousandfold Range Is Convenient Symbol Angela Brett
100% METRICS (2)Metre Equals Three Rather Inconsiderable Consecutive Steps Patricia Rix
100% METRICS (3)Measuring Equipment That Reads In "Centi-" Scales Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MEWMirage? Experts Wonder Angela Brett (Mew is Pokemon #151)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
86% MEWTWOManmade Experiment Wants to Take World Over! Angela Brett (Mewtwo is Pokemon #150)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% MEWTWO (2)Makes Everything Wither To Win. Ouch! Dundee (Mewtwo is Pokemon #150)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% MEXICOMay Export Xylophones, I Couldn't Opine. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MFLAMeaningless Four-Letter Acronym Zebedee (note: MFLA is allowed in the stack because it fits its expansion in the same way TLA does. However, it would be far too easy to extend this idea to a completely pointless five-letter acronym or an easy to create six-letter acronym, or to even more absurd lengths, so no further such acronyms will be accepted.)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% MIMusical Intonation Angela Brett
100% MIA FARROWMan Invites Affair From Adolescent Romantically Rivalling Own Wife Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% MIAMIMoney Is A Major Issue Tavia Bryant
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% MICMassive Intestinal Cramps Jeff Anonymous
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% MICAHMorashtite's Imprecations Can Augur Heartbreak Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
100% MICEMy Infestation Chews Everything Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MICE (2)Mouse Increasing Cat's Excitement Mary Carr
100% MICHAELMaybe I'm Christ (Heavens Above!) Extreme Likeness Angela Brett (Michael means 'Like God')
Names:First names:Male
100% MICHAEL (2)Migration Involved Cindy, Homed At Empathetic Listener Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Male
100% MICHAEL HOWARDMigrants In Comfortable Homes And Easy Living Helping Only Worthless And Ruthless Dropouts John Richard Jones
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% MICHAEL JACKSONMan Is Careless, Haing An Eccentric Lifestyle. Jamming Adult Can Keep Success Of Name Jan Morgan
93% MICHAEL SEILERMan Is Courting Hostilty As Expanding Laura Seems Easy If Likeable Expansion is Required Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to LAURA.
100% MICHELEMost Individuals Cherish Harmony Especially Loving Examples Jan Morgan
Names:First names
100% MICHELLEMost Intellectual Coherent Handler Encourages Living Life Eagerly Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% MICHIGANMaybe I Could Have It Good Around Newberry Angela Brett
Places:States & Regions
100% MICHIGAN (2)Motor Industry, Cherries Harvested Is Great Agricultural Need Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% MICKEYMouse In Cartoons, Key Entertaining Yield Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
91% MICROPHONEMade In China - Reverberations Over Power Hearers. Overly Noisy for Eardrums Angela Brett, after seeing a "Made in China" sticker right before turning the light off to go to sleep.
83% MICROPHONE (2)Made In China - Rather Old-fashioned Plastic Handheld Object Not-unlike Ears Tony McCoy O'Grady
90% MICROSOFTMegalomania Incorporated - Criminally Responsible Organisation Successfully Overseeing Felons and Thieves Tony McCoy O'Grady
90% MICROSOFT (2)Machine Is Crap, Recycling is Only Solution, Ohh F*ck This! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MICROSOFT (3)Mainly Into Customer Rip-Off... Software Often Faulty Too. Angela Brett
100% MICROSOFT (4)Major In Creating Ridiculously Over-Sized Offal. Finance Topmost. Angela Brett
100% MICROSOFT (5)Motto Is, 'Create Revenue!' Operating System Often Fails Terribly Angela Brett
100% MICROSOFT (6)Money Is Chief Resource... Our Software's Only For Trading. Angela Brett
100% MICROSOFT (7)Macintosh Is Continually Rising Over Such Old-Fashioned Thinking Angela Brett
100% MICROSOFT (8)Media Imbeciles Continually Rabbit On, Sold On Failed Technology. Steve Keate
100% MICROSOFT (9)Most Intelligent Customers Realise Our Software Only Fools Teenagers Henk
100% MICROSOFT (10)Managers In Companies Rile Office Staff, Obstinately Forcing Technology. Angela Brett - I've heard many stories of managers who've blindly bought Microsoft products despite all the people who'd actually be using them recommending other software.
82% MICROSOFT (11)Maybe It's Created from Refuse Out of Some Old Fogey's Truck Acronymous Anonymous
100% MICROSOFT SOFTWAREMany Imminent Crashes... Recommend Often Saving One's Files To Safeguard Oneself From Time Wasting And Repeated Entry. Angela Brett
100% MICROSOFT WORKSMostly It Crashes, Requiring Outrageous Squandering Of Funds To Write Over (Reinstall) Kludgy Software Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Thoughts:Misconceptions
100% MICROWAVEMarvellous Invention Can Reduce Our Waiting At Various Eateries Jan Morgan
Household Objects:Appliances
100% MIDASMy Index Delivers Auriferous Surprises Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends
100% MIDDLE EASTMaybe I'm Dumb... Direction Lacks Exact Endpoints And So, This. Angela Brett, who doesn't understand how East can have a middle.
Places:Positions & Directions
100% MIDDLE EAST (2)Maybe It's Diameter Dividing Longitudinal Expressions... Equator Always Splits Transversely Angela Brett, after MIDDLE EAST, thinking that although you could continue forever going east or west, the middle of the space in which you can go east or west, or the middle east-west line, is the equator. (I originally considered 'Longitudinal Expressions' as east goes from one longitude to another, but it later occurred to me that Latitudinal makes more sense as East goes along latitude lines. This choice of notation also affects whether the equator can be thought to split 'Transversely')
Places:Positions & Directions
100% MIDDLE WESTMedian, If Defined, Definitely Located Equivalently Whichever Expression Suits Topographer. Angela Brett, who thinks that if there is a MIDDLE EAST and MIDDLE WEST, however they are defined it seems logical that they should be both at the same place, whether it's the equator as in MIDDLE EAST (2) or opposite some longitude defined as the start/end of East and West.
Places:Positions & Directions
100% MIDGETMany, If Diminutive, Get Exceptional Treatment Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% MIDGET (2)Miniature Individuals Don't Get Especially Tall Patricia Rix
People & Relationships
100% MIDNIGHTMy, It's Dark! Now I'm Getting Horribly Tired. Angela Brett
100% MIDWAYMicrosoft Is Developing Widgets Attracting Youth Sean Lamb (Midway was Microsoft's code name for the Xbox)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
100% MIGRAINEMy Insides Grumble Repeatedly And It Never Ends! Rico Leffanta
100% MIGUELMost Individuals Get Used Encyclopedias, Learning Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% MIKEMan Installs Klutzy Electronics Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
100% MILESMerciful Individual - Likely Etymon's Slavonic. Angela Brett
Names:First names:Male
100% MILES (2)Mirthmaking Irishman Left Everyone Smiling Tony McCoy O'Grady (Miles/Myles is a not-uncommon Irish forename and was one of the pseudonyms of a comic writer called Brian O'Nolan who flourished in the 40s/50s/60s. Myles nagCopaleen & Flann O'Brian being two of his pseudonyms.)
Art & Literature:Writers
100% MILES (3)Marching Imperial Legions Established Standard! Tony McCoy O'Grady - The mile as a unit of length is of Roman military origin, being 1000 paces (a double step.... counting 1 every time the right foot hit the ground)
89% MILITANTMother-In-Law Implying Trials And Never-ending Tribulations Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Family
100% MILITARY INTELLIGENCEMainly It Looks Into Things About Rank&file. Yet It's Not Terribly Exact. Large Lapses In Guesswork, Evidently Never Called "Errors" TMcCO'G, who thinks that Military Intelligence is largely guesswork, and no amount of hindsight can ever prove otherwise.
100% MILITARY TERMSMisinformation Is Largely Its Target - All Reports You Think Exact Really Mislead Someone Tony McCoy O'Grady
80% MILKMoo-cow Is Lactating Kiddiedrink Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% MILK THISTLEMedicinal In Liver & Kidney Treatments, Harried Individuals Should Take Liquid Extracts Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% MILKY WAYMars Invention, Luscious. Keeps Yummy, Wanted And Yearned Jan Morgan - Candy Bar
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% MILLENNIUMMixup Is Looking Likely - Each Notational Nitwit Is Ultimately Mistaken! Tony McCoy O'Grady, insisting that the new millennium - a period of 1000 years - will not begin on New Year's Day 2000, rather will it be on New Year's Day 2001!
100% MILLENNIUM (2)My, It's Long! Lavish Empires Newlyformed & Neutralised In Uno Millennium. Angela Brett
100% MILOMay I Loudly Object? Jeff Anonymous, because he thinks that 'Milo' is such a simple-sounding name for the protagonist of 'The Phantom Tollbooth' by Norton Juster.
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% MILWAUKEEMaking (In Lakeside Wisconsin) Acronyms Usually Keeps Everyone Entertained Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% MIMEMinus Intonation, Minus Equipment Angela Brett
100% MINDMuch Intelligence Now Dormant Angela Brett, when Bern said something about mind expanding.
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% MINEMinerals In Nature Extracted Angela Brett
100% MINERVA MCGONAGALLMotherly Individual Nurtures Every Resident, Verifies Abilities Magically, Congers Gifts Of Natural Activities Gets Animagus, Locating Lodging Jan Morgan -- Harry Potter character whom was watching the dursley abode as a CAT before delivering baby Harry. Teacher at HOGWARTS. (see ANIMAGUS)
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
83% MINGEMane, If No-one Goes Epilating TMcCO'G
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% MINISTRYMany Idiots (No Imaginations) Sent To Rule You Tony McCoy O'Don'tKnow
100% MINNESOTAManufacturing Industry Necessary, National Eagle Sightings, Ore, Timber Advantages Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% MINUTES OF USEMy! I've Now Used This Eighty Seconds - Only Forty Under Suggested Extent. Angela Brett
100% MIRACLEMost Incidents Rare, Amazing Circumstances, Leading Evidence Jan Morgan - Miracles are explainable and evidence of how it came to be are amazing what makes them a miracle is that the circumstances are udeniable yet unexplainable
Assorted Nouns
100% MIRANDAMy Island Refuge's A Neat & Desirable Abode Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Tempest
100% MIRRORMy Image Reflected - Reverse Of Reality Angela Brett
Household Objects:Furniture
89% MIRTHFULMy Initial Reaction to This Heart Felt Uplifting Laughter Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MISERYMissing Intimacy Since Erection Rose Yesterday Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% MISQUOTEMost Idiots Seldom Question Understanding Of The Eclipse Rico Leffanta
100% MISREADINGMaybe I Should Reread Everything, As Different Interpretations Never Gel. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MISSMajors In Sob Stories Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Titles
100% MISS (2)Marriage Isn't So Salient Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
People & Relationships:Titles
100% MISSALMine Includes Sacramental Services And Liturgies TMcCO'G
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% MISS CARSWELLMan, Is She Stupid. Can't Anyone Remember Something We've Ever Learned Lately? Peter & Christina
100% MISS CONCEPTIONMothered Innumerable Sprogs, Seen Countless Obstetricians... Now Carrying Embryo. Prefers Thoughtless Insemination Over Nuptials. Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
People & Relationships:Thoughts:Misconceptions
100% MISSED MY CHANCEMaybe I Should've Suggested Engagement, Dearest - Maybe You Could Have Avoided New Chap's Engagement Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% MISSING MOBILE PHONE - MY LIFE'S RUINEDMan I'm Suddenly Speechless - It's Not Good. My Only Beloved Is Lost. Each Person's Home/ Office Numbers Escapes Me. Yet Loss Is Finite, Everything's (Slowly) Replaceable. Usefully Insured, New Equipment's Delivered Toneless Tony -- I have been at a great loss since last Thursday when my mobile phone went missing.
100% MISSING TEACHERMorning Instruction Sans Sensei... It's No Good To Expect A Class & Have Educator Refrain! Angela Brett, when the lecturer didn't show up for a statistics lecture.
100% MISSIONMembers In Service, Savior Is Our News Jan Morgan -- truly what a mission is about and missionaries anxiously want to share it
100% MISSIONARYMembers In Service Sacrificing Identity Old New Anxiously Reach You Jan Morgan -- 2 young men or ladies or a married couple searching for themselves while serving the savior and delivering His message
100% MISSION CRITICALMy IBook Should Stay Inerrantly Operating, Neccessarily. Can't Risk It Taking Ill; Couldn't Annotate Lectures. Jeff Anonymous, when it was thought (mistakenly) that Apronyms for Mac OS X would not work on JAGUAR, explaining: I'd upgrade to PANTHER except my only Mac is MISSION CRITICAL.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MISSISSIPPIMemories In Segration, Slavery In Southern State Is Paradisical Plantation Illusions Jan Morgan - Plantation owners were in paradise while the slaves were not
Places:States & Regions
100% MISSOURIMark Is Seasoned Storyteller Of Unusual Rhetoric Idealogy Jan Morgan - Mark Twain
Places:States & Regions
89% MISSOURI (2)Midwest Is Self-centered State Of Unmoving Rational Ideas Jan Morgan - Show me state
Places:States & Regions
100% MISS YAMostly I'm Sad Since You're Away Edwin Hermann
People & Relationships
100% MISTMoisture Is Somewhat Tenuous TMcCO'G
100% MISTAKEMy Incompetence Started This Awful Knowledge Error. Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% MISTAKESMy Inglish's Something Terrible And Kontains Erratic Spellings Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay
100% MISTERMajors In Seduction To Ensnare Romantics Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Titles
80% MISTRESSMad Irishman Seeks to Tarnish Reputation of Enlightened Sophomoric Superhero Angela Brett, when Tony referred to her as 'oh mistress mine.'
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% MISTRIALMaybe It's Supposed To Result In A Liquidation Sean Lamb
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% MISTYMostly Impossible Seeing Two Yards Angela Brett
100% MITCHELLMan Is Truly Confusing Has Extremist Lfestyle, Lamentable Jan Morgan -- someone I USED to know
Names:First names:Male
100% MITCHELL (2)Man Is Truly Confusing, Has Extinguished Ladies' Light Jan Morgan -- someone I USED to know
Names:First names:Male
100% MITSUBISHIMan In Transport Speeds Up Beautifully, In Spyder He's Inherited TMcCO'G
Transport:Car Makes & Models
88% MITTENSMy Itty-bitty, Tiny Terror Even Nibbles String! Patricia Rix, referring to her cat.
Names:Pet Names
100% MME DE MAINTENANTMany Men Entertain Doubts Even Men Always In Need Test Extra Nonchalance After Naughty Trysts Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Writers
100% MMORPGMorons Mindlessly Overdoing Redundantly Programmed Game Sporkmaster (MMORPG usually stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% MNEMONICMy Non-Exact Memory Often Needs Increased Capability Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay
100% MNEMONIC!Memory Nugget! Enhancing Mind's Organization / Needs / Intention / Creatively! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. MNEMONIC! was so much fun! Including the 8 lines for Expansion, making MNEMONIC! read down LEFT COLUMN, thus producing ANOTHER MNEMONIC! N spans only pages 769-798 in Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary! (Notice, I am afflicted, not only with ACRO/APRO/NYMA/MAKER/MANIA, but also, EXCLAMATION POINTER/MANIA!)
Words & Wordplay
100% MOAMaori Over-Ate Steve Keate
100% MOABMan Of Authorised Bible Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
100% MOAB (2)Maxes Out All Buildings Tony McCoy O'Grady referring to "Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb", "Mother Of All Bombs"
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% MOATManmade Ocean Around Tower Tony McCoy O'Grady
83% MODELMatched Observed Data to Equations? Lovely! Angela Brett
100% MODEL (2)Men Only Date Easy Lays Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% MODEL (3)Mad Obsessive Dieting, Eating Laxatives. Steve Keate and Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% MODEL (4)Materialism Over-Done, Expensive Looking. Steve Keate
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% MODEMMine Often DIsconnectsÉ Extremely Maddening. Angela Brett, whose new modem keeps cutting her off even after having its dongle fixed and the phone lines to the house fixed.
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% MODEM (2)Much Of Diet's Evidently Malnourishing Tony
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% MODERATIONMost Of Dietary Encouragement Rations All Tastes In Own Nutrition Jan Morgan - not eating so much
Food & Drink
100% MODESTYMy 'Organ'? Don't Expect Seeing That Yet! TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% MODIFIERSMould Our Data Into Form Incorporating Esoteric Reckoning Symbols Angela Brett, on encountering warning C4229: anachronism used : modifiers on data are ignored
100% MODREDMan Of Deceit, Really Evil Dastard Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% MODULEMethod Of Dividing Up Lessons, Educationally Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MOE"Midge" Offered Erroneously Tony McCoy O'Grady (Moe often refers to Marge as "Midge")
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% MOHAWKMy On-Head Alps Will Kill! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% MOIRAMaybe Only If Reactions Act Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% MOLEMeasurement Of Lumpiness, Evidently Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MOLE (2)Molecules Of Large Enumeration Angela Brett
100% MOLIEREMy Only Love Is Editing Romantic Escapades Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Writers
100% MOLLYMothers Offspring, Leads Lot Yearly Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% MOLLY (2)Mothers Offspring, Loves Life, Yes Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% MOLLY MORMONMorally Obedient Led Life, Yearly. Modest Opinion Radiates Model Of Nobiity Jan Morgan -- name given to girls who don't waiver in their morals in the religion
92% MOLLY WEASLEYMom Of Large Lively Youngsters. What Ever Amazing, Simple Loyalty Emanates [from] You Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% MOLTENMountains Often Lean The Earth's Nucleus Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MOLTRESMascot Of League - Trainers Respect Everburning Soarer Angela Brett (Moltres is Pokemon #146)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
83% MOLYBDENUMMistaken Once (for) Lead, Yet Because it Doesn't Exist Naturally, Usually Manufactured. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MOMMaker Of Me Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
100% MOM (2)Meals Outta Mammaries TMcO'G
People & Relationships:Family
100% MOM (3)Made Our Mitochondria Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
100% MOMMIESMom Or Mum? Mummies Is English Spelling Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
100% MOMMYManipulating Ovaries Manufactures Maternal Yearnings imposed
People & Relationships:Family
100% MONAMeeting One's Naughty Associate Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% MONACOMilking Optimistic Ninnies At Casino Operations. Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% MONDAYMorning? Oh No! Drunk Again - Yet-again! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MONEYMake Our New Economy Yours! Rico Leffanta
100% MONEY (2)My Other Nasty Evil Yearning Jeff Anonymous (in reference to the greedy feelings often associated with money)
100% MONEY (3)My Own Notes, Earned Yesterday Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MONEY (4)Men Of Nagoya Earn Yen Angela Brett
100% MONEY MATTERSMaybe Our Nation's Expanding - Yippie - Minister Attempts Tricks To Encourage Renewed Spending Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MONGOLIAMillions Obeyed Nomadic Genghis - Oppressive Leader In Asia. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MONICAMistress Of Nation - Intern Controlled America Angela Brett, referring to Monica LEWINSKY
Names:Famous people
Names:First names:Female
88% MONIQUEMistress Of No-one -- Is Quietly Using Encyclopaedia. Angela Brett (Monique comes from the Greek monos, meaning solitary.)
Names:First names:Female
88% MONITORMen Omit Nutrients Inducing Tremour Over (at) Rectum Dundee
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% MONKMonastic Orations, Numerous Kyries Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Religious Occupations
80% MONK (2)Man Of Non-stop Kneeling Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% MONKEYMankind's Other Near Kin Entertain You Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MONOPOLISTMicrosoft Owns Ninety-Odd Percent Of Labels In Software Trade. Angela Brett, who hopes that figure isn't true.
100% MONOPOLYMany Owners Nevermore. One Person Owns Lots. Yikes! Roger Williams
100% MONSTERSMay Often Not Seem To Exist... Rarely Seen. Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
100% MONSTERS (2)Mothers On Night Shifts Teenagers Expecting Reasonable Sex Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
89% MONTAGUEMalevolent Old Nobleman Takes Age-old Grudge Unto Extremes Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Romeo and Juliet
100% MONTAIGNEManis Only Natural Talent Appears In Gods Never Enduring Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Writers
100% MONTANAMountains Occupy, Northern Treasures At Natural Advantages Jan Morgan - Rockies - Land rich in Natural Minerals - yellowstone sapphire, gold, silver, copper and coal
Places:States & Regions
100% MONTH SONDES FALL SEASON HAD SOFT PAST!Month Of Northern (Top) Hemisphere September/ October/ November/ December/ End (Season = Fall = Autumn) Look Look! Sun's Equinox Autumnal! Same Of Night Hours, As Day! Start Of Fall Time. Providentially: And Spring Time! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. refers to the Vernal Equinox 6 months prior. Even yesterday is just a "SOFT" memory. Also "SOFT" for memory: day = night twice annually.
100% MOOFMacintosh Owners Offer Fellowship Angela Brett, who is considering starting up a club with that name at the university... it sure is better than MUMUG (Massey University Macintosh Users Group) and MOOF would catch the attention of anyone who's ever heard a DogCow.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% MOONMonthly Orbiter Of Nighttime Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MOON (2)Makes One Odify Nighttime Roger Williams
100% MOON (3)Most Often Observed Nightly. Roger Williams
100% MOOSEMoose Often Occupy Swamps, Eating Patricia Rix
100% MOOSE (2)Mostly Oversized, Obviously Slow Eater Jan Morgan
100% MOOSE FACTORYMoose Often Occupy Swamps, Eating Flowers And Crunchy Twigs Or Runinantly Yawning Patricia Rix (Moose Factory is where the railroad to the North ends in Ontario at the shore of James Bay. "Factory" in this instance is an old Hudson's Bay Company term for a trading post. I maintain that this is a true acronym because moose are a big deal in the North. These are true facts about moose, too.
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% MORALSMindless Orations Ridiculing Alternative Lifestyle Selections Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
86% MORBIDMorose Obsession Regarding Blood; Interested in Death Gavin Lambert
People & Relationships:Death
100% MORGANA LE FAYEMagician Of Renown - Guided Arthur Nearer Appreciating Lancelot's Every Fornication At Year's End Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% MORMONMan On Religious Mission Offends Neighbourhood Tony McCoy O'Grady
88% MORMONSMan On Religious Mission Offering (k) Nowledge (&) Strength Jan Morgan - how the mormons offer salvation to all who want it
88% MORMONS (2)Men On Recruitment Mission Offering Never-ending Salvation Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MOROCCOMonarchy On Rocky Ocean Coastline. Colonists Ousted. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MORONManager, Occupational Resources Operating Nightshift Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations:Humorous Job Titles
100% MORON (2)Minister Of Revenue Of Nation Angela Brett, after her mother mentioned that New Zealand's minister of finance is a moron.
100% MORONIMighty, Old Resident Of Nation, Icon Jan Morgan -- Symbol on Temples, name of last Nephite before race expired in Americas - Circa AD 421
Names:Book of Mormon Characters
86% MOROSEMy Only Response (is) Obviously Sad Embarrassment Tony McCoy O'Grady, just to show that I'm not always "LAUGH"ing
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% MORPHEMEManufacture Of Reductionist Philosophy - Here's Elementary Meaningful Entity. Angela Brett
100% MORSE CODEMessages, Orders? Really Short Encoding, Common Organisation, Decryption Easy Gavin Lambert
100% MORTAMors Offers Return Trip Assistance Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% MORTAL REMAINSMolecules Obviously Rot, Then After-Life Results. Eternity Means An Infinity Never Stops Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Death
100% MORTARBOARDMost Optically Ridiculous Tradition... Academic Regalia Bordering On A Roof/ Desk. Angela Brett, a few weeks before graduating.
Household Objects:Clothing:Academic Regalia
100% MORTARBOARD (2)Most Optically Ridiculous Tradition... Academic Regalia Built On A Redundant Design. Carl Brett, as an improvement on Angela's MORTARBOARD
Household Objects:Clothing:Academic Regalia
100% MORTGAGEMoney (Or Repayments!) That Guarantee Accommodation - Generally Expensive Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MORTONMan Often Rooted Trees Onto Nebraska Jeff Anonymous, referring to Julius Sterling Morton of Arbor Day fame, whilst answering a failed search.
Names:Famous people
Time:Special Occasions
100% MOSCOWMafia Overrun Soviet Capital. Often Wintry Eric Bridgstock
100% MOSCOW (2)Monetary Obligations Shove 'Cosmetics' Onto Waitinglist Tony McCoy O'Grady, after Eric said there was another category after 'musts', 'shoulds' and 'coulds' (see MUST) which begins with W... so that the whole idea can be summarised as MoSCoW.
Words & Wordplay
100% MOTHERMajestic, Orderly, Tit-Heralding Energetic Reposedness Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Family
100% MOTHERBOARDMother Of Too-Hard Eating! Ridiculously Broad - Oesophagus Actually Ruptures Dangerously! Angela Brett
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% MOTHERBOARD (2)Make One's Teeth Hurt Eating Respected Bits Of Apple's R & D Tony McCoy O'Grady and Angela Brett
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% MOTHERBOARD (3)Makes One's Teeth Hurt, Eventually Removing Broken Ones, And Requiring Dentist. Steve Keate (using Angela's MOTH)
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% MOTHER MARYMy Own 'Tree' Has Exact Relative & Moniker, Approximating Religious Yarn Angela Brett (whose mother is Mary) when somebody searched for Mother Mary on the acronyms website.
People & Relationships:Family
100% MOTHERSManiacal Obsession Teaching Heaven's Early Redemption Schemes Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Family
100% MOTIVATING PEOPLEMaking Others Take Initiative. Vitally Activating Them Into New 'Get-Profits' Enterprises, Often Pathetically Lacking Empathy Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% MOTIVATIONMisinform Officeworkers They're Individually Valued And They Increase Output, Normally Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% MOTLEYMixture Of Things Lacking 'Ensembleness' - Yes? TMcCO'G
Assorted Adjectives
100% MOTOR ACCIDENTMet One/ Two Others Recently As Car Crashed Into Drinkers Exiting Nebraskan Tavern? Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Gavin said he'd 'run across' one or two acronymists in Nebraska.
91% MOTORBIKESMachines Of Transport - Or Rather, Bicycles (with) Increased Kinetic Energy & Speed Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing, because when Angela asked Dustan's mother for a topic, bragging that there would probably be an acronym in this stack referring to it, she said 'motorbikes' and it was discovered that there was no acronym referring to motorbikes yet. Her second choice, horses, did already have acronyms referring to it, however - so the stack is *nearly* encyclopaedic.
100% MOTOR CARMode Of Transport Often Raced. Can Also Rust Eric Bridgstock
90% MOTORCARSMillions Of Them Overload Roadways, Causing A Right Snarl-up Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MOTORCYCLEMeans Of Transport Offering Real Catharsis: You Can Liberate Emotions Patricia Rix, adding: or perhaps one of the other meanings of "catharsis" might apply, if you have a scary ride!
100% MOUNTAINSMovement Of Uncountable Newtons Thrust Alps Into New Space Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MOUSEMunch Onions Until Something Emits Dundee
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% MOUSE (2)Makes One Upset, Scurrying Everywhere Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MOUSE (3)Makes Obvious Understandable Somehow/Seemingly Explicable! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% MOUSE (4)Mobile Obviously Understandable/Useful, Software Executor! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% MOUSE (5)Moving Onscreen, User Selects Entrypoint Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% MOUSE (6)Manually Operated User System Emulator Tiger
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% MOUSE (7)Must One Use Such Equipment? Sean Lamb (who prefers to use the keyboard for most computer operations)
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% MOUSE (8)Makes Onscreen Usability Seem Easy Eric Bridgstock
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% MOUSE (9)Minute Omnivore; Utters Squeaks Everywhere Eric Bridgstock
100% MOUSE UPMoment Of Ultimate Suspense - Engaging Uncertain Programming. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MOUTHMuch Open, Uttering Total Honesty? Eric Bridgstock
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% MOUTH (2)Mine's Only Used To Hassle John Block. I was looking for the acronym for KLR which is the letters in the model number of my motorbike. I never really thought of conceiving acronyms from everyday words, but after reading a few I had to try.
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% MOVIEModern Ones Value Indecent Exposure Angela Brett
100% MOVIE ACRONYMSMany Offer Variations In Excitement: A Category Recently Opened - Notate Your Movie Storylines Tony McCoy O'Grady
93% MOVING FORWARDMotion Of Vehicle Is Now Going Frontwards (Or Reversing With A Rear-facing Driver) Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MOZAMBIQUEMillions Of Zebras And Migrating Beasts In Quite Unique Ecology. Tony McCoy O'Grady, who perhaps doesn't know that 'Quite Unique' is bad grammar.
100% MOZARTMusic Often Zesty, Aurally Rich Treats Angela Brett
86% MOZART (2)Musical Order: Zenith -- Acomplished Renderer of Themes PiMaster
78% MOZILLAMonstrous Open-source space Zapping Inoperable Latent Lagging Application magicbrowser, as a joke on how slow and inoperable Mozilla is.
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
100% MR. JINXMy Roguish Jester Is Noticeably Xceptional! Patricia Rix, referring to her cat.
Names:Pet Names
100% MRS.Mister's Reliable Servant? Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Titles
100% MRS. WESCOTTMath, Really Stupid? Will Everyone She Cracks On Take Trig? Peter & Christina
100% MSBLASTERMy Server Began Losing All Speed... Those Evil Rascals! Angela Brett, though she doubts that the MSBlaster worm would be targetting the Apronyms site with its DOS attacks.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Excuses for Slow Loading
100% MSDNMicrosoft's Special Documentation Nook Sean Lamb (MSDN usually stands for Microsoft Developer Network)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% MSDN (2)Must Study Diverse Networks Sean Lamb (MSDN usually stands for Microsoft Developer Network)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% MSDN (3)My System's Down Now Sean Lamb (MSDN usually stands for Microsoft Developer Network)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
80% MS PAC MANMissus Strikes Popularly And Collects Money All [over the] Nation. Jeff Anonymous
Computers:Games:Game Characters
100% MS WORDMicro-Soft's Way Of Rendering Documents x_Player1_x
83% MUDDYMucky Udders Dirty Dancing Yakity-yak Rico Leffanta
Assorted Adjectives
100% MUFTIMy Uniform's Forgotten Today, Incognito Tony McCop O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% MUGGLESMagic Users Gloat, 'Goofy Losers, Extremely Stupid' Jeff Anonymous
Art & Literature
100% MUGGLES (2)Magic University Group, Gladly Learn Exotic Spells Muggles McCoy O'Grady, in response to a request for a name for a Harry Potter society at Cambridge University.
Art & Literature:Harry Potter Society
100% MUGSMen Undressing Girls Surreptiously Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% MULTIBABELMost Uninteresting Language Typed In, But After Butchering Elicits Laughter! Angela Brett, referring to http://www.tashian.com/multibabel/ which uses the automated translation at babelfish.altavista.com to translate English into several different languages and back consecutively. The results can be most amusing!
100% MULTIMEDIAMany Users Listen To Intense Music Every Day It's Available Sean Lamb (who will never give up his collection of classic jazz OGG files)
100% MUMFORDMuppets' Unsung Magician Formulates One Ridiculous Declaration "A la peanut butter sandwiches!"
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% MUMMYMade Using Medical Materials - Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Death
100% MUMMY (2)My Uterine Membranes Made You! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
100% MUNTEDMalfunctioning; Used Normally To Express Disgust Gavin Lambert
Assorted Adjectives
100% MURDERMotive Usually Revenge, Dealt Excessively Ruthlessly. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
People & Relationships:Death
100% MURPHYMuch Understanding Regarding Potato Heralding Yeast Mary Carr
Food & Drink
100% MURPHY (2)Many Use Resourcefully Potato's Healthy Yield Mary Carr
Food & Drink
100% MURPHY BEDMost Unusual, Rests Perpendicular, Horizontal Yawns Begins Early Dozing Jan Morgan - Hides vertically in the wall when not in use. can hang at a 90 degree angle before going horizontal to the floor BEST hide-a-bed around (no bars in the back) regular mattress
Household Objects:Furniture
100% MUSCLEMy Unique Skeleton Clearly Lacks Enhancement Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% MUSHROOMSMultiply Using Spores, Happiest Rooting On Organic "Muck" Site TMcCO'G
Food & Drink
83% MUSICMelodic Use of Sound Is Calming. Angela Brett
100% MUSIC IS MY LIFEMaking Unique Sounds In Concert. I Spend Many Years Lyrically Intoning For Everyone Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MUSKRATMuddy Underwater Spots Keep Rodents Actively Tunnelling Patricia Rix
100% MUSTMinimum Usable Subset, Technically. Eric Bridgstock, explaining that he and his colleagues define technical requirements in terms of "musts", "shoulds" and "coulds".
Words & Wordplay
100% MUSTANGMine Usually Seems To Accelerate Nice & Gently Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% MUSTARDMust Use Spice To Augment Recipe's Dreariness TMcCO'G
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% MUST BE A MAC USER, I GUESS.Macintosh Users Strive To Become Extraordinary, And Might Also Create Unusual Superheroes. Every Revolutionary's Insane(ly Great), Understand - Eccentricity Sires Success! Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
92% MUST CATCH UP!Maybe (an) Unbelievably Smart Thesaurus Can Assist... Tony Can't Have Unrivalled Percentage! Angela Brett, desperately trying to keep her contribution to these acronyms above 25%
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% MYANMARMurder Your Asian Neighbours - Militarily Aggressive Republic. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MYBOOKMany Yippees Born Out Of Kleptomania! Angela Brett - myBook was given to me by Steve WOZNIAK after DIFFERENT THOUGHT was sort of stolen - see also IBOOK (7). myBook's web pages are at http://acronyms.co.nz/angela/mac/myBook/
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware:Angela's Apples
89% MY FRIENDMissing You - For Really, I Enjoyed (our) Nightly Discussions. Angela Brett, after not having heard from Tony in 15 days.
People & Relationships
100% MY LIFEMany Years Lost In Futile Endeavours Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% MYRIAMMaybe Youth Recognizes Initiating A Motive Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% MYSTMight You Struggle Through? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MYSTERYMake Your Story Thrilling - Excitement Reduces Yawns Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% MYTHICALMake Your Theology Highly Interesting - Create A Legend! Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends
100% MYTHICAL (2)Multilayered Yarns That Helped Illiterates Create A Literature Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends
100% MYTHICAL CREATUREMaybe You 'Think' He's Imaginary? Creative Antecedant's Liuterature Contained Really Exotic Animals - The Unicorn Remains Eminent Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
90% MYTHOLOGYManly, Yet Tender, Hero Opposes Logic Of God-imposed Yoke Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends
100% MZEEMy Zombie's Extremely Elderly Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% NANo, Assertively Tony McCoy O'Grady
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% NAASNoxious Albanian Alcohol's Source Tony McCoy O'Grady (Naas is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'The winemaking region of Albania where most of the wine that people take to bottle-parties comes from.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% NABNet A Baddie Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% NAB (2)Now Apprehended Burglar Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% NACTIONNot And, 'Cause Truly It's Only N Angela Brett (Naction is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'The 'n' with which cheap advertising copywriters replace the word 'and' (as in 'fish 'n' chips', 'mix 'n' match', 'assault 'n' battery'), in the mistaken belief that this is in some way chummy or endearing.
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% NADIRNothing Above Depth Is Reversed Rico Leffanta
100% NADSNeed Autoerotic Dirtiness Sometimes Jeff Anonymous
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Science:Biology:Body Parts
86% NAG HIMNudge And Guide Heedless Individual to Modify Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% NAHUMNinevah Assailed. Happiness Upon Me! Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
100% NAILS AND BEAUTYNot As If Lady's Superficial Achievement's Noticed. Dumb Blondes... Everyone's After Using The Yoni! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% NAME CARDNobody Acknowledges Me, Even Cows Are Regarded Distinguished Dundee
100% NAMESNomenclature Applied Mostly Everywhere, Seemingly Melanie Merswolke
100% NAMIBIANow A Mining Industry Base In Africa. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NAOMINot An Obviously Monstrous Intellect Tony McCoy O'Grady - thinking of non one in particular :-)
Names:First names:Female
100% NAOMI (2)No Admirer Of Men's Interests Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% NAPNeed A Pause Edwin Hermann
Assorted Verbs
100% NAPKINNicely Arranged Paper Keeps It Neat Daryl Thomas
Household Objects
100% NAPPIESNasty Ass Products & Pee In Exclusive Softwear TMcCO'G
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% NAPPIES (2)Neat Attached Poo Package Is Enclosing Sewage TMcCO'G
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% NAPSTERNasty American Pop-System Took Extreme Revenge Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NARROW GAUGENon-Average Rail Ratio, One Working Grade And Unusual Gauge Examples Sean Lamb ("Gauge" refers to the distance between the rails. Standard Gauge in North America is 4' 8.5", Narrow Gauge is anything less than that, most commonly 3'; narrow gauge railroads often contain tighter curves and steeper grades than their standard gauge counterparts)
80% NASANewbies: "Acronym [for] Space Agency" Jeff Anonymous
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% NASA (2)Never Attended Starfleet Academy Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
67% NASA (3)Never Attained Speed-of-light Acceleration Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% NASA (4)Not Another Shuttle Accident! Angela Brett, after the space shuttle Columbia broke up in re-entry.
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% NASALNostrils And Sinuses Are Leaking Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% NASCARNumerous Afternoons Spent Careering Around Racetrack Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% NASHVILLENot A Simple Hyperlinker; Visiting Internet Links, Lackluster Experience Sean Lamb (Nashville was the internal code name used by Microsoft for Internet Explorer 4.0)
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
100% NASHVILLE (2)Now Another Software Html Viewer Is Leaving Locales Exposed Sean Lamb (Nashville was Microsoft's code name for Internet Explorer 4.0; there are so many exploits written against IE that its use is now often recommended against)
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
100% NATALIENoble Adult Troubled, Acts Leave Its Entanglement Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
87% NATASHA GURDINNatural Acting Talent And She Had A Great Union Rapturously Dancing In Never-never-land Rico Leffanta (Natasha Gurdin is better known as Natalie Wood)
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses:Little known real names
100% NATESNatural Asset That Excites Sadists Rico Leffanta
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% NATHANNegotiates All Talents, Having A Need Jan Morgan - Someone I Know
Names:First names:Male
100% NATHAN (2)Negotiates Activities Tackling His Addiction Needs Jan Morgan - Someone I Know
Names:First names:Male
100% NATHAN (3)Narcissistic Adolescent/Adult Takes Harsh Analysis Notes Jan Morgan - Someone I Know
Names:First names:Male
100% NATONasty Americans Threaten Others Tony McCoy O'Grady (NATO usually stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% NATURAL HEALTHNot A Treatment Using Recent Advances? Large Herbs Eaten As Little Tablets, How? Angela Brett, wondering just how natural a pill containing concentrated herbal remedies can be -- just as soya milk isn't naturally produced by soybeans feeding their babies, herb pills don't grow in the garden.
93% NATURAL NUMBERSNow A Toddler Understands Repeated Addition... Lacking Numerals Under 1 - Maths Being Essentially Related to Surroundings. Angela Brett
Science:Mathematics:Number sets
100% NATURENaked As The Universe Revolvingly Evolves Rico Leffanta
100% NAURUNot A Universally Recognised Unity. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NAUSEANot Another Uneasy Seatrip, Evacuate Abdomen Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NAUSEA (2)Nursing An Unhappy Stomach... Eaten Aasleagh. Angela Brett (see AASLEAGH)
100% NAVELNowadays A Very Exposed Location Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% NAVYNumerous (And Violent) Yachts Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NAVY (2)Never Again Volunteer Yourself. Was in the US Navy for 6 year as a volunteer (draftees not accepted). Enough said.
100% NAYNot A Yes Angela Brett
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% NCRNot Completely Reliable Tiny Lee (NCR usually stands for National Cash Register)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% NEATNot Even Adding Tonic Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% NEBRASKANegotiates Every Best Resource Advantage, Seems Keenly Agricultural Jan Morgan - Farming State
Places:States & Regions
100% NECNot Enough Components Tiny Lee (NEC usually stands for Nippon Equipment Corporation)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% NECTARNever Eat Come Try Angelic Refreshment Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink
100% NEEDNone Eke Ed Drawn Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Either Poverty or Sufficiency. Ed=Education (This is an example of a 'chained apronym' where on top of the usual constraints of an apronym, the last letter of each word in the expansion is the first letter of the next word, and the last letter of the last word is the first letter of the first word.)
100% NEGATIVE INTEGERSNumerical Entities. Going Against The Increasing Variety, Every Individual Number (Though Entire) Gets Endlessly, Relentlessly Smaller TMcCO'G
Science:Mathematics:Number sets
100% NEGLIGEENearly Every Guy Lusts If Girl's Ensemble's Enticing Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% NEHEMIAHNew Era Heralded; Exiles Migrate; Israel At Home Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
100% NEINNo, Everywhere, Is No Roger Williams
Science:Linguistics:German Words
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% NELLNever Ever Likes Listening! Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% NEMESISNot Even Magic Escapes Settling Its Score! Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% NENNIESNascent Entities Now Navigating Inside Entire Space Eminence Grise, explaining: I'm a French Canadian and nennies is the plural of nenni which is the first name "Denis (day-nee)" in French of a good friend. There was a park in front of his house and his mother often yelled "Denis" for supper but due to distance and a lot of trees in between, we always heard "NENNI!". It stayed through the years and a bunch of friends (40 years of friendship) called themselves the Nennies and there's no nennying about it! Nennies are curious about everything and enjoy life as it comes.
Names:First names:Male
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
90% NEODYMIUMNatural Element - Oxide Deployed in Your Monitor In Underpinning Mismatches. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NEONNow Enlivening Our Nighttimes Tony McCoy O'Grady
88% NEOPETSNot Exactly Organic Perhaps, Evidently They're Smile-inducing Tony McCoy O'Grady (see http://www.neopets.com)
100% NEOPHYTE'S SERENDIPITYNewcomer's Exciting Occurrence Probably Has You Telling Everybody. Search Shows Extraneous Result - Extremely Novel Discovery Is Pleasant, I Tell You! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NEPALNowadays Everest's Peaks Accumulate Litter. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NEPHINavigator Endures Prideful Heinous Illusions Jan Morgan -- the good sibling in the Book Of Mormon
Names:Book of Mormon Characters
100% NEPHITENoble Emigrants Prepares Harbouring Israel To East Jan Morgan -- Work with me here! depending on which way you travel the Americas can be East of Israel
Names:Book of Mormon Characters
100% NE PLUS ULTRANeed Extra Penile Length? Use Safe Urologist Logs That Raise Assets Rico Leffanta
Assorted Phrases
100% NEPTUNENearer Earth Perhaps Than Universe's Next Entity Tony McCoy O'Grady
75% NEPTUNIUMNeptunium Emits Particles That (are) Useful. Neutron-detection Instruments Use it Much. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NERDNever Experiences Romantic Dates Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% NERD (2)Not Exactly Romantic Dude Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% NERMALNice Eccentric Relaxed Mammal, Abudhabi Lent Jan Morgan - Garfield always sends this cat to Abu Dhabi
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
Names:Pet Names
100% NETNow Everyone's Thieves Sean Lamb (NET, in this reference, is the acronym given by the US Congress to the No Electronic Theft Act, which is supposed to simplify criminal prosecution for distributing proprietary files online)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% NETHACKNeat, Everything's Text! Heroic "At" Creams Kobolds. Sporkmaster
100% NETHERLANDSNeed Elevate Their High Embankment Ridges Lest A Natural Disaster Strikes. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NET PRESENT VALUENot Estimable! This Priceless Resource Enables Sending Electronic Notes To Virtually Anyone Living & Using Electricity. Angela Brett, thinking of the present value of the 'net.
100% NETSCAPENot Everyone Trusts Software Companies. A Possible Exception. Edwin Hermann
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
100% NETSCAPE (2)Nightmare Experiences? Then Stop Choosing Alternative Product, Explorer Edwin Hermann
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
100% NETSCAPE (3)Not Especially Tight, Spacewise... Communicator Adds Pointless Extensions. Angela Brett, who likes Netscape apart from the excess memory that the Communicator version uses by having mail, news and Composer built in.
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
100% NETSCAPE SIXNot Enjoyable - Those Skins Can Appear Pretty, Except Standard Interface's Xcluded. Angela Brett, who liked older versions of Netscape but doesn't like the way that Netscape 6 can be themed to look like anything except the rest of the OS.
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
100% NETWORKNothing's Ever Televised With Out Receiving Kudos Patricia Rix, who adds: at least from the Network.
100% NETWORK GEEKNeed Equipment To Work Out Route Kilobytes Go? Employ Exchange Kid/Kit Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% NEUTRINONot Entirely Untouchable, Though Rarely Interacts. Neutral, Obviously. Angela Brett
100% NEVADANightly Entertainment Venues Are Dating Attractions Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% NEVER CRY WOLFNorthern Expeditionary Venture Encounters Roaming Caribou, Rodents, & Yelping Wonder Of Lupine Frolics Patricia Rix, referring to the book by Farley Mowat.
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% NEVER EAT SOGGY WAFFLESNot Everyone Views Each Range Effectively, Adventures Take Steering Of Guidance, Greatly Yields Where Adventures Follow For Leading Every Step Jan Morgan - this is the phrase that helps kids know how the compass is - North East South West
Places:Positions & Directions
100% NEW ACROSNice Extremely Weird Acronyms, Created Rapidly Online, Stupendous! Jeff Anonymous, after he'd capitalised NEW ACROS in a forum post and Angela reminded him to acronymise capitalised words.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% NEW ACROS (2)New Entrant Waives Anonymity - Cautiously Reveals Original Surname Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to Jeff.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% NEW BABYNeonate Enters World Blubbering And Burping Yuckily. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
100% NEWBIENot Even Weaned, Baby Is Extraordinary Jeff Anonymous, noting that an unweaned baby is basically a 'newbie' to life.
People & Relationships:Family
100% NEWBIE (2)New Entrant With Beginner's Ignorant Enquiries Tony McCoy O'Grady... a propos the usual use of the term - someone who hasn't read the manual asking basic questions.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% NEWBIE (3)Not Especially Wise, But Incredibly Enthusiastic. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% NEW ERANuptials End With Easily Read Articles. Angela Brett, on hearing about New Era, a divorce magazine.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% NEW HAMPSHIRENorth Eastern World Has Abnaki Memories, Potatoes Started Here In Region, Embarked Jan Morgan - Abnaki indians Potatoes started(embarked) here
Places:States & Regions
100% NEW IDEANovel Effusive, Wildly/Wonderful, Innovative, Dynamically Expansive, Advancement! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% NEW JERSEYNorth Eastern World, Justifying Einstein's Research, Studied Energy, Yesterday Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% NEW JERSEY (2)Now Edison Wattage Juices Energy Research Saves Electricity Yesterday Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% NEWLYWEDNature's Endowment Will Leave You Wondering Every Day Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% NEW MEXICONot East's World, Magically Enchanting, Xrayed In Colorful Originality Jan Morgan - known as the land of enchantment and color
Places:States & Regions
100% NEW POST TO THIS THREADNeed Exposure? Write Pointing Out Something To The Others That Habituate Interesting Site. They Hopefully Relish Entertaining Acronyms Daily. Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to one of the buttons at the Acronyms forums, at http://www.co.nz/cgi/forums/start.cgi?id=acronyms
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% NEW PROFESSIONALSNowadays Employers Want Proper Records Of Further Education - Somebody Studying Independently's Often Not Appraised Like Scholar. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% NEWSNational Events, World Stories Angela Brett
100% NEW SCIENTISTNot Even With Single Citation; I'm Employed Now Though, I'm So Talented! Angela Brett, who will have to settle for reading the magazine and hiring her soul to MICROSOFT for now.
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% NEWSPAPERNational Events, World Stories Published And People Everywhere Read Roger Williams
100% NEW TESTAMENTNow Everyone Will Treat Especially Sacred Texts As Meaningful - Evil Needn't Triumph Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% NEWTONNeat Electronic Wizardry Turned Out Notsopopular Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% NEWTON (2)Nice Equations - Worked Them Out Nimbly. Angela Brett
100% NEWTON (3)Not Everyone Will Type Out Notes Angela Brett, who now uses a Newton MessagePad to take notes in class, while some students use laptops.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% NEWTON (4)Not Executive Wankers' Toy... Obsolete Now. Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% NEWTON (5)Normally Expresses What "Thump" Offers, Numerically Tony McCoy O'Grady
85% NEW YEAR'S DAYNear End of Winter You Eagerly Await Return of Spring - Desperate, Anxious Yearning Tony McCoy O'Grady, showing that he lives in the northern hemisphere.
Time:Special Occasions
92% NEW YEAR'S DAY (2)(it's) Not Every Week You Eagerly Arrange Resolutions... Seldom Done All Year. Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions
100% NEW YORKNiagara's Enchants Wedded, Your Orchestra Reaches Kudos Jan Morgan - New York philharmonic
Places:States & Regions
100% NEW ZEALANDNearly Extinct Wondrous Zoology, Environmentally Attractive Landscape, A Natural Delight. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NEW ZEALAND (2)Now English Whenua, Zespri-Eaters Abound & Land Actuates Native Disputes. Angela Brett. ('Whenua' means 'land' in Maori - the aboriginal language of New Zealand, and 'Zespri' is a New Zealand kiwifruit.)
100% NEXTNow Entitled 'X' (Ten) Angela Brett (Mac OS X is a reincarnation of the NeXTStep operating system)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% NIAGARA FALLSNikon Is As Good As Ruined, As Falling Actually Launched Liquid Skyward/Spray Angela Brett
100% NIBNumerous Ink Blotches Tony
Household Objects
100% NICNasty Internal Cuts Jeff Anonymous, explaining why not to eat a Network Interface Card
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Do Not Eat
93% NICE EXPANSIONNovelty Is Cleverly Encapsulated - Eschewing X-rated Puns And Non-Standard Idioms Or Neologisms Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% NICE LOOKINGNow I'm Charmed, Elegant Legs On Outstandingly Kinky Individual - Nubile Girl Tony McCoy O'NaughtyBoy
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% NICETIESNot Interesting Comments, Essentially They're Insignificant, Empty Smalltalk. Angela Brett
100% NICHOLASNeeds Impressive Character, Having Own Lessons As School Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% NICHOLAS (2)Negotiates In Caring Home Of Lawyer And Sister Jan Morgan - Someone I Know
Names:First names:Male
100% NICKNotch, Incision, Cavity, Knifemark! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% NICK (2)Nefarious Individual - Clearly Kleptomaniacal Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% NICK (3)Niche Is Computer Knowledge Angela Brett, on a Mac-fixing Nick she knows.
Names:First names:Male
100% NICK BOTTOMNormally Innately Calm & Kind, Becomes Over-The-Top Overacting Maniac Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:A Midsummer Night's Dream
100% NICKELNominally In Coinage, Keeps Everything Light Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NICOLANot Idle, Capable Of Living Adventures Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% NICOLENot Idle, Capable Of Learned Enlightenment Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% NICOTINENow I'm Coughing Often, The Industry Needs Ending! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NICURAGUANarcotics In Central USA - Remote Areas Grow Untold Amounts. Tony McCoy O'Grady
91% NIECES' BUMSNice Infants, Exuding Cuteness - Except Soiled Behinds Unfortunately Make a Stink! Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
People & Relationships:Family
100% NIGERNuclear Items Generate External Revenue. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NIGERIANumerous Indigenous Groupings... Embittered Rivalry Is Abounding. Tony McCoy O'Grady
88% NIGERIA (2)Now I'm Getting Emails of Riches Innocently Acquirable Apronymous Anonymous
100% NIGHTMARENow I'm Gloomy - Horton's Toilets Mean A Restless Evening! Tony McCoy O'Grady (referring to TIM HORTON'S)
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% NIHILIST"Nothing" Is Hedonistic, Invitingly Loathsome, Inherently Suicidal, Truthful imposed
100% NIKENaturally Incurs Kudos Everywhere Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% NIMBUSNow I Must Bring Umbrella - Shoot! Angela Brett
100% NIMBUS (2)Nothing Is More Beautiful - Undoubtedly Saintly! Patricia Rix
100% NIMBUS (3)"Newest Is Magnificent" Broomstick Users Swear Tony McCoy O'Grady (re: Harry Potter)
Art & Literature
100% NINCOMPOOPNo Interest, No Charge On Making Purchase... Organise Optimal Payments Angela Brett (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% NINENine = Increment (Number Eight) Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% NINETALESNeonatally, It Never Exhibits Two Appendages. Later, End Splits. Angela Brett (Ninetales is Pokemon #38)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% NINETEENNineteen = Increment (Natural Eighteen). Twenty Evidently Exceeds Nineteen. Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
86% NINETEEN EIGHTY FOURNifty, Innovative, and Notoriously Effective Television Event Endorses Nonstandard Engineering of Insanely Great Hardware That You Feel Obliged to Use Recurringly. Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing, referring to the famous '1984' television commercial introducing the Macintosh.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% NINJANight Individual Needs Judo Agility Jan Morgan
Sports & Recreation:Martial Arts
88% NIOBIUMNigeria Is Outstanding Begetter of Industrially Used Material. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NIPPLESNaked Independent Pandering Protuberances Launching Enthusiastic Suckling Rico Leffanta
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% NISSANNippy, If Somewhat Small And Noisy Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% NITNon International Traveler Charter Member Charter Members Chris and Timmy traveled the world surfing exotic and often dangerous places. We had some friends that were afraid to leave their home surf breaks, So we just call them NITs
People & Relationships:Insults
Sports & Recreation:Travel
100% NITESNites Involving Tossing/Turning Eliminated / Surely! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
89% NITROGENNaturally Inert - To Render Oxides Great Energy is Needed. Angela Brett
100% NITWITNiece/Nephew In The Wife's Irrevocable Trust Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Insults
People & Relationships:Family
100% NITWIT (2)Nobody, I Think, Whom I'd Treasure Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Insults
83% NIXONNever Interviewed (deng) Xaoiping On Nuclearwarheads Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% NONot Ordinarily Steve Keate, after being asked if he had anything better to do than acronymise.
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% NO (2)Not Once! Angela Brett
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% NO (3)Not Oui. Roger Williams
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% NO (4)Not Optional Jan Morgan
Communication:Yesses And Noes
92% NO AD BANNERSNo Overloading Advertisement Documents, Bub! And Nowadays, Newbie Ezboarders Reek (of) Sweat. Jeff Anonymous, during a discussion about archiving some forum threads, saying: Anywhere else I'd say move the board to ezboard.com. Here, though, we have a good script and everything, and NO AD BANNERS!
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% NOAHNegotiated Original "Animal House" Roger Williams
Names:First names:Male
89% NOAH'S ARKNovel Ocean-going Animal House. Safety Above Rigid Keel. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NOASAURUSNorth Of Argentina, Scientists Amazingly Uncovered Remains Uniquely Saurian Sean Lamb - The Noasaurus was discovered in the northern region of Argentina; it's claws featured a unique lifting tendon. I had originally thought of using 'Some Archaeologist' for the SA portion, but an archaeologist studies past human life, and not generally animal life.
89% NOBELIUMNature Omitted Building (this) Element. Laboratory Its Ultimate Maker. Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% NOBODY GROWS APPLESNo Orchard Businesses Operate; Don't You Grow Refections On Wasted Suburban Areas? Properly-fed People Like Environmentally-friendly Sustenance. Tony McCoy O'Grady, after reading SINGAPORE (2)
Assorted Phrases
100% NOELNativity Of Earth's Lord Tony McCoy O'Grady
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% NO ICED COFFEENever! Oh, I'm Crying! Excluding Delicious Caffeinated Option For Fun's Extremely Evil! Angela Brett, on finding that the university cafe had several flavours of Wave flavoured milk but not ICED COFFEE.
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% NO ICED COFFEE (2)Nicest Option Isn't Cached, Espressolike Drink Category's Omitted, Fourth Flavour's Evidently Exhausted. Angela Brett ('Fourth Flavour' refers to the fact that they had three other flavours of Wave.)
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% NOKIA PHONENext Of Kin Is Alerted Promptly, Hearing Over Network Ethereal. Angela Brett
100% NOLANo Other Love, Anytime! Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% NO LONGER IN BUSINESS"No-One Left, Offices Now Gone, Everyone's Redundant, It's Now Bankrupt." (Usual Speechwriter Is Now Employed Somewhere Solvent.) Angela Brett
100% NONANo One Needs Advocates Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% NON-DIETNutrition Of Normal Daily Intake - Eschew Tables Angela Brett (referring to nutritional information tables and the more specific 'calorie counters')
Food & Drink
100% NONE LEFTNumbers Of New Extinctions Leave Environmentalists Feeling Terrified. Angela Brett
100% NONINitwits Opened New Industry Angela Brett - As I understand it, the noni was just a weed until somebody decided to convince health nuts that it must be good for you because it tastes bad.
Food & Drink
100% NON-UNerds Of Nottingham University Tony McCoy O'Grady (see UNITS)
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
100% NO OFFENCENot Offering Objectional Feelings For Expressions. No Calumny Expressed TMcCO'G
People & Relationships
100% NOOKIENow One's Offed Knickers, Intercourse Ensues Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
80% NOPENot an Overly Positive Expression Tony McCoy O'Grady
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% NO RESTNodded Off, Ruining Expansion... Superfluous Typing. Angela Brett, when Tony said that he must have nodded off when he added an extra P word to the 'ROSES ARE RED...' expansion - see PURPPLE.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% NORMA BAKERNaughty Ostentatious Romantic Maiden Arranged Boobs And Kissed Especially Robustly Rico Leffanta (Norma Baker is better known as Marylin Monroe)
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses:Little known real names
100% NORMALNot Outstanding - Really Mundane And Lacklustre Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% NORTHNow Often Related To 'High' Angela Brett
Places:Positions & Directions
100% NORTH CAROLINANervous Orville Recorded True History Crafted Airplane Riding Over Land In Noble Achievement Jan Morgan - the Wright brothers
Places:States & Regions
100% NORTH DAKOTANature's Oddest Region, Temperatures Harsh, Drastic, A Kaleidoscopic Original Twisted Area Jan Morgan - Rocks are twisted & Colorful (kaleidoscopic)
Places:States & Regions
100% NORTHERN LIGHTNightly Observance, Rays Tints Have Each Ring Naturally Living In Great Hues. Tremendous Jan Morgan
100% NORTH KOREANever Officially Revoked, The Hostilities Killed Off Revenue Earning Activities. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NORWAYNumerous Oil-Rich Wells Active Yearlong. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NOSENot Only Supporting Eyewear Steve Keate and Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% NOSE (2)Number One Sinus Exhaust Steve Keate and Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% NOSE (3)Neat Orifice, Sniffing Everywhere Eric Bridgstock
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% NO SEX RELATIONNo Orgasms? Some Extremely Xerantic Regions Enflame Lingam - At That I'm Off Nookie Tony McCoy O'Grady, when someone searched for that phrase on the Acronyms website.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% NOSEY PARKERNeighbourhood's Own "See-Everything" - You Probe All Recreational Kids - Eliciting Responses TMcCO'G - Recalling a local woman who, in his childhood, 'interrogated' the kids playing on the street for family news/gossip.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% NOSTRILNeed Olfactory Sense To Revel In Lilies Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% NO STRINGS ATTACHEDNot One Single Thread Remains... It's Now Gone Smooth And That's Terrible, As Cords Held Extra Delight Angela Brett, who can't think exactly what kind of item is worse with no strings attached, but there must be something. Whatever was the person who searched for this term thinking of? ;)
Assorted Phrases
100% NOT ANOTHER PROJECTNow One Tries Again. Needing Only To Have Efficient Research, & Properly Realised Objectives, Jointly Ensuring Client's Thrilled. TMcCO'G - thinking of agencies who respond to client's demands by splitting employees into teams to compete in solving the 'project'.
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% NOTARYNot One To Assign Rights Yet. Sean Lamb
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% NOTATIONNun Of The Above Tests Idiotic Observations Neurotically Rico Leffanta, who explains: To pass exams, Americans don't need to know the subject, just randomly choose between A, B, C, D, or None of the above. Nun of the Above is my jeu des mots for "Lady Luck". A notation is representative signs or symbols.
100% NOT BAD AT ALLNigh-On The Best Acronym... Do Another, Tony! Angela's Lack Lustre :( Angela Brett, in response to ACRONYMS (8)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% NOTHING MUCHNo One Thing Has Importance Now. Guest May Unexpectedly Cause Happiness Tedium McCoy O'Boredom
Assorted Phrases
100% NOTIONNavigates Own Thought Ideas On Necessities Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% NOVELLNow Our Venture Entirely Loves Linux Sean Lamb (Novell announced that it will purchase SuSE Linux for (US)$210M on Nov 4 2003)
89% NOVEMBERNighttimes Often Vary Extremely, Many Blizzards and Excessive Rainfall Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NOVEMBER (2)Notions Of Violent Events, Monster Bonfires Evoke Reminiscences Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% NOWNo Obvious Waiting Angela Brett
100% NOW (2)No Onerous Waiting! Angela Brett
100% NOW (3)Near Oriented "When" Gavin Lambert
90% NOW WE KNOWNow Original Website Wellspring Explained: Knowledgelessness Nurtures Outlandish Word-construction! Gavin Lambert, in response to LAUGHING OUT LOUD
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% NOXNever Operates Xerography Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
93% NO YES AND MAYBENow Organising Your Expanded Single-word Answers Needs Descriptive Motto, Ample Yet Briefly Exact Tony, when Angela wondered what to call the category at http://apronyms.com/category.php?ID=1985058
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% NSARRAYNSObjects Stored Are Retained/ Released Automatically - Yay! Angela Brett (see http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/macosx/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/ObjC_classic/Classes/NSArray.html)
Computers:Programming:Cocoa:Foundation Classes
100% NSARRAY (2)Numerically Sorted, Appropriate Records Readily Are Yours Angela Brett (see http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/macosx/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/ObjC_classic/Classes/NSArray.html)
Computers:Programming:Cocoa:Foundation Classes
100% NSDICTIONARYNest Several, Datasource! It's Convenient To Inform OutlineView Now, And Return Yarely. Angela Brett (see http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/macosx/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/ObjC_classic/Classes/NSDictionary.html and http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/macosx/Cocoa/Reference/ApplicationKit/ObjC_classic/Classes/NSOutlineView.html)
Computers:Programming:Cocoa:Foundation Classes
100% NSDICTIONARY (2)Name Strings Denote Instances. Collection Takes In Objects, Named And Readily Yours Rob Rix and Angela Brett (see http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/macosx/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/ObjC_classic/Classes/NSDictionary.html)
Computers:Programming:Cocoa:Foundation Classes
100% NSNOTIFICATIONNeed Several Nearby Objects To Indirectly Function In Coalition? Announce The Information On NSNotificationCenter. Angela Brett (see http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/macosx/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/ObjC_classic/Classes/NSNotification.html)
Computers:Programming:Cocoa:Foundation Classes
100% NSSETNo Specific Start / End Things Angela Brett (see http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/macosx/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/ObjC_classic/Classes/NSSet.html)
Computers:Programming:Cocoa:Foundation Classes
100% NSSET (2)Never Stores Something Extra Times Angela Brett (see NSSET)
Computers:Programming:Cocoa:Foundation Classes
100% NSSET (3)Non-Singletons Shouldn't Exist There Angela Brett (see NSSET)
Computers:Programming:Cocoa:Foundation Classes
100% NSSET (4)Never Stores Same Element Twice Angela Brett (see NSSET)
Computers:Programming:Cocoa:Foundation Classes
100% NSSTRINGNeatly Stores Some Text - Remember, It's Nothing Graphical. Angela Brett (NSString is a Cocoa class for storing text strings, without any attributes such as font or size - see http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/macosx/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/ObjC_classic/Classes/NSString.html)
Computers:Programming:Cocoa:Foundation Classes
92% NSTABLEVIEWNever Stores Things, Asks Before Laying Each Visual Interface Element in Window Angela Brett (see http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/macosx/Cocoa/Reference/ApplicationKit/ObjC_classic/Classes/NSTableView.html)
Computers:Programming:Cocoa:Application Kit Classes
100% NSVIEWNearly Simplest Visual Interface Element. Wonderful! Angela Brett (see http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/macosx/Cocoa/Reference/ApplicationKit/ObjC_classic/Classes/NSView.html)
Computers:Programming:Cocoa:Application Kit Classes
100% NTFSNot Trustworthy, Format Soon! Kuroneko, discussing the correct expansion of NTFS, which usually stands for New Technology File System.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% NTFS (2)Never The File Saved Chaironeko, discussing the correct expansion of NTFS, which usually stands for New Technology File System.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% NUDE BEACHNot Undressing Demands Explanation, Bodies Expose Ass-Cheeks Heavenwards Tony McCoy O'Grady, responding to Angela's 'nude genitals' element regarding a crab
100% NUDISTNakedness Usually Doesn't Involve Sexual Thoughts. Angela Brett
People & Relationships
78% NUMBERSNotation Used in Mathematics, Brilliant for Evaluating Riemann Sums. Angela Brett
88% NUMBERS (2)Naming Unending Multiple Begats - Evidence (of) Regular Sex. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% NUMBERS (3)Numb! Useless! My Brain Exudes Real Stupidity! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
89% NUMERICAL METHODSNewton's Useful Method of Estimating Roots, Integrals Calculated Arithmetically, Limits Maybe Evaluated The Hard-way... Omitting Differentials & Such. Angela Brett, upon discovering that a paper she was studying at university entitled 'Differential Equations' was mainly dealing with tedious numerical methods of solving them, and not amazing tricks of calculus.
100% NUMISMATICSNot Unexpectedly, Many Individuals Spend Much Amusement Time In Coin Study. Roger Williams
Sports & Recreation
100% NUNNot Usually Naughty Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% NUNSNever Use Nasty 'Spletives Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% NURSENot Unrespected Retainer - She's Earthy Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Romeo and Juliet
100% NURSEMAIDNanny Using Responsible System Exploring Mental Aptitude In Dumbbells Rico Leffanta
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% NUTHOUSENever Underestimate The Happy, Organised, Urban Spouse's Evening! Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% NUTSNot Usually Totally Sane Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% NUTS!Not Undertaking This Surrender! Roger Williams - Gen. Anthony McAuliffe (101st Airborne Division) replied "Nuts" to a German surrender demand during the Battle of the Bulge in WWII.
80% NUTS (2)Nifty Utilisation of Talented Sluts Acronymous Anonymous
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% NUTS (3)Nestled Underneath Trouser Snake Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% NUTTERSNot Unlikely To Try Expanding Ridiculous Stuff Angela Brett, because that's what we acronymaniacs are.
People & Relationships:Insults
100% NYBSTERNot You, But Short-Trip-Elevator-Rider Tony McCoy O'Grady (Nybster is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'Sort of person who takes the lift to travel one floor.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% NYLONNever Yet Laddered? Oh No! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% NYLON (2)Need Your Lunch? Order Now! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% NYLON (3)Not Yummy - Lots Of Nausea. Angela Brett
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% NYLONSNice Young Lady Of Night's Stockings Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% NYMNo Youthful Mastermind Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Merry Wives of Windsor
100% NYMBLE MINDEDNow You're Mentally Bubbling - Let's Enjoy Mentally Inventing 'Nyms - Delightful Expansions Delivered. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% NYMFORMANIANumerous? Yes - My Frequency Of Referring Means Abbreviated Name In Addresses Tony -- I have a bookmark for this Forum among my browser's addresses. As the site name is too long I shortened it to 'NymFor' and then _saw_ the connection with my favourite mania :-)
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% NYMPHNature: Young Maiden Personifies Her Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
89% NYMSHEETNow You May Scribble Heaps of Excellent Expansions Together! Angela Brett, who had written 'nymsheet' on the top of a piece of paper she was going to write acronyms on.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% NYSNegative Yes Statement Tony McCoy O'Grady
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% NYSTATINNew York Streptomyces Treats A Thrush Infection Now. Angela Brett
100% NZ'Nother Zone Jeff Anonymous, noticing that in New Zealand's timezone it was already Halloween.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% NZ ACRONYMSNow Zey're Apronyms! Creatively Rearranged Original Name, Yet Meaning Similar. Gavin Lambert
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% OAOver-Ate Jeff Anonymous (in reference to Overeaters Anonymous)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Food & Drink
100% OAFOften A Fool Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Insults
100% OAF (2)Oddly Asinine Fellow Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Insults
100% OAF (3)Obnoxious Annoying Fool Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Insults
100% OAKOf Acorns, Kernally TMcCO'G
100% OAK TREEOld Acorn Keeping The Record Evolution Establishes Rico Leffanta
100% OASISOutstanding Albums. Sixties Inspired Singles. Eric Bridgstock
100% OASIS (2)Overcoming Arid Sand Is Sustenance Angela Brett
100% OBADIAHOracular Bard Apocalyptically Denies Israel's Adversaries Hope. Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
100% OBE'Onoured By Elizabeth! Tony McCoy O'Grady (OBE actually stands for Order of the British Empire)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
86% OBERONOversees, By Eye-juice, Reign Of Nonsense Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:A Midsummer Night's Dream
100% OBESEOversized Bodies Exercising Seldom Enough Edwin Hermann
100% OBIOriental Belt's Identifier Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing
100% OBJECTIVE-CObscure, But Just Enough Complexity, Tied Into Very Elegant Classes Paul Marshall
100% OBLIVIOUSObviously Believes Love Is Visible Instead Of Understanding Spirituality Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% OBSCENEObject Bigoted Society Can Excoriate Not Expunge Rico Leffanta
Assorted Adjectives
92% OBSCENITIESOutbursts By Surly Cursers Emote, Never Inform - Those In Earshot [are] Stressed Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness
100% OBSCENITIES (2)Old B*st*rd Starts Cursing Every Night; It's Time I Escaped Somewhere! Patricia Rix
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness
100% OBSESSIVEObstructive Behavior, Stopping Expectations, Side Stepping In Varied Emotions Jan Morgan - it stops the process of completion and creates various Emotions from all involved
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% OBVIOUSOh Brother, View Is Of Usual Situation Jan Morgan
Assorted Adjectives
100% OCEANOverflow Can Evaporate Any Navy Rico Leffanta
100% OCEAN (2)Open Chasm Everyone Always Navigates Jerry Ryan PER Hoboken Elks Lodge #74
100% OCEAN WORDSOne Cannot 'Encapsulate' Atlantic - Not With-Out "Really Deep Sea" Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% OCR'Ow Computers Read Angela Brett (OCR usually stands for Optical Character Recognition)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% OCR (2)Our Computer 'Reads' Tony McCoy O'Grady (see OCR)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% OCTAVIUS CAESAROutstandingly Cool Tactician - A Victory Is Ultimately Secured - Commands Army's Esteem, Submission And Respect Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Julius Caesar
100% OCTOBEROften Chilly, Then One Brings Extra Raiment Tony McCoy O'Grady, who lives in the northern hemisphere.
88% OCTOBER (2)Onset (of) Crepuscular Twilight Obviously Begins Earlier, Remember Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ODBCOne Doesn't Buy Connectivity Sean Lamb (ODBC usually stands for Open Database Connectivity)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% ODDESTOur Dearly Demented's Extremely Strange Thinking TMcCO'G
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% ODDEST (2)Often Directly Divisible, Excepting (Surely) Twos TMcCO'G
100% ODIEOne Dog Is Enough! Angela Brett, referring to the dog in the Garfield comics.
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
Names:Pet Names
100% ODOUROur Deodorant's Obviously Un-Reliable Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% OF COURSEOur Famous Charter Obliges Urgent Requirement - Succinct Expansion! Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela asked if a poster on the forums was obliged to expand something which was in capitals.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% OFFICEObfuscated File Format Is Common Everywhere Sean Lamb (even though the data format of MS-Office documents is exceptionally hidden, they have become a de-facto standard)
100% OFFICE OF EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSEOfficially, Firefighters Fail In Containing Engulfing Orange Flames; Especially Major Events. Research Gathered Explains, "Near Catastrophes, Yelling Produces Reduced Efficiency." Primarily, And Regarding Extreme Disasters, Normally Everyone Suffers Sprains And Nausea During Real Emergency Situations. Police Offer Needed Security Everywhere. Kenny Roy
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% OFFICEROne Fine Fellow Is Courtroom Employed Representative Sean Lamb (I haven't met a member of law enforcement that I didn't get along with yet)
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% OFF MASS SHELLOnly For Fleeting Moments, As Sufficient Strength Shouldn't Have Existed. Living Large! Angela Brett (a particle which is 'off mass shell' has a different amount of energy from what would normally be required to produce it. Like living large off a credit card, it doesn't last very long.)
93% OFF-TRACK JOKESOccasional Flights of Fancy, Truly Rollicking Always Cause Knee-Jerk Outbursts. Keeps Enhancing Suspense. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% O FOR THE JOYS OF PARENTHOODOh Fiddlesticks. Over Run Tonylet... Hit European Jalopey. Overall, Youth Survived, 'Owever, Flattened. Perhaps Another Reason Exclaiming 'Need The Helmet'? Optional? Oah Dunthinkso. Jeff Anonymous (Tonylet suggested by Angela Brett) in response to CYCLISTS SHOULD BE CAREFUL
86% OGLINGObvious Gleeful Leering at Indecent Naked Girlies Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
80% OGRE'Orrible Giant, Repulsive Eating-habits Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
100% OHOutraged Horror Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% OH (2)Optimistic Happiness Tony McCoy O'Grady, just to confuse those who think he means Outraged Horror! :-)
100% OH, FOR GOD'S SAKE!Oh, How Friggin' Obvious! Really Getting Over Done. Stop Sharing Asinine Knowledge Endlessly. Angela Brett, during another annoyingly slow lecture.
Education:Slow Teaching
100% OHIOOccupations Have Industry Opportunities Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% OIOver, Izzit? Jeff Anonymous, when Angela capitalised OI. This one is best understood if you look at the 'Illiterations' thread on the Acronyms forums, at http://www.co.nz/cgi/forums/list.cgi?id=acronyms&user=&session=&root=984136095
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% OILOh, It Lubricates! Roger Williams
Household Objects
100% OKAYOtherwise Known As 'Yes' Angela Brett
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% OKLAHOMAOf Knowledge, Learn An Honest Occupation, Make Available Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% OLD AGEOne's Looks Decline After Geriatricity Emerges Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% OLDBIEOh, Like, Duh! Blasted Ignorant Enquiries! Angela Brett, summarising the responses to newbie questions of some of the 'oldbies' on the Cocoa-dev mailing list. Others are more helpful.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% OLDBIE (2)Often Lauded Dinosaur, Being Inexplicably Experienced Jeff Anonymous
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% OLDBIESOut, Learner Dumb*ss! Because I'm Entirely Superior. Angela Brett (see OLDBIE)
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% OLD FARTOften Lingering Dreadfully From A Rumbling Tummy TMcCO'G - seeing another meaning to the expression
100% OLD FART (2)Of Longlost Days - Frequently A Reactionary Twit TMcCO'G - who is probably becoming one
People & Relationships:Insults
100% OLD LADYOrgan Loves Donors! Libido Activated! Display Yourself! Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% OLD MACDONALDOctogenarian Likes Directing Many Animals: Cows, Dogs, Owls, Nannygoats And Loud Donkeys Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Nursery Rhymes
100% OLDTONOften Loved Digital Toy, Once New(ton) Angela Brett, thinking of a name for her newly acquired, but old, Newton.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% OLGAOh Leave Girls Alone! Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% OLIVEOsmonds' Lives Involve Victorious Endeavors Jan Morgan
Names:Famous people
100% OLIVE (2)Offers Love In Vital Endeavors Jan Morgan
Names:First names
86% OLIVEROrlando's Life-saving Intervention Vigorously Effects Reconciliation Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's As You Like It
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:As You Like It
100% OLIVER (2)Outstanding Lyrics In Vaguely Entertaining Romp. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% OLYMPICSOld Ladies, Young Men, Performing In Competitive Sport Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
100% OLYMPICS (2)Other Locations Yet May Partake, It's Currently Sydney. Edwin Hermann
Sports & Recreation
80% OMANOil-rich, Monarchic, Arab Nation. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% O MA OW! MA+CHILD! MAN & CHILD THRIVE ON BREAST LOVE!"One Man And One Woman" = "Marriage." A Child Habitually Involve Lots Dollars/Demands! "Marriage" = "Affirmation, Nurturing, Communication/Commitment/Cooperation/Consecration Happiness/Holiness, Incomparable Love, Devotion/Diligence, Trust/Tenacity, Home, Relation, Integrity, Virtue, Education, Oneness, Natural Beauty! Really Elevates & Affirms Society! Truth!" Love Organic Vegan Edibles! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. (O MA OW refers to pregnancy) 'Marriage Protection Week' was October 12-18, 2003 in the USA. Part of push for an amendment to the US constitution to define 'Marriage is a union of one man with one woman.' APRONYM INSPIRED by the most powerful broadcasts I have heard! The program 'Focus on the Family' airs four times weekdays on WAVA 105.1 FM (from Northern Virginia, USA). At family.org listen to the two-day series for ÊThursday 16 October & Friday 17 October 2003.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% OMASTAROwner Made Ancient Spiral Train... Alterations Resulted. Angela Brett. (Omastar is Pokemon #139)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% OMASTAR (2)Once Merely Archeological Specimen... Transformed And Reanimated! Angela Brett (Omastar is Pokemon #139)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% OMENObvious Memorable Event, Necromancy Jan Morgan
100% OMNIWEBOn Macintosh/ NeXTStep, It Will Enhance Browsing. Angela Brett
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
88% ONANISMOrganising Nativity's A No-no, If So Manipulated Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% ONANISM (2)Objects Normally Aren't Nuns... Isn't 'Semenary', Mate! Steve Keate and Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
88% ON A ROLLOutpouring of New Acronyms Regardless Of Limited Lexis Angela Brett, when she thought up a whole lot of acronyms during a lecture, while she didn't have her thesaurus with her.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ON A ROLL (2)One New Acronym -- Randomly Ordered Lyrical Language Gavin Lambert
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ONCE AND FUTURE KINGOversea, Never, Created Era. Arthur Never Dominated. Fiction, Untrue. Terribly Unreal. Really Evil Konspiracy. Is No Good. Jeff Anonymous
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% ONCE IN A WHILEOccasionally - Not Consecutively, Erratic In Nature And Without Having Identifiable Lapse Episodes Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% ONEOdd, Not Even Angela Brett
100% ONE + ONE = TWOOne (Natural Extender) + One (Nine - Eight) = Two (Wedded ==> " One") Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Two (Wedded ==> " One"): Marriage
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% ONE (2)Odd Natural Enumerator Angela Brett
100% ONE (3)One! Negative Even! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% ONE (4)One! Natural Elevator/Empathiser! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% ONE (5)One! Next Escalate! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% ONE (6)Over Nil/Negatives Exactly! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% ONE (7)Obviously No Extras Angela Brett
100% ONE MOREOh No, Even More Overly Ridiculous Effluent. Blair, on hearing that he only needed to do one more acronym to get on the hall of fame.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ONE STOP TESTING SOLUTIONSOfficials Need Every Single Thing Operating Perfectly? Then Enter Super Testers Incorporated's Nice Gleaming Station. Our Labourers Undertake Technical Inspections Of No Specificity. Angela Brett, thinking that one-stop testing solutions would have to be able to test anything and everything, and would perhaps have designed a single, extremely generalised test. They would, therefore, probably not test any particular thing very well.
Assorted Phrases
96% ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NINE, TEN, ELEVEN, TWELVE, THIRTEEN, FOURTEEN, FIFTEEN, SIXTEEN, SEVENTEEN, EIGHTEEN, NINETEEN, TWENTYOriginal Numerical Enumerators, This Way Onwards, They Haven't Reached (an) End, Even From Operating Useful Reckoning-machines, Furtherance Is Very Easy, Sufficiently Increase 'X" So Eliminating Virtually Every Number, Eternity Is Generally Hopeless Thought, Now Infinity Never Ends, (the) Thought Exceeds Numbers.... Ekeing Lengthens & Extends Value, (an) Extra Number! This Would Exceed Last Value Enumerated. To Hasten Infinity-Reaching, Try Expanding Elementary Numbers. First Off, Use Ready-reckoner To Extend Existing Notation - For Instance, Find The Epistasis Ending Number. So Infinity XtendsÉ The Extremity Eludes Numeration... Seemingly Endless, Valuation Evidently Never To End. Even NumbersÉ Escalation Is Generally Handy To Execute, Eight... Nine... Numbers I Normally Expect... Ten... Eleven... Ever Nearer... This Will End Now, Thank You. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Ridiculously long apronyms
100% ONLY USE IN NO CHANCE TO SURVIVE MORTALCOMBATOne New Little Yare Use Stating Enemy Is Naming Names! Obnoxious! "Charles Howard" And Near Cousins! Extremely Terrifying! Opt: Sentences Using Real Verbs Invade Victoriously! Escalate Memorisation Of Real Terrifying Animals! Lions! Cats! Operatingsystems! Mouses! Bats! Anacondas! Termites! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. (see FAIL SAFE!
100% ON/OFF SWITCHOwners Need Occasional Forewarning For Shunning What Isn't To Cure Hunger. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% ONOMATOPOEIAOriginal Noise Obviously Mandates Alphabetical Text Ordered Phonetically; Openly Encapsulating Intended Allusion Gavin Lambert
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% ONTARIOOur Northern Trees Appear Reddish In October Patricia Rix
Places:States & Regions
100% ON THE LAWOne Night They Had Extra Labor And Wages Sean Lamb (A train crew is "on the law" when they have exceeded their allowed work time between rest periods)
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% OOHS AND AHSOldies Ogling Huggable Sprog: Apathetic Neonate Dribbles, 'Awww, How Sweet...' Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
100% OOPOne Odious Paradigm Sean Lamb (OOP = Object Oriented Programming)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% OOP (2)Outperforming Older Programs Sean Lamb (OOP = Object Oriented Programming)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% OOSOut Of Service Angela Brett (OOS usually stands for Occupational Overuse Syndrome)
100% OPERATING SYSTEM TENOverhauled Procedures Ensure Reliability - Although This Isn't Necessary Generally. Simple Yet Stylish - This Extends Macintosh Theory.... Excitement & Novelty! Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to Mac OS X.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% OPHELIAOur Pathetic Heroine Ends Life In Anguish Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark
100% OPINIONOne Person's Interpretation... Not Incorrect, Only Nonconforming. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% OPPOSITEOther Ponies Pooping On Someone's Immaculate Trojan Exhibition Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% OPRAHOvertly Personable Rich American Host Eric Bridgstock
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
100% OPRAH (2)Outgoing Personality Regales American Heartland Tony McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
100% OPRAH WINFREYOther People Relate Awful Happenings; What If None Found Religion Except You? Rico Leffanta
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
100% OPSObstacles Produce Strength Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% OPTICALOur Pupils Take In Colours And Light Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% OPTICAL DRIVEOne-Piece To Inscribe CDs And Load DVD-ROMs, I'm Very Envious Angela Brett, referring to DVD-ROM/CD-RW combo drives.
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% ORACLEObfuscation-Rich Announcements - Clarity's Lacking Everytime Tony McCoy O'Grady (Oracles never called a spade a spade, and their announcements were always open to misinterpretation)
100% ORACLE (2)Online Resource Assisting Clinical Learning/ Education Tony McCoy O'Grady (see DETECTIVE)
Computers:Internet:VA Data Acquisition
86% ORANGEOften Related to Apple, Nectarine, Grape Etcetera. Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% ORANGE (2)Ordinary Refreshment; Alton Notes, 'Good Eats!' Sean Lamb (Alton Brown is the host of my favorite cooking show right now, 'Good Eats')
Food & Drink
100% ORANGESOne's Refreshing Awakener Needs Gentle Extra Squeeze Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% ORBOne Round Ball Angela Brett
100% ORCHARDOld Remote Castle, Heroes' Abode, Romantically Derelict Tony McCoy O'Grady
MacGirl & KeyBoard
100% ORCHESTRAOur Regular Concert Hall Ensemble Seems To Require Artistes Tony McCoy O'Grady, as an example of something which is worse with NO STRINGS ATTACHED (Wind, Percussion and Strings)
86% ORCHIDOften (a) Rare, Cherished Hybrid Incites Desire Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ORCSOverwhelmingly Revolting, Cadaverous Scaries Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% ORDER OF THE ARROWObligation Ritual Deems Existence Responsibilities Offerings Founded, Traditions Help Everyone Achieve Recommendations Ranking Of Want Jan Morgan -- Scout honor society to exemplify Scout oath and laws to want to serve recommendations required to enter society and advancement
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% ORDUREOmnivorous Recyclings Dumped Under Rear Evacuations Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% OREGONOriginal Route Engaged, Greatly Opened Nation Jan Morgan - Oregon Trail was an important route to settlers
Places:States & Regions
100% ORGANOutputs Really Grand Acoustic Noise Eric Bridgstock
100% ORGANICOrganic: Resourcefully Grown And Not Involving Chemicals! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Food & Drink
100% ORGANIC (2)Organicvegans' Resource: Generate/Greatest "Apronyms" = "Neat Internal Codes!" Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% ORGANIC HERBOur Rogues Grow A New Investment Crop, Harvesting Each Reader's Balance Angela Brett, in response to some spam on the Apronyms Forums by a company with that name.
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% ORGANISEOrganicvegans Realize God. Advance Neighbors. Innovatively Save Enemies! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Food & Drink
100% ORGANIZEOne Really Gains Advantages Now I've Zeroed Everything TMcCO'G
Assorted Verbs
80% ORGYOne Raucous Group of Youths Sean Lamb
People & Relationships
100% ORIONOften Resplendent In Our Nightsky Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ORLANDOOften Remote, Lets Arden's Nature Develop Obsession Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's As You Like It
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:As You Like It
100% ORLISTATObesity Reduction Lies In Swallowing Tablets And Training. Angela Brett (Orlistat being a weight-loss drug.)
80% ORNAMENTOrnate Relic Newly Acquired by Museum is Eventually National Treasure. Angela Brett
Household Objects
86% ORNATEOrnamentally Rich in Nice And Traditional Engravings Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% ORPHEUSOrgan Recitals Present Heroic Efforts Under Stress Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
100% OSAMAOrchestrated Suicide Air Missions, Allegedly Angela Brett, referring to OSAMA BIN LADEN
Names:Famous people
Military:War & Terrorism
100% OSAMA BIN LADENOne Saudi Arabian Masterminded Airplane Blitz In Newyork - Letting America Drop Explosives Nightly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people
Military:War & Terrorism
100% OSBASTONOne Should Beware A Seven-Times-Over Nincompoop Tony McCoy O'Grady (Osbaston is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'A point made for the seventh time to somebody who insisits that they know exactly what you mean but clearly hasn't got the faintest idea.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% OSCAROne Slob Can Accumulate Rubbish Jan Morgan, referring to the Sesame Street monster
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% OSCAR WILDEOpinionated, Self-Centred, Awful Rogue Wittily Invented Lovingly Designed Epigrams Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Writers
100% OSHOne Sore Hand Angela Brett (someone from Occupational Safety & Health came to my work to look at people's workstations and tell us how to reduce the risk of OOS. After following her directions on how to use the mouse for the rest of the day, I had a sore wrist.)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% OSH (2)Only Sarcastically 'Helpful' Angela Brett
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% OSMIDROSISOne Shower Monthly Isn't Decent... Remember, Our Sweat Is Smelly! Angela Brett
100% OSMIUMOverly Solid Metal, Is Usually Mixed Angela Brett. (Osmium is very dense and is mainly used in alloys)
86% OSMIUM (2)Offensive Smell Maker - It's Used in Measurement. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% OSMONDSObtained Success Musically Of Novel Demand, Seventies Jan Morgan -- unusual musical talent enjoyed by those who loved them in the seventies and beyond
100% OSSETTOrnate Spare Secretes Extra Toilet Tissue Tony McCoy O'Grady (Ossett is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'A frilly spare-toilet-roll-cosy.')
Household Objects
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% OSTIOver-Sized Titties Inside Angela Brett, after seeing an ad for Osti bras, which come in larger sizes than usual.
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% OSTRACIZEOrder Someone To Run Away 'Cause Its Zone Evaporated Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
86% OSWALDOnce Shot (from) Window And Leader Died Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people
100% OS XOur System's Xciting. Tony McCoy O'Grady, after Angela installed Mac OS X.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% OTHELLOOn Treacherous Hearsay Evidence, Lover Loses Out Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Othello
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Othello
0% OTHER END UP*Potential Users - Do Not Eat! Rough Edges Hurt The Oesophagus Tony McCoy O'Grady, making an honest expansion out of the 'Do Not Eat' subcategory of 'Computers'.
Computers:Do Not Eat
91% OTOROHANGAOver To One's Right One Half-km Ahead's North-Going Alternative. Angela Brett, on seeing a sign in Otorohanga saying that there was an alternative Northward route 400 or 500 metres ahead on the right.
Places:Towns & Cities:New Zealand
40% OTTOOne Toke, Then O-n-w-a-r-d-s Tony McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% OUAIS'Oui' Uttered As Informal Sound Angela Brett ('ouais' is one way of spelling the French equivalent of 'yeah')
Science:Linguistics:French Words
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% OUNGAHOddly Unpronounceable Name Given A Hamlet Patricia Rix
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% OUTDOOR LEARNING SKILLSOn Unfamiliar Terrain, Don't Overestimate Own Real-Life Experience... Adventure Roleplaying Night Is Not Good Solid Knowledge If Lost, Lonely, Shivering. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Advice
Sports & Recreation
100% OUTHOUSEOff Underwear, Then Heave Out Undeniably Stinky Excreta. Angela Brett
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% OUTLAWSOld Uncles Talking Laughingly About Wayward Sisters Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% OUT OF HEREOnce Under That Old Fence, He'll Evasively Run East Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% OVERBOARDOutrageous Voyage Enables Romance Between Outrageous Adults Romantically Deprived Rico Leffanta
100% OVERHEADOne's Viewers Engage & React, Having Eyeballed A Diagram Tony (Overhead projectors made presentations much easier to assimilate for the audience in a conference/school)
100% OVERHEAD (2)Obscured Visuals Effectively Reduce How Everyone Appreciates Diagram Tony (It only takes one person to stand and block out the presentation)
100% OVERHEAD (3)Optical Viewer's Expensive - Resources Have Entered A Deficit Tony (Overhead projectors don't often get as much use as imagined when they were being argued for)
100% OVERWORKEDOne's Very Extended (Regularly Working Overtime) Really Knackered Every Day Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% OWEN SOUNDOntario's Wonderful Escarpment Neatly Surrounds Our Undeniably Nice Downtown Patricia Rix, saying: It is the most beautiful city, geographically, in all S. Ontario, with the old section nestled in the valley at the river's mouth, the escarpment providing dramatic beauty and a natural windbreak and green space, and the newer malls and car lots up on the top where you can't see them.
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% OWLOverhead When Lightless Gavin Lambert and Angela Brett
100% OWLSOn Wing, Like Seagulls Angela Brett
100% OWLS (2)Ornithologists Will Lack Sleep Angela Brett
100% OWLS (3)Occult Wings Lift Silently Patricia Rix
100% OWLS (4)Old Wise Learned Souls Mick Bridgstock
100% OWNEROnce Whispers Now Embodied Reality Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% OXYGENObviously Xeric, Yet Greatly Essential Necessity. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% OYSTEROh Yes! Sexy Tingling Excitement Results Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% OYSTER (2)Ohhh Yeahhhh... Shellfish That Exaggerates Randiness Angela Brett, trying for the last 'O' entry.
Food & Drink
100% OZONEOcean Zephyrs - Our Noses Enchanted Tony McCoy O'Grady
91% OZONE LAYEROur Zoology's On (k)-Nife Edge Lately, All Year Exhaust Reduction. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PAPaternal Ancestor Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Family
100% PA (2)Paternal Android Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Family
100% PACERPrecursive Athlete Can Enliven Runner Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% PACIFICPalms, Atolls, Castaways, Inspiration For Imaginative Children Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PACKAGINGProperly, A Carton Keeps All Goods Inside Neatly Grouped Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% PACKAGING (2)Presentation Acknowledges Consumers Know All Glitz Is Necessarily Gold Melanie Merswolke
Assorted Nouns
100% PACKAGING (3)Paper And Cardboard - Keep Away - 'Glitz' Is Needless Garbage! Tony McCoy O'Grady, after reading PACKAGING (2) and saying that the environmentally aware might prefer something a bit more conservative.
Assorted Nouns
100% PACKRATITISPerson Accumulating Crap; Keeps Really Ancient Things Indefinitely, Taking Infinite Storage. Gavin Lambert, explaining why he has so many old computers.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% PACMANPositively A Classic Macversion Available Now Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Games:Game Characters
100% PACTProsper And Collect Taxes Rico Leffanta
100% PADDLEPropel A Dugout During Liquid Escapade Tony McCanoe O'Grady
100% PADDYParticularly Angry , Don't Destroy Yourself Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% PAGANSPray - And Get Afterlife's Necessities Secured Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% PAGANS (2)Please Accept God As New Saviour Angela Brett
100% PAGANS (3)Preaching Alternate Gods, All Naive Sinners Angela Brett
100% PAIGEPart Angel, In Godless Episodes Angela Brett (Paige is a part-angel, part-witch character in the TV series 'Charmed'. I expect that the show would be labelled 'Godless' by some religious zealots because of the witches and other supernatural creatures in it, so it's interesting that it should have angels.)
Names:First names:Female
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% PAINPrescribe Anaesthetic, It'll Numb. Angela Brett
80% PAIN (2)Pulsations At Irritated Nerve-ending Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PAIN (3)Palpitations Ache In Neglect Jan Morgan
100% PAINTPalate Assaulted, It's Not Tasty Steve Keate
Food & Drink
100% PAINT (2)Pleasing And Incredibly Nutritious. Truely. Steve Keate, balancing his negative PAINT expansion after reading Tony's GLOSS etc.
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
100% PAIN (TWO) (ONE)Parentheses Activate Interesting Novelty That We Only Occasionally Need Encounter Tony McCoy O'Grady, when he began a forum thread called 'PAIN (2)' but since there was one post in the thread, it was displayed in the thread list as 'PAIN (2) (1)'
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% PAISLEYPerfect, Although It's Small... Like Embryo / Young Angela Brett, who went to Paisley, Ontario, to meet the Rixes.
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% PAKISTANPopulous As Karachi Is, Still Truly Agricultural Nation. Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% PAKISTAN (2)Persecutions Absolutely Known, India Separated into Two Asian Nations. Roger Williams
100% PALPeace At Last unknown origin - actually stands for Phase Alteration Line. Referring to the US/Europe TV standards war.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% PALAMONPally Allegiance Lumbered After Maiden's Openly Noted Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's (and/or John Fletcher's) The Two Noble Kinsmen
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Two Noble Kinsmen
100% PALESTINEPlease, All... Let's End Schismatic Terrorism (Israel's No Exception!) Angela Brett
Military:War & Terrorism
100% PALINDROMEPut All Letters In New Direction Reverse Or Mirror Effect Apronymous Anonymous
Words & Wordplay
92% PALINDROMESPalindromes Amazing! (Letters of Information / Notice Digits) Read Opposite: Message Exactly Same! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay
90% PALLADIUMPallas Athene Linked. Light Alloy in Dentistry, It's Un-Magnetic. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PALMPeople Analyse Lines Mystically Angela Brett
100% PALM DATABASEPerhaps... Angela Likes Mobile Data, And The Acronyms Belong At Sides Everywhere! Angela Brett, when someone searched for Palm Database on the Acronyms website. Perhaps the searcher was wondering if the acronyms were available in some kind of database format for Palm OS handheld computers. They aren't, but if I knew how to I wouldn't mind making them available that way.
100% PALM DATABASE (2)Portable And Little, My Digital Assistant's The Absolute Best - Although Somewhat Expensive Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PALM DATABASE (3)Predictions Are Logged, Making Divinations Available To All. Browse And Spot Errors. Angela Brett - Perhaps mystics keep records of all their predictions so they can check up on them later and see if they were right... or maybe just for examples to show learning palm readers.
100% PALM DATABASE (4)Predictions Are Like Men: Dumb And Tiresome - And Basically A Silly Exercise Tony McCoy O'Grady, after reading PALM DATABASE (3) and noting that Palmists are nearly always female.
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% PALM DATABASE (5)Practising Arborists Learn Much, Devouring All Teaching About Breeds And Species Etc. Angela Brett
100% PALMSPredict A Life, Mystics Say Angela Brett
100% PALM TREESPretty, A Large Mature Tree, Regions Elevates Elements, Sunshine Jan Morgan - Elevates Elements = Raised Weather temperatures
100% PALOMINOPlanning Another Launch, One Manufacturer Is Now Online Sean Lamb (Palomino was AMD's code name for their Athlon line of processors)
Computers:Generic Hardware
Names:Code Names
100% PALSPersonable And Likeable Soulmates Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% PALTRYPathetic Amount, Likely To Revolt You Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% PALTRY (2)Puny Allotment Leaves The Recipient Yearning Melanie Merswolke
Assorted Adjectives
100% PALTRY (3)Piddling Amount - Less Than Required - Yuck! Patricia Rix
Assorted Adjectives
100% PANAMAPlease Attack Noriega And Make Amends joybutton (not his real name *grin*)
100% PANAMA (2)Pick A Number And Move Aside joybutton
100% PANAMA (3)Perhaps America's Narcotics Agents Messed About. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PANDAParticular About Native Diet, Apparently Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PANGAMYPromiscuity Amongst No-Good Adults Made You! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% PANICPeople Act Nonsensically In Crisis Angela Brett, 35 minutes before the deadline of a group PROJECT.
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% PANIC (2)People Are Now Imitating Chickens Angela Brett, when the server on which the Apronyms site is hosted was accidentally deleted. Luckily not many headless chicken impersonations were performed, as I had backups of almost everything.
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% PANTHERProwls Around Nature Trails, Heartily Enjoying Raccoons Tony McCoy O'Grady
88% PANTHER (2)Panther: A New Thing in His Evil Reign Acronymous Anonymous (presumably referring to the release of MAC OS X after JAGUAR
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% PANTHER (3)People All Need To Have Expose, Right? Angela Brett ('Expose' is one of the new features in Mac OS X 10.3, code-named 'Panther')
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% PANTHER (4)Please Add No Translations, Have Extra Room Angela Brett (most people will benefit from not installing all the languages in Mac OS X 10.3 Panther, as they take up extra disk space and installation time.)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% PANTHER (5)Panicked Angela Needs Technical Help, Everything's Ruined! Angela Brett, who eventually had to do a clean install of Panther after having problems with the normal installation.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% PANTIESPair Always Neatly Threaded Into Equivocal Single Rico Leffanta
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% PANTIES (2)Pulled Away, Naked Twat Is Exposed Sensationally Rico Leffanta
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% PANTIES (3)Protection Against Nighttime Temptation Into Erotic Session Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% PANZERProbably Australia-New Zealand Emergency Refreshment Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% PAPABEARPauses Aren't Particularly Annoying Because Exponential Assignment's Rough. Angela Brett, while typing to someone called PapaBear on IRC, not minding his long pauses because she was also working on an assignment involving infinite exponentials.
100% PAPERPrecious And Passionate Emerging Romance Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the paper (1st) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% PAPER (2)Parchment Advances Produced Economical Replacement Tony Moore
Household Objects
100% PAP SMEARPrecaution Against Papilloma - Some Must Endure A Retest. Angela Brett, after reading http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99992601
100% PAPUA NEW GUINEAParts Are Primitive - Uplanders Almost Never Encounter Westerners. Generally Upland Inhabitants Not Economically Active. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PARACHUTEPersons Abandoning Rushing Aircraft Can Hurtle Uncomfortably To Earth Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation:Parachuting
100% PARACHUTE JUMPINGPeople Aboard Racing Aircraft Can Hear Umpteen Terrified Exiters Judiciously Uttering Many Prayers - I Need God! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation:Parachuting
100% PARADESPublic's Annual Routine Anticipates Day, Event Strolling Jan Morgan
Time:Special Occasions
100% PARAGUAYPolitically A Republic After Government Under Army Yoke. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PARALLEL LINESPartings Are Rigidly Applied, Logical Legalities Exclude Lines Lurching Into Nexus - Eternally Separated Tony McCoy O'Grady, who always wondered why concentric circles do not qualify as 'parallel'.
100% PARAMEDICPatients At Roadside Are Medicated, Eventually Doctors Intervene Clinically Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% PARAMEDIC (2)Provides Assistance (Road Accident) / (Medical Emergency) & Delivers Into Casualtyward Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
90% PARAMETERPrograms Always Require A Method of Ensuring True & Efficient Running Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PARASCENDINGPerson (And Rope And Speedboat) Can Elevate Nicely, Drifting If Not Gliding Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation:Parachuting
94% PARETO PRINCIPLEPerhaps A Ratio's Erroneous - That One Perceived Result Is Not Completely In Proportion (to) Less Effort Tony McCoy O'Grady (see PRINCIPLE)
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% PARISPeople Always Remember Iron Structure Eric Bridgstock
Places:Towns & Cities
100% PARIS (2)Perfume Always Rejuvenates Innate Sensuality Rico Leffanta
Places:Towns & Cities
100% PARIS (3)Perhaps Apple's Redesigning Its System? Sean Lamb (Paris was Apple's code name for the Macintosh II)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
Names:Code Names:Apple
83% PARIS (4)Philosophers, Artists, Restaurants and Iconic Structures Eric Bridgstock
Places:Towns & Cities
100% PARKPut Away Resting Kart Angela Brett
100% PARK (2)Playground Amuses Rowdy Kindergarteners Angela Brett
100% PARK (3)Playground Amuses Restless Kids Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PARK (4)Playing Achieves Recreation, Kids Jan Morgan & Remington Morgan
Sports & Recreation
100% PARLIAMENTPoliticians Are Rogues Living In A Mendacious Environment, Never Trustworthy! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PAROLLESPromises Are Regularly Overturned - Little Loyalty Ever Shown Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:All's Well That Ends Well
100% PARSERProgrammed Algorithm Reading Sentences, Expressions, Runes Gavin Lambert
83% PARTYPatronage-wise, Altscape Reached Thousand... Yay! Angela Brett, when the ALTSCAPE team were planning a party to celebrate having over a thousand users.
Time:Special Occasions
100% PASCALPressure And Stress Calculations Are Lengthy Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PASSING TIMEPausing As Seconds Slide Into Nothing, Going Toward Inevitable Mind's-End Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% PASSIONPerhaps A Shabby Sensation Indicating Onerous Needs Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Emotions
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% PASSIVE SMOKINGPeople Around Smokers Should Indicate Vehement Exceptions! Secondary Mischief Often Kills Innocent Non-Gaspers Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PASSWORDPick Alphanumeric Symbols, Sans Words Of Reputable Dictionaries. Angela Brett
100% PASSWORD (2)People Actually Seem Stupid Working Outside Required Directives Dundee
100% PASSWORD (3)Private And Secret Spelling Which Operator Requires -- Damn Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PASSWORD (4)Perhaps A Security System Which Often Restricts Doorways Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% PASTAParboil, Add Sauce - That's All! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% PAST AND PRESENTPrevious And Subsequent Times Are Naturally Distinguished - Previous's Remembering, Experiencing's Subsequent. Extempore, Now's Then. Angela Brett, who wishes she could think of a better word than 'Subsequent'
100% PASTEPictures And Simple Text Entered Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% PASTORPerson Advocating Sensible Terms of Organised Restriction Mary Carr
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% PASTRYPick Another Strudel To Rejuvinate Yourself Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink
100% PATCHESPretty Active Tabby Cat Hums Ever Sweetly Jan Morgan
Names:Pet Names
100% PATENTPrior Art Treated Egregiously, Not Trusted Sean Lamb (the patent office is called to terms by the W3C with prior art on Eolas's web embedding patent)
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% PATENT (2)Patent Application Truthful? Eolas Needs Tutoring Sean Lamb (the patent office is called to terms by the W3C with prior art on Eolas's web embedding patent)
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% PATHETICPeople Against The Hypothesis Earth Travels In Circles Rico Leffanta
Assorted Adjectives
100% PATHOLOGYPerusing A Tissue'e Health (Or Lack) Of Geriatrics & Youths Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% PATIENCEPostage Across Timezones Is Exceptionally Non-fast. Check Everyday. Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela was impatient to find out what Tony had put in with her MacAddict, when sending it back after a loan.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% PATRICIAParenting All Those Rixes Ideally, Caused Inopportune Ageing? Tony McCoy O'Grady (At times all parents feel prematurely aged!)
100% PATRICIA (2)Parenting All Those Rixes Is Creditable Intellectual Achievement George Rix
100% PATRICIA (3)Parenting And Training Rixes Is Creator's Inspired Assignment George Rix
100% PATRICIA (4)Piety And Temperance Remain Incontrovertible Characteristics, Inducing Apathy Patricia Rix
100% PATRICIA (5)Patricia And Tony: Rivals In Creating Interesting Acronyms Patricia Rix
89% PATRICIA (6)Patently Aggravated (by) Tony's Really Incorrect Characterization Involving Age! Patricia Rix (in response to PATRICIA)
100% PATRICIA (7)Particularly Artistic Temperament Results In Creating Incredible Acronyms Patricia Rix and Rob Rix
100% PATRICIA (8)Place Acronyms, Then Rhymes, Into Cereal Illegal Activities. Angela Brett
100% PATRICIA (9)Particularly Attracted To Roguish Irishman's Careful, Imaginative Acronyms Patricia Rix
100% PATRICIA (10)Pets And Toys Really Interest Child Inside Adult Patricia Rix
100% PATRICIA (11)Placename Acronyms Tackled Regularly - Is Clan Intensely Acronymic Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% PATRICIA (12)Pansies Are Tasteless, Really Intended (to) Create Instant Atmosphere Patricia Rix (I am, of course, referring to the pansies which pretentious restaurants-in-hotels put on your plate along with your scanty serving of hors d'oeuvres to justify the inflated price.)
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% PATRICKPicked A Trefoil, Religiously Instructing Celtic King Tony McCoy O'Grady - Saint Patrick is reputed to have used a shamrock to show the three-in-one nature of the Holy Trinity to an Irish king
100% PATRIOTPerson Acclaiming Territorial 'Romance' Is Often Terrorist Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
Military:War & Terrorism
80% PATTERNSPhi-curves And Theta-curves Twisting Elegantly Round Netted Surfaces Angela Brett, during a lecture mentioning spherical co-ordinates in UNIVERSITY CALCULUS class.
100% PATTIPotatoes And Turnips Taste Incredible Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% PATTONPicture About Truly Terrifying Officer - No? Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% PATTY BOUVIERPestering Auto-Test Triers, You Brook One Unfulfilled Vaunted Infatuation - Enchanting Richard-dean-anderson Tony McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% PAULProbably An Undersized Lad Angela Brett, because according to http://www.surebaby.com/page67.html, the name Paul means 'small'.
Names:First names:Male
100% PAUL (2)Pathetic Adult Used Lust Jan Morgan - Someone I know
Names:First names:Male
100% PAULAPlease Act Ultimately Like Adult Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% PAUPERPoor And Unfortunate Person - Evidently Ravenous Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% PAUSEPlainly A Uniquely Short Easement Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PAYCHEQUEPlease Accept You Can't Have Everything - Quite Unstable Economy. Angela Brett
100% PAYCHEQUE (2)Please, As Your Credit Has Expired, Quit Undue Extravagance! Patricia Rix
100% PAYDAYPerfect, As Your Debts Arrived Yesterday! Angela Brett
100% PAYROLLPlease Accept Your Raise (Or Lowering) Lief. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% PCPlastic Crap Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% PC (2)Pathetic Creation Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% PC (3)Passable Calculators Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% PC (4)Poor Compromises Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% PC (5)Piss Can Dustan Dowsing
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% PC (6)Please Crush! Steve Keate
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% PC (7)Persistently Crashes Angela Brett
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
67% PC (8)Piece of Crap Gavin Shapiro
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% PCI-EPurchasing Computers In Excess Sean Lamb (PCI-E is an acronym for a new graphics bus, the PCI Express; it may launch a wave of new computer purchases)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% PCMCIAPeople Can't Memorise Conputer Industry Acronyms. Acronymious Anonymous. (PCMCIA actually stands for Personal Computer Memory Card International Association, but nobody can ever remember that!)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
90% PC ROMANCEPrivate Chat Room Offered Me A New Chance of Entanglement Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% PC ROMANCE (2)Private Chat Room: Old Maids Actually Nastily Claim Exoticism Jeff Anonymous
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% PCS FOR EVERPathetic Computers Sometimes Fail Over Rotten Entrails, Viruses Enter Readily Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PC USERPerfect Consumer - Uses Some Expensive Rubbish Steve Keate
100% PDAPointer Directs Actions Tony McCoy O'Grady (PDA usually stands for Personal Digital Assistant)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% PDQPerform - Don't Question! Angela Brett (PDQ usually stands for Pretty Darn Quick)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
100% PEACEPerhaps Enmity's At Complete End Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% PEACE IN OUR TIMEPathetic Englishman's Airport Claim. Evil Intentioned Nazis Obviously Unreliable. Resulting Turmoil Involved Millions Exterminated Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Thoughts:Misconceptions
100% PEANUTPaste's Edible And Nutritious Upon Toast Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% PEANUT (2)Peckish Eaters Are Nibbling Unopened Treats Sean Lamb (peanuts always seem to taste better when you have to get them out of their shells first)
Food & Drink
100% PEARPreferably Eaten All Runny Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% PEARLPassion Exhibits A Rare Longevity Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the pearl (30th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% PEARL OF GREAT PRICEPerceptive Eternal Answers, Rarely Learned Only For Good Reasons. Everlasting Accurate Truth Perfectly Recommended Is Carefully Exact Jan Morgan - LDS Important Reading
100% PEBBLEPedestrian Evidently Bashed Boot, Limping Erratically Tony McCoy O'Graaaaaady
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% PEDANTProfessional Exhibit Displaying Angela's Natural Talent Rico Leffanta, when Angela pointed out that Maori and wahine shouldn't be pluralised with the letter s.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% PEDANT (2)Person, Educator, Does Algebra 'N' Trigonometry Jeff Anonymous, explaining that a pedant is a male schoolteacher.
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% PEDANT (3)Picky Extremist Doesn't Accept New Terminologies Tony McCoy O'Grady, pointing out that pedant is also a term for someone who is too 'pedantic' about matters of grammar and the use of words.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% PEDANT (4)Peruses Each Dictionary And Notes Troubles. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% PEDANT (5)Peruses Every Day A New Thesaurus. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% PEDANT (6)Pedagogue Expects Discipline And No Truancy Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% PEDANTRYPlumbum Est. Don't Alter Nixages/Notation, That's Rather Yucky. Jeff Anonymous, in response to PENCIL (5) If anyone can think of a better N word for an ending, let me know.
Words & Wordplay
100% PEDESTRIANSPeople Evading Drivers - Eventually Squashed! They're Regularly Included As Newspaper Statistics Tony McCoy O'Grady
94% PEDESTRIAN SAFETYPeople Expect Drivers, Especially Speeders, To Resist Injuring Anyone - No Sidewalks Are For Entertaining Tear-away Youths! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PEDIGREE CHARTPersonal Effort Determines Interlocking Generations, Respecting Every Evidence, Chooses Heritage At Relations Task Jan Morgan - a form used in organizing a family for genealogy purposes
People & Relationships:Family
100% PEEPING TOMPervert Enjoys Entering Porperty Inspecting Neighbour's Genitals, Then Openly Masturbating Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% PEGASUSPony (Enchanted) Galloping Around Starlit Unicorn Stallions Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
100% PEGGYPretty Easy Girl Gets You! Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% PELICANPeculiarly Enlarged 'Lip' Is Convenient As Net Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PELICAN (2)Perhaps Explains Lost Infant Canine - Avian Nibbled! Patricia Rix (my Australian friend told me pelicans would take chihuahua pups!)
100% PENPaper-Embellishing Nib Angela Brett
Household Objects
88% PENANCEPreacher Extends Needless And Narcissistic Clearance of Errors Jeff Anonymous
78% PENANCE (2)Pastors, Evangelists, and Nuns Advocate Nightly Confession of Errors Jeff Anonymous
100% PENCILPlease Erase Non-Correct Illustrations/ Letters Angela Brett
Household Objects
100% PENCIL (2)Prudish Euphemistic Name Concerns Its Lead Patricia Rix
Household Objects
100% PENCIL (3)People Enjoy Nice Colours In 'Leads' Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
100% PENCIL (4)Printing Enabled. Notable Contribution Is Lead! Roger Williams
Household Objects
100% PENCIL (5)Plumbus's Excluded, Now Carbon's In Lieu Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to PENCIL (4). Pencils have never, ever contained lead. Carbon in the form of graphite has been misnamed for ages. (See PEDANTRY for a correction.)
Household Objects
100% PENGUINPending Extinction - Not Going Up In Numbers Angela Brett, thinking of the Yellow-Eyed Penguin, although I don't know whether the numbers are going up or not.
100% PENISPinkish, Erectile Needle Injects Semen. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% PENIS (2)Particularly Enlarged, Now Incredibly Stiff Matthew Oram
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% PENIS (3)Prominent Erection Needs Immediate Satisfying Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% PENIS (4)Penetrating Entity Needed In Sex Apronymous Anonymous
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% PENNILESSPenury's Evident Now, Nincompoop Is Lamenting Every Shilling Spent Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PENNSYLVANIAPenned Enterprising Necessities, Noteworthy State, Yankees Liberty Victorious, A Nation's Independence Awarded Jan Morgan - this is where the declaration of independence was penned
Places:States & Regions
88% PENSIONPeople (Elderly) Need Savings Invested (Or Nest-egg) Tony McCoy O'Grady
90% PENSIONERPeople Evidently Need Saving In Old-age, Not Especially Rich Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PENTAGONPoor Economic Numbers? Target Arabian Gulf Oil Nation! Chris Kjelgaard
Military:War & Terrorism
100% PENTAGON (2)President Employs "Nucular" Threat Argument, Guaranteeing Overthrows, Naturally Chris Kjelgaard
Military:War & Terrorism
100% PENTAGON (3)Politicians Envisage New Targets As Greed Opportunities Narrow Chris Kjelgaard
Military:War & Terrorism
100% PENTAGON (4)Purchases Endlesss New Tanks, Aircraft, Guns, Ordnance, Napalm Chris Kjelgaard
100% PENTAGON (5)President's Edict: No Terrorists Active, Grab Oil Now! Chris Kjelgaard
Military:War & Terrorism
100% PENTAGON (6)Practises Every Night To Attack Governments, Overthrow Nations Chris Kjelgaard
100% PENTAGON (7)Potentially Every New Terrorism Alert Generates Offensive Now Chris Kjelgaard
Military:War & Terrorism
100% PENTAGON (8)Posits Enemies, Nuclear Threats And Gets Official Nod Chris Kjelgaard
100% PENTAGON (9)Patriotism Excuse Now To Attack Gulf Oil Nations Chris Kjelgaard
Military:War & Terrorism
100% PENTAGON (10)Practically Every Newly Trained Army Grunt Overseas Now Chris Kjelgaard
100% PENTAQUARKPhysics Experimenters Noticed That Assumed Quintets Unquestionably Are Real. Kudos! Angela Brett
100% PENTAQUARKSPositively Extending 'Normal' Tetrads, Anti-Quark Units Are Really Kinda Strange Angela Brett (according to http://www.phy.ohiou.edu/~hicks/thplus/pentaquark.html For the exotic pentaquark under study here, the valence quarks consist of two up quarks, two down quarks, and one strange antiquark)
100% PENTHOUSEPublished Erotic Nudes That Hadn't Obviously Used Spraybrush Experts TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
91% PENTIUM MANPathetic, Eggheaded Nerd, Too Idiotic to Use Macintosh, Must Await Neutering! Tony McCoy O'Grady, thinking up another villain for our hero MacGirl to defeat.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
100% PEPCIDPill Eliminates Perilous Common Indigestion Daily Jeff Anonymous (see TACO BELL)
100% PEPPERPiquant Exotic Powder Promises Enjoyable Repast Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% PEPPERYParticularly Explosive & Pungent - Paprika Effectively Reddens You Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% PEPSICOPeople Employed Peddling Sugar In Carbonated Offerings Tony McCoke O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% PEPSI COLAPathetic Emulatory Product, Silly Idea Copying Original Liquid Aliment Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% PEPSI COLA (2)People's Evident Preference. Sculley's Is Coke, On Labelless Appraisal. Angela Brett, because when John Sculley (then president of Pepsi Cola) took the 'Pepsi challenge' he picked Coca Cola as being the nicest tasting cola, although most people chose Pepsi as long as the brands were not identified beforehand.
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% PERCIVALPerhaps Espied Renowned Chalice In Venerable Arthurian Legend Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% PERDITAPerilously Exposed. Restored Daughter Is Then Affianced Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Winter's Tale
100% PERFECTPicky Evaluators Rarely Find Everything's Completely Tiptop Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% PERFECT (2)Pun Experts: Ready For Expansions? Call Tony! Angela Brett, since Tony's acronyms are generally of very high quality.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% PERFORMANCE INCENTIVEPeople Envisage Rich Financial Offerings. Really, Merely A Nice Cookie Elicits Improved Neural Capability. Employees' 'Need' To Indulge Valuably Exploited. Angela Brett, who has been bribed with chocolate chip cookies to do work. The trick is to get the cookies in advance, and then take a long time to finish the work so that you can get more and more cookies as the briber's desperation grows.
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% PERICLESPathos Endured Results In Complex Life's Eventual Solution Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Pericles
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Pericles
93% PERIODIC TABLEProper Education Requires Introduction Of Dmitry's Ingenuous Classification. Tabulation Afforded Better Learning of Elements. Tony McCoy O'Grady, who has acronymised not only the PERIODIC TABLE, but each element in it.
100% PERKSPeople Employed Regularly Keep 'Souvenirs' Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% PERSEIDSParticles Entering Remote Stratosphere Emit Illuminations During Summertime. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PERSIANPokemon Evolution Refines Scratchcat Into Aesthetic Nuisance Angela Brett (Persian is Pokemon #53)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% PERSISTENTPersonal Energy Resolved Somehow Into Something Terminally Enhancing, Not Temporary. Ray Piper
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% PERSONALITYProperty Expressing Real Self Often Not Altogether Liked - Is That You! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
93% PERSONAL NAMESPeople Essentially Realize Searching for One's Name Always Locates New Acronym Meanings, Especially Silly Sean Lamb (who has spent enough time searching for his own family names to know better)
100% PERSPIRATIONPeople's Exudations Ret Skin's Pores In Rivulets, Although This Is Often Nasty Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PERUPopulation's Expansion Rises Uphill. Tony McCoy O'Grady
88% PERVERTPerson Enjoying Rather Varied Engagement (with) Reality & Truth Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% PERVERTSPeople Each Requiring Vasectomies, Enjoy Raping The Susceptible. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% PESOPlease Empty Sack Out Rico Leffanta
100% PETERPontiff Eventually To Evangelise Rome Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% PETER, PETER, PUMPKIN EATERPrincipal's Eating Turns Exotic: Repasts Particularly Extend To Eating Ripe Pumpkins. Unhappy Missus Proves Kindly In Not Eschewing A Technically Edible Room. Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Nursery Rhymes
100% PETER QUINCEPlaywright's Efforts Towards 'Exact' Rehearsals Quite Unarguably Indicate Neurotic Character Elements Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:A Midsummer Night's Dream
100% PETROLPrehistoric Extinction! This Revolutionised Our Locomotion. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PETROL (2)Prefer Engines That Run On Light Angela Brett
100% PETROL IN YOUR TANKPerforming Experiment That Relies On Lexical Imagery, No, Yes Or Uncertain Results Twisted Affimatively, Nothing's Known. Angela Brett, after reading in the booklet which came with the SUGAR FREE RED BULL that 'studies show it also gives you a bit of extra petrol in your tank.' I certainly hope this is only a metaphor, as I have no car and would worry about where they put my free petrol, but how exactly can a study prove or disprove a vague metaphor?
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% PETRUCHIOPerversity Effects Taming - Resolution Unfolds Complete Harmony In Opposites Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Taming of the Shrew
100% PETTERPerson Enamoured Tries Touching Erogenous Regions Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% PETTER (2)Personal Experiences Too Tempestuous? Eschew Revelations! Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Patricia responded to his PETTER (and the unsuccessful search on the website for that word) with, 'No personal experience here!)
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% PFALTZGRAFFPeople's Food's Always Lots Tastier, Zippier, Given Really Astonishingly Fine Foodware Patricia Rix - Pfaltzgraff is a very beautiful, very high quality stoneware made in the U.S.A.
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
100% PHALLUSPretense Holding Any Long Length Ushers Satisfaction Rico Leffanta
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% PHASEPeriodic Happenings Around Some Event TMcCO'G
100% PHASERPlease Have A Stun Effect Ready Angela Brett (apparently "set your phasers to stun" is a common command in Star Trek)
100% PH.D.Pathetically Haughty Dunce Carl Brett
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% PHIL'Philip' Has Identifier Limited Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
100% PHIL (2)Praenomen Has Insufficent Letters Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
100% PHILADELPHIAPortrays Hero's Intriguing Life And Details Evolving Life-Problems. He's Infected - AIDS! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PHILANTHROPYPlainly Humanity Is Loved - And Normally This Has Romantic Overtones & Pecuniary Yield Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% PHILANTHROPY (2)Past Hippy In Los Angeles Now Throws His Riches On Poor Yuppys C. Frost, E.C.V. #49
People & Relationships
100% PHILATELISTPerson Hoarding Interesting Letter Adornments To Examine & Lookup In Stamp Tomes Angela Brett
People & Relationships
89% PHILEMONPaul's Helper Imprisoned, Letter Expedited Master of Onesimus's Niceness. Eric Bridgstock
Religion:Bible books
92% PHILIPPIANSPaul Hails Impressively Liberal Inhabitants (of) Phillipi. People Informed About Necessary Sharing. Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
100% PHILIPPINESPeople Hated Its Leaders, In Particular People Into Needless Expensive Shoes. Tony McCoy O'Grady
92% PHILOLOGISTSPathetic Horrid Individuals Lusting Over Language Origins Getting Instant Sexual Turn-ons Simultaneously Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela suggested that people might think from some of these acronyms that we have DIRTY MINDs. He concluded we're just PHILOLOGISTS.
People & Relationships
100% PHILOSOPHERSPeople Here, In Life, On Some Opportune Planet... How Extremely Remarkable Sounding! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% PHILOSOPHY AT WORKPerhaps He Is Looking On, Seeing Our Procrastination... "Heaven, You?! A Terrible Waste Of Resources, Klutz!" Angela Brett, although that expansion better describes theology at work.
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% PHOBIAPhears Have Overtaken Because I'm Anxious Patricia Rix
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% PHONEMESPrimary Hearing Objects - Nearly Every Morpheme Employs Several Angela Brett
100% PHOSPHORUSPilots Have Over-Supply. Potentially Hellfire Objects Relayed Unto Scene Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PHOTOCOPIERPlace Hand On Top Of Copier & One's Palm Is Endlessly Reproduced Tony McXerox O'Grady
100% PHOTOGRAPHPeople Have One Taken Occasionally, Get Ready And Pose Happily Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% PHOTONParticle Helps One Talk Over Networks Tony McCoy O'Grady - who sincerely hopes that photons operate in fiber-optics
100% PHOTON (2)Positives' Harness On Those Others (Negatives.) Angela Brett (photons are the 'particles' which give rise to the electromagnetic force, the force which famously makes opposites attract.)
75% PHPPhasing-out HyperCard Pages Angela Brett, after Tony accused her of geek-speek when she mentioned that more of the formerly HyperCard-generated web pages had been switched to PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% PHYLLISPlease Have Your Love Life In Secret! Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% PHYSICSProfession Has Young Scientists Investigating Complex Spaces Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PHYSICS (2)Puzzling Heuristics; Your Scientific Information Contains Spuriosities Gavin Lambert, after Angela corrected the credit for PROTON (2)
100% PIPatternless Irrational Angela Brett
100% PI (2)Perfectly Irrational MLF
100% PI (3)Pi Irrational Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Statement about one of math's most useful & well-known transcendentals. Sound-alike "Pie Irrational!" (Unhealthy!) Most pies are oversweetened with refined sugar & theingredients are not all organic & vegan (Unhealthy!)
Food & Drink
100% PIANOPlay In A Nice Order Jason Wilcox
100% PIANO (2)Played In All Nice Orchestras Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PIANO (3)Pleasing Instrument Acoustically, Numerous Octaves. Eric Bridgstock
75% PIBPain In the Butt I had heard a dog named that before and I asked the owner if it had stood for Pain in the butt because I had often called people that before.
Names:Pet Names
100% PICARDPerson In Charge Aboard Roving Dreadnaught Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Star Trek
100% PICCOLOPrinciple Is Clear - Cover Over Little Openings Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PICHUPikachu Infant. Cries Horribly, Unpeacefully. Jeff Anonymous (Pichu, Pokemon #172, is a baby Pikachu.)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% PICKAXPlease Ignore Craggy Kaves. Awkay, Xplore! Jeff Anonymous, on what could be consdered a good tool for spelunkers.
Sports & Recreation
91% PICKPOCKETPerson Into Clothing Kleptoing Prefers Operating in Crowds - Knows Easy Targets Tony McCoy O'Grady, who proudly flashes his poetic license to justify the creation/use of 'Kleptoing.'
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% PICNICPolite Intercourse Could Not Impede Copulation Rico Leffanta
100% PICNIC (2)Party In Countryside Necessitating Insect Condiments Rico Leffanta
80% PICOPersonally I'm Confused [by] Others Jeff Anonymous, who can't quite understand EMACS, so he uses good ol' PICO for his Linux text editor.
100% PICTUREPales In Comparison To Unadulterated Real Event Angela Brett
Art & Literature
100% PICTURE (2)Pretty In Color, Tints Usually Relinquish Eventually Jan Morgan
Art & Literature
100% PIDGEYPlaying In Dirt Gets Eyes Yucky Angela Brett (Pidgey is Pokemon #16)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% PIECEPartial Item - Especially Capturing Essence Angela Brett and Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% PIECE OF CAKE!Pie Investment Extravagant! Chefs Extraordinaire! Overpriced! Full/Fool Customer Adaptabily! Kitchens! Expedited! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Food & Drink
100% PIECE OF CAKE! (2)Perfect Invention! Examine! Commandeer Executive Officers! Fully Computerise Assemblyline! Kindly Expedite! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Phrases
100% PIECE OF CAKE! (3)Peace Invasion! Examine Computers! Execution Order: Fillers! Cakers! Assemble Kinder Elevators! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Bakery acquires another bakery and gives raises toall.
Food & Drink
100% PIECE OF CAKE! (4)Piece Intervention! Examine Computer Execution Of Following: Cake Assemblyline! Kindly Expedite! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Food & Drink
100% PIGPork Is Good! Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% PIG (2)Pretentious Idiot's Glory John Richard Jones
People & Relationships:Insults
100% PIG LATINPhrasing Is Genuine Language, Adults Think It Nonsensical Onitay Ackoymay Radiogay
100% PIG LATIN (2)Partially Intelligent Gibberish Leaves Adults Totally Ignorant, Normally Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PIG TAILSPretty If Girl's, They Aren't Ideal Lads' Style. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% PIKACHUPokemon Is Keeping Animation Creators Happy & Unstarved! Angela Brett (Pikachu is Pokemon #25)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% PIKEPointed Implement Kills Enemies Sean Lamb (dictionary.com lists one definition as "A long spear formerly used by infantry.")
80% PILLPopularly It Licensed Love-making Tony McCoy O'Grady ('the pill' is widely credited with launching the "Swinging Sixties" and "free love")
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% PIMASTERParticular Irrational's Memorised, A Superimportant Transcendental's Effortlessly Recited. Angela Brett
100% PIMASTER (2)Pedantic Imbecile Masquerading As Scintillating Teacher Enlightening Riffraff. PiMaster
100% PIMASTER (3)Pretty Intelligent Man, And Smart Too - Excuse Redundancy. Angela Brett
100% PIMPProfits In Manipulating Prostitutes Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% PIMPLEPlease Ignore My Pained & Lumpy Epidermis Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% PINCHPatently Idiotic Non-Competent Healer Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Comedy Of Errors
100% PINCHINGPain Is Now Caused, Help - It's Not Gentle TMcCO'G
Assorted Verbs
100% PINCHYPennypinchy, I'd Name Crustacean! He's Yummy. Angela Brett (Pinchy was the lobster which Homer bought small and then raised into a fully-grown lobster in order to save money.)
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% PINEPuts Irritating Needles Everywhere TMcCO'G
100% PINGProbably Instigating No Good. Steve Keate, while wondering while people online were pinging him.
100% PINKPersonally, I'm Not Kinky Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% PINK (2)Perfectly Irresistible Neckline/Newlywed/Negligee, Knockout Jan Morgan
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
Household Objects:Clothing
100% PINK BITSPain Is Nude Knockers Burnt In The Sunshine Angela Brett
88% PIONEERPersecuted Individuals On New Environmental Expedition (for) Relief Jan Morgan - for relief from religious persecution or relief of better place to live and work
People & Relationships
100% PIPPINPeering Into Palantir Produces Intense Nightmare Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% PIRACYPernicious Individuals Rob And Cheat You Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order
75% PIRATEPeople's Individual Rights Association [for] Trading E-files Imaginary association formed to preserve rights of internet music file swappers.
100% PISAPrecariously Inclined Structure, Alarmingly Eric Bridgstock
Places:Towns & Cities
100% PISCESPseudo-Intelligent Science Commands Extra Scepticism Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% PISCES (2)Personality Is Sympathetic, Causing Eventually Self-pity Jan Morgan
100% PISMOPowerBook Is Superlative Mobile Office. Angela Brett, referring to the last PowerBook G3 model, code-named 'Pismo.'
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% PISSEDPeed In Side Street... Eww! Disgusting! Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% PISSED (2)Priests In Seminaries Shouldn't Ever Drink Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% PISSED (3)Perhaps I Shoulda Stopped Excessive Drinking! Patricia Rix
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% PISSED (4)Perhaps I Swilled Some Extra Diuretic Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% PISSENLITPeeing In Sleepwear Seems Extremely Nasty, Lessening Its Thermodynamics Patricia Rix (pissenlit is French for DANDELION... see DANDELION (2))
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% PISS OFFPeabrain, I Suggest Silence! Odious Fatuous Fool! Tony McCoy O'Grady, still trying to annoy Angela
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness
100% PISSOFFProfessional In Some Sort Of Financial Field John Richard Jones
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations:Humorous Job Titles
100% PISS OFF (2)Party In-Store... Sale On Freaky Fashions! Angela Brett (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% PISTOLPetty, Insolent, Small Time Oafish Lout Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry IV
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry IV
86% PISTOL (2)Plot Involves Soldier's Trickery Over Love-letters Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Merry Wives of Windsor
100% PITCHFORKPlease Insert Tines Carefully Hay Fever Often Reveals Kissers Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% PITHParticularly Interesting Tropical Helmet Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% PITH (2)Peel's Interior Tastes Horrible Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% PI TIMES THREE IPerchance If Thou Inexplicably Mutters Expandable Shoutings, Thou Hasto Really Expand 'Em Immediately! Jeff Anonymous ('Immediately' suggested by Tony McCoy O'Grady) rationalizing semi-imaginary rule pi*3i, which states that all things rendered in capitals on the Acronyms fora must be acronymised.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% PI TIMES THREE I (2)People Ignoring To Immediately Make Expansions Should Try Harder - Rendering Expansions Educates Individuals. Tony McCoy O'Grady (see PI TIMES THREE I)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% PITSLIGOPeople In Tube Straphang - 'Look, I'm Gently Oozing!' Tony McCoy O'Grady (Pitsligo is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'Part of traditional mating rite. During the first hot day of spring, all the men in the tube start giving up their seats to ladies and staphanging. The purpose of pitsligo is for them to demonstrate their manhood by displaying the wet patches under their arms.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% PIZZAPalatable In Zesty Zeal Appetizing Jan Morgan
Food & Drink
100% PIZZA FACEPrimo In Zit-Zapping... Acnekleen Foams And Cleanses Epidermis. Angela Brett (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% PLACARDPagan Libidos Are Cocked And Readily Discharged Rico Leffanta, who explains that placards are public labels; just as black men are placarded as having oversized organs, pagans are placarded as having overactive libidos.
People & Relationships
100% PLACARDSPublic Labels Announce Community's Assumptions, Rapidly Diffusing Stereotypes. Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% PLACEPosition Located And Correctly Established Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PLAGUEPeople Lying About Grotesquely... Uncountable Expiries. Angela Brett
78% PLAGUESPass-over Loyal's Abodes... Goatsblood Used to Exempt Sons. Angela Brett, who isn't sure if she remembers correctly... but didn't God tell the Israelitees to put goatsblood somewhere outside their houses so their firstborn sons wouldn't be killed?
100% PLAID CYMRUParliamentary Leaders Allowed Inside Daily Commissioning Your Mothers Requests Upstairs John Richard Jones
90% PLAINTALKPCs Lack Any Inexpensive Natural Talking Applications Low in Kilobytes. Angela Brett, after hearing her information systems lecturer (a windoze user) comment on the expensiveness of speech recognition software. (Plaintalk is the free speech recognition software from Apple, at http://speech.apple.com/ptk)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% PLAITPart Lock Approximately Into Thirds Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% PLANPrepare, Launch, And Notarize Patricia Rix
Assorted Verbs
100% PLANETARY ALIGNMENT Pulling Language Across Network Employs Tidal Astroillogical Reinforcements... Your-Anus Lies In Gemini? Nothing Moves Electronically, No Traffic. Angela Brett (Planetary alignment is a more likely cause of the Apronyms site loading slowly than it sounds... the server which the site is hosted on is called Uranus, and is often the 'butt' of 'Your-Anus' jokes.)
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Excuses for Slow Loading
100% PLANETSProbably Lifeless Aggregations Now Encircling The Sun Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PLANETS (2)Perceptually Lazy At Nighttime Exclaim They're Stars Angela Brett
100% PLANTARS WARTPainful Lesion Attacks Nascent Terrible Arch Region, Sponsors Worry As Reason, Tension Jan Morgan
100% PLASMAPyrolysis Looms As Spacecraft Meets Atmosphere Angela Brett, who hopes that the term 'pyrolysis' can apply to the separation of atoms into ions and electrons in plasma.
100% PLATINUMPricey Ladies' Adornment. Typically Inert, Not Usually Magnetic. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PLATOPerhaps Letters Are Totally Opinion Angela Brett, since the letters from which most of our knowledge of Plato come might not actually have been written by Plato, as is claimed.
100% PLAYPointing Love At Yourself Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
90% PLAY CARDSPerennially Likeable - And Your Computer Allows Replaying a Deal Sometimes. Angela Brett, who would (WARNING, plug coming up) like to point out that her card game, Once in a Lifetime (at http://acronyms.co.nz/software/OIAL.html), does allow replaying of deals.
86% PLAYERPerson Limbers-up And, Yes, Endures Recreation Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
92% PLAYING CARDSPoor Loser Are You? It's No Good Cheating As Revolting Deceitfulness is Sinful Tony McCoy O'Grady
92% PLAYSTATIONPathetic "Life"-less Adults - You Spend Time At This Idiotic Oriental Nonsense Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PLEA BARGAINS Protagonist's Lawyer Expects A Bad Answer, Reasons Guilty Announcement Induces Nicer Sentence Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
86% P-L-E-A-S-EPerhaps Liz (will) Email Anthony, Screen Enumerators Tony McCoy O'Grady, after Angela's sister Liz did not answer him when he asked how large her screen is.
Assorted Phrases
100% PLEASEDPretty Limpid Eyes And Smiles Express Delight LaughingBoy McCoy
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% PLEELEYPickled Lush's Elaborately Endeavours Looking Endearing - Yuk! Tony McCoy O'Grady (Pleeley is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'Descriptive of a drunk person's attempt to be endearing.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% PLETHORAPretty Ladies Eating Their Hearts Out Reconnoitring Abbeys Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% PLIERSPerhaps Lying In Elecrician's Rumpled Satchel. TMcCO'G who has noticed that Plumbers usually carry a sturdy toolbox, but Electricians often use an old leather carryall.
Household Objects
100% PLIERS (2)Possibly Lost Items Easily Retrieved... Sometimes Roger Williams
Household Objects
100% PLONKPurchaser's Likely Of No Knowledge Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% PLONK (2)Perfectly Literal Onomatopoeia, Near Kerplunk Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% PLOWPatrolboat Lurches Over Waves TMcCO'G
100% PLOW (2)Pull! Lusty Oxen Will. Roger Williams
Assorted Verbs
100% PLUGPush Lightly Until Grounded Matthew Oram
Household Objects
100% PLUMEPeahen Looks Upon Mate's Exhibit Angela Brett
100% PLUME (2)Pen Lacking Usual Metallic Element Patricia Rix
100% PLURALPainfully Loud Ululating, Repeated A Lot! Tony McCoy O'Grady, explaining that the 'Aaaaaarrrrggghh' in his ANTHRAX (2) is the plural of 'Aarrghh', an official Scrabble word.
Words & Wordplay
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% PLUSPositively Lonely Unary's Superfluous Angela Brett, as it is not usually necessary to indicate that a number is positive with a plus sign.
100% PLUTOPlanetary Location Universally Thought Outermost Tony McCoy O'Grady
82% PLUTONIUMPopularly Linked (with) Uranium To Operate Nuclear Industry's Unleashing of Megatons. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PLYMOUTHPilgrims Left Your Moorings - Opposed Unto The Heirarchy Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
60% PMSPutting up with Mens Shit wishes, referring to Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% PMS (2)Pardon My Snippiness Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to PMS
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% PMS (3)Pleasantness's Mighty Scarce Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to PMS
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
75% PMS (4)Pregnancy May Stop it Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to PMS
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% PMS (5)Pugnaciousness's My Speciality Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to PMS
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% PMS (6)Pretty Mean Sir! wishes, in response to Tony's PMS (2) and others.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% POEMPiece Of Enlightening Material Angela Brett
Art & Literature
100% POETPretentious, Or Extremely Talented? Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Writers
100% POETSPinnacles Of Eloquence, They Say Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Writers
100% POINT OF VIEWPersonal Opinion Is Not The Only Form... Vectors In Electronic Worlds. Angela Brett (many 3D computer games allow changing your point of view.)
100% POISONPotion Once Ingested Surely Occasions Necrosis Roger Williams
100% POKE BALLPoint Of Knockout Evaded By A Little Luck Angela Brett (to capture a wild pokemon in a poke ball, you must weaken it but not enough to make it faint.)
88% POKEMONProfessor Oak Knows Everything Masters Ought to Need Angela Brett, who is thinking of acronymising all 151 pokemon
100% POKEMON (2)Pricey, Omnipresent Kiddies Entertainment, Marketing Of Nintendo Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% POKEMON (3)Parents Of Kiddies Express Misery Over Nintendo Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% POKEMON (4)Plenty Of Kiddies Expend Money, Often, Needlessly. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% POKEMON (5)Picks On Kids, Eventually Makes One Numb/Nervous Jan Morgan
100% POKEMON (6)Picks On Kids, Eventually Makes One Nostalgic Jan Morgan -- Memories of our own childhood?
100% POKEMON (7)Pastime Of Kids, Emerges Matches Of Nonsense Jan Morgan
100% POKEMON (8)Pray Our Kids Expect More Of Nintendo/Networks! original, inspired by existing Pokemon apronyms
100% POKEMONSPerhaps Our Kids Expend Money On Needless Sh*t Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% POKENYMSPokemon Original Kreations. Even Nicer, You Might Say. Jeff Anonymous, because some Pokemon acronyms might be more interesting than actual Pokemon.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% POLANDPlace Of Lech's Arising - Now Democratic Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% POLARPosition's Obvious... Length, Angle Required. Angela Brett, referring to polar coordinates.
100% POLE STARPeople Oriented Looking Ever Skyward. The Astrolabe Resulted Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% POLICEPatrolling Our Lives In Circus Environment Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% POLICE (2)Persecution Officers Like Intimidating Citizens Excessively Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% POLICE (3)Pursuit Of Lowlifes Into Criminal Endeavours Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% POLICE (4)Pigs On Lookout In Cars Everywhere Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% POLICE (5)Protectors Of Law In Continuous Endeavour Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% POLICE (6)Patrol Old Ladies Inspecting Casual Escorts Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% POLICE (7)People Organising Litigation Incarcerating Criminals Everywhere Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% POLICE PROTECTIONProbity Of Lieutenants Is Central, Ensuring Public Resources Operate To End Criminal Threats .... Intimidation's Outlawed Now Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% POLICE STATIONPlace Of Lies, Injuries Coerce Explanation. Suddenly They Are Terminating Investigation - Oh No! Steve Keate and Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% POLITICALLY CORRECTPossible Offense Lies In This, I'll Carefully Avoid Language Lest You Complain, Or Race Relations Executives Concern Themselves Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% POLITICIANPrejudiced Orotund Layabout Intending To Improve Career, In A Nutshell Leo Boyes
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
92% POLITICIANSPompous Oratory Lets Insufferable Two-faced Individuals Crawl Into A Nations Service Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% POLITICIANS (2)People Of Little Intellect Treat Intelligent Constituents Intolerably - A National Scourge! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% POLITICIANS (3)People Of Large Intellectual Talents Into Current/ International Affairs & National Security Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% POLITICIANS (4)Parliaments Often Lack Integrity To Inspire Confidence In A Nation's Subjects Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% POLITICIANS (5)People Occasionally Lie In Their International Careers In Affairs Needing Subtlety Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% POLITICIANS (6)Parliament Offers Little Inducement To Intelligent Citizens - It's A Nasty Scenario Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% POLITICIANS (7)Pretty Obnoxious Lot In Total - Inveterate Chancers Into Abberrant Nonstandard Sexualities Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% POLITICIANS (8)Perk Overuse Leaves Incredible Tips In Chauffeur Industry, Augments National Spending. Angela Brett
92% POLITICIANS (9)Poor Old Lollygaggers In Time Ingeniously (be)-Come Ignorami... Actually Nice Sorts. Jeff Anonymous
100% POLITICIANS (10)Professionals Of Low Integrity Targeting Innocent Citizens In A Nationwide Scam John Richard Jones
100% POLITICSParties Only Lack Incentive: Taxes Instigate Countless Squabbles Patricia Rix
100% POLITICS (2)Promptly One Learns Important Tactic Is Cheating Serially Chris Kjelgaard
100% POLITICS (3)Profession Of Liars, Incompetents, Thieves, Idiots, Cheats, Scrapings Chris Kjelgaard
100% POLITICS (4)People Only Listen If They Identify Congress's Sins. Roger Williams
100% POLIWAGPrefers Oceans... Legs Infantile & Weak, Aren't Groundworthy. Angela Brett (Poliwag is Pokemon #60)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% POLLPublic Opinion's Leanings Logged Angela Brett
100% POLOPony Owners Labour Outdoors Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
73% POLONIUMPierre Originally Located Occurrences - Nobel-winning-work In Union (with) Marie. Tony McCoy O'Grady
80% POLONIUSPatrician Official Listening Out-of-sight Needlessly Is Unsuspectingly Stabbed Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark
100% POLYFILLAPerhaps One's Lunchbox, You'll Find, Is Lately Lacking Appeal Tony McCoy O'Grady (see GLOSS)
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement
100% POLYFILLA (2)Packet Of Lovely Yummy Fare Is Luscious & Largely Appetising Tony McCoy O'Grady, to balance out POLYFILLA
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement
100% POLYGAMYPlural Offensive Love, Yesterdays Gatherer At Multiple Yokes Jan Morgan - too many wives, old biblical practice of a man wanting to have multiple bonds (yokes) of marriage at the same time. No longer practiced.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% POMPrince Of Moaning Angela Brett (I have no opinions on the issue myself, but I've often heard people refer to 'whining poms')
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
86% POMPEYPours Out Mistress's Pints (for) Eager Youths Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Measure for Measure
100% PONDPaddling Of New Ducklings Angela Brett
100% PONGSPutrid Odour - Nappy-Gas Stinks. Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% PONTIACPeople Of Note Travel In A Car Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% PONTYPRIDDProvision Of New Trials You Practice Regularly If Done Daily John Richard Jones
Places:Towns & Cities:UK
100% POONPiece Of Orient's Nature Angela Brett
100% POON (2)Plenty Of Oriental Nookie Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% POOPEDPassed Out, One's Partially Expired, Dearest Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% POOPHOLEP*ss Off, Offensive People... Hardly One Lecherous Expansion Steve Keate, when someone searched acronyms.co.nz for 'poophole' and some ruder words.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% POOR MANPeople Ordinary Opulent Retaining Mana And Nous Mary Carr
People & Relationships
100% POPPorn's Offered Plentifully Tony McCoy O'Grady, of Post Office Protocol. (I get more junk mail than stuff I want to read)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% POP (2)Prolong One's Penis Angela Brett, in response to POP, as many spam offers to do just that.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% POPCASTLEPiece Of Precocious Child's Artwork - Say "That Looks Excellent!" Tony McCoy O'Grady (Popcastle is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'Something drawn or modelled by a small child which you are supposed to know wait it is.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% POPCORNPieces Of Puffed Cereal, Often Repeatedly Nibbled Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% POPCORN (2)Picturehouse's Own Popular Confection Offers Rotten Nutrition Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% POPEPrelate Other Prelates Elected Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% POPE (2)Pastoral Official Pretending Euphoria Mary Carr
Religion:Religious Occupations
90% POPPA BEARPorridge On Plate, Perhaps At Boiling-point? Enjoy A Ramble Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% POPSICLEPretty Often, People Suck Ice-Cold Lollies Eagerly. Steve Keate and Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% POPSICLE (2)Pathetic, Over-Priced, Slimy Ice Causes Little Excitement. Steve Keate
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% PORCUPINEPrickly Old Rascal Climbs Up Pines, Is Noisy Eater Patricia Rix
92% PORNOGRAPHYPictures Of Respectability? No! Objectionable Graphic Representations Aimed (at) Perpetually Horny Youth! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Art & Literature
91% PORNO MOVIEPrerecorded Orgy of Recreational Nudity On My Overhead Viewer. It's Exciting! Tony McCoy O'Grady/Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% PORNOTGRAPHICPictures Of Really Normal Objects That Get Responses As People Hear Interesting Captions Angela Brett -- 'Pornotgraphy' hints at being pornography, but is not. See http://macintosh.geek.nz/pron.html (I was tempted to invent 'Innuendic' for the I-word but I don't want to get too many demerit points on my creative license.) See also INNUENDON'T
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% PORRIDGEPathetic Old Reprobate Robs Indigent Dear Grannies & Elders Tony McCoy O'Grady, pouring milk on yet another cereal killer.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains:Cereal Killers
100% PORSCHEPhallic (Often Red) Symbol Creates Huge Envy Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% PORSCHE (2)Pity Only Rich Snobs Can Have Everything! Stuart Taylor. I recieved an email with several automotive apronyms in it and was challenged to come up with an original one. I have never seen this one in print anywhere.
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% PORTENDPrevious Omens Readily Tell Events Not Developed. Roger Williams
Assorted Verbs
100% PORTFOLIOPlenty Of Red Tape Folding One's Lifetime Investment Opportunities Tony McCoy O'DowJones
100% PORTHCAWLPrivately Owned Residences That Have Cold Attics Which Leak John Richard Jones
Places:Towns & Cities:UK
100% PORTIAPanic's Often Raised Through Inamorata's Absence Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Julius Caesar
100% PORTIA (2)Pretty & Opulent. Realizes Truth In Adversity Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Merchant of Venice
100% PORT TALBOTPollution Of Real Threat The Answer Lies Beneath Our Tongues John Richard Jones
Places:Towns & Cities:UK
89% PORTUGALProducer Of Rough Tablewines Used (in) Gallons And Litres Tony McCoy O'Grady
80% POSHPeople Overcome by Social Haughtiness Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% POSITIONPerhaps One Should Inspect Things In One's Neighbourhood Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Positions & Directions
100% POSITION (2)People Often Suppose It To Indicate One's Nobility Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
94% POSITIVE ATTITUDEPeople Often Say It's The Internal Values Engineering All... That Their Influence's Thoroughly Underestimated [in] Determining Environment. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% POSITIVESPerfect! Opportune! Sentient! Innovative! Triumph! Invincible! Victory! Excel! Self! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships
100% POSITRONPart Of Smarts, In The Realm Of Novels Angela Brett, referring to the 'positronic brain' conceived by writer Isaac Asimov.
Art & Literature
100% POSTPress OK Single Time. Steve Keate, after he accidentally posted the same message twice on the forums.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% POSTAL SERVICEPeople Offering Service Transmitting All Letters Swiftly, Ensuring Registered Valuable Item's Carried Efficiently Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% POST A MESSAGEPlease Omit Sexual Transmissions. "Adult" Messages: Eww! Stay Sane And Good, Eh? Jeff Anonymous (with a little help from Angela Brett), pleading for continued decency on the ACRONYMS forum, not that it's ever breached or anything.
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Page Titles
100% POST A MESSAGE (2)Perhaps One Should Tender A Missive Ensuring Some Special Acronym Gets Expanded Tony McCoy O'Grady
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Page Titles
89% POSTCARDPicture Of Somewhere Tourists Can Attach Romantic Description (to) Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% POSTERSPictures Of Swanky Technological Equipment, Ridiculously Sized. Angela Brett (referring to Apple posters of course... what other kinds of poster are there?)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% POST GRADUATEProfessors Often Seem To Get 'Research Assistants' Doing Undervalued And Tedious Experiments. Angela Brett
100% POST GRADUATE STUDENTPast One's School Times, Go Researching And Doing Unusal - Although Terribly Esoteric - Second Thesis, Until Doctorate's Earned.... Nimble Thinking. TMcCO'G
100% POSTHUMUS LEONATUSPompous Oaf Sets The Heroine Up Mistaking Untrue Story Liar Employs - Obviously Not A Trusting, Unsuspicious Soul! Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Cymbeline
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Cymbeline
100% POSTING TWICEPressed Once & Slipped! Two Identical Notices Got Through. Worried, I Cry, 'Edwin!' Angela Brett, when she accidentally doubleclicked on the button to post a message on the forums, and needed Edwin to delete the duplicate post.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
88% POSTMANPerson Offering to Send The Mail Across Nations Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% POSTMAN (2)Parcel Operative - Scrunches The Mail Ad Nauseam Tony McCoy O'Grady, describing his POSTMAN as being somewhat different from Angela's.
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% POST OFFICEPurchase One's Stamps There, Or Forward 'Freight' In Cardboared Envelopes TMcCO'G
100% POTPolice Often Take Angela Brett and Steve Keate
100% POT (2)Please Offer Toke Steve Keate
100% POT (3)Preferred Over Tobacco Angela Brett
100% POT (4)Parliament Outlawed This Steve Keate
100% POT (5)Particularly Overpriced Tickler Angela Brett
100% POT (6)Peers Often Tempt Angela Brett
100% POT (7)Piece Of Terracotta Jon Barker
Household Objects
0% POTASSIUMPerchlorate Of This Alkali (is) Sparingly Soluble Indeed, Unless (I'm) Mistaken. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% POTATOProperties Of Thermochemistry Are Too Obscure! Tony McCoy O'Grady - Angela had said that she likes refrigerated cooked potatoes because they have a similar texture, or at least temperature, to cold hardboiled eggs. Tony pointed out that the texture would vary according to the type of potato, so Angela replied that the temperature would still be similar no matter what kind of potato was used. Tony then said "I don't intend to get into a discussion about the heat-retention properties of various varieties of potato," and presented this acronym to back up his position.
Food & Drink
100% POTENTIALPeople Ought To Eschew Natural Talents, Is Advice Lately. Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to TALENT
People & Relationships
100% POTTERYPeople Often Try To Extend Relationship's Years. Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the pottery (9th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% POUNDPhasing Out? UK's Not Deciding. Jeff Anonymous
100% POWERPlan, Organize, Work, Evaluate, Refine. Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Advice
100% POWER (2)Peace/Prince = Omnipotent/Omniscient Wonderful Emmanuel Redeemer! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Jesus Christ!
75% POWERBOOKPeople in Outdoor Work Environment Require Battery or Outlet to Output Kilobytes. Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% POWERBOOK (2)Power Outlet Wanted, Energy Recharges Battery Of One's Kneetop Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% POWERBOOK (3)Plenty Of Width, Evading Reddish Blush Of Older Kneetop Angela Brett, who will be buying a PowerBook shortly before her hardware discount expires on February 26th 2005. My iBook's screen is decidedly pinkish until it's been on for a while, and I'm also looking forward to have a widescreen PowerBook after about six years of 800x600 resolution. It's okay for most things but using the developer tools requires a lot of shuffling around of windows, more than ever on Tiger.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
100% POWERBOOK 1400CSProud Owner Worried Extremely - Ransom! But Out Of Kindness, Computer's Succeeded. Angela Brett, referring to what happened to her PowerBook 1400cs - see http://acronyms.co.nz/angela/mac/differentthought or http://acronyms.co.nz/angela/mac/myBook/clippings.html
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware:Angela's Apples
83% POWERBOOK G4Portable, One-inch-thick, Widescreen, Efficiently Running Battery... Offers Owner Kneetop Gigaflops! Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
91% POWERPOINTPresentations Once Were Educational. Redmond's Product Outrageously and Inimitably Negates That. Sean Lamb
100% POWERSPresent Oportunity! Work Energetically Realising Successes! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Advice
100% POWER SOURCEPotatoes, Oils, Wind, Eels, Rain, Sunshine Or Uranium Reactions Create Electricity Angela Brett
100% POWER TOOLSPlug On Wall - Electricity's Released To Operate On Lumber Stocks Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
100% PPCProductive Processor Cycles Angela Brett, because PowerPCs and other RISC chips are generally faster per MHz than CISC chips.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% PPC (2)Performance-Per-Cycle Angela Brett
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Generic Hardware
75% PPC (3)Pre-eminent Portable Chip Angela Brett (PowerPC processors are good for portable computers because of their PPC (4))
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% PPC (4)Petite Power Consumption Angela Brett
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Generic Hardware
93% PRACTICAL JOKESPrankish, Risky Activity Comically Torturing Innocent Cat's-paw, And Leaving Jovial Onlookers Keenly Expressing Sniggers. Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% PRACTICEPeople Rarely Approve Complete Theories In Complex Experiments Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PRADAPeople Really Admire Designer's Adornments Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
89% PR AGENTSPaid Representatives Are Generating Exposure (in) Newspapers & Television Shows Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela suggested he should get paid by ALISON HOLST's PR agents, since now she's mentioned in this stack she will be known by a lot more people worldwide.
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% PRAISEPeople React Appreciatively If Sometimes Eulogised Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% PRAISE (2)People Raise Arms In Singing Exaltation Grace Francis
100% PRAMPushing Round A Minor Tony McCoy O'Daddy
80% PRASEODYMIUMProperly Recognised A Separate Element (after) Ongoing Doubt, Yet Much In Use in Misch-metal. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PRATTLEPerson Rambles And Talks To Little Effect. Angela Brett
100% PRAYERPrivate Reverence Answers Yearnings Eventually Received Jan Morgan - communication with God who does answer our prayers in HIS own time
100% PRESENTPowerBook Requested's Ever So Expensive... Nice Try! Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
Assorted Nouns
100% PRESENTATIONSPlease Remember Electronic Slideshows Enhance Nothing That's Already Terrible Information. Only Note Success! Angela Brett
100% PRESERVEProtect Religiously Every Species; End Rare Varieties' Extinctions. Angela Brett
0% PRESIDENT CLINTONPerson Responsible Evidentially (for) Sexually Intense Details Engulfing Newspapers & Televisions. Could (I) Live In Non Television Owning Neighbourhood? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% PRESIDENTSPeople Running Executive Should, If Democratically Elected, Never Trust Sycophants Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PRESSPublications Reporting Everyday Stories Sensationally Rico Leffanta
100% PRETENDPlaying Reality Elusions That Enhance Natural Deceptiveness Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% PRETTY HOT AND TEMPTINGPerfect Repast's Evidently Tempting To You - Has One Tasted Any Nicer Dinner? Try Eating More Perfect Tart - It's Nearly Gluttonous! TMcO'G
Food & Drink
100% PREVIEWPre-Release Edition's Viewing Informs Executives Watching TMcCO'G - Hollywood movies are often 'previewed' to allow studios to change endings according to focus groups opinions.
100% PREYING MANTISPreparation Real Easy You Ingest Nutritious Greens Makes A Nice Touch In Snacks Rico Leffanta
100% PRICEProfit Received = Incoming Cash - Expenses Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% PRICELESSPrimary Reaction Is Chuckling, Excited Laughter Escapes, Some Sniggering. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PRICKPenis Rests In Coloured Knickers Mary Carr/Angela Brett, while Mary was watching some pricks on television.
People & Relationships:Insults
100% PRICK (2)Penis Reacts If Continuously Kissed Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
88% PRICKLEPractising Racial Insults Coloured by Kinship Leveling Expletives Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Insults
100% PRIDEPlease Remember, I Did Everything! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% PRIDE (2)Patricia Rivals Irishman's Derivative Expertise Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% PRIDE (3)Proper Recognition Is Deservedly Earned Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% PRIDE (4)Pompous Rogue Intemperately Demands Eclat Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% PRIDE (5)Predators Relish In Devouring Elands Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PRIESTParish's Religious Individual Espouses Sacred Teachings. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% PRIEST (2)Person Regarding Infinite Eternity "Summer Time" Rico Leffanta
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% PRIEST (3)Proclaims Religion In Each Sabbath Teaching Angela Brett
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% PRIESTHOODPatriarchal Religious Improvement Essential Submission To Holy One Of Divinity Jan Morgan
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% PRIMARYPrincipal Resource Inducts Many Alarmed & Resentful Youths Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PRIMEProduce Right Integers Multiplying Eternity Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% PRIME (2)Pray! Reinvest Income! Methodically Expand! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Verbs
100% PRIME MINISTERPlease Remember I'm Merely Empowered Mortal, I'm Not Infallible - So Try Empathetic Reactions. Angela Brett
Names:Famous people:Politicians
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% PRIME POWERFUL NUMBERS!Positive = Recursively Invoke (Multiplication * {Each Prime, One Withheld!} ^ Exponent). Represent Factorisation Uniquely, Luminescing Naturals Unlimited! "Mathematics By Expansion: Reduces Swiftly!" Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. In apronym, PRIME is a transitive verb. One Withheld! means that mathematicians do not define ONE as a PRIME, even though PRIME commonly means FIRST. ONE is called a UNIT. "Mathematics By Expansion: Reduces Swiftly!" fractions. Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic n. Every natural number is either prime or may be decomposed uniquely into prime factors.
100% PRIMESPositively Represent Individuals! Multiply Essential Services! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% PRIMES (2)Positives: Represented Integers. Multiplications Essentially Singular! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% PRINCE HALPlainly Rather Idle Now, Convinces Everyone He's Adult & Loyal Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry IV
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry IV
100% PRINCESSPublic Relations Is Nearly Choking Elegant Stately Symbol. Angela Brett
100% PRINCESS (2)Perky Royal In Navarre's Court - Evidently Someone's Smitten Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Love's Labours Lost
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Love's Labours Lost
100% PRINCESS DIANAPretty Royal Is Notable, Causing Eventual Society Sadness Died In Accident, Numerically Admired Jan Morgan
100% PRINCIPALPerson Responsible Is Normally Chief Instigating Player, And Leader Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% PRINCIPAL (2)Person, Reputedly In Nominal Charge, Is Prolix And Loquacious Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% PRINCIPAL (3)People Regularly Invest Notes, Chasing Interest-Paying Annuities / Loans Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PRINCIPLEPithily Rolled Into Neat Clause, I'm Perhaps 'Life-Encapsulating' Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% PRINCIPLE (2)Pareto Ratio Idea Nearly Covers It... Percentage Law's Everywhere! Angela Brett (The PARETO PRINCIPLE, also known as the 80/20 rule, states that you can get 80 percent of the result with 20 percent of the effort)
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% PRINCIPLE (3)Pareto's Ratio Idea Nearly Conveys Inversely Proportional Labour & Effect Angela Brett (see PRINCIPLE (2))
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% PRINTERPitiful Rectum Injured. Never Try Epson Rolls! Jeff Anonymous
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% PRISCILLAPresley's Relict In Subsequent Career Is Lovely Leading Actress Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people
100% PRIVATEPlodding Ranker Is Valiantly Assaulting The Enemy Tony McCoy O'Grady
81% PRIVATE BANKERPurposely Reaching Individual Victims, All (of) Them End-up Broke And Never Knowing Enjoyment of Riches. Dundee
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% PRIVATEERPiratical Robbery In Vast Atlantic Tracts Enriched Elizabeth's Realm TMcCO'G - Privateers were often English ships which robbed Spanish ships returning to Spain with riches taken from the Americas and 'donating' portions of the booty to the Exchequer.
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% PRIVATE EYEPerson Researches / Investigates Various Activities That Employer Expects You'll Expose Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% PRIVATE PARTSPeople Rarely Inspect Venal Areas That Everyone Possesses, And Restricted To Spouses Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% PRIVY BOXPrivacy Required In Vault: You Become Outstandingly Xenophobic! Patricia Rix
Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room'
100% PRIZESPayment Received Is Zero$ Each Submission. Angela Brett - Acronyms.co.nz does not offer prizes for acronyms as no money is made from the site... but you could still boast about being on the hall of fame (http://acronyms.co.nz/halloffame.html) or honours list (http://acronyms.co.nz/honours.html)
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% PRIZES (2)Primary Reward Is Zealous Enjoyment / Stimulation Angela Brett (see PRIZES)
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% PROBABILITYPredict Randomness Only By Assuming Bias Isn't Long In Term, Yes? Angela Brett
100% PROBABLYPossible Result / Outcome - Basically A Bet Like Yankee Tony McCoy O'Grady
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% PROBLEM SOLVING TIPSPansophic Regime Of Book-Learning Engages Memory Skills; Of Larger Value Is Neatly Gathering Thoughts Into Pliant Structures Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Thoughts
0% PROCLUSParallel Rays' Omnipresent Closeness Levels Uncertainty [Sic]. Timothy Chambers (Proclus erroneously proved the parallel postulate by assuming that parallel lines are equidistant.)
100% PROCRASTINATEPlease Realize Our Chores Really Are Stupidly Tedious -- *I'll* Never Accomplish Them Efficiently. Timothy Chambers
Assorted Verbs
100% PRODUCT IMPROVEMENTPlease Remember Ordinary Daily Users. Code Tuning Isn't Much Prized - Regardless Of Velocity, Exasperation Makes Everything Need Time. Angela Brett (Most everyday software doesn't really benefit from code-tuning to make each operation run as quickly as possible... productivity really increases when the software is made easier to use.)
100% PRODUCTIONPlay, Revue Or Drama - Usually Critics Take In Opening Night Tony McCoy O'Grady
92% PROFESSIONALPeople Really Oughta Find Electrician, Since Short-circuits Inevitable Occasion Nicks And Lacerations Patricia Rix (I was thinking of the electician's motto: electricity is not a hobby - hire a professional)
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% PROFESSIONSPeople Rather Offices For Earning Salaries, Since Income's Often Nicely Stable Tony McCoy OWageearner
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% PROFIGGLEPatient Rolled Off Furniture, Injuring Gluteus, Grazed Lower Extremities Tony McCoy O'Grady. 'Profiggle' was originally a contraction for 'prolonged stifled giggle' until Tony gave it this expansion.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% PROGENYParental Reproduction Often Generates Excessively Numerous Youths Tony McCondom O'Grady
100% PROGRAMMINGPeople Require One Good Reference, Alphabetically Making Most Instructions Nimbly Graspable. Angela Brett
100% PROGRESSPeople Running Onwards Get Rewarded Earning Social Status Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% PROJECTPlease Review Our Job Especially Compassionately. Thanks. Angela Brett, after a meeting with her group for an INFORMATION SYSTEMS project.
100% PROJECTSPeople Rely On Just Enough Cash To Survive Tavia Bryant
100% PROLOGUEPlease Read Opening Lines, Offering Guidelines Unto Everyone Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
80% PROMParty Requiring Outlay (of) Money Patricia Rix
Time:Special Occasions
91% PROMETHIUMPossibly Real, Observers Made Experiments To Have Inspected (it) Under Microspectrophotometer. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PROMISCUOUSPromises Romance Or Marriage In Seconds Counting Unscrupulously On Unresisted Sex Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% PROMISEProclamation's Read Only Memory... It Shall Endure. Angela Brett
People & Relationships
89% PROMISESPrior to Release, On Mp3 I Sampled Emerging Single. Angela Brett, after downloading and listening to an mp3 of the Cranberries' new song, Promises, before it was released as a single.
100% PROMPTPrint Request On Monitor - Please Type! Angela Brett
100% PROPAGANDAPope's Religious Office Puts About Gospel Against Native Deities & Altars Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PROPHETPrayerfully Religious, Offering Precepts, Happiness. Eternal Teacher Jan Morgan
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% PROPOSALPaper Relating One's Purpose, Or Strategy, At Length Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PROPOSALSPeople Readily Offer Personal Opinions Solving A Locked Situation Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PROPRIOCEPTIONPeople Rely On Perfect Representations Internally Of Carnal Extremities. Perceiving This Is Only Natural. Angela Brett
100% PROSPEROPatiently Rides Out Seclusion Plotting Epic Revenge Operation Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Tempest
100% PROSTITUTEPeople Requesting Oral Sex Think It's Too Uneconomical To Enjoy? Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% PROTACTINIUMParticularly Rarely Occurring. Tiny Amounts Cost Thousands. It's Not In Use Much. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PROTECTIONPeople Really Ought To Ensure Care's Taken If Outside Nocturnally Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% PROTECTION (2)People Really Ought To Ensure Care's Taken If Orgasming Nowadays Angela Brett, as a modification of PROTECTION
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% PROTEINProvides Rationable Options To Eat In Nibbles Jan Morgan
Food & Drink
100% PROTESTPeople Register Opposition To Enemy's Sinister Threat Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% PROTEUSPuerile Rascal's Opportunity To Eye Up Silvia Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Two Gentlemen of Verona
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Two Gentlemen of Verona
100% PROTOCOLSProcedures Rigidly Observed To Obviate Crassness Or Looking Stupid His Excellency, TheAmbassador@TheCourtOfSaintJames
People & Relationships
100% PROTONPositive, Resists Orbiting To Occupy Nucleus Gavin Lambert
100% PROTON (2)Part Removed Of The Other Nucleon Angela Brett, since a neutron can react with an electron neutrino to form a proton and an electron, giving the impression that a neutron is an electron plus a proton.
100% PROTON (3)Particle Reputedly Of Three, One Negative. Angela Brett - protons are thought to be made up of two positive UP QUARKs and one negative DOWN QUARK.
100% PROTO-POLYNESIANPrehistoric Relative Of Today's Oceanic People's Oral Language. You'd Never Expect Such Interesting Ancestral Notes. Angela Brett
100% PROVEPerform Repeatable Objective Verifiable Experiments Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. I have been noticing for decades that a lot of common expressions can be acronymed (I am 58). E.G., HAND for "Have A Nice Day!" I have also coined apronyms for decades (even tho I did not link to your site until SAT 7/19 from acronymfinder.com, which I found on TUES 7/15.) I submitted this definition as my 37th and last to acronymfinder.com & apologized in the comment section that I had not read their guidelines until after my 36th submission.Your site is the most fun I visit. I hope that, above all, kids are encouraged to learn, communicate in, and coin apronyms! My favorite from your site is INFINITY! (I am a MATH WIZ.)
100% PROVE (2)Provide Rational Obvious Verifiable Evidence Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Just a variation of PROVE, when operating in a more common, not necesarily experimental, mode.
100% PROVERBSPractical Recitation Of Valuable Educational Resources, Became Sayings Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% PROVERBS (2)Poems Rhymic Offerings, Vital Enlightenment Reaches Believers, Solace Jan Morgan
Religion:Bible books
100% PROWLParade Romantic Opulence Women Love Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% PROXYPerson Registers Other's X, Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady ('Proxy' is a term used to describe someone authorised to vote for someone else. The 'X' stands for a vote.)
100% PSALMSPoetic Songs And Lyrics, Much Sung Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% PSALMS (2)Poems Sung At Length, Makes Solace Jan Morgan
100% PSHAWPathetic Sarcasm Hasn't Actually Worked Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PSYCHOLOGYPerhaps Somehow You Can Help Others Live Out Golden Years Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PSYDUCKPsychokinetic Superpowers You Don't Understand Could Kill! Angela Brett (Psyduck is Pokemon #54... and they don't really kill, they could just make your pokemon faint.)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% PTOLEMYPostulated That Otherworlds Looped Earth & Moon Yearly. Angela Brett
100% PUBERTYPenis, Uterus Be Expanding Rapidly Through Youth Jeff Anonymous
100% PUBIC HAIRSPrickles Upsurge By Intimate Crevices, Heralding Adulthood & Insulating Reproduction Sites. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% PUBLIC TRANSPORTPeople Using Busses Locked In Commuter Traffic Repent, At Next Stop Purchase One Rail Ticket. Angela Brett
100% PUCKPatently Unruly Chaos King Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:A Midsummer Night's Dream
100% PUCKER UPPlease Understand Cheek Kisses Erode Romantic Urges Paradoxically Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% PUCKER UP (2)Proper Upper Class Kisses Excite Randy Underprivileged Peckers Rico Leffanta - 'Peckers' is a pun based on the American 'peck' for a casual kiss and 'pecker', - a synonym for penis.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% PUDDLESPools (Usually Dreadfully Dirty) Linger, Evaporating Slowly Tony MuckOy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% PUFFINPower Users Find Files In Networks Sean Lamb (Puffin is Google's code word for their new desktop file search utility)
Names:Code Names
100% PUKEPartially Undigested Kilojoules Ejected Angela Brett
100% PULSARSProbably Unpopulated Locations, Some Are Remotely Studied. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PUMAPuma: Ultimate Mac Advancement Acronymous Anonymous (referring to the version of MAC OS X before JAGUAR)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% PUMA ATTACKS ZEBRA Pertinent Unto Mainland America, Apparently This Terrible Animal Can Kill Skilful Zoological Entity Based Round Africa Tony the Tiger, after somebody on the forums said 'puny puma pit their skills against zebras.'
100% PUNCH CARDPunch Using 'Nuff Clout, Hanging Chads Are Rarely Deciphered Sean Lamb
100% PUNCTUATIONPerhaps Underutilised, Need Commas To Understand Acronyms! Trivial Indeed, One Nods Gavin Lambert
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% PUNKPerson Uncovering Nobby Knees Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% PUNK ROCKPresent Underwear Near Knees Rip Off Chains Kinetically Rico Leffanta
100% PUNLESSPolite Unadorned Natural Laughter Expresses Simplicity Sometimes Tony McCoy O'Grady, after Angela said he was SLIPPING
Words & Wordplay
100% PUNSPlayful, Unexpected Nuances Surprise! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay
100% PUNS (2)Paronomasia Unearths Natural Silliness Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay
100% PUNTPurchasers/Paddies Used Need These. Tony
100% PUPPETPulling Upon Plaything's Pieces Entertains Tots Tony McCoy O'Grady, as an example of something which is worse with NO STRINGS ATTACHED (Pulling Strings)
100% PUPPIESPeople Usually Prefer Pets If Extra Small Angela Brett
100% PURCHASINGPeople Using Resources Can Haggle And/or Shop In New Grocers Tony McCoy O'ShoppingTrolley
100% PURCHASING POWERPeople Using Real Cash Have A Strength In Numbers, Grocers Provide Offers Which Earn Revenue TMcCO'G
100% PUREPerfectly Unsullied, Remaining Entire Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% PURE (2)Perfectly (Unillogical) Reasonable Expansion Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Jeff suggested putting LAURA in the credit of MICHAEL SEILER, 'so as not to fill the stack and site with PURE nonsense.' Of course the capitalised PURE demanded a pure expansion.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% PURE METHAMPHETAMINEPopularly Used Rage Excuse, Maybe Everyone That Has Any May Plead Helplessness Even Though A Murder Is Never Excusable. Angela Brett, after 'P' was blamed for a murder (it seems to be blamed for everything these days.)
100% PURGATORYPunishment Until Residual Guilt Atoned, Then Openly Regard Yahweh Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PURGEPurify Using Registered General Emetic Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% PURITYPenises Usually Relegate It To Yesterday Angela Brett, after (CHAP (2)) was given a 100% purity rating by the acronym submission form.
Assorted Nouns
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
86% PURPLEPrussian-blue Underneath Red Paint... & Lavender's Engineered! Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% PURPLE (2)Perhaps Upperclass/ Royal People Look Elegant Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% PURPLE (3)Purely Used, Regal Passionate Lush Emotions Jan Morgan
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
88% PURPPLEPinnk, Umbber, Redd, Peeach, Pearrl, Lemmon and Euccalyptus Tony McCoy O'Grady, after Angela pointed out that he'd put an extra P word in the expansion of PURPLE in the 'ROSES ARE RED...' acronym. He explained that purpple is a particularly strong colour made up of those listed in the expansion.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% PURSUITPolice Under Requirements So Ultimately I Tergiversate Taylor Rundell's the name. I thought of the acronym in my brain, but I also used the thesaurus @ thesaurus.com
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% PUSSPretty, Unusual, Silky, Sleeping Patricia Rix
100% PUSSY CATPurring Under Suzy's Sweet Yellow Cardie - Absolute Tranquility Mary Carr
92% PUT A SOCK IN ITPoliteness (is) Usually Thoughtful. A Soupcon Of Consideration & Kindness Is Needed, I'm Thinking Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% PUT A SOCK ON ITPen Up Thermal Activity So Outside Cold Keeps Out... Nice Insulated Toes. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Advice
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% PUTERPathetic Useless Tangled Electronic Rubbish! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PUT OUTPlace Unwanted Thing(s) Outside Until Trashday Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% PVCPretty Vulgar Clothing Angela Brett (PVC usually stands for Poly-Vinyl Chloride)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Household Objects:Clothing
100% PVC (2)Perfectly Viable Clothing Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Household Objects:Clothing
100% PYTHAGORASPredict Your Triangle's Hypotenuse... Assuming Geometrically Orthogonal - Right-Angled - Sides. Angela Brett
91% PYTHAGORAS (2)Prove Your Theorem - Hypotenuses Arranged & Geometry Obviates Relative Areas of Squares. Angela Brett
100% PYTHAGORAS (3)Perhaps You Think He Achieved Greatness Of Reputation Alone... Sorry! Angela Brett, because much of the mathematics attributed to Pythagoras was actually by other members of the Pythagorean sect.
100% PYTHONPursues You, Then Has Ophidian Nutrition Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% PYURIAPus (in) Your Urine Readily Indicates Affliction Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PYXISPopping Yardage, Xraying/Xposing Individual Seeds Jan Morgan in other words the bursting seeds fall over the length (yardage) of the garden xraying (examining) each (individual) seed. An alternative beginning is Portions Yards referring to how people portion out their gardens to say where each variety of seed should go.
100% QAQuirky A**holes Jeff Anonymous, in reference to the many failures that go on in Quality Assurance
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% QA (2)Quietly Authoritative Tony McCoy O'Grady, who finds the folk at Quality Assurance to be humble, efficient and reliable.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% QA (3)Quaintly Antiquated Tony McCoy O'Grady, because there may be someone who will say that they are working with outdated techniques and that they are actually 'quirky' as Jeff says.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% QA (4)Quick Approval Angela Brett, who thinks that the Quality Assurance people might occasionally not bother to run thorough tests.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% QA (5)Questionable Authority Susan S.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% QABALAHQuite Arcane. Biblical Appreciation Lurking Among Hebrews Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% QATARQuite A Torrid, Arid Region. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% Q-BASICQuite Boring And Stupid Illogical Code Tripod
100% QICQuirky Information Cabinet Sean Lamb (QIC is really Quarter-Inch Cartridge, one size class of backup tape cartridge; multiple uses causes corruption on the tape)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% QUACKQuite Unqualified At Clinical Knowledge Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% QUADQuotes Usually Are Divine/Divided Jan Morgan - 4 sets of scriptures bound together
67% QUADRAQuite Unheard-of... Available in Dramatic Range of Abilities! Angela Brett, on discovering that there are Quadras which are anything from 16 to 200 Megehertz.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
89% QUADRANTQuarter Used As Dentists Refer to Around Nine Teeth Angela Brett (there's usually only eight teeth per quadrant but supernumerary teeth are not uncommon.)
91% QUADRATRIXQuite Useful in Answering Dilemma... Round's Area To Rectangle Impossibility Xamined. Angela Brett
100% QUAESITOSAURUSQuite Unusual Auricle Exemplifies Sauropod; Individual Traces Of Skull Are Uncovered, Researchers Use Science Sean Lamb (This dino, known by partial skull fossils, had an structures that indicated unusually sensitive hearing)
100% QUAFFQuickly Upraise Alcohol, Finish Fast! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% QUAGGAQuippers Usually Are Going, 'Great Ass!' Angela Brett
100% QUAGGA (2)Quite Unusual Animal Genetically Gone Away Patricia Rix
100% QUAGMIREQuite Unpassable And Gluey Marsh In Remote Environment Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% QUAILSQuite Unfilling And I'd Like Somemore Tony McCoy O'Grady, who can't see the point of eating things as small as quail
Food & Drink
100% QUAINTQuasi Unique Artifact - It's Not Today's Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% QUAKEQueen Undresses And King Erupts Rico Leffanta
100% QUAKERSQuiet, Unagressive, Agrarian Kinfolk; Extremely Religious Souls. Roger Williams
100% QUALIFYQuiet Undergraduate Achieves Learning In Fruitful Yield Angela Brett
100% QUALITYQuick! Use A Lasso! It's Tipping! Yikes! Patricia Rix (I was thinking of a rickety, poorly-built backhouse; don't ask me why!)
Assorted Nouns
100% QUALITY (2)Quantity's Usually A Lesser Interest To You Tony McCoy O'Grady (one should always prefer quality to quantity)
Assorted Nouns
100% QUALITY LIFEQuit Underachieving And Love It... Tomorrow You'll Lie In Fetid Earth Angela Brett, who wonders if there's a better word than Underachieving which means something like 'underenjoying' but sounds more like a real word.
People & Relationships:Advice
100% QUANGOQuorums Usually Are Nepotistically Gerrymandered Overnight Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% QUANTITYQuality, Up Above None - That Implies Tangible Yield Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
88% QUANTUMQuite Unusually, Angela's Nephew has This Unconventional Moniker! Angela Brett
Names:First names:Male
100% QUANTUM MANAGEMENT DATABASEQuickness Unquestionably Always Necessary... This Underaged Mischief-Maker Almost Needs A Gazillion Eyes (Mother's) Ever Noticing Those Dubious Activities That All Begin As Simple Exploration. Angela Brett, expanding an unsuccessful search, thinking of a database on how to manage her nephew QUANTUM.
People & Relationships
100% QUANTUM PHYSICSQuestion Unasked? Answer's Not There! Unless Measured, Particle Hasn't Yet Spin - In Concurrent States. Angela Brett
100% QUARKQuantity Uncertain - Although Reasonably Known Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% QUARK (2)Quantum Uncertainty Always Restricts Knowledge Angela Brett
100% QUARKSQuestionably Useful As Reality Keeps Surprising Angela Brett (or perhaps '...As Reality Kids Scientists.')
100% QUARRELQuerulous, Unwanted Argument Rowdily Raiding English Language Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela mentioned that we hadn't yet come up with any acronyms beginning with 'Q.'
People & Relationships
100% QUARREL (2)Quashes Usual Amicable Relationship, Retorts Ever Louder Angela Brett
People & Relationships
86% QUASARQuite Unusually Active Sources At Radio-wavelengths Philip Edwards
100% QUASARSQueer Unusual And Strange Areas - Radiation Sources Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% QUATORZAINSQuills Used Again To Organise Rhyming Zeugmas As Iambi; New Sonnets! Angela Brett, while trying to encourage people to apronymise Q words.
100% QUEASYQuite Uneasy Emotion Assails Stomach, Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% QUEBECQuit Using English, Become Especially 'Canadienne' Toni McCoi O'Gradi
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
83% QUEENQuite Unloveable Entity of English Nobility! Tony McCoy O'Grady
88% QUEEN KATHARINEQuite Uuninvolved & Elegant. England Needs King-in-waiting! Anne Takes Henry's Affections, Royal Intrigue Nobbles Everything Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry VIII
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VIII
83% QUEERQuite Unlikely Ever to Easily Reproduce Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
71% QUERYQuestion to Understand Enigmatic Response of Yours Angela Brett
0% QUERY (2)Question is Urgent - (I) Expect Reply Yesterday Tony McCoy O'Grady
83% QUESTQuintesential Undertaking Exhibiting Supreme True-heartedness Susan S.
Assorted Nouns
100% QUESTIONQuery Usually Eliciting Some Thought, If One's Nice Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% QUEUEINGQuality Usually Expressed (as) Uniquely English - It's Now Global Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
86% QUICHEQuite Unflattering International Chow of Hard Eggs Sean Lamb
Food & Drink
100% QUICK-ACTING BRAKEQuickly Used, Its Caboose Kills Acceleration Creating Traction In Need. Good Brakes Really Avoid Killing Engineers. Sean Lamb (http://www.geocities.com/gold27ca/gloss1a.html defines this as "A Modification by George Westinghouse of his automatic air-brake for quicker response at the rear of a train." Many train crews have been killed by runaways when the brakes failed.)
100% QUICKIEQuite Unexpected Intercourse, Cuddling & Kissing In Excelsis Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
75% QUICKNESSQuantity Under Investigation Causes Keen Notion of an Escalation of Super Speediness Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% QUID PRO QUOQuietude Usually Invokes Detention Police Require Oral Questioning Under Oath Rico Leffanta
Assorted Phrases
100% QUIETQuit Ululating - It's Ear Terrorism! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% QUIET (2)Quit Uppercasing - It's Eye Terrorism! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
83% QUIET (3)Quiescent Uvular Is Easier to Tolerate. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Advice
83% QUIET (4)Quick Understanding Immediate Exit (of) Talk Jan Morgan
Assorted Adjectives
100% QUIET RIOTQuirky Unimaginative Instrumental Entertainment That Really Isn't One's Taste Sean Lamb (well, I'm not really a heavy metal fan)
88% QUIETUSQuite Unbearable, Interminable Existence Through Use (of) Suicide Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Death
100% QUIFFQuim Users Invest For Fun Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% QUINTUPLEQuadruple's Understood... Increment, Now, To Use Penta-Like Enumerator. Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% QUIPQuick, Unscripted, Intense, Pithy Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% QUIP (2)Quite Unexpected Ingenious Pun Dustan Dowsing
100% QUIPSQuirky Utterances In Playful Situations Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% QUIRKQueer Unusual Idiosyncrasies = Relationship Kaput Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% QUITEQuantitatively Unspecific, It's Tentatively Extensive. Angela Brett
100% QUITTERQuestioning Unhealthy Inclination Toward Tobacco - Eventually Rewarded. Angela Brett
88% QUITTER (2)Questions Usefulness (of) Inching Towards The End Result Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
86% QUIVERQuasi Unmoving, Infinitesmal Vibratory Evidence of Reaction Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% QUIVERSQuaint Universally Intimate Vibrations Expecting Romantic Sensations Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% QUIZMASTERQuestions Usually Instigate Zero Marks As Silly Twits Essay Reponses Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% QUORUMQualified Unit Of Roughly United Minds Sean Lamb
People & Relationships
100% QUOTATIONQuerysome Use Of Topic Attempting To Instance Own Notions Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% QUOTEQuotation Used On Thy Email Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% QUO VADIS?Question Uttered On Via Appia, Disciple Is Surprised Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% QWERTY"Quit Writing Everything Rapidly!" Typewriter Yells Angela Brett, since the QWERTY keyboard layout was designed to stop typewriters from jamming, though not necessarily by slowing down typing. (See http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a1_248.html and the linked article for an interesting discussion on this)
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% QYQuestioning You Jan Morgan (QY usually means 'query')
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% RARafted Atlantic Tony McCoy O'Grady (Ra is the name Thor Heyerdahl gave the papyrus raft he crossed the Atlantic with.)
100% RA (2)Really Ancient Jeff Anonymous (In reference to the ancient Egyptian sun god)
100% RABATRotate And Bring About Togetherness Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RABBIRebellious Arab Brazenly Blessing Israel Rico Leffanta, after reading DNA analysis concludes Jews and Palestinians are genetic brothers.
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% RABBITRandy As Bejaysus, Big Incisor Teeth Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RABHADHRead And Beware, Here Are Dire Hazards Angela Brett, who noticed this word on a train as the Irish translation of 'warning'.
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% RACERegard All Colours Equally Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% RACE (2)Run And Club Everyone Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
100% RACE (3)Rapid Acronymising Crushes Eric Steve Keate, on hearing that Eric was about to overtake him on the ACRONYMS hall of fame.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% RACE (4)Run A Course Energetically Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation
100% RACES OF PEOPLE THAT LIVE IN NEW ZEALANDRacism's A Curse, Encouraging Sloppiness Of Foolish Persons Evidently Overlooking Proper Lingual Exactness. 'Tis Humans Alone That Live In (Very Exactly) Increasingly Numerous Nations Everywhere. White Zealots Evilly Attempt Lambasting A Nonwhite's Descent Tony McCoy O'Grady, who believes that the person was seeking 'Nations of peoples....' or even 'Ethnicity of peoples....' Until aliens arrive, or the dolphins begin to be understood, those of us who communicate are all of the 'human' race.
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% RACHELRather Attractive Clairol Hairproducts Evangelising Lady Tony McCoy O'Grady - who obviously isn't worth it, to judge by the bald spot.
Names:Famous people
100% RACISMReally Asinine Creed Immolates So Many. Timothy Chambers
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% RACKETSRunning A Criminal Kingdom - Evil Thugs Succeed Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% RADARRemote Aircraft Detected Along Radius Tony McCoy O'Grady (RADAR actually stands for RAdio Detection And Ranging)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% RADIANTReally Attractive Damsel In Alluring Negligee Teaser Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% RADIORanting About Deity Is Omnipresent Angela Brett, while on a long car trip when her brother pointed out that the only radio station you can rely on getting just about everywhere in the country is a religious station.
100% RADIO (2)Relayed Across Distances - It's Omnipresent. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RADIO (3)Receives And Decodes Inaudible Oscillations Edwin Hermann
83% RADIO (4)Remote Audio Distribution Is Old-fashioned Tony
90% RADIOHEADRock Always Deserved International Oddities Having Established yet Abnormal 'Dos. All by myself, Taylor Rundell. I remember my last Apronym...
100% RADIO NEWSRegular Audio Dispatches Interrupt Other Noisy Entertainment With Stories. Angela Brett
86% RADIUMRadio-Active Decay Is Used in Medicine. Angela Brett
100% RADIUSRip A Diameter Into Uniform Sections Angela Brett
100% RADONRarely A Desired Occurrence, Naturally Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RAICHURadically Awesome, Intelligent, Cute, Herculean... UBERCOOL! Jeff Anonymous (Raichu is Pokemon #26)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% RAIDRepeated Annual Income Decrement Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Tax Assessment.
100% RAIKOUReally Arduous In Kapturing One. Urgh! Dundee (Raikou is Pokemon #248 - one of the three legendary beasts which is very difficult to capture.)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% RAILROADRiding Along In Luxury, Railroads Often Are Delightful Sean Lamb
100% RAINRuns Along Inside Neckline TMcCO'G
88% RAINBOWRed And Indigo Naturally Banded (with) Other Wavelengths Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RAINBOW (2)Rain Ahead, Illumination Near Behind... Oh, Wow! Angela Brett
100% RAINBOW (3)Red And Indigo, No Black Or White Eric Bridgstock
100% RAINBOW (4)Really Amazing Image. Nicely Bends Over World Eric Bridgstock
100% RAINBOW (5)Rainy Arc. It Never Breaks Or Wavers Eric Bridgstock
100% RAINBOW (6)Refraction Acts In Natural Breakup Of White. Angela Brett
89% RAINY DAYRelease Any Idle Nest-egg... You Deserve Ample Yield. Angela Brett, referring to money people save 'for a rainy day.'
83% RAKESRich Aristocrats Kicked-back, Enjoying Scandal TMcCO'G
People & Relationships
100% RAMRudely Affects Middle Jeff Anonymous, explaining that eating random access memory may cause stomach cramps.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Do Not Eat
90% RAMANUJANRead Advanced Mathematics And Nimbly Understood - Juvenescent Aptitude Non-surpassed. Angela Brett
100% RAMBLINGRanting About Marginally Bearable Little Insights - Nothing Great. Angela Brett, who is an expert on rambling.
100% RANDALLRelishes Aviation Navigation, Dynamic Achiever Loves Life Jan Morgan -- someone I know
Names:First names:Male
100% RANDOM HOUSEReading A New Dictionary Offers Many Hours Of Uniquely Serendipitous Enjoyment. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% RANDYRapist Acting Nice, Diddling You Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% RANKRegal Attitude Needs Kingdom Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% RANSOMRecovery Attempt Needs Shooters Or Money Eric Bridgstock, after Angela's laptop was held to ransom.
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% RANSOM NOTEReally Awful Notice. Statement Of Malice. Not Often Tackled Easily. Eric Bridgstock
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% RANTSRead As Notes To Self Angela Brett, as many rants are more like outlets for the ranters feelings with little thought of the person being ranted at.
100% RAPRepetitive Annoying Percussion Angela Brett
100% RAPERascal Assaults, Penetrates Eagerly. Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% RAPE (2)Readily Aborted Pregnancy Eventuates. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% RAPHAELReaching At Peace, Heaven Answers Everyone's Lessons Jan Morgan
100% RAPIDASHRaces Anything... Pokemon Instinctively Dashes After Something Hasty Angela Brett (Rapidash is Pokemon #78)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% RAPIERRedmond Application Platform Is Engineered Roughly Sean Lamb (Rapier is Microsoft's code name for Windows CE 3.0 for Pocket PC version 2)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
100% RAPPORTReach A Particularly Pleasant Ongoing Relationship Together Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% RASCALRake After Seasoning Consummates Autumn Leaves Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% RASHReaction Allergics Sometimes Have Angela Brett
100% RATRanger And Tracker Arven Yerdon
100% RATERRemember, A Ten's Extremely Rare. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% RATER (2)Reasonable Assessment's This Employee's Responsibility Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% RATICATERattata - After Twenty "Intervals" Character Alters Through Evolution Tony McCoy O'Grady, who has done Pokemon #20 as his first Pokemon expansion
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% RATIONAL NUMBERSRepresentable As Two Integers... Ontop - Numerator... And Lower Numeral? Usually Multiplying By Entry's Reciprocal Suffices. Angela Brett
Science:Mathematics:Number sets
100% RAT RACERodents Are The Runners, Apparently Craving Escape. Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation
67% RATSRe-fixing Apple is Terribly Slow Angela Brett, when poor Macless Tony discovered that the recent repairs on his Mac's power supply had to be re-done, and he'd be Macless for Christmas.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% RATS (2)Runs Around Through Sewers Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RATTLESNAKEReptile's Agitated - Trembling Tail Lets Echoing Sound Notify Any Killable Entity Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RAWHIDERedhat's Always Working Hard In Developing Enhancements Sean Lamb (Rawhide is the code name for RedHat's unstable development tree)
Names:Code Names:Linux
100% RAYMOND CHANDLERRacy - And Yet Moral! Our Nearly Dubious Charming Hero Assists Nervous Dame Lethally Exact Revenge Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Writers
100% RCMPRixes Care; McCop Provokes. Rob Rix - Responding to Tony "McCop" O'Grady's explanation for ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% REACHRemoteness Eludes A Clutching Hand Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% REACHING YOUR LIMITSRemember, Even A Champion's Human. Invincibility's Not Given You, Only Use Responsible Low-Impact Machines If Training's Starting. Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation
100% REACTEDRegal Entrance Acknowledged; Close The Expletive Door! Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
100% READ!Reality Envelops Announcing Death! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Reality (God) Envelops (Omnipresent) Announcing (in Bible) Death (to Jesus for our sins & to all who do not accept his atonement)!
92% READ A MANUALRender Emergency Assistance Darling Angela, My Available Neurons Unusually At a Loss Tony McCoy O'Grady
92% READ A MANUAL!Relying Exclusively on Auto Diagnosis? A Major And Nasty Unexpected Accident Likely! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% READ AND SUCCEEDReaders Evidently Apply Details Article Notates Duly Surfing Up Career Chart? Essentially Empty Dross! TMcCO'G - Self-help manuals for success always seem to be tailored for someone else. Otherwise all those who read them would be whoppingly successful, instead of lurking in bookstores looking for more 'How to Succeed...' books
People & Relationships
Art & Literature
100% READERSReaders Extract Apronymic Data! Examine Reality Symbolic/Skillfully! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Art & Literature
57% REALReally Entertaining Acronym List (like this one!) Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% REALISERead! Expand Apronymists! Live Innovation! Supersede Expansions! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. on realising the potential of apronymists.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% REALIZING DREAMSRestoring Esoteric Aesthetic Language Into Zine Is Now Getting Difficult Regardless Exact Allegorical Meanings Sought Apronymous Anonymous
People & Relationships
100% REAL TIME ACQUISITION SOFTWARERetrieves (Electronically) A Library. The Information Must Enter A Conduit Quickly, Use Ideal-Speed Internet To Integrate Our Nous So Our Fellow Thinkers Will Always Research Efficiently Angela Brett
100% REAL TIME INTEGRATED SOFTWARERender Everything As 'Live' Then (If My Ethernet Is Not Too Erratic) Get Reactions As Things Emerge. Don't Sit Otiosely, Forced To Wait As Report's Edited Angela Brett
86% REASONRendition of Explanatory Advice; Sometimes Only Nutty Gavin Lambert
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% REBBACHISAURUSReally Exceptional Beast Became A Creature Hidden In Saharan Africa Under Rigid Unsandy Sand Sean Lamb (Rebbachisaurus was discovered in the Saharan area of northern Africa; after so many millions of years, sand gets packed down into rigid structures)
100% REBECCARaises Every Boy's Excitement, C-Cups Advertised Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Names:First names:Female
100% REBUILDReassemble Everything, But Ultimately It's Little Different Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% RECAPRepeated Explanation Clarifies A Point. Angela Brett
78% RECEIPTRegistered and Entitled Conductor of Electronic Intercourse, Preferential Treatment. Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to the TICKET.
100% RECENT ACRONYMReflects Everyone Constantly Expanding New Terms, All Carefully Recorded Online. 'Ncludes Yours, Maybe! Angela Brett, who thought she'd better acronymise the headings of the tour of recently added acronyms at http://acronyms.co.nz/tours/recent/recent1.html since they're in capitals.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% RECEPTIONISTRegularly Every Company Employs Person To Implement Office Network If Someone Telephones Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% RECOGNITIONRealising Each Cherished One Gives Nasal Inflection That Identifies Owners Name Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% RECOGNITION (2)Rewarding Esteemed Colleague On Goals Noted - Individual's Talent Is Officially Noted Tony
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Employee Recognition Program
100% RECORDERRegister Everything, Catching On Rotating Discs Each Remark. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RECORDSRoundels Evidently Contained Operas - Recorded Double Sided Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RECORDS (2)Remarkable Events Contained On Registered Data System Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RECOVERYRejecting Every Craving, One's Very Existence Reforms Yearly My name is Tony and I'm an ....
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
91% RECREATIONRelaxed Enjoyment Can Restore Energies And Tone-up Intensely Overwrought Nerves Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% RECRUITINGRemember Employers Can Reject Unskilled Individuals - That Includes New Graduates Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% RECRUITMENTRedcoats Enlisters Coerced Runaway Urchins Into The Military - Each Needed Training Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% RECTUMRegular Egestion Causing Trouble? Use Metamucil! Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% RECURSIVERECURSIVE Expansion Continually Unfolds Reflecting Successive Interations, Virtually Endless Angela Brett (expand the first word in this expansion for hours of fun. Don't forget to eat.)
Words & Wordplay
75% REDReminder of Everpresent Danger Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% RED!Rises Ends, Danger! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Rises Ends: Sunrises, Sunsets. Red Label: Danger!
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% RED (2)Rather Exciting Decoratively Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% RED (3)Regularly Exposes Dangers Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% RED (4)Responsible Elevated Daily! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. referring to sunrise.
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% RED BULL"Rashness" Elevated - Drinkers Beat Up Latenight Lingerers TMcCO'G - there was a spate of attacks on passers-by in Dublin when Red Bull was at its most popular. Drinkers were adding it to their vodka, and becoming very violent.
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% RED FOXRusset Earth Denizen Finds Offal Xcellent Patricia Rix
100% RED HATReverend Eminence's Designatory Headpeace - A 'Titfer' Tony McCoy O'Grady - A Roman-Catholic Cardinal gets a 'red hat' as a symbol of his status. "Titfer" is rhyming slang for hat (tit for tat).
Household Objects:Clothing
100% RED HAT (2)Reliable, Easy, Defensible Hardware Access Technology Jeff Anonymous, speaking of the Linux distribution.
100% REDMOND, START YOUR PHOTOCOPIERSRemember, Everyone, Don't Mention Our Nemesis Directly, Since They're Always Ready To Yell Objections Using Representatives Paid Hundreds Of Thousands. Obvious Clone Of Product Is Expected Relatively Soon. Angela Brett, referring to a banner at WWDC unveiled after the announcement of Mac OS X 10.4 code-named TIGER. It's quite clear which company the banner is referring to without it being spelled out.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% REEBOKReally Expensive, Exceeds Budget Of Kids. Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing
93% REENGINEERINGRewriting Electrical Engineers' Notes Generally Insinuates Nobody's Ever Entirely Right. It's a No Go. Sean Lamb
100% REFERENCE MANUALRegularly Encountered Features Explained Reliably, Errors Newbies Can Expect. Many Additional Notes Using Accessible Language Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% REFILLReadjust, Enhancing Fullness In Liquid Levels Jan Morgan
Assorted Verbs
92% REFRIGERATORReceptacle Ensuring Freshness. Rather Ingenious Gadget - Everything Remains At Tastiness Of Recently-harvested Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Appliances
100% REFUGEESRecent Emigrants From Unease Generate Enmity, Entering Sneakily Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% REFUNDReturning Endorsements For Using Notes, Deficient Jan Morgan
100% REGANResentfully Envies Goneril - Abundantly Noxious Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's (The Tragedy of) King Lear
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:(The Tragedy Of) King Lear
100% REGGIERich Entrepreneur Gets Going In Employment Jan Morgan
Names:First names
100% REGINALDResponsible Educator Gets In Nice Adventure, Learns Diversity Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% REGIONRough Expanse, Generally In One's Neighbourhood Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% REGRESSRetreat Everybody Going Reversewards Exiting Sticky Situation Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% REGURGITATINGRelishing Eating Goodies Until Repeated Gluttony Incites The Appetite To Induce Newsworthy Gourmands Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink
100% REHABReformative Ethos Has Amended Behaviour Tony McCoy O'GrAAdy
100% REHASHRecycle Everything, Heat Again Sunday's Ham Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
Food & Drink
100% REHASHEDRejected Essay He Again Submitted, Having Edited Document. Angela Brett
Art & Literature
100% REHASHED (2)Rejected Essay Has Apparently Some Heavy Extra Downloads. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% REHEARSERepeating Everything Hundredfold Ensures Actors Retain Stage Excellence Tony McCoy O'Shakespeare
100% REHEARSINGRepeat Everything - Having Erring Actor Reacting Sloppily Is Not Good. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% REINDEERRudolph's Exceptional In Nasal Department - Easily Enabling Routefinding Tony McCoy O'Grady
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% REJECTSRegurgitation Exemplifies Justice Et Cleanliness. True, Simple. Jeff Anonymous
Assorted Verbs
100% REJECTS (2)Refused Entry Justly. Entry Criteria Taken Seriously! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% REJECTS (3)Rubbishy Entries Justifiably Evicted - Cannot Taint Stack. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% REJOICINGReceiving Email Jokes Over Internet Connection Instigates Nice Gaiety Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RELATIONSHIPSRather Enjoyable Linkages Are Those I Open Nowadays Seeking Happiness In Platonic Situations Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% RELAXRest, Eating Lychees And Xylocarps Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% RELAX (2)Rest Easy, Life's An Xperiment Patricia Rix
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% RELIEF SOCIETYRighteous Earnest Ladies, Individuals Engaged Faithfully, Sacrifice/Service Of Caring Interchange, Enduring Together Yearly Jan Morgan -- LDS women's Organization
100% RELIGIONReaches Every Life, If God Is Or Not Angela Brett
100% RE-LOLReally Excited, Lots Of Laughing re-LOL typed by Angela to mean 'LOL again,' acronym suggested by Tony McCoy O'Grady.
100% REMResoundingly Evocative Musicians Eric Bridgstock
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% REMINGTONRealist Emits Manifestations In Narrative, Graphic Truth On Notions Jan Morgan -- someone I know -- he really says it like he sees it.
Names:First names:Male
100% REMINGTON (2)Rhythm Evokes Motion In Nonviolent Graphic Truth On Notions Jan Morgan -- someone I know -- Truth telling guy has rhythm.
Names:First names:Male
93% REMOTE CONTROLRecent Electronic Masterpiece, Operates Television, Enables Controller Obviate Necessity To Rouse Oneself a Little Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% REMOVERefusing Entry, Matter Of Vetoing Entrance Jan Morgan
Assorted Verbs
100% RENAULTRemarkable European (Notably Aerodynamic) Ultimate-Luxury Transport Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% RENEERunning Extra Nights Earns Endurance Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% RENEWRecreating Emergents, Necessary Elements Wanted Jan Morgan
Assorted Verbs
86% REPEATRendered Exactly Pluralised; Edit with Added Thoughtfulness Gavin Lambert, when an apronym in THE APRONYM TIMES was repeated.
100% REPLENISHMENTReplace Every Piece Lost. Each New Incoming Shipment Has More Elements Needed, Thanks Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% REPORTSRegular Evaluation Procedure Often Reveals Torporific Staff Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% REPORTS (2)Records Exhibiting Progress Of Regulars Towards "Satisfactory" Patricia Rix
100% REPORTS (3)Regular Evening Profiles On Regional Television Service Tony McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows
100% REPOSSESSIONRepugnant Event, Perhaps One Should've Sent Expected Stipend, Since It's Overdue Now. Tony McCoy O'Grady
83% RESEARCH ON AGINGRage Expanding, Searing Eyestrain, Absence of Rest, Chronic Headaches, Old useless Noggin, And Gaining Interest in Night Games old people of the world, unite!... then fall asleep while reading the acronym...
100% RESERVOIR DOGSRampant Excitement, Supposedly. Extremely Rare Violent Occurrences, It's Really Dull - Oh God, Stop! Angela Brett, after watching all she could stand of the movie 'Reservoir Dogs.' The video cover pretty much admitted there was no plot, but promised an explosive, break-neck speed spree of violence - that wasn't there either which left the movie somewhat empty.
100% RESPITEResting Easy Some People Inhale The Ether Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% RESPONSEReact Expressing Surprise - People Often Note Staring Eyes Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% RESTRelaxing Excessively Soothes Tension Kenny Roy
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% RESUMEReport Effortlessly Sums Up My Experiences Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% RESUME (2)Relate Every Single Useful, Minute Experience Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% RETAILReally Expensive Things Are Individually Labelled Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RETARDReally Exhausting To Attempt Reading Dictionary. Angela Brett
100% RETARD (2)Regulate Everything To Arrange Restrain Detonation Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
86% RETINAResiding in Eye, This Is Never Amputated! Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% RETIRERich Elders Trade-In Relentless Employment Angela Brett
100% RETIREMENTRegular Employment Time Is Reduced. 'Elderly' Means Enjoying New Timetable Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RETRIEVERecover Everything They Robbed In Evening's Violent Episode Tony McCoy O'Grady, whose mother once retrieved some of what had stolen in a burglary
People & Relationships:Law & Order
88% REVEAL YOURSELFRemove Epistolary Veil - Expose A Little. You'll Only Urge Retribution Sending Encrypted Little Fol-de-rols Tony McCoy O'Grady (see WHO IS IT?)
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% REVELATIONRegarding Eventual Victory, Expect Lucifer's Aides To Intervene Over Nations. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% REVELATION (2)Reads Encoding Very Easily, Literally, And Turns It Out Normal Tony McCoy O'Grady (see YARP... Prayer is a human (or humans) talking to God. The opposite of prayer is 'revelation'. Revelation is God talking to human(s) and I imagine that your program will 'reveal' something.)
Computers:Windows:Applications:The opposite of PRAY
100% REVELATION (3)Reads Each Virtual Electronic Life Agent, Translating Into Original Notation Gavin Lambert, Angela Brett and Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Windows:Applications:The opposite of PRAY
88% REVENGEReceiving Extreme Violence Entitles Nobody to Genocidal Extermination Angela Brett
Military:War & Terrorism
100% REVENUEReceived Earnings, Vital Excise, Now Undergoes Experience Jan Morgan
100% REVERENCERespect Every View, End Religious Envious Nonsense, Choose Equality Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
90% REVOLTINGRecharging Electrical Voltage Over Lithium Terminals when Ions Need Generating Angela Brett, when Tony suggested that a battery charger could be said to be re-volt-ing.
100% REVOLTING (2)Reproducing Erotica Via Open-Line Talkback Is Not Good! Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% REVOLTING (3)Retailing Emasculated Vagina On Local Toilets Is Normally Grotesque. Steve Keate and Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% REVOLVERRotating Elements, Vital Of Lines, Viewing Every Range Jan Morgan
67% REWARDRecognising Employees Who: (pick one) Augment Reputation/Record of Department Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Employee Recognition Program
86% REWARD (2)Recognising Employees Who Achieve Respect of Department Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Employee Recognition Program
86% REWARD (3)Recognising Employees Who Achieve Relative to Department Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Employee Recognition Program
100% RHENIUMRather Hard Element, Not - Indeed - Unlike Manganese. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RHIANNONReason Has Its Answers Nature Never Offers Nonsense Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% RHINOSRhino Horn Is Not Orgasmically Stimulating Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% RHODE ISLANDRoger's Home Of Distinction Established Individual State, Little Area, Newport's Domain Jan Morgan - Roger Williams Established Rhode Island
Places:States & Regions
100% RHODIOLARecommended Herb Often Diagnosed In Occasional Lung Afflictions Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
78% RHODIUMReflective, Highly in Optics, Determining It's Use (in) Mirrors. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RICERepast Is Consumed Everywhere Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% RICE (2)Rich In Carbohydrates, Evidently Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% RICE (3)Raised In Chinese Empire. Roger Williams
Food & Drink
100% RICE (4)Rich In Carbohydrate Energy TMcCO'G
Food & Drink
86% RICE KRISPIESRather Insolent Criminal, Especially Keen on Raiding Internet Sites and Pirating Interesting Exciting Software Tony McCoy O'Grady, devising another cereal killer.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains:Cereal Killers
100% RICHARDRoast Irish Cow & Ham - A 'Real' Dinner Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% RICHARD (2)Realized Increased Cravings Have A Real Disadvantage Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% RICHARD IIRobs Inheritance Cousin Held And Ruinous Disaster Is Inevitable Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Richard II
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Richard II
95% RICHARD OF GLOUCESTERRoundly Ignoble Character Has Awkward Relatives Despatched Off-handedly. Frequently Giving Looks Of Utter Contempt - Eventually Succumbing To Earl Richmond Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Richard III
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Richard III
100% RICHARD PERLEReaganite's Influence Conquers - Has Administration Reject Diplomacy, Preferring Extremely Right-Leaning Enforcement Chris Kjelgaard. "Extremely Rigorous Law Enforcement" could be an alternative ending
Names:Famous people:Politicians
People & Relationships:Law & Order
Military:War & Terrorism
100% RICH MANRandy Ignorant Craving Hideous Money Amid Needy Mary Carr
100% RICHMONDReflects In Contrast His Majesty's Ogreish Nasty Deeds Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Richard III
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Richard III
100% RICH PEOPLERolling In Cash, Having Potential Excess Over Probable Lifetime's Expenditure Tony McPauper O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% RICKI LAKERevealing Information Concerning Kinky Interludes - Lackadaisical Audience Kept Entertained. Angela Brett
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
100% RICKI LAKE (2)Rampant Infidelity - Colloquially 'Kickin' It' - Lesbian Adulteresses & Kooks Everywhere. Angela Brett
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
90% RICKI LAKE (3)Routine Investigations Concerning Kids' Initiators... Lie-detectors And Karyotype Examinations. Angela Brett
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
100% RICKS COLLEGEReverence In College Knowledge Scholars. Causes One's Learning Life, Education Generates Excitement Jan Morgan
100% RICKYRambunctious Is Child, Keen Yang Jan Morgan - child I know
Names:First names
100% RICOReal Intense Coital Orgasm Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Male
100% RICO (2)Rich In Calorific Overindulgence Angela Brett
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% RICO LEFFANTAReadily Invents Copious, Often Lusty Expansions - Frighteningly Fast Acronymising Now Tailing Angela Angela Brett
100% RIDING A BIKEReaching Immense Distances Is Nearly Gleeful, Added Benefit Is Knee Exercise Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
77% RIEMANN SUMRewrite (as) Integral (for) Exact Measurement of Area. New Notation Spawns Unerring Method. Angela Brett
100% RIETVELDRenowned Illustrator Emblazons Tshirts, Very Elaborate & Lovely Designs TMcCO'G - the search item 'RIETVELD' has been on the list so long, I did a websearch and found that Rick Rietveld does surfer illustrations for t-shirts,
100% RIFLERight In Firing Line... Eeeek! Angela Brett
100% RIFLE (2)Robbers' Instinct - Fleetingly Look Everywhere Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% RIFLE (3)Rediscovering Insects For Learning Experience Jan Morgan -- someone I know who loves bugs
Names:First names:Male
100% RIFLE (4)Respectful Individual, Fun Loving Excitement Jan Morgan -- someone I know
Names:First names:Male
86% RIGHTSRegardless of Innocence / Guilt, Humane Treatment's Sure. Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% RIGHT STUFFReally Intense Guys - Heroes That're Sure To Ultimately Find Fame Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% RIMMINGRegurgitation-Inducing Mutual Masturbation Is No Good Jeff Anonymous, replying to a failed search; if you don't know, you don't want to know. Believe me.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% RINGERRacehorse Is Not Genuine, Event's Rigged Tony McCoy O'Grady (A 'ringer' is a good horse substituted for a bad one, to make a killing from the bookies)
Sports & Recreation
100% RIOTRaucous Is Obviously Taboo Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
100% RIPRomance In Progress Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% RIPCORDRelax - If Parachute Cannot Open, Reserve'll Deploy Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation:Parachuting
100% RIP-OFFReally Isn't Percentage Of Fat Free Angela Brett (see FAT FREE)
Food & Drink
100% RIPONReview Is Plagiarism Of Novel Angela Brett (Ripon is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, '(Of literary critics.) To include all the best jokes from the book in the review to make it look as if the critic thought of them.'
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% RISK MANAGEMENTReal Investors Should Know Millions Are Not Always Gained... Ensure Money's Entirety's Not Together Angela Brett, thinking of 'spreading the risk'
100% RISK MANAGEMENT (2)Remembering I Should Keep My Ample Nuggets Apart - Golden Eggs Maybe Empty Nest Tomorrow. Angela Brett, thinking of not putting all of one's golden eggs in one basket.
100% RIVENDELLRiver In Valley Excludes Necromancer; Dwellings' Elves Live Luxuriously Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Places:The Lord of the Rings
100% RIVERRuns In Various Elongated Routes Niki Widdowson
100% ROAD RAGERulers Of Automobiles Don't Remember About General Etiquette Angela Brett
100% ROAD TRIPRoisterous Overland Adventure, Driving Through Remote & Interesting Places Leave blank for official use
Sports & Recreation:Travel
100% ROAD TRIP (2)Result Of A Desire To Retch In Public? Angela Brett, thinking about carsickness
100% ROAST PORKRotated On A Spit, The Pig Overtly Ruins Kosher Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% ROBRegularly Offers Brilliance Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ROB (2)Revolts Over Beans Patricia Rix
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% ROBBERSRogues Or Burglars, Break & Enter Residences & Steal. Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% ROBEResolution Of Blasted Education Angela Brett, just after graduating.
Household Objects:Clothing:Academic Regalia
100% ROBERTRixes' Only Boy Evidently Resents Tony! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ROBERT (2)Result Of Bob's Exhilaration - Respectful Tenderness? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ROBERT (3)Respect Of 'Birds' - End Result's Tittering Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ROBERT (4)Robbie: 'Only-Boy Epidemic' Repeated Triply Tony McCoy O'Grady - Robert (a.k.a Rob) Rix is the only son of an only son of an only son - three generations of Rix males have produced one son - females are not taken into consideration for the purposes of the acronym
100% ROBINRacing Oncoming Bird, Injures Native Jan Morgan -- Birds were playing chase and headed for the window one bounced off said window the other hit person sitting on porch
100% ROBOT MACDOBOTRunning On Batteries, Original Thinking Machine - Apple-Computer-Disk Operated But Occasionally Temperamental Tony McCoy O'Grady, acronymising the name of the robot prototype Robot MacDobot which kept KeyBoard alive on the deserted island until MacGirl found him.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Other Characters
100% ROB RIXReally, Only Bothersome Rune Is 'X' Rob Rix
100% ROB RIX (2)Represents OS By Roman Inscription 'X' Angela Brett
100% ROB RIX (3)Retains Objects By Rapidly Instructing X Angela Brett, since Rob programs for Mac OS X, which involves retaining objects.
100% ROCKRegion Of Countryside - Karst. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ROCK A BYE BABYRickety Old Cradle, Kinetically Aided Break, Yields Empty Branch And Baby Yells Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Nursery Rhymes
86% ROCKERRuns Over Carpet Kicking Everyone's Rear-end Rico Leffanta
Household Objects:Furniture
100% ROCKETRoaring Off, Carrying Keen Extra Terrestrials Patricia Rix
100% ROCKET (2)Races Off Creating Kerosene Exhaust Trail Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ROCKETSReach Orbit Converting Kinetic Energy, Transporting Satellites Philip Edwards
100% RODDY DOYLEReflecting On Dubliners' Doings, You Dwell On Young Love's Escapades Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Writers
100% RODEOSRiders Often Dismount End Over 'Saddle' Roger Williams
Sports & Recreation
100% ROFLRaunchy Overlord Fell Lasciviously. Jeff Anonymous, when Tony said 'ROFL' on the forums, and Jeff thought he ought to supply a more original expansion for it than 'Rolling On Floor Laughing'.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
80% ROFL (2)Roundly Overjoyed (by) Fellow's Language Tony McCoy O'Grady, when he exclaimed 'ROFL' at something Jeff had said, and Jeff thought he ought to supply a more original expansion than 'Rolling On Floor Laughing'.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
100% ROFL (3)Retched Onto Floor Laughing Tony McCoy O'Grady, asking 'Have you ever laughed so much you were sick?' (ROFL usually stands for 'Rolling On Floor Laughing')
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
80% ROFL (4)Regurgitated One's 'F'-ing Lunch! ;-) Tony McCoy O'Grady (see ROFL (3))
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
100% ROGERRomantic Overtones Get Everyone Roused Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% ROGER (2)Relax, One's Got Erection Ready Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% ROHYPNOLRapists Often Have Your Phone Number - Over Later! Steve Keate and Angela Brett. (Rohypnol is a tranquiliser which has been linked with date rapes.)
100% ROHYPNOL (2)Randy Old Hack Yields Pharmaceuticals Numbing Obstinate Ladies Steve Keate and Angela Brett
100% ROLLERCOASTERRide Of Long Length Enjoyed Regularly. Can Often Amuse / Startle Those Enjoying Ride Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHINGRolling Over Laughing Loudly, It's Not Good Over Night To Happily Exude Frenzied Laughter On One's Rug, Loud And Uncontrollable Good Humour Irritates Neighbouring Grandma. Steve Keate and Angela Brett
87% ROLLING STONESRomps Of Late-night Loving In Night Gowns, Sexy Tights, Or Naked. Expectations of Sex. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
87% ROLLING STONES (2)Rock's Old-timers. Luscious Lips. Inhaled Narcotics. Great Songwriters. Toured Overseas in Numerous Enormous Stadiums Eric Bridgstock
100% ROLLS ROYCERather Ostentatious Luxury Limousine; Suits Rich, Often Yields Car Envy. Eric Bridgstock
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% ROMAN HOLIDAYRomance - Often Mushy - As Nubile Hepburn Offered Love Is Demure And Youthful. Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% ROMANSRighteousness, Obedience, Mercy And Never-failing Sacrifice Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
100% ROMANTICRandy Old Man Anticipates Necking, Touching, Intimate Caresses Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% ROMEORomantic Opportunist Makes Enemies Outraged Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Romeo and Juliet
100% ROMULANReally Overly Militaristic; Uses Light Attracting Node Gavin Lambert (Romulans use an artificial black hole as a power source)
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Star Trek
100% RONALD REAGANRuler Of North America, Looked Dopey - Regular 'Extra' Actor, Got Average Notices Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people:Politicians
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% RONALD REAGAN (2)Respectable Orator Navigates A Large Democracy, Reached Eternity, Alzheimers Gained Against Notable Jan Morgan
Names:Famous people:Politicians
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% RONALD WEASLEYRagamuffin Offers Nervousness At Life's Dealings With Extremely Abominal Situations, Loyalty Emits Yearly Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
93% RONALD WEASLEY (2)Ragamuffin Offers Nobility/Nitty-gritty At Lifes Dealings. With Extremely Abominal Situations Loyalty Emanates Yearly Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% RON AND JANERemember Our Names, All Net Denizens... Joint Acronymic Notoriety Everywhere Angela Brett, who doesn't know who Ron and Jane are, but speculates that the Ron and Jane who searched for that on the website were just hoping that someone would see their names on the unsuccessful searches page and expand them, so that they'd be 'famous' by being on a web site.
100% RON'S SECOND WIFE"Ready Or Not," She Said, "Everyone's Celebrating Our Nuptials. Don't Wallow In First's Extinction." Angela Brett, expanding an unsuccessful search, wondering if this mysterious Ron got married again soon after his first wife's funeral.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% RON'S SECOND WIFE (2)Repetition Of Nuptial Service Secures Extra Connubiality. Obviously Newly Delivered Wife Is Frequently Embraced Tony McCoy O'Grady (Whilst I normally decline to do 'names', but when the "Repetition Of Nuptial Service" occurred to me, I was hooked! - - BTW I hope RON'S SECOND WIFE "is" frequently embraced! Let us know :-)
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
89% RONYMISEReally Only Needed when Your Mind Is Suddenly Empty Gavin Lambert (okay, so I couldn't think of any good 'R' words for TRANSIENT ERROR and GAVIN LAMBERT. So sue me) ;)
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% ROOTRadical, Or Originating Thing Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% ROOTSReally One Outstanding Television Series Sean Lamb (who was but a child when "Roots" premiered on television)
Entertainment:TV shows
100% ROSALINDResolution Opens Sweetheart's Awareness. Love Is Now Developing Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's As You Like It
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:As You Like It
100% ROSALINERuns Off Suggesting A Liaison In Next Encounter Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Love's Labours Lost
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Love's Labours Lost
100% ROSERichly Offers Scents Effectively Jan Morgan
100% ROSE (2)Radically Opposite Soul Entices/Enchants Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
96% ROSENCRANTZ & GUILDENSTERNRogues On Secret Errand - Nasty Claudius Required Assassinated Nephew. They Zilched! Good-guy's Undead - Interrupted Leaving Denmark. Elsinore Next Sees The Entire Royalfamily Necropolised Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays
100% ROSES ARE RED, VIOLETS ARE BLUE, I THINK I'VE MADE AN ACRONYM LONGER THAN YOU. DAFFODILS ARE YELLOW, CARNATIONS ARE WHITE, I'LL RECLAIM MY LAURELS, I'M THE CHAMPION ALRIGHT! HEATHER IS PURPLE, IVY IS GREEN, THIS IS THE LONGEST AN ACRONYM'S BEEN!Really! One Should Expect - Sometimes - Anthony's Reaction. Experts Rarely Eschew 'Dares' Very Intense - Often Late Evening - Thinking Sessions Are Required. Electrified Brain Lights Up. Encouraged - I Try Harder! I Now Know It's Very Easy Making Acronyms. Dictionaries Enhance Abilities Now Allowing Champion Recover Original Notoriety. You May Look Over Newly Generated Extravaganza Regretting Thy Hasty Announcement. Now You're Overthrown, Unfortunately. Dearest Angela Fancied Fame Of Dethroning Irishman's Longest Spelt Acronym. Record Eventually Yours Evidently Lacked 'Legs' Oh Worthy Claimant! Alas! Regretfully Now Anthony Triumphs In One New Shootout And Restores Equilibrium. (What Height Is Tony's Everest?) It Looks Like Renewed Effort Could Land Angela Into Masterclass, Maybe - Yes? Laughing, Angela Unleashes Retaliatory Effort, Looking Searchingly Into Modern Thesaurus - Hopefully, Expectantly Challenging His Authority May Prove Impossible - Or Not A Lasting Record - It Goads Him Terribly. Having Easily Achieved The Heroic-Extent Record I Should Probably Unhurriedly Remain Patient - Length-Extending Is Vaguely Yawnful. I Suspect Getting Rico Energised Even Now Though Has Imperceptibly Started. I Suppose That He Envies Longest Ovation. Now Generating Eighty-Seven Term Acronym's Nearly Accomplished. Can Rico Offer Naughty Young Man's Supreme Best Effort Even Now? Tony McCoy O'Grady, a few weeks after Angela's 'BEHOLD, THE AMAZING ANGELA...'
Words & Wordplay:Ridiculously long apronyms
100% ROSETTARare Old Stone Excavation Tutored Talented Archeologists Tony McCoy O'Grady - the Rosetta Stone helped people to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics
100% ROTATERound Orb Turns And Turns Eternally. Roger Williams
Assorted Verbs
100% ROTERepeat One Thing Exhaustingly Angela Brett
100% ROTORUARotten Ova, The Olfactory Receptors Usually Assume Angela Brett (Rotorua smells like rotten eggs because of the sulphur in the air due to geothermal activity.)
Places:Towns & Cities:New Zealand
100% ROUND TABLERedolent Of Unique Notion. Destined To Amaze By Launching Equality Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% ROUTERSRhymes Outers? Uters? The Easiest Route's Silence. Angela Brett, as geeks sometimes argue about the pronunciation of the word router.
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% ROVERRemotely Operated Vehicle - Elevated Reconnaissance Tony McCoy O'Grady, saying: You know the remote-controlled aircraft used to spy over unfriendly territory? Well I don't know what they are called but they could be called ROVER. (Angela added that they're called Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, or UAVs)
100% ROWLINGReaders Of Wizardry Linked In Novel Guild Muggles McCoy O'Grady, in response to a request for a name for a Harry Potter society at Cambridge University.
Art & Literature:Harry Potter Society
100% ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOATRide On Water, Ride On Water, Ride On Water, Yes Onward Untiring, Rowing Bravely On And Triumphing Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Nursery Rhymes
96% ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICERound Ontario, Yukon & Alberta, Loyal Cops Are Nearly Always Daring In Adversity. Never Missing Opportunity (Usually Never?) to Take Evil Doers Prisonwards. Outdoors Lawmen In Cold Environment Tony McCop O'Grady - who was expecting a Rix to expand this!
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% RSHReal Security Hole The rsh (Remote SHell) daemon is one of the system processes that is often compromised for server hacks.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
75% RSH (2)Raided by System Hackers See RSH
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% RSVPReply Soon Via Phone/Post Angela Brett (RSVP usually stands for Respondez S'il Vous Plait)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% RSVP (2)Replying Seems Very Polite Tony McCoy O'Grady (see RSVP)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% RTFMReflects 'Teaching Fishing' Metaphor Angela Brett, when there was a discussion on the Cocoa-dev mailing list about whether RTFM (Read The F***ing Manual) responses are productive. Some people argued that it's better to show people where to look to find information rather than just giving the information, and one mentioned the saying, 'Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.'
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
100% RUBBISHRepeatedly Uttering 'Blah Blah' Is So Humdrum. Angela Brett
100% RUBICONRiver (Utmost Boundary) Its Crossing Opened Nastiness. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RUBIDIUMRather Uncommon, But If Discovered Is Usually Minute. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RUBYRelationship Untouched By Years Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the ruby (40th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% RUBY (2)Resistant Unity Began Yesteryear Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
88% RUDE LOLRather Undignified, Disgusting Eruption of Loudly Obscene Laughing Tony McCoy O'Grady, on reading LEWINSKY.
100% RUDENESSRegular Users Discount Earns Nice Extra Special Savings Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% RUDYRough Unusual Dude, Yob Jan Morgan - a person I know
Names:First names
100% RUGBYRucks Unite Great Baritone Yodellers Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
100% RUGOPSRelatively Unknown Giant Of Paleozoic Science Sean Lamb (The rugops primus [or "rugops" for short] is a recent discovery in Africa; more info is at http://dsc.discovery.com/news/briefs/20040531/newdino.html)
100% RUGRATRuffians Use Gadgets, Release A Trojan Sean Lamb (Rugrat is the name of the first 64-bit Windows virus discovered 5/27/04)
100% RUGRAT (2)Reprobate User Group Readily Attacks Technology Sean Lamb (Rugrat is the name of the first 64-bit Windows virus discovered 5/27/04)
100% RUGRAT (3)Releasing Untold Gnomes, Rascal Assaults Terminals Sean Lamb (Rugrat is the name of the first 64-bit Windows virus discovered 5/27/04)
100% RULE OF THUMBRather Unique 'Legislation' Explains Observed Findings That Have, Usually, Many Benefits Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% RUMSFELDRemarkably Unpleasant Man, Supercilious For Every Live Debate Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% RUMSFELD (2)Recklessly Unrepentant Minister Shows Foreigners Extremely Lethal Displeasure Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% RUMSFELD (3)Reactionary Upstart Makes Sure Forces Engage Less-Developed Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% RUNRace Until Nighttime Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% RUNTIME SYSTEMRarely Used, Not That I Mind... Everything's So Yucky & Slow That Engineers Murder! Angela Brett, who actually loves things like HyperTalk and Objective-C for their runtime systems. 'Rarely Used, Not That I Mind' was just too good to resist. Slowness is about the only possible criticism of runtime systems, and I don't notice that. (Perhaps Mope would be a better M word, but I don't agree with the expansion anyway.)
83% RURALReject Urban Rat-race - Alternative Lifestyle. Angela Brett
100% RUSSELLRanks Usually Safe, Success Earns Lovely Life Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% RUSSIARemains Unstable, Socialists Still In Authority. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RUSTYRuthless User, Severs Ties, Yob Jan Morgan - a person I know
Names:First names:Male
100% RUSTY (2)Ruthless User, Shameful Tactics Yesterday Jan Morgan - a person I know
Names:First names:Male
100% RUTHRaised Up To Heaven Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% RUTH (2)Rarely Uncovers The Hose Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
90% RUTHENIUMRegularly Used To Harden (other) Elements. Name Is Ukrainian, Maybe. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RUTHLESSRigourous Unto Those Harmed, Lacks Emotion, Sans Sympathy Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% RWANDARegular Warfare Amongst Natives - Dreadful Atrocities. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RYANS DAUGHTERRustic Yokels And Native Simpletons Depicted As Unlikely Gaelic Hooey Tale Ends Romantically. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% RYMMERim - Yet Mainly Middle English Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% SASaith Art! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% SAARSaxon Area Around River Rico Leffanta
88% SABBATHSeventh-days Are Biblically Beheld As Totally Holy Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SABBATICALSeventh's A Biblical Blessing - Apparently The Israelites Cancelled All Liabilities Tony
91% SABBATICAL (2)Seventh-year Agricultural Bounty - Brought About To Insure Charity Amongst Landless Tony
100% SABBATICAL (3)Supportive And Benevolent Bosses Authorise Taking In-Career Absence/ Leave Tony
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% SABBATICAL (4)Studying Abroad Begins Bringing A Turningpoint In Career And Life Tony
People & Relationships:The Workforce
91% SABBATICAL (5)Semitic Arrangement 'Bout Breaking Agricultural Toil, Improving Cultivation Across the Land Tony
100% SABBATICAL (6)Semitic Arrangement (Biblical) Brought Abeyance To Israel's Cultivated & Arable Land Tony
100% SABERSword's A Brilliant Edged Razor Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SABOTAGESerious Attack By Organised Terrorists Against Great Enterprise Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% SACRAMENTSymbols Are Carefully Revered And Memorial Events Noted Today Jan Morgan - we remember what Christ did for us by taking the sacrament
100% SACRAMENTSSome Actions Constituting Religion - Activists May Enter New Theological State Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SACREDSweet Adoration, Choice Reverence, Evident Divinity Jan Morgan
100% SADSorrow All Day Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% SADDAMSavage Arab Dictator, Dangerous And Murderous Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% SADDAM HUSSEINSupremely Arrogant Despot Desperately Attempts Moving, Hiding - Unlike Sons, Swiftly Exterminated In North Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% SADDAM HUSSEIN (2)Scared Arab Dictator Disappeared As Man Hunt Unseated Supporters - Surely Escaped Incognito Now? Chris Kjelgaard
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% SADDAM HUSSEIN (3)Should A Dictator Die At My Hands? United States Soldiers Entertain Idea Now. Angela Brett
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% SADISMSometimes Administering Discipline Is Sexually Motivated Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SAFARISome Animals Find Americans Rather Indigestible Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
100% SAFARI (2)Small And Fast And Relatively Incorrect Angela Brett, when Steve said, 'Chimera is small, fast and correct. Safari is smaller, faster and incorrect.'
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
100% SAFARI (3)Simplicity's Audience Forges A Reasonable Influence. Rob Rix
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
100% SAFESingle Accountable Functional Empathetic Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships
100% SAFE!Sweet Abode! Full! Employed! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Adjectives
100% SAFE (2)Systems Adapted! Fully Electronic! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% SAFE (3)System Adapted! Fully Executed! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Capital Punishment.
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% SAFE (4)Sanely Approach Future Empathetically! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships:Advice
92% SAFETY PHIRSTSuperhero Application Form Ensures That You're Protected by Honest Individuals Respecting Superhero Tradition. Angela Brett. This is the sign above Commissioner Steve's door, as he processes the Superhero Application Forms. (See the ADVENTUREs of MacGirl and KEYBOARD, episode #1)
MacGirl & KeyBoard
100% SAGITTARIUSSurely A Genuine Intellectual Takes This As Rubbish. It's Uniquely Suspicious Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SAGITTARIUS (2)Sage At Getting Intellectual, Truthful Talking Attribute, Rigorous Individual Uses Scrutiny Jan Morgan
100% SAIDSmart Arses Inferiority Disorder John Richard Jones This is for those who can only say negative things against you but have no grounds for it. If it can only be said, then it has to be SAID.
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% SAILBOATSkims Along In Little Bay On Aeolian Thrust Tony McAyeAye Captain
88% SAILINGSkimming About In Light Individual Naval Go-about TMcCO'G
Sports & Recreation
100% SAILORSeasickness Affects Inlanders... Lean Overboard Retching Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% SAINT CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITYSomeone At Institution Needed To 'Cleverize' Lettering Of University, Didn't Say The Apronym's Topic... Expansion's Unfortunately Not Interesting. Valid Expansion Regardless... Searcher, I'll Teach You! Angela Brett, when somebody searched for this phrase on the site, but didn't leave any information on what sort of apronym was wanted.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% SAINT LUCIASince Attracting Its New Tourists, Little Unchanged Culture Is Available. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SALAMANDERSever A Limb, And Miraculously A Near-Duplicate Emerges. Radical! Angela Brett
100% SALARYSufferers Always Long A Rejuvenated Youth Dundee
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% SALARY (2)Suggest A Little (Ahem) Raise, Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% SALARY (3)Struggle Along Loyally And Reward's Yours Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% SALARY (4)Stall And Layabouts Are Rewarded Yearly Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% SALESome Articles Less Expensive Tony Moore
100% SALE: BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE!Sin/Slave Almighty/Atoning Love Examine/Embrace. Buy Unlimited Your One Need. Enjoy God Emmanuel, Trusting Omnipotent. Now Experience Freedom, Real Empathy Eternally! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Isaiah 55:1: Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. The KJV Strong's Version Jesus made this possible. Buy Unlimited Your One Need. God.
100% SALES AND MARKETINGSuccessful Agents Learn Each Stock's Assets, New Deals Made Are Regularly - Keep Exceeding Targets In Noteworthy Growth Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SALES ANGLE: "HOMES" CHEAP!Secure Abodes: Lush Environs! Swimming! Appropiately Named "Great Lakes Estates: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie & Superior!" Constraint: Have Easy Annual Payments! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% SALES GOALSShamelessly A Lad Expounds Spurious Gobbledygook On Acme's Latest System Angela Brett
100% SALES GOALS (2)Seem A Little Excessive? Some General Office Ass Lacks Sense Tony McCoy O'Grady (Sales goals are usually just-about-unachieveable levels set by someone in headquarters, who has never worked on the shop-floor)
80% SALES REPSleazy Agent Lies (to) Elicit Successful Result (from) Easy Prospect. Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% SALLY KAYSpunky Acquaintance Lively, Loyal Yin, Kind, Ambitious, Yes Jan Morgan -- a person I know
Names:First names:Female
100% SALOMEShe Always Loved Old Misers Enthusiastically Rico Leffanta (Salome is the dancer "John-the-Baptist" lost his head over)
100% SALTStaple Additive Lends Taste Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% SALT (2)Sprinkle A Little Taste Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% SALT (3)Something A Lexicographer Takes? Tony McCoy O'Grady, after Angela said 'No lexicographer worth his salt would say that apronym is not in use!'
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% SALT (4)Something Addictive, Lovely Taste Tony Moore
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% SALT CAN KILLSodium's A Lethal Toxin, Chlorine's Also Noxious, Keep Ingestion Levels Low! Angela Brett, recalling that sodium and chlorine are each lethal on their own but combine to form table salt which is mostly harmless.
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% SALUSSave A Little Until Spring Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% SAMSerene Allegiance Mostly Jan Morgan -- Good brother of NEPHI
Names:Book of Mormon Characters
100% SAMANTHAShe's A Magician And Nose-Twitching Hag Apparently Tony McCoy O'Grady. Samantha was the name ot the witch in an old TV series "Bewithced", and while the actress was not ugly, 'hag' is a term for a witch.
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
80% SAMARIUMSemi-Abundant Metal. A Rare-earth, Is Usually Mineral-based. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SAME DAY PROCESSING'Snaps' Are Magically, Expressly, Developed And (Yes) Printed Rapidly. Our Computer Ensures Shoddy Shot In Not Generated Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SAMILLE FIESSENSeduces Action Men In Lovely Layouts Especially Friends In Erotic Soapy Situations Electrifying Networks Rico Leffanta (Samille Fiessen is better known as Dyan Cannon)
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses:Little known real names
100% SAMOASSalivating, Appetizing Morsels, Obvious Abundant Sensation Jan Morgan -- #2 Seller in Girl Scout Cookies (coconut, caramel, chocolate atop a shortbread cookie)
Food & Drink
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% SAMUELSafely Advised Men Under Effective Leadership Eric Bridgstock
Religion:Bible books
100% SAMUEL BECKETTStrange, And Most Unusual English Language Bewildering Enactments Cause Kerfuffle - Exceptionally Theatrical Though Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Writers
100% SAMWISESexually Active Misfit Wanderer (Is Seeing Elrond) Carl Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% SAMWISE (2)Sidekick Adores Master; Will Inevitably Save Everything Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% SAND DRAGStop And Not Derail Delinquent Railcars... A Godsend! Angela Brett (according to http://www.glue-it.com/trains/general-information/glossary/glossary/frames.htm a Sand Drag is a short length of railway track buried in sand, and running from a set of catch points. It is designed to bring runaway vehicles to a halt rather than derailing them.)
100% SANDPAPERStay Away - Never Digest Paper After Paint's Effectively Removed Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement
100% SANDPAPER (2)Stewing Aids Nutritious Dinner - Please Accurately Peruse Enclosed Recipe Tony McCoy O'Grady, to balance SANDPAPER
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement
100% SANDRAShe Always Needs Dates Romantically Aroused Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% SANDSHREWStays Around Near Desert, So He's Rarely Ever Wet Angela Brett (Sandshrew is Pokemon #27)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% SANDSLASHSand-Attack Never Damages, Simply Lowers Accuracy, Stopping Hits. Angela Brett (Sandslash is Pokemon #28)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% SANDYSunbathe Among Natural Dunes, Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SAN FRANCISCOSeems A Nation's Flowerchildren Ran Around Naked, Claiming It Should Cease 'Obsessing' Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% SAN FRANCISCO (2)Saw Alex, Nearly Fainted, Ran Away... Nah, Clearly I'm Saying Complete Offal. Angela Brett (I met my internet friend Alex in San Francisco... he's not really that scary.)
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% SAN FRANCISCO (3)Saw Apple's/ NeXT's Founder Reveal All-New Cocoa Interface Stuff -- Crowd Overjoyed/Overawed Angela Brett, who went to San Francisco for WWDC 2004.
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% SAN FRANCISCO (4)Seeing Apple News For Real, After No Confirmed Internet Spoilers Came Out Angela Brett, who went to San Francisco for WWDC 2004. I usually watch a keynote like that a few hours after it happens, after I've already read the announcements on Apple's website.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% SAN FRANCISCO (5)Such A Nerd, Found Rambling About Nirvana (Campus In Sunny Cupertino) Online Angela Brett (At the WWDC Apple Campus Bash I went online and told my friends where I was.)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% SAN FRANCISCO (6)Several Awesome New Friends, Reports About New Computer Ideas, Software (Confidential Offering!) Angela Brett, who went to WWDC 2004 in San Francisco -- Confidential Offering refers to the developer preview of Tiger all attendees got.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
90% SAN MARINOSmallest Amongst Nations. Maintains Adequate Revenue (from) Inquisitive, Nosey, Outsiders. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SANTAStrange Acronymist Now Teases Angela? Someone known only as '?' when Santa Claus posted some acronyms on the forums.
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
0% SANTA*Anonymously Tony? Nobody? Angela? Steve? Jeff Anonymous (see SANTA)
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% SANTA (2)Some Acronymist Named Tony, Actually? ? (see SANTA)
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% SANTA (3)Steve's A Name That Applies? ? (see SANTA)
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% SANTA (4)Someone (Append Name) That Acronymizes? ? (see SANTA)
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% SANTA (5)Spreading Acronymania Northward To Axis Angela Brett (see SANTA)
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
91% SANTA CLARAShe's A Naturist & Transsexual. At Christmastime Loves A Red-nosed Adulterer Tony McCoy O'Grady, who got tired of seeing this offering at the top of the unsuccessful searches list. Eventually I saw the merging of the feminine element and Santa Claus
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% SANTA CLAUSSomeone Adults Never Trust And Children Love - A Universal Spirit. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% SANTA CLAUS (2)Stack Allows Names To Accrue Credit - Left Anonymous = Un-Sung. Angela Brett, reminding SANTA why it's a good idea to post using your real name.
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% SANTA CLAUS (3)So... Assuming Now That Angela Can List Acronyms Under 'Santa'? Angela Brett (see ACCRUE)
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% SANTA CLAUS (4)Sleeping As New Toys Arrive, Children Love An Unstinting Stocking Angela Brett
Names:Famous people
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
94% SAO TOME & PRINCIPESmall And Often Totally Overlooked, Managed (to) Evict Portuguese Rulers - It Now Continues Its Palm Exports. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SAPSticky And Perfumed Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SAP (2)Sweet And Pale Patricia Rix
100% SAPIENTSeeking Another Person Invariably Eases Natural Termination Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% SAPPHIRESolid And Predictable Partnership Having Intimate Romantic Embraces Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the sapphire (45th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% SARAHShe's Always Royal At Heart Angela Brett (Sarah means 'Princess')
Names:First names:Female
100% SARCASTICSometimes Ambiguous Reverse Comments Aren't Sensed, Triggering Incorrect Conclusion. Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% SARCASTIC (2)Should Always Remain Calm - Anything Said's Tongue-In-Cheek. Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% SARCASTIC (3)Saying A Rude, Cutting And Silly Thing, In 'Comedy' Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% SAREVOKStupid Axemurderer Really Enrages. Voice Of Kevin. Jeff Anonymous (The voice actor for this character from the Baldur's Gate computer game series was apparently called Kevin Richardson.)
Computers:Games:Game Characters
100% SARSSuddenly Airway's Restricted Somewhat Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
80% SARS (2)Scheduled Airlines Ramp-up Security Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% SARS (3)Stop Agent's Rapid Spread! Angela Brett, referring to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% SARS (4)Scientists Are Rapidly Strategising Angela Brett, referring to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
80% SARS (5)'Side-effects' Are Rather Severe Tony McCoy O'Grady, explaining that Patti Rix has had a tough time recently due to precautions about SARS in her part of the world.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
88% SARUMANSorcerer And Rascal. Uruk-hai Manufacturer. Altogether Nefarious. Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
82% SASQUATCHSecretive Ape-man, Supposedly Quite Undetectable, Always Traversing Canadian High-country Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
100% SASSSibling's Argument; Snippy Speech Roger Williams
100% SATANSnake And The Apple Nonsense Rico Leffanta
100% SATELLITESat A 'Tall Electric Lamp' = Light! It Truly Enlightened! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Saw 'SATELLITE' thought 'Sat A Light.'
Words & Wordplay
100% SATIRESee All The Instant Replay Excesses Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature
100% SATIRE (2)Six Awesome Tiles In Rack? Excellent! Angela Brett - it's well known amongst Scrabble players that the letters in SATIRE plus almost any other alphabet letter can form at least one seven-letter word.
100% SATURDAYSuch A Twat! Unrepentantly Roistering & Dancing - Aren't You? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SATURNStudies Attempt To Understand Ring Network Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SATURNINUSSituation Allows Tamora Unleash Revenge, Nauseating Incidents Now Unfold Slowly Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Titus Andronicus
100% SATYRIASISSo, At Twilight, Young Romantic Idiots Always Show Insatiable Sentiments. Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% SAUDI ARABIAScorched And Unfertile Deserts Inland, Any Rainfall Available Belies Irrigation Attempts. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SAUNDER SIMPCOXSt. Albans Upcasts Novel Deceiver: Effective Recovery Since Impostured Miracle Perchance Cured Ocular Xeransis Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry VI
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VI
100% SAUSAGESizzlers Are Usually Scrumptious, Always Good Eating Angela Brett
Food & Drink
80% SAVEScrimping Adds Value (to) Earnings Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SAVE A LIFESurely A Very Exceptional Ability, Lenghtening Independent Fellow's Existence Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SAVE A SPECIESSocially Acceptable Value Entrusted, And Some People Elsewhere Can Inhibit Extinction Somehow Angela Brett
100% SAVED BY THE BELLSituations At Vital Educational Domain Brings You To Higher Education, Balancing Every Life Lessons Jan Morgan - Situation Comedy about students in high school
Entertainment:TV shows
93% SAVING NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOLSStopping Another Vexing Installation of National Grocery Network; Education Is Good, However [much] Buying Our Radishes Hurts! Our Overpriced Dairies Should Continue Having Oligopoly, Or Learning Suffers. Angela Brett, thinking of schools which might be destroyed to make way for a new supermarket.
100% SAVINGSSecurities Are Valuable - Interest Now Grows Steadily Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SAVING SCHOOLSSometimes A Vacation Is Not Good... Small Children Have Outlet Of Learning Stoppered. Angela Brett
100% SAWSplit Apart Wood Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
Household Objects
100% SAW (2)Seen - And Witnessed. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% SAW (3)Seen Around Workshops Angela Brett
Household Objects
90% SAY CHEESESuggestion Asking (for) Your Concerted Happy Expression, Endure Several Exposures Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% SAY WHATSexually Abusive Youths - We Help And Treat Tony
People & Relationships:Abuse:Sexually Abusive Youth Program
100% SCABWAGSimple Charlie Aggressive Bully Without Any Guts John Richard Jones
People & Relationships:Insults
100% SCAMSome Cons Are Magnificent Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
90% SCAMBLEBYSmall Canine Appears Mat-like By Looking Extinct Beside You Tony McCoy O'Grady (Scambleby is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'A small dog which resembles a throwrug and appears to be dead.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% SCANDALSensationalism Creates A National Disaster - Away, Lewinsky! Angela Brett
100% SCANDIUMSwedish Chemistry Artisan - Nilson - Discovered It, Underpinning Mendeleyev. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SCANNERStupid Contraption Apparently Now Needs Extra RAM. Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela, after having a lot of problems with her new scanner (see SCSI CHAIN) was told that she needed more RAM to run it. After new RAM was added and some software conflicts were supposedly fixed (see FIXED MY MAC) she still can't get it to scan. Her advice: Don't buy Microtek, they're as troublesome as that *other* Micro company.
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% SCANTSummer Clothing Adorning Nubile Teens Rico Leffanta
Household Objects:Clothing
100% SCANT (2)Swimming Costumes Approach Nudity Today! Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing
90% SCAPEGOATStand-in Culprits Are Provided - Ergo Guilty Ones Avoid Torture Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% SCAPEGOAT (2)Someone Can't Accept Personal Error, Gutlessly Outsources Aftermath-Tackling Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% SCARFIES - THE MOVIE'Shithole' Cottage A Real Find - It's Empty, Students Thought... Hardly Expecting Marijuana Oasis! Very Interesting Ending. Angela Brett. (Scarfies is a recently released New Zealand movie... it's great, go see it.)
100% SCATTERBRAINSomeone Chasing After The Thought Eroding Rapidly Because Reason Always Investigates Nuances Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Insults
100% SCENARIO ANALYSISSomebody Can Excessively Notate A Really Insignificant Occurrence, Adding Not A Lot You'd Say Is Sensible. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Thoughts
86% SCENICSee Countryside En-route, Nestled Inside Coach Angela Brett
100% SCEPTICAL MANSculley Created Essential Peruser, The Ideal Computer-Aided Learner Multiply Analyses Notions. Angela Brett, because in his book, 'Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple,' John Sculley says that the ideal reader is Sceptical Man... and that, 'Sceptical Man does not take ideas on faith; he uses a multiplicity of information to compare and contrast. The computer makes such information available easily and in great quantity.'
MacGirl & KeyBoard:(Wannabe) Superheroes
100% SCHISANDRASupposedly Can Help Irritable Stomachs And Nervous Digestions - Reliably Affective Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
88% SCHITSOSchool of Community Health Information Technology Subgroup Operative. Tony McCoy O'Grady (see UNITS)
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
100% SCHNOZSleeping, Causes Horrible Noise - Onomatopoeically 'Zizz' Angela Brett ('schnoz' being slang for nose)
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% SCHOLARSHIPStudent Can Have Own Loot After Receipt - Someone Has Instituted Prizefund Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% SCHOOLSocial Club Helping Orphans Organise Love-ins Rico Leffanta
100% SCHOOL (2)Some, "Cruel Hatred Object." Others Love. Jeff Anonymous
100% SCHROEDINGER'S CATSome Can't Handle Rebus Of Existence - Does Item Not Genuinely Exist Regardless - Sightless Condition Affects Test. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SCHUBERTSusan's Classical Hero Uniquely Begot Elegant & Remarkable Trios TMcCO'G - Professor Susan Tomes has recorded many (if not all) of Schubert's Piano Trios
100% SCHUMANNShall Choral Harmonies Unite Man And Nature? Never! Rico Leffanta
88% SCHWEPPES APPLESweetened, Carbonated H2O With Effervescent Properties. Particularly Enjoyable Smell - Aroma Passes to People Like an Explosion. Angela Brett, describing one of her favourite soft drinks... as soon as the bottle is opened, everyone within a 2 metre radius is hit with the delicious smell of it.
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% SCIENTIFIC METHODSome Creationists Insist Even Now That Investigating Fossils Is Chicanery/Conspiracy. Ministers Explain The Heresy Of Dinosaurs. Angela Brett
100% SCIENTISTSSome Canny Inventors Experiment - Nothing That's Interesting 'Scapes Their Scrutiny Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% SCINTILLATESparkle (Coruscate Is 'Nother Term) Issuing Lustrous Light - Also, Talk Entertainingly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% SCISSORSSnips Cardboard In Seconds - Slashing Others Requires Sharpening. Angela Brett
Household Objects
75% SCOSuing for Copyright Ownership SCO has launched copyright infringement suits against IBM and has threatened to sue Linux users as well.
100% SCOFFScornfully Criticise Others For Fun Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% SCOLDSomething Charming Old Ladies Do Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
100% SCONEStale Clump Of Non-Edibility Angela Brett, when Steve tried to find some food at the UNIVERSITY cafeteria and found that the only vaguely edible thing they had was some stale scones.
Food & Drink
100% SCOOTERSmall Chariot Occasionally On The Easy Road Rico Leffanta
83% SCOPESnappy Control Of Playing with English Tony McCoy O'Grady, pointing out that LONG WORDs give one more scope.
Words & Wordplay
100% SCORPIOStarsigns Can Offer Readers Personally Itemised Offal. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SCORPIO (2)Self Control Or Raging Person Is Original Jan Morgan -- has self control but can go off deep end if provoked (original = independent)
100% SCORRIERSnuffling Canine - Often Revolting - Rootles In Embarrassing Regions Tony McCoy O'Grady (Scorrier is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'A small hunting dog trained to snuffle amongst your private parts.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
89% SCOTLANDSource (of) Constant Overindulgence That Leaves Alcoholics Near Death Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SCOTLAND (2)Sampled Communities On Top Lush Area, Nice Destination Jan Morgan
100% SCOTTSecure Competent One Teaching Truth Jan Morgan -- middle name of someone I know
Names:First names:Male
100% SCOTT (2)Sensitive Caring One, Tactfully Truthful Jan Morgan -- middle name of someone I know
Names:First names:Male
100% SCOTT (3)Successful Company Owner Tackles Trade Jan Morgan -- someone I know
Names:First names:Male
83% SCOUTService Counts (for) Observant Unusual Teen Jan Morgan - Boy or Girl most learn how to be service oriented and helpful
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% SCOUT (2)Scout Can Obtain Umpteen Trades Jan Morgan
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% SCRABBLESpellings Can Roam Across Board, But Look Erratic Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SCRAM!Simply Communicated: Run A Mile! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness
100% SCRAM! (2)Seeking Complete - Rest - Alone - Minute! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness
0% SCRAMBLED*Submission Confused. Erroneous Logic. Rules Manifestly Broken. Apronym Disallowed! Roger Williams
Words & Wordplay
100% SCRAMOGESmall Cut Received After Mishap On Gummed Envelope Tony McCoy O'Grady (Scramoge is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'To cut oneself whilst licking envelopes.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% SCREAMSuch Comic Responses Elicit Another Moan Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SCREENSomewhat Coarse, Rarely Eaten. Explains Nausea. Steve Keate (see DONGLE (3))
Computers:Do Not Eat
80% SCREGGANSmall Criss-crossed Region Erroneously Generated - Generally After New-year Tony McCoy O'Grady (Screggan is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'The crossed-out bit caused by people putting the wrong year on their cheques all through January.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% SCREWEDSometimes Cannot Reasonably Escape Wedding Expedite Divorce Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% SCREWED UPScribblings Contained Recognised Errors - Writer Evidently Ditched Unamended Paper Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% SCRIPShoddy Controls Ruin Internet Provider Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to HALT.
100% SCROTUMSac Containing Reproductive Orbs, Tucked Underneath Manhood. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% SCRUFFYSeems Comb's Regularly Unemployed For Feckless Youth TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% SCSI CHAINScanner Connection Sans Instructions Can Halt Angela's Imaging Nascency. Angela Brett, when she couldn't get her scanner to work, due largely to the fact that it came with no instructions whatsoever regarding the setting up of a SCSI chain. Poor Angela actually had to resort to looking at her Mac's manual, and Mac users don't need manuals! See SCANNER
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% SCUBASuffocation Can Usually Be Avoided. Angela Brett (SCUBA actually stands for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Sports & Recreation
100% SCUBA (2)Seawater Can't Usually Be Aspirated Angela Brett
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Sports & Recreation
100% SCUMSurface Contains Unattractive Muck Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% SEARCHSeek Every Available Resource Checking Hits Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SEARCH FOR ACRONYMSSeeking Expansions? All Right, Come Here For Our Respected - And Cherished - Resource. Oh, Notify Your Mates Speedily Tony McCoy O'Grady, saying 'We need newcomers to spread the word! :-)' [Note from Angela: You can search for acronyms at http://acronyms.co.nz, or in the stack by clicking on a word in the expansion or credit, or option-clicking a word in the acronym list]
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% SEARCH HELPStrongly Endorsed... A Reading Can (Hopefully) Help Explain Location Parameters. Angela Brett, referring to the Search Help page at http://acronyms.co.nz/searchhelp.html
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% SEARCH WARRANTSince Everyone Assumes Real Criminal's Here, We Are Raiding Rooms And Not Tidying. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% SEARSStock Everything Americans Regard Saleable Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SEASONSummer Example: Ante September October November Eric Bridgstock
100% SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDERSometimes Eating Another Slice Of Nourishment At Lunch Affects Feelings. For Each Christmas Time It's Very Evident Diagnosis Is Simply One Real Disorder, Eased Rarely Sean Lamb
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
88% SEAWOLFSome Engineers Are Working On Linux Full-time Sean Lamb (Seawolf was the code name for RedHat Linux 7.1)
Names:Code Names:Linux
100% SEBASTIANStorm Engulfs Brother And Sister, This Introduces Arranged Nuptials Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Twelfth Night
100% SECSerial Event Constant Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% SEC (2)Short, Extremely/Evidently/Emotionally Convenient/Confining! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% SECONDARYSome Educators Can Open New Doors - Amazing Resentful Youths Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SECOND CLASSSuccess Equates Class Of Natural Demands, Choosing Lessons At Some Schools Jan Morgan -- Rank in Boy Scouts
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% SECONDSShe Enjoys Climaxes; One Never Does Satisfy Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SECOND TO NONESupreme! Every Competitor Overwhelmed. Nobody Dares To Oppose - No Other Need Enter Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
82% SECRETARYSeduces Executives, Can't Resist Enjoying Torrid Affair in Response to Yearning. Angela Brett. (Tony responded that they're not all called Monica, you know!)
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% SECURITYSafe Existence Creates Uniquely Relaxed, Incredibly Tractable You Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% SECURITY (2)Safe Evolvement Causes Us, Relaxed In Trusting Yield Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% SECURITY MANAGERSeeking Errant Criminals Usually Risks Injury To Yourself - Make A New Assistant Get Endangered Recklessly Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% SEEDSomething Emerges, Expands, Develops Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SEEINGSeeing: Eye Electromagnetically Inputs / Navigates Grasps Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% SEEING IS BELIEVINGSuch Eye Enthusiasm Is Not Good - It Sometimes Blinds! Evidence Lies In Everything, Visibility Is Not Guaranteed. Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases:Sayings
100% SEEING IS BELIEVING (2)Such Eye Enthusiasm Is Not Good - It Sometimes Blinds! Eyes 'Lie' (Illusions Etc.) Vision Is No Guarantee. Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases:Sayings
100% SEEKSearch Everywhere, Eyeing Keenly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% SEE YOU SOONSeems Everyone's Exiting, Yet Only Us Stay, Outlining Our Nexttime Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% SEGASystem Emulating Gaming Arcade Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SEGWAYSScooters Employing Gyroscopes Will Assure Your Stability Angela Brett
100% SEINFELDSilly Eejit Is Not Funny, Even Looks Dorky Tony McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% SELA WARDSeeks Exciting Love Affair With A Romantic Director Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% SELENESilently Escapes Lunar Energy Nurturing Earth Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% SELENIUMSometimes Ends Life, Evidently. Nasty In Unpleasant Mixtures. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SELF HARMSomebody Evidently Looking For Hugs - A Real Masochist. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% SELFISHShe Enjoys Living For Images Showing Herself Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% SELF REFERENTIALSome Entries Lack Fully Relevant Expansions (Found Example? Rethink... Expect Now That It's A Lie.) Angela Brett (see if you can work out whether this apronym is self-referential. Don't forget to eat.)
Words & Wordplay
100% SELL!Secure Employment! Live Luxe! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% SELL CARSSpec! Exhibit! Log Luxe Cars: Audi, Rolls, Simca! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
92% SELMA BOUVIERSmokes Endlessly, Loves Marriage - Although Bob Objected! Unfailingly Views Incoming Eligible-males Romantically Tony McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% SEMENSpermfilled Emission Men Ejaculate Naughtily Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% SEMINARYScriptures Examined, Massive Investigations, Necessary Analysis Researched Yearly Jan Morgan
100% SENATESelected 'Elders' Nobody Actually Thinks Estimable. Tony McCoy O'Grady
81% SEND ME AN EMAILSadly, Email is Now Dependent on Myself Expectantly Asking for New Electronic Messages. Alas, I'm Lonely! Angela Brett, when it seemed that none of her friends was emailing her.
88% SENEGALSavannah - Ex-colonial Nation - Exports Groundnuts And Lime. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SENILESeventy... Eighty... Ninety... Is Life Endless? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SENILE (2)Seventy... Eighty... Ninety... I'm Lacking Exactness Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SENIORSpelling Easily Now Is Often Rong Rico Leffanta
100% SENNA LEAFSh*t Erupts Near Nasty Asshole, Laxative Effects Are Famous Tony, when Senna Leaf was mentioned as one of ORGANIC HERB's products. I don't know if Senna Leaf has similar properties to Senna Pod, and I can't be arsed finding out.
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% SENSE OF ITSuitable Expansions Need Suitable Expressions Offered For Interesting Tony Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela challenged him to make SENSE OF IT and he said that "SENSE OF IT" doesn't make any sense of its own, so he'd play around with it.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% SENSE OF STYLESeems Everyone Nearby Suffers Erection. One Fellow Says That You Look Erotic! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
90% SEPTEMBERSummer's Expiring, Parents To Expect Much Bookbuying (as) Education Restarts. Tony McCoy O'Grady, who lives in the northern hemisphere.
100% SEPTEMBER (2)Summer's End Prompts Timepieces Emendment - Must Become Early Riser Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SEQUENCESome Expect Quite Unremarkable Ending - Numbers Converging Evenly. Angela Brett
100% SEQUENCE (2)Sometimes Especially Queer Unruly Entity Named Chaos Emerges. Angela Brett
100% SERGEANTStripes Earned Recently Generate Envy Amongst Non-Talented Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SESAMEScattered Extremely Sparsely At McDonalds' Eateries TMcCO'G, referring to the "sesame bun" one gets in McDonalds!
Food & Drink
100% SETISpread Ears Toward Infinity Angela Brett (SETI usually stands for the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% SETI (2)Some Expect Tiny Irishmen Angela Brett, referring to 'little green men' (see SETI)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% SETI (3)Spacemen Everywhere Tune In Angela Brett (see SETI)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% SETI (4)Sentience: Earthbound? The Investigation Angela Brett (see SETI)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% SETI (5)Seek E. T's Integers Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SETI)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% SETI AT HOMESupercomputers Everywhere Try Isolating Alien Technology's Hallmark - Obfuscated Mathematical Equations? Angela Brett
100% SETI AT HOME (2)Sift, Eventually, Total 'Interference' Among The Heavens Over Mother Earth Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SETUPSomething Easy To Understand, Please! Angela Brett
100% SEWERSomewhere Everyone's Waste Eventually Reaches Sean Lamb
Assorted Nouns
100% SEXSomething Else Xtraordinary Steve Keate, after being asked what comes after INFATUATION.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SEX (2)Sensual/ Emotional Xploration Jeff Anonymous
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SEX (3)Seriously Erogenous Xanadu Timothy Chambers
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SEX (4)Sometimes Evildoers Xploit Jeff Anonymous
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
86% SEXISMSuggesting Excess X-chromosomes Is Somehow Meaningful Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
75% SEXISTSlagging Extra X-gene Implies Superiority of Testoserone? Angela Brett, after Tony came up with FEMININE
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
75% SEXIST (2)Surgery Ending X-rated-fun Is Sore Therapy Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SEYCHELLESSome European Yobs Came Here, Enslaved Locals. Locals Eventually Seceded. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SEYMOUR SKINNERSeems Everytime Your Mother's Obviously Unduly Resentful, Something Kicks Inside. Nobody Needs Endure Resentments! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
83% SHACKShabby Hovel - Almost Completely Knocked-down Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SHADOWSSilhouettes Haunting Anything Detailed Outdoors When Sunny Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% SHAKE, RATTLE AND ROLLSomeone's Hungry, And Knows Exactly Required Aliments. Thickshake, Then Long Edible (And Newly Dead) Reptile On Little Loaf. Angela Brett
Food & Drink
92% SHAKESPEAREStudying History And King (of) England Should Prove, Educationally, A Rewarding Experience Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays
Art & Literature:Writers
100% SHALESlipping Has A Lovely Ending Rico Leffanta
Household Objects
100% SHALLOWStudent Had A Lusty Life Of Wonder Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry IV
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry IV
100% SHAMELESSShe Has All Men Expecting Love Everytime She Smiles Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% SHAMPOOStops Hair Acquiring Mange. Pour Over Oneself. Eric Bridgstock
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% SHANEStrange Hero Attempts New Existence TMcCO'G referring to a classic Western, called "Shane"
Names:First names:Male
100% SHAPESolidity Has A Physical Embodiment Tony McCoy O'Grady
82% SHAREWARESoftware Having A Requirement of Expenditure Worth Access to Restricted Elements Angela Brett/Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SHAREWARE (2)Some Hardworking Authors Rightly Earned Whatever Amount Registration Entails. Angela Brett
100% SHARKSwimming Hazard - A Real Killer TMcCO'G
100% SHARONShe Has A Reputation Of Naughtiness! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% SHARON (2)Seems Hyphens Are Really (Occasionally) Necessary Hyphen McCoy O'Grady (presumably protesting about the purity tester on the acronym submission form's sensitivity to hyphens.)
Names:First names:Female
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% SHARON TATESkelter, Helter Atrocity, Repulsive. On News Telling August's Terrible Event Jan Morgan - the Tate-La Bianca murders that Charles Manson orchestrated (the song 'Helter Skelter' by The Beatles was written in blood on the walls)
People & Relationships:Law & Order
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% SHARPSomething Honed And/or Remarkably Pointed Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% SHARP (2)Sounds Highpitched At Rinkytink Piano Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SHAUNSomebody Has An Unremarkable Name Angela Brett
Names:First names:Male
100% SHAVEScrape Hairs Away, Very Excruciating Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% SHEBASmall Hills Enlarge Barren Areas Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% SHEEPSexually Harassed - Evidently Entertaining People. Angela Brett, who saw lots and lots of sheep on her bus trips from Auckland to Palmerston North and back.
100% SHEEP (2)Stupid, Helpless, Edible. Eat Pasture. Angela Brett
100% SHEEP (3)Shearers Help Extract Everyday Product Angela Brett
100% SHEEP (4)Sexually Harassed, Evidently Enthralling Perverts An anonymous alteration of Angela's SHEEP
100% SHELBYShe Has Every Lyric By You Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% SHELLEYShe Has Evoked Lusty Life, Entreats Yobs Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% SHERIDANSchoolfriend Had Eminently Respected Irish Dramatist's Acclaimed Name Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% SHERRISingle, Has Every Resolve Reasonably Implanted Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% SHERRYSip Happily (Enjoying Richness) Refreshes You TMcCO'G
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% SHIFTKEYWOMANSuper Hero In Former Times Killed Enemies, Yes.... Wilfully Offed Many A Nasty. Tony McCoy O'Grady, thinking up another villain for MACGIRL and KEYBOARD to fight.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
100% SHIMMERSunny Haze Implies Motion - Mirage Effect Really Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SHIPSSome Have Immense, Proud Sails Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SHIRTSome 'Horse Investors' Risk This Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% SHITShipping Handling Insurance & Tax Apronymous Anonymous
78% SHIT HOTStunning Humdinger of an Idea, This. Hilarious Original Thinking. Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to 'IDIOT.'
100% SHIVERSurrender Heat In Vibrating Extremities Rapidly Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% SHOEStops Hurting One's Extremeties Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% SHOESSocks Have Often Emitted Stink. Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing
100% SHOGUNSupreme Hereditary Overlord Governed Uncountable Nipponese. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SHOOKSpatial Harmonies Out Of Kilter Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
93% SHOP CATEGORIESShopkeepers Have Obviously Planned to Call Attention To Each Grouping - Order Related Items Easily, Shoppers! Angela Brett
100% SHOPLIFTERSome Hold Off Paying, Looking Instead For The Exits & Running. Roger Williams
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% SHOPPING BAGString Handles Often Please Purchasers - I'll Now Go Buying Additional Groceries Tony McCoy O'Grady, as an example of something which is worse with NO STRINGS ATTACHED (String Handles)
89% SHORT BUSSome Half-length Omnibus, Regularly Travelling Between Urban Stages TMcCO'G
100% SHORTSSummer's Half-Outfit... Remember T-Shirt! Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing
86% SHORTS (2)Southern Hemisphere's October - Roll-up Trousers Slightly Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing
100% SHORTS (3)Summertime Holidaymakers Often Reveal Their Shins Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% SHORT WORDSSuccinct Handling Of Reasoning Tests Wordpower. Only Reasonable Dexterity Succeeds. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay
100% SHOTPUTShe Hops On Toes Pushing Ultimate Throes Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
78% SHOULDSStrategic Have-to's - Otherwise Ultimately Less-than Desirable Solutions Tony McCoy O'Grady (see MUST)
Words & Wordplay
100% SHOUTINGScreaming Horrible Obscenity's Usually Threatening - It's Not Good! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SHOVE ITSome Have Overly Violent Extremes In Temper Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness
100% SHOVE IT (2)Suggest Handy Opening's Very Enticing - Insert This! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness
100% SHOVE OFFShop Here, Our Vegetarian Edibles Offer Fantastic Flavours. Tony McCoy O'Grady, responding to a creativity challenge on using rude acronyms to attract attention to products, like BOGOF (Buy One, Get One Free)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% SHOWERSinging Horribly Over Water's Everpresent Roar. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
86% SHOWER (2)Such Hot - Owwww! - Water is Extremely Refreshing Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% SHOWER (3)Sprays Hot Overhead Water. Extremely Refreshing. Eric Bridgstock
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
88% SHOWERSShe Has One Weekly to Eliminate Repulsive Smells. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
88% SHOW OFFSuch Haughty One-upmanship Will Often Fall Flat Angela Brett
People & Relationships
93% SHREDDED WHEATSoftware Hacker. Rearranges Every Decoded Document Encountered Daily Which He Electronically Attempts to Thieve Tony McCoy O'Grady, creating yet another cereal killer
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains:Cereal Killers
90% SHREDDIESSlovenly Hitch-hiking Rogue Ensnares Damsels-Death Inevitably Ensues Suddenly Melanie Merswolke
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains:Cereal Killers
100% SHREKShe Had Rather Expected "Knight" TMcCO'G
100% SHREWShe Hurls Retribution Entirely Willingly Word Nerd
People & Relationships:Insults
100% SHRIEKSupremely Hilarious Reaction Indicating Elated Kindheartedness Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SHRIKEStopping Handholding, Redhat Is Killing Enterprises Sean Lamb (Shrike was the code name for RedHat 9.0 for which RedHat ended technical and upgrade support mere months after its release)
Names:Code Names:Linux
100% SHRIKE (2)So, Has Redhat Included Kde Equally? Sean Lamb (Shrike was the code name for RedHat Linux 9.0; RedHat's releases favor the GNOME desktop more than KDE)
Names:Code Names:Linux
100% SHRIVELShowing How Really Icy Virgins Eschew Love Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SHUTTLESpacemen Have Used This To Leave Earth Angela Brett
100% SHUT UPSilence! Heated Uncivil Typing Upsets People Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% SHUT UP (2)Shop Here Using The Ultimate Plastic Angela Brett (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% SHYLOCKSad, Hoarding Yiddisher - Lack Of Christian Kindness Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Merchant of Venice
100% SICINIUSSupremely Insincere, Citizens Interests Never In Uppermost Situation Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Coriolanus
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Coriolanus
100% SICKStomach Is Curdled & Kaput Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% SICK BABYSo Ill... Can't Kiss it Better. Another Belching Yawn. Angela Brett
90% SICKENINGStomach Is Churning Keep Emetic Nonsense Internalised - (it's) Nasty & Graphic Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% SICNONSimplified Inquiry-Created Necessity, Once Nameless Jeff Anonymous, when Angela wondered what to call the category at http://apronyms.com/category.php?ID=1985058, explaining: "Yesno" doesn't sound spiffy, so let's try some foreign variants...."JANEIN"? "Sicnon"? "Daniet"?
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% SIDSilly, It's Debian! Sean Lamb (Sid is the code name for Debian's unstable development tree of it's fabled Linux distribution)
Names:Code Names:Linux
100% SID (2)Stability Is Debian Sean Lamb
Names:Code Names:Linux
100% SID (3)Still In Development Sean Lamb
Names:Code Names:Linux
89% SIDEKICKSlightly Inane Dude, Entertains Kinky Ideas Concerning his Keeper Tony McCoy O'Grady, defining his role as KEYBOARD?
MacGirl & KeyBoard:(Wannabe) Superheroes
100% SIDEREALStarlight Inspires Desires Enchanting Romantics, Especially After Libations Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SIDNEYSeeks Invitations, Dancing Nightly, Experiencing Youth Jan Morgan (looks for nightly dances to attend)
Names:First names
100% SIEG HEILSalute Important Eminent German, His Evil Is Legendary Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Linguistics:German Words
100% SIERRA LEONESociety Is Exceptionally Rice-Reliant, Agricultural Labourers Earnings Often Need Enhancement. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SIGHSlow, Inverted Gasp - Haaaaa... Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% SIGH (2)Silent Inhalation, Gusty 'Huuuuuhhh' Gavin Lambert
Assorted Verbs
100% SIGHINGSignifies Infuriated Grief, Hope It's Nearly Gone Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
90% SIGNATURESufficient Identification? Greatly Needing A Totally Unforgeable Replacement or Extension. Angela Brett
100% SIGNATURE (2)Smallprint Is Giving Nobody A Total Understanding... Refrain/Retract Endorsement. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% SILENCESomehow It's Like Expensive, Nicely-Coloured Element. Angela Brett
100% SILICONSometimes In Ladies Increases Cleavage, Or Neckline Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SILICON CHIPSuggest It's Low In Calories? Objection - Not Considered High In Polyunsaturates! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% SILKStability In Loving Kisses Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the silk (12th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% SILK (2)Stew In Lovely Kitchen Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% SILK (3)Sustenance? It Lacks Kilojoules! Angela Brett
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% SILLYSomehow I Love Loving You Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
86% SILVERSought In Large Veins (to) Enhance Reserves Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SILVER (2)Still In Love - Very Enduring Relationship Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the silver (25th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% SILVER (3)Substance, In Light, Very Easily Reflects. Timothy Chambers
100% SILVERBERGSome Intriguing Literary Volumes, Except Readers Begin Espying Repetition, Gradually. Angela Brett, whose favourite author about four years ago was Robert Silverberg, and who has recently found some previously unread books of his to read. His books have some very interesting ideas in them and he likes (or liked... I have no idea if he's even still alive!) to introduce obscure words to his readers' vocabularies, but some themes tend to recur in many of his stories.
Art & Literature:Writers
100% SILVER MEDALSeven Important Life/Leadership Values, Expressed Reliably, Means Employee Deserves A Laurelling Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Employee Recognition Program
100% SILVIASuccessful In Love's Very Intricate Affairs Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Two Gentlemen of Verona
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Two Gentlemen of Verona
100% SIMIAN SIMSeems Intelligent Monkey Is Acronymising - Not Some Irish Mastermind! Tony McCoy O'Grady, after Angela mentioned, "It's so obvious that even a poorly programmed monkey simulator running on Windows 95 could have thought of it" as a possible interpretation of her compliment of another of Tony's acronyms.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% SIMONSole Instructor - Mustn't Obey Nameless Angela Brett
100% SIMON (2)Somehow It's Misnamed Overseas - Naughty! Tony McCoy O'Grady, who says: Over here that game is called "O'Grady says!"
100% SIMON (3)Songwriter Is Magnificent, Often Nonpareil Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to Paul Simon
100% SIMONESignoret Is Magnificent Onscreen - Naturally Expressive Tony McCoy O'Grady (French actress Simone Signoret sprang to mind immediately when Angela posted SIMONE on the forums as an unsuccessful search term)
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% SIMPLETEXTSophistication Is Minimal, Pleasing Little Editor That Employs Xero's Talking. Angela Brett (Xero is one of the many Mac voices which SimpleText can use to talk.)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software:Applications
100% SIMPRIMSkirt Is Modestly Pulling Reveals (Immodestly) Mammaries Tony McCoy O'Grady (Simprim is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'The little movement of false modesty by which a girl with a cavernous visible cleavage pulls her skirt down over her knees.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% SIMPSONS, THESomeone In Marge's Position Should Oust Nincompoop Spouse, Though He's Entertaining. Angela Brett and PiMaster
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% SINSo, It's Naughty! Roger Williams
People & Relationships
100% SIN (2)Satan Is Near. Roger Williams
People & Relationships
100% SIN (3)Sacrifice It's Not! Roger Williams
People & Relationships
100% SIN (4)Shamefully, It's News! Roger Williams
People & Relationships
100% SINCERESolid Integrity. Novel. Character: Enthusiastic! Real Empathetic! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% SINESide Is Numerically Expressed Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SINE (2)Symmetry Is Not Even Angela Brett
100% SINGAPOREService Industry Nation, Generating A Profit On Rampant Economy. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SINGAPORE (2)Sunny Island, Nobody Grows Apples, Primarily Only Real Estate Dundee
100% SINGERSewing Invention - Needles Get Electric Revolution Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SINGLE LIFEScene Is Nightclubs, Getting Laid... Eventually Loving Intimate Friendship Evolves. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SINGLE WHITE FEMALESeeks Intelligent Nice Gentleman - Looks European. While Having Intentions To Enjoy Flirtations, Expect Marriage After Limited Engagement Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SIRESperm Indeed Reached Egg! Angela Brett
100% SIRE (2)'Sir' Is Respectful Enough! Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Titles
100% SIRE (3)Someone Is Recently Ennobled Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Titles
100% SIRE (4)Stallion Is Racing Equine Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SIRENStartlingly Immediate Rousing Emergency Noise Eric Bridgstock
Assorted Nouns:Noises
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% SIREN (2)Sound Indicating Rapid Evacuation Necessary Eric Bridgstock
Assorted Nouns:Noises
People & Relationships:Disaster
94% SIR JOHN FALSTAFFSwindler Incarnate! "Repay" Justice Orders - He Now Fabricates A Love-affair Swindle ... Trickery And Flirtations Follow Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Merry Wives of Windsor
100% SIR NATHANIELSenile, Infirm Religious - Needed As Teacher Holofernes' Ally, Nevertheless Is Easily Liked. Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Love's Labours Lost
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Love's Labours Lost
100% SIR TOBY BELCHStupid Idiot, Rude To Others, Boozy Yet Belligerent. Evidently Loathes Cesario Horridly Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Twelfth Night
100% SISADMINServer Installer Shares Author's DNA, Mitochondrially Identical Network Angela Brett -- A sisadmin is a sister who is also a sysadmin (which is a common abbreviation for system administrator.)
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% SISTERSSiblings Intentionally Showing To Everyone Reality's Secrets Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Family
100% SISTERS (2)Sisters In Service, Teaching Eternal Redeemer's Salvation Jan Morgan -- female Missionaries
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% SISTERS (3)Sisters In Service, Teaching Evidence, Reality, Salvation Jan Morgan
Religion:Religious Occupations
89% SITE DOWN?Seems I Tried Entering Domain, Only Where's the Network? Gavin Lambert, mentioning in an email: tried to access http://www.acronyms.co.nz just now and it told me the DNS was not found. obviously it was a TRANSIENT ERROR or you wouldn't get this email!
100% SKATEBOARDSome Kids Adopt Technological Enhancements, But Older Adults Remember Disasters Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% SKIINGSnow-sport's Keenly Interesting - It Needs Gravity Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
86% SKINNYSeventy Kilos Is Now No-longer You TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% SKIN OF YOUR TEETHStriving Keenly In Nasty Occasion - Finally Yielding One's Utmost Resolution - To Eventually Escape The Horror TMcCO'G
Assorted Phrases
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% SKIPPERSomeone Keeping International Port Populations Expecting Returns Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% SKIPPERSSkilful Keen Individuals Perpetually Prefer Embarking Reachable Sights Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
Sports & Recreation
100% SKIRTShe Knows Inches Raise Temperatures Rico Leffanta
Household Objects:Clothing
100% SKIRT (2)Scottish Kilt Indeed Resembles This Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing
100% SKITESteve Keate Is Totally Egotistical Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% SKULLSkeleton's Knowledge User, Living Life Jan Morgan
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% SLACKERSomeone Lolling About Claiming Knicker Elastic Ruptured Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
90% SLACKWARESlackware Lacks Any Coordination for Kernels, & Waits Always Re: Enhancements. Criggie (Slackware is a Linux distribution)
100% SLANDERSpoken Libel And Now Defamation Endanger Rights Sean Lamb
People & Relationships:Law & Order
71% SLANGSome Language Affectations Native to a Group Angela Brett
100% SLAPSlight Lick As Punishment Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
92% SLAVE GALLEYSShip's Labourers Are Viciously Enchained - Generally A Long Life Enduring Yoke (of) Slavery Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SLAYERSomebody Lunging At You Exacting Revenge Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% SLAYER (2)Swordsman Lunges And You End Respiration Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% SLEEPSlumbering Lends Exhausted Entity Peace. Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% SLEEP (2)Something Lecturers Evidently Enjoy Provoking! Angela Brett
Education:Slow Teaching
100% SLEEP (3)Stop Letting Expansions Experience Priority Angela Brett, when she wanted to go to sleep but kept having to turn on the light and write down acronyms which came to mind.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
83% SLEEP (4)Shut-down LCD, Eke Extra Power. Angela Brett, when she put her Newton MessagePad to sleep when it was running out of battery power.
100% SLEEP (5)Sleep: Lessens Energy Expenditure / Peaceful! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% SLEEP (6)Sin Lovers Eventually Eliminate Possible! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Death.
People & Relationships:Death
100% SLEETSheet Lightning Expected... Even Thunder! Angela Brett, when someone on IRC called Sleet wanted to be acronymised after seeing the PIMASTER acronym.
100% SLEUTHSome Loser Eejit Unlikely To Help Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% SLICESharp Lines Indicate Cutlery's 'Edge' Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
100% SLIGHT HASSLESignificant Likelihood, I Guess However, That Hatred And Swearing Shall Likely Ensue Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% SLIMSomatic Love Is Mindless Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% SLIPSending Little Internet Packets Sean Lamb (SLIP = Serial Line Internet Protocol)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% SLIPKNOTSwinging Lariat, If Pendulous, Kills Nasty Old Tyrant Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% SLIPPINGStraight Laughter Is Pleasureless/Punless... Please Investigate New Guffaws Angela Brett, when Tony responded to something with an ordinary old LOL.
Words & Wordplay
100% SLOPESlanted Lines Offer Plainest Equations Angela Brett
100% SLOPE (2)Straight Lines Observed? Proportional Elements. Angela Brett
100% SLOTHSlow, Lumbering, Otiose Tree Hanger Sean Lamb
100% SLOW DOWNLOADSerious Logjam On Web Documents Open Without Necessary Links - Obviously A Disaster Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SLOW EMAILSSecurity Loophole Of Windows Eats Messages After Inundating Linux Servers? Angela Brett -- Email through my email forwarder has been taking a long time to arrive lately, and I wonder if it has to do with extra load on servers due to the latest Windows virus.
100% SLOWERSome Lumber Onwards Without Evident Rapidity Tony McTrack&Field O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% SLOWPOKESexually Lazy, One Willpower's Positively On Keeping Erection Tony McCoy O'WashYourMouthOutWithSoapyWater!
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SLOWPOKE (2)Shuffling Legs Of Walker Plodding Over Kerb's Edge Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Insults
100% SLOW TEACHERSSubject Learnt Over Weekend! To Educate A Class He Excessively Reduces Speed. Angela Brett
Education:Slow Teaching
100% SLUGSure Livens Up Garnishes! Rico Leffanta
100% SLUGGISH SPEEDSome Latitudes Undergo Great Glaciation. Internet Speed Has Slowed. Patti's Evidently Entering Dormancy TMcCO'G, after CORIOLIS (2), saying: But maybe, just maybe I'm wrong and It's all that ice and snow in Canada which is slowing things down... cold slows everything down as winter approaches... it's a throwback to hibernation.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Excuses for Slow Loading
100% SLUGS AND SNAILS AND PUPPY DOGS' TAILSSlime Laying, Unpleasant Garden Species Are Nominally Described Suggesting Nastiness And Ickyness. Lying 'Sisters' Are Naturally Deceitful - Painting Untruthful Pen-Pictures You Depict Outrageousness Grossly Slandering The Angelic, Innocent Little Saints Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% SLUSHSnow's Largely Unpopular Sideeffect's Horrid TMcCO'G
Assorted Nouns
100% SLUSH (2)Solid(ish) Liquid - Usually Snow's Heritage TMcCO'G
Assorted Nouns
100% SLUTSexually Loose Undiscriminating Tramp Tony McCoy O'Grady, after watching an 'expose' TV programme on teenage sex in England.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SLUT (2)She Lustily Undoes Top Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SLUT (3)She Likes Using Toyboys Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SLUT (4)Sexy Lingerie Used Temptingly Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SLUT (5)She Lies, Usually Topless. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SMALL BABYSure, Maybe A Little Little, But 'Ardly Begun Yet! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
100% SMALL LETTERSSome Minds Acronymise Lowercase Letters Leading Even Tony To Exemplify Resounding Silliness. Tony McCoy O'Grady, when a newcomer on the acronyms forums deliberately used small letters throughout a post in order to avoid having to acronymise any capitalised words.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% SMARTStupid, Maybe, At Real Tasks. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% SMART (2)Systematic Mean Aggressive Revolting Taunts Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% SMART (3)Some Minds Are Really Talented Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% SMART ALECSee Me After Rehearsals Tonight And Let's Exchange Costumes Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% SMART ASSSome Moron Automatically Ripostes To Announce Some Simpletude Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Insults
100% SMARTASSStupid Mutt's Always Ranting, Talking Awfully Silly Stuff Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Insults
100% SMART ASS (2)Some Mensans Are Rationally Talented And Socially Stupid Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% SMARTIPANTS'Submit Multiple Acronyms Readiy Thanks' I Posted ..... And Now Turned Silent Tony McCoy O'Grady, when someone called SmartiPants asked on the ACRONYMS FORUMS for expansions of DSL, but never posted again.
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% SMELLYSomething Malodorous Exudes.... Lice'll Love You Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SMILESimply Magic, It's Laughter Eliciting. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SMILE (2)Subtly Make Imminent Laughter Evident Angela Brett
100% SMILE (3)Satisfied Merriment, Induces Lips Ends Jan Morgan -- the ends turn up
100% SMILE (4)Satisfying Mirth, Induces Lips Ends Jan Morgan -- the ends turn up
100% SMILESSmiles: Muscles Involved < Living Eternally Scowling! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% SMINTStrong Mints Indeed, Neverthess Tiny. Edwin Hermann
Food & Drink
100% SMIRKSuch Mirth Is Really Killing! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SMITEStriking Makes It Terrifying, Enmity Jan Morgan
Military:War & Terrorism
93% SMOKE DETECTORSafety Makes One Keen to Every Danger. Escape Tactics Essentially Challenge Thoughts Of Readiness Sean Lamb
Household Objects
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% SMOKERSSo Many On Knife-Edge, Risking Sickness Angela Brett
100% SMOKESCREENSoot Makes Others Keep Eyes Shut - Confused Reaction Ensues. Escape Now! Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% SMTPShove Mail Through Postbox Tony McCoy O'Grady (SMTP usually stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% SMTP (2)Server Mauled The Postie? Angela Brett, thinking especially of an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server running Yellow Dog Linux, since SMTP is sort of like a postman, and posties often get mauled by dogs.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% SMTP (3)Send Messages To People Angela Brett (SMTP usually stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% SMUG SMILESilly Me, Unusually Good Suggestion Means I Laugh Easily Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SMURFSqueaky Mouthed Ultramarinecoloured Runtish Fairies TMcCO'G
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% SNAILSalads Need Ambrosia Interspersing Lettuce Rico Leffanta
100% SNAKESlimy Nipper Abolishing Kissing Everywhere Rico Leffanta
100% SNAKESSlither Noislessly And Kill, Envenoming Subjects Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SNEEZESnotty Nose Effortlessly Energising, Zinging Everywhere. Mary Carr
100% SNELLSports Notably Effective Long Legs Angela Brett, referring to runner Peter Snell (who is supposedly a distant relative of mine)
Names:Famous people
100% SNICKERSSome Nuts In Chocolate Keep Energy Reserves Stocked TMcCO'G
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% SNIFFLESStuffy Nose Initiates Feeling Fatigued, Leaking Excess Snot. Angela Brett
88% SNIGGERSuffocated - Nearly - In Gleeful Guffaw-inducing Excited Reaction Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SNIPERSecreted Neatly In Place, Expert Rifleman Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
Military:War & Terrorism
100% SNIPER (2)Solitary Nemesis, Invisibly Placed, Executes Reliably. Roger Williams
Military:War & Terrorism
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% SNITSans Niceness, Inexplicable Tantrum Angela Brett, when her sister asked if their mother was still 'in a snit' with her.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
People & Relationships
100% SNIT (2)Selfish Noxious Irritating Trait Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
100% SNITTERSmall Newspaper Item Twit Thought Exceptionally Ribald Tony McCoy O'Grady (Snitter is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'One of the rather unfunny newspaper clippings pinned to an office wall, the humour of which is supposed to derive from the fact that the headline
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% SNOGSquash Noses Or Glasses Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SNORTINGSudden Nasal Outburst Reacting To Incoming Naughtiness, Generally. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SNOWSanta's Not Overly Weatherproof Tony McCoy O'Grady
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% SNOW (2)Smoothness Noticed Over Winter Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SNOW (3)Soft Notation Of Winter Roger Williams
100% SNOW (4)Somewheres, Not Only Winter TMcCO'G - refuting SNOW (3) :-) Somewheres is a construction on the same lines as sometimes - meaning several undefined locations.
100% SNOW (5)Smooth Newness Of Whiteness TMcCO'G - A covering of snow makes familiar landscapes seem strange and new.
100% SNOWFLAKESpectacular Natural Ornamental Wintertime Feature; Little Abbreviated Kaleidoscopic Experience. Roger Williams
100% _SNPRINTFSafe? Not Particularly. Recently It Nearly Totally Failed! Angela Brett, who had advocated the use of the C function _snprintf in place of sprintf because it takes the size of the buffer as a parameter and so ought to be safer, but recently discovered it's not so safe after all.
100% SOSoon & Often Angela Brett, when Jeff said, after reading 'The Meaning of Liff', 'I am SO going to acronymize some of these.'
100% SO (2)Spiritedly, Overenthusiastically Angela Brett (see SO)
100% SO (3)Some Othertime Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SO)
100% SOAPScrubbing Often Amends Pelt Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% SOAP (2)Stand On A Platform Angela Brett, thinking of a soapbox but too lazy to think of an x word.
100% SOAP (3)Some Obfuscated Access Paradigm Sean Lamb (SOAP = Simple Object Access Protocol; it's not nearly so straightforward as it sounds if you're not programming with the Micros~1 libraries)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% SOARSomewhere, Over A Rainbow Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% SOBStupid Obsessed Blubbering Angela Brett, after pretending to sob over the death of her kMac.
Assorted Verbs
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% SOBERSpirits Or Beer Essentially Rejected Angela Brett
100% SOB STORYStrap On Breasts Say They're Obviously Really Yours Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% SOCCERSport Of Clever Children Exercising Robustly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% SOCCER (2)Soiled Our Clothes Chasing Errant Roundthing Patricia Rix
Sports & Recreation
100% SOCIAL STUDIESStudents Of Community Interactions Across Lateral Strata. Theories Usually Descend Into Endless Squabbles Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% SOCKSheath Of Coloured Knitting Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% SOCKSShoes Often Cannot Konceal Smells Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% SOCKS (2)Shoes Often Can Keep Smelling Angela Brett, as a modification of Tony's SOCKS
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% SODIUMSalt Of Davy's Independent Unique Manufacture. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SOD OFFSaunter Over Defecation On Four Feet Rico Leffanta
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness
100% SOEIDENTALSomeone's Obviously Excited - I Daresay Employer Now Thinks Angela's Learned! Tony McCoy O'Grady, on finding out that Angela got a job at Software Of Excellence International (http://www.soeidental.com)
100% SOFIASo One Friend Initiates Adventures Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% SOFTBALLSliding Overmuch For The Base Always Leaves Lumps Patricia Rix
Sports & Recreation
100% SOFTBALL (2)'Sport' Of Faintly Talented Boys Americans Love Lots. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% SOFTWARESomething Often Found To Worry A Rookie Enthusiast Angela Brett
100% SOFTWARE (2)Shatters One's Front Teeth With A Rare Ease Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% SOFTWARE (3)Someone Offered 'Free Trial'. Worm Already Resident, Encoded. Roger Williams
90% SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTSerious Occupation? Fun Times? What All Really Experienced Developers Enjoy: Vanquishing Errors in Lines Of Programs, Meaning Enhancement of Needed Trustworthiness Gavin Lambert
100% SOFTWASHSome Oaf Found Their Water And Soap Hard? Angela Brett, on seeing some 'Softwash' soap, wondering just how hard other soaps are.
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% SOFTWASH (2)Soap Only Foams The Water, Antibacterial Sterilises Hands Angela Brett, after using some SOFTWASH liquid hand wash.
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% SOLSource Of Light Tony McCoy O'Grady
87% SOLDERING IRONSeriously Overheated Little Device; Enables Relatively Insignificant Numbered Gizmos Integrating into Radios or Other Necessities Gavin Lambert (Without soldering irons, it'd be hard to create electronic devices)
100% SOLDIERSSlaying's Our Loyal Duty... Insufferable Enemies Ruthlessly Slaughter Angela Brett
100% SOLESomeone Owns Lone Effort Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% SOLE CONTRIBUTORSomeone On Lonesome Expands Content Of New Topic, Rebuffing Incisive & Brilliant Utterances That Others Remit Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% SOLICITINGSeeking Out Lustful Intercourse Can Induce Terrible Infections Near Genitals Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SOLICITORSeriously Overpaid Lawyer In Conveyancing Industry - Too Often Roguish Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% SOLICITOR (2)Sole Objective: List Itemized Charges Including Time On Retainer Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% SOLIDScientific Opinion: Light Isn't Dense. Angela Brett
100% SOLID (2)Slug - Or Lump - Is Dense Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
89% SOLITUDESometimes One Likes Isolation. Though Usually (it) Doesn't Endure. Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% SOLOSingle Only, Lonely One Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
100% SOLOMON ISLANDSScene Of Lots Of Military Operations. Now Independent State, Local Agriculture Now Developing Strongly. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SOLOMON ISLANDS (2)Sheba Offers Love Options Men Often Need; In Some Love Affairs, Naked Dancing Sufficeth Rico Leffanta
100% SOMALIAScene Of Military Actions - Lethal Internal Aggression. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SOMESubset Of Mentioned Entirety Angela Brett
100% SOME PEOPLE HAVE TOO MUCH TIMESeems Our Mirthful Expansions Possibly Enrage Other People, Leaving 'Em Hot And Voicing Envy. They Obviously Ought Make Up Comedic (Hoepfully They'll Invent Many) Expansions Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% SOMETHIN'Some Object My Eloquent Typist Has Inadequately Named Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% SONARSound Out Nasties And Repasts Angela Brett
100% SONAR (2)Sends Out Noises, And Receives Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SONG OF SOLOMONSerenade Of Nature's Goodness, Often Fairly Suggestive Of Lover, Of Much Outstanding Novelty Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Bible books
100% SONIASomeone Of Note, I Assume. Angela Brett
Names:First names:Female
100% SONICSome Otic Nuisance Is Created Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% SONIC (2)Sega's Original Novel Intense Character Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Games:Game Characters
80% SONYSounds Outstanding (with) No Yanni wishes
100% SONYASafe Of Naughty Young Adult Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% SOON!Shortly Or Otherwise Never! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% SOONESTSpeediest Option's Often Needed, Extremely Slow's Tortuous TMcCO'G
89% SOOTHSAYSpecialized Organization Offering Treatment/ Help to Sexually Abusive Youths Tony
People & Relationships:Abuse:Sexually Abusive Youth Program
100% SOOTHSAYERSpeaks Of Octavius - To Help Sway Antony, Yet Encouragement Rebuffed Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Julius Caesar
92% SOOTHSAYINGSpecialized Organization Offering Treatment/ Help to Sexually Abusive Youths & Individuals Needing Guidance Tony
People & Relationships:Abuse:Sexually Abusive Youth Program
100% SOPHIASo One Person Has Incredible Advice Jan Morgan (according to http://tools.oxygen.com/babynamer/TypeASearch.cfm?Gender=G&Unique=2&TellMeAbout=sophia, Sophia and Sophie come from a Greek expression meaning Wisdom)
Names:First names:Female
100% SOPHIESo One Person Has Incredible Enlightenment Jan Morgan and Angela Brett (according to http://tools.oxygen.com/babynamer/TypeASearch.cfm?Gender=G&Unique=2&TellMeAbout=sophia, Sophia and Sophie come from a Greek expression meaning Wisdom)
Names:First names:Female
100% SOPHOSStops Others' Programs Harming Our System Angela Brett, after seeing a SOPHOS virus protection program pop up on her work computer.
100% SORBITOLSugar's Obviously Really Bad, Instead This Overpressures Lobes Steve Keate
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% SORESome Organ's Reddened & Excited Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SORRYSuch Offensive Rudeness Riles You. Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% SOSSide Open, Sinking Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% SOS (2)Some Obscure Signal Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% SOS (3)Several Obituaries Soon Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% SOS (4)Signal Of Stress Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% SOS (5)Sea Opened, Swallowed Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% SOS (6)Stupid Ocean Swells! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% SOS (7)Several Overboard Seamen Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% SOS (8)Sending Out Screams Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% SOS (9)Splitting Our Seams Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% SOS (10)Stay Out, Sea! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% SOS (11)Stop Our Suffering! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% SOS (12)Sh*tting Our Selves! Angela Brett and Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% SOSUMISound. Overtly Shagging Up Music Industry Tony McCoy O'Grady. The makers of the early Mac computers stated that they would never be used to make music. The name of the sound called "sosumi' translates as "so sue me". (see http://www.newtontalk.net/archive/newtontalk.2002-04/1425.html for more information)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% SOULSeat Of Unending Life Tony McCoy O'Afterlife
100% SOUNDSleep Ongoing = Usual = Nice Deep! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% SOUND (2)Sane. Organized. Unagressive. Novel. Dependable! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Adjectives
100% SOUND (3)Sane, Organized, Unagressive, Novel. Dependable! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% SOUND IN SPACESign Of Uneducated Nitwits... Doesn't It Need Some Perturbed Atoms, Compressing & Expanding? Angela Brett, when Jeff gave sound in space as the reason for calling STAR WARS FOUR Un Realistic.
100% SOUTHStandard Orientation's 'Under' Top Hemisphere Angela Brett
Places:Positions & Directions
92% SOUTH AFRICAScene Of Unparalleled Tribal Happiness - Aroused Following Recent Inevitable Collapse (of) Apartheid. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SOUTH CAROLINAShape Odd, Uniquely Triangular, Has Charleston Area Restored, Originally Lead In Nation's Altercation Jan Morgan (civil War)
Places:States & Regions
100% SOUTH DAKOTASome Of Us Think, "How Did Arrivals Keep Overcoming This Area?" Roger Williams
Places:States & Regions
100% SOUTH DAKOTA (2)Sculptures Of Upright Trusted Humans, Deeply Admired, Kept Our Territories Agenda Jan Morgan - Mount Rushmore
Places:States & Regions
91% SOUTH KOREASource Of Unequalled Textiles, Has Known Outbreaks (of) Recurring Enemy Activity. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SOUVEFARStrange Object Usually Via Envelope From Another Realm Angela Brett (A souvefar is like a souvenir, except it's from somewhere you've never been anywhere near. Some souvefars start out as souvenirs but become souvefars when given to friends or family back home; others are bought at local souvenir shops and delivered to friends overseas.)
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% SOVIET ONIONSystem Of Vegetables In Elected Tribunals, Or Novelties Inside Other Novelties. Angela Brett, expanding a quirky unsuccessful search. An onion's layers are similar to matryoshka dolls, so perhaps that's what a soviet onion is!
Food & Drink
100% SOY BEANSource Of Your Butter Excludes Animal Nutrients Tony
Food & Drink
100% SPASignal Passing Ambulance Angela Brett, celebrating TOWEL DAY by acronymising different types of towels to show some of their uses. ('...You can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal')
Household Objects:Towels
100% SPACEScientists Puzzled About Curvature, Etc. Angela Brett
89% SPACE AGEShuttle Pilotted by Aging Chap - Everybody Admires Great Explorers. Angela Brett
100% SPACESSome Paradoxically Appeared, Code's Essentially Spoiled. Angela Brett, after finding some spaces where they shouldn't have been in a C program which she's sure she never typed.
100% SPACE STATIONSpecially Prepared Automobile - Communty Education & Surgery Taking Animal Topics Into Our Neighbourhood Tony McCoy O'Grady (punning on the closeness of 'SPCA' and 'SPACE')
Science:Biology:Animals:The Dorothy Dorosett Brown Mobile Centre
100% SPAEScottish: Predict An Event Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% SPAINSunshine Particularly Attracts International Nudists Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SPAIN (2)Spain & Portugal Are Iberian Neighbors. Roger Williams
100% SPAMSend People Annoying Mail Angela Brett
100% SPAM (2)Stupid People Are Many Steve Keate, referring to the people who mindlessly forward spam.
100% SPAM (3)Sometimes Promises Ample Money Angela Brett
100% SPAM (4)Sanity Prevailed, Ate Meat. Steve Keate
Food & Drink
100% SPAM (5)Sludge Passing As Meat Steve Keate
Food & Drink
100% SPAM (6)Supposedly Particles Are Meat Steve Keate
Food & Drink
100% SPAM (7)Spiced, Preserved And Minced Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% SPAM (8)Some Particularly Aggravating Mail Angela Brett
80% SPAM (9)Students Paid to Administer Mailings Acronymous Anonymous
100% SPAM (10)Students Propagate Annoying Messages Acronymous Anonymous
100% SPAM (11)Students Propagate Anonymous Mailings Acronymous Anonymous
100% SPAM (12)Students Propagate Assinine Mailings Acronymous Anonymous
100% SPAM (13)Slime Posing As Meat W. Kline
Food & Drink
100% SPAM (14)Shoves Products At Me Angela Brett
80% SPAM (15)Sending Plentiful Amounts of Mail Sean Lamb
100% SPAM (16)Scams, Phishing And Maliciousness Bruce Siegel
100% SPAM (17)Short Pointless Annoying Message Lingwo
100% SPAM (18)Stupid People Advertising Merchandise Rebecca G. Listening to a news report on spammers and Canada's Privacy Act
100% SPAM (19)Special Purpose Army Mailer The AKO mail team
100% SPAMMEDSome Putzhead Apparently Multiply Messaged Eventless Discussion. Jeff Anonymous, after someone posted a URL multiple times on the Apronyms Forums.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% SPAMMED (2)Stupid Punter Annoyed Masses, Moderator Exercised Discretion Sean Lamb, when the Apronyms Forums were SPAMMED and Angela deleted the offending posts.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% SPANKINGSomatically Punishing A Naughty Kid Isn't Necessarily Good Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% SPANKING (2)Some Pains Are Not 'Kindness' - Ignore Naive Gossip Tony McCoy O'Grady (I've never believed that "you've got to be cruel to be kind".)
People & Relationships
87% SPANNING TREESSilly! Prim's Algorithm's Not Necessarily Iterated (so) Numbingly Gradually. This is Really Easy, Elementary Stuff! Angela Brett, when a tutor was spending an hour finding the minimum cost spanning tree for a graph using Prim's algorithm, writing every single step on the board. It could have all been done in about 45 seconds - basically a game of join the dots where instead of finding the next number to decide which dot to go to next, we have to work out the minimum of a few numbers.
Education:Slow Teaching
100% SPARCSun's Particularly Amazing Research Creation Steve Keate and Angela Brett
100% SPARE TIMESome Pastimes: Acronymising, Reading, Eating, Tweaking Important MacOS Elements... Angela Brett, who rather likes ResEdit ;^)
100% SPARKLESuper Precious/Perfect And Rare Kitten Loved Existence Jan Morgan -- name of cat
Names:Pet Names
100% SPARSESome People Acronymise Rapidly, Some Exceptionally! Angela Brett, while Tony was producing over 40 new acronyms per day and her own contributions were becoming rather SPARSE. (But his are great too, I don't really mean that speed is reducing his quality)
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% SPARTACUSSpite Provokes Ancient Romans To Actively Crush Uprising Slaves Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SPASMSSharp Pain As Some Muscle Seizes Tony
100% SPASTICSlightly Palsied Athlete Specially To Intrigue Competitors Carl Brett
100% SPASTIC (2)Slightly Palsied Athlete Specifically To Irritate Carl Carl Brett, probably referring to Angela
100% SPASTIC (3)Such People Are Surely Talented... It's Cerebral! Angela Brett, on Cerebral Palsy.
100% SPEAKERSSome People Eat Audio Kit, Ending Really Sick Angela Brett
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% SPEAROWSmall Pokemon's Energetically Airborne, Rapidly Oscillating Wings Angela Brett (Spearow is Pokemon #21)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% SPECIALSounds Pretty Extraordinary. Causes Immediate Attraction Literally Jan Morgan
Assorted Adjectives
100% SPECIAL KSeriously Perillous. Expect Callous Icecold And Loathesome Killer Tony McCoy O'Grady, crunching his way through another cereal killer.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains:Cereal Killers
100% SPECIAL OLYMPICSStupid People Enter Competition In Athletic Level. Only Lost Your Mind, Physically In Champion Shape. Angela Brett (anyone offended by 'stupid' may call me spastic.)
Sports & Recreation
100% SPECIAL WEAPONS AND TACTICSSome Police Experts Can Incapacitate A Larrikin With Exceptional Armaments. Positions Often Need Surrounding All Night / Day... The (Armed?) Criminal Then Is Captured / Shot Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order
83% SPECTACLESSeeing Properly Entails Choosing The Appropriate Combination of Lenses to Ease Stigmatism. Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
100% SPECTRESoul's Presence Ex-Corpus, Theoretically Residual Energy. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% SPECTRUMSee Practically Every Colour Through Rays' Unusual Motif Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% SPEECHSpeaking Precisely Ensures Efficient Communication Happens Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SPEECH (2)Spout Prefabricated Eloquence Ex- Campaign Headquarters Angela Brett
100% SPEEDOMETERSystem Pacing Each Engine's Distance Or Miles, Except Times Equipment Reverses Rico Leffanta
Transport:Car Parts
89% SPEIGHTSSouthern People Enjoy It; Goody-goodies Hate The Stuff. Angela Brett (Speights is a brand of beer)
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% SPEIGHTS (2)Special Piss Enjoyed In Great Hotels Throughout Southland Apronymous Anonymous
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% SPENCERSome Peer's Eponymously Named Coat - Early Regency TMcCO'G
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% SPENTShe Predicts Entry Next Time Rico Leffanta
Assorted Adjectives
100% SPERMSmall Paternal Effort Riles Mother Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% SPERM (2)Sexual Performer Ejaculates Rich Mucous Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% SPESShould Probability Expire, Suppose! Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% SPHERESolid Paradigm Having Every Radius Equal Angela Brett
90% SPHINCTERShuts Posterior Hole - Is Needed to Control Those Embarrassing Runs Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% SPICESugar's Partner In Creating "Eve"s Roger Williams
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% SPIDERSpins Pretty, Intricate Designs Entrapping Rations Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SPIDERMANSwinging Perilously Into Downtown Environs, Radioactive Mutant Arrests Nasties TMcCO'G
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% SPIKESharp Pointy In Kind, Excruciating Jan Morgan
Assorted Nouns
100% SPIRITSomehow Perhaps I'll Remain, In Thought. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% SPIRIT (2)Soul's Passage Interrupted, Remains In Torment Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Death
100% SPIRIT (3)Sacred Person In Righteous Intuitive Truth Jan Morgan
100% SPIRITUALSacred Perception In Righteous Intuitive Truth Usually Adds Light Jan Morgan
100% SPIRITUAL GUIDESacred Perception In Righteous Intuitive Truth Usually Adds Light. Giving "U" Individual Direction Essentially Jan Morgan
100% SPITFIRESpecial Plane In The Forties. It Really Excelled. Eric Bridgstock
100% SPITFIRE (2)Super Plane - Invincible Tactical Fighter. It Rouses Emotions. Eric Bridgstock
100% SPLATSeveral Parachutists Landed Awkwardly There Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation:Parachuting
100% SPLEENStrange, Perplexing Little Entity... Explanation Needed Steve Keate and Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% SPLITTING THE ATOMSingular People Loving In Tandem Trying Innovative New Gambits To Help Enhance Archaic Traditions Oppressing Marriage Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SPOCKStrangely Pointy Orifice-Coverings, Kinky! Bones McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Star Trek
100% SPOCK (2)Space Plots Often Concern Klingons Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Star Trek
83% SPOCK (3)Serious Person Of [the] Curious Kind Susan S. This alludes to Spock's lack of emotion and extended curiosity.
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Star Trek
100% SPONGESmelly People Obviously Need Greater Exposure Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% SPOOFSilly Prank On Optimistic Fools Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% SPOOKSpectacular Projection Of Our Kids Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Family
100% SPOOLSpindle Product's Outputted Onto Loop Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
100% SPOONSlurping Person's Often Overly Noisy Tony McCoy O'Grady (Soupspoons seem to turn some people into slobs!)
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
100% SPOONERISMSeople Pometimes Offer Odd Narrative, Easily Recited, Involving Sixed Mounds Roger Williams
Words & Wordplay
100% SPORKSure Partner Of Runcible Knife? Angela Brett
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
100% SPORTSome 'Players' Only Require Television Angela Brett
Entertainment:TV shows
Sports & Recreation
83% SPORT (2)Spectacular Pouring-forth Of Raw Testosterone Patricia Rix
Sports & Recreation
100% SPORT (3)Sometimes Played On Rough Terrain Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
83% SPORT (4)Some Pill-popping Olympians Recently Triumphed Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% SPORTSSome People Organising Regular Training Sessions Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% SPORTS FANSerious! Proud! Owes!$ Reads! Taunts! Sane? Faithful Always! Neveryield! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Sports & Recreation
100% SPORTS FAN (2)Scientist Pursuing Observable Relationships: Time Stars Future Anno Numbers! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Sports & Recreation
100% SPORTS MEDICINESwallow Painkillers, Out Running Tomorrow. Sore Muscles Every Day Indicates Competitor Is Near Excellence. Angela Brett (if you disagree, see SPORTS MEDICINE (2))
Sports & Recreation
93% SPORTS MEDICINE (2)Some Physiotherapy Or Rest on The Sidelines - Must Ensure Disuse, Injury's Compounded If Now Exercised Angela Brett, to balance SPORTS MEDICINE
Sports & Recreation
100% SPOTStain Present On Threads Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% SPOT (2)Super Precious Owners Toy Jan Morgan -- different views of animal
Names:Pet Names
100% SPOT (3)Stupid Pet Obstructs Traversing Jan Morgan -- A driver's view of animal -- can't even get into the driveway before he tries to greet you
Names:Pet Names
100% SPOT (4)Stupid Pet Of Throng Jan Morgan -- different views of animal
Names:Pet Names
100% SPOT (5)Special Pet Of Throng Jan Morgan -- different views of animal
Names:Pet Names
100% SPOT (6)Stuck Pet Of Throng Jan Morgan and Randall Morgan -- dog gets stuck under bed
Names:Pet Names
100% SPOT (7)Spineless Pet, Oblivious Tactics Jan Morgan -- different views of animal
Names:Pet Names
100% SPOT (8)Surprisingly Pounces Outta Truck Jan Morgan & Randall Morgan -- Dog can't figure out he is supposed to stay seated when the truck is in motion
Names:Pet Names
100% SPOUSESomeone Pretending One Understands Someone Else Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% SPOYLTSeveral Presents Offered - You Lucky Thing! Angela Brett, on sending Tony and his family some Christmas presents.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% SPREADSlimline Products Reflect Everyone's Avoirdupois Desires Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
94% SPREADING GOD'S WORDSome People Relish 'Educating' Anyone Distantly Interested (or Not.) Goodness Gracious, One Daren't Slacken With One's Religious Duties. Angela Brett
100% SPRINGSee Plants Resplendant In New Greenery Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SPRING (2)Several Plants Rising In New Growth Eric Bridgstock
100% SPRINGERSome People Revel In Nasty, Grossly Entangled, Relationships Tony McCoy O'Grady, as an entry to the Radio Times Def.i.n.i.t.i.a.l.s competition
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
100% SPRINGER (2)Self-Publicists Riled, Invariably Nauseous, Generally Elevate Ratings Eric Bridgstock and Tony McCoy O'Grady,
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
100% SPRINGER (3)Stunt-People Readily Instigate Nasty Grapples (Evidently Real) Angela Brett, as an entry to the Radio Times Def.i.n.i.t.i.a.l.s competition
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
100% SPRINGER (4)Should People Resolve Issues? No, Get Even! Retaliate! Angela Brett
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
89% SPRINGER (5)Staged Punch-ups Regarded Inevitable, Never Get Elegant Result Eric Bridgstock
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
91% SPRING LAMBServe People Rosemary In Neat Garnish, Leave A Mint-sauce Boat Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% SPRINKLERSSpritzing Precipitation Rains In Navigational Kinetics. Liquid Enriches Rotating Sections Jan Morgan -- watering system
Household Objects
100% SPRINTSome People Run In No Time Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
100% SPROGSmall Person - Renewer Of Generation Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
80% SPUDStar Performance (from) "Under Down" Eric Bridgstock, when after hearing about EAT POTATO's success.
Words & Wordplay
100% SPUNKSpouse Pursuing Usable New Kitchen Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% SPYSecrets Passed Yonder Sean Lamb (spies transmit secrets to faraway places, so...)
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% SQUABBLESome Quarrel Usually About Boys Being Loved Elsewhere Rico Leffanta
100% SQUADSpecial Quorum Under Army Directions TMcCO'G
100% SQUAREShape Quadrilateral, Unvaryingly A Rightangled Equilateral Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SQUARE (2)Sound Questions! Utterly Account! Reveal Everything! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Situation: Congressional Panel investigating competitors' lies. Response of victim: an Honest, Gifted CEO.
Assorted Adjectives
100% SQUARE (3)Secure Quarters! Unlimited! Advancing! Renewing Employment! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Adjectives
100% SQUARESSome Quadrangles Use Angles Right; Even Sides. Roger Williams
100% SQUARKSupersymmetry's Quark -- Unconfirmed As Real Knowledge Angela Brett
100% SQUEALSome Questions Unquestionably Evoke Agreeable Lies Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
100% SQUIRRELSmall Quiet Unique Interesting Rodent Really Enjoys Land Jan Morgan
100% SRIShowers Riches Individually Rico Leffanta
Religion:Hindu Goddesses
100% SRI LANKASells Rubber In Large Amounts, Now Knows Autonomy. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SSHSuperb System Handler Jeff Anonymous (SSH usually stands for Secure Shell)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% SSH (2)Silent! Someone'll Hear! Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% STABSimilar To A Bunt Edwin Hermann
Assorted Nouns
100% STABILITYSex Takes A Backseat If Love Is Tormenting You. Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
83% STACKSimple Tool to Access & Contain Knowledge Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% STACK (2)Stunning Thing Atkinson Created - Kicking! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% STACYShe's Truly A Cute Youth Tony McCoy O'Grady - who doesn't usually expand names, but in this case makes an exception as he knows a Stacy (or maybe Stacie) who is a very foxy young woman!
Names:First names:Female
100% STAGSomeone Tied And Graffitied Angela Brett, after seeing a man tied to a lamp-post almost naked and written on, on his stag night.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% STAGECOACHStar Tries Acting, Goes Everywhere Corralling Outlaws And Catching Horses Rico Leffanta
100% STAGE FRIGHTStand Terrified - And Get Extremely Forgetful. Resting In Greenroom Helps Thespians Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% STAGE FRIGHT (2)Some Theatrical Audiences Generate Extreme Fear Resulting In Getting Horribly Terrified Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% STAIRSolution To Ascent Inside Residence Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STAIR (2)Specific Tread And Its Riser Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
100% STAIR WALKINGSteep Track Ascends Inside. Residents Will Ascend Lifting Knees If Not Geriatric Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% STAKE CONFERENCESeriously Teaches Actual Knowledge Encouragingly. Covers Our Needs For Eternity, Reports Effect Noteworthy Concerns, Endeavors Jan Morgan (see STAKE PRESIDENT)
100% STAKE PRESIDENTScreens Temptations And Keeps Empathy. Person Responsible Entirely, Service Is Delegated, Even Negotiates Trials Jan Morgan -- Step Above Bishop
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% STAMINAStrength Takes A Massively Important Natural Addition Tony Moore
Sports & Recreation
0% STAMMER*Some Strange Sickness Sometimes Sets Traps And Makes Me Enunciate Repetitively Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STAMPSend This Air-Mail Please. Angela Brett
100% STAMP (2)Shipping Trade Attracts Most Philatelists. Angela Brett
83% STAMP (3)Sticker That's Applied to Mail Packages Sean Lamb (most US stamps are self-adhesives now...)
100% STAND UPStop The Abuse, Nobody Deserves Unfair Persecution Angela Brett, in response to the same request as WATCH OUT
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% STANNARIESSome Tin Accumulated. Now Not Accessed - Reason Is Economic Suitability. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STANZASo Tony's Accuracy Nears Zero... Aarrghh! Angela Brett, because Tony continues to use the word 'verse' when he means 'stanza' even though he knows that a verse is only one line of poetry.
Art & Literature
100% STARSomething That Astronomers Research Angela Brett
100% STAR (2)Starts To Achieve Ranks Jan Morgan -- Rank in Boy Scouts
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% STARBUCKSeaman That Apparently Registered Big (Universal) Coffee Kitchen Tony McCoy O'Cappuchino
Names:Famous people
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% STARCHSweets, Tators, Are Rich Carbohydrate Hazards Jan Morgan
Food & Drink
89% STARGATESpurious Technological Appellation Referring to Gigantic Apertures Transporting Explorers Susan S.
Entertainment:TV shows
91% STAR KNIGHTSquire Turned Astronaught... Readily Killing Nasties [so] It's 'Good Heavens!' Truly. Angela Brett, who doesn't know what the person who searched for 'star knight' on the website was actually referring to.
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% STARK NIGHTSun's Taking A Rest? Know-Nothings Imagine God's Hidden That Tony McCoy O'Grady
99% STARLIGHT, STAR BRIGHT, THE FIRST STAR I SEE TONIGHT. I WISH I MAY, I WISH I MIGHT HAVE THIS WISH I WISH TONIGHT. Some Think A Real Love Is Given Hope Through Sayings That Are Recited By Reflective Individuals. Gloomy Humans Think That Hopeful Expressions Fail to Instill Real Security That Solider Tactics Allow. Rational Individuals Still Eternally Evade Those Oppressive Notions; Instead Giving Homage To Ideas Which If Studied Have Insufficient Manifested Antecedents. Yet Individuals Wantonly Insist Stars Have Incredible Magical Influence. Granted, Horoscopes, Too, Have Astrological Views. Embittered Troublemakers Have Insisted Stubbornly, When Inquired, Showing How Improbable Wishful Interpretations Succumb. However, Thousands Offer Narrations Interminably; Getting Hope Timelessly. Roger Williams
Words & Wordplay:Ridiculously long apronyms
100% STARSShining Things Are Radiation Sources Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STARS (2)Still Twinkling After Repeated Seasons Roger Williams
90% STAR SIGNSSaggitarius Taurus Aries Rubbish, Shows Innocent Gullible Nature of Society Tony McCoy O'Grady
96% STARTED THINKING SIDEWAYSSummersaultingly Turned All Rational Thoughts Endways. Directed The Head In Novel Kinds of Ideas Never Generally Suggested. Inspected & Developed Every Worthwhile Avenue, Yielding Success Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
MacGirl & KeyBoard
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% STAR TREKShows Typical Alien Reactions To Romantically Enterprising Kirk Rico Leffanta
Entertainment:TV shows
100% STAR WARSSextet Tells Adventures, Revolutionary Wars, Achieving Renowned Status Jan Morgan
100% STAR WARS (2)Sextet Tells Astronomical Revoutionary Wars' Adventures, Renowned Status Jan Morgan
100% STAR WARS FOURSome Teen Aged Rascal Wins A Real Space Fight. Obviously Un Realistic. Jeff Anonymous
100% STATE OF THE ARTSpending The Amount That's Expected, One Finds They Have Encompassed All Recent Technologies Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% STATE YOUR GOALSSomehow To Acronymise, Totally, English. Yeah, Obviously Unnattainable... Real Goals Often Are. Let's Strive! Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% STATE YOUR GOALS (2)Set Targets At The Earliest - You'll Obviously Use Reseach Guidelines & Outline Aims Logically, Succinctly Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% STATISTICSShrunk To Averages, The Information Steers Toward Incorrect Conclusions Sometimes. Angela Brett
100% STATISTICS (2)Skewed Towards Assumptions, The Information Steers Toward Incorrect Conclusions Sometimes. PiMaster, as a modification of Angela's STATISTICS.
100% STATISTICS (3)Squint To Assess The Information So Truth Isn't Clearly Shown Angela Brett, after a statistics lecturer said, "look through your eyelashes, make it blurry," which Angela thinks pretty much sums up what statistics is about.
100% STATISTICS (4)Some Times Angela Thinks It's Stupid That Information's Clouded So. Angela Brett
100% STATISTICS (5)So Taking Averages That Imply Stupid Testimony, I Can Seduce. Roger Williams
100% STATUESculpted Thing - Art That's Unmoving, Ever Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% STDSee Telephone Directory Angela Brett (STD usually stands for Subscriber Trunk Dialling)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% STEAMSometimes The Engines Are Magical Sean Lamb
100% STEELSome Twosomes Enjoy Everlasting Love Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the steel (11th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% STEEL (2)Steps Toward Eternity: Eleven. Lovely! Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% STEPStart To Evince Progress Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% STEP (2)Some Think Elevator's Preferable Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% STEPHANIESoftly Touches Emotional Person, Has A Natural Involvemet Exclusively Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% STEPHANOSozzled Twit - Easily Pictures Himself As Next Overlord Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Tempest
100% STEPHENStride That Egglaying Poultry Has? Evidently Not! Angela Brett, thinking of Step-hen
Names:First names:Male
100% STEVESwings To Extremes Very Erratically. Angela Brett, describing Steve Jobs according to what she's read about him. (If he happens to be reading this... hey, no offense... oh great, all-powerful iCEO (who owns lots of G3s and therefore deserves my respect.) You're doing a great job, just as long as you don't can HyperCard. :)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
Names:Famous people
83% STEVE (2)Society of Technical Extraordinaires, Virtually Everywhere. Steve Keate, because there are so many Steves involved in the computer industry.
Names:First names:Male
100% STEVE (3)So The Erotic Virgin Escaped Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Male
100% STEVE (4)Somebody That Expands 'Volvo' Evilly Angela Brett, after Steve expanded VOLVO
100% STEVE (5)Some Terrifically Exciting & Varied Expansions Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STEVE (6)Served Tepid, Everyday Vegetable Ensemble Angela Brett (this describes Steve K's taste in vegetables, but not his personality! Well, perhaps he can be vegetative but not tepid)
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% STEVE (7)Saves Tact, Engages Vital Effort Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% STEVEDOREStows Tributes Everywhere Vegetates Eventually Diverts Official Records Elsewhere Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% STEVE IRWINSilly Twit's Escapades Very Environmentally Intrusive - Rarely Walks In Noiselessly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people
100% STEVE IRWIN (2)Snake Tries Ejecting Venom - Energetic Intruder Really Wields It Neatly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people
100% STEVE JOBSSaved The Empire - Very Embarrassingly Judged Opinion 'Bull-Sh*t' Tony McCoy O'Grady (Steve Jobs said that rumours of HyerCard's demise were b*llsh*t, when the project had already been shelved, if not actually killed off.)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
Names:Famous people
91% STEVE KEATEStarted To Expand 'VIAGRA' Except Keenly Enlisted Angela To End (it) Angela Brett
100% STEVE KEATE (2)Snores To Excess, Volume Explosive! Kind Enough A*sehole To Endure Mary Carr and Angela Brett
100% STEVENStupid Teen, Excessively Vicious-Even Nauseating Nevica the MAN
Names:First names:Male
92% STEVE WOZNIAKStarted To Engineer Various Electronic Wizardry (Often Zany New Inventions) As a Kid. Angela Brett, who thought she ought to do one for Steve Wozniak after reading LINUS TORVALDS
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
Names:Famous people
86% STEVIASweetener That's Effective, Variously Identified (as) Azucaca Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% ST GOARSomewhere To Get Off And Rest Angela Brett (My Contiki tour stopped there for a night, I think it was only because we couldn't get to Munich that day)
Places:Towns & Cities
100% ST GOAR (2)Somewhere To Go On A Roadtrip Angela Brett (My Contiki tour stopped there for a night, I think it was only because we couldn't get to Munich that day)
Places:Towns & Cities
100% STICK 'EM UPSee This? It Could Kill Everybody. Make Unarms Prominent! Angela Brett ('unarms' are arms without arms, that is, unarmed arms. An alternative ending is 'Money Upfront, Please!')
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% STICK 'EM UP (2)See These? I Collect Kingly-Embossed Monies, Undo Purses! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% STICKY ENDSaying That I Could Kill You Evoked Nasty Death Angela Brett -- don't threaten people, they might be armed with glue guns or worse.
People & Relationships:Law & Order
People & Relationships:Death
100% STIFLESmother The Intimate Flow Love Exudes Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
100% STINKStench That Is Not Kosher Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% STIPULATESet Terms In Place Under Legal Agreement That's Enforceable TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% STIPULATE (2)Sincerely, That Is Promised; Upholding Literally All Terms Expressed. Roger Williams
100% STITCHEDSewn Together In Tiny Challenges Her Eyesight Detailed Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
100% STIXSomething Timberlike Is Xyloid. Angela Brett, after discovering the word Xyloid (meaning woodlike or pertaining to wood) and thought that since it was a real X word and not an eX word then it ought to be included in an acronym just so there'd be another X that hadn't been cheated on... unfortunately she had to cheat on the acronym anyway to get an X into it. But hey, it explains the word nicely, doncha think?
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% ST JOHN'S WORTSupposed To Jolt Our Happiness; No Salesman/Scientist Would Openly Refute This. Angela Brett, who has heard that St. John's Wort is good for depression. Choose the S word based on your scepticism level.
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% ST KITTS & NEVISSunshine's The Key In This Tropical State. Nowadays Expect Visitors Into Sunshine.Sunshine. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STOATSSteal The Ova And Threaten Species Angela Brett
100% STOCKASTICSales That Oscillate Chaotically Keep Any Stockpiling Tendencies In Check. Angela Brett, after reading a paper which mentioned stochastic sales, and thinking that perhaps 'stockastic' would be a better term.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% STOCKS AND SHARESSeeking Tons Of Capital, Keen Shareholders Always Need Detailed Statements - Hopefully Annual Returns Escalate Sharply Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STOMACHSomewhere To 'Organicise' Meals Amid Concentrated HCl. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% STONEDSmoke/Sniff/Shoot This, Or Never Experience Delirium Angela Brett
100% STONED (2)Supposedly Typical Of Non-Educated Dopes Angela Brett
100% STONEHENGEStructure Takes Orbital Notion, Eccentric Habits, Engages Nocturnal Galactic Events Jan Morgan
100% STONERSmoking 'Tokes', One Never Experiences Reality Patricia Rix
100% STONER (2)"Sinless? Throw One Now", Exclaimed Redeemer Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STOPSuspend Trading On Provider Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to HALT.
100% STOP THE ABUSINGStrive To Over-Power The Hurt - Every Avengement Brings Unnecessary Suffering. It's Not Good! Angela Brett, when someone searched for 'stop the abuse'. I couldn't find a good E word.
People & Relationships:Advice
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% STORYSingle Tale Of Romantic Yarn Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% 1ST PLACESomebody That's Perfect Loves A Competitive Event Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation
100% STRAIGHTSexual Targeting's Repulsive, And I Genuinely Hate This! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
89% STRAIGHT (2)Screwed-up Through Religious Affiliations? Idiots Generate Hateful Thinking Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% STRANGE QUARKSeems To Reveal A Name Game, Exaggerating Queerness Understood Amongst Really Knowledgeable Angela Brett ('Strange' is one of the six types of QUARK... along with UP QUARK, DOWN QUARK, CHARM QUARK, TOP QUARK and BOTTOM QUARK.)
100% STRATFORD UPON AVONShakespeare's Territorial Region Accepts Travellors For Ogling Residents' Domain. Unusual Playwright Offers Narratives, Accomplishments Valuable, Offerings Numerous Jan Morgan
Art & Literature
Places:Towns & Cities:UK
100% STRATINOSomeone Transforms Rubber And Tries Inventing New Operation Tony McCoy O'Grady, when someone searched for stratino on HTTP://ACRONYMS.CO.NZ>. He didn't know what it is but found a reference to it (as a brand-name?) in a web-search under the heading 'Rubber and Plastic Transformation'
100% STRAWBERRY IMACStarted To Retch, And Wondered 'Bout Edibility. Really Really Yucky, Its Main Aftertaste's Copper. Angela Brett
Computers:Do Not Eat:iMac Fruit Salad
100% STRESSSome Times Real Easy Stuff Stinks Rico Leffanta, as an explanation for mistyping an acronym.
Assorted Nouns
100% STRESS RELIEFSoothing Tension Relaxes Excruciating Shoulder Soreness. Rubbing Effective Linament In Ensures Flexibiity TMcCO'G
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% STRIDERSilly Tall Ranger Ignores Dodgy Elrond Rapist Carl Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% STRINGSlipped Tying Ribbons? I'm Not Glossy. Angela Brett
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric
100% STRING (2)Something That Resonates In New Guitar Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STRING (3)Swallow This? Result Is Nasty Gastritis! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% STRIPPERSSlowly To Reveal Individual Private Parts Erotically's Reputedly Sensous Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% STRONGSozzled Toper Reeks Of Neat Gin Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% STRONG (2)Stick Together: Rivet On? No, Gluon! Angela Brett (A gluon is a 'particle' of the strong force, which holds QUARKS together.)
100% STRONG FORCESticks Together -- Reverse Of Nearness Gives Ferocity Of Reaction; Cannot Escape Angela Brett (The strong force gets stronger the further away the particles are, making it impossible for single quark to escape from its grouping of two or three.)
90% STRONTIUMSerious Toxic Radiation Of ÔNinety' Titled Isotope is Ultimately Mortiferous. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STUARTShort Tails Usually Aren't Rat's Tails Angela Brett, thinking about the movie Stuart Little, which features a mouse named Stuart.
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% STUART LITTLESupposedly Totally Usual, Adopting Rodents To Live In The Two-Leggeds' Environment Angela Brett, referring to the film in which a family adopts a mouse... the adoption of a mouse is shown as being a normal occurrence, although still apparently worth making a movie about.
100% STUBBORNStays Totally Unbending Basically Believes One Retreats Never Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% STUBBORN AS A MULESticking To Unusual Beliefs By Openly Rejecting Newer And Surer Answers - Making Umpteen Lasting Enemies Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases:Sayings
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% STUDStable's The Usual Dwelling Angela Brett, after passing a stud farm during a bus trip.
100% STUDENT IN DEBTSent The University Dollars, Education Never Turned Into New Desired Employment -- Blast Them! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% STUDENT LEARNINGSeems To Undergo Detrimental Effect Now There's Less Educational, And Really Neat, Interesting Nintendo Games Patricia Rix
100% STUDENT LEARNING (2)Some Times Universities Don't Educate! No, They Like 'Educating' Athlethes Rather - Not Intelligent Nonsporting Geniuses. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STUDYSolo Teaching Usually Done Yourself Angela Brett, after her mother suggested that she just sat under her computer acronymising and didn't know the meaning of study. I'm not sure sure which viewpoint this proves. ;)
100% STUDY (2)Stupid Tutors Undermining Delinquent Youth Mary Carr
100% STUDY (3)Straining To Understand Demented Yabberings. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STUFFEDStandard Technical User Fully Frank Error Description Dave Parlett, explaining the technical term in the phrase, 'your PC is stuffed.'
100% STUFFINGSome Turkey's (Unkindly, Forcibly Filled-In) Now Gone Santa Claus
Food & Drink
100% STUFF YOUSave Thousands Using Freefone - For You're Obviously Unique. Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% STUPIDSupervisor, Technical Unit Promoting Intranet Development Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations:Humorous Job Titles
100% STUPID (2)Smart Trustworthy Useful People In Demand Nevica the MAN
People & Relationships:Insults
100% STUPID FAT UGLY SLAGSomebody That's Unpleasant Pushes Insults Down Flab-Affected's Throat. Unlikely Good-Looking Yet Shoots Lip At Girl Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Insults
100% STUPIDITYSome Thickos Unsuccessfully Pretend Intelligence... Does It Trouble You? Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
95% STUPID SAD FAT UGLY SLAGSome Thick Ungentlemanly Person Is Despicably Sexist And Deeply 'Ffensive. Assumedly The Utterer's a Good Looking Youth, Sociable, Lithe & A Genius TMcCO'G (in response to an unsuccessful search)
People & Relationships:Insults
100% ST VALENTINE'S DAYSee This Value! Artistic Leatherwork Expresses No Truer Intentions - Nice Expensive Shoes Depict Amorous You! Tony McCoy O'Grady, explaining: I was stunned to see a local shop had a special display for Valentine's day. The little pink hearts were stuck on shoes and boots. How romantic would that be as a gift?
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Time:Special Occasions
Household Objects:Clothing
100% ST VINCENT & THE GRENADINESSmall, Tropical, Volcanic Island Nation Converting Economy Now Towards Tourism. Had Effectively Generated Revenue Exporting Native Agriculture. Delights In Nearly Endless Sunshine. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STYLUSStop Typing... You'll Love Using Scribbles. Angela Brett
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% SUAVESome Upstaged Actor Venerating Etiquette Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
94% SUBACROEXPANSIONSynthesised Utterance, Being A Cut-down Rendition Of Expanded Xpression; Probably Acronymiser Needs Some Intelligence, Or Nourishment Gavin Lambert, who was ON A ROLL when he commented that "Randomly Ordered Lyrics" might be a good subacroexpansion for part of ROCK AND ROLL.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% SUBARUSports Utility - Big And Rather Ugly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% SUBMISSION GUIDELINESSend Uncommon (But Meaningfully Initialled) 'Spansions. Show It's Original - Nothing Gathered Using Internet Databases. Explicit Lewdness Is Not Encouraged - Subdue! Angela Brett, summarising to the Submission Guidelines page at http://acronyms.co.nz/guidelines.html
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% SUBROUTINESecond Use Brings Reduction Of Unnecessary Typing, Integrity, Name's Explanatory Angela Brett, meaning that reusing a subroutine brings integrity, not a reduction of it.
100% SUBSCRIBESign Up By Sending Command, Receipt Is By Email Sean Lamb (who has been on more listservs than he can remember)
100% SUCCESSSome Unsuccessful Clots Couldn't Even Spell Success Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
83% SUCCESSFULSeveral Unreal C-words Confirm Extended Storage Space Functions Unerringly - at Last! Angela Brett, after testing this stack's ability to use 'ESS' (Extended Storage Space - some scripts I wrote to get around the fact that HyperCard only allows 30,000 characters in each field) by adding 250 fake acronyms beginning with C. And surprisingly - for one would expect there to be at least one small probem - all of the tests were successful. Which means that, should all you acronymists out there send in more than about 260 average-length acronyms all beginning with the same letter, the stack will still function normally. Well, it's always good to be prepared for the future.
100% SUCCINTShort / Unadorned / Compact Communication! Informative, Not Talkative/Tedious! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Adjectives
100% SUCKSkill Unborn Can Know Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% SUDANSuch Utter Desolation And Nothingness Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SUE'Spansions Usually Excellent Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SUFFOLKSeduces Unsuspecting French Female, Openly Loathes King Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry VI
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VI
100% SUGARSweetener Used Generously And Regularly. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% SUGAR (2)Spoonful Urges Gulping A Remedy Angela Brett, because a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% SUGAR (3)Sweetener, Usually Granulated And Refined Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% SUGAR (4)Spice's Union - Girls Are Result Roger Williams
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
Food & Drink:Condiments
83% SUGAR (5)Sweetener Unfairly Groused by Atkins Regimentarians Sean Lamb
Food & Drink:Condiments
97% SUGAR AND SPICE AND ALL THINGS NICESome Uncouth Girls Apparently Require Affirmation. Nursery-rhyme Details Suggest Poetic Ingredients. Calorie Enhanced Additives Named Describing Apparent Lovely Luscious Treats. Heartily Idiotic Nonsensical Gender-Specific Nastiness Is Completely Erroneous. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% SUGAR FREESome Users Get A Rush From Ready Extra Energy Angela Brett, while sipping a sugar free Red Bull energy drink and wondering why they took out the actual energy. (Marketers occasionally come around giving out Bull for free, and I am a loyal [experimental?] subject.)
Food & Drink
100% SUGARING OFFSyrup's Unusually Grand And Results In Nearby Gathering Of Friendly Faces Patricia Rix
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% SUICIDESo Unhappy I Could Invent Deadly Exit Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Emotions
People & Relationships:Death
100% SUICIDE (2)Shameful, Usually - Intentional Cessation Initiates Disgraceful Exequy. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
People & Relationships:Death
100% SUICIDE (3)Surely Unnoticed, I Cry In Despair Everyday Apronymous Anonymous
People & Relationships:Emotions
People & Relationships:Death
100% SUICINESuicidal Undertaking Inducing Capture. Impossible? Naturally Evident. Dundee (Suicine is Pokemon #249, the third of the legendary beasts which Dundee has been trying to capture for six months.)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% SUITSingle Units In Tandem Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% SUITCASESuitably Un Intesting Transport Capsule Aiding Stylish Escape Matthew Oram
Household Objects
86% SUITEDSpruced Up In Two-piece Executive Dress Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% SUITED (2)Standard Uniform Is Tiresome Executive "Drab" Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% SULKSniffles Unhappily, Like Kiddie Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% SULPHURSmells Uniquely, Like Pheasants Hung Until Rotten Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SULTANA BRANSuperbaddy Uses Lethal Tactics... Afflicted Needs A Bowel Relief, Arse Necroses. Angela Brett (don't eat too much bran... it's a cereal killer!)
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains:Cereal Killers
100% SUMMERSun Usually Makes More Epidermal Redness Eric Bridgstock
100% SUMMER VACATIONSpending Unspent Money, My Employment Recreation Varies Among Consumerism And Travelling In Other Nations Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation:Travel
75% SUNSource of Uncountable Neutrons Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SUN (2)Star, Usefully Nearby Philip Edwards
100% SUN (3)Solar Unit Nearby. Roger Williams
100% SUNBURNShoving Unprotected Nude Bodyparts Under Rays. Nasty! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SUNDAYStomach's Upset, Noggin's Dodgy And Yucky! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SUNDAY SCHOOLScholars Understanding Now, Does Answer Yearnings, Seriously Chooses Heaven Of Own Learning Jan Morgan
100% SUNRISESun's Up Now, Resulting In Sleep Ending. Roger Williams
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% SUNSETSun Unseen Now Signifying Evening Time. Roger Williams
100% SUNSET (2)Sun's Unseen Now, Since Earth's Turning TMcCO'G
100% SUPERFETCHSpeed Up Program Execution Really Fast Enabling The Consumer Hastily Sean Lamb (SuperFetch was Microsoft's code name for the technology [which may have since been removed] in LONGHORN to speed application launching)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
100% SUPERFICIALSome Uncouth People Esteem Rich & Famous Icons - Crass Inanity's A Liability Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% SUPERHEROSome Unlikely Person - Essentially Ridiculous - Handling Exceptionally Risky Operations Tony McCoy O'Grady
MacGirl & KeyBoard
100% SUPERHEROESSuccessful Unique Pairing - Endlessly Rebuffing Hellish Evil - Regularly Overcoming Every Schemer! Tony McCoy O'Grady, perhaps describing MacGirl and KEYBOARD.
MacGirl & KeyBoard
100% SUPERHEROES (2)Suffering Unusual / Peculiar Emergencies Requiring Happy Endings? Ring Our Emergency Stuntmen! Tony McCoy O'Grady
MacGirl & KeyBoard
92% SUPERMARKETSingle Universal Provider of Every Requirement. Magnitude Allows Retailer Kibosh Enemy Traders Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% SUPERMARKET (2)Some Unethical Proprietors Even Retail Mouldy And Rancid Kai... Expect Tummyaches! Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% SUPERNATUREScience Used Progressively Entering Realms Nearly Always Thought Unscientific. Reasoning's Engaging. Angela Brett, referring to the book by Lyall Watson
Art & Literature:Book Titles
90% SUPERNOVAStar Ultimately Perishes Emitting Radiation. Notifying (us) Of Violent Activity Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SUPERSONICSouped-Up Plane's Engines Reverberate, Sudden Objectionable Noise Is Created Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SUPERSTITIONSilly Unfounded Propositions - Evidently Registering Simple Truisms - I'm Told Indicative Of Naivety Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SUPPLY CHAINSome Use Palmtop PCs/ Laptops - You Can Have Airbourne Information Network Angela Brett, thinking of recent TV ads showing the way a biscuit company makes use of tablet PCs with wireless internet to automate their 'supply chain'.
100% SURESmall Uncertainties Removed Entirely Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% SURE (2)Spraying Underarms Removes Exudations Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to a brand of deodorant
Household Objects
70% SURFACE TENSIONSometimes, Unless Reasonable Force is Applied, it Can't Easily Trickle to Escape the Neatly Sealed Insides of an Old Numbercruncher. We were discussing a Mac Classic seen in a magazine which had been turned into a fishbowl (or Macquarium.) Tony suggested that perhaps the person had forgotten to seal the tiny hole next to the disk drive, and that the water could be leaking out. Angela Brett replied that it couldn't because of SURFACE TENSION.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% SURFERSSharks Underwater Resurface For Entrees Riding Swells Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
100% SURGESudden Up-Rising Generates Energy Angela Brett and Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% SURGERYSawbones Used Rusty Gadgets Effecting Remedies, Yesteryear Tony McCoy O'Grady
78% SURINAMSavannah-covered Uplands Range Inland, Nearer Atlantic (is) Marshy. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SURRENDERSay Uncle Really Rapidly, Else No Deal's Ever Reached Patricia Rix
100% SURVIVALStill Unbeaten, Resisting Valiantly Irritating Vicissitudes Along Lifepath Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% SURVIVE!Sentences Using Real Verbs Invade Victoriously! Engage/Escalate! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. (perhaps describing how to survive on this website)
Assorted Verbs
100% SURVIVE! (2)Sense! Understand! Rise! Validate! Innovate! Victor! Empathise! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Verbs
100% SURVIVE! (3)Survive Unexpected Ripples! Value Innovation! Venture Empathy! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Verbs
100% SURVIVE! (4)Sensing Unresonable/Unexpected Rise Valiantly! Innovate Victory Enthusiastically/Energetically/Electrically! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Verbs
100% SUSANShe's Utterly Sensual - And Nubile! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% SUSESeems Useless - Stumps Everyone! Angela Brett, on hearing about SuSE Linux.
100% SUSPECTSSoaking Up Sunbeams, Probably Exceeding Contractor's Time Schedule Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% SUSPENSESome Unique Situations Perhaps Engender Nerve-Straining Excitement Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% SUZANNESuper Unique Zany Adult Negotiates Needed Endurance Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% SUZUKIStupid User Zips Unnecessarily, Killing Indiscriminately Acronymous Anonymous
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% SWAINSomeone Women Avow Is Nobody Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% SWALLOW FALLSSurging Water Allows Lively Lookout Overflowingly Wet Fascinating Attraction Lovely Landscaped Scenery Jan Morgan -- in Wales
100% SWAMPSeriously Wet And Mucky Place. Roger Williams
100% SWANSwims With Arched Neck Angela Brett
100% SWANSSupercilious Women Always Need Something! Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% SWANSEASouth Wales And North Somerset's Elite Army John Richard Jones Something nice about the people of Swansea.
Places:Towns & Cities:UK
100% SWAPSubstitute Without A Prayer Rico Leffanta
100% SWAP (2)Switch With A Peer's Angela Brett
100% SWAP (3)Sleep With Another's Partner Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% SWATCHSwiss Watches Aren't Too Costly Here Angela Brett (while most brands of Swiss watch are ridiculously expensive, Swatch makes watches that are more generally affordable, and sometimes even digital! Call me primitive but I still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.)
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
100% SWAZILANDSugar, Wood, Asbestos Zone. It's Landlocked And Nominally Democratic. Tony McCoy O'Grady
90% SWEAR WORDSpeak Without Expletives - Avoid Rude Words Often Regarded as Derogatory Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness
100% SWEATStrenuous Work? Exude A Trickle Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SWEAT (2)Salty Wetness Exuded After Training Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% SWEDENSmorgasborders Who Evidently Dine Epicureanly Nightly. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SWEETSugar Will Eventually Emaciate Teeth. Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% SWEET PEASmell Wonderful Erratically Entwining Through Pergola's Elegant Arches Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SWEET PEESugary Wees Equals Endocrine Trouble... Pancreas's Effectiveness Ebbing Angela Brett, when Tony apologised for mistyping an 'a' instead of an 'e' in his SWEET PEA expansion.
100% SWEETROLLSomething We Eagerly Eat To Resurrect Our Lost Love Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink
100% SWEETSSugar Will Eventually Erode Teeth Successfully Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% SWIFTSteve Wozniak Is Fast Thinker Angela Brett, thinking that maybe FAST THINKER a.k.a Woz could help out MacGirl and Keyboard in a few episodes.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:(Wannabe) Superheroes
100% SWILLSomeone's Whispered Intimate Love Lies Rico Leffanta
100% SWIMMINGSome Water Is Missing - Maybe In Novice's Gullet Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation
100% SWIMMING (2)Splashing Women Incite Manhunting Mermaids Investigating Navel Gyrations Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
100% SWISHSibilant Whooshing Is Sound Heard. Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% SWISH (2)Silk Which Is Softly Handled Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% SWISH (3)Some Wealthy Individual's Stylish Home Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% SWISH (4)Substance Which Is Singularly Horrible! Patricia Rix (if you don't know what swish-barrel whisky is, you're lucky!)
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% SWISS FRANCSSplendid With Intense Shades, Small Fortune Redeemable As Note (Correctly Singular) Angela Brett -- the things that struck me about Swiss Francs were the bright colours and the fact that they're available in such high denominations. I've only seen up to a 200 Franc note (which is already better than I've seen in any other currency) but apparently there are 1000 Franc notes which are the most valuable mass circulated notes in the world.
100% SWISS FRANCS (2)Serious Wealth Indeed. Switzerland's Savers Feel Rich And Never Countenance Spending Tony
100% SWITCH ONStart With Installation - Then Check Handy Onscreen Notes. Tony McCoy O'Grady
92% SWITZERLANDSurrounded (by) White-Ice-Tops, Zurich Edges Round Lake - Attains Near Dormancy Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SWITZERLAND (2)Speak/ Write In Tongues, Zones Exhibiting Regional Languages Aren't Nation-Dividers. Angela Brett -- Switzerland has four official languages, German, French, Italian and Romansh.
100% SWIZZLEStick - Whirled In Zesty Zippy Liquid Environment. TMcCO'G - a Swizzle Stick is the slender piece of plastic in a cocktail glass used for stirring (with or without a cherry or onion on it!).
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
100% SWORDSharp Weapon Of Ruthless Destruction Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SWORD (2)Sharp Weapon Of Relentless Destruction Angela Brett
100% SWORDSStart Weeping... Our Regiment's Deadly Serious Angela Brett
100% SYLVIAShould You Love Virgins, I'm Available! Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% SYMBIOSISSystem Yielding Mutual Benefits Is Offering Species Integrated Survival Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SYNODICShouldn't You Now Omit Day In Calendar? Rico Leffanta
100% SYNONYM"Sometimes You Need Other Nouns", You Mean? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay
100% SYNONYM (2)Similar, Yet Not Original Name, You Mean? Gavin Lambert
Words & Wordplay
100% SYRIAScant Yearly Rainfall - Inland Arid. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SYRIA (2)Start Your Rocksts, Iraq Again W. Kline
100% SYRUPSugary Yet Rather Uniquely Pleasant Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Condiments
Food & Drink:Confectionery
83% SYRUP (2)Sap You Readily Use on Pancakes. Roger Williams
Food & Drink:Condiments
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% SYSTEMSometimes You Should Try Easier Method Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% SYSTEMATISESo You'll Switch To Efficient Method, And That'll Increase Sales Eventually. Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% SYSTOLESighing Your System's Ticker Of Lifes Expansion Jan Morgan
100% UAUrky Acronymist? Jeff Anonymous, noting that whoever decided that the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (shouldn't that be the UAJAPPFIUSC?) should be called the UA must not be the greatest master of acronyms.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% UA (2)Undersized Acronym Angela Brett (see UA)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% UA (3)Unskilled Acronymist. Jeff Anonymous and Angela Brett (see UA)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% UA (4)Unexplicably Axed Jeff Anonymous, since it seems they cut off a bunch of letters. (see UA)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% UAJAPPFIUSCUrky Acronymists, Jeff Amends "Putzheads, Purely & Factually." I Understand Some Criticism. Jeff Anonymous (see UA)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% UAKARIUlulating Anthropoid - Keep Away, Remain Isolated Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% UBEROUSUniquely Bounteous Emissions - Regularly Offering Unending Sustenance Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% UBIQUITOUSUsing Bourbon In Quantity Usually Identifies The Omnipresent Universal Spirit Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% UDDERSUsually Droopy Danglers Energising Ravenous Suckers Rico Leffanta
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% UDDERS (2)Uberous Dangling Drink-Excreters Replenish Sucklers. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% UDDERS (3)Ungulate's Drink Dispensers Easily Replenish Sucklers. Angela Brett and Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% UDEUltimate Deceleration Event Sean Lamb (UDE is a railroad acronym for UnDesired Emergency, as in an event where the brake system on a train is set to the "Emergency" setting, bringing the train to a stop as absolutely soon as possible. Most often a train is set into Emergency when a car is stopped on a railroad crossing or desides to drive around the gates; engineers in this situation are normally granted a psychological leave for a short period.)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
75% UDE (2)Untimely Disruption of Employment Sean Lamb (UDE is a railroad acronym for UnDesired Emergency, as in an event where the brake system on a train is set to the "Emergency" setting, bringing the train to a stop as absolutely soon as possible. Most often a train is set into Emergency when a car is stopped on a railroad crossing or desides to drive around the gates; engineers in this situation are normally granted a psychological leave for a short period.)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% UGANDAUnder General Amin Numerous Dreadful Atrocities. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% UGLYUnattached Girl Loves You Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Insults
100% UGLY BOYSUntil Girls Like You - Buy Our Youthful Skincream. Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% UIFSAUltimatum Insures Families Secure Alimony Sean Lamb - UIFSA really stands for the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, an act that will enable the state that issues the first support order to have jusrisdiction over the payor (sic) regardless of which state the payor resides in. I used 'Families' instead of 'Fathers' because there are quite a few deadbeat moms out there with the deadbeat dads (growing up with a father prosecuting child support cases taught me that lawbreaking is an 'equal opportunity employer').
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:Law & Order
People & Relationships:Family
100% UKIPUseless Kids In Power John Richard Jones (UKIP usually stands for United Kingdom Independence Party)
100% UKRAINEUprising Knocked Russians Aside - Independence Now Established. Tony McCoy O'Grady
92% UK SOLUTIONSUnable (to) Keep Server On-Line? Unkind Tony Is Offering Nasty Suggestions! Tony McCoy O'Grady, when a misconfiguration of a UK Solutions server caused the Acronyms forums to stop working for a few days.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% ULMERUnfortunately Lost Medal Ending Race Angela Brett, when Sarah Ulmer just missed out on a bronze medal in an Olympic cycling race, despite being ahead for most of it.
Names:Famous people
Sports & Recreation
100% UMAUnveils Majestic Appearance Rico Leffanta
Religion:Hindu Goddesses
80% UMAXUsers May Archive Xposures [sic] Jeff Anonymous, expanding the scanner company per a failed search.
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% UMBRAUsually Makes Blacker Region Appear. Angela Brett
89% UMBRELLAUsed to Make Bucketing Rain Endurable... Lifts Ladies Also! Angela Brett (referring to Mary Poppins, of course.)
Household Objects
100% UMPTEENUnspecified Many... Perplexing To Evaluate Exaggerated Number. Angela Brett
100% UNARMEDUsing No Ammunition, Righteous Man's Enemies Defeated Tony McCoy O'Black-belt-in-Karate
100% UNBEATABLE PRICESUse No Banknotes Extra! Afford The Absolute Best Low Echelon Products! Rubbish Is Cheap, Expect Some. Angela Brett
100% UNBEATABLE PRICES (2)Usually Nobody Believes Everything Advertised Today, Although Bigger Lies Easily Permit Retailers Instantly Contacting Every Sucker. Roger Williams
100% UNCLEANUseful Nobodies, Computer Literate Educationalists Around Nottingham Tony McCoy O'Grady (see UNITS)
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
100% UNCLE SAMUnrelated National Cousins Look Enthusiastic Seeing 'America Man' Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% UNCOOPERATIVE AFRICAN AMERICANUncooperativeness No Consequence Of One's Primary Ethnicity, Rather A Trait/Tactic (Increasingly Validly) Expressed/Employed Across Frontiers. Remarkable Indian Called Asian 'Negros' Against Mother England's Rule, It Created A Nation. Angela Brett (referring to Gandhi), who was sick of seeing this phrase at the top of the unsuccessful searches list for so long.
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% UNCY HERBUnsightly New Car Ywroke Havoc - Eventual Result: Bankruptcy Angela Brett and Tony McCoy O'Grady (Homer's half-brother Herbert Powell, referred to by the kids as 'Uncy Herb' went bankrupt when he let Homer design the car which would make or break his company)
Entertainment:TV shows:The Simpsons
100% UNDERCOATUsually Non-Digestible Eaters Regularly Crouch Over A Toilet Tony McCoy O'Grady (see GLOSS)
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
100% UNDERCOAT (2)Unique Nectar - Decorators Enjoy Repasts Containing Oil And Thinners Tony McCoy O'Grady, to balance UNDERCOAT
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
100% UNDERSTANDUse Noggin! Deductive Exercises Route Someone Towards A New Discernment Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% UNDERWEARUsually Not Desired Excepting Rich Women Exaggerating Assets Rapaciously Rico Leffanta
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% UNDERWEAR (2)Unseen, Never Displayed, Even Rarely Worn - Embarrassed Ancestor Recoils! Patricia Rix, when her daughter Melanie revealed on the forums that she had no [expansion for] underwear.
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% UNDERWEAR (3)Usually Naughty & Decorous, Everything's Revealed When Each Article's Removed. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
86% UNDIESUniversity of Nottingham Department's Information Engineering Subgroup Angela Brett (see UNITS)
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
100% UNDILUTED GRADE A CANADIAN NONSENSE CONCENTRATEUnnervingly Normal? Dial Into Lunatics Unlimited. They Export Drivel, Gibberish, Ridiculousness - All Daily! Emails Are Completely Absurd, No Alternative Deliveries Include A Nation's Nonsense. Order Now! Sanity's Exaggerated; Nobody Sane Ever Created Outstanding New Custard-Extracting Nets. Try Real Absurdity Today, Everyone! Angela Brett, when Rob challenged her to acronymise that phrase after she'd commented that every email she'd received that morning was from him.
Assorted Phrases
100% UNESCOUsefully Now Enables Spreading Cultures Overseas Tony McCoy O'Grady (UNESCO actually stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
90% UNETHICALUniversity of Nottingham's Effort To Help In Computer Aided Learning Angela Brett (see UNITS)
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
100% UNICEFUsually Needed If Children Endure Famine Tony McCoy O'Grady (UNICEF actually stands for United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% UNIFORMUsers Need Individual Fittings, Or Result's Messy Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% UNIFORM (2)Unloved Necessity... Imposition From Our Rule-Makers Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing
100% UNIFORM (3)Usually Not In Fashion, Often Rather Mediocre Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing
100% UNIFORM (4)Unquestioning Nonvariance *Is* Fashion... Others Reflect Me! Angela Brett, in response to UNIFORM (3)
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships
100% UNIFORM (5)Unquestioning Nature... I'll Form Opinions Resembling Master's Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships
100% UNIFORM (6)Usually Neighbour Isn't Far Off Repeating Myself Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% UNIFORMITYUnlikely - Nature Is Full Of Renegade Minds, I Tell You! Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% UNINTERESTINGUnderused Neurons Immediately Notice That External Repertoire Excludes Stimulation - This Is Not Good! Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
80% UNITUse N=-1 or I=1 Two! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. (Integers have 4 categories: 0, Unit (-1 or +1), Prime (an Integer>1 whose only divisors are Itself and 1) and Composite (none of above.)
80% UNIT (2)Unit: Number Integer. Twovalues: 1 or -1. Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% UNITEUndivided Nation = Individuals Treated Equally Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% UNITED ARAB EMIRATESUsing Nationalised Industries They Extract Desert's Ancient Resources. After Britain Ended Management It's Remembered As 'Trucial Emirate States.' Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% UNITED STATESUnder No Inclination Toward Egalitarian Decisions Should Traitors Attempt To Equalise Society Rico Leffanta
100% UNITED STATES OF AMERICAUmpteen Native 'Indian' Tribes Essentially Destroyed. Since Then Aiming Towards Earthly Supremacy - One Feels American Men's Egos Revel In Carrying Arms. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (2)Unique Nation Ignites Truths, Emerges Democracy. Separate Territories Add To Enlarging Scenery. Open For. A Mixture, Emerging Residents In Common Agenda Jan Morgan - I came up with it by the one reason it was born freedom of religion (truth) it emerged a democracy the states are separate territories that enlarged the country and it was open for a melting pot (mixture) of residents to come and have freedoms
83% UNITSUniversity of Nottingham Information Technology Subgroup Tony McCoy O'Grady, when someone on the forums said, "I'm part of a small subgroup of people who provide IT support to our School in the University. We'd like a little, very tongue in check acronym by which to refer to ourselves."
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
100% UNITYUnlovable Neighbour Is Tolerating You! Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% UNITY (2)Understand Neighbour; It Teaches You. Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% UNITY (3)Underneath, Negro's Identical To Yourself Angela Brett
People & Relationships
83% UNIVERSITYUnrestrained Nerdish Intellectuals Vying for Extra Rewards... Study Incessantly for Three Years Angela Brett, the nerdish intellectual who doesn't know how to study. :^)
100% UNIVERSITY (2)Undeniably Necessary - It's Very Educational, Regular Study Intellectualises Talented Youth. Tony McCoy O'Grady
91% UNIVERSITY (3)University of Nottingham's Incredibly Versatile & Expert Resource, Spreading Information Technology Yourway Tony McCoy O'Grady (see UNITS)
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
89% UNIVERSITY DROPOUTUnfortunately Not Interested (in) Varied Educational Resource. Silly Idiot Throws Years (of) Deep Reading Out. Passes Off Ungraduated Therefore. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% UNIXUniversity Networks Interoperate Xceptionally Sean Lamb (who learned to use UNIX in a university setting)
0% UNKIND(It's) Unthinkably Nasty to Knife an Irishman's much Needed Dongle! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% UNKNOWNUnusual - Never Knew No-One Who's Nameless Tony McX O'Y
100% UNLADYLIKEUncommonly Naughty, Linking And Dampening Your Lips In Kissing Everyone Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% UNPUNCTUAL TRAIN SERVICESUsing Normal People Under Normal Conditions, Transport Usually Arrives Late. Theories Repeatedly Are Investigated; Now Scientific Experiments Rush Vehicles In Certain Exceptional States. Angela Brett, wondering if there is a natural Law of Trains which states that they are always late except in unusual circumstances, such as when nobody's waiting for them, or when the passengers are all late.
86% UNREAL!Unlimited Number of Representations Expanding Auto Logically! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
92% UNSOLICITEDUniversity of Nottingham Subgroup Of Learned Indivituals Coordinating Information Technology Endeavours Daily Angela Brett (see UNITS)
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
95% UNSUCCESSFUL SEARCHESUsers Needing Something Unusual Can Create Expansions. Subsequent Searches Find User's Latest Selective Expansions And Re-expansions Can Help Ensuing Searchers. Sean Lamb (who has spent too long reading the Unsuccessful Searches page)
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
88% UNTEACHUniversity of Nottingham Technology Experts At/Around/About Community Health Tony McCoy O'Grady (see UNITS)
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
92% UNTEACHABLEUniversity of Nottingham Technology Experts At/Around/About Community Health And Biology Learning Experiences Tony McCoy O'Grady (see UNITS)
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
100% UNTRADITIONALUsing New Techniques, Rituals Are Destroyed Instantly. Those In Office Never Alter Laws Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% UNTRADITIONAL PROCEDURESUnproductive? No, That's Rubbish. Any Drastically Improved Technology Is Opposed, Nearly Always Lacking Proper Rational, Objective Consideration... Essentially Debate Uses Rhetoric Evoking Sentimentality. Angela Brett (see UNTRADITIONAL PROCEDURES (2) for an alternative view.)
96% UNTRADITIONAL PROCEDURES (2)Usual Natural Therapies Remedy Anything, Drugs In Technical Innoculations Or Needles Are Likely Poisonous... Recall Organic Cures Entailing Diet of Unadulterated, Real Earth Sustenance. Angela Brett (see also UNTRADITIONAL PROCEDURES)
82% UNTUTOREDUniversity of Nottingham Technicians - Useful Technologists Offer Resources in Educational Department Tony McCoy O'Grady (see UNITS)
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
100% UNUSONUnite Nations Using Singing Over Network Angela Brett
96% UNWANTED CHILD FINALLY ABORTEDUnprepared, Naive Woman Argues Need for Termination. Embryo Dies & Can't Have Infantile Life - Development Further Is Not Allowed, Lest Little Youngster Abide Bastardism Or Rations To Eat & Drink. Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
People & Relationships:Family
100% UPUtilitarian Phallus Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% UPBEATUplifting Performance, Betcha Everybody's A' Tappin' Tony McCoy O'Grady
92% UPDATE LISTSUpload Pages During Accretion/Accumulation, Then Each Large-ish Intake's Sent To Stacks Angela Brett, referring to the page where you can download Update Lists for the Acronyms stack - http://acronyms.co.nz/updates.html
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
78% UPGRADEUsed by Publishers to Generate Revenue And Develop Enthusiasm Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% UPISUse Precisely In Season Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% UP QUARKUsual Particle; Quite Unremarkable And Readily Kept. Angela Brett ('Up' is one of the six types of QUARK... along with DOWN QUARK, STRANGE QUARK, CHARM QUARK, TOP QUARK and BOTTOM QUARK. UP QUARKs and DOWN QUARKs make up neutrons and protons so they're very common. See PROTON (3))
100% UPSUgh, Pierced Stomach. Jeff Anonymous (UPS=Uninterruptable Power Supply)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% UPS (2)Uplift Packages Slowly Jeff Anonymous, displeased because the United Parcel Service man dropped his computer in the front yard... but it works just the same, despite a rather odd clicking sometimes coming from the fan.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% UPSIDE DOWNUnfortunately Partitioning Server Incurred Damage, Everything's Deleted Off Web Now. Angela Brett, after the Apronyms server was accidentally deleted and Roger said, 'I'm sure that thing about having to hang upside down on that part of the earth doesn't help either.'
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% UPSIDE DOWN CAKEUsually Produced Snack Is Dessert. Edible Dish Of What-Not Cooked And Konsumed Enthusiastically. Sean Lamb
Food & Drink
100% UP TO DATE AT LASTUsing Postings To Organise Details About Things Evolving A Tale, Logging A Story's Theme... Tony McCoy O'Grady, after Angela finally got up to date with replying to his email, after being Macless for over a week. (This was in the middle of thinking up the first MacGirl & Keyboard stories.)
MacGirl & KeyBoard
100% URANIUMUnpleasant Radiation - And Normally Is Used Militarily Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% URANUSUntil Recently A Neighbour Unseen (or) Suspected Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% URANUS (2)University Resource At Nottingham - Useful Subgroup Tony McCoy O'Grady (see UNITS)
Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup
100% URBANUndisputedly, Rural Bumpkins Are Not! Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
Places:Towns & Cities
100% URINATIONUrgent Relief Is Needed - All Toilets Inhabited... Oh No! Angela Brett
100% URLUnintelligible Random Letters Tony McCoy O'Grady (URL usually stands for Uniform Resource Locator)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% UROLOGYUncontrolled Release Of Liquid, Often Goes Yellow Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing, 'cause we needed more U's
100% URUGUAYUneasy Realm, Urban Guerrillas Unsettle Army Yeomanry. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% USA PATRIOTUsing Superior Armed Power, America Threatens Recalcitrant Individuals Opposing Them Tony McCoy O'Grady - see CLIMATE VISION
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% USASUmbra Silently Awaiting Sunshine Rico Leffanta
Religion:Hindu Goddesses
100% USBUsers Sadly Blush Jeff Anonymous, saying, 'There must be a few Univeral Serial Bus users who are ashamed of it... afraid their friends will torture them for playing with the idea that serial might be dead.'
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% USB (2)Useful, Since Bondi Angela Brett, since there were hardly any USB peripherals available until Apple introduced the bondi blue iMac, which had a USB port.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% USEUtility Seeks Exercise Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
Assorted Nouns
100% USENETUsers Sometimes Even Nasally Expel Tea Jeff Anonymous, answering a failed search, and referring to such newsgroup acronyms as "c|n>s" (coffee through nose to screen)
86% USENET (2)Unlimited Spams Everywhere and Never Ending Treacle I needed one for my own site.
100% USLUneducated Sco Lackeys Sean Lamb (SCO, which is suing IBM over code they claim to have copied from Unix into Linux, filed for the Unix Systems Laboratories trademark).
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% USL (2)Using Stupid Lawyers Sean Lamb (SCO, which is suing IBM over code they claim to have copied from Unix into Linux, filed for the Unix Systems Laboratories trademark).
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% USUAL WAY TO DO THINGSUnvaried Style Undoubtably Averts Laughter. Why Aren't You Trying Out Different Organisational Tactics? Have Innovative & New Goals, Steve! Angela Brett... referring, of course, not to Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, or Commissioner Steve, but the Steve whatsisname who is the CEO of Microsloth.
Assorted Phrases
100% UTAHUnlikely To Absorb Hawaii Angela Brett
Places:States & Regions
100% UTAH (2)Utopia To All Here Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% UTAH (3)Unusual Terrain At Home Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% UTAHRAPTORUnusually Talented And Harsh Raptor Attacked Predators That Once Roamed Sean Lamb (The Utahraptor had a 15" claw on one toe of each hind foot; it's believed that this creature attacked others much larger than itself using these claws and its razor-sharp teeth as weapons)
100% UTERUSUmbilical Tract Ensures Related Unborn Survives. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% UTTEREDUsed To Talk Endlessly, Rathered Enjoyed Discourse Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% UXORIOUSUsual Xenophobic Organising Romance In Outhouse Usurping Spouse Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% UZIUsually Zapping Israelis Angela Brett
100% UZISUsed Zealously In Soldiering Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% VAVocally Aardvarkoid Jeff Anonymous, as a play of VA for Voice Actor.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% VACVernal Annual Cleansing Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% VAC (2)Voice Always Clear Rico Leffanta
Religion:Hindu Goddesses
90% VACANCIESVacationers All Checked-out, And Now Cash Is Extremely Scarce. Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% VACANCYVisitors Aren't Coming... Ain't No Customers Yet! Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
92% VACANT FACEDVacuous Appearance Can Announce No Thoughts Flit Around Cranium - (or) Ever Did Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% VACATIONVisit Another Country And Tour Its Oldest Neighbourhoods Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation:Travel
86% VACUNAVirulent Aim Can Usually Nail Able-bodied Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% VACUUMVortex Assaults Carpet, Uplifting Unsightly Matter Ian Rywalt
Household Objects:Appliances
100% VACUUM (2)Visit A Cold, Uncaring Universe - Matterless! Angela Brett (it must be uncaring, because in a vacuum, nothing matters.)
100% VACUUM (3)Vast Area Catches Uncleanliness Under Machine Jan Morgan
Household Objects:Appliances
100% VAGINAVenereal Area. Girl's. I No 'Ave Jeff Anonymous, in response to PENIS and PHALLUS
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% VAGINA (2)Very Accomodating, Good In Numerous Applications Matthew Oram and Steve Keate
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% VAGINA (3)Vigorous Agitation Gets Its Nubbin Aroused Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% VALENTINEVery Amorous Lovers Enjoy Naughty Things, Including Negligees Etc. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Time:Special Occasions
100% VALENTINE (2)Vigorous And Lusty Encounters Nightly Trysts Involve Nookie Episodes? Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Time:Special Occasions
100% VALENTINE (3)Veronese Adolescent Leaves. Enters Next Town Into New Entanglement Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Two Gentlemen of Verona
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Two Gentlemen of Verona
100% VALENTINE (4)Venus And Lips Entangle Naturally To Indicate Numerical Expression Tony McCoy O'Grady, proposing that the "Valentine" should be the SI unit of kisses.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% VALENTINESValue Any Lasting Entwinement, Never Thwart It 'Needing' Extra Sex. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Time:Special Occasions
100% VALIDVerily, A Logically Inferred Derivation Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Adjectives
100% VALLEYVentilation Allows Lungs Loud Emphatic Yodel jotham
100% VALLEY FORGEVolunteer Army Languished Lamentably, Elements. Yes Famished Order's Reorganization Guarded Emcampment Jan Morgan
100% VALUEVirgins At Large Uniting Evangelists Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% VALUESVision A List, Usually Ensures Success Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
89% VAMPIRESVery Alike to Mosquitos - Preference In Rations Ever Sanguinary. Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
100% VAMPIRES (2)Veins & Arteries Make Particularly Intimidating Repast, Eaten Sanguivorously. Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
100% VANVehicle Accomodates Nine Angela Brett
89% VANADIUMVarious Alloys Now Abundant & Durable - It's Unlikely (to) Melt Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% VANDALSValuable Antiques Neatly Displayed And, Luckily, Sold! Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% VAPORWAREVenders Advertise Prematurely. Often Resources Wane And Research Ends. Roger Williams
100% VARIGVintage Aircraft Rotting In Graveyards Chris Kjelgaard
100% VCDVeins, Capillaries Damaged. Jeff Anonymous
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% VEGANVegetarian Extreme... Greens And Nuts. Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% VEGAN (2)Vegan: Eating Great; Animalproducts Never! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Food & Drink
100% VEGETABLEValuable Element, Great Edible To Assist Bodies, Life Existence Jan Morgan
Food & Drink
100% VEGETABLESVitamin-Enriched Greens - Eat Them And Begin Losing Excess Stones. Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% VENEREAL DISEASEVictim Enjoyed Numerous Erotic Relationships Evidently - And Long-Dreaded Itch Sometimes Ensues After Sexual Encounters Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% VENICEVisually Exquisite. Needed Impressive Civil Engineering. Eric Bridgstock
Places:Towns & Cities
100% VENUSVolcanic Environment Near Unbearable Sunshine Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% VENUS (2)Virgin Encompassing Neanderthal Under Stress Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% VERBOSEVocal Exercises Replacing Burning Off Sexual Energy Rico Leffanta
81% VERBOSE ACRONYMIST[Jeff] "Verily, Everyone Really Barks Over Some Exclamations." [Tony] "Angela Can Relate Our (k)-Nowledge." [Angela] "Yessir, May I State... 'True'?" Jeff Anonymous
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% VERDIVirgins Embrace Romantic Divine Intervention Rico Leffanta
100% VERMONTVery Enchanting Rich Mountains Observed Natural Treat Jan Morgan - Green Mountains/ Beautiful Foliage/ Maple Syrup
Places:States & Regions
100% VERONICAVicarious Expanders: Remember, Our Niche Is Creative Acronyms. Angela Brett, after somebody who apparently hadn't read the submission guidelines at http://acronyms.co.nz/guidelines.html submitted a common jargon-variety expansion for VERONICA.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% VERSICHERUNGVirtually Everyone Requires Some Insurance. Can't Have Everything Right Unconditionally - Nobody's God! Steve Keate (Versicherung is German for 'insurance')
Science:Linguistics:German Words
100% VERSICHERUNG (2)Vendors Everywhere! Request Sales In Carparks, Homes, Even Right Under Neighbour's Gazebo. Angela Brett
Science:Linguistics:German Words
93% VERSION HISTORYVerbosely Each Revision's Stated... It's Obviously Necessary (Hardly! It Simply Tells of Older Releases - Yawn!) Angela Brett, referring to the Version History of the stack at http://acronyms.co.nz/changes.html
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% VERY GOOD!Victorious Exclamation. Really You Give One Obvious Delight. Tony McCoy O'Grady, after he typed 'VERY GOOD!' in an email to Angela and she reminded him that capitalised phrases ought to be acronymised.
Assorted Phrases
100% VERY IMPORTANT PERSONVague Eulogistic Reportage - Yawn! - Invites My Perusal Of Rumours That A Notable Tabloid Personality Escorted (Romantically) Someone Of Note Tony McCoy O'Grady (nowadays VIPs are anyone who romances another VIP)
Names:Famous people
People & Relationships
100% VESTAVulcan Espouses Sparks To Ardent Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% VETVery Expensive Trip! Patricia Rix
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% VFATVerily, Files Are Truncated Sean Lamb (VFAT = Virtual File Allocation Table; the filesystem type that Windows 98 uses)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% VIAGRAVaginal Interface Aid, Genitalia Rapidly Ascends. Steve Keate and Angela Brett
100% VIAGRA (2)Virility Is A Gift Readily Available Angela Brett
100% VIAGRA (3)Vitality Imbued Again... Get Ready, Agnes! Steve Keate
100% VIAGRA (4)Vital In Arousing Geriatric's Responses Again Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% VIBEVery Intense Buzzin' Environment Hippy McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
87% VICE PRESIDENTVery Important Character, Even Provides Refreshment & Entertainment, Singlehandedly Induces Department's Esprit-de-corps, Neat Trick. Dundee
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% VICKIVivacious Individual, Conducts Key Inspiration Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% VICKYVivacious Individual Conducts Key Yearnings Jan Morgan - a person I know
Names:First names:Female
100% VICTIMVillain Is Cruelly Torturing & Injuring Me. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% VICTOR HUGOVerbs Idols Charms Taunt Our Religion Halting Unity God Ordained Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Writers
100% VICTORIAVivacious Individual, Conducts Trade Of Refreshment In Alcohol Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% VIDEOTAPEViewing Is Delayed, Even Old Television Appears Pathetic Eventually Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% VIENNAViolin Inspired Events; Nasty Nazi Associations. Eric Bridgstock
Places:Towns & Cities
100% VIETNAMVictorious In Ending That Nasty American Matter. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% VIEWVista In Every Window Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% VILEVery Intensely Loathsome Entity Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% VILLAINViolent Individual Largely Lacking Any Innate Niceness Tony McCoy O'Grady
MacGirl & KeyBoard
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% VILLAINSViolent Individuals Little Liked Amongst Innocent Normal Society Tony McCoy O'Grady
MacGirl & KeyBoard
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% VINDALOOVolcanic Indian Norm Daunts A Lot Of Others Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% VINNYViolence Is Not Nice, Y'know Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to soccer's 'hard man' Vinny Jones, who has turned to acting in films and plays 'hard' roles
Names:First names:Male
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
92% VIOLA/CESARIOVery Involved Over Ludicrous Alter-ego Creation Embroiling Sebastian. Agreeable Resolution Is Outcome Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Twelfth Night
100% VIOLETVery Intense On Lady's Eyelids - Tempting Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% VIOLINSVirgin's Immaculate Orchestration: Love's Instrument Needs Strings Rico Leffanta
91% VIPER SNAKEVenomously Inducing Pain with Enormous Razor Sharp Needles And Killing Efficiency Rulgnaj Yerdon
100% VIRGILVerily, I Really Generate Immense Literature. Virgil
Art & Literature:Writers
100% VIRGINVagina Is Ready, Girl Is Not. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% VIRGINIAValued Individual Reaches Goals In Noted Inspirational Analysis Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% VIRGINIA (2)Views In Region Greatly Involve National Interesting Attractions Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% VIRGINIA MCMATHVivacious Individual (Repetitiously Giggles) Invites Neighbours In And Masterfully Conducts Many Audacious Tahitian Hulas Rico Leffanta (Virginia McMath is better known as Ginger Rogers)
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses:Little known real names
100% VIRGOVaguely Intelligent Readers Given Opinions Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% VIRGO (2)Very Industrious, Risks Graphic Overachievement Jan Morgan -- can be very critical of others, risks feelings
100% VIRIIViolently Invasive - Readily Initiating Illnesses Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% VIRLValiant Individual Reaches Learning Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Male
100% VIRNA LISIVirgins In Rome Now Agree: Love Is Seldom Intimate Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% VIRTUAL DOCTORVeterans' Information Resource That Uses A Large Database Of Clinical Trials; Online Retrieval. Angela Brett (see DETECTIVE)
Computers:Internet:VA Data Acquisition
100% VIRUSViolates Information, Ruthlessly Uses Space Angela Brett
83% VIRUS (2)Virulent Infection Results in Unpleasant Symptoms. Angela Brett
83% VIRUS (3)Virtually Inexhaustible Resources Used by Spammers Sean Lamb (Viruses are becoming the preferred method by spammers to deliver trojans that turn unsuspecting users' computers into spam relays)
100% VISA CARDVastly Increases Spending Ability... Can Also Raise Debts Angela Brett
100% VISIONVoluptuous Image Sensually Invading Ordinary Nightmare Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% VISION (2)View Introduces Savior, Is Of News Jan Morgan - Sacred visitation News to those that believe in Savior and want what He Revealed
100% VISITING TEACHERSVital Intuitive Sisters Invited To Initiate News Goes To Effeminate, Attentively Caring Home Environment Recommended Significantly Jan Morgan -- Someone who comes by church members' homes to see how the lady of the house is doing
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% VISITING TEACHERS (2)Vital Intuitive Sisters Invited To Initiate News Gets Timely Enlightened Appointment Checking How's Effeminate Responsibilty Significant Jan Morgan - Someone who comes by church member's home to see how the lady of the house is doing
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% VISITOR PASSVeturing Into Some Interesting Television Offices? Restricted! Please Ask Security Staff. Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% VISIT USAVacations Including Scenes Illustrating The Ugliest Sexual Adventures Rico Leffanta
Assorted Phrases
100% VISORVison Interrupter Shading Optical Resources Rico Leffanta
Household Objects:Clothing
100% VITAL SIGNSVery Important That All Life Signals Indicate Good News & Salubrity. Angela Brett
100% VITAMINSVital Ingredients To Assure Mankind Is Not Sickly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% VIVALDIVain Italian Violinists Always Like Dulcet Inventions Sean Lamb
91% VOCATIONALVery Old-school Collegiate Attempted Teaching Its Obstinate Novices A Lesson Patricia Rix (Vocational was the V-word in the High School I attended, OSCVI)
100% VOCODERVictoria, Or Cellos, Or Deranged? Extensive Range. Angela Brett (they are all Macintalk voices)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% VOCODERSVoice Of Computer's Often Deliberately Extra Robotic Sounding Angela Brett (thinking of the Macintalk voices Votron, Trinoids and Zarvox in particular)
100% VODAFONEVoice Or Data Apparently Fry Owners' Neurons Eventually. Angela Brett (Vodafone is a cellphone network)
100% VODKAVial Of Dendrite-Killing Alcohol Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% VOGULVierd Old Grand Ulgric Lingo Jeff Anonymous (Vogul is a Finno-Ugric language of the Ugric group, spoken East of the Ural Mountains)
100% VOICEVocal Option Is Coming Eventually Jason Wilcox
100% VOL-AU-VENTSVoiced One Laugh And Uncertainly Ventured Extra - Needed To Stop Tony McCoy O'Grady, after he'd said "How's that for starters" and Angela had replied that it wasn't as nice as vol-au-vents.
100% VOLCANOESVolumes Of Lava Come After Numerous Orgasmic Earthquakes. Scram! Roger Williams
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% VOLDEMORTVillain Opposes Lot During Education, Mudbloods Offend Racist Terrorist Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% VOLLEYBALLVirgins, Or Leaping Lasses, Exercise Yielding Balls At Layman Level Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
100% VOLTAIREVery Often Lies Triggered Arouet Into Ridiculing Ethics Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Writers
100% VOLTAIRE (2)Volumes Of Literature Tell All In Random Epistles Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Writers
89% VOLUMNIAVictorious Offspring Lacks, Unlike Mother, Necessary Insights (on) Anger Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Coriolanus
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Coriolanus
100% VOLVOVulgar Old Ladies' Vehicle, Obviously Steve Keate (see STEVE)
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% VOLVO (2)Veers Obstructively, Lobbing Vehicle Over Steve Keate, referring to the unusually high number of Volvae involved in motorcycle accidents.
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% VOLVO (3)Vehicle Out-Lasts Vintage Owners Tony McCoy O'Grady (Volvos are notably sturdy and reliable)
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% VOLVO (4)Vehicle's Owners Look Very Overbearing Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% VOLVO (5)Vehicle Out Lives Vehicle's Owner My friend and I used to amuse ourselves on car trips by doing these for whatever cars we would see - this is my favorite.
Transport:Car Makes & Models
83% VOMITViolent Outpouring of Meal Into Toilet Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing
100% VOMIT (2)Viscous Odorous Mess - Ill Tummy Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% VONDAVendetta Of Nymphs, Does Attack Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% VOTEVariety Offered, Tabulated Elections Jan Morgan
100% VOTERVoice Of The Electorate's Registered TMcCO'G
100% VOUCHERValue On Usage; Can Habitually Expire Rapidly Edwin Hermann (with the semicolon, the expansion talks about it having a value when you redeem it, and that the voucher can expire quickly, without the semicolon it talks about the value often expiring fast.)
100% VOYAGERVulcans Often Yearn About Getting Ears Remodelled Bones McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows
100% VROOMV8's Roar - Obvious Onomatopoeic Meaning. Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% VROOM (2)Vehicle Revs Overly On Motorway Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% VROOMSTICKVacuum Roaring Overhead... Occult Magic Starts To Incorporate Contemporary Knowledge. Angela Brett, considering what modern witches might fly around on.
100% VULCANVesuvius's Unpredictabilty = Life's Chancy Around Naples Tony McCoy O'Grady - Vulcan was the Roman God of Fire and lived beneath a volcano, several ore mentioned as being home to him.
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% VULCAN (2)Vigorously Uses Logic. Comedic Antics? Never! Gavin Lambert
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Star Trek
100% VULCANODONVery Unsophisticated Lizard, Certainly Ate No Other Dinosaurs. Outstretched Neck. Angela Brett
100% VULGARVery Unlovely Lacks Gentleness And Refinement Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% VULPIXVery Uncooperative Letter Prevents Impeccable Xpansion Angela Brett (Vulpix is Pokemon #37)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% VULTUREViolent Uncle Looking To Upset Ravisher's Enterprise Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% VULVAVery Useful Lips Venus Arouses Rico Leffanta
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% VYINGValiant Youths In National Games Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% VYING (2)Victory's Yours -- If Nobody's Good. Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% WAWeird Anthropomorphoid Jeff Anonymous (in reference to the noise made by ASH of Pokemon, and the fact he is anything but human)
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% WAAAAH!Wail Annoyingly And Acquire A Hug Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% WAAAH!Wouldn't Allow Angela Any Honours Angela Brett, after Tony took a lot of the honours for first and last acronyms under each letter.
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% WABAINWood Alkaloid Brings About Immediate Narcosis Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WACKYWeird And Crazed Kooky Youth Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% WACOM TABLETWoeful Artist Consumed Overly Metallic Tool And Burst Lardful Extreme 'Tomach. Jeff Anonymous
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% WAFFLEWoman Arrested For Finding Love Elsewhere Rico Leffanta, to go with BAFFLE
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% WAGEWon't Acknowledge Greater Effort Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce
80% WAGE (2)Weekly Amount Given (to) Employees Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% WAGE (3)Weekly Average Gross Earnings Steve Keate
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% WAGE (4)Won't Allow Gratuitous Extravagance Angela Brett and Steve Keate
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% WAGONWe Are Getting On Now. Angela Brett
100% WAHINESWomen Absolving Hula In Naked Environmental Shows Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
Science:Linguistics:Maori Words
100% WAIFWhat An Insignificant Figure! Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% WAIFSWe Are In Financial Strife Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% WAITANGI DAYWait And In Time All Negotiations Gradually Invalidate Deals Agreed Yesterday Rico Leffanta (Waitangi Day is when New Zealand celebrates the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, which there always seems to be disputes about.)
Time:Special Occasions
100% WAITERWalks Around Indoors, Tending Eaters' Requirements Tony McCoy O'TableSix
Food & Drink
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% WAITING ROOMWe Aren't In Train, I'm Now Getting Restless Over Our (Mis)adventure. Angela Brett (Tony and I missed our train to Limerick by about a minute, and had to wait a few hours for the next one.)
100% WAKE UP!We're All Keenly Expecting Undelayed Play! Angela Brett, when an opponent on an online game was not responding.
Assorted Phrases
100% WALESWherein Abide Leek-Eating Sheep Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WALES (2)Where Aliens Love English Sisters Rico Leffanta
100% WALES (3)Why Aren't Languages Ever Shared? Jan Morgan
83% WALES (4)We All Love English Second-homers/Settlers Leo Leek, London
100% WALKABOUTWhen All Local Kiddies Are Bedecked, 'Onouring Uppity Tourist Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WALKERIAWas A Little Killer. Eventually Renamed. Is Alwalkeria. omnicronos (according to http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/dinosaurs/glossary/indexw.shtml, Walkeria was a small bipedal carnivore. And, according to http://www.isgs.uiuc.edu/dinos/de_4/5ce8942.htm, it changed its name in 1987 - just enough to avoid recursion)
100% WALKERTONWater - A Liquid Killer - Exacerbated Residents' Troubles Over Night Patricia Rix (Walkerton was catapulted into horror and infamy a year and a half ago when it was found that one of the town's wells was contaminated with E. coli to the extent that the water wasn't even safe to wash in. As many as 2000 people got sick, and 7 of them died directly from the E. coli, with perhaps 10 others dying from other causes after being weakened by the bacteria, and many many are left with chronic serious illnesses. You couldn't give away a house in Walkerton during this time, so they were pretty well stuck with it, using bottled water for ingesting, and washing in bleach-water.
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% WALKING SHOESWhere Amazingly Long Kilometers, Is Noticeably Going Slim, Has One Eliminating Sizes Jan Morgan -- walking hopefully accomplishes loss of weight
Household Objects:Clothing
Sports & Recreation
100% WALKING SHOES (2)Wants Amazingly Lean Kilograms, Is Noticeably Getting Slim, Has One Eliminating Sizes Jan Morgan -- walking hopefully accomplishes loss of weight
Household Objects:Clothing
Sports & Recreation
100% WALKMANWhile A Listener's Kinetic, Music Around Noggin. Tony McCoy O'Grady, who wasn't sure whether Angela would know the term 'noggin' for head.
91% WALL STREETWant A Lot (of) Lolly? Selling Things Really Expensively Earns Thousands! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WALNUTWallopping A Lot Normally Ups Tonnage TMcCO'G - referring to the old saying "A woman, a dog and a walnut tree, the more you beat them the better they be." (This is not in accordance with Tony's opinions!!)
Food & Drink
100% WANKERS NEEDEDWe All Need Kinetic Exercise Regularly. Sign Now! Enrolment's Easy, Don't Even Delay Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% WANTWomen Are Naked Too Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% WARWhen America Retaliates Angela Brett, after terrorists crashed commercial jets into the Pentagon and the WORLD TRADE CENTER.
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WAR (2)Will America Retaliate? Angela Brett (see WAR)
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WAR (3)Wastage All 'Round :( Angela Brett
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WARDWorship At Reach, Drove Jan Morgan (see WARD CONFERENCE) drove = throng or group
100% WARD CONFERENCEWanting A Real Determination Covers Our Needs For Eternity Reports Effect Noteworthy Concerns, Endeavors Jan Morgan -- a ward conference is a meeting one step below a STAKE CONFERENCE
100% WARD CONFERENCE (2)Wanting Accurate Reasonable Detail, Covers Our Needs For Eternity Reports Effect Noteworthy Concerns, Endeavors Jan Morgan -- a ward conference is a meeting one step below a STAKE CONFERENCE
100% WARDENWe All Require Dramatic Exit Now Angela Brett, after being eveacuated from a building due to a fire alarm.
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% WARDEN (2)We Anxiously Request Direction - Exit Nearest. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% WAREHOUSEWhere A Retailing Empire Holds Over Unsold Stock Excess Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WARFAREWe Are Ready For A Rapid Exit Angela Brett
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WAR ON TERRORWhat A Rip Off! Nervous Tony's Extreme Reaction Restricts Our Rights! Leo Boyes
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WARPWood's Awry, Rain Penetrated Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% WARP (2)With Abnormally Rapid Progress Gavin Lambert (referring to 'warp speed' in shows like Star Trek)
Art & Literature
100% WARP SPEEDWhere Are Real Physics? Some Plot Elements Entail Distortion Gavin Lambert
Art & Literature
100% WARRANT OFFICERWe Are Raiding Rooms And Not Tidying! Oh F*** Fawning If Criminal's Eventually Reprieved. Angela Brett, thinking about an officer with a SEARCH WARRANT rather than an actual warrant officer - but at least this gets it off the unsuccessful searches list, so the search was warranted.
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
100% WARSWeb Application Retrieving Studies Angela Brett (see DETECTIVE) - If the veterans have been in the wars, why shouldn't the clinical trials be in the WARS too?
Computers:Internet:VA Data Acquisition
90% WARTORTLEWatery Attackers Race Through Ocean, Righting Themselves by Lifting Ears. Angela Brett (Wartortle is Pokemon #8)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% WARTSWhere A Rubbed Toad Shows Tony McCoy O'Grady (Old wives tales talk of catching warts from touching toads)
100% WART VIRUSWorry Assures Rough Tags, Vicious Indignant Rough Ugly Surface Jan Morgan
100% WARWICKWily Adviser, Respected & Wise - Is Called 'Kingmaker' Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry VI
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VI
100% WASAGA BEACHWhat A Sad And Gross Atrocity; Billboards Everywhere; A Complete Hole Rob Rix
100% WASHWater And Soap Hygiene. Eric Bridgstock
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% WASHERWhen A Seal Has Expired, Replace! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
93% WASHING MACHINEWhiteware Automation - Shock, Horror! - by Intel Numbercruncher. Gasp! My Apple Clothes Hydrated In Nasty Environment. Angela Brett, on finding out that the family washing machine had an Intel 186 processor in it.
Household Objects:Appliances
100% WASHINGTONWestern Area State Has Important, Necessary Great Trees, Olympic Nationals Jan Morgan - Olympic Nationals Park
Places:States & Regions
100% WASHINGTON (2)Wheat, Apples, Sprout Here, Irrigation Needed Greatly Targets Objective - Nature Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% WASPWill Anaphylactic Shock Prevail? Angela Brett, thinking again of people who are allergic to wasp stings.
80% WASP (2)Wildly Attracted to Sweet Provender Eric Bridgstock
100% WASP (3)When Angered, Stings People Eric Bridgstock
100% WASP (4)Winged And Stinging Pest Roger Williams
100% WASPSWith A Sting, Pierce Skin Angela Brett
100% WASPS (2)When Allergies Strike, People Suffer Angela Brett
100% WASPS (3)Without Adrenaline, Some People Succumb Angela Brett, thinking of people allergic to wasp stings.
100% WATCHWrist-Attached Timer Counting Hours Angela Brett and Peter Coxhead
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
100% WATCH (2)Wrist Attached Timepiece Chimes Hourly Jan Morgan
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
100% WATCH OUTWe Aim To Cease Heartache Of Unspoken Terror/Torment Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to this request on the Apronyms Forums: We are forming a new community group to end abuse, we are looking for a catchy acronym using the A for abuse. We don't want to limit ourselves to only family violence, or child abuse. Our purpose is to educate and raise awareness.
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% WATERWet And Terrifically Essential Resource Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% WATER (2)Where Are The English Rivers? Rico Leffanta
100% WATER (3)Without Any, They'll Expire Rapidly Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% WATER (4)Weak And Terribly Effete Refreshment Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% WATER (5)Wetness Assures Torso's Efficiently Rinsed Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% WATER (6)Wet, And Tastes Extremely Refreshing Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% WATER (7)Why All This Expensive Raro? Angela Brett, pondering the recent fashion of labelling bottled cordial as 'water' (appealing to sporty or 'health-conscious' people?) and charging more for it.
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% WATERCOLOURWhen A Toxin's Eaten, Rashes Can Occur. Loads Of Unhealthy Radicals. Angela Brett (see GLOSS)
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
100% WATERCOLOUR (2)What A Taste Extravaganza! Restaurant Chefs Ought Learn Of Unusual Repast. Angela Brett, to balance WATERCOLOUR
Food & Drink:Home(-cooked) Improvement:Paint
100% WATERFALLWhere A Torrent Eternally Rolls Forward - A Liquid Location Tony McCoy O'Grady, who wants to see a submission from AngelFalls Brett
100% WATERMELONWet And Tasty (Eaten Ripe) - Much Elbow-Licking Often Necessary Tony McCoy O'Grady (the juice gets everywhere!)
Food & Drink
100% WAVE ICED COFFEEWe're Addicted! Very Economical Iced Coffee... Especially Delicious 'Cause Of Full Flavour. Enjoy Everywhere! Angela Brett. (Wave is a brand of flavoured milk available almost anywhere in NZ, and their iced coffee flavour so far has the highest average overall rating at Dustan's and Angela's iced coffee website - http://surf.to/icedcoffee.)
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% WAVE ICED COFFEE (2)What A Very Exceptional, Inspired Creation! Every Day Consumption Obviously Fundamental For Endless Energy! Lizzie - Having consumed Wave Iced Coffee constantly throughout my pregnancy as it was the only thing that didn't come back, I felt an ode to this fine product was the least I could do!
Food & Drink:Drinks
83% WAVESWater At Various Elevated Sea-levels Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
83% WAVES (2)Waggles Arms Very Energetically - So-long! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WAYNEWellknown Actor, Yet Never Excelled Tony McCo(wbo)y O'Grady
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% WAYNE (2)Wants A Yummy Nibble Eaten Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% WAY TO GO, MAN!Whey Above! Yeah! Taste/Tact/Truth Orders: Go Organic! Milk/Mucus Always Negative! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.This APRONYM provided as a service 2 HueManNitTea Buy THEULTIMATENONVIOLENTMAN Hoo(!) Iz An Organic Vegan (According to the labels for his food.)
Food & Drink
100% WEAK FORCEWon't Even Alter Kinetics; Form Of Reactants Changed. Extraordinary! Angela Brett
100% WEATHERWet Expectations - A Thunderstorm, Hail, Especially Rain! Angela Brett
100% WEBWait Endlessly, Browse Edwin Hermann
100% WEB (2)World Exchange Base Mick Bridgstock
100% WEBCAMWoefully Explodes Bowels... 'Cause Actually Metal. Jeff Anonymous
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% WEB IMAGESWith Every Browser In Mind, 'Alt's Give Essential Synopsis. Angela Brett (the 'alt' attribute of an image in HTML specifies the text which shows if the image is not loaded. It's usually good to fill something in so that people using text-only browsers or slow modems know what the picture is of, especially if it's a picture of text which they need to see to make sense of the page.)
100% WEBLOSWe Endlessly Be Loyal Of Scouting Jan Morgan -- Rank in Cub Scouts
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
78% WEBSTERWorldly Evil Bookmaker Stupidly Took-away Ewes [before] R Jeff Anonymous, referring to Noah Webster's practice of taking out U before R in 'colour' and such.
Words & Wordplay
Names:Famous people
100% WEBSTER (2)Wilful Editor Blatantly Stole Troublesome 'Extra' Representatives. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay
Names:Famous people
100% WEBSTER (3)Which Eminent Book Should Teachers Employ Regularly? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay
100% WEBTVWas Enlisted By Trainee, Variant Jan Morgan -- not a computer but can get SOME internet functions. A beginner's choice.
100% WE CAN DOWith Everyone Cooperating All Nasty Dilemmas Overcome Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
88% WEDDINGWe'll Eventually Do (the) Deed, In Nuptial Glory. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% WEDDING (2)What/When Ends Doting Dates In Nuptial Gala Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% WEDDINGSWhen Each Day Dawns, I'm Near Gorgeous Soulmate Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% WEDDINGS (2)When Each Day Dawns, I'm Near Grunting Sleeper Angela Brett (to go with WEDDINGS)
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
90% WEDNESDAYWork's Extra Difficult Now. Evening Spent Doing Arrears (from) Yesterday Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WEEWet Excretion, Essentially. Angela Brett, after her youngest niece and nephew each managed to wet a bed.
100% WEEDWe Enjoy Expanding Dope Angela Brett, after she and Steve acronymised many different names for cannabis
100% WEEK?Weak? Enervated Energy! Kindness! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Rough WEEK?
100% WEEKDAYWork Expected, Endlessly Keep Doing Again Yesterday's Angela Brett
100% WEEKDAYSWhen Everyone Else Keeps Diaries Are You Safe? TMcCO'G - Who believes that all days are weekdays. what a silly word - what's a non-weekday? ;-)
100% WEEKDAYS (2)With Eveningfall, Everyone's Kinetically Drained And Yearning Sat/Sun TMcCO'G
100% WEEPING WILLOWWith Exceptional Elegance, Plainly It's Naturally Glowious When It's Lovingly Located Over Water TMcCO'G
100% WEESWhat Everyone Else Said Acronymous Anonymous
100% WEETBIXWrongfully Executing Enemies... Techniques Being Incredibly Xpert Angela Brett, creating another cereal killer
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains:Cereal Killers
83% WEIRDWhat an Enigmatic, Intriguing, Ridiculous Dream! Angela Brett, after having a weird dream involving Tony.
Assorted Adjectives
88% WEIRD ALWacky, Eclectic, Insane, Ridiculous, Deranged and Amusing Lyrics Sean Lamb (who has been a Weird Al fan since "Another One Rides The Bus")
88% WELCOMEWe Eagerly Look (for) Contributors Offering Mirthful Entries. Tony McCoy O'Grady, welcoming a newcomer to the Acronyms forums.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% WELCOME BACK ANGELA!Was Europe Lovely? Canada Offers Many Experiences. But Angela, Creative Kiwi, Absent Negates Goodtimes Everywhere -- Let's Apronymise! Jeff Anonymous, when Angela returned from a round-the-world trip.
Sports & Recreation:Travel
100% WELCOME BREAKWhere Everyone Loves Coming Off Motoring Exit Because Rest Eases Absolute Knackeredness Jan Morgan -- European equivalent to an American Rest Stop
91% WELCOME TO A SINGLES CLUBWankers Evidently Like Company... Obviously Man's Entry Thrills Oestrogenic Airheads. Some Intoxicated Numbskulls Get Lucky, Except Seldom is Comatose Lust Unconquered by Booze. Angela Brett.
Assorted Phrases
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% WELFARE REFORMWorkers Everywhere Lose Finance As Redundant Extras Receive Easy Funds... Oust Robinhood Men! Angela Brett, who doesn't mind welfare but reforms usually seem to be a waste of time and money.
100% WELLWater! Eureka! Lotsa' Liquid! Roger Williams
Food & Drink
100% WENDELLWhen Everyone Needs Direction, Enters Lifes Lessons Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
63% WENDYWent Excitedly (to) Never-never-land During Youth Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% WE'RE BACK!Welcome, Everybody! Relax! Enjoy! Backedup Apronyms Completely Kept! Roger Williams - Due to Angela's backed-up data, Apronyms were not lost when the hard drive took a vacation in Feb, 2004.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% WESLEYWas Evangelists' Surname; Ladies Eponymised Young Angela Brett (according to http://babynamer.com, This was the surname of brothers John and Charles Wesley, 18th-century founders of Methodism, a Protestant Christian denomination. It was first used as a given name in their honor during their lifetimes.)
Names:First names:Male
100% WESTWhere Exits Sun Today Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Positions & Directions
100% WEST VIRGINIAWas Enroute Southeast To Virginia, In Regional Geographical Incentive, Now In Alleghenies Jan Morgan (the state includes Allegheny Plateau)
Places:States & Regions
78% WETSUITWaterproof Elastic Tights for Swimming in Unpleasantly Icy Temperatures. Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing
100% WE WILL SEEWhile Everyone Waits Impatiently, Looking Like Something Expecting Explosion Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
100% WHAT?Would Happily Accept Teaching Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% "WHAT A FINE FAMILY" SAID TONYWe're Heartened At Tony's Accolade, Finding Intelligence Not Exclusively Familial, And Must Improvise Like Yokels, "Such An Impressive Designation! Thanks, O Noble Youth!" Patricia Rix, after what Tony said about the Rix family (which seems to have a genetic predisposition for acronymania)
People & Relationships:Family
97% WHAT ARE ACRONYMS? JUST ABBREVIATIONS?We Here Assert That Acronyms Reflect Expansions And Can be Read Out. Now, You Might Say 'JPF' Uses Same Technique (As Bad Books Recognise) Except Vocally It's Awful. That Is One? No Sir! Angela Brett (see also WHAT IS AN ACRONYM?
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
95% WHAT DOES FLAG STAND FOR?We Have Answer... That Dude O'Grady Expanded as Such: Flutters Loftily And Gloriously. Searcher Typed A Naturally Defined Form Of Request. Angela Brett, in response to an unsuccessful search for the phrase. See FLAG.
Assorted Phrases
100% WHATEVERWe Hear All That's Expressed - Valiantly Eschewing Reasoning Tony McCoy O'Grady - many people with a closed mind will say "whatever" to end a discussion they are bored with.
100% WHATEVER (2)We Have A Terrific Eventful Very Extraordinary Relationship Judy Bishop. Created it while e-mailing back and forth to friend
People & Relationships
100% WHAT IS AN ACRONYM?We Here Assert That Initials Spell Another (Nice And Compact) Representation, Outlining Neatly Your Meaning. Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% WHAT IS AN APRONYM?We Here At This Internet Site Added New Acronym Partition, Reinforcing Our Normal Yardstick -- Meaning! Angela Brett, doing the title of the page at http://apronyms.com/apronyms.html
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% WHAT IS THE LONGEST ACRONYM?Well, Here's A Tip - Its Subject Touts Home Electronics. List Of Numerous Genius' Eccentricities - Such Traits Are Considered Representative Of Non-Yoked Minds Angela Brett, when somebody typed 'what is the longest acronym?' into the search field on HTTP://ACRONYMS.CO.NZ>. This acronym is referring to the HERE'S TO THE CRAZY ONES... acronym, which is the longest at the time of adding this acronym, but a current list of all ridiculously long acronyms is at http://apronyms.com/wordswordplay/ridiculouslylongapronyms
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% WHAT PEOPLE ARE LOOKING FORWill Hermann Attempt To Program Exploration Of Posts? Listing Every Acronym Reveals, Eventually, Location Of Our Konversations. It's Not Good For Other Reconnaissance. Angela Brett, when someone searched for that phrase on the Acronyms website. If Edwin made the forums searchable, I could integrate a search of the Acronyms Forums into the normal acronym search form, and then someone searching for that phrase would find the 'What people are looking for' threads on the forums. The current such thread is at http://www.co.nz/cgi/forums/list.cgi?id=acronyms&user=&session=&root=1015278415, but I start a new thread of what people are looking for whenever one gets too long, so I would recommend going to http://www.co.nz/cgi/forums/start.cgi?id=acronyms and looking near the top of the thread list for a thread with 'What people are looking for' in the title.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% WHAT'S GOING ONWe Have A Tight Schedule; Get Onto It Now! Goof Off Never! Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
100% WHAT THE HELL IS ALL THIS CRAP?Who Here Are There To Help Explain How Everything's Linked? Listing Idiotic Silly Acronyms Looks Like Twaddle. Huh, I Swear Contributing Readers Are Psychotic! Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to an unsuccessful search for that phrase.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
78% WHAT? YOU?Who Has Attempted This? You're Obviously Up-for-it Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO NOWWorkers, Here's A Task You Ought Undertake. Any Rebel Even Grumbling Obscurely, "I'm Not Going To!" Only Does Overtime; Now Or Weekend? Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce
80% WHECWill Hardware Ever be Compatible? Sean Lamb (WHEC = Windows Hardware Engineering Conference)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% WHEELWonderfully Helpful, Enabling Easy Locomotion Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Parts
100% WHEN SOMETHING HAS GONE WRONGWe Have Emergency Notes: Scream! Or, Muff Ears 'Til Hell Is Nearly Gone, Have A Short Game Of 'Nobody Expose Wimpiness' & Resume Our Normal Grind. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% WHIDBEYWhat Has It Done But Ensare You? Sean Lamb (Whidbey is Microsoft's code name for Visual Studio '05; Microsoft's strategy can often be reduced to Embrace-Extend-Extinguish, as they first accept standards then provide "essential" extensions that are only compatible with their own products)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
100% WHINEWail How It's Never Enough Angela Brat
Assorted Verbs
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% WHINE (2)Wail How I Need Everything Angela Brat
Assorted Verbs
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% WHINE (3)Want Heaps I'll Never Enjoy Angela Brat (Never Enjoy doesn't necessarily mean Never Get!)
Assorted Verbs
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% WHINE (4)Why Have _I_ No Esteem? TMcCO'G
Assorted Verbs
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% WHINE (5)When Happiness Is Not Experienced TMcCO'G
Assorted Verbs
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% WHINE (6)Whimpering Habitually; It Never Ends! Roger Williams
Assorted Verbs
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% WHINGEWhy Have I Not Got Everything? Angela Brat, inspired by an unsuccessful search for WHINE... this could be WHINE if you remove the Got but then it doesn't flow as well.
Assorted Verbs
100% WHINNYWhen Horse Imitates Nymphomaniac Nun Yodelling Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% WHINYWaaah! Help! I Need You! Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% WHIPPING BOYWork Harder, I Pay (Peanuts) Iff Niggers Get Bloody Over Yield! Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% WHISKEYWe Have Irish, Scotch, Kentucky - Enjoy Yourself Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% WHISTLER"Windows Has Inconsistencies" Said The Laboratory Engineer Relentlessly Sean Lamb (Whistler was the internal code name used by Microsoft for Windows XP)
Names:Code Names:Microsoft
100% WHITEWedding's Hue Is Terrifically Elegant. Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% WHITE (2)When Hair Is Terminally Elderly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
93% WHITE CHOCOLATEWhat Holidaymaker Intends To Eat Candy Hearts Or Chocolate? One's Lunch is Accentuated Tastefully, Elegantly Sean Lamb
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% WHITE ELEPHANT SALEWe Have It Today! Everything Exotic! Ladies, Examine Pink Hammers And Neck Ties. See Amazing Luminous Eyemask! Angela Brett (referring to eye masks used for sleeping)
100% WHITE HOUSEWe Have Indicated That Everyone Here Owns/Owes United States Ethics Angela Brett
100% WHITE HOUSE (2)We Have It That Everyone Here Outwitted United States Electors Angela Brett
100% WHITE HOUSE (3)W's Home. I'm Thinking Evidently His Only Until Second Election TMcCO'G
88% WHITTLEWhen He Invented That Thing Life-speed Escalated TMcCO'G
Names:Famous people
100% WHO GOES ON HERE ANYWAY?We Have One Grand Orator, Everyone Shares One 'Nother's Humor. Enjoy Reading Everyone's Apronyms. Now You Will Apronimize. Yahoo! Sean Lamb, apronymising something that was asked on the apronyms forums.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% WHO IS IT?Would HyperUnit Offer Individual Signature Identifying Themself Tony McCoy O'Grady
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?We Had Our Labradors Especially Tethered... Then How Ever Did One Get Scent Of Unsuitable Territory? Angela Brett (Scent Of could be replaced with Sent Off without changing the meaning much.)
100% WHOOPWelcome Hearty Outburst Of Pleasure Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% WHOREWoman Hiring Out Reproductive Entrance Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% WHOREHOUSEWhere Hookers Operate - Regularly Entertaining Husbands Of Utterly Sexless Entities Penname Nom De Plume
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIREWe Have Once Watched A Network Television Show That Once Boasted Everyone's Attention. Maybe It Lost Luster In One Night After Its Reruns Encored. Sean Lamb
Entertainment:TV shows
100% WIARTONWillie Is A Rodent Trying Out Notoriety Patricia Rix, referring to WIARTON WILLIE, the white groundhog who will be making his annual forecast on Groundhog Day.
Time:Special Occasions
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% WIARTON WILLIEWoodchuck Is Albino, Raised To Offer News Winter Is Longer, Like Is Expected. Angela Brett -- see WIARTON. An alternative ending is, 'Lives In Enclosure.'
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
Names:Pet Names
100% WIARTON WILLIE (2)When I Actually Roamed To Ontario, Notorious Woodchuck Indeed Looked Lively In Enclosure. Angela Brett, who met Wiarton Willie while staying in PAISLEY.
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
Names:Pet Names
100% WICCAWitches In Coven Conjure Antichrist Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WICKWith Illumination Comes Knowledge Gavin Lambert (thinking lantern wick in an old library or something)
Art & Literature
Household Objects
100% WICK (2)What's Inside Candles; Kindling Gavin Lambert
Household Objects
100% WICKED WITCHWoman In Castle Knows Extremely Dangerous Wiccan Incantations To Create Havoc Gavin Lambert
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
100% WICKIUPWhen It's Cold Kissing Is Usually Perfect Rico Leffanta
100% WIDOWSWomen In Danger Of Winning Solitaire Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Family
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% WIFEWedded Individual - Female, Essentially. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% WIFE (2)Woman In Futuristic Experiment Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Family
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% WIFE (3)Wed Is For Ever Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% WIFE (4)Willfully Insolent Female, Eh? Word Nerd -- This came to me in a flash just this minute. Not my wife, of course. Those in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan are often inclined to ad the closing comment " ... eh?" in routine conversation. Thus we might assume the this woman is a Yooper, i.e., an Upper Peninsula dweller. :)
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% WIFE (5)Wanted Immediately For Ever ALBERT JOSE. I found it myself.
People & Relationships:Family
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% WIKIPEDIAWhat I Know Is Perfect, Encyclopedia's Definition Is Augmented. Tony McCoy O'Grady I really like the idea of Wikipedia, particularly the notion that people can add extra detail to an entry in an area they know a lot about.
100% WIKIPEDIA (2)Which Idiot Keeps Inserting Patently Erroneous Details Into Archive? Tony McCoy O'Grady, mindful that the strength of WIKIPEDIA is also a weakness.
100% WIKIPEDIA (3)Well It's Knowlege Is Perfect, Except Don't Invest Assurance Sean Lamb
100% WILDWondering If Love Died Rico Leffanta
Assorted Adjectives
100% WILD YAMWill I Live Double Years Appearing Mortesque? Angela Brett -- the ORGANIC HERB spammer mentioned wild yam as one of it's products, so I assume it's rumoured to be good for something, and extending lifespan is a pretty general aim that most remedies share. 'Mortesque' isn't a word but I'm using it to mean something like 'as if dead.' -- you'd have to be careful with anything promising a long life that you didn't end up living another hundred years looking and feeling like a corpse.
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% WILD YAM (2)Wonderful In Large Doses You'll Agree, Milady Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% WILFRED OWENWatched Innumerable Legions Fall Retaking Enemy's Defences - Opposed War's Excruciating Needlessness. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Writers
100% WILLIAMWas Insecure, Living Lies In Actual Memories Jan Morgan - someone I knew
Names:First names:Male
100% WILLIAMSWise Infantryman Loves Life, Is At Majesty's Service Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry V
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry V
100% WILLIAM SHAKESPEAREWorking In Lovely Lines - Intense And Moving - Scribbled Histories About Kings' Escapades - Some Plays Endure About Romantic Events Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays
Art & Literature:Writers
100% WILLISWas Involved, Learning Lifes Inspired Salvation Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Male
100% WILLOWWonderful In Lovely Latticed Osier Work TMcCO'G
100% WILL YOU MARRY ME?We're In Love, Let's Yoke Officially. Utter Magical Affirmative Response, Romantically You're Mine Evermore! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% WILL YOU TAKE ME BACK?When I Left (Leaving You Openly Upset) Trivial Annoyances Kept Emotions Masked. Eventually Bewailed Actions, Counting Karma. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
83% WIMPSWeak-willed Individuals Make Pathetic Superheroes Tony McCoy O'Grady
MacGirl & KeyBoard
People & Relationships
100% WIN A TRIP!Wish! I Need Adventure! Take Reward In Promotion! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Sports & Recreation:Travel
100% WINDAWoman Into Non-Dairy Alternatives Angela Brett
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% WINDOWSWill I Never Discover Original, Wondrous Software? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WINDOWS (2)Work Is Near Disastrous, Oh Wretched System! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WINDOWS (3)World Is Not Dominated - Others Will Survive Angela Brett
100% WINDOWS (4)Where Indoor Nudity Displays Outdoor Wonder Shows Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% WINDOWS (5)What Idiotic Nerd Developed Our Wierd System? Helen Livesey
100% WINDOWS (6)What If Now Dominant OS Won't Survive? Angela Brett
88% WINDOWS (7)Why Is Newzealander Deadset Ogre [to] Working System? Jeff Anonymous
100% WINDOWS (8)'Working', Indeed... Next Desire's Operating Well! Someday... Angela Brett, in response to WINDOWS (7)
100% WINDOWS (9)When It Never Draws One With Style! Angela Brett, because it's sort of odd that Windows should be called that when it's actually not very good at drawing windows (it visibly draws them bit by bit in no particular order)
100% WINDOWS (10)Will Install Needless Data On Whole System delt
100% WINDOWS (11)What I Need (Domestically) Observing World's Sights Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% WINDOWS (12)When Iced, Need Dowsing Of Warm Something Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% WINDOWS (13)When Iced, Need Delivery Of Warmth Somehow Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
78% WINDOWS (14)Why Isn't NT Doing Operations We Said [it should.] magicbrowser, because Windows never does what you ask it to do.
100% WINDOWS (15)Whistler's In No Danger Of Whistling Speed Angela Brett ('Whistler' is the code-name for Windows XP)
100% WINDOWS DEVELOPERWell, It's Not DOS; One Windowing System Demands Engineers, Very Easily Learnable, Only Problem: En Redmond! Gavin Lambert
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
91% WINDOW SEATWatch Interesting Nimbus Drift Over WingÉ Such an Exciting Aeroplane Trip! Angela Brett, just before takeoff in a FAIRCHILD, where every seat but one is a window seat.
100% WINDOWS NTWell, It Nearly Does One's Will (Suicide Note & Testament!) Angela Brett
90% WINDOWS TWO THOUSANDWhy Is No-one Demanding Other Windowing Systems That Would Offer The Helpful Option, Usefulness? Strangely, Almost No-one Does. Steve Keate
100% WINDOWS XPWhen It's Not Dawdling Or Wasting Space, Xpect Problems Angela Brett, who has to use Windows XP at work, so the criticism comes from experience.
100% WINDOWS XP (2)When It's Not Doing Over Whole System, Xpect Procrastination Angela Brett (see WINDOWS XP... if it's not one, it's the other!)
100% WINDOWS XP (3)Widget Inconsistencies Now Doubly Obvious, Windowing System Xtremely Poor Angela Brett (I've found there are at least four different styles of progress bars, six different styles of menus - even on the latest Microsoft software - four different styles of scrollbars and two of each kind of button. 'Windowing System Extremely Poor' refers to the fact that it draws parts of windows before other parts so that for a second or so while it finishes drawing a window there might be just an outline, or a button, or some random assortment of rectangles from the middle of a window visible. I presume this behaviour is supposed to show that some progress is being made in the drawing of a window, as an alternative to there being a wait before the window emerges fully formed. However, drawing the windows bit by bit only serves to emphasise how slowly it does things. This is on a 1.6GHz P4, in case any gatanists out there want to defend the lack of performance by suggesting the hardware is slow.)
100% WINDSCREENWhere Insects Normally Die. Stops Crud Reaching Eyes, Ears & Nose Eric Bridgstock
Transport:Car Parts
78% WINDSORWomen In Neurotic Denial of Sex Orgasms and Romance Dan Newman, in reference to the character of the many bitter, angry women living in Windsor Ontario Canada; his home town.
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% WINDSOR (2)Where Is North Detroit? Straight Over River! Rob Rix - Windsor is the S. Ontario town which is a border crossing to Detroit and is colloquially known as N. Detroit
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% WINDYWet, Icky, Not Drinkable... Yuck! Angela Brett, after a gust of wind knocked her iced coffee into her lap.
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% WINEWill It Never End? Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% WINFIELDWoolwoorth's Internal Name For Its 'Emulatory Label' Designs Tony McCoy O'Grady = Winfield is the name used by the Woolworth group for its 'own brand' label products. Winfield was the second forename of Frank W Woolworth who founded the company.
Names:Famous people
100% WINFSWell, It's Not Fail Safe Sean Lamb (WinFS is yet another Microsoft acronym [a Micronym?] for WINdows Future Storage, which was originally planned to be included in the upcoming Longhorn release)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% WINNERWanker In No Need Exultation Really wishes
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% WINNERSWinners Innovate! Navigate Naturally. Empathetically Realise Success! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships
100% WINSTONWould Induce Non-Smokers To Oppose Nicotine Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WINSTON (2)Wartime Inspiration - Nation Showed They Opposed Nazis Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people:Politicians
94% WINSTON CHURCHILLWartime Inspiration & National Symbol - Took On Nazis. (Crossed House) Ultimately Recognised as Classic Hero - Is Largely Loved Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% WINTERWeather Inclement, Night Time Extends Rather Eric Bridgstock
100% WIRELESSWith ITrip Radio Equipment, Listeners Everywhere Start Stations Angela Brett (the iTrip is an FM transmitter for the Apple iPod... by far the best one if you ask me as it gets all the power it needs from the earphone port, yet has just as good range as competing products which require batteries.)
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% WIRELESS (2)Wireless Infrastructure's Really Excellent Lan Equipment Sending Signals Sean Lamb (who just recently learned the joys of 802.11g)
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% WIRELESS (3)Weight Is Restricted Easily, Light-Eating's So Simple Angela Brett (many people eat light in order to keep their weight down, but eating wireless transmissions is taking that a bit too literally)
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% WIRE MONEYWe're In Remittance Emergency, Mother. Outgoings Need Extra Yen Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WIRE SOLVER TRICK!Workers I, R, E! Solve Ohm's Law: Voltage (E ) = R (Total Resistance ) * (I Current). Kudos! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. My first "Apronym on Demand" ^:) I started with IRE. Angela suggested trying WIRE. This my fourth try. THANK YOU APRONYMISTS my teachers. ^:)
100% WISCONSINWater Is Surrounding, Center Of Northern States In Nation Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% WISEWeirdly Intuitive... Soundly Educated. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% WISHWhat I Should Have Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% WISH (2)When I Shall Have Jan Morgan
Assorted Nouns
100% WISH (3)Why Is She Here Jan Morgan
Assorted Nouns
100% WITCHWields Incantation To Certain Happiness Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
100% WITHERWater Is Taken Hurriedly, Ensuring Roughness Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WITH-OUTWho Invented This Horrid , Objectionable, Unpleasant Term? Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela used 'With-Out' in an expansion.
100% WITSWords In Tidy Sequences Angela Brett, anticipating a battle of wits when Gavin was knocked off the bottom of the HALL OF FAME
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% WITS (2)Words In Tight Spaces Angela Brett, anticipating a battle of wits when Gavin was knocked off the bottom of the HALL OF FAME
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% WITTICISMWhat It Takes To Incite Cackling Is Sometimes Magical Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WIXWill It Xtinguish? Sean Lamb (WiX really means Windows Installer Xml; Microsoft's latest attempt to "embrace and extend" XML)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
75% WMDWeapons of Mass Deception Rain Bo - It just fits perfectly what has gone on with them. (WMD usually stands for the Weapons of Mass Destruction which have yet to be found in IRAQ)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% WMSWhat, More Spam!? Sean Lamb (WMS really means Windows Messenger Service)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% WMS (2)Windows Marginalizes Security Sean Lamb (WMS really means Windows Messenger Service)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% WMVWatch My Video WMV usually stands for Windows Media Video
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% WMV (2)Will Monopolize Videos WMV usually stands for Windows Media Video
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% WMV (3)Windows Mangles Videos WMV usually stands for Windows Media Video
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% WMV (4)Worst Movie Viewer WMV usually stands for Windows Media Video
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% WOADWas Once A Dye Jan Morgan -- found this word in the dictionary. It's a plant whose leaves were formerly used to make blue dye.
100% WOBBLEWell Off Balance By Losing Equilibrium Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% WOBBLERWent Overboard By Blusteringly Launching Enraged Response Tony McCoy O'Grady - in Ireland the term "He threw a wobbler" is used to describe someone's reaction to bad news
People & Relationships
83% WOGANWise Old Grandee (on) Anything Newsworthy Mick Bridgstock, referring to BBC DJ Terry Wogan
Names:Famous people
100% WOLFWorks On Learning Fun Jan Morgan -- Rank in Cub Scouts
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% WOLFRAMWent Overboard Looking For Random Automata? Maybe. Angela Brett, referring to Stephen Wolfram and his huge tome 'A New Kind of Science' on cellular automata and similar constructs. I don't think there's really such a thing as going overboard investigating something in science... even if the hypothesis turns out to be completely wrong, somebody has to thoroughly investigate it so that we know it's wrong, and more than likely they'll discover something that is useful in the process. At the very least, absurdly wrong ideas make good material for http://OldScientist.com (if only anyone had time to write for it.)
100% WOMANWitters On Meaninglessly - Ad Nauseam Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
90% WOMANIZERWantonly Offers Marvellous Affair Now (If Zipper Ever Re-opens) Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% WOMBATWarm Omnivorous Miniature Bear Australians Treasure Rico Leffanta
100% WOMENWe Only Make Empty Noises. Tony McCoy O'Grady. (The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor.)
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% WOMEN DRIVERSWatch Out! Manoeuvreing Extremely Nervously, Despite Repeated Instruction. Velocity's Erratic & Reversing's Slipshod. Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% WOMEN PRIESTSWould Ordination Mean (an) End (to) Narrowmindedness - Perhaps Restriction Is Enforced Simply Through Sexism Tony McCoy O'Grady
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% WOMENS HEALTHWe Owe Men Everything? No! Sheilas Have Engendered A Lot Toward Health! Angela Brett ('engender toward' probably doesn't make complete sense but I couldn't resist having 'gender' in there.)
100% WON A TRIP! Way/Wonderful Omnipresence! Naturally Atones! Trust Redeemer/Reward = > Interceding Prince/Peace! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% WONDERBRAWearing One Nowadays Develops Enormously Robust Bosom - Rather Artificially Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% WONDERBRA (2)Why Obey Nature? Design Elevates Retiring Breasts Rather Artfully Patricia Rix
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% WONDERBRA (3)Women Often Need 'Development' Enhancement. Recalcitrant Breasts Require Assistance Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% WONDERFULWordsmith O'grady Now Deserves Extra Respect For Unbeatable Letters. Angela Brett, after reading Tony's TOPS AND TAILS.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% WON'TWaiting On Next Tweaking Tony McCoy O'Grady, suggesting a name for the 'W' category (see MOSCOW (2))
Words & Wordplay
100% WOODWe Observe Our Devotion Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the wood (5th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% WOOLWife's Obedience Obviously Lasting Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the wool (7th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% WOOL (2)We Observe Our Love Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% WOOL (3)We've Outlasted Other Lovers Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% WOOL (4)Winter Overalls Of Lambs Angela Brett
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric
100% WOOL (5)Well Out Of Lunchboxes Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% WOOL (6)Was On Our Lambs Roger Williams
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric
100% WOOTWhile Owning, Outcry This I though that "woot" needed to be an apronym, and I saw that no one created one yet so...
100% WOOZYWoman Out Of Zest Yesterday Rico Leffanta
Assorted Adjectives
100% WORDWe Often Require Dictionaries Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay
100% WORD OF WISDOMWith Our Respect, Do Obey Facts, What Is Safe, Determines Our Morals Jan Morgan - the word of wisdom is a recommendation of what we should avoid for our health Abstaining from them helps with better values that keep us out of trouble
100% WORDS ENDING IN GRYWork Of Rhymester Demands Support - Eventually Needing Dictionary If Not Getting Inspiration - No Good Results Yet? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay
100% WORDSMITHWired On Reading Dictionaries So Much It Turns Harmful pdtar -- Ditty gave a pointer to your site that included "wordsmith". I decided to play.
Words & Wordplay
100% WORKWeed Out Recreational Knowledge Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% WORK FOR PAYWages Only Real Kudos? Fingers Of Respect Pointed At You! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% WORKOUTWeightlifting Or Running Keeps One Utterly Trim Tony McCalorie O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% WORKPLACE SAFETYWatch Out! Reckless Klutzes Perilise Labourers And Cause Extremely Scary Accidents. Freak Events Traumatise You Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce
90% WORK SUCKSWhereas Officeworkers Require Kindness, Supervisors Usually Champion Kiss-ass Servility Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% WORLD TRADE CENTERWas Osama Responsible? Lost Due To Runaway Aeroplanes - Death Everywhere. Can Everyone Near Terrorists Expect Revenge? Angela Brett (see WAR)
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WORLD TRADE CENTER (2)With Outstanding Revulsion Let's Declare Terrorism Repugnant And Devote Every Conscious Effort Now To Emergency Relief Tony McCoy O'Grady (see WAR and WTC)
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WORLD WIDE WEBWell Organised Reticulation Linked Directly With Immense, Disjointed Electronic World - Engage Browser! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WORMWarm Or Raw Magnifique! Rico Leffanta
100% WORM (2)Will Often Replicate Maliciously Sean Lamb (who has spent way too much time tweaking email server filters lately)
100% WORRIEDWhile Only Reasonably Risky, It's Extremely Distressing. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% WORSHIPWe Offer Redeemer Strength, Honour In Praise. Grace Francis
100% WOWWorks Out Wonderfully! Angela Brett, after reading TRUTH, JUSTICE, AND THE AMERICAN WAY
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% WOZNIAKWithout One Zealous Nerd's Inventions, Apple's Kaput! Angela Brett
Names:Famous people
100% WREATHWe Remember Everyone, Acclaiming Them Heroes Angela Brett
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WRESTLINGWhere Race Equals Strength, Try Letting In Natural Guile Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
100% WRISTWriting Requires Incredibly Supple Tendons. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% WRITEWrite Right! Inscribe Talents! Endure! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Art & Literature
100% WRITERSWearily Rehashing Ideas 'Til Exasperating Reader's Satisfied. Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Writers
100% WRITERS (2)Writers Read Inspiring/Informational Thoughts/Tomes Enhancing Readin'/'Riting Skills! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Art & Literature:Writers
100% WRITINGWithout Reading Instruction, This Is No Good. Angela Brett
Art & Literature
100% WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONWe Read It Thoroughly, Then Enscribe Notes Commenting On Material. Markers Usually Notice Incoherence... Complete Assignments To Inevitably Obtain Notability. Angela Brett
100% WROTEWords Relayed Orthographically To Endure Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% WRYNECKWith Robin You Never Ever Come Kissing Rico Leffanta
100% WTCWar? Terrorism? Crime? Jeff Anonymous (given the lack of a proper term to describe the September 11, 2001, tragedy in New York City, resulting in the destruction of the World Trade Center)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WTC (2)What Treacherous Conniving? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WTC (3)War Traumatises Civilians! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WTC (4)When Terrorists Conspire! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WTC (5)Watch Them Collapse Tony McCoy O'Grady, who apologises for the bad taste.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WTC (6)Will Terrorists Cry? Jeff Anonymous
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WWDC Where We Demonstrate Code Angela Brett (WWDC usually stands for Worldwide Developers Conference -- see http://apple.com/wwdc)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
75% WWFWanted Wanna-be Fools Nevica the MAN (WWF usually stands for World Wrestling Federation)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Sports & Recreation
100% WWW.ALTSCAPE.COMWe've Written Windows Application (Leaky Though!) Still Coding Apple Product. Eventual Cash Outcome, Maybe! Angela Brett, who is sure they'll get rid of the memory leaks in the final release. :)
100% WYATT EARPWestern Yahoo Attempted To Tame Entrepreneurial Adventurers Roaming Prairie Patricia Rix
Names:Famous people
100% WYNDWinding Yet Narrow Defile Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WYOMINGWhen You Obviously Moan In Nerdy Gallop. Jeff Anonymous (Wyoming is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as meaning, 'Moving in hurried desperation from one cubicle to another in a public lavatory trying to find one which has a lock on the door, a seat on the bowl, and no brown streaks on the seat.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
100% WYOMING (2)Where Your Open Miles Is Never Greater Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% XANXuberant Angel -- Not! Jeff Anonymous, referring to the morose elf in the "Baldur's Gate" computer-game series.
Computers:Games:Game Characters
100% XANTH-Xyris: Aptly Named! Tint's Here Tony McCoy O'Grady (Xyris is a yellow plant, and Xanth denotes yellowness.)
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
88% XANTHIC(e)-Xactly A Noticeable Tint Has Its Colors Jan Morgan
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
83% XENONXe-symbolled Element, Non-Odorous Normally Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% XENOPHOBEXenophobes Enjoy Noting Other People Holding Old Biases Everlasting. Sean Lamb (http://august1.com/pubs/dict/ is the only legal dictionary online that I've seen with entries under X, including this one. Since a xenophobe is biased against alien residents, one would need others with similar biases to rationalize such views.)
People & Relationships
83% XFREEX (cross) Fellow Reinstalls Everything, Exasperated. Angela Brett, when Jeff said, 'I've screwed my XFree again, I was trying to upgrade it. So I need to reinstall Linux'
100% XFREE (2)X From Redhat Expires Easily Jeff Anonymous
100% XIAOSAURUSXiaosaurus Is Another Ornithischian Species; All Uncovered Remains Unusually Small Sean Lamb (Xiaosaurus has only been found in fragments; it is estimated that this creature stood only 1.5 feet tall)
100% XMASXrated Movie About Santa Rico Leffanta, who mentions that an annually published French cartoon shows an errant Father Christmas mistaking the chimney.
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
75% XMLXtract Meaning at Length Sean Lamb (XML really means eXtensible Markup Language)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% XYLITOLXpect You'll Lose Inches Through Overpriced Lollies? Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Condiments
100% XYLOPHONEXpressive Yet Lively Once Person Hammers Orchestral Notes Enchantingly Tony McCoy O'Grady
90% XYLOPHONE (2)Xmas-present Youngsters Least Often 'Preciate - Has Only Nerdy Exponents Tony McCoy O'Grady
90% XYLOPHONE (3)(e)-Xamines Yardage Length On Playing Harmony On Notes Ensemble Jan Morgan
100% XYLOPHONESXerox Your Lover's Organ! Play Havoc On Next Etude Session! Rico Leffanta
100% XYLOSE SORBITOLXylitol... You'll Love Our Substitute. Everyday Sugar Often Rots But Its Taste Obviates Lesions. Angela Brett (xylose sorbitol, a.k.a. XYLITOL is used as a sweetener in dental products and low-calorie foods... so even though sugar is bad for our teeth, making products taste like it can encourage people to look after their teeth.)
Food & Drink:Condiments
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% XZARXtreme Zhentarim Alongside Road Jeff Anonymous (this character from the Baldur's Gate computer game series claims to belong to a society known as the 'Black Network of Zhentarim'... yet he can be found alongside a road, as I recall)
Computers:Games:Game Characters
100% YABBERYou're Always Bloody Bellyaching, Expressing Resentments Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% YACHTYou're Among Classy Harbour Traffic Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% YACHT (2)You Actually Can Have Travelled Jan Morgan
100% YAHOOYak At Hearts Opponents Online Angela Brett (Hearts is one of the games available at http://games.yahoo.com, you can converse or 'yak' with other players while playing.)
100% YAHOO (2)You're A Horridly Odious Oaf! Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Insults
100% YAHOO.COMYou Are Here: On Online Community Of Millions Angela Brett
100% YAKIMAYour Australian Kangaroos Ingest My Apples Rico Leffanta (Yakima is a town in Washington, noted for red delicious apple exports.)
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% YAMYet Another Meal Sean Lamb
Food & Drink
100% YAMAHAYou're A Motorcyclist? Aren't Hondas Awful? Tony McCoy O'VroomVroom
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% YARDSTICKYe Auld Ruler... Do Stop Talking Imperial - Count Kilometres! Angela Brett
100% YAREYou Are Really Educable! Chin Shih Tang. I saw the word for the first time on the site. Once I looked up the definition, the apronymization came easily.
Assorted Adjectives
100% YARNYou Are Really Nice! Rico Leffanta
80% YARPYarely Access Resources (in) Package Angela Brett, when the author of an application to dearchive PRAY files appealed for an acronymic name for his software - see http://c3ds.ue.cjb.net/
Computers:Windows:Applications:The opposite of PRAY
100% YARP (2)You Automatically Reverse PRAY/Procedure/Protection/Process Tony McCoy O'Grady (see YARP)
Computers:Windows:Applications:The opposite of PRAY
100% YARP (3)You're Allowed Reverse PRAY/Procedure/Protection/Process Tony McCoy O'Grady (see YARP)
Computers:Windows:Applications:The opposite of PRAY
80% YARP (4)You Artfully Return (to) Previous Tony McCoy O'Grady (see YARP)
Computers:Windows:Applications:The opposite of PRAY
100% YARROWYet Another Redhat Release Of Wonder Sean Lamb (Yarrow was the codename for RedHat's Fedora Core Linux 1.0)
Names:Code Names:Linux
100% YASAYet Another Silly Acronym Original author unknown... however when Angela first used it in an email, Tony suggested 'You Are So Apposite', 'You're A Saintly Anthony', and 'Youth And Sex Abound.' Angela then replied with 'You Are Self-praising Also.'
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Re-expansions of existing acronyms:Conversational
100% YASTYou Are Susefied Today Sean Lamb (YaST really means Yet Another Setup Tool, which is used to install SuSE Linux)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% YAVERLANDIAYet Another Very Extinct Reptile. Little Animal Never Dwelled In Asia Sean Lamb (Yaverlandia, at 2' 3" tall, was discovered in Yaverland Battery on the Isle of Wight)
100% YEAH!You Expressing Anger Happily Rulgnaj Yerdon
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% YEARBOOKYou Easily Are Ruined Because Of Obnoxious Kids Peter & Christina - We're the co-editor and editor of the yearbook staff. Enough said.
100% YEARBOOK (2)Year's Events, Activities Recorded Because Of Ordinary Kinetics Jan Morgan -- moving from grade to grade requires records of the year's events and the fun or not of it
83% YEASTYes, Edibles Are Sitting for Time Sean Lamb
Food & Drink
100% YELLING INTO A DEAF EARYou Evidently Listen Little. I'll Now Generate Increased Noise (Throat Open And Declaim Excessively) And Facilitate Effecting A Response Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
86% YELLOWYolk of Eggs, Lots Like Off-White. Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% YELLOW (2)Yolk's Exceptionally Lovely, Lying On White Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% YELLOW (3)Yellow Encased Long Lush. Organic Wonderful! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Banana.
Food & Drink
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% YELLOW (4)Yell Enemy Lax Leaving Outlying Weapons Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
83% YEMENYears (of) Enmity Marred Emergent Nation. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% YESYour Expectation's Satisfied Angela Brett
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% YES (2)Yet Ends Successfully Jan Morgan
Communication:Yesses And Noes
100% YIKESYour Intense Keening Evinces Surprise Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% YIN/YANGYour Influential Nature - You Avoid Net Gains Tony McCoy O'Grady, saying: Together they add up to a set 'total'. If you lose three 'points' of yin, then you gain three 'points' of yang, as far as I can interpret it.
100% YIPPIEYou Ignore Peer Pressure In Extremes Rico Leffanta
100% YODAYou're One Dire Actor Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% YOKELYou Only Kiss Engaging Lips Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% YOKEL (2)Your Own Kin Evoke Lust Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% YORICKYour Only Residue Inspires Comic Knockabout Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark
100% YORKYorkshire's Own Rebellious Knight Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry VI
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry VI
100% YOSEMITESYou Own Some Expensive Macintoshes - It Tortures Envious Souls! Angela Brett - Yosemite was the code name for the blue and white Power Mac G3s.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware
Names:Code Names:Apple
100% YOU ARE HOT AS HELLYears Of Using A Radiation Emitter Has One's Temperature Absolutely Scorching, Having Endured Lamp's Lights Tony McCoy O'Grady, who mused on what would happen if bodies stored the heat from sunbeds for a long time.... some people would boil over!
100% YOU ARE LOOKING SEXY TONIGHTYes, Oh Undoubtedly Amorous Response Elicited. Look Out! O. K. I Need Gratifying Sexually Erotic Xperience. You're Too Obvious - Now I'm Getting Horny Too! Tony McCoy O'Grady (See YOU LOOK HORRIBLE DURING THE DAY)
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% YOU ARE SO HOTYou're Obviously Utterly Aroused, Really Excited, So Offer Him/Her Orgasmic Tumble Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% YOU ARE SO HOT (2)You Oughta Use Antibiotics... Reducing Every Symptom Obviously Helps One's Temperature. Angela Brett
100% YOU DON'T WANT TO DRINK THATYears Of Underaged Drinking Only Numbs The Wit, And Needs Toughness To Overcome. Dignity Remains In Not Knowing The Hard Ale's Taste. Angela Brett, who was intending to do YOU DON'T WANT TO PANIC
People & Relationships:Advice
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% YOU DON'T WANT TO PANICYouthful Ominiscience Usually Doesn't 'Own' Negative Thinking - When Accidents (Needless Things) Threaten One's Parents Advise Not Ignoring Caution. Tony McCoy O'Grady, saying: I'm not sure what, exactly, that conveys - it is 'meant' to convey that in an emergency young people can panic because they don't see that negative thinking tends to rule out caution, which older people see as a good thing. (I think) See also I'LL PANIC IF I WANT TO and YOU DON'T WANT TO DRINK THAT
People & Relationships:Advice
100% YOU LAZY GITYou're Overdrawn? Unsecured Loans Arranged Zippily: You Get Interesting Terms. Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
96% YOU LEFT OUT THE UT - CALAMITY!You Oaf... Unkindly Laughing at Evident Flaw, Then Offering Unfinished Transcription. Thy Heightened Error Undoes That 'Cut Above' Look. A Minor Inaccuracy Turned Yucky! Angela Brett, when Tony initially left out the U and T words from his expansion of YOU'VE LEFT OUT A Y - CALAMITY!
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
96% YOU LOOK HORRIBLE DURING THE DAYYou're Obscenely Ugly, Loathsomely Objectionable, Of Knee-trembling Hideousness. One Regularly Retches If Beholding Less Extremely Disgusting Ugliness. Really! I Now Get Thunderous Headaches Every Day, All Year! Tony McCoy O'Grady, to go with YOU ARE LOOKING SEXY TONIGHT
People & Relationships:Insults
100% YOUNGYouth's Ongoing, Until Nearly Geriatric Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% YOUNG ADULTSYoung One Uses Necessary Gifts And Deems Unconditional Learning Talent, Studies Jan Morgan
100% YOUNG OFFENDERYears Of Untold Neglect Generated One Fledgling Felon. Especially Needs Direct Effective Rehabilitation Sean Lamb
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
84% YOU'RE FUELLING THE ENEMY!Your Open Uniqueness Restricts Enemy Function! Unerringly, Enemies Lose Land. Incomprehensibly, Nobody Gets it; They'd Hinder the Enemy by Encouraging Nonconformism. Engage in Mutiny, You! Rob Rix, when he used that phrase in capitals in an email to Angela, and Angela said he should acronymise it.
Assorted Phrases
89% YOU'RE SADYou Openly, Unwittingly Radiate Energies Suggestive (of) Abject Dejection Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
71% YOU'RE WELCOMEYou Ought to Understand... Really, Everyone Would Eagerly Lend a Computer Oriented Magazine to an Email-buddy Angela Brett, when Tony thanked her for lending him her MacAddict magazine
Assorted Phrases
100% YOUR IDEAS ON PAPERYuck... Old, Useless Rubbish... It Doesn't Even Allow Searching. One Needn't Print A Perfect Electronic Record. Angela Brett, expressing her ideas on paper in response to an unsuccessful search term.
100% YOUR MOMYouth's Opinions Usually Reflect Much Of Mother TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Family
100% YOU SMELL BADYour Odour's Unspeakable... Somebody Must Explain Life's Laws - Buy A Deodorant! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Insults
People & Relationships:Advice
100% YOU STINKYour Odour's Unbelievably Strong! Take Immediate Notice, Kindly. Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Insults
People & Relationships:Advice
100% YOUTHYou're Obviously Unable To Hesitate Tony McCoy O'Grady, still picking holes in MacGirl.
MacGirl & KeyBoard
100% YOUTH GROUP (CHURCH)You're Only Used To Hearing God's Rage Or Unanswered Prayers? Come Here, Understand Real Christian Happiness. Angela Brett
100% YOU'VE LEFT OUT A Y - CALAMITY!You've Omitted Unique Vowel, Exceptional Letter - Eminently Flexible To Operate Usefully Twoways As Your Consonantal Assonantal Letter. Angela Might Indicate To You. Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Jeff left out a Y in an expansion of ZZZZZZZZZRA on the forums.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
86% Y-PRIMEYou'd Probably Require Integrals to Make Equation. Angela Brett. (Okay, make isn't quite right, solve is more what I meant... but you'd usually need to use integrals to solve an equation involving y-prime (that is, y' or dy/dx, a.k.a the differential of y with respect to x... it's maths stuff. :)
100% YTTERBIUMYou Try This Expansion. Reference Book Is Unhelpful, Mostly. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
90% YTTERBIUM (2)Ytterby Titled This Element - Rarely Boils (as) It's Unusually Massive. Angela Brett
100% YTTRIUMYour Television Tube Requires It's Use, Mainly. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% YUCCAYogi Unearths California Cactus Acupuncture Rico Leffanta
100% YUCK!Your Underarms Could Kill! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Insults
100% YUGOSLAVIAYour Usual Genocide One Supposes, Lasting American Victory Is Attainable? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% YUM!Your Ultimate Meal Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% YUM BADGEYour Ultimate MacEvangelist Beautification - Advertise Delicious G3 Ensemble! Angela Brett, referring to her 'Yum' badges featuring the five flavours of iMac in a circle and the word 'Yum.'
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% YUM BADGE (2)You're Undressed! Maybe Because Apple's Decorative Garment's Excluded. Angela Brett, because she's sure that if Annie had had a Mac, she'd have sung that you're never fully dressed without a Yum badge.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% YUM BRIGADEYou Use Macintosh? Barge Round In Garb Advertising Delectable Electronics. Angela Brett, after an Apple Update where we all got free YUM BADGEs.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
83% YUMMYYou're Usually Made to Mention 'Yum' Sean Lamb
Food & Drink
100% YUPYou're Unusually Perceptive! Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela correctly guessed why he didn't want his ME expansion in the stack. (Hopefully it's okay to just mention it!)
Communication:Yesses And Noes
86% YUPPIEYou Use Phone in Porsche... It's Extravagant! Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% YUPPIE (2)Young Unsocial Pretentious Pig Ignorant Executive John Richard Jones. I thought of this after an encounter with three yuppies on a train.
People & Relationships
100% YURTYour Uniquely Russian Tent Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% YVONNEYoung Virgins Often Need New Excitement Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
100% ZABAGLIONEZesty And Beautiful - A Good Lunch Is Obviously Nearly Ended Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% ZAIBATSUZen Associates Is Biased, Affluent Top Socialites United Jan Morgan
100% ZAIREZebras Abound In Region's East. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ZAMBIAZinc And Mining-Based Industries Abound. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ZAPDOSZestily Annihilate Pretty Dumb Operating System? Angela Brett, speculatiing that Zapdos (Pokemon #145) wants to destroy MS-DOS.
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% ZAPDOS (2)Zooms Across Power Department's Official Safeline Dundee (Zapdos is Pokemon #145)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% ZECHARIAHZerubbabel Established, Crowned. Hope About Rightful Improvement At Hand. Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
100% ZEPHANIAHZealous Eschatological Prophet Has A New Imprecation Against Hubris. Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
100% ZERO TOLERANCEZap Experimental Rounds Of Thievery, Offender's Liberty Encourages Repeated And Nastier Criminal Exploits. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% ZIFFZero Insertion Fun, Frankly! Duncan Smith, in response to an unsuccessful search. According to acronymfinder.com ZIFF means Zero Insert Force Field - Duncan explains: ZIFF means Zero Insertion Force. I think that the extra F is a typo or a joke, becuase I have never seen it before. ZIF means Zero Insertion Force, which is a name for a type of CPU socket which, logically enough, allows you to insert the CPU into the socket with a lever instead of pushing and bending pins.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% ZILCHZero Interest Level Confirmed Here Rico Leffanta
100% ZIMBABWEZealous In Making Beginnings Against Black & White Extremists Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ZINCZenith In Non-Corrosion Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ZIONZone Is On Nation Jan Morgan
100% ZIPZero! Innovation! Progress! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% ZIP (2)Zero Invisible Power! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% ZIP (3)Zero Incrementation Power Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% ZIP (4)Zero Infinitely Powerful! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% ZIP (5)Zero Is Placeholder Angela Brett
100% ZIP (6)Zero & Infinitesimal -- Partners! Angela Brett
100% ZIP CODEZilch If Postal Code Omitted - Dead End! Patricia Rix
90% ZIRCONIUMZounds, It Resists Corrosion, Occurs Nonferrously In Unions (with) Metals Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ZITIZesty Italian Tasty Ingredients Sean Lamb
Food & Drink
100% ZODIACZoo Of Dozen Idolized Astronomical Characters Rico Leffanta
100% ZODIAC (2)Zoo Of Dynamics In Astrology Capers Jan Morgan
93% ZOMBIE - IT'S A SONG!Zest Of Merry Berries Is Encapsulated In This Song - Also Shows Off Noel's Guitar-playing. Angela Brett, on the song Zombie by The Cranberries.
100% ZOMBIE MANZoological Obsession Makes Badman Instigate Extremely Messy Animal Nuisance Tony McCoy O'Grady - trying to create what will be the last entry in the stack
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
100% ZOMBIES ATTACKZoological Organisms Mutated By Infectious Epidemic Strike At Towns; Total Annihilation, Civilans Killed Inev
100% ZONKEDZapped-Out Noggin Keeping Euphoria Dazzled Rico Leffanta
Assorted Adjectives
100% ZOOBIEZion Of Occupations, Books In Education Jan Morgan -- name given to students attending Brigham Yung University
100% ZOPEZero Online Publishing Equivalents Sean Lamb (Zope is a web page programming environment)
100% ZORBAZesty Old Rogue Barters Adventure Rico Leffanta
83% ZUBATZaps Ultrasound to Behold Approaching Targets Angela Brett (Zubat is Pokemon #41)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% ZUCCHINIZucca Uses Cognomen 'Courgette' Here In Non-Italy Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% ZURICHZwingli's Upstart Religion Is Considered Heretical. Tony McCoy O'Grady, beating his own attempt at getting the last acronym in the stack. We challenge you acronymisers out there to beat it! (Zwingli was a Swiss priest and reformation character in Zurich in the 1500s.)
Places:Towns & Cities
80% ZWARZero-in Word After Rambling Grace Francis
Science:Linguistics:German Words
100% ZWINGLIZealous Worker In New Gospel Literary Interpretations Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people
100% ZWITTERIONZany Wierd Ion That's 'Twice Electified' - Result Isn't Only Negative Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% ZYGOTEZoogenic Yoking (of) Gametes One & Two, Essentially Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ZYMOTIC Zesty Yeasts Make One's Throat Infection Contagious Tony McCoy O'Grady, [temporarily] succeeding in creating the stack's last acronym. You try to beat ZYMOTIC!
100% ZZ TOPSZippy Zithers Tangle Opus Players Singing Rico Leffanta
100% ZZ TOPS' LAST ALBUMZachery Zzzzzzzzzra Thinks Old Pop Singers Latest Arranged Song Tracks Are Largely Brilliant, Utterly Marvellous! Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela told him that someone had changed his name to Zachary Zzzzzzzzzra to be the last in the phone book.
100% ZZVZanesville's Zlichified Viewrange Jeff Anonymous (In reference to the Zanesville, OH, airport code and Zero-Zero Visibility)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms

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